ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. IH0U510 LEADERS OF DEIHAIliS AROUND THE WORLD WITH HERALD PHOT Through &n association with & number of other American newspapers The Roanoke Rapids Herald if represented throughout the world bj tome two hundred photographers, more than one hundred of them being with the armies and navies ef the rarious warring nations. A number of the best and most interesting of tha pictures taken by these photographers will be reproduced on this page each week for the benefit of readers of The Herald. INTERCHURCH WORLD SURVEY CONFERENCE IN SESSION AT ATLANTIC CITY. FIGHTING A BURNING WELL IN NEW GAS DISTRICT TEACHING COMMERCIAL AVIATION IN A COLLEGE DELEGATES ALL PICKED KEN Tht Conference Includes Many of the Most Prominent and Widely Known Churchmen in the Country. OGRAPHERS ? Lips 'msS Men fighting u gas well tire at Snake Hollow. Just outside JlcKecsport. I'm,, where vast quantities of natural gas have been discovered recently. The men with the long pipe are trying to knock the cap off the wvll so the lire can be extinguished with steam. OPENING OF FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES A scene in Ilourlxin palace, taken at tlie opening of the French chamber of depufles for the wnsion of 191S 1923. M. Kiegfiled, fhe eldest French deputy, muy be seen reading the opening speech, with I'aul Deschane the president, presiding. TO BRING BACK OUR i jt fW.., r? - If j i - Six officers and fcixty civilian employees have gone to Europe In conpec tlon with the bringing back to the United State of the bodies of our soldiers killed In France. This photograph ehows from left to right: Lieut G. S. Wright of California; Capt. W. H. IlobertMin of South Dakota, In charge of tlut party, and Lieut. F. Mcintosh of California. AMERICAN TROOPSHIP DEKALB ON FIRE 0" " ( fa,, fr;..wvx-yxfl.;.x;; A iri!;il'g photograph of the l'uilJ Swtes troopship leKalu, formerly tLe German raider Prince Eitel Frledrich, on fire in the Hudson river near Kpuyten UuyviL AU of Uie members of the skeleton crew of 300 escaped Uninjured. j POSTSCRIPTS Canada la nearly as targe la area as the whole of Europe. Meilco has a tribe of Indians whose language la limited to about 300 words and wbo cannot count more than 10. What la said to be the smallest prac tical electric motor forms t new dental tool bolder and weighs but four ounces. About one-third of the world's gold comes from a atrip of land In 'he Transvaal sU miles long and 2fty wide. DEAD FROM FRANCE .1111, IIK"I Of the world's boots and shoes, more thai) 47 per cent are made In Massa chusetts. The miserable tenements of the Lon don slums are being replaced by mod ern buildings. None of the Spanish railways la fit ted with Mock signals, cor, in fact, with any signal system. Less expensive than a bristle brash, a shaving brush made of a hemispher ical piece of rubber sponge baa been Invented, NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 1 A4" J !Pl; -ii Atlantic City has installed a new fire alarm system in which a born placed above the fire alarm box automatically starts immediately an alarm Is turned In. The alann boxes have been placed at every other corner along the main avenue. When an alann Is sent in not oly doe the particular alarm box fn whi'h alarm was sounded release Its horn, but every horn along the line of route to the fire begins blowing, thus rntti mil) vehicles. Ants That Make Biscuits. According to recent studies of the common Mediterranean ant. the seeds which are collected are kept for a time dry and are eventually put out in the rain so that they begin to renmnate. This lias tlie advantage of bursting the bard seed-floats, and In some cases of tstartinir processes of fermentation. At a certain stage, however, the ants kill the embryo-plant by biting off the radicle or other parts, and the seeds are dried again in the eun. According to Neger the dried seeds, of some leguminous plants for In stance, are then taken back Into the nest and chewed Into dougn. This Is dried once again In the sun In th form of biscuits, which are eventually put Into the cupboard. New York Herald. Simple Test of Cloth. The department of commerce says that the best tod simplest test of cloth Is to burn a small piece of IL If It la pure wool. It will char and roll up with very little flame. If It It cotton mixture. It will burn steadily and leave little or no ashes. Another test la to fray piece of the roods. The cotton will break smoothly at tbt ends; and the wool will present ranwd a wears net. I'emiKylvuniu Military college, at cadets learning to operate a plune. GAS WELLS AMONG HOUSES IN SNAKE f Scene m Knuke Hollow, near McKeesport, l.'a, the newly discovered drilled in the streets find among the houses. SHE ELUDED D'ANNNZIO Miss E. Clemens, special rep resentative of the National Catholic war council and noted writer, iis guised herself as an Italian peasan girl and managed to enter Hume In defiance of D'Annunzio's "blockade or der," She carried necessary food and clothing In the bag ittid subsisted mostly on grains. His Poignant Resret Two members of a certain well known club dinetf for a fcumlier of iil Slv.'Sy"!? ft f wll 1alil at the far end of a dining r'"i. where one chair 1od with back to the wjill. with a vsfw towards the apartmmt, while another set opposite. Tie uiemler who md the claim of seniority to the better position died and his friend, on the d;jy of the funeral, was sitting thoughtfully and alone In the chair wilb the back to the wall. "Pray forgive me." said a younger member earnestly, but I must rea'ly sir. venture to offer my profound sym pa thy. You and he were such devoted cronies that I can well Imagine the feeling which Is yours now that your companion " True, true," quavered the surviving friend with considerable emotion. Thia Is, as you sugest, an Impressive moment for me One of those occa sions not likely to be forgotten. The old scoundrel kept me, as a matter of fact out of thli chair for well over a uuater of a century." Flaneur" In Indianapolis Star. " t W Have Met Such People. "gome people's Ideas of heaven and of politics," aald Senator Sorghum, "are very much the same. They coo sult their own Imaginations at to the kind that would suit their personal Uatet and then stand out for It till Aoomsdar." rr 1 i 1 U 1! ,: ' Chester, I'a, has started a course In THE TENNESSEE NEARING COMPLETION t I S? W - V mn r ' ! v.. ' ,;. Bow view of the great superdreadnaiigbt U. S. S. Tennessee, which is nearing completion at tlie Brooklyn navy yard. She was launched April 30, 191!, and when completed will be one of the largest and most powerful battle ships afloat. ROLLING STOCK DESTROYED BY THE REDS ll ffffl'Pl xvh I f I I r f - L 1 Boiling Mock on the Trans-Siberian railway which was destroyed by bolsheviks. In many cases the wrecked cars were pushed from the track and rolled down Into the nearest ditch so as to facilitate uninterrupted passage of other trains. CONDENSED INFORMATION Cuba Is the greatest consumer of raisins among Spanish-American na tions. To lessen the noise of water falling Into a bathtub an Inventor has pat ented an extension rube for faucet. In an English Inventor's belt-driven automobile changes nf speed are made by moving (he belt from one set of millers to another. ,v -', 1 A - t: commercial aviation. The pl olo shows HOLLOW, PA. A 4i ?j-wf natural gas district. The wells are 1 The 00 books of the Bible written by 40 men during period of l. years. There are 782 varieties of arctic flower which have but two colon, white and yellow. What Is said to be the smallest elec tric motor form a new dental tool bolder and weighs but four ounces. Electrically operated oilers for ma chinery have been Invented that can b controlled from oen'ml switch board, if, 'a- 'v . v.-vs.- frill t T Atlantic City, X. J. With a thous and leaders of various denomination of the I'rotestant church clergymen and ijynii'n, men and women pres ent, the World Survey Conference of Iho Interchurch Worid Movement cf North America was called to order in the auditorium on the S'.et l Pier here. T!ie delegates are all picked leaders hi their denominations, and include (.any of of the must widely known of l!ie churchmen In the country. Before the conference sessions be ;an the big exhibition room in the Auditorium building was thrown open to the delegates who bad presented to them there In graphic form the work being done by the various units of the Interchurch organization. These units were provided with separate booths in which charts, maps, photo graph'., etc., illustrated In convincing and interesting style just what Is be ing clone In each field. KENTUCKY HAS RATIFIED THE U. 8. SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT rrankfort, Ky. The lower house of the assembly voted 72 to 25, to ratify the federal woman suffrage amend ment. CANADIAN GOVERNOR GENERAL SIGNS A NEWS PRINT ORDER. Ottawa. The governor general sign ed an order in council authorizing the minister of customs to refuse export Teenses to manufacturers of news print paper who refuse to comply with any order of the controller of paper. HOPE THAT BOTH FIUME AND ZARA WILL BE FREE CITIES. Paris Optimism prevails at Lon don as to the conferences being held by Premiers Lloyd-George and NittI and it is believed there will be a pre liminary agreement by which Fiume and Zara may be established as free and Independent cities, says the Petit Parisien. UNITED MINE WORKERS HAVE ACCEPTED PRESIDENT'S PLAN. Columbus. O. The United Mine Workers of America In convention here ratified the action o the Inter national officers In accepting Presi dent Wilson's proposal to end the coal strike on a 14 per cent increase bast and a commission to draw up a new wage agreement TIAJUANA. MEXICO BUYS DEMP8EY-CARPENTIER FIGHT Los Angeles, Cal "Tiajuana. Mexi co, will get the Dempsey-Carpentler firht." said Jack Kearns. manager for the world champion, when advised by the Associated Press of Georges Car pentier's conditional acceptance of Promoter Coffroth's offer. Kearns said he would prepare a fui ther statement within a few hours. THE SUM OF $761,000,000 IS REALIZED FROM ARMY STOCKS Antwerp Th sum of $760,000,009 was realized from the sale of Ameri can army stocks remaining In Franco after the departure of the American army, said Brls:adier General W. D. Connor, chief-of-etaff of the American denartment of sunnly. who sailed for America. He et!m?fed the value of the stocks at Sl.700.000 0M) and de clared it would have cost $75,000,000 to take them back to America. YOUNG WAN FORMERLY WORTH FIFTY MILLIONS IS QEAD. Miami, Fla. John Cooper Thomas, ag-d 24. multSmilKonalre coal one-v-tor ard manufacturer of Barnwell. W. Va.. d'ed st his w!nter residence on . Bel Isle, this city, of diabetes. He was renuted to be worth JfiO 00 nno. ti grater part of this snm havtn be-n lf tr him bv his fuf'er. Wil Vzm T'tomas, when the tetter died (wo yearn aeo Young Thomas was an irmn dur'rjg i war and served on the Stars and Stripes. ANOTHER AMERICAN MUROFRPO BY A MEXICAN ARMY OFFICER. Washington. G'.brlel Porter, an American c't'zen in the employ of the Pern Mex enmnany, was shot and k'Ued by a Mexican federal army offi cer at Tuxpam on December 21, ac eordinr to advices received by the state denartment. This makes a total of 20 American silled In the Tarn nico district by Mex icans since Anril 7. 1917. Eighteen of them were employes of American ofl companies. " " DEMAND FOR EXTRADITION OP . KAISER EXPECTED AT HAGUE. Amerongen. Allied demand for tb extradition of former Emperor WH lUm, of Germany, In which It Is kaowa America will not participate, are pected at the Hague January IS. Recent press dispatches have stated Count HohensoUera might atirrendet rather than embarrass tha Netherlands government, but it I authoritatively reported he will rely on th pt oUtksi of Holland and her refusal to hose Ike ma 4ntA&4.

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