ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE EAPID. ... w. A Monument U: Carek? Over the Grave of a I Den OPLN THE DOOR - r" I iiAauivAii j (Awmm CAN EASILY REDUCE : STM'J'S FOLLOWING HIGH LIVING COSTS FLAG AROUND WORLD araaa Will Cama Daw Whan Ivary. Thrift Cimaal(n Om On Whtrw Puta Shauldar ta Wfeaai and Inaraani Valuma af Pr4u- tla. 014 Olary Wavaa CHaarlna Nawa I vamaa rrwi rirm; vw-iantlitapla. 'rut alitorj aai KTa4 futta aoa Aloa'IU tka aaa at tha Navy. cltulT!? that you caa aa mora lag la- tat War SaTtaaa Btama la following lata lb wit of lUi.i ua aaa aova tha IM roaal tha wor!4. la tka Ma- toaa jo caa nop tit tld a aullt- laa a m mall." Kuaitr W. Uab lltarrauaaa aa.adroa. tha aaraaial aaUii laauritlaa ara aa uiuca'a part ou. iutiou.1 upvrt la Saaaca. "Tha of tha battlathlpa aad cnilaara that aaata iKouomlc law w( lupply and da- ara aiding la atratihltulog out tha niand always bu and layi will da tanglrd iff in of Alia Minor aa tha Uraitui prtcaa." ha drclra. "la aplta anmualtlun hoiata of urtinltcUl raitriciioai which may for Amarlcaa thrift haa But atoa aaaui to luterfera temporarily." paf at hoaia. Tha taring! campalga AVhfD demand atdi tupply. orgaalied by tha Salagt Dlriiloa of arii are hound to naa. With Urea I tha Treasury Deaartmeat la being car huagry men with one kaf of brtad. rtad out by both offleera and aiea but oaa thing caa happea Whea tup- through War Savlnga Bacletlea. Thrift ply etottdt demand the reverie la Stamp. War Barlnga ft'vnai and tnta Three lone at bread ta aaa Traatury SaTlaga Certlfleint maa bring pricei t'imbllna dowa. ! A latter )uat receives by tha Sbt- "Thi real oauia for the preeeat high lag Dlrlaloa from Captain David F. level pricei li apparent when yoa , Boyd, eoajmindlng V. I. 3. Olyntpla reallie that tha United Statee la eg-jat Coaitaatlnopla brlnga tha Infor pertlng it pretent twlee tha foodttufti ' mation that tha thrift campaign oa that It eiported a year tgo. and threw that vtel haa been placet) In charge to lour time tha amount eiported la ' of Lieutenant H. K. Koebig. Ciptala aennal ytari. We are feeding Europe, wbit't mire we mutt continue to feed tlon of hlanelf Europe until It geta baok oa Iti awa worh feet amla. I "Their crop ef 1111 will help tome. I but we niutt wait until the harveit of ltt before they ara wholly tndepend-1 eat of country. If the general ' public ra be educated to an appre ciation of the altuatlon at It It. and ran be made to tee tbit the well be ing of twiy oae of aa dependa upon ivory man producing it be hai never produced before, tupply rin be la-1 creaaed ts meet and eicetd thla an-j precedonted demand aad we ihall i weather the ttorm with everybody i ihtfid. e e e j "Under the fllrrnmttancea, It It more of rllginu aunt'ja than an ! toonorrlo one. Mulmum production j oa th part of every Individual mutt be made a moral lame. De sreaeed demand meane depreialoa, and employment and bird tlmaa tor; everybody. Increased production will tat the tltuatlon and lolve the prob lem" But that can only be accompllah-j ed by every man putting bit ihoulder to tha wtaml, and producing aa ha aevar produced before, e e e e Whea the majority of the people were made ta feel that tlavery waa wrong. It waa abollthed When tha majority of tha people were made to feel that drink ing wai wrong and were athamed to be aean going Into a latoon, we got prohibition "In the time way, when the people Boyd gave nturanre of tha ce-opera aad hit men la tha PAID FOR FUNERAL War Bavlaga Btampe ara at In evitable aa death aad taiea, aad they ben eat tha d4 aa wall aa tha llrtag Reoeatly Joha Klrklrat died la Dayton, Ohio. Ha loft ao relative aad twa who nought to give him a proper burial ware eoo fronted with difficulty la anaoclng tha funeral. Ktrhirai had died leaving aa ready eath. and tha eolleitoue frlendt were afraid that tablle charity would have ta ba eharfe4 with tha burial cipeatee. They dlaeovorad, however, that before ha died tha man bad la vetted la about 1M of War Bar ing Btampa. A trip to tha Dayton poetofflce aad tha obiervanca of tha neceeaary formalltlea enabled them to pay tha undertaker" bill. THE SOBERING BUNDLE Whan yea have a buaaa of boodle In the hank Jutt np tha pike, you'll ttand for Yankee Doodle, law and or der and tha Ilka. Than no creed of begin a. loo own on the man who U , "-"" r!: ',... . -h H. ' l" T confirmation net a prolutrr, or who curtail! hi preAurMon, we ihall atrlke at the tap root of the cott of living . problem. We mutt go on a "producing cam Ilfn'." Th only roid to Independenea thrtftlnett ind economy. The power a man put Into laving mtaturet tha power of tha maa la everything ha undertake. There are 1.440 minute ta every day If you ute five of thm to buy War Saving Stampi. you itlll have 1,411 left for other thing! A quarter taved a day mean 111 II la a year, or more than 1100 If put la War Bavingi Stampi. Rain won't make cropt grow galea need la in thn ground, lntereit caa't anake War Sirlnm Stampt grow un lea your mimey la In them. Pat your la V-'. S. 3. you'll denounce It Ilka a itreak. Whaa a maa I broke and butted, with no package laid away, ha ta evermore dlaguated with tha lawl we all obey. He would lee oar eourtt all leveled, and the Judgea on tha rack, and tha plutoarata bedeviled till they gave up all their itack. Ha would aee all thlngt upended, Juatlce ha would render mate; then hi chance would b aplendld ta accumulate tome loot. I have teen acme agltatora itlrring up tha people' teuli. and they all wore caat-oK galtere aad their panta were full of hole. Aad they laid their nhala were elanklng at they damaad the plutocrat; If they'd only a torn banking they would toon get over that. I hare heard the apirlera thrift lea putting up their weary Bang; I havt heai-d the weak aad thlftlete lay ing everything ia wrong. But th maa wh oavei hla money thtak th Ruttli.i dreed abaurd, aad he thlak It beattly fuany that te maaf ytfji ara heard. . E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING . LICENSED EMBALMER Christmas Goods IjisI year we had so main calk f r Cl u-tnus Labels. Seals and Tags that wc dfcJeJ to atU tlu-' to ur stationery department this year. This we have done and u U Heve you will find just what you want incur vaiixl stmk. We have already received a large part of our Giristmas ixxls horn Dt nnison and have in stock Decorated Crepe Paper Decorated Crepe Paper Napkins Decorated Luncheon Sets Streamers and Festoons Labels Tags Seals Mica Snow and expect our Gift Boxes any day The Word. Dennison Means the .Best Buy Early - This Will Avoid Disappointments Herald Publishing Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. MOT your home. Y.hi have been lucky new 4 had a tin-. But luck is a iV.lU thin Don't stake your pio;ierry on it! Insure. Insure to iL limit. Remember your probity value lias almost doubled. Having insured-! careful Care is as neccessary as insurance. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company htve experts to adviv )ou on fire preventimi a fnv sen-ice to be had ti.rough this agency. 4 J r. " i TSil if 0 National Loan & Insurance Co. Laths !acrarat4 AGENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Fire Life Accident Health Automobile Hail Tornado Plate data Boiler Burglary Liability - - - nt-i v.:- m ii tea:, :! I;! I.vv0,,n. IT':. "IE ii'. r a .a twi . -ail ii a S; V - . B . Vis,l 3 As It Is As It; Seems Tli i I; :1; i i i i -li i.ot'.u, hi new wvciiuiiu t UI1 se-Point Cantilever Springs YOU C'cj'cct ii I .-.(! !' :ul to rule as it looks. It did, until the i: .':o..iv.:ioii of' the Overland 4 Sj'nn!as.'. Overland 4 il' cs ;'; cli.ip.:p tlie road, but xtdoes chango the vir.mur in which ou can ride on it. It gives you c-i;ji'ort i:istc:i.l of ilis-coirfort. It gives you a smooth, ;:v!;r scv-itinn instead of bouncing ami swayinj. The at'taclmicnt of Thn.v-I'oint Canti- lovcrSnri":j,ss.t tlio?n.l.;o."a 1 J; )-inch :ringiase gives lo'ij v hcc.mse r .' c stcidnc cf( Jvcrlaml 4 retains al' t!.-: :.-.!vanta;v.- - ht.ic-s, ccon oinyundvacci ...i..di:n j;,ci 1 (A)-iich hcelbasc. At. k r?. This means an altogether new standard of riding comfort, a noteworthy reduction in the wear and tear which lessens the efficiency of a car. The new springs give longer life to every part and thus minimize up keep and replacement costs. Tires wear longer because cushioned against hammering blows. Light weight means marked econ omy in gas, oil and running expense. Overland 4's equipment is complete from Auto Lite Starting and Lighting to Demountable Rims. Come in and see this remarkable car. Ask for booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $845; Roadster, $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan, $1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo. ,-f - -- A '." fcfL '.... r-j Mia -' m ".. i I? vA OOincfi Wheelbase bA Mft -jfeaii m a.- W. F. JOYNER MOTOR COMPANY Roanoke Rapids, Day Phone 506 - N.C. Night Phone 540