ROANOKE EAFiDS HEKALD, KO AM OK. 21 RAPIDS, N. C. J . i ;! il it 3 ' PI BUSHED f.VERT FR1DAT BY The UcraU Publishing Co., Inc J. T. Stain back SulKnplion $1.50 a Year in Advance ; give him a part of your sympathy and patronage, and my word for lithe will treat you fair and j square. To the ladies of your , town, Mr. Lamer has a most ex cellent wife, a fine housekeeper. ppiT0R pive her a showing and in her you will find a friend, faithful and true Dy 570 E. H. RICKS Real Estate Sve tne if you want to Imy ! -i ll Office 2nd Floor National Bank HU's Trlrohoar 842 E L. TRAVIS. SR. ' S. L 1 N A IS. TRAVIS & TRAVIS Attorneys at Law HALIFAX. N. C. Practice in the State and rVih-rnl t'n DR. BEN D. MANN Dfnlit Randolph Building Thone 251 ENFIELD, N. C. E. A MATTHEWS Attorney at Law NOTARY PUBLIC Office Kirt National Bank Building Roanoke Rapid N. C. isrcrtcxnrEii II 1 E. B. GLOVER FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER Roanoke Rapids, Pav Thone 506 - N.C. Night Phone 540 TF.LFPHONES Horrowble. Nighl568' Pillion U.x k I'lniitws (reportins II ....... i luxtriiti'il Icvtuiv). "You woulil Up lior. 1 row siiii kc to see S ! 1 1 of t lie pic tures th:.; n'v f ill of Mooil and lir row." r.oMon Transcript. ' MONEY BACK Uboi .rtMitf Hunt fVimn thf t rimrntol Te". Rinora, lifh. ru t. t fefVuniC dlWOUiat" me ihi trratmrftt til Hunt NaU km rrlvri hum iru i wi h cmr You 't t.arifr. Trv it r ejf fitk TODAY. Prwt ROANOKE PHARMACY Ml Fntered an Second Claw Matter April X 1914, at the Pot Office at Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1ST9. All communications ahould be addressed lo the Herald PuMishiinj Co. IVrton? wishing return of nw, must in all cases i nclose stamp. All enrd- of thank, resolutions of re spect, etc., etc.. will !e chanted for at the rale of one cent per word. Cash must accompany article in all case ex cept here customer has a regular ac count. No insertions made for less than 25 cents. Friday, January 9, 1920 Swat the Rod: And they are going to buy the park, hurray! In our opinion, (ieneval Wood, wouldn't do ;it all. Article X seems to be the known quantity, all right. un- ChVa.terittic of Shaw. A toiinu Now Zenliiii'lor, who wrote to llomard Slmvv Ih'huIiii: for iis au tograph M 'old to rt riillCMMiiin. drew forth the cli:irintorii Ii'hIIt fiiiiil inl-li-e from ihe ilrnimit it. "to ( ftra to the colli'.llon of iiutoitiaphs and It on the top." NOTICE The Town of Roanoke Rapids will on ' Saturday, the 17th day of Feburary, j A. D. 1 920, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for CASH the following described reai-property in the Town of Roanoke Rapids, to-wit; That two (2)! storv brick building and two (2) lots I situated on the East side of Roanoke Avenue between Second and Third Streets, and designated and shown on the map of the Town ofRoanoke Rap ids as lots Nos. 21H ttwo hundred and j eighteen) and 220 (tw o hundred and twenty.) and now known as the Garage Iniiiding. I This sale is authorized by a resolution . passed by the Board of Town Commis sioners in its meeting held December, LUth, PJ19. This the .rth, dav of January, A. O. l:20. A. L. Clark, I Clerk of the Town of Roanoke Rapids. Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power lor all Purposes at Low Rates WE RENT DIRECT WATER POWER AT $15.00 per HORSE POWER per YEAR s the Peerless Leader going 1 fur the Fourth Hound? Well, the all of us to tune 'takt lias arrived the eoiint. ' for Drs. West & Crank DENTISTS Roanoke Rapid, N. C. Otfkti 2nlFloor Drug Store Building Weil, anvwav it seems a hole lot near to U;,vlav after Christ- mas. Now that we've red liner lets do tin the red agitators. J A WORRM. Rich Smian, NO W. I.. I, (INC. Roanoke Raimln. N O. MASON, WORRELL & LONG tten rid ot ; Attorney at Law same with Offices: Roanoke Rapid, N. C, and Jackson. IS. C. Watch the Favorite Sons jostle each other in the well known front pa;.ro eolvunis. "Fviissia for the lieds" is a slogan in which the Department of Justice has heartily concurred ;' D''s cshier having fled with one million francs, we; are fully prepared to semnii Finme over it. Cleaning Pressing , Altering VI e guarantee youi clothes returned when romised and satisfaction too. Walter Cherry Drug Store Building Second Street Next Door to F. M. Coburn AWidcBIargin of Safely AM AN iihout li) hire a eliauf letir ickiHl I'Mfh applicant how iii-tti- lie iiu!il ilrixo to the ; sdo i if a rivij'ii v. Olie! raid u tool. Moodier Stdd six iiu-hfs, a third viid two inche. Hut the toiii tli s.tivl."l keep just a t'araw.iv from a pun ipiee hs 1 esti." lie wis lured. TliHvive owner, like the careful cliMiiit'em-. jnvfeis a vide iiittrjiiii nf viltly. He in suies his possesyioiis to the limit and then tikes every lu-oeaution against lire. Insurance only reduces your tire loss. That is why the Fire Pre vei.ion S-nice i f the Ibntford Fire Insurance Company is a tiecessH.'v as insurance. I't u rxpliiin this service. It is five to all Hartford policy holders. National Loan & Insurance Co. Incorporated Agents First National Bank Building First Life - Accident - Health - Automobile Hail Tornado Plate Glass - Boiler Burglary - Liability Roanoke Hardware Company We wish to thank the peoples of Halifax and Northampton Coun ties for their co-operation during 1919, and assure them that we will leave nothing undone to serve them even better during the year of 1920 Roanoke Hardware Company Roanoke Rapids. N. C. Speaking of the weather' and ji lts relation to the Peace Treaty, i especially Article Ten, we're wondering if the old town could reallv ?ot a free hridpe in prJO? Incidentally, as Musca Domes- tica comes out of his hiding place : during the warm spells of the next two months, he is unusually suitable for swatting. William tlreen, international secretary of the Cnited Mine Workers, recently declared to! Ihosc worthies in convention assembled that he could not whip the United States Covern- ment. which all goes to show! that 1!!JI lias a little common- sense after all. We are not usually disposed to I assume the role of prophet, but j we will risk our reputation as such by predicting that the pre sent Moard of Town Commission ers will have no single act of their administration to which they can iook lack iu the future with such pride as the purchase oflaml for park purposes for the children of the future city. Not only has the town been ayed much by the purchase at this time, but the investment is one that will pay such dividends in civic health and happiness as to make the original investment sink in comparison to nothing ness. Here's to the City Dads! MR. LAMER COMES TO ROSEMARY Margarettsvill loses one of- its most worthy citizens and a successful merchant. Margaret tsviile's loss is Rosemary's gain. While we hate to lose him, we can't censure him for doing the best he can for himself . I have been dealing with him for twen ty odd years and find him square iri all our dealings. To the citi zens of the Town of Rosemary I most sincerrly recomend Mr. La mcr to your care and as he is en-e-aced in business in your town BIG REDUCTION ON ALL Ladies Suits, Coats and Dresses Mens Suits and Overcoats Some of the moft popular styles of the season and the mo& snappy and conservative styles Lxtra specials in Voile Waists A beautiful assortment of stylish and durable Voile Vaists specials at 98c to $3.00 As the new season approaches shoppers will find many worth while bargains at the Quulity Store ROSEMARY, N. C Statement Condition At the close of business Dec, 31, 1919 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts .... $369,742.82 U. S. Bonds and Securities . . . 58,076.40 Other Bonds 24,970.50 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . . 2,250.00 Bank Building and Equipment , . 19,788.56 Real Estate 2,017,55 Redemption Fund ....... 2,500.00 Cash in Vault and due from Banks . 32 1 ,078.73 $800,424.56 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ...... $ 50,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . . . y 3,399.08 Circulation . . . ... . ; 48,900.00 Dividends Unpaid - .- . v 2,500.00 Cashier's Checks, Certified Checks Outstanding . . . . ., v- 4,733.78 Sa?inj DtpviiU . . . . . . 176,449.10 Demand Deposits . . . . . ; 489,442. CO ' $800,424.56 Gain in Resources since June 30, 1919 The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids Only $alional and Largest Capitalized fymkkig Institution in Halifax and ' - Northampton (aunties C A. WYCHE, Prrrt. S. F. PATTERSON. V-Prwt. T. W. M. LONG, V-Prr. J. T. STA1NBACK. Cashier. ' ';; O C o o 0 O