1! ROANOKE EAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. Just Once! Try Dodson's Liver Tone! Take No Calomel! Listen Tc Me! If bilious, constipated, hcadaciiy or tuck, I puarantee relief without taking dangerous calomel winch siokets and salivates. Stop using calomel; It makes yon sick. lVm't k day's work. If yoa feW laiy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen ta lu! Calomel It mercery or quicksilver, which caus. Bntusli of the ,nrs. Calomel. he tt comes into eoutact with sour rile, crashes into tt, tret,k lug it up. This U h.-n ym feel that swful nausea and rrampioc. If ju are "mil kom-ked not," If your liver U torrid la 1 howels ronsttpatt-4 or yu v fc.sidache, diiiincss, rvatcd ton gue. If lrutl Is '! or stoniscb scar. Just try a rnful of harmless IHhJ. toa's Liver Tcoe. Here't Biy guarantee C,i t any druc store and get a ottlt f odm's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take HX'uful tonight, and if it d.nt ALLIGATOR HAS GOOD POINTS' South Caisltfia Nrwspaptr C.vt Sam Rtasona Why inditcrifninat Kill ing Should Bt Stoppts. The allU'itor U another ritl en li. ufulness U overt. ke! fr kllllns Bllicntori hn hn from tinie imtiietnorlal a o.u!ar mstlmi. Id UulslaHa It a fomol ttmt hen Hie alliKtirs erv killeil off the muskrats iultlil!wl ancl di'stroyeil the Imh; also the iMttou inoiiili imn caila, the carf.sh and tlie carp Is oreael womlerfully. Vheretii"n pr ttH tloii given to the alllirntorx This laivrtlllan. to give him his or rect fuiiilly name, has iniliahly kept the muskrat away from the South far ollna coat. for the uiuvkrat la un ktimvn on the r-a'-t. If allowed to multiply the aU'Kiitor will make In rnnN on the carp, the giirflvh and the rot ton mouth, all uii'lo-iialle mem her of our fauna. The sum total of the alligator' evil doing amounts to tills : lie ruti'hc a dog now and then; once In a long while pull a hog or Mte the tall off a row, for sundry Ktump liilled cows along the Aslnn'lf Ca-I Line rlt'lit of way have met niKfortnne In th's way. The cow. the dog lind the hog are out of place whell the BlllgHlor can get nt them; hut nt heat very little of this li:ipH'iii. Oiarleston News and t'ourUr. WIFE GAVE HIM INSPIRATION Author, it Hit Wit's End for Plot, Cot Excellent Idea From Hi Better Half. How the Idea of a new hook was suggested In un unexpected manner to the nuthor is told l.y William J. Locke In "The Hough Koud." "One evening a couple of inonthr. after I had finished 'The lted l'lunet,' I was tearing my hair ami sayini! thnt this time I really had come to the end of things and would never again have the ghost of an Idea for another hook, when my wife, who was sitting on the divan In the drawing room playing uncoiicerticdly wl'h our little Pekinese she had heard this cry of wolf so ninny times before ml dressed this little beast I love him dourly, by the way In the imiuillln tone of which we both lire guilty: 'Why doesn't he write a nice book about you, darling?' Whereupon I clapped my band to my forehead and cried: ' will! I'll write a story about man brought up like tlmt dog ami pitched Into the war! And I went straight Into my study and set to work en the scheme. Paradoxical Hopes. "I am writing a sen story." "I you think you can land It ?" raltluiore American. Dry. "He has a fund of dry humor." "Hotter book hltn for i"iiie of our future banquets." Silence Is golden nnd some remarks are very bmsy. Sudden riches arsril many a good Workman. eetMMfMMMMMMMM This Drink Doesn't Change Its Price Its quality doesn't vary, and it doesn't start a headache. The Original Postum is pure and drug-free. It will agree with you, and its rich, robust flavor makes it a big favorite. Postum is a real part of any meal for old and young. , "There's frlghtea yo right p and Bute job fcvl Hue aaj vigorous by attorning. I want job to jro back to the store ami r't your money. lodstu's Uv Too U destroyin the sale .f cal.tucl be cause tt u real uv.r medicine; mt'.rely Ot:Wf, theref. it caa kot salivate or tutxi.it you kk. I ruarautoe that cue spoonful f IMs.vu's Liver Ton will put your sluggish liver t work and dean your lwr!a of tUat sour ki!c and consti tuted waste which Is ch-Ring your system ami making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a Is'ttle nf IVslsoa's Liver Time will kwp tb entire family f-ling fn for irtootha. Give It t your children. It I harmless; domnt gripe ana they like its dcasaut taste Adv. REPTILES AT HOME IN SANO Naturalist Makrt Inttrsstiea Mrpsrl W Habits sf Swall Dllrs st tht Dttsrt. Quaint and cnrl.ms are the ways of some reputes of the tlewrt. as revealetl hy the fatuous naturalist U. t'amp, ho lni lvu ktudying tlieia lu the Colorado desert, lie tells of iotne rep tiles, the humming suaks ai.nora. the erliliri.n talltnl lUnrd, llie ofs-llultsl sand liiard. and the desert "horned toial." which actually swim In the loose satid l.y the stnuig lateral tuovt Bunts of their heads. The gndirou tall.sl lltard Is very swift and agile, and when chased will race over the siitid at fifteen miles an hour. Most of the desert reptiles of Colorado are col ored like their surroundings, and ar difficult to detect. Others can change their colors to suit tlsvir surrounding, while mt a few of the desert llxnrds are aide to part with their tails very readily when they are sotred. There Is humor In the ways of desert tortoises. When one meets another, unless Imth are males, when a fluid Invarlahly takes place, each nods Its head rapidly up and down as though In salutation, and sometimes noses are touched as they pavs. Dead Lost. Slu I can never be yours. Here are jour presents, lie All very tine. Hut what about those cigars I gave your father and those ipiar ers I gave your little broth er? Host on Kvening Transcript. Contentment. 1'erfcet contentment kills nil ambi tion. No small Isiy licking an Ice cream cone would change places with the president of the Clilted States dur ing that glad few minutes. What Makes 'Em Attractive. "Is she nn atnutlve widow?" "1 don't know. I haven't heard yet how much Itisuraucc her husband left her." Giving a Quest. "What's thlsV" iisked one, as the giicd at the zebra. "Must be u wur horse with service stripes." ( Watch Cigar Cutter. A combination watch and clear rut tcr Is a new novelty Jusi brought out for the mini's pocket. Deduction. "What's a polyclinic. Jim?" "I don't know exactly, but I juen It's a hospital for parrots." Its Speciet. "Did the genealogist find you good family tree?" "Sure. It's a peach !" Only a wise girl selects for hua band a man who.se mother didn't know how to cook. The harder you knock down a tnn man the higher he will bounce. The golden eagle, like other goo tenors, la a rare bird. Cereal a Reason ttriom rami rrmsanom SUlifSaiOOL Lesson (TV P.FT. J B FTTZWATKR. T D. Teicter t English H hi la tb Mosdj U.t. Insiituls f I'likiju LESSON FOR AUGUST 24 JESUS ANSWERING THE LAWY&R. I.FPSOV TFXT-l.u.. KM. C.ol.t.KN TKXT-A. s. fcsx. th!rr.ws ereortunit, Wt u. .1 4 ual. ail . rets tally Lnl ihm sh. ax. f tM B.wsrheM f flth - (.;! H At-ivITlONAl. "'ATtKlAUGaL t S K JIWi J 14-li, I IllMAKY TV 'PIC-Shorn tn( ktrHlws Jt'MilR TOPIC-H-tplee tti. SMy. IMTRVKldATS Tl ifb - rmnsxisl slhty for th. slfsr of othrs 8KXIOR AMI AM'l.T TOl'IC-Tk. t"hri.ti .K1 wf brwthrrbuod. The subs-t ch.e by the lessoa comiuittee for tiwlay. Iiastil is.n this tet. Is S.s-isl Kessui;Nllty.' Whew we consider the real aiesulng f the text it Is hard ta timlcrstand why the committee chow such a ubj s-t. How ever. M u with ia minds and hearts study th teit. for It Is of great li!i.rta?iee, 1'hrtsfs eti.tect was to bad the lawyer (theologiinl pro fessor) o Hndcr-lattd the Bts-d of Uml I. Etcrwal Lift Through Obedience te the Law Ov L'.i s. 1. The lawyer's qcs!!,,a . "'). The "lawyer was mii who essi!nbd the Mosaic law. The Beerest position cor ressndiii( theretu la BiisleTB life Is the thetdogical professor. Ills him- tloa was not an effort to ascertain the truth, but to entrap Jesus. He n! only had a wrong motive but a defec tire theology. He thought that eter nal life could be secured by doing otMslleoce. He did not know that "di Ing" u ten nt keeping the law la Its mi nutest parts, whlru a as utter Impos sibility for fallen uiea: that failure to measure up to the least demand of the law exposed him to the curse of Ciod (Cal. 3:1(1). 2. The lawyer answering his own question (. '.'). Christ'a counter question sent him to the law, of which he gave a fine nummary. Supreme love to ;.l mid love to one's neigh bor as to ourselves la the whole of man's duty. It Is true as Jesus said: "This do and thou slmlt live" (v. '.'). Hut 110 one has ever kept the law. "There Is none righteous, no not one" (ltom. S:lli), "Ail have sinned and come abort of the glory of Cod" (Kmn. S :'.'"). "Hy the deed of the law there shall no flesh le Justified In bis sight" (Horn. S:'.t). "I!y the law U the knowledge of sin" (ltom. JI:Vti). II. Being a Neighbor (vv. J,..17). 1. The lawyer's ipiestlon (v. '.".). He evidently keenly felt the force of Christ's argument, for he sought to Justify himself by asking, "Who Is my neighbor?" This Impilry betrays his luck of that love which Is the fultlll nient of the law (ltom. 1.1:1(1). I.ove never Inquires as lo w hunt to love, but "Where Is some one who ueeds my love?" Christ convicted him oil his own grounds. 2. Jesus' answer (vv. 30-37). He an swered by a parable In w hich n certain man fell among thieves on his way to Jericho and was severely wounded. While In this helpless condition a priest passed by, not even coming Hear; ul.-o a l.evlte, who was Interest ed enough to look on him, but not enough lo help him. Finally a Sa maritan came where the wounded man wns and. moved by compnson for him, bound up his wounds and brought ti 1 1 11 on his own beast to the Inn, where he was cared for nt the Snniarl tun'a expense. In reply to Jesus' question the lawyer declared that the Samaritan was neighbor to the unfor tunate man; nnd Jesus commnnued hi nt to go and do likewise (v. 37). Ity this Jesus showed him that the Impor tant question la not, "Who la my neighbor?" but "Whose neighbor am I?" Jesus came seeking those to whom he could he neighbor. Those who have his Spirit will be tying to be neighbors Instead of hunting neigh bors. Those who love God supremely will, 11a they puss ulotig the highways of life, minister to the broken and wounded souls In the aplrlt of a neigh bor's love, regurdlcss of nationality, re ligion, character or color. May we hear the voice of Jesus saying, "Go and do thou likewise." The Thought of the Heart. At we think, we are. Our thoughts la our measure. The thought of our hearts should he the kingdom and government of God. Thla Is becom ing Identified with the greatest of all can pes. It Is the sum of all great causes. The thought can go no deeper than God, Christ, the king dom. Nothing mean, small, petty, ran dwell in the soul dominated by the majesty and rule of God, his plan and purpose and Intention for the world. When we think In such terms we crowd out Insignificant things. The Master Thinker said; "Go ye Into all the world." A class of theological students were asked to write a 20-mlnute paper on God and the devil. One took all of the 2) minutes and wrote about God. add ing at the close: "I have no time for th? devil." Thinking about the things that matter most leaves no room lo the mind for the things that matter leust. Let us crowd out the mediocre and the non-essential. K. Kraunstelu. Tht Joy of Having God's Help. Whoever Is confident nnd boastful because he has grent skill, cleverness, power, favor, friendship, and honor, he has a god, hut not the one true God. Here thou mnyest see how con fident, secure, and proud men feel when they have these things, and how timid and despairing If they have them not. or If they lose them. There fore I sny that to have a God means to have something In which the heart puis all lt trust. Hence thou canst easily understand what and how much the first commandment de mands, namely, the, whole heart of man and perfect confidence In Ood alone, and in no one else. JJarttn Ltttlier. mm PREVENT HORNS ON CALVES Either Caustic Scda or Caustic PoUth Without Other Substances la Satisfactory. IrpsrJ by th luitnl flutes Isrart awat t Agriculture) When rlrvnmstancee are favoraKle, as ta the iase of farmers who bulid MP their herds by raisins the pr.igiiy, th horns siay I pivveiiie.l from growing by a simple' and practically painless BK'th.st, and the custom of preventing the gn.sta of'the bi.rns is fcenmtiiig tuoiv popular and more gen erally pracitevd under all nmditi.tus. eiivpt in the case .f calves dropped on the ots-a range. The. calf sti.-uld be treated Bot latT than otie week af ter Its birth. rcfcr.il.ly when It Is ftom three to five days old. The agent to he used may be either caustic soda or caustic potash, both of which may he pr.s u red In the drug stores in th form of sticks nls.nl the thickness of an ordinary lead -ticil nn.1 Inches long. These cuustlcs must be handled with care, as they dissolve the cuticle and Biay make the hands or fingers or. The proration of the calf con iisti la first clipp'ng the hair fnuu the parts, washing clean with soap and warm water, and thoroughly drying with a cloth or towel. The stick of caustic should I wrapped In a piece of paper to protect th hands and fin gers, leaving one end of the stick un covered. Moisten the uncovered end slightly and rub It on the bora buttons or little points which may be felt on the calf's head, first on one and then the other, alternately, two or thro times on each, allowing the caustic to dry after each application. He very careful to apply the caustic to rbe horn button only. If it Is brought In contact with the surrounding skin it w ill cause pain. He very careful also not to have tor much moisture on ihc stick of caustic, as It will remove the skin If allowed to run down over the face. After treat ment, keep the calf protected, from rain, as water on the bead after the application of caustic will cause It to run down over the face. This must be carefully avoided. Klther caustic soda or caustic pot ash alone, without the admixture of other substances, answers the purpose satisfactorily. Some years au'o. how ever, certain preparations or "dehorn ing compounds," con.osed largely of one or the other of these caustics, were generally used, and as Inquiries are tat ill occasionally received concern ing such preparations, the following formula is given: Combine In itn emulsion 60 per cent of caustic soda, Custom of Preventing Growth of Hornt la Becoming More Popular, 25 per cent of kerosene, and 25 per cent of water. The caustic soda is dissolved In the water anil heated to the boiling point, then removed from the fire, and the kerosene added grad ually, while the mixture Is vigorously stirred. This emulsion Is applied In very much the same manner as the Stick caustic, except that It Is neces sary to employ a short, stiff brush. Sometimes a meat skewer Is used, the large end being mashed to form a atubhy brush. Two or three appllca Hons should be made to each horn button, as In the case of the stick caustic, with intervals to allow it to dry. In the very young calf the horn button, or point that will ultimately develop Into a horn, has scarcely any attachment to the ukull, and may be felt as a small button embedded In the akin. In this enrly ataee It may be easily removed with a sharp knife or a pair of curved scissors, but even thru caustics should he applied to kill any remaining cell life belonging to thli germ point ; otherwise there may be some subsequent Irregular horn growth, which Is more or less of a disfigurement. SHIPPING SWINE IN SUMMER Proper Cart Should Bt Taken Not to Load Too Heavily Most Common Cause of Loss, When shipping hogs In warm weath er care should be taken not to load too heavllj. Too heavy loading Is one of the most common causes of loss in shipment of hogs. Marts for Farm Work. There seems to be no reason why heavy draft mares should not be more generally used for doing the work on the farm. Mistake 'In Hog Feeding. It Is a mistake to feed sows and small pigs in tht same lot with fatten ing hoga on an Excessive c.irn diet Worth More Than Cattle. Hogs are wortji more than catt'e nt the present time) with the exception of good beef cattlsi nl they are acarca A N OHIO druggist writes to "The Practical Druggist," a prominent New York Dm? Journal as follows: -"Please fcmish fonsda for Castcrb. All the formulas I have worked with are either ineffective or disagreeable to administer". To this "The Practical Druggist" replies: "We do not supply formulas for proprietary articles. We couldn't if we wanted to. Your experience with imitative formulas is not surprising, but just what is to be expected. When Castoria is wanted, why not supply the genuine? If you make a substitute, it is not fair or right to label it Castoria. We caa give you all sorts of laxative preparations for children, but not Castoria, and we think a mother who asks for Castoria would not feel kindly toward yon if you gave her your own product under such a name." No mother with & spark of affection for her child will overlook the signa ture of Chas. E Fletcher when buying Castoria. Wet f order, IS fluid " mm. AVw(tM fewiratioatrAl f -1 V" 1 I as f HssiM Lui mm w m - TWbv Prorooilni DnhrsHoq Cheerfulness ami "n neither opium, Morpauw Mineral. Not XAiicotr BrntrCyftf J&stipa.caralDi4rrWH And fi'Trnsnrw" IsnrSLEEP festtiefyfTcwjfr? VI s.wrIlaaf NEW nmrv Getting Madder All tht Time. liuliliy noticed that his friend Julimiy was alttiiiK on little Willie's Ueck, while the hitter whs Tmvd to the grimml In a hclplo m.H1..ii. "Wluit ure .vim Hitting on Willie fi.rr demiimled llol.tiy. "oh, I'm just Kuliig to sit on him till 1 count a hundred, 'cause my miimmii told me to always count a hundred when you are angry before striking miynne, mi. I 1 dnu't want him to get away." Hit Idea of Bigness. Iurini! the eMiiiiiiiiitliiu at the close of school, the fourth -grade teacher linked her history class to inline the live must tiiiuirtiint men of the recent war. oiie hoy, lu all seri ousness, answered the uestliin thus: "(icncral rcrsliins. l'resldent Wilson. Cenernl Koch, my big brother Tom nnd Andy Sullivan's brother rat." A success Is a man who has stuck to one Job long enough to do It well. -J ne 1 a;vi.' ix 1 Exact Copy of Wrappta. SKa9aBCI9BBVBBBfiaaBBS5S222aBBBS Back With Fame Youth Out on Probation Redeems Himself. San Francisco Boy Makes Good Serving in War at Army Captain, Pan Francisco. Three years ago Thomas J. Kurd, a youth of 10 yeurs. walked out of Superior Judge Krank llo Griffin's courtroom, grateful for n chance and vowing he would make good. Three charges of grand larceny were against his name. Judge Olflin placed the lad on probation on one charge and carried the other two on the re serve calendar. Recently Cnpfaln Thomas J. Ford of the Canadian army walked Into Judge Griffin's courtroom. t've mude good." he tuld Griffin, HARD TO SAVE IN BOLIVIA South Amtrlean Salarlei Art Higher, But Also Living Cost, Writat Youth. Pnnta Fe, N. M. Saving money Is a much harder task In South America than In the t'nlted States, despite the higher snlnrles paid there, says Eu gene I.njan of Santa Fe. who recently resigned his position as clerk nf the American legation at I.a Pan, Bolivia. In a letter to his father young Lu Jnn points out that, though one can, earn more In South America than In North America, the cost of living Is hlglior. Shoes w hich sell for $fi In the L'nlted States cost $12 In Rolivln. Hoard and room amount to $,S0 a n.cntli, laundry at least $12, and ev erything else In proportion. "Although Spanish Is the official lan guage," I.uJan writes, "there are many dialects, for the population Is consid erably mixed. We have Ayamnras. who are pure Indians; the Cholos, or half-breeds; the Bolivians, the Eng lish, the French and the Germans," Imitations Are Dangerous. Children V v. v." " .-. t VVl VA - - - "s 5 mT M .JBSBBBh. M Bv -ssv a B "saw -saw B BT LtWsViin- .,oMo..m)li.lii. ... Mothers Mutt Use Care. Why do vt of tea call your attention to Imitations of Fletcher's Castor i? Because it ia a baby'a medicine and Imitations art always daogeroua, particularly imitations of t remedy for infants. Tour druggist may sot keep as imitation but they are to he found ea drug-store shelves. Reliable druggists think only of tht welfare of their customers. Tht other kind only of tht greater profit to bt made on imitations. Tour own Judgment tells yon that Fletcher's Castoria having for over thirty years at great expense held up its reputation, must jeal ously guard it. Then, it follows that this company must use the very best of material. Must employ experts in the selection of tht herbs. Itust retain skilled chemists in its manufacture. Tour same good Judgment must tell yon that these irresponsible imitatora are trading on your credulity and tht reputation built up by Mr. Fletcher, during all these years, for his Castoria. MOTHERS SHOulD HMD Tat tOOKlfT THAT IS AROUND EVtSTY SOTTLE Of FUTCHER'I CASTORIS GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS , Bears the What Fathtr Miaxd. I had been married almusi a year and knew all of my husband's people except his father, who lived in another town anil wlm Is fond of a Joke. One day we received wmd that he would arrive on a certain train, so several of lay husband's relatives went with us to meet him. While waiting one of tlicm suggested that they point him out to me a nl that 1 should meet him alone. When the tralir" arrived they saw 1 1 i lit and told me he was wenr ttg a gray overcoat and soft hat. I. tli't k Ing I had the right one. in fun ruslied out, threw both arms around liiin. and cave I1I111 a big kiss, only to find my father-In law with the rest when I returned. Kxclmnge. Nothing But Trouble. "Ever have any trouble with your automobile?" "Ves. Kver since 1 got It, nil my wife's relatives expect me to be their chauffeur." simply, "and I came back Just to thank you for having given me the chance." Then he told his story: "After you permitted me to go I Joined the Canadian forces as a pri vate. I went to France nnd into ac tion. It was real action, too. My regiment fought in some of the biggest engagements. I wanted to make good and to show you I could, nnd Hint car ried me through some tight pliiee. I rose In the ranks, surprising myself at the way I forged ahcud. I even won distinction for bravery under fire." "You have earned more praise than this court can bestow on you." said Griffin. "IWsiiles doing our country up honor you are one of the many men that have convinced me that the pro bation law Is successful." Then Griffin directed thnt the two remaining charges awilnst Ford be erased from the calendar. Ford, was arrested three years ago ISSUE CURIOUS STAMPS Philatelists Are Enthusiastic Over Latest Curios. Small Nat'ont of Europe Retort to Odd Experiments to Provide Postagt Stamps. London. Stamp collectors, of which London has Its full share, arc enthu siastic over the curious postage stnmps which are beginning to reach thcin from the smaller European states. fine example from Lithuania Is nf (he first permanent Issue of that coun try. It has been lithographed on heavy Silurian gray paper formerly used for the printing of bread tickets. I-ettland. Lithuania's neighbor, print ed Its first stnmps on the hacks of Ger man ordnance maps, but these proved ' a little unwieldy and now Its stnmps I are printed on' the flimsiest of cigars I ette papera, Cry For Signature of LetCuticuraBe YourBeautyDoctcr Atl 4ruMst ftot. S. OlBtaMkt tlK, tmm . Mmrle ..-ri trm ,t -'OwHcin. Dfft 1, " s T ON TMPA CICARS Haad Made Kesl Hsvsna direct f r. .111 fwinrr. lli.soi f..r fifty ten oeulrri. i'..(m tor 1 UK) pititU. Moart Uck' rutmaieo. Writs hlsr. CsUIokus i'rr. r LOKID PKllltl'CTS A OKI'., Tampa, Fla. THE WESTMINSTER SCHOOL For Boys and Young Men Training for Mind, Body and Character Write for Catalogue BOX 0 RUTMtRf ORDTON, N, C W. H. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. J4-U19. because of hl practice of taking nutif mobiles that did not belong to him lo take women friends Joyriding. WOMAN'S WILL IS UNIQUE Ban Husbands, Wivet and W.dowi From Interett or Benefit in Property. Mlddletown. N. Y. There are soma nnusual provisions In the will of Mrs. Helen 8. Cutting, wife of Hubert Kill ton Cutting of Tuxedo I'ark. which has been admitted to probute nt Goshen. The will disposes nf an estate esti mated at fliKi.dlKi In personal and $1iMiO In real estate. While the sons of the deceased are to have their shares in the estate paid to them at a certnln time, the daughters are only given the Income from their shares during their lives. The closing para graph of the will reads: "It Is my will and I direct that no Interest or benefit whatsoever shall puss hereinundcr to any husband, wife or widow of any child of miue." Czec ho Slovakia stumps recently re ceived here are simply the united nrms nf Bohemia. Moravia and Silesia with the Inscription "Ceska-Slovenska Statnl" printed on the Magyar stamps. They were Issued when the (.'techu Slovak troops Invaded Hungary! The disputed port of Fiumc has been' v provided with a striking series of pic torial stamps, apparently n anticipa tion of an Italian 'landate, for they aM bear the words "Flume proclnlinn I' nnnessione all Italia." and the dale 80-10-1018. The four designs Include the statue of lloinulus and ltemus fed by the she-wolf, the pinzza of St. Mark, nnd ancient Venetian galleon and the portnilt of Dr. Crosslch. Clamps and a piece of rubber timing to be fastened with a fruit Jar to broom lo supply It with moisture hart been Invented to aid In dustiest twees In r D i i t 1 ..S iii ' . i ii T. , , -...W . . . jsVai w ' .

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