si ROANOKE RADIUS HESAL ,, .OKE RAPIDS, N. C. r .-.ti til riu O 1 J. r .. v. - . . - Li'lH'R SWipoa Sl.ii 1 Ycf U AJjC T atPHONES Ni,kl 568 t'.k;,!, N.'-.i Cr.-.;. uu.srr Act .t A;S i'. '! - i.' ; :i.'a. t t ! ir-.l "-' -- ..'.'st i I'U' wh.nn Co. f, u . m.. n.ut ir V . ' i' "f rv (;, t: . . . (:' : r .T.! l ik-ti r i'.t . ". .. m : . (r; ; fc. - , . r 1 r i-u,.;,t. N. -i.r-il ! rt.-! f-T W FnJ4y.Qct0l.rr 10. 1919 : 1 : i-.t v i-r.vt.t." th;-t ! the ft-. V ! . its . f.-r i:u Cut r ii :y ; ue!.' ." -,:,r r-urid t ; . ArJnvre. u rr ;-!e uf l.:t'. :i rverl sot". . I richt. '1 1'e 1 . t J.i.-r.shsp:. . - u i"e Li.- cvt,.rvi . - '-.T-.tT are r ; 1 '.i::ie vr.'tVteer. :, i ;.ree!:ii:n : 1 ! a ,'m,..1 t'ie e.'ir.lry tie .-;:. vi ! 1 ie all ! v..ri,i cham- .. 'i iv... re or less . -e'i ( f, we ean t. '.ti.-n te the speet te . ' f.e 'er.ate tryinjr to talk it.-i ft! .it' over the peace treatv. So r-.any ! atiJ hereto fore 1 'ar. " . '"ti .-r.-i h.ave i i'en caau'.t in t:.- t ils of the law thi w. !t"i; i r..b:illy be easier f,,r t''. - v. e;!itor t sin. ply list . ; v.-tTe r . t arrested. A r.i:l - ;. t., i 11 aii.l two heir-r; i ; . t:,t t 1 r. ai thrones in .V:;er;.u t.t . :; ti:r.? is some tiuiv 1 :' a r L'ori. If we just had the Ka:vr brin,riiH' up the rear in a tilaek Maria, we'd all be satisfied. If mobs, riuts. strikes and in-j surreeti"tis d not seen become! less the "Hilary sapience of; events, rrcs-'dent Carranza will be pre; :t;4i-.t"rventiin for the pt;rpcso 1 maintainlriji order! e;,aMisliin and "lYuuace and Save" is the ad-; vice of the Federal Heservej Hoard in rducir. the h. e. of 1. Increased production and decrea-; sed consumption will do more! than ail the investigation and j legislation in the world. Tine fcr Cold Feet A novel Fr.-iK'ii hent.T tor rooms coo litg of n ;..-t in which lire woven wires to ;ikm current from a light sock et end distribute tie electric heel Can Be Cur". Moan (hliiliini; Is n hubit with font of m auJ it am te c.irril t ns nny other bud habit cuu. Uood tin e to be gto, about now. North Carolina, Halifax (Vunty, In the Superior Court B. C. JoniM, ! Vs. I Notice Bessie Jorita ! The (iefen.hmt above iiHir.ed will take notice that an action entitled as above has been ,,mmcmei in the Superior Cowt of Ualifa County. North Caro - Una. to dissolve the ni.irnasfe relation existing between the plaintiiT and de-; fendant herein: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re-1 quired to appear at the term of Super-1 ior Court of said County to be held on j the twelfth Monday afier the first Mon day in September, at the courthouse in Halifax County, North Carolina, and ( answer or demur to the complaint in i said action, or the plaintiff will apply to ; the court for the relief demanded in ' said complaint S. M. Cary Clerk Superior Court This the 19th day of September, 1919. 9-26-4t W. C. WILLIAMS Prompt and SAtij-fractor S-tM-e CLARK & CLARK -------- - -- . i k r- Attomrtt ml I . r j- " rmnsnv Pcanoke It.;p:Js, N. C Bring Your Car to the Rosemary Garage For All KinJ of Ufpairi V hae t ej'it nirx harms, an i w 'I d. at vtrL'v at a r a.naMe tae. Rosemary Garage J C !!!11 r . Auto ,Vii'-.i!ii.t, Ci. K p. - ! Save ..ut Movt Lv r.i" FuiMinf Lot on J tASY TAVMLNTS DR. A. C YOW 5 UeciTKi p0tr fcr all Purposes at Low Rite VETERINARIAN J RNT mm mi ma kJ Ottk. Tit Kl Rrv rkeet. Z2U 1 , HORSE FOIII tt TEAR HEJiDEISOX. K C S i Come around some pleasant day And pick your suit the pleasant way. A5K to see the all wool Imp aiul m;;kc yiuir choice from a selected list v jnirc wk1 fabrics that affords you even' oportuiv ity to be ideally dtesstxJ at a jnipular price. International service will be found both pleas ant and economical. Lvery etfort will L'C made to please you - not only in style and tailoring but in making your selection of fabric and model the one that is most appropriate to you. ,-k specially to see our wonderful ranije of all wool fabrics at $30 to $40 - a price rane that is remark ably low for a made to measure garment of merit and (juality. Attractivf line ot Nei Lweur, Slurts and C ollars now on display. J4ancocji Jackson- (. , HOANOKt KXPIOS, M . r . m Good to the last drop! TMDS think it't jreat; Mother tay it builJi their hea!th; it does! Ir. H. C. Whiir. Chuf i.f ChrmiMiy. Univtttitjr of G.ri;ia, uvi: "In n l tTvmrty c.(ul analytit ul Uludwin r.o t.ct vt cafitin ci n..ulic ur ol ob)t liufubl coloring matttr Ol dy. t dift.-ovr4.' Tfi BtuJin9 formula ia oM-nvJ. protvetvd tnd jutrnlJ br 0 Tctrpkon four rocr for caM tJ Attiau Bludwin Battliaf C. No. 2 Bludwine Bottling 'Company Roanoke Rapidi, N. C. Fall Suits For Men, Young Men and Boys Our stock represents the pick of avail able markets - selected w ith the same care we use in selecting the garments we ourselves wear - the makes Kuppenhcimer JUI 1VICII coin Lord Baltimore D.. and Oriole JOT DOIJS How About That Winter Underwear - We Sell WRIGHT'S and MUNSING Three Weights - Light - Medium - Heavy Harrison and Thomas Clothiers Haberdashers Hatters ROANOKE RAPIDS Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. An up-to-date hardware &ore of fering the people of our county an unexcelled service in its line at prices lower than can be had at many places. We will be glad to serve you. Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids. N. C. Thrift Stands for POSSESSION Possession Stands for POWER The habit of saving gives you confidence, capital and power. Where can you find a better place than this Bank to keep your savings; We Pay 4 Per Cent Compounded Quarterly The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids C A. WYCHE. President S. F. PATTERSON. Vke-Prt. J. T. STA1NBACK. Chi T. W. M. LONG. VWPren.