- - - - V ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. 4t PLAIN TALK. a. i lo You have been working for two. Eve, ten - perhaps twenty years - and how much actual money have you put away as a reserve for the "rainy day -for the unproductive period of your life which is bound to' come) There are thousands who at your time of life were short-sighted financially, now they are old and penniless, and dependent on their relatives or the State. Would you be in this class) SAVE Opei On Today. Resources Over $200,000.00 A Dollar Witt Cpea a Stvicgi Account. Male lair's Sunset a Blight One 1 r? I t i ? CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF ROSEMARY, N. C. J no. L Patterson, Pres. J. A Moor. Vice-Pres. T. W. Mullen, Vice-Prea. 4l Frank l- Nash, Cashier 4lo GF Allsteel Lasts Longer Emporia Agricultural Fair Association October 21st to 24th, 1919 Good Racing Program Every Day. Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibits Splendid Midway, and Free Arts Reduced Rates on all Railroads Entering Emporia For further information write to B. M. GARNER, Secy-Treat. rielpfal enmce To si w our customers intelligently, efficiently and economi cally is the goal we are striving for. To do this we rea lize we must do three things, First - anticipate their wants and go to the markets and buy; Second - maintain an intelligent and polite sale force; Third - condud our bus iness so as to prevent all unnecessary expense. Now we have been to the markets and bought We have added to our sales force MISS ROSA SMITH, a saleswoman well enough ac quainted in the community to need no introduction. About the economical part our prices will convince you. Just now we invite your attention to our stock of Yard Goods Percales Ginghams Serges Silks Flannelettes Laces and Embroideries For the present we are telling yard wide Bleaching at 22 1 -2c per yard Best Grade Yellow Cotton Cloth at 30c per yard Can you beat these prices Patterson Store Company A DEPARTMENT STORE F. M. HIGHT, Manager Rosemary Classified Advt. Column Ml W. L DAVIS, EYESIGHT; Specialist, of Plymouth, N. C. I will be in Rosemary next Thursday, October, 1. and Roa noke Rapids Friday and Sat urday, October 17th. and ISth. at V. G. Lynch'i Jewelry Store. This will be Dr. Davis' last visit thi i year. Cleaning Pressing Altering Vi e guarantee )oui clothes returned when prunused and satisfaction loo. Walter Cherry Drug Store Building Snoftti Sttrrt Next Poor to r. M. Coburn STOVES For the Approaching Winter We were fortunate in securing a big stock of stoves this year and now have on display the largest stock of stoves we have ever shown. Our stock includes the Cheap Sheet Iron Stove to the Best Hot Blast For Making the Cooking Pleasant The Favorite Range has no mperior.'' We will be glad to show you the many advantages of the Favorite. B. S. WEBB Exduiive Furniture Dealer $50.00 KEWARD I will pay $50.00 reward to tlu' jvrson furnish ing me with the name of the party who originat ed the infamous falsehood that the government authorities were after me for profiteering. This falsehood was slarted for no other reason than to try to stay the wonderful strides we are making in the shoe business by constant application to our business Selling Shoei at Fair Pricea and Rendering an Unexcelled Service We do not brVve these tactics will huit llir name of Coburn among his many friends and customers, and only make this statement for the benefit of strangers in our midst. A Challenge We invite a public comparison of our prolits with those of any other shoe dealer by the 1 lalif ax County Fair Price Committee. W e Buy and Sell More Shoes Than Any Other House in the County and Sell Them Cheaper F. M. COBURN Our Policy is One of Satisfaction Henderson Granite aaa Marble Works J. B. CEC u4 L !. BLUE. trm. If interested in Monuments or Tomb stones, write u. Best price. Stuf ctM CawulM HeuUrsoit. N. C. E. H. RICKS Real Eatate See me if you want tu buy or sell Office 2nd Floor National Bank Bldg. Report of the Condition of The Citizens Bank and Trust Company, at Roteaary, N. C, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, September 12th, 1919. RESOURCES Ixiant and Discounts $ Demand Ixjans Overdrafts, secured, f ; unsecured, $ .68 Banking Houses, J ; Furni ture and Fixtures, $2,000.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Items held over 24 hours 39.526.60 26,000.00 .68 2,000.00 Total 70,613.62 45.00 1137,186.80 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in ' $ 20,630.00 Undivided Profit, leas cur rent expenses and taxes paid 451.85 Deposits subject to check 100,549.20 Time Certificates of Deposit 1,060.00 Savings Deposits 14,322,76 Cashier's Checks outstanding 181.99 Total $137,185.80 State of North Carolina-County of Halifax, October 3, 1919. I, F. L. Nash, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. L. Nash, Cashier Correct-Attest: Thos. M. Jenkins, 1. U. Loftin, Di rectors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3rd day of October, 1919. A. L. Clark, Notary Public. My commiaainsi expires March 28th, 1920 11; i ( ff j the national YXf joy smoke J I makes a whale krC JL IL of a cigarette t V -X'.s V7 Copmfbt itt t br M. J. KajriMjfcla TufeKSS Cft. KOU certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table, call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a tnakin'a cigarette ! Youll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count of your smokestuntsl Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for the packing I Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half your amokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for your contentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of Prince Albert's qualitystands our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch 1 With P. A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard I Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and stays put like regular pall Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be I It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation to the Joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS T03ACCO COMPANY; VtTaUSalsai'N.'C A trtiitint ynur ftrn'tt rlnrf loppy ri fcajfs, tidy rmd fis, hand torn pound mod haif pound tin hurrudorwr mndthmt Claay, prmetknl paund erymta! g!&$ humidor mih sponge moitnr top that Aevps Pnncs) Albert in Much perftfct condition I WW-... A mmm HsaWSJSMisiiW