V ROANOKF. EAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. rCBlISUED EVERT FR1DAT BY The Herald Publisiung Co., Inc. ,. T. Stainback .... Editor Subscription $1.50 i Year in Adance TELEPHONES lav 570 - Niht 568 l otered Second Cla Matter April :', i-A, t the Post Office t Roanoke l.upidx, North Carolina, under Act of Marvh 3, 1S79. A" coniraunicationa (boald be nd-lrt-ssed to the Herald Publishing Co. l'rme wishing return of ms, must in nil i es enclose stamps. I peace is discoforting and dis ; quieting to thoughtful Americans That during this year we may rise higher than the cockpit of political strife and take the only possible stand of recognizing and fulfilling out manifest duties to humanity is ardently to be hoped for. May commercial prosperity blind us never to the necessity of doing our full duty as a nation to the society in which we live. Only in so doing can we preserve our self respect, the respect of others, even our rational integ rity and independence. Nineteen twenty looms before splendid with possibilities for service, achievement, happiness Ail curd of thanks, resolutions of re--I -i t. etc., etc.. will be charged for at lli late uf one cent per word. Cash iru.!t mvnmpany article in all cases ( t here customer has a regular -. 'imt. No insertions made for leas t ' in 'ib cetits. Friday, January 2, 1920 and progress. Never nation faced a future more glorious. more powerful. Never nation I faced responsibilities more p:u'- j ting and insomuch as the iiulivi- i dual assumes unto himself his J share of this national responsihi- j lity so will America realize ami j achieve her destiny. ' E. H. RICKS Real Estate See me it' you want in lmv or cell Office 2nd Floor National Rank BUI Te'.pho.e 642 E. A MATTHEWS Attorney at Law NOTARY PUBLIC Office First National Bank Building Roanoke Rapids N. C. E. U TRAVIS. SR. E. L. TRAVIS. jR TRAVIS & TRAVIS Attomevi at Law HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Stato and Fedei h! Courts Cleaning Pressing Altering We guarantee your clothes returned when promised and satisfaction too. Walter Cherry Drug Store Building Second Street Next Door to F. M. Cobum E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER - - N. C. Roanoke Rapids, Day Phone 506 Night Phone 540 H21 MONEY BACK - Ai'houi quetinoif Hunt' Salt t jii- tn i If t-p intent of ferxraj Ir'irr, Ktntwofm, Itch, etc. IVn'i br. iMf dt'-outfd be . mir uthrr trfiirarots tailed Hunt 'a Salvs hatfcUeved hua- .Jici ot vkh ce. Vou cu t !..' in oar f c duart'l loliAY Prut7cl ROANOKE PHARMACY January $, ?$?! Look whose here, little 1920! Wei! girls, look sharp More yon Vap. Wo-ider if the Red Ark carried a .! -'vo or a buzzard? The Chicago packers are now u: the w. k. squeal. i'roi. I'orta's prophecy was th." oar's biggest fizzle. The mark seems to be the; i tisiot thins in Germany. A r:ti-Barleycorn Nw Years' Ileso'.utions will stick this time. This is emphatically not an off j year for presidential candidates, j We understand those of the; Mcnuy Stunted who continue; to ! .i alcohol are knocking on; Northern wood alcohol seems to be if anything deadlier than its Southern hrother Monkey !'.-jssia seems to be "forever iil'-.vin? hubbies" but judging ;'r ;n news dispatches from Sov :u; i they are not soap bubbles. 1 't-portinsr Reds to Russia may j ! 'ike carrying coals to New-j i-r.:tle but still one can't havej too p.::cl5 of a good thin;, you ! kr.ow. ! Not the least joy of the gladj New Year is the fact that we! ran ail berin shortly to dally j with those delightfully interest-' ing and amusing income tax re-1 Sing out. wild bills What a tale of Christmas, ! your mammoth total tells! "hopping, shopping, shopping' Morning, noon and night I lew dad howU in his affright ; At the grim and ghastly sight. '. '! those January bills. LOOKING FORWARD once again we have passed j the invisible line which sep arates year from year. Nineteen Tiincten with it3 hopes and fears, its achievements and its) rrJstal.es has faded into the ut- tor Trithin?nft of the paaL i 'Nor all our piety nor wit" will serve to alter in the slightest the record it has graven on the schroll of time. We can. however, carry for ward the fight for human happi ness and human progress into the newer year of 1920, avoiding the mistakes and profiting by tha experiences of the year now gone, with fuller confidence in the ultimate achievement of the goaJtofoard which we are striv ing. Certainly judging by material prosperity alone, in most of the world 1919 has been a year of j progress -no where mors so than in our own country, the Croesus pf the modem world. The scars of war everywhere, except in those countries over whom the menace of the Red death looms large, are surely being eradicat ed. That instead cf helping Air erica is hindering the return New Year's Greetings We wish lo thank our many friends and customers of Roanoke Rapids, Rosemary, and vicinity for their hearty cooperation and kind patronage since August 15, 1919, when we opened up with a complete line of Men's and Bey's Furnishings. For the coming year we promise better and heartier cooperation, together with a larger and a more progressive business w ith the interest of our patrons at heart. We wish for each and all a year of Prosperity and Happiness. Harrison & Thomas Clothiers, Haberdashers, Hatters Roanoke Rapi ;s, N. C. Roanoke Hardware Company We wish to thank the peoples, of . Halifax and Northampton. - Coun ties for their co-operation during 1919, and assure them that we will leave nothing undone lo serve them even better during the year of 1 920 Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids. N. C, Inventory Time Is Approaching Therefore We Offer ig Reductions On All SUITS AND COATS For Women SUITS AND OVERCOATS For Men And Reductions generally throughout our Dry Goods and Notions Departments. SPECIAL 25c Yellow Cotton Goods Patterson Mills Ginghams 371-2 yd. A Large Variety to selefl from. 191-2c This is a Special that is going to Save some money (or some one. Why not you? The L. G. Shell Co., Inc. the Quality Store Rosemary, N. C. A Happy Cew Year lo Jill To Our Patrons and Friends We extend our best wishes for your pros perity and success dur ing the coming, .-year. W riBvr limited turwJy of Calendars which will be dutiihutf J to thov: who i all at our Bank and a.4 for thrm The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids Only Rational and Largest Capitalized flanging Jnstilutton jVl. Halifax and Northampton Counties C A. WYCHE, Prt S. F. PATTERSON. V-Pieu. -T.-U'.-M i ONG; V-Pn. J.T. STAINBACK. CW ' 3 A W cf tte world to the ways of