ROANOKE RAPIDS IIERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. YOU'LL SOON LOOK OLD FROM HERE UP SICK? BILIOUS? COME LISTEN! Made Me a Well Man Mr. Louis Yonnr iav aifford St, Rochester, N. Y, writes: with chronic bo,l trouble. Horn. ok trouble cad kn,orrki(n of t fcons-la. .- tb.ouSht, a bo,t,e o' P'runa and I took it faithfully, and I to feel better. My wife persuaded me to con- time as directed. KS1T i an well ma, Polk Miller's The Old Fashioned Kind that do the year. Unequalled for Biliousnest. Sick t.on and Malaria. At all Manufactured by Polk Miller Drug Co.. KING PIN CHEWING TOBACCO Has that good licorice taste uouVeieen looting for. SFCRKT ft I.F.ARN TKl.l, SEX BABY CHICKS. Addreaa S. Head, Klah Creek, N. T. Bookkeeping and Shorthand Thoroly Tauiht. Wlntet term Jan. a. Add. Oreenaboro Com anercial 8ch.. Greenaboro, N. C. for ralaloc W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 1-1920. Away Up. "Is your daughter jiroinlnent in the girls' club?" "Chairman of the rnmmlttee on face powder." Louisville Courier-Journal. ' ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuino Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package," containing prop er directions for Colds, Tain, Head ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu matism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin Is trade ttinrk of Bayer Manufacture of Mono cetlcacldester of Sallcylleacld. Adv. ARE RULED BY SUPERSTITION Almost Every Act of a Roumanian, From the Cradle to the Grave, Is Thus Guidtd. Rnumnnln Is one of the favorite homes of superstition, where supersti tions accompany life literally from the cradle to the grave. Before a child Is christened It must undergo the Important ceremony of its first hath, given in a huge wooden bowl, which also serves as its cradle, at the home of Its godmother. If It is a hoy there must be poured into the bath a sym bolical miMiire of corn, wine and honey; if a girl the bath must con tain feathers from the w ings of a dove and petals of n rose to serve as a prayer to the Three Spinners, believed to be weaving the child's destiny, that her fnotsteps through life may be as soft ns a dove and her face as fair as a flower. A hook, a loaf of bread and a rod are offered a boy. If he chooses the book he will be a scholar; if the bread, he will be a thrifty, practical, successful man of affairs; if the rod, which is laid on his back, he will be a ne'er do well, Is the belief. When a man dies there must be placed in his coffin a eomh, a bit of soap and a coin to pay the fee due Charon, to ferry him over the Itiver Styx. A hypocrite wants people to think he thinks what he doesn't think. No race with Coffee Drices! POST CEMEM is still selling at the same fair price, and is better for you. Try it! Two sizes, usual price 15 and 25? Hade hy Rstum Cereal Co. Battle Creek.Mich. Suffered thirty years witl stomach trouble and hemorrhages of the bowels. liquid or Tablet Ferea Liver Pills work. The same formula for 50 Headache. Conatipa- 1 f I I ) Inc, Richmond. Va. 1 V7 TRAPPERS Since 17 thouaanda of trapp-ra have ahlpped ua annually their en tire catch of RAW FURS They knew they would receive tpot cash and abaolutely fair and equare treatment. Send ua your nert conalfnment of Skunk, Pox. Bear, Muakrat, Opossum, Beaver, Rnccoon, Lynx, etc Highest Market Prlcea. No charged. Send for price list today. OTTO WAGNER 134, 136. 138. 140 Weal 26th Street NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest claaa of finishing. Prlcea and Catalogue upon request. S. Caleiki Optical Ce., Richanad, Va. I IlLUrtLLu ST"- tc l. Or. C.V B.rr, "W Co.. 2BTB UleM... Ihu. CM.l The greatest mistake the average man makes is In allowing himself to make so many fool mistakes. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousand! of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing tin cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binchamton, N. Y., you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and vge size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. WELL CALLED AGE OF GLASS Compilation of a Few Facts Shows How Dependent This Generation Is on That Material. Without glass elderly persons would be unable to rend or sew, short-sighted persons would go about almost blind. Without glass we should know nothing more about the stars than was known by the ancients, nothing about the structure of matter, and we should not even suspect the existence of microbes. Without glass wp should have no photographs, no moving pictures and no illustrations in our newspapers. Without glass we could have no elec tric light bulbs, no X-rays, no colored windows in our churches, no thermom eters or barometers. Without pltifs chemists would use porcelain containers, we should drink out of met'al or china mugs, we should let the light Into our houses through sheets of mica. "ilass," says the Scientific Ameri can, "has been known from anlhuity, but lis common use is comparatively recent. This has been spoken of ns the age of steel ; it might equally be pronounced the age of glass." In the Hospital. "The girl patient over yonder Is light-headed, doctor. Will she die?" "She's dyed already to get it that color, nurse." 1 UK SCOWS (Conducted by National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.) SCOUT DOG AWAITS MASTER Do jou think a dog has a heart that bangs heavy when sadness comes, even as human hearts are laden with the coming of adversity? And do you suppose that canines weep when suus of happii ess set and fail to rise? Then Rive a thought to Jerry, the once frisky little Airedale with the wettest n,se In all the world and the most helmed dog in Kansas. Jerry doesn't run around any more, nor does he find delight in rubbing up against the little tots whom he still must love. He just its wif.i his little heart bursting, for the return of the best pal he ever had, Paul Jeffords, whose scout uniform is laid away never again to be worn. For Paul is dead. If Jerry could read, he'd lind the story In the reports of the war department particularly In the short one which says; "Cor poral Paul Jeffords, tine Hundred and Thirty-seventh infantry, killed In ac tion In the Argonne Forest." But Jerry doesn't know that. He's waiting, even though the papers have told that Paul, true scout that he was, went West in the glory of scout like heroism; that he cast himself through fire to certain death, dying for duty; that General Tcrshing him self hallowed his memory hy reward ing him posthumously with the dis tinguished service cross. But dogs can't read ; so Jerry just sits on his hind paws and waits, sniff ing hopefully day in and day out. Perhaps, up there, Paul, too, is wait ing. True friends are ever true. SCOUTS IN VICTORY PARADE. In the great Victory parade In Lon don of the forces that successfully carried on the war, the boy scouts were given a place of honor. As a unit in the splendid naval force, the sea scouts appeared tinder their own flag, on their own merits. They had been accorded this priv ilege in recognition of the wark done hy thetn for the country in carrying out coast-watching duties during the war. They were the more remarkable in being the only boys' organization taking part in the parade. In the preparation of the great pa rade the boy scouts were again utilized behind the scenes by the authorities. With the troops of ten different na tionalities assembled for the occasion, there was a great need of guides, or derlies, first-aiders and the other gen erally useful helpers. The authorities, as is now becoming their nature, turned to the hoy scouts for help and did not turn in vain. Some 1,7110 scouts were employed on this duty dur ing the week, and they acquitted them selves well. SCOUT EXHIBIT FOR K. OF C. The national movement looking to the organization of troops of the Boy Scouts of America in Catholic churches was given Impetus in Louisville, Ky., by an official demonstration under the auspices of Louisville council, Boy Scouts of America, in the Knights of Columbus building. The demonstration was arranged hy the local organization of the Knights of Columbus as a result of a public let ter, in which Cardinal Gibbons, the great Cntholic leader in America, praised the good work of the boy scout movement nnd urged the formation of scout troops in Catholic churches whenever feasible. Louisville has for some time had a scout troop in a Catholic church, this being the St. Francis of Rome church In the Kast end, and enjoyed the dis tinction of being one of a veiy few cities in America boasting scout units of this kind. SCOUT OFFSETS SNAKE BITE Bitten by a copperhead snake while picking raspberries near his home, near Northumberland, Pa., Myron Hopewell, seven years old, was saved from death by the prompt action of his brother, David Hopewell, fifteen years old. The child was standing far in among the bushes, when he felt a twinge of pain, nnd looking down saw the snnke with his fangs fast in his foot. His brother attracted hy his screams ran to his aid and killed the snake, which was two feet long. He than cut the skin on the boy's foot where the fangs entered, causing It to bleed freely. Doctors say this saved the hoy's life, and he did not get sick as a result of the ropt lie's attack. David Hopewell is a boy scout and learned his first aid methods while a member of the Northumberland troop. WHAT KEEPS SCOUTS BUSY. Scout Troop No. 5 of Highland Park, Mich., were the first ones' to clear the ground for the new church home. Scouts' in Los Angeles collected tons of brush seed to be used In sowing over a burned area with a vie' to recreating the growth of brush which retards water flow. The unsightly ruins left after a big In Catskill, N. Y., were such an eyesore that the boy scouts of Troop No. 1 cleaned up the place as a "good turn" for their city. Gov. C. J. McCarthy of Hawaii has set aside a parcel of land containing 04.24 acres' for the use of the boy scouts of Kllnuea council at Hilo. The Hudson Valley Federated Chamber? of Commerce has npproved the boy scout movement and pledged Its aid to making it a success in till cities along the river. The central fire department station In Miami, Fla., is going to "daddy" Troop No. 4 of hoy scouts. On the troop committee nre the captain, a fireman, an Inspector and the elec trician, and the phone operator Is the 8Coutmaster. FINDING WEAR OF HIGHWAYS Instrument Recently Designed and Made to Determine Wear of Con crete and Other Roads. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture ) Every user of concrete and other improved highways will be interested In an instrument which has recently been designed and made in the re search division of the bureau of pub lic roads, for measuring wear of con crete and other surfacos. It is an ticipated that from readings made with this Instrument a large amount of valuable duta may be collected not only regarding concrete roads, but al so concerning brick, macadam, nnd other types of surfaces. The instru ment consists essentially of two bear ing plates each 2 Inches in diameter, pivoted on uniform joints to a span ner 11 inches long. In the mid point Is mounted a micrometer whose plunger has a travel of 1 inch and whose dial is graduated to read to a Measures Wear of Roads. one one-thousandth of an inch. In order to form a base to which meas urements can be referred from year to year, brass plugs are set in the pavement where readings are desired. Readings are taken by resting the bearing plates on the road's surface and allowing the plunger to rest on the base plate of the plug.. The in strument is plumbed with the aid of a level and the spanner bar Is held parallel to the center line of the road. Other readings may be taken with the bar at right ati.-les to the center line of the road. An important advantage of this in strument is that accurate data can be acquired rapidly and without Inter rupting traffic. The base plate in the pavement is protected between read ings by covering It with cotton waste and topping with putty. The brass plugs are readily set in any pavement while it is being laid, and at any fu ture time by drilling holes with star drills and setting the plug in cement grout. PAY ATTENTION TO ROADSIDE It Should Be One of First Places by Which Appearance of the Farm Is Improved. Some farmers evidently consider the roadside along their farms as distinct ly separate from and wholly outside of their jurisdiction, and any time or la bor expended in keeping it up as so much gratuitously donated to the pub lic. Every farmer should consider the roadside along his farm as deserving as much of his attention as the farm itself. He should consider the road the "front way" to his farm, and in stead of its receiving secondary atten tion, it should be one of the first places by which the appearance of the farm is improved. MOVEMENT TO BETTER ROADS State of Maine Votes to Increase) Bonded Indebtedness From $2,000,000 to $10,000,000. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Maine, by an overwhelming vote, re cently indorsed the proposal to raise the bonded Indebtedness of state high ways from $2.(M)0.000 to $10,000,000. giving an additional $8,000,000 to be spent on the state road system. This is one of the instances showing a country-wide movement for better blcbwavs. as reiiorted to the United I S'tt'e department of agriculture. which administers the federal aid road set ..... Roads Not Developed. That the roads in thU country, al though greatly improved since the com ing of the automobile, are not yet universally developed to the point where they should be was demonstrat ed during the stress of war. Save Truck Owners Money. Truck owners know that good roads tot only save them money but the shipper and public as well, because they can make faster time and at a earing in operating expense. Essentials Are Lacking. It is the exception to find a flock of shut-tn hens supplied with sufficient fresh, clean water. Ture air and pure water are the cheapest things poul try require, but how seldom they have either in abundance. Much Money Wasted. Thousands of dollars of the taxpay er's money are wasted every year In building the wrong kind of roads or In building the light kind of roads in the wrong way. Cert "Danderine" check that nasty dandruff and stop hair falling. If Get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the linger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applications often remove every bit of dandruff and stop falling hair. Every hair on scalp shortly shows more life, vigor, brightness, thickness and color. Adv. An Expert Witness. "Yon swear that this man Is no chicken stealer?" demanded the judge. "Yessur," replied Itastus Rasliley. "Da's whut All said, suh." "What do you know about the facts in this case?" "Ah isn't s'posed to know najffin' 'bout de facks in de case, suh. All Is an expert witness fob de defense." L0N6JACES "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels bring back Smiles Turn t lit kill-joys" out the head ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and misery-making gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach ; remove the sour, fermenting fond ; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out hy morning. They work while you sleep. Adv. The National Law. "Do you know figures give over a thousand fires in New York every year a; the result of throwing away lighted cigars and cigarettes?" "Weil, you know, where there Is so much smoke there must be some fire." Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin, On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It is wonderful sometimes what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, itching and red rough hands. Adv. A ninety-pound woman can work more mischief with her tongue than a 200-pound man can with his lists. from your TRADE HARK -ESfcr R0ISTERO The Fertilizer That Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga! Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio Don't Nauseate or Salivate Yourself with Nasty Calomel J Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead Never take dangerous Calo:nel again! "Dodson's Liver Tone" will start your liver and quickly rid you of all miseries of constipation and biliousness; all the headache, dizzi ness, bad breath, sallowness and stom ach distress goes. Calomel sickens, salivates, gets into the bones, cramps you. "Dodson's Liver Tone" is a per Still Thinking. "I proposed to a girl once nnd she asked me for time to think it over. Haven't heard from her since." "And that was?" "Three years ago." Louisville Courier-Journal. HER FADED, SHABBY APPAREL DYED NEW "Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up Old, Discarded Garments. Don't worry about perfect results. lTse "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, ro1 ton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skitts, cliildiens coats, feathers, drapm les, coverings everything ! The Direction Book with each pack age lells bow to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer slimv you "Diamond D)e" Color Card. Adv. On the Go! Few married women are really happy. Even if she marries a man afler her own heart she is in mortal dread that be may, some day, be after another woman's heart. Cartoons Magazine. Important to Mothers) Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOK1A, 1hat famous old remedy for infants and children, aud see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria One touch of nature keeps the whole world on the lookout for new sensa tions. fertilizer will if you use fect substitute for Calomel and Is M pleasant and harmless you can safely give it to children. It doesn't sickest you or shake you all up. A large bot tle costs but a few cents at your drug gist's. Dodson's Liver Tone is guar anteed to act better than Calomel or you get your money back. No argu ment ! Adv. Great System. "I understand Miss Grabeoln never rises before noon." "Ahem ! What does that signify?" "The possession of wealth, which, the family would not be now enjoying if years ago old Mr. Grabcoin hadn't acquired the habit of bouncing out of bed at five o'clock in the morning, sticking his head under a pump, gulp ing down a plate of flapjacks and a cup of coffee and getting back on the) job." Birmingham Age-Herald. for apeedy and effective action Dr. Peerya "lJfsad Shot" haa no equal. One dose only fflll clean out Worma or Tapeworm. Adv. Paradoxical as it may seem, the) father of one baby is usually twice) us happy as the father with twins. 48,000 Drug Stores Sell It. Five million people use it to KILL COLDS HILL'S CXSCAWklQlilNINI " ML fiilOMilfc ' rd cold remedy for 40 yetri tahlt inrtrwule. tirt Bs ites brcaki up cold in 24 rs renev grip in otym. one? back if it fails. The e box hit a Krt with Mr. Hill picti re. At AtlDrmt Strwm Moiie back without ouestiom it STUNT'S SALVE fail In to treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA. RING WORM .TETTER or otbet itchlu? akin diaeaaea. Priest 75c at drupiriats. or direct from I tlchtrai Millclm Ce., FRESH-CRISP-WH0LES0HE-DEL1O00S THI SANITARV METHODS AU1D IN TH1 MAKING 0 TttESt BISCUITS MAKE THSKV THI STANDARD f EXCELLENCE fyer Dealer hat 8um. or if art at ahoaWL ask turn or write ns qivuuj tus nam. TBNM. be greater Vs. Standai -vi .-ws no- Km w

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