ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. 1170 HUB REDS CAUGHT III RAIDS AROUND THE WORLD WITH HERALD PHOTOG Through an association with a number of other American newspapers Tha Roanoke Rapid Herald ii represented throughout the world by some two hundred photographers, more than one hundred of them being with the armiei and navies of the various warring nations. A number of the best and most interesting of the pictures taken by these photographers win be reproduced on this page each week for the benefit of readers of The Herald. CAMPAIGN OF CONDUCTED ARRESTS WERE ENTIRELY BY STATE OFFICERS. ONE OF THE SMALLER ACTIVITIES OF THE RED CROSS WHERE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION WILL BE HELD STATE nTIOMIEf IS BITTER fj r it - .s, Y v 'I Do Not Believe That Nero or Any Fiddler Can be Elected President of the United States, xx c . k la"'.! , ,i r 1M V f N 4' RAP1RS fix -ill I I t; ' ' i xx r .vv nn x - a wMtrim..i..i, iiiiiiiii-i-Miii'. i iti mi- iirMlilirn-in-ii,ii This scene, during a recent fire In Hoboken which destroyed a church, a club and ten other buildings. kIiowh one of the lesser activities of the lied Cross. Workers of the organizations are serving hot coffee to the cold and weury firemen. FRENCH PRIESTS COME TO VISIT THE UNITED STATES 'This pnrty of French priests Ims Just arrived In the United States for u visit. Left to rlht they tire: t'uther .Inn, Father liloyet, who served In the French Infanlry, wag wounded and won the War Cross; Monslgnor Conniv urch bishop of Haiti, and Father Tessel. CARES FOR RAILWAY WOMEN I t!T- 1 I S '4 J- I CARDINAL UNVEILS MEMORIAL TO HEROES Miss rauline Goldnmrk is manager of the woman's service section of thf United States railroad administration. In representing the Interests of the 101.000 women employed by 'the rail roads during the war and the 83,000 who have remained In the service since then, Miss Goldnmrk has hud an op portunity to make some Interesting studios of women In Industry. She Interested herself especially In seeing that women dolus the same cln of work as" men got equal pay, and she bad women removed from positions where their work was too heavy. Admirals in History. ,Jhe first renr-ndmlrals In the Cnlted States navy were commissioned In 1802. when that rank was created by net of congress. David Fnrragut, for hla valor In the Civil war, was made Vice admiral In 1S04, and two years later the rnnk of admiral was estab lished for the purpose of honoring him. The grade of admiral was revived In 1899 und conferred tjpon George Dewey, the hero of Manila. The high est tank of American naval officers In active service was, up to a short time ago, that of rear admiral. The title of admiral was first used In France, and the first French admiral was appoint ed In 1284. A few years later the title was adopted by the English, and the rank of admiral of the English seas was first given to William de Ley bourne by Edward L In 1297. Paralysla First Detected In Thumb It Is a well known fact among nerve specialists that by an examination of the thumb they can tell If the patient la affected, or likely to be affected, by paralysis or not. ai the thumb will In dicate this a long tlms before there (a any trace of the dumta In any otter aart of tha system. AwtoSA wee- M 1 f-.!,j tf.8! 1 A' KT.-- 1,1 Jgim-m -V i IX kin fTfEJ "W Tj i i i irnt I i In Y w Cardinal Bourne titivelling a memorial to the fallen of the congregation of the church at Eden Grove, Holloway, England. DESTROYER NEST ON THE PACIFIC COAST x f- 'Krf1 IyXx5 - rjcrrrZ xS '1 X.V1 "Hornets" of the new Pacific fleet, the swift destroyers, photographed from an airplane flying over them at anchor In San Diego harbor. NAPOLEON NOT A SNUFF TAKER. In a letter from Mile. Bertrand, daughter of General Bertrand, Na poleon's devoted companion at St. Helena, Mile. Bertrand maintained that, although the emperor was com monly credited with being a anuff taker, he detested tobacco In any form. "Only once," aha wrote, "wit Napoleon persuaded to try a pipe. At soon at he placed the amber tubt la his mouth he flung It from him with a gesture of disgust and shouted! Take the disgusting thing away.' To soothe hla chronic Indigestion the em peror had a mixture of licorice and brown tugar made np, wljlch he car ried loose In hla waistcoat pockets. He frequently had recourse to this, and when In company would convey a pinch to hla nostrils at If It were tnuS, but Instead of Inhaling It ha would tilde It aurreptKlously Into but mouth." . ' -x ","yj'',t 'v. riJt X hX xV' ai ywn. i - fin j tii -M- inn hi ii t-ih tor - r-- : r ' frv- i laaaaaMa Interior of the Coliseum In Chicago, where, according to the decision of the Republican national committee, the convention of 1020 will be held. Y. M. C. A. GIRLS WHO ARE GOING TO POLAND A.. .- fir il f -wn rv vv i tzw , vssbx- rj- t je s 'Vii -Dv .111 jJwf'rl a.' rr. i:o.- fx f " 51 X I These young women, five native Americans and five born In Poland, are Roon to leave New York for Polnnd to do Y. M. C. A. work In the new station. The American girls are all of Polish blood. Misses Anderson t.nd Wood sman, on the right, will accompany the party to .Paris. TABLET FOR BESSIE EDWARDS' GRAVE I memorial in Switzerland x JX-S J 0x X x w x f XtjAyfl J.VXXVV t y fili t'v' S x s x?- 4 ' ; 1 ffvii' ''x ' VxWWf 1 1 ji'.f ; ' firt?.iHft- -1 j H9 v.''; '.'1 i ) fXb. , "r: - Vx, ' V I HWW Pill I Chicago. Raids resulting le arrestt of 200 or more liifl isirial Worker ot the World, roniinut.ists and other rad icals were carried out under the di rection of State's Attorney Maclay Hoyne, who In a statement attacked Attorney Genersl Palmer for the fail ure of department of Justice agents to co-operate. At noon after receipt of a personal letter from Attorney General Palmer, asking him not to proceed with the plan, federal department o f Justice, agents withdrew. Mr. Hoyne declared. "Apparently Attorney General rai nier or some of his friends are play ing petty politics with the situation and are pursuing a pussyfoot policy," asserted the state's attorney. "Ex pressing my opinion as a citizen and democrat, I do not believe Nero or any other fiddler can be elected pres ident of the Cnlted States." Edward G. Brennan, chief of tho bureau of investigation of the depart, ment of Justice, refused to comment ARTICLE TEN OF TREATY THE ONE BIG OBSTACLE. Washington. Getting down to cases in their discussion of a peace tieaty compromise, republican and democratic senators find that article ten still presents the biggest Btum bling block in tha way of an agreement. GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD LANE WILL BE A BANK PRESIDENT. Baltimore. It is generally accepted here in financial circles that Mr. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the in terior, will succeed former Governor Edwin Wartield as president ot the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland who resigned. FAMOUS WRITER-PREACHER, EDITOR CHRISTIAN HERALD New York. Rev. Charles M. Shel don, one of the n'ost widely known preachers In America, became editor of the Christian Herald. Since 1889 Mr. Sheldon had been pastor of the Cen tral Congregational church ot Topeka, Kan. Mr. Sheldon Isthe author ot "In His Steps,' which holds a record sale of 10,000,000 copies. EIGHTEEN MORE LYNCHINGS OCCURRED 1919 THAN IN 1918 Tuskegee, Ala. The department of records and research of Tuskegee Uni versity issued its annual report of lynchings in 1919. According to the report there were 82 lynchings in 1919, of which 77 were in the South and five in the .North and West. This is 18 more tnn the num ber, 64, for 1918. AMERICAN FOREIGN COMMERCE HAS ASSUMED FABULOUS SIZE The beautiful tiihlet to be placed on the grave of Iiessle ErtwaiiiN unulv ter of General Kdwnrds, commander of the famous Yankee division. Miss Edwards died while doing service In one of the camps over here. Memorial erected at Cliuens-Mont-reux to the allied soldiers who died during their Internment in Switzer land. The monument was recently un veiled, the ceremony telng attended by all the diplomatic representatives in Switzerland. The French cock is perched on the top of a thick square pillar on the forward face of which Is Inscribed in bronze "Pro Patrin, 1914 1i)1U." A poilu lies on a block of stone and presses to his lips the folds of the tricolor. Washington. Secretary Alexander of the department of commerce sums up the commercial outlook for tho year 1920 as follows: - "The closing year witnesses a fabu lous growth of American foreign com merce, far beyond the dreams of busi ness men five years ago. Our trade balance for the yer 1919 will be ap proximately four billions of dollars. A great fleet of merchant ships, nw Industries, new sources of Bupply and increased knowledge of our own re sources are some ot the assets gained from our war experience.' CAPTURE OF BANDIT WILLIAM CARLISLE X rVi,w n , v !' It I Traveler's-Joy. Trnvelor's-Joy Is conspicuous In the hedges of Kngliind In the autumn of the year. This clematis and the sweet scented wl'il mi riot y adorned tho coun tryside of 1.,. ojie long before the Chi nese find .Tnpnnew elemntln were In troduced from the Fast. Trmolcr's Joy t'lemntis vltalhul Is the "vlonie" of France. And no plant In the French language Is richer in popular names. Their number Is vcritnbly legion. Tlie more attractive nre composite words, such as barlie nu lion Dleti, cheveux de la Vierge. cbevleux do In Ronne Pame, consolation des voyageurs. Tills last Is the English "trnveler's-Joy," and Uemy de Gourmont In his "Esthotlone de la Friitienise," bus this Interesting little footnote. Tlie plant wns thus named, he says, 'hern use It presaged to the traveler his near approach to a village. INCREDIBLE RICI.ES OF NORTH CAROLINA SHOWN Sheriff Roach, and members ot his posse helping the wounded bandit William Carlisle, onto a horse after he had made bla last ttand la a little mountain cabin. Bee Stings Cure Rheumatism. . Of the "cures for rheumntlcs" there are some very curious ones on record j and one or two which have come un der notice nre perhnps Interesting, t ough the writer has not yet tried these "cures," The "bee sting cure" was a common treatment In the Isle of Malta. It originated there when It was discov ered that people, having been stung accidentally, were rendered Immune from rheumatism which had previous ly troubled them. The "bee ttlng cure," It la Hid, wat also practiced among some Indian tribes, who admitted that It wat a painful processExchange. Raleigh. North Carolina's incredi ble riches at the close of the most prosperous year in the history of man, consist, of ?5,000 .000,000 in taxabla properties, $(500,000,000 in harvested crops, $400,000,000 in banking re sources, $200,000,000,000 in govern, ment securities. i The taxables rest upon e stiVnates ot tax experts who believe the revalua t ion of all property will result In ft gain of nearly 60 per cent. THE SUGAR CONTROL BILL IS SIGNED BY PRESIDENT Washington. President Wilson hat s!gned the McNary bill continuing the United States sugar equalization board through 1920. It was announced thr.t bin signature had been attached be fore midnight. Secretary Tumulty, In making tbe announcement, Issued this statement: "The president has signed the sugar control bill. The bill confers discre tion on the president In the matter ot purchasing sugar from Cuba.. v . PRICES WILL BE REDUCED, AND THE CLOTHES, WELL New York. -The cost of woman's dothea may be reduced considerably fcacanse there will be lest of them, ll the predictions ot a fashionable fifth Avenue mala mllMner and dressmaker are correct. The latwt modet France It tending to tht United State, H said, am: ' ' No atocklnRt. Extremely thort trVrta. ' No tlaevet BanAall