&OA.HOKE EAfiDS HERAL . , oiOKE RAPIDS. N. C. Fi;BU;KEMVLRT F3IDAT X Toe HeralJ Publishing Co., Inc. J. T. Sta'N'eack Editor Subcr'ptlo $!.S0 a Year in AdVanca TELEPHONES Mj 570 Night 568 I! Entered a S, 1914. ht tl . Kapid., N1' March 3, 1AU addressed to Persona ". i !-i II ea9 ft:0'-. All car-h ..! apfcct, t li" , i the rate o! Illtlt HCiv:' crpt tiers cv-dBt N.i than 25 pct -'oronJ Class Matter April Post Office at Roanoke Curolina, undar Act of .ijT.i -ations should ba ihc Herald Publishing Co. ,i ' i .turn of , must mi '.i. v i-tttnip. 'imsk-t. resolutions of re . ; . will be charged for at in- cent p.r word. Cash my article in all caM uotnt-r ha a regular ae i :e-tio made for lew Friday, January 16, 1920 Fateful Day! The United States "to proud to quit," Senate is Mighty provider: The i i': who's !-. paifrn ' little monopoly in this ! candidacy business. iris may k-fore ascertain the cam- Will il tike knock tho r;:'i Wood J.o; -r-7 In all V.i- : niation of v. .. look the mint r.lack' Jack to :ors out of the ,w rnuu'ut reckl-'and- why overalls? Fly The sees pi a hind th It a; ; i .; test hetv. t Fifth Win Col. ( out and : '' the cendic! backbon Board '!.' dark cloud be- ! '-r lint,'. s t i I f an endurance n the House and the uin District. -'x will soon Inn n-;nitn as ;' .t.trr- w. be to k. Now v. e have the park there's nothing ir.ueh left to long for except a f u-a bridge, a new hotel a post f.tfke and sbr-ut fifty new houses fcr rent. A Snnuisoriian Institute high brow L v.-wrkin:? on a .-cheme for sending ?, rr ck-'t to the moon. Must wart to find out where the cost of iivir.jr has p-one. Yaas. the chances are about "sixteen in cno" against the noroica'h- of Williams If unings by any Lt a Democratic conven tion gen" crazy -- nr Republican. We didn't alter any plans in regard to nur areoplane trp after the horrible accident of last week said plans having ail along con templated r.o other possibility than our remaining firmly on the ground. A CORRECTION In last week's issue on this page appeared an unsigned com-j municstion setting forth the com ing in our 'community of "Mr. liamer" and bespeaking for him the cordial welcome of our citi iciis. It referred not to "Mr. Lamer" but to Mr. P. H. Lanier of Marfrcrettsvillc. Aside from this anci th fact that Mr. Lanier intends t make his home in Roanoke Rapids instead of Rose mary and that the communica tion should have appeared as correspondence from a Margarets ville well-wisher of Mr. Lanier instead of as an editorial. The article was all right: W'e mo3t , heartily welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lanier to our community- and wish for them prosperity and happiness - even though the jginia, Georgia, Flordia, ' and ', South Ccrolina have "aU. enacted drainage laws similar to those of North Carolina. During the war, drainage work in this and other south eastern States almost .: ceased, due to the great; diversoq of capital to the purchase of govern ment securities, 9careity of labof and machinery, etc. The past six months to a year, however, has witnessed a resumption .of this work, and already Jnaiy districts in the PiedmootSand Coastal Plain regiorare either in the process of organization, or the work of dredging is ip actual progress. With the enactment . q th State law for the re-vautiOri of all real property in Nort! Caro lina, it is more desirable than ever, from the standpoint of, the individual citizen, -that all bis lands should be brought to their highest productive value, HQ as to yield a retura commensurate with their taxable values. For this reason, the draioage W re clamation of these lands: is of vital interest to a larjrV body of citizens. '-m-1- . The object of the , reclamation of swamp or overflowed lands ia three-fold: (1) To increase the healthfulness in the' section of country in which the swamps or overflowed land exist: (2) to make a non-producing area pro ductive, and thus add to the re venue of the owner and of the State; (3) to facilitate intercourse between communities adjacent to these swamp areas by the con structing of roads which always follows the drainage of, any swamp area. In short,' the big idea is to render, these areas. with their great potential value as agricultural lands, healthful and dcsircable from ;the stand point of the resident or settler. t It is to further the work of drainage that the North Caro lina Draining Association .1 was organized in. 1908. , Preparation are now being made by this As sociation for a DRAINAGE CON VENTION to be held at Wash ington. North Carolina, Feburary 25 and 2G, and all citizens direct ly or indirectly interested in this form of conservation and de velopment of one of the State's greatest natural resources are invited to attend and take part in the proceedings. -i Florida is wide awake to the importance of drainage and bu undertaken the Herculeaa task of draining the Everglades, ao area of over four million teres to one body. ' North Carolina has no such immense single problem but she does have over a million acres of splendid land which,' if properly drained, will yield un told wealth to our people and put our State first in agricultural values. This rich land in its pre sent state 13 of practicalrj'no value and is a menace to our re sidents and a check to desirable immigrants. It will oost 'from $15 to $40 per acre to reclaita it It will then be worth from $100 to $250 per acre. One year's crop will more than pay for the drainage and, from the stand point of the health of the 1 resi dent and settler, it will save doc tor's bills and funeral expense. consider. Little Sallie Hodges four-year-old daughter of J. H. 1 Hodges was innocently playing j with matches ieft within her reach by 6orae criminally care-: less person, doubtless a really loving relative, and her clothing j caught, fire, burning her rrmsj and fa4 terribly and inflicting! internal injuries from which she j died after four hours of terridle j agony. The other was ihe case of Charlie E. Berryhill. govern j ment printer at Camp 15ragg. , who used gasoline to start a tire j in a stove. He was badly shaken j up by the explosion and painfully burned, but will recover. i In Hendersonville. little Edith Garren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Garren, was the victim of the carelessness of metnlrs of the family who kindled, or pre mitted to be kindled a fire out : t the woodpile where the older brother was cutting wood. 1 ler dress caught on fire as she was playing- about the place, her elothing burned and parts of her b'Ule body burned a crisp. At Enfield, the clothing of lit tle Uyra Webb caught on fire faoai an open grate an her moth er, Mrs. 3. O. Webb, wa very seriously burned as she strove to extinguish the flames and save her chiid from injury. Happily the little girl escaped injury. An inexpensive wire screen for this open grate would have prevented all this. A little while before Christ mas, Rocky Mount contributed arj example of the terrible con eequences that often follow the all to common criminal careless ness of leaving matches within the reach of children. Ralph Blackburn, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackburn got bold of matches in his reach, crawled under the house and struck one in such close quarters that hU clothing caught fire and before he could be pulled out to where the fire could be smoth ered by horrified members of the family, his body was terribly burned. These are just a few of many accidents of the sort that get into the current newspaper re ports, but Commissioner Young urges that they be taken most seriously to heart by every North Carolinian as demonstrating the crying necessity of redoubled effort to end the ravages upon the lives and property of the great variety of preventable causes of fires and accidents. H RICKS X.! Estate off;. In t i !, I N.iluwal Rank BUI I.. I. 1KAVI-. K r.l JHaVIS. r TRAVIS & TRAVIS Altcirvva at Lw MAl.lr A', N. f. t'miti.T v.; t.s. . LiU ., .,1 i-rt'.t nut'ouri- DR. f.LN D. MANN iVr!it Rai Joii h BuiIJioK PLom- 2:.! ENFIELD, N. C. E. A MATTHEWS Alt vjiev a I Law NOTAK V I'UBLIC Oil I iri N. i.oiiul Bank ButUiny Roanoke Poid N.C. Pr. Win. A. Carter VVtii iary Sutton WFLDON. N C. v.u !.iv ii-!i'tn' I 'lmm CLARK & CLARK Attorneys at Law Roanuke Rapids, N. C. i r in Hank Uuiklint? -oans A. L. CLARK LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE v on Real Estate Negotiated -prooreJcr did let three errors get across in one paragraph. North Carolina Pioneer in Drainage The State of North Carolina is the Pior.eer of the southeastern States in the matter of drainage and reclamation of the swamp and overflowed areas. It was t'.sjirst cf these states to enact rnutim! drainage laws which Few Accide&U Cawed . By Firework ( ' hs'sh-Vir- There wre scarcely toy acci iiutz during th- Chri;t!H bqlL days duetto fire works or Chri3t ma3 trees, ' but "Careteianaee" the ever present fire fiend, io North Carolina, and every other state for that matter, got k some most horrifying work and children playing with matches contributed several distrosaicf and in some instances fatal burn ings. State Insurance Commis sioner Young, who ia exerting constant effort for the cooser vation of lives and property through .Fire Prevention and Safety .First campatgus among the, people of the state is great- ful for the fine record to the de crease of accidents and losses, from fire works and Cftriatmas trees, but he would appeal for special effort by public offlcials, civic organizations and the peo ple generally to end the ravages of "carelessness" and in manj instance of veritable "foolhardi ness" in having to do with fire. Fayettovilte,, costfctilfl Jgi terrible accidents the past week that should especially eause the Drs. West & Crank DENTISTS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Ofiici-i 2nd Floor Drug Store Building T. w. mason j.a. worrkl Cry.liuri-. N C. Kirh Squnpr. N. C W. I.. I (INC. ;:.wnok Kpul. N. C. MM, WORRELL & LONG Attorneys at Law Office: Roanoke Rapidi, N. C and Jackion, N. C. NOTICE Tin- Ton i.f Ifnanokt' Kapids will on Saturdtiy. tln-lith day of Feburary, A. 1. V.", M'd hi pul)lii' auction to the hi(;l,"t I'iiUii r for CASH tha following despriln-il r-l propi-rty in the Town of Koanokf Itapid. to-wit; That two (2) story brii l; building and two (2) lots ailuuu-d on liit-Kt side of Roanoke Aveniif bi-'wi'i'ii Second and Third Stivi't., and designated and shown on the map of the Town of Roanoke Rap ids its lots Nos. ifls (two hundred and t'ijjhtreni and 2'.'t (two hundred and twenty.) an I now known as the Garage huilditif . This sale i authorized by a resolution l.a.sso.1 Dy the IJoartl ot town Comnn.s. sioners in it lneetinjj held December, 29th, 191!'. This the'.ih. riav of January, A. I). 1920. A. L. Clark, Clerk of the Town of Roanoke Rapids. IJrVA&iii IY EAGLE I Kr Wa taamlntfy TiiHtf Aitar Ln, Tr, M Wn taaily Cao &m4; ttivaft Nam. SI iaarioa aaU rittaCt spread W 0t mAtmni-mUf fte Cacadlta 9tk mH ratU aaa y the ftfMMi turn mmw)m vod kiia ta OnC Wfcetr be WH, aaftwlf kaawa. Bat It was from Imt Va tC a ba aa nvaalfestly gUrat4 vttaa b al!r.trfl oa the -rW 0t a v bo at tk corner of tM 4 fatar Hmu. It was just a edtUraa con in t from !, aaf tba Detroit Cleaning Pressing Altering Vi e yuaxantee your clothes relumed w hen promised and Mlisfaction loo. Walter Cherry Drug Store Building Second Street Next Door to F. M. Cobum X hir4l lr4 on hla terch for Itaaa, arMs Cha iaaa ca'.atred be ta aasto aarfeyt Ue crovd in kantf Bar arias tfea uAxilee vJaak k a at aaas4 ia aearchine Ut taa fte aoMtbior or things fet. faathaf. The crowd be lama aat war thraatenlng ffiaftlty 4m fcfaTtf Hfcaa tha ret evl- C Wtam arltifeaat falle, east the 1T Awarfitaa aala aaraad his wim SMr rar mAm aaA, waiting not fm t tartar batwaan dlput- at AaUesa, ftaM4 t Ua grwian. ' strata at SandwieJi the sa ' fctf' sUmi ra!!t!rr-i at sttva. ltrab a jHunt- . M H 3tit-.w Ua raa, lodUa lUie, turn la Ma bait flraaa rtjht to left with aat & aUa ta par at aome -reoture-ataa fepgtaaaar or avaocrdent pur Mf, J laafead tor a tlma aa If the watalS at b oaoftred. But he ; tM)if ntm ta' a ataa wbose attitude taa a kaaQla. - Willi aeameiy a aajtMja la. M& 5ar wh 3ja Thorotoo, 31 ralaca afiraatt, aa AiBarieaa cltlsen. DaiSa t maalaoer of tbe day the tafttjr n&rita . aude tentatlra taaca afartaja fa tka fna af pieces t$Mat laa ltind accepted tbem ua-adaaatr.- ; VXUaaaaa ia JVauwrelt, Tbaroton ia- rffta-. tUit ta, hirall an Mlafortunea. ', lira la tw abart ta aorse ooe'a m;a itrj. Harry acrot the Jowluods that fba inMrf more titoe oa tbe other ISf Vs.--FhUJljw Brooks. ij r 4 4er... - Report of the Condition of The Citizens Bank and Trust Company, at .Rosemary, N. C, in the State of North Carolina, at the elope of b'jvim-sh, December 31st, 1919. RK.-Ul'RCKS Loani- and i oi:i:ts $ 64,678.82 Demand 21,000.00 Bankii.jr li . ;Furni- tureMrd f iMures-, S;i,4i4.09 3,404. Lasn in vault arid net amount due fr.m, lls r.ks, Hankem and Trust CmpHnit-s 59,421.80 Ch-Ii It, n,- t -!. i.f r-.' hour 13.00 Totai $147,610.71 l:.:::lit!i:s Caotai Stuck PHid in $ 24.060.00 Undivided i'rolits. less cur rent iNtri-cs and tnxes pa I . 227.05 Deposits ,-i.l.Jt it to check 86.U99.11 Time Certineates of Deposit 11,000.00 Savinps Dej,o.its 25,.'96.48 Caahier'ti ( hecks outstanding 637.99 Certified Checks 40.08 Accrued interest due deponitors150.00 Total $147,610.7i State of North Carolina-County of Halifax, January 13th, 1920. I, F. L. Nash, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that I the above statement is true to the besti of my knowledge and belief. F. L. Nnh, Cashier Correct-At test: J. A. Moore,' T. M. Jenkins. L. S. Cannon, Direetors. ( Subscribed and sworn to before me, i this l.ith day of January, 1920. A. L. Clark, Notary Public. My commission expires March 28th, 1920 W. C. WILLIAMS Licensed Embalmer and Undertaker Prompt and Satisfactory Service t Dr.? Plum 633; Night Phone 589 3 i M ore Of Our Sale It began Tuesday and closes Saturday YOU HAVE ONLY ONE MORE DAY When - Saturday Where- Store of Harrison & Thomas Why - Four Reasons 1 . Five days of sacrificing price on all suits and overcoats for men. 2. Great reduction in all Suits and Overcoats for Boys. 3. Good Bargains in our Corduroy Pants, Wool Shirts and Sweaters. 4. Money made by buying our shoes at Sale prices. Visit cur store tomorrow and save money arrison & Thomas Clothiers - Haberdashers - Hatters H The Man With a Checking Account Can Tell You of Its Many Advantages It is estimated that 95 per cent, of the business of our country is transacted by means of checks and drafts. Under no other sy&em could we reach the high slate of development attained in the last 50 years. - A checking account with this bank will simplify the transactions you are now doing on a cash basis. You are invited to open an account. The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids Only Rational and Largest Capitalized Ranking Institution in Halifax and tfrCorthnmplon Counties ' . C A. WYCHE. Pre. S. F. PATTERSON. V-Prest. . T: W. M. LONG, V-Pre. J. T. STAINBACK. Cashier. ' ' : .e test cf the every detail. habitually careless to step tsi

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