ROANOKE RAPIDS HEEALD, EOAXiOKE RAPID. ... u. Dr. Wm. A. Carter Veterinary Surgeon VVELDON, N. C. IxK-al ami l.onc Distance Phone CLARK & CLARK . Attorneys at Law Roanoke Rapids, N. C. No &, I'twrnt m m Bnk Bmldimr W. C. WILLIAMS- Licenced Embalm er and Undertaker Prompt and Stifctory Service Day Phone 633; Night Pkuix S89-3 SEE US FOR YOUR Building Supplies January Specials in Fine Shoes THE TYPI L A ERICAN instantly favors any procedure which saves his time. For time means money, and money spells oppor tunity. That is why the banking-by mail facilities of this Institution are daily being more extensively utilized and appreciated by progressive citizens. Let our Officers tell how this system "brings our bank to your door." Rosemary Banking & Trust Co. Safety ted Service ROSEMARY, N. C. January Clearance Sale Beginning Tuesday, January 12th and Closing Saturday, January 17th We would be wiser, perhaps, if we kept our stock unlit next Fall, because prices are oing to be higher, but we need our space for Spring lines. ' In order to make room we will sell at a sacrifice, beginning Tuesday, January 1 3th, and closing Saturday, January 1 7th, the following: Suiti Men's Overcoats Jp.4S.5(, 47.50 and 46.50 Suits ReJuced to . $37.50 $48.50, 47.50 and 45.00 CV.its Reduced to $37.5(1 43.50 and 42.50 Suits Reduced to 34.95 43.50 and 42.40 Coats Rod mvd to 34.5 37.50 and 35.00 Suits Reduced to 30.00 37.50 Coats Reduced to 2l).S5 32.50 Suits Reduced to 25.00 32.50 Coats Reduced to 25.00 Velour HaU . Army Shirts $12.70 Hat Reduced to $10.00 and tax ' $6.85 All Wool Shirts Reduced to $5.80 and tax 10.50 Hats1 Reduced to 8.25 and tx 6 30 All Wool Shirts Reduced to 4.)5 and tax 5.20 All Wool Shirrs Reduced to ' 4 35 and tax 3.50 Part Wool Shirts Reduced to 3.15 and tax Sweater Boy's Overcoats $ 6.75 Stcfi Reduced to $5.85 $23.50 Coats Reduced t.. $15 12.50 Sweaters Reduced to . 1.1.37 22.40 Coats Reduced m X'l5 10.00 Sweaters Reduced to 8.34 21.50 and 20.00 Cost: Reduced u 17.6S l. 50 Sweaters Reduced to 7.75 -16,50 Coats Reduced io 13.'5 5 00 Jerseys Reduced to 3.85 13.5( Coats Redn. ed io 1125 4.50 Jerseys Reduced to 3.38 12.50 Mackinaw Reduced to l.25 Corduroy Pants $9.75 Corduroy hiding and Hunting I'ants v Reduced to ' $7.95 9.50 Pants Reduced to ' 7.25 8.50 Pants Reduced to 6.85 7.50 Pants Reriuced to $ 27,50 Corduroy Suit Reduced to ... 2tt 00 a We have no left-over Stock it is all new, having opened business in September. You will get New, Good Merchandise at a reduced price HARRISON & THOMAS Clothiers, Haberdashers, Hatters Roanoke Rapids, N. C. An exceptional opportunity is being oifertd the people of this community to secure fine shoes at reduced prices by the shoe store of F. M. COBURN, "Out policy is one of satislaction when reason is not disregarded" The Store Your Doctor Recommends Rosemary Drug Company WHERE QUALITY COUNTS Rosemary, N. C. Li Let Us Figure With You on Your Requirement Cement Laths Halifax Builders Supply Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. I fin 7 . V IS tr ? 7 u This Store takes such Infinite Pains with Prescriptions that it Amounts Al most to Crankiness. Every Prescription goes through only Compe tent, Careful Hands, so that you get Good, " Prompt, Eificiciu Service in the filling of Prescrip tions, at Prices that are Most Reascnable. If you would have your Prescription Properly filled, Brinqtlt Here. 1 l Z 1. 4 &fOX S09 - ROANOKE RAPIDS, HC3 A. L. CLARK LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Loans Negotiated on Real Estate WANTED CANVASSERSSALESMEN Energetic, clean-cut. ambitious Salespeople can make hip; money. A $2.50 cheek perforator. Inks artii perforates. A necessity not a luxury. Endorsed by blinkers and business men. Every owner cif a chock liook a prospect. One county aRent sold 563 Ust month. The field is wide open, no compe tition and a necessity! To qmili fied persons county conlntcts will be given. Address A. SIMPSON Aulander, N. C. mm r J. J KibtW. x Uoon These Arguments We nn .iatiJU. l III f r - " 1 est Our Case STATK OF NOKTH t'AKHl.l.NA m-.-FAUTMRVTOF STATE -OKHTIFI-CATEtiF DISSOLUTION TO AM. TO WHOM THESE I'UESEVTS MAY "0MK-;KEET1NG: WtierCMH, it apiKmrs to my NHtis!;ic tion, by duly nuthrnticnled record of the procee-dmRo for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the con sent of !l the stockholders, deK)sitfd in my otlice, that the Virginia t'urolina Fimitnre Company, a eorimrntion of this State, whose principal office is situ ated at No Street, in Ih tow n of Roanoke Rapids. County of Halifax, Slate of North Carolina, (.1. F. Vincent being the apent therein and in charpe thereof, upon whom process may te .served!, has complied with the re()uirements of Chapter 21, Rcvisul of entitled " 'Corporations' inlimi nary to the issuing of thi iVrtii'icate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, 1, J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of StU of the 1 Stat of North Caroline, do hereby cer ' tify that tJie !aid corporaUon did, on the 7 tli day of Feburary 1919, file in my oftice a duly eTeeuud and attested con sent in writinp to ihe dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholder thereof, which said con sent and the record of the nroceedinps aforesaid are now on file in my stiid office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, 1 bave hereto sol my hand and affixed my official seal at Ualeiph. thia 27lh dav of Feb ruary, A. D. 1919. I i . Bryan Grimes. Secretary of Stat. TT, the burrp, are the real builJrrs of wairons. Vou put ti,e tiial Ok:iy uion the use of ceruiti micriils snd con t!n,r'i,.n li.-n hi buv a waffin c-ntaiiiinir them and 1,1 buy i warrm Hat don not. We want to show you how j i.n,;,;;; V..,a L- rA Va lat-nfnt ef farti a p ,!iinj: to nit our case. We believe the Thornhul way n.'.i ic way it you bIiouM build a win, on. Tcr fpoUitJ ard axles touh arcond frrowlh highland hictoiy i ti-(A For hubs and felloes the Murdy white oak it preferred, This wood grows upon the mountain side. The pound is bard the climate rverp. It fus to ht fr fife. It ht nearly twir the FH-pngih of oak and biikory that Frowj under softer CiUultUona, ouui, i.u: fheher it yenwin tluce to five yean. The. ap drict in it, giving it a strengtli tliat'i kin to iteei Full Circle Iron Mallejiblo Front Houn Flavt Trussed Bolsters and Gears Long Wear Beds s,olater Cant i lrc i.i Tcrnina t ; trniiij; and backing up, writh t ordi i ary iu!c iron, which is only a lulf circle, ,i.-tcrs n.n off the end of the trark and l..:rg. 1' ? difficult to make ahortturns and 1 ai k. up. The ThornlnU full circle iron iv a continuous track oa wliich the bol- urs can turn. Vac pears of Thornhill wajons stay in line for e. l:inad of the usual front hound plate, , hmmd ih te of malieaiile iion is used. It is i i.icul jacket braced at eight points that I.;, io car from erer jctuaj out of line. Not the Adjustable Brake Lever On the front bolters of Tiionii9 wagons are heavy i.-on plates ranni-jf aloiic top and Imrtom cor.necti J bv rivets that rim clear throuph the bolster. Strcntrrti and lijyhmr--.s are ronil-inrd. Kear pears are strongly ironed. There are braces on both top and bottom Uuit tiicnJ lie full 'f tlie bounds. Solid trust bars extend Oie full length of the aides givtug them duublc atreu;vu. Tf yon examV tbeeds. flLTVr1 Wapont clo-icly you wifl see at oiice lh siiprriority if the contructm. Tlie bottoms are re-iijorctd over front and tear bolsters. Come in an ill examine this waon for yourself. We will tale pleasune and pride ia showing yms a Thondiill The wapon made ef inuf h highland oak and liickwy Wila features ail vtliers laL. HAYES SUPPLY COMPANY, Rosemary, N. C. . .