ROAXOFE RAFirS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS. N C. Bcltled Manpower Was LaidUp In Bed Co-tin n) O..IS ar. C.x r -i e-f ih-'-a a . v'.u- i in v . . ' i . : ir -i ,i ; t-.t . r t TBelt 19 ft rt-.i; ' tit , Oj I i!;..' s-r f. --s. ..i c:a' UU;.-isl t..L I. j l PE-RU-NA Fir Cjiirri asl C-'arrttl Cai a. a : ij . -r. ' . m, r.'i.r t trt ner vrers a a ci r t or th i vf . f u l' .1 it arvl tw r , faH .r tontvn. i tiru; u-' riv. r r i:i ir Your I IT. r ' 1 Vfci.--' .ii: v, t 'J.1.' It t i . r i t - ' ' ,.. Si ft1. r-i the ? rv.aVa I t 1 Thr firt.v I " 'UTu h ami . j $V I t. ' - x x , ., !'. .X t t T nun . 1V'IC. r It : I i...t ' CV Babies Happy VS i Unit nothing na'mtui no tifirfmi mfMli tor trhirg uim. At mil 4wg Hide. rhainnati ll,i at. tin- u'Iht day to a iht!i-al nM.rie'l : "Your uttui'k mi 1 1n "ii'imtnr un just. You m'ntitt'rvrvliM tin' m:nt r'!s. Vou ! h t inl n ViliffK. "Vllli rs iiii'l a niiiii Imly rv (. mini; mi um ixvim i!ir wlillc tl.-i tuttitTX (lnn liclnw .nrti'i hi thu tirviikw nr i'lly tr"l!Hi tlm licarli. Sud'lwily tln ynuiik,' ludy wild: "'i"ll't that kl!lliy l.iltll.T Innij likf lli'lfii J ni ?" "VMI.T Ilmld.'d. "'Slin Mir" di'V lit ald. 'Imt 1 -n"t full !n r la'liin,' suit it'.iiy. lt' blue" DEWSJJF EVE No More Gentle Than "Cascarets" for the Liver, Bowels When That Cold Get Down loto Your Chest It Is time for you to takt quick tteoC to relieve it, and prevent pneumonia or other acrioui trouble. Just try a apod wantunt tp&Ucatioa d Mothers JOY It wttl ftiiTTf you hem qiiickiy it penetrates to the seat ot the tr utle, relieving ooii- g esuon ana sorrjie-. It is a!- pn in vn!u.ibl rem edy (or ( rnn. and can beused It my wit-buut tmtatipf or burniiig 'ffcts. Keep a j r on rtind for emer temies. U"C-1 tDrsrmniend It. (rOrnl deal era sell u. lit, awl jl. juis. tir . i J I fa in . i kv r.o x a awl . -i i -u-J fc- ;-,e c .J a- i BUR b ki Mid tM.T " " (' 3 Aii 1 I f" t u tt I T .n r !i i g ; rirt v. r n j t . St I r" i r i : i i' -iaK i . r- -r - .. -1 - n- - 1 r '.. a t- . I u 4 r 'h- J a-a I t s kit nil tf : tn . .;. H f :.- -.L I -r I ' i Cat DaWa aft JU aa, iDOAN'S";1 r Jiitj Maatiw ro. iL'iyi-o. w Y. THE "BLUES" Caused by Acid-Stomach W::t. of popla h w.rnr r .1ar Slikl , h e j - i ";.en - i .!eir-. a. b J- n. a'- "f?- rnin, h.:. i-v- th tl":'' . -T.i;! ;nn il U 1 1 i'l!d .r. i" -a tr hi-h tr-- Jim nr n .I'r... Nearly nin h-'-er T1- t an inirfnl St 'j-ew cid MB. fc, N r It t.t h w.'ner4 at A.-i.1 i..(T'.4 1 b-f aifV wth U''h we, l J.''te.1 v n ji n, t Jitet;in. t- -(rna ha'fbu'n h.-i, , M, if 't ch-v (k-!, in tif a. a or o'h-" aa ;h it; Tha M'Vnuinii'i .in-B der ! ! f ' Tha b o-.J i 'ivpt vr h 1 h-ia aa.l atter.jth ar us-Vrn wl Tha i-;'-n uf a i.l t.T:ch jiith. gri he r n t hi tra hum t-f kit a. :neata f-fi h'i a.i', purae. mb:tin in 1 eneriv ,tri" "J truly life i Ur a l -rta n.u h ta tka anan or woman l ttTa h' ut ri1 of m l a t let a 'i al.wvsch koll F'ja bark. ?"ir fcs!th. me uf iaa mmrh. mke u a vIcI tti of t&a "htiiea an1 f! vtint thiuah'a' Th' ta a S'-ar m,1-'?n re-t.-ay c:te1 KaT'MO that tnna. nh au h m k ruef fr,,tn mt li-ivr h r :a-Mfa e.a vur t.i:na -h i r cH'a it tri ne. twe( n.1 orwf.M- b r lie. i 'V ! ba. k yottr t rnai h r, vitality a'h .ia an ait t ."1 c Kr a trany ihiiusat's ut'a th'tiii.'i f auerra fcae ua.t ltTMO wiih aurlt rira.nua f heipful ru ti iKat ar SU'e wit! f-l tha same way If y u will Jut ! tt a ri ie b' IP rnl . of CkTONIv" ha f'1 tatinc ah''S thai r' t Uaa a Mt 'f rat1- fr-m ue 4'at!rt to.1v IU MP eerii-n ae won? if raatiita ara SMft aa anara taaa yo atpaet ATONIC I CrOR TOUR ACID-STOMACH) r lilt " " J 9 ' I I I I I '4 VwSt I V Their Lives JglJ ..- .....e- assrl 1 i-t "f un,,v. The r " ' JLV- - f':' :: t:-!V.- v,mh tl;,. .,.v,.,it;i I f I ! T - l,-ft t.. urnifd W V.,,.. X-liTJlrr I tfeV A. 1 I .nil ''lit ill VI f,, l.f.. ; ,.r ,.,., i 34 3Vf ; K' . r .vut In IT f..!lfi:e; .WV IV -.T .-.nt in e,.w-, ,ind ,.wr W 1 lA'SiSi ..T ffl.t ill . . VJjgJ" It:.' total of uimiiiii; iwrffiit- iu:i..iint,-, to tin- iiiiiuln r nf !.".- Ti7 "awwawwawww . GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort ing relief Once ynu've trlrj it on S'i.T jo :t-t, s r- tti.icle. sciiMc pimi. rhi'ii nia::c twitv?. lame Im.'k, you 'll ! ml a w.irui, n...t!.!r. rcln-f "U never thoi'n'it a lii.imem cm:! 1 produce. n't sta.n the skin, leavei no tmts wastes n time in aj'jd) iri, sure to five quick re-ults. A !..ri;e hot'.'e near.j eoi notny. Your own or .my pdier ilnu'ui-t ha it. Get it toJay. ?. $1.40. It Is Juit us tiet'dlis as It I diinirfr eos to take violent nr nasty ciitliarlii's. Mature provides no slin'k alxortiers for yonr liver and Imwels iitainst ralotnel, barsh pills, Kiekenini: oil and milts. CaseareH irlve qui. lt relief without In Jury from t 'unstlintlon, WlkniMiess, In digestion, finses and Slek lleutlache. Cascarets work wMleynu sleep, remnv Ing thp tmlns, poisons and sour, lo dlKfstltile wast? without griping or In convenience. Casnirets regulate by trengthenlni; the bowel muscles. They cost so little too. Adv. SH Agrees. "I nm not worthy of you not worthy. I nm not worthy of you " "All rltlit, (i.Hirite. ito aheinl." Inter posed the girl sweetly. "We've trot that much nettled." Louisville CourierJournal. BeeBee The old reliable BLACK-DRAUGHT for Stock and poultry Askyovr merchant! jaiwimui stout BeeDeet fennvnfl mwTlike IT jff U MEDICATED Tl salbrici ' !u.lems .., ,.f! our Aliieli.utl itistltunous of Iniiriiiiig to tv e l.l. titi'l.-d In one way or another with ..r ur effort, of th.e. Nt ,.s than i..i tli.-lr liven, and the t'.fiitvs are not yet whnliy .-..niplete. Some Lie nf h.. this ,. .IMriloitod will t.e ulv.-ti In this table nf the eol-lfii.-s which lost more than lm: Vale, lvt, Concordia. In. I., mi; fnl versiiv ..f Kansas. lo;t; llarvunl, '.".'T; I'l-iin.-tou,; ( '.,11111.1.111, l:s; Cor nell, l.'.s. I!y foiiipiirison. It s Interesting to notice the enl! of the two ehl.-f "l"sh universities, oxford had 11. 17i v.ns in the war. of w h .mi ae their lives. ( 'au(l,t i.le ex ded this wch t,,.., ,,, n.r ,lf i:(joH anil nf thee I."., were destiue nev er '.. return trom the battlefields. I loia the oui. t. a was chatactcr N'ic ,,f th. coii, j, s to do nothing with out ii. The lii-M general meeting "t f.'i;. ge in lite war )1S h !. HI -I,, I, J ,y ,", )., j ami a, .resi.,., ,.,r .y rre-idciit ''ills Co'llrey of I.fexel ll.Milllle. The pievadini iiiiuiries were "What i.ti we do ii,.;i,ed.:re!y f.,r our coini trv':" and 'll..w can we operate the c..iles us ii national asset during tlm wur period?' I'.. N. w in.' ilns conference, students were advive.l not to foiNike their plans and in-h headlong anywhere. In the face of plans thai were tiiaie rialling; tecluiical and medical stu denis, upon whom the war made n linprei-edeiited demand. Here fairly eompell. d to remain at tlu-ir studies, and tin. illy government military train ing was eMalilMied at every college, l-'roiii that time on a more complete war basis could not be Imagined. Ily organizing- camps within the wnlls of our schools, frniii which ohVor mate rial e.uild be recruited, the govern ment at nine recognized the superior potentialities of the educated man. unci did for him ail that was physically possible. Another result of the wholesale col lege niTc r to help was the estnhlish in.iit In Washington of the Intercol legiate Intelligence bureau, the Idea of l'ean William M.''lellun of the lnl- Us in housing in. u directly ennms lej with the artned other mate rial s. liools tloiii ishc.l in ninny college towns, putting a greater burden on fa cilities; several had their buildings completely refurnished for training 111 the or electrical trades. 'I lie talk now is of reconstruction, but certainly the vvnrd had grcalcr force then, when p'unts ware remodeled llin. ..St OVefti lit. all'l pllt to Us.'S never before conceived. llesides these things which are fairly well known, there are ntlu-r items no less important. One of our greatest i heal institutions gave liftv inetn- l.ers of lis stuff to the ariiiy. ami tin y "ere ocelli exclusively with Hindi cal research, 'l ea. hers in allied sub jects, as chemistry and physics, were also turned over to tin- government. and It soeiii.1 as If the scl 1 hid become only n memory. one university in I lie far West was so foresiuh'ed as to give Instruction In the problems of reconstruction and another held lectures f..r soldier and civilian alike, treating the war's prob lems in a simple- way for those who wished to understand unci learn. All is, tt lias also In a hene tit. Um public lias b.s-11 awakened from lis long sleep, during which it had drenms that the cc'lee Hum vxasi In.pra- tieal ; that h's Ideas would imt stand the test. il.e a flush these men went to war. professors and students alike, Into the army. navy, administra tive offices, experhuenial stations, unv . tc i ii. shops, ami their success ha alreaclv been told. It Is vet Impossible to secure a full list of inventions whl h th.y contributed to winning the witr. but we must thank man) of them for new eontriv atices. ami countless Im provements In mechanical eiiulptnetit which keep our nation In the lead n an lev. ntof. The public, ton long nc.niesclng in the silent struggle of universities, and regarding them In a iiialter of fact way. have now come to realize that they are a real force, a real factor In our national life, without which me diocrity would I ir fate. The atti tude has ..o often been one of mere toleration. In spile of that the ml- i leges have been doing their noble work, nm! now the time has cnine when the public should lend Its iild. Wartime burdens, together with the i oiiiiiinod In pries .hiring the past few Vears, have brought iheir dif ficulties to a lo ad. In the form of in creased deli. its. and the necessity f..r mi. !e naklng n. w tasks for which no f no U are v is I.I... It has long been f. lt tb it profess,. rs have long been underbill. I. They ur not choosing this profession because ihcy want a living, but I ause they love II, and regard lln-niselvcs as nble to give their best through such channels-. And yet their fellows In other walks of life can f eminently earn more money. Outside college- halls there Is no limit of S.,..'jiii In sight. 1H i '-: . f -11 . fchouU be made artitic, sanitary and livable. These walls thould be Alabastined in the latest, up-tYk-the-nunute future color tints. Kach room should rcriwt your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The i"t of the old home, whether mansion or cottier, can b trusie juvt at attractive, just as tn.tar), through the intelligent ux ui Instead of kahomine or wallpaper v. S ' e:'. -. w"ei v ihifip,tk e. t" t'.sn to have toccr-es t r-r- 's aft. - lie it:: . t t'citr e: t vitn ..til- r it at. na.s, vhe Jvu on e to the u-i .1 A'.: si -tmc, a. .!. t.-t'.y every o:.e mww or Utef. Once j-t:r w.i"i are A' i' a '.:" I y in can U' anv irateria! ever it hou!l V-.4 ,'e .ire. I ,.t Laving uxi A'. a-tuj yoa will tave bo desira ur any otuir tr. jtitictit. Ala-tire Li so evy to trlt an ! apt V so SasVr.g in its results ! absolutely wtutary ant so generally "rvosmicl as the roier dtcvrativa mat. rial in a cl.i -s by it If that it u U'gutUinj siitfis-u'.t to numifctur Ut enough to ssipv ly the ileuun J. A!a! a.-tine is a dry pow !er, f ut up in fiv e-rwun 1 pa. ltajes, white and tuactiful tints, tea tv to n : arc! use t v the a 1 htion cf col 1 water, an i with full .iinrcticns n ea. h ra.-Lage. i iem ac tt puiN A.mbtiuini has etc aal c.-lc ptmU J in re !. Sen 'IS U.i COC Ci-fS Betr wita t a -1 -p1 rl-w ard wud Wl aa aa y - s uia Uib aut. AIABAJT1NE COMPANY Crane) Rapnlt Mltkina . etv too. nttm worn. Stocked Up. t Combination. "I Imp." next winter will be neld." ' "What has I. cine of your AtltlTo h) V "Wc have li'tle in .u hae.-n leiiL-aeV P. llecT for .-."Ml " i "The price nf tobae'es. JtllllH'. tt . that we luer.-ed it Into the 1'ers.Miul $100 Reward, $100 Cstirrh to a Iota) dicraM irtty tnSvl- by eoititilutlcinal roceittceiia It therefore) ifuulrvo eonstttuttc.nal trevat mnt HAl.L CATAKKH MCDlcTNS la takan tntrnally are.) acta through, tha DKxiil on tha Mue-oua Surfaca of th 9ya t.m HA1.I.8 CATAHKH MKIMcTNK aaatroya tha foundation of the? diavaaa. aivera the ratltnt atranath ty t.-rpiovlnf ta frnaral health an.l aaaiata natura In a:n Ha work. ! for any raaa Catarrh that HAIJi CATARRH UrbirtNB falls to rut. I'ruifUta Tc. Taatlmenlalt fr'a r. J. Cban.y a Co.. Tolado, Ohio. Airplanes that collide when T's' feet 111 the air are too high. Ili'ollolllV league rnxia wxnrat nana tnvir Aa4 lrt .lrt htl .1 ha at.lena. MYar -tlaali ata n eaa'tr : I aa. f irssa H to num.reua to la . parl.h hu wra aei.rinu wiih e-hii'a. aialanaaiel fe..r. I atai.iij it le, tl.oa. itt.i a -a a,etT.tsr. aa.l la rwlof t (.hsI tenlr " It. n HBBao..aaU St St.phtte Cbure-a. I'.rtk Aaelst. N. J. l-.tlllr Hateeli )o cnta. a I slreira'a.a ch by F-r.-.l i.M.t. i.r.pia, fruai av.tfca.waai a Cs Waouf ion, U U. Swabb ng Yarni. Slob- You have to keep tilings teat on shipboard, tiol, - I'.et. ba '. Seni'i. biilotislv i leaii.- l artooiis Magazine. as Sleveral universities have recently this was In addition to hecomliiK "no , ,,, fr ,.nipaign for inotie.v of the many an I e-amps Into which i i,..i- i,i v,,..,., tb.. i...t. t,-r known of tln-se' Institutions nre llarrd. Trlnc-tnti. Ceiluinbiii. l'niver sity nf I'nnnsvlviinhi. Kordhani, Mt. Ilolyoki', and Smith. Committees of lending graduiiles have been formed In the princ ipal cities, and In soma Instances in every part of the world, for the purpose of canvassing. Thus the world Is being treated to a demonstration that good men among us think an education Is positively worth while. They are unwilling to j see suc h a national asset crying v.iiiuy nllcgns changed, ami education mocked of under ante bellmn schedules becatiie nlniost a nonentity. I The vvniiinii s colleges, too, Jedned ' their efforts, llesides war chests, ! from which one well known female liege drew SltM.IMKI. they maintained ambulances in France, ami sent driv ers for them. Heels In hospitals of France were endowed, and summer training camps for nurses were ?,- tahllsheil, to lie ready against the time when a scarcity should be felt. Vn-i snr's farm unit showed that women could till the soil and this orgixnlfn- versity of I'eiinsylvania. whereby over 1 thm was the forerunner of the worn four thousand student were placed in ' un's land nrmv. PELLAGRA ITS 1II4TORV IT f.FrTT4 I IS MYtH'TOM1 ITM TKr TMr T Jiiteresttlnc bMlc sent fre-n in pUla uruieti envcl'ipe CROWN MEDICINE COMPANY TTaltua liult.ting, Atlnntn, r. ; positions for which they had peculiar ! fitness. I Likewise there grew up In the war ! department a committee on the flnssi - flcatloti of personnel, and this bureau sought to classify men ac rding to their experience, oc-i upatiotl, and eclu 1 cation; the number of men who were ' placed where they could do their best . work will probably never be known, j The story of the students' army ; training corps is well known. While ( not a triumph, the cfTori was i liarac--. torisiio ,,f the colleges, trying to do n ! th".v could in the face of many ob : stmies. and the country Is not wauling ; in appreciation. Navni train establish. -.1. at branch id the upward s.v ing too, tin- story ing units were likewise d thus the pow.T of that national forces took tin I'ollege men nil know, of their ow n Insi itut ioiiH Furthermore, every college bus a record uf which it can be proud. In the various drives for funds. Local activities, us entertaining soldiers on leave, were fostered, and In tunny In stances entire college buildings were turned over to some welfare organi7.a t Ion. To all this effort there Is n reaction. Industry now Is coiniter-attacklng it through what Is called reconstruct Ion, I'nder the immense strain industry's machim-ry deterioruted ; It was built for peace-time purposes, and war rid dled it. Tim colleges, tocc. underwent the snme experience. From the ipiint surroundings tradition gives tlmui. Ihcy Ice nine bustling hives, without ever a pause until it all was over. Not in, iii then could they plan for the future. Lai while hi' war did this for the for f iimls with which to Irain youth for the problems of coming genera tions, and to tench them to cast aside the creep of false doctrines which sometimes threaten to overcome the truth. In short, they are making nn Invest ment for posterity. Hotter things will come of better education; and better educations lire possible only with bet ter facilities, such ns the best tab-lit, the best equipment, and a greater spirit of satisfaction mining the teach ers as a result of paying them n price neare r tlu-ir true worth. They are not beggars, and they are not bargainers; they have chosen to elce their work re gardless of the Mli-rilices. It is up to society to seize the opportunity and keep these men In their chosen places. lu-t as the trained men took the leaci In war. so vv'ill the, same ineli he called upon to tackle the new prob lems of pe in e. Guticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands Soap IT.. Ointment 2T dfA)., Tnle-iim 2fw Simple l.-fi n, . 1...1 rr.. I.r -e ,it,,.,irs ,..,,t p l..Mt. n ' Cures most trouble in horses and eattle. Fattens them and keeps them fat. Results piaranteed or money back. Mnde of 8o !t, balivnfe 8 different kinds of dniinv. Weiths 3 lbs. Blocks 5 lbs. Stays bard. Nearly all merchants have it. For particulars, Edgerton Salt Brick Co. Goldsboro, N. C; Atlanta, Gs., and Kcmpbia, Tenn. Salesmeu wanted. Which? I'nole Is nn Indiana newspaper man and sometime at home" he discusses the editeerlulx be proposes to wrile. Not long ngo he was discussing one of the average American's pursuit after things thnt are not essential. "I shall call It 'The Search After the Coldnn Fleece,'" he said. "I think that title will attrni't attention. Nine year old Hobby looked up from Ids pudding. "Are you going to spell It f-l-e-a-s?" ho asked. liDVI? Wfai and Morning. yfVTC Hav Strong, Healthy iSs Eytt. It they Tire, Itch, na c w 1 i'jf oumifcui uui.i,usvig, VZ, rDrC Irritated, Inflamed 01 TOUR LYtsJ Granulated, use Murine often. Soothaa. Rafraahca. Safe foi Infant(orAdult. At all Druggist. Writefot FreaEraBook. tMmtjtlmti CQkj oWll- ,tMtm,i - -Ml I a ) I,' nr 'if-!-- ' mm hull imei I'H IW i-'V.-U-Juui....n- .mm., " A Strawberry Dream Strawberry time recalls to those who have visited Iienmark In summer that delightful cellar In Copenhagen where a feast of strawberries and .-ream was spread, am whoso cheese could partake thereof at a quite small charge the equivalent of fid. if wit re metnbc' rightly. Files of .strawberries, quart Jugs of cream partly whipped, great basins of sugar, and nothing else, all down the long table In the I cool basement, to which the visitor j descends from the hot street. It is In tru'h a s'rawberry dream. Kvery I'ane knows Anderson's cellar. It is one of the ultra, 'lions of Copenhagen, and to have, eaien strawberries there once Is to have' an enduring memory : of something nearly perfect on this Itn , perfect earth. London f'hronlole. Sicilian Vespers Remembered. In Sicily, on Faster Monday, red roses are worn by all, and houses nnd churches nre bedecked with crimson blossoms. This custom has been kept up annually for more Hum six hun dred years, in memory of the great uprising of the Islanders against the l ie mh known to historians as the Sicilian Vespers massacre. Tradition has it that a bride on her way to church was Insulted by drunken sol-dli-rs and that. In the coii,-vi of the resultant disturbance, she was nccl-(h-titally killed, the while roses of which her brlilnl wreath was compos ed bi'ing stained red by her blood lleiu-e the custom. Beginning of Man From this sketch of the first history of mini it appears that his departure from the paradise which reason repre sents ns the first residctire of his species, was nothing else than the transition from the rudeness of a merely nnlmal nnture, to humanity, from the lending strings of Instinct to the guidance nf reason In a word, from the guardianship of nnture, to n suite of freedom. Whether man has gained or lost by this change, can no longer be a question, If wc regarel the destination of the species, which con sists solely In progress toward per fection, however defective may have been the first attempts, and even a long series of successive nt tempts, to pene trate to this end. Kant. Oldest Candy in the World. Host of the black licorice comes from Spnln, where It Is mnde from the Juice of the plant, and mixed with starch to prevent It from molting In hot weather. The lh-orlce plant Is a shrub about three feet high and grows wild where its roots can reach the water. It grows largely on the hanks of the Tigris and Iluphrates rivers. As the valley of the Euphrates contained one of the earliest civiliza tions In the world, It Is probable that licorice Is about the oldest confection 111 the world, and that the taste which boys nnd girls like so well today vvna enjoyed by the boys and girls of Itahylon ami Nineveh three thousand years ago." Brockton Enterprise Encouraging Bolshevism Everything that falsely en courages unrest also encourages bolshevism. Misunderstanding of Amer ican industrial organization, and of its benefits to mankind, leads to unrest, dissatisfaction, and radicalism. For example, the Federal Trade Commission tells the pub lic that the large packers had an agreed price for lard substitute (made of cotton-seed oil.) It reproduces letters taken from the files of one of the packers, showing that such agreed price existed. But it failed to mention that the agreed price was deter mined at the request of and in co-operation with the Food Administration! Even the Department of Jus tice, in its unjust attempt to create prejudice against the packers, has made public these same letters, with no explanation. How long must this kind of misrepresentation continue? In so far as it is believed, it not only breeds discontent, but re sults in injustice to our industry. Let us send you a "Swift Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift ft Company, Union Steock Yards, Chicago, HI, Swift & Company, U. S. A. ATi O-VV WHATRECOMfSOFX, Cj A ff THE AVERAGE D0U A I hzj VpW RECEIVED BY mss3,iimr swift & companyu. I I I I 1 FROM THE Silt OF MEAT V J Pit IB II cists u.iio ros tmi las fVTT iT - . . Ola A llvt animal i1"-- V iAr ToStaahmtrl H it t cm, for iabo ftJW QM t"ISSll FREICeeT ff , W J? f, ST BtMAINl U rytt tizJf . v with g SJ5 VSWlFit COMPANY say Ai mout V , , ' ri 'aCr.fuyf' .