r ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. O 0 GET READY FOR "FLU 11 Kwp Tour Liver Active, Tour Sstem Purified and J"rea Txqzh Colds by Taking Calotabs, tht Nauseaiesa Calomel Tablets, that tre Do L,gb.tIuL Sole and Sure. tag their fneai to ke p their systems puritiej. and tacit organ ia perfect Wtttkmj order protect ioa aniast th retura tf ififlueu.'a. Tto-y kaow liver favor ral,l, lal'lata, ui Kiicut Complications, To eut short tali rmzht nJ t rvt serious eumplicaticu take on CaK'tab at bcitiuie with a alk'W of water that's aX X aalts B ii.viwa, griping, ai k.nint aftvf effect. Nxt uuiaag ynur e'U kj vani-hc I, y.iut liver i art it e, your v!era is puri ties! as t refrvshe.1 aui V" l ar feeling; fa irk a aeurty appetite f r breuk faat. Kit what y jiease I. J d.niirer. Ctotab ar I aly i original eale-J rurkagc, price thirtv Ave cut, livery druggist ia authoried t refund mir uniif if ou are iw.-foctly oVli.-ht.-j; wit Calotah. (A-.lv.) -Poor" Widow Find $'0,000. On llit- lien1 It uf her hulnui. Jerv mlMh iniily, at "lnc 'ul, a f ts'k ii'i. Mrn. nT.raily went to rk is a hotel tn siiMirt li. r-. tf ami her mlinr iliiM In the U'lief lie was very Kr. Nnw w ttixN her tiu-lmiirl left iM-rty at Iti.ht I. "ntr Oust i.unty. value. at 1t.'. H it rieiiliii: to look tlirouvh a M of letter ami luiier vhleh her liulutl left, Mr, o'tiraily fnulnl wmietlillii; ulxnit lnt In t'ntitr t'usta eouiity. Sli tm the ier to Attorney Hurry lnvlil. iho nimle an luvrtii!Htlin. learning the hushainl wiiel inlerty In Itloh mond. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" 1 IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE took St tongue! Remev peiaeni from etomach, liver and Bowel. T Accept "Cnllfornla" Hyrup of Fig. anly look for the name California on the package, then you are mire your child I having Ihe best and most harm less laxative or physic for the little Stomach, liver ami bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full direction for child's dose on each bot tle, (live It without fear. Mother! You must miy "Cul'iornla." Adv. On Thin Ice. i niitnl tire calculated to lull the Out Wct one dark hi noreinhnr m''lle Into a Kens,, of false security evenltik' 1 lost my way to camp lifter j '" H" """'f " """'"'.v rnn hiintlnk' l a liirk'o forest. An there i tilnrm. whs no farmhouse, or other shelter .'onlniry to the opinion expressed within mniiv miles. I decided to pas freUeutly diirlns the early week of the nltht hi ihe open. , ln ' l""l'''l- '' niimher of After looklnu lirntiml for a while I i "lo'rvers. the studies of the miterl K-lecteil what I thnllk'ht to he ll ruvlne ' rUnte puhllc health service Imllcnt.. rutmltiK thMHk'li Ihe timlerhrush f ttmt Ihe epidemic was not a fresh Im the woods and sl.irted to cither W1M , r"rtntl..n from nhr 1. Careful study for a lire, vlilcli I put nroiind nie to keep warm on nil aide ami to keep the coyote off. As heavy snow wn on the k'touti.l I deemed It a mult; place, und soon fell nsleep. Knrly the next morning I awoke to bear n strange, bubbling sound and to iiml myself, to my great nston Ishment, Imbedded deeply In the Ice covering a sninll. lustily How lug creek. Chicago Tribune. G00DBY, WOMEN'S TROUBLES The torture and discomforts of wrrak, lame and aching back, wollea feet and Iiml), weakness, dizzinc. nausea, as a rule have their origin in ThoH 'general' symptoms of kidney ami bladder disease are well known so Is ile remedy. Next tune you feel t twinge of pain In the b' k or are troubled with head ache, Indigestion, Insomnia, Irritatiari in the bladder or pain in the loins anil lower abdomen, wi" l"'''k '" eure relief in tilll.I) MI'IIAI. Haarlem Oil Capsules. This old and tried rem edy for kiilney tnm'iie ami aiueo in- i Tiingi iaetits hi s Stood the test for him- i dreds ef years. It does th work, j I'aiiis nt'd trouble vnm-h ami new life and health will cutiie as you continue j their use. When completely restored . to ynur usual vigor, cnutinuo taking a j rapsule or two each day. (.Il.l MKPAIi llioirlem (hi Cap- i allies are imported from the Inlinrst.i- i rics at llaarleni, llolltiud. lo not ac- j cent a substitute, lu aeakj buxv, , three size. Adv. ! Hi Way. "A father should he linn lilt kind, und " began the presiding elder. That's my nmttcr, parson:" In dorsed iap .lohnson of Itumpu lildge. "After I've knocked one of my children down, In order to protect myself or to get something done, ns the case tuny be, I "most gener'ly give him a chtiw of terbacker. or something that-a -wny. to sorter snttiriite bis feelings." Kun Ftis City Stnr. One bottle of Dr. Peerv'i "r-.t Sam" will esve veil iri'ineT. time, snilety sn.l health. cine Ann, eumrlent. wllhuut Cor Oil I addition. Adv. Why Girls Stick Around. "Why will none of you girls mar ryr "There's a quarrel as to who get the piano," "FLU" EPIDEMIC WILL BE MILDER If There Is Recurrence it W,H ot Be as Severe as Last Winter. ; H3 POSITIVE PREVENTIVE Prviu Attack Bringi Immunity Percentage ef Citet Enforce- j ment ef Sanitation and Avoid ant of Peraonal Contact Neceuary Precaution. (Authoritative Statement laaued by United State Public Health Service.) llr..l.;t(' , h'lt hy iio ineini -r-taiiilv. Ilie'e will he ;l r- nil en- e 'f tiie liillm-ii.a i-i'Itni.- tl.N lTl.lirittliill HP tllUt Sll.illhl ;J It MVtir. It Bill lint I'f 11- -.Acre S a- the i ;iimIi-iiih- of the ('lev Unit v "iii'ir. ' i 1 y etti.iiiU. Ktnte ninl elty & ImtmN of lii'iillh, hoiiM le pre- ;ired In tlie event or a twur rence. The flit that a previous at tuck Iiiiiii: tn imi ii 1 1 y In a r tain perrenta'e of en.w hmilil allay four on the part of ttin all'lii teil In the Hvvloti epiiU'tii ie. Infliienia I preu. hy illrtvt ami linlire.1 rniilint. It U tint fvrtnln that the germ h Iwn Uolatel, or illiMVereil. atol a a (Mtietpietiee there U yet no mltlve preventive, ex -ept the enforcement of rlitltl rules of sanitation iiml the avolil ane of rniiil ronta.'t. A eloe relation In'twwn the Infliieiiia pamleniie ami 'he eon Ktantly Inrrva-ilii! piieiinionl tnortallty rate prior to the fall of UHS In recngnlicil. It la now he lleve.l that the d! enw via pretty whlely illm lnatr.1 throtik'tiout the country hefnre It a rei'ognlr.eil In It ephlettilc Mute. Till failure to roeotrnlzt' the early eae apH r to have hi-en lnrcely ilue to the fact that every Intercut then cetitercil on the war. 8 A hove tire the luisirtiint facts ile 1 veloieil by the I'lilled State health ' service after a careful survey and In- veslliiHlloii of the ltifluotir.it pandemic of !!MS V.il'.t, carried on In every ut ute mid liuimrtaht city, ami even In for t'liMi countries. No one of the many experts of ; lit' service would make it more po-Hhi" ' forecast of the nil liniHirtiiiit iiiestott, I Will there he a recurrence? All nu'reed, ; however, that a recurrence was tint unlikely, mid In the face of the known facts, that It would he wise to ho pre pared, more with 11 view of helm! on the safe) side than ilcluillly iintlclpat Iiil' ilatik't't The tollonlntf excerpt from the k'oveniiiiiiit report lire puhlished for I the hone lit of the puhllc and health officer In the hope that till will servo to set nt rest the dally pulillctilloti In the newspapers of statements, which of the mortality statistics of the I'nl- ted States show that there were a number of extensive though mild fore runners of the pandemic during th pri'vlou three or four years. The ep idemic wns generally of a mild type and ha since been almost forgotten. It occasioned, however, a noticeable. Increase In the recorded death rnte from pncumoiilH. Rise In Mortality. Tn the spring of IMS there wns an other sharp rise In the mortality rnte I from pin'iiinonln. In the larger cities ! of the Atlantic seaboard these Increiis- cs occurred during .laniinry, February I end March. In the rest of the coun- try, especially the central nnd west- em stales, the Increase occurred In j April, n month during which pneiimon- In mortality Is generally on the decline, i This Increase was sufficient to Indl- j "Vpi'rture from the n,.r- mill. The Increased mortality rule ex ! totidi'd Into May aiul In some area I longer. i This occurrence hn. It Is believed. ; n ib'ftnlti. signiticatico In relation tn i the Intliicti7ii epidemic. In the I'tiltcd I States In the spring of IMS. n nutn i b.T of definite local outbreaks of In- ftu' tii'a were oliscrvod : The rlc In tnortallty from pnetimon- 111. this Very similar type ol di-ea-e, In Ihe spring of IMS Is so sudden, so marked and so general thron-dionl the riilfed Slates a to point very clearly to n definite relation, everything In dlcntiei that the Increased mortality from pneumonia In March mid April of IMS was the cotisi'ipietice of a be ginning and largely unnoticed epidem ic of liilluciijia, the beginning In thi country of the pandemic which devel oped In the tiutiimn of that yror. In the P.ritish cities the epidemic mnnifesled three distinct waves the Hen "Farm" on Thirty Six of Them Lay Egg There and Seem Perfectly Con tented. London. One hundred feet above one of London's busiest streets nnd within 2H0 yards of Iiig Iten on the I than IS Inches tilth, the bens never nt ronf of the Institute of Civil Kti- tempt tn reach the ground, contenting glneers, there Is one of the best-kept themselves with mounting the top nnd tirst ;ii;. sii!.;, ih (..it .f Ih.r'a! im .'iirni.j in .!,;;!. :,i-. July, the sss'.Cnl llui 1. 1. -l set ire ill N.it.Ullwr, ill.- :!inl m I . tiruary nml M ir. h-lai.-i. wla'h n.-vd ii"t 1-e cited h-rc iu 1, il.dl.nle lb;. I th,' ihiiim' of 111 j - - I t'l'i'l.-iiiie iU--1.hI in.. re Lirc.'iy tit 'a .iile wave ilnnhi Set-teuitH-r, K'- t.M-r an. I N.'VctnU'r. The pr.'Vnli'ti'v of a Hrlon epi.U'iti le of Influent ns tirt re.ntnir.il in an. I aroiiti-l 11.41 lu S.-'t-ni-r -f Pl. Wiilun alwuit two w.ek it w.i .-nc-ral in the ATh.ntie -rtUmr.l. ile ve.pini; a little later aui! iti. fur ther et. Ilnnil tli-triei were u-u-a!ly attacke.1 wuuewhat Inter than lare Intt rw hi tl:e vmne tioh-. Ill the CHio .a-t of llie line of the Anpala Iii;ms the ev e-- umrthli' v tfoui piieii.iii.nia niul inilueh'a il n r . i j the n'k elnl.! S. -I.Hi.' . r 11. IMS. in Mu-.li I. I'.'lit, .i- ai'proM'n.iiely .".', J.,r ll; III .ill.- hetve.-li the !! k mount - :u,. I the Appala.-hi- Hi- 4 ".." ; :ih. m I'm-, of the l iieitii oa-t per 1 foil' mil the in .rt:uit une-iioii of iniiiiiinitv coiif. ri'e.l an atta. 'K of intlllelia. the evhli'lice l lu't mil-i-'ii-ix-. hut ther1 is rc:i-nu to helieve that an atia.k .lurini: the earl;er sui4 i of the cpiihiitie confer- a con--iilernhle. Hut tun ah-o!iite luiintinity ill the later oiitl.reak. Transmitted by Contact. In piieral the pau.leiuie of lnrliieua whs largely similar to that of lss'.l'.nt In Its ilciehipineiit, llrst a mild form, later on a scu-re world wide epiih'iutc. In the rapidity of its spread mid Its hitfh case Incidence. It lias however ln-on notahly dilTereiit In a uiu. li high er mortality, espei iully am.iui: yoiinu adults. Such evideiiie as ha Imsui k'athered confirms the conclusion pre- ; vlously reaiheil that It Is transmitted.! dlre tly and Indirectly hy contact. It appeal, prohahle, however, that the Infis'tlon w as already widely dlssem- j Inntcil In this country Hometlnie he fore a serious epidemic who reeoi!-hlzcd. Ieplte the fad that there I atlll a r-nrly a sslhle any unusual prev w.uie uncertainty as to the nature of alence of "cold." the micro organism causiau patidetn-! For munlclpiilltlc operiitlng on a le Influenza, one lliliur Is certain, that Imduet hnsls. It Is Important that all the. disease Is couiiniinlcalile from per- delay In provlduii! Ihe necessary rliiaii son to person. Moreover. Judging clal support to the health atlttiorltie from experience lu other diseases. It In dealini! with a recurrence of the is prohahle that the germ, whatever epl.lanlc he avoided hy senilis n-hle It nature. Is carried ahotit not only an emerk'eii'y (piili'iiile fund. This hy th.oe who are III wlih Intluenrn, niay prove of the (ireatest value In car hut hy persons who may he entirely rylntf out Important preventive nieas well. Kvorytlilim which Imreases per- i tires In the early days of the epiilom sotial contact, therefore, should he re- le, ut n lime when their hi'iiollilal cf- warded ns a factor in spicaditm llillil- ,.ii,j,. Much was heard last winter of the use of face miisks. Tlioiit'li the use of siniahly cniisiriirted masks w 111 reduce the interol g,. ,,f respiratory germ MUSIC COURSES FOR AMERICANS France Establishes Summer Con servatory in Palace of Fontaineblcau. SUGGESTED BY BANDMASTER School Will Be Conducted for Benefit of Student of Both 8exe Who Have Been Studying at Amer ican Contervatorie. 1'nrlsi. An American conservatory of music soon will he established at I Kontaliielilitiu as the result of the ac tion of the Koiitallieblciui municipal council, which voted ll subvention of ltm,ii" fnmos for the creation of the school. The suggestion was put for ward by Mr. Francis Casadesus, pres ident ninl conductor of the Furls or chestra, nnd the French minister of I public Instruction has set aside for the school the Louis XV wing of the national palace of Foiitaiiiol'lciiil. It will be n summer school und the llrst session w ill begin July 1, ll-". Mr. Cnsadosus spent seven months nt Chaiitnont, the American headquar ter of the A. K. K, leaching instru mentation at the Americnti army bandmasters' nnd musicians- school created by I'r. Walter I "aiurosch at the roitiost of (loneral l'orshlng. Suggested by Casadesu. Mr. Cainlcsus first conceived the Idea of the school after the American school Ut Clialllllollt completed 'Is work. Ho plain ed to place the courses of the Naiioiial Conservatory of Music in I'aris at the disposal of the Americans. Ills friends discouraged the Idea, on the theory that l'ti-is. with nil IN attractions, was not Ihe proper place to study music, as Ihe temptations to waste time were too many for students. Following n recent meeting between Mr. Casiiilesiis ntul Mr. Fragiiainl, sub preleot of 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 I ' ii 1 1 and n great lover of music, the historic? place was selected. The municipal council unanimously voted the liHi.iam francs, which wl1'. he added to hy French donations to he expended for proper lodging ami board facilities. a London Roof nnd most prosperous poultry farms In the city. It comprises HO hens, housed In three spneious coops, but during the great er pnrt of the dny the hens nre allowed to rim in about the roof nt will. Although the coping Is not more .1.: .! !-: ho !;:!!!. TI ,..ii. 1 I.' i. make -" ..f inf.-. ; tlinsks has a ri.i tr-.tisn, . . ;il ! ;irs I ll.e-o ili.r path th- Us,. -f lil.v Is h - pi lifotl.t.-i :'h tl for Hi. in. It we sit.s-o e-fill ill i'.nilillli m;lii l..i tr. nt- er at tent ni iwil-t Iw pal. I t. t.-. lu-t iiimorat.-il. The iieMt "f HiM (Ta iilitneilialy lnler"t is the p of r-. urren.- In the near f..t liinvine re i-hara teri-t ie Hie f.i. i.-! M1I.1 ..!-.. I ty it lle- ..f ii.t'.u- n of Mi- na pi.h'iuies ; uli'l the hi t !at is-iii.lc'iilc ami prv.i H ..ll!. s,'lil to uilt to ih . Hi:. I this one has not vet 1 1,1. course. ti the oth.r hati'l ' h-iiiic has alrea'ly slmvin 1 . ..r l.-s distinct pha-.-s a: -I h llinre severe, at h-.l-t ill nior' r - f'lil - epi lllole I..--, . Ih 11 the thr vear pidetiu. t- ta. ls Vs 1. 1. tl .lU-til'V the liol e lint tin .-.inehisinn, lh:it it tuts ...ui-e nheaily. Recurrence l Likely. ill US It -.--llis ilo.;il.e. h" that v . I11.-1 . i o. t ut least local re. uric ill the Ileal' future. i'll I'll iiere-l-e ..ver ih.- iiortiiiil nioi'alitv from 1 ne-i-tiiotitti for pertcps s..eral years, aid l. lt;;i'ly we sliolll.l !'. IIS fllT tl M- sihle, prepared to tint't tliein hy pre. nous 01 ;aiii:il ion of force's and meas ures for attempted prevention, treat ment, and sotetititic lnvo-tiiMtion. There should U no relK'titioii of the evteiisive MilTeriti-! 11ml distress wlihh a. coiiipniiied last year pandemic. r..mniuiiltles should make plans now for dcaliiu: with any r.s iiiretice of the epl'l. tiilc. The prompt r.s ounilion of the early cases unit their iffis tive iso lation should he aimed at. In thU con nection, attention Is called to the fact that the se may uplx-ar to he Just ordinary colds. A recent extensive outhrenk of what were resanhsl a "summer cold In leoriu, Illinois, proved on investigation to he an ep idemic of a mihl t.Mw of lliflueni. KxperUnce Indicates that these mild epidemics are often the startlnit point. of more severe visitations. Hence ev ery effort should lie made to disinver feet Is greatest. The most proinlslm; w ay to .teat wttn h posslhle recurrence of the Inlliictin epidemic Is, to sum It up ill H single word. "I'reparedui'ss." And now It Is the lime to prepare. The school w ill be cot, ducted for j the benellt of student of both sexes who have been studying lit American conservatories In winter nml who do sire to perfect their studies In France during summer months. The profes sor will be those of the staff of the Nallomil Coiiscnalory of Music lu I'aris, und students will he able, through competition, to get high French awards ciuiviilent tn those given nt the I'aris conservatory. The cnliises will last three month July, August and September nnd will Include musical composition, har mony, orchestra leading, counterpoint nml fugue, organ, piano, violin, vlnl'n collo, voice nnd harp. Students In those courses may also enter competi tion for the I'aris grand prize for musical composition. Competition Every Year. The competition for Ibis grand prize will be held every year nnd only those pupil who have followed the course In a musical composition slid have passed rigid tests will he eligible. The trials will last six days. The rules of the Purls conserva tory, which are most severe, will lie rigorously enforced. The ihiinlte nd misslon to the competition will be given October 2, and the selection of competitors will begin on October .1. I Miring that time the contestants will not he allowed to see or cniumnuicu'c with iinv one, T!ii'.v will be rigorous ; ly Isolated and their correspondence will be opened. The work ilemanded will be one of the following: An allegro for sym phony, H symphonic poem, a cantal'i for three voices nml orchestra, n so tiata for violin and piano or for violin cello ami piano. The hcniing of the compositions will be hold in the con-1 cert ball of the I'aris conservatory In I lecember. At Ihe end of the hoar- ; !ng, which will be open to (he pub- I lie. the awards will be lnii'le. j Tuition for the summer si hool will l.o Si'.l a month. The school will be able In furnish room nnd board for Jisl students nt from $7i) to ,7."i n month. An nddil ional KM students can be nccomiaodated on condition that they Iiml lluir own liiing nr rntigemetits. A course In musical his lory will he obligatory, but all other ' courses may be followed according In choice. 'here announcing their satisfaction lif ter nn egg has been lidded to the rec ord they hnve been making. Men' Long Battle With Deer. San .lose. Cal. M. V. Unities o1 Mountain View cornered ll three point buck lii n hay field near that town i. ml seized the deer by the nut lers, holding lilm dining n half bout buttle before help nrrived, nccordlm tn a story vouched for by wilticsse here. Hntnos was bruised am scratched but otherwise uninjured ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE I.-irce "Eivtr" is tn GenuiaS Iiisi-t on T. iier Tal.lets ef Aspirin" la "Hi.y.r package" iimtainiug .r.p er u.rn-'iet,s lleaduche, folds, laln. Seura.tf.ti. LMti-ha-o. nn l lili- n matNm. Nam- "iUiut" means cetiuine Aspiria pr.s.-ri!e.t hy physicians for nineteen yenrs. Handy tin toxes of 12 tahlet .! few cent. Asi'Titt I trade) mark of Itav. r M..riufa.iiire t t M-.m. aceticaci lest, r I'f Salieylioacid. Ad. I racicn't Fuizfs. v oil t h.l k s.'le will -k r fie into fi.sh "Ii m-uni '" . re 'tl t.l-lli.'tl tl.'iv ," -Hi 1. " I He tlrls llie We.,t :i . r .-.I-." rver . .. I ! lluflie.-i oer tl. 1 n-. .' etu "DANDERINE PUTS BEAUTY IN IIA1R Cirls! A mass of Ions, thick, glcarny tresses ,V'f. Let "Danderlne" eave ynur hair and dnuhle It beauty. You can have lot of long, thick, Htroug, lustrous hair. IWt let It May llfeles, thin, acraggly or fading, llrlng hack It color, vigor and vitality. (iet a 3Ti-cent bottle of delightful "Pnmlerlne" at any drug or toilet coun ter to freshen your acalp; check dan druff ami fulling tiHlr. Your hair need this atlmuluting tonic; then It life, rolor. hrlghtnes and ahunduuca will return Uurry ! Adv. Ued to Postponement. "Then jou are working for Judge?' 'You bet." "I'oosn't ho kick you when you put thine off''" "Nnw, he puts off li ii t T his own work each day." -l.mil.sv ille Cimrier Journal. SHOOK WITH NERVOUSNESS A Lady Was Flat On Her Back I With Terrible Spells, But Her Husband Got Cardui, And Now She Is Grateful. McKlnney, Tcxiis. -Airs. Mury Steph enson, of this place, states: "Ahotit a year and a half ago I wns down In bed for six weeks, uut utile to sit up. I was flat on my back nnd hnd ter rible spells . , , Why, It looked like I would die. At times I didn't know anything. I would get nervous, I couldn't bear anyone to talk to mc, I would Just Jerk nnd shook with nervousness . . . across my back was so sore and ached me all tho time. I would have a dizzy feeling. My limbs ached me and I would Ret numb und feel so wenk ... I said to my husband I knew Ciirdul was good and I believed I bad best try It. He got me o bottle of Cnrdtil, nnd when 1 hnd only taken one-half bot tle of Curdtil I Mt Mroncer. 1 tools a half a dozen bottles altogether, then In two weeks lifter I began taking 1 wns up. In three I was doing my work. I praise Cnrdtil for I believe It saved my life nnd 1 nm grateful." For over 40 yenrs Cardui bus been helping weak, sick women hack to health und strength. Try It. Adv. Cooking a Dinner. Fltitbiish I beard that a tin dinner pail on the ground near a bouse nt I'nlins, Mill., rcll'-cled the sun's rays; nimitist the bouse. Smoke wa and then there was a blaze. IVn-'olili'irsi 'Iiml linisl li;, th" origin of the lil.i ss en reckon. Yoiikers Statesman. A SUMMER COLD seen b.-eti .''r. ' A cold In the summer time, as every body knows. Is the hardest kind of a cold to get rid of. The best and quick est way Is to go to bed and stny there If you can, with a bottle of "Uoschee's Syrup" hnndy to Insure a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy ex pectoration In the morning. Uut If you can't stny In bed you most keep out of draughts, avoid sudden changes, eat sparingly of simple food end take occasional doses of Boschee's Syrup, which you can buy at any store where medicine Is sold, a safe and effi cient remedy, made In America for more than fifty years. Keep It hnndy. Ad. Sudden Rise in Oil, I!lx So your friend became wealthy hrniigh n sudden upwnrd movement In oil. What oil stock did be buy! IHx He didn't buy nny. A rich oh: aunt started a Are with a can of It. .EECSLEK3 SEBCSSISTHEES j Sotn Men i-3 VVimtn t E ! tie Worn. VAn.cn R-'e Ai: E-ery Cmmun y in Si 3 bf fj - ts to Ch : CI' TJ' ' tie n. - At : M. in t' t 4 1 r.'.-'l- nu 1. r.1 i.-j . 1.1 -y !! f i.-'i 'ie . . ,.f t.ie is: a :. . :i .11 u i 1 in 1 11 s t.i the uTin--tru e IT- f. J M V v.. nr. '!. iii-'. si.; i v is r 1 ir i tlu ti.u'.ll cuures Jatiaai v. 41 01 , tncTit tn oie l y if ll.iV.il-'.L. I tlie 1" -ouni.e ; sioiwl dist r.i t ! Mr. Yct'onn men and mom 11 asnoiince that h: th n jre e'.ii.hle f-.r th',4 work, win. h pa $4 tn S'l a day. p- ilication f.r mimh hcM he in h s h,- thin ti.e ti.-it It d-ivs or tvt w?ks S mplo ar.d pr. t . test are requited, a person .!! a -m-moa sch.Hd erfucatinn and who ran write leiiihly- heln? usually qujl Vd Mr. Mrl'iinnell statu. Arp'.u .tioti f 'r thes pi, ues sh clhl he nude to Mr. M. fonnell ut !ivtd s.m r slit awjy m on'-'r that th. y may he t'imsidnifil ir.'perly. the tests havitip Iwetl s. heiltlle.1 f ir aloiin.1 No vetu'.MT I. it is aiinoiiiH-e.l L. ttriiihuie -Thn crop Is ran. I'y opeinnc and is he.nt; rapidly puk.-d Ord.tiury pickers are pi. king from Son pcinds to tuotv than .".no pounds per d.iy. The price are inducing anil the weather i ide.il. Ttmkv Mount -An Incrnise of over 2 nan iioo in the ci'y h..nk ince 1?17 furnishe a most aocunttf indi cation of the prosperity which thi city has enjoyed witliiu the p.ist two jear. Winston Salem - About one-half of the Southern railway freight ataiion, with the exception of the brick wall, w as destroyed by flro. entailing a loss of aev. ral thousand dollar rayetlerilln October 29th will he military day at Cape Fear l-'air. which will he held thi year on ( tolier 19, SO and 31. Dan, for a big mili tary featuro en th aieond day are bnlng made Organliatlon from Camp Bragg will participate. Monroo Two bale of long ataple cotton were aold to Georg L Hart, a buynr on this market, tor 4H 1 1 cents a pound. The bale weighed 61S pounds each, and the check wa raa for 1445 6 rturham Eighty dollar and 15 cents wai the average price paid hy a local warehouse fur tobacco during th pint week. The average it tho hlehnst made, during the 4ft years of the Ihirham market, and ia poaaibly a record for North Carolina. Lumberlun - Labor orraniiers have bnen in Lumberton for several day muking an effort to nrtianixn the em ployees of the four cotton mills here tnto a branch of a labor unloti. On) report says they are rot taking on the bleu of organiiution. Asheville As the result of a seri ous explosion of several pieces of dy namite on the grounds of the Clue Tlidge Lime company's plant ut Fletcher Hie six month old baby of Mr, and Mrs Kverett Gilliam died at th M sion hospital and Mrs. Uiliism Is now at Ihe same hospital In a most serious condition, small hope for her recovery being entertained. Charlotte Marvin L. Hitch. Char lotte lawyer, who ha been ldntiflod with nrganiiing labor In the state for several week,, has announced that he I would probably make the race for Congress in the ninth district, at th inm time denying that he has ever organ'ied negroes in thl county and that he, has had anything to do with the recall petition now In the hind of the city clerk. Wilmington Housewives here, pro moters of the consumers league an nounce that shortly a community store will be opened here. Thi an nouncement fame on the heel of the publication list of the fair price com mittee In which the women declare th fair price e.rmmittee ha fixed the price of many commodities at consld erably more than those commodities are bringing in Wilmington tores. Whiskey Sale Blamed. Asheville. The alleged hontin,T of t ee llnckner by Monroe Hensley In AVeaverville Is now being attributed according to reports, to a quarrel over the proceeds from the sale of 24 gallons of whiskey whioh the two men are said to have procured in Yancey county. It is rumored that Henley did most of the selling and that Iluckner went to bis home for a settlement. It is supposed that, during a controversy arising over the division of the rrofits yturkner was shot. ' Shot While Auto Riding. Lnniberloii. Mrs. C.nnrge SinrV (,irv her three your old child, .it 1 j Charlie Edwards are In the ho-pit il ' seriously Injured as the result nf gin shot wnunils received while riding In nn automobile on the public road tour miles east of Lumberton. Mrs. Singletary w.s struck bv two bullet, the child by one and Edwurds by thive. It Is alleged that Mrs. Singletjry's husband, who was riding nn the rear seat with the wounded three, f.red the shots ia a nt of Jefilousy. Still-Hunter McClendon. Kinston. Rev. Baxter F. McLen dim. noted evangelist, brought good luck to a posse of Federal and county officers which set out from this city to raid moonshine stills. McLendon, with his broadbrimmed hat, bulky black mustache and unfailing curiosV ty. got himself deputized. The slier iff exhibited a handsome copper ttill, a burnished, shiny affair, and acces sories as the fruits of McLendon'e drive "into the devil's own territort." The still, a lOO-gallon plant, was made by artists in their line. "S spots Mr. Oedsan. tne -Liver Tene- Man, Tea the Treachery cf Calomel l.-s. j. u a day! Ton knnw what ir.'iwl is. li s mercury; ijick silver. t'iH'iu.-l is dar.Toits, I T crashes il.to sour t .ie l.ke itjuatlllte, CTanuia end sickeu.hg you. :i,..n;el attack the t, .t,.-s st.d shouid n. v. r be put late j our stem. 'h.-n you feel htitnu. siu.-ir'-h, mn atipateil and a'l kti ke-1 out ud b lieve you need a dose of dangerou cal eni. l just r iueti.!'.-r that your drueciKt evils f. r a few cents a lar-e Inittle of liods,,n' I..v. r Tot.e. whu h Is entirely ahle and pleasant to take and la a p,,rf,vt suhsiitute fur calomel. It U puarameed to start your liver without virriiu; you up inside, and ran not ati ute. iMtrt take calomel! It can Tint b trust.-! any more than a leoimrd or a win! .-at. Take liod-ou a Liver Tone wlii.h n'ra'thteti you ritht up ami tnak. s y,.u f.s I tit.... C.ive It to tfce ch.l.lr. ti I.e. au-e it is perfectly h armies- and docst, t sr.pe. Adv. Not Mu-li ' '"'-- "ttm in "Mfit." iv I you I.MUJ the I v 01,1 - Sure I tut s.V in worth lit sin. I.. '.-,ll:p ClM.k "C U rr.171 Scut -No' I paid "i'I c.-nts f.w It, -r-os' l. lie. Important to Mothara Fxamine carefully every bottle of CASIOH1A. that famous old remedy for titfuuts and chihlr. u, and see that it Signature (jSSl In I'se for Over -IU leurs. Children Cry for FU ttlier's Caftori Cau for th Shock. Hewitt A mail fell Ueud In a re timmnt today. Jew itt Heart falure, caused by acute tnilgestioii? Hewitt No; shock caused by Uncl ing that the price of some article ol food had bsB reduced. SKIN ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE are unsightly and mar the appearance of many a woman whose face would be otlierwie attractive. There it no need for thi. Just get a bos of Tet terlne and use It regularly and you will be surprised how quickly pimple, blotches. Itchy patches, etc., disappear and how soft and clear the skin be come. Nothing better for eczema and other Skin troubles than Tettertne. Sold by druggists or mulled for 5Uc. by Shuptrlne Co.. Savannah, (la. Ad. Seed Grown By Electricity. An Knglish scientist has had much success with all electrical treatment to Increase the germination of several kinds of seeds. NEGLECTING THAT 'COLD OR COUGH? Why, when Dr. Klnft'a New Discovery so prompljr. checks It IT'S natural you don't want to ba careles and let that old cold or cough drag on or that new attack develop eriou,ly. Not when you cn get such a proved uccetul remedy a Dr. King' New Discovery. Cold, cough, grippe, croup doe not resist thi standard reliever very long. It quality i a high today as it always ha been and it's been growing teadily in popularity (or more than fifty year. bOc. and $1.20 a bottle at ill druggists. Constipated? Here's Relief Not that often harmful, always vio lent and temporary help that cornea from harh purgative, but the com lortable, gratifying, corrective regula tion of tubborn bowel o pronounced in Dr. King New Life Pill. Tonic in action, they promote frea bile flow, stir up the lazy, thoroughly but gently cleanse the system of waste matter and fermenting food, nd giva you keen xest for hard work and health ful recreation. All druggnte-Sfc DEATH CHILLS Removes flie cause by destroying' the perm of MALARIA. At your drug tore, 6'V; money back if do good, BEaRFlSiS PHI'fl CO Waco, Texas' This Larue Dottle ol j j YAGER'S LINIMENT contains twice as much as the usual 60 cent bottle of liniment and lasts the average family for month. It quickly alleviates pain caused from rheumatism, sciatica, intwe ralgia, sprains, etc. Sold by all dealers. Price 35c. OILUFKT mn. ro..Ttltlmor.,Md. AB30RBTION .trOtNG WCACsC. e' 5 TORIS OR 41.00 IY MM. SAM E. RICHARDSON Druggist urbanna.va. SHE pmrrj- x. ? I' ,' i )iur. i m 1 I r imtrn

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