.i 1 M1M.M M III h l n fl Vb. ' v. r j V . J i f t Volume VI.-Number 51 ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, MARCH 12, 1920 Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance 1 1 i" i t h ! i I- .. s ' ' is .r " - - 'V i J 1 ill I ti I 1 1 ',, ' i i! i' If. '-!. ' t-MV J f ! it " " i . ' )!' k v 5 ' "' 2 'i 1 J -f ' i-, " . 1 , u N e - 1 ' .f - ' .An V U K i ft'" i .I' ' wt'f. fii.; 1,1. , 1 j ' ' p. ,i ' ,( I' t r 'I 'i k iff S f ' t I . , V ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. '. I.. Iaunhtry, of Nor folk, spoilt :i few days here this week. Miss Mary t'ht'rry spent the week-end in Rocky Mjunt with friends. Mr. Chas. W. Humphreys and little Miss Margaret Ford, of Norfolk, spent the week-end here with friends. Mr. anj Mrs. W. H. Jones left Saturday for Rocky Mount where Mr. Jones underwent an opera tion. Mrs. K. Jenkins spent Friday in Richmond on business. Mr. P. C. Duncan spent the week-end in Clayton with his family. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyche are spending some time in Chat tanooga. Rev. Stanley White is visiting in Howardsville. Mr. F. C. Williams spent the week-end in Richmond with friends. Miss Lois Wboten spent several days in her home at Chadbourne. Mr. Charles Clinton Shaw, of Charlottesville, spent the week end here visiting Miss Addye Williams. Miss Grace Browning is visit ing Mrs. T. B. Browning. Mr. Raymond Purdy has accep ted a position with Taylor & Col- lier. Mr. W. H. Leyhan, of the U. S. N. Norfolk, spent Sunday here visiting Miss Marie Bennett Mrs. W. E. Bryant spent a few days in Norfolk this week. Miss Ruth Rainey has returned to Greensboro to resume her work teaching. Miss Lucille Holezscheiter, of Norfolk, spent Sunday here visiting Miss Marie Bennett. Mr. Basil Glover left Sunday for Trinity Park. Mr. Richard Baird has resigned his position with Smith & Glover Mrs. M. B. Rai ney left Satur day for Stonewall after spending some time here with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. F. Vincent. Mr. B. J. Vincent spent Tues day here on business. Mr. Bruce Prowel spent the week-end here visiting Miss Susie Allsbrook. Mr. Aaron Horwitz, of Rich mond, spent Monday here in the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. Marks. Mr. E. A. A. Parker spent a few days here this week with his family. Miss Mary Matthews has ac cepted a position with Duncan's. Inc. Mrs. W. L. Long has returned from Petersburg where she was called on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. T. F. Heath. Mrs. Manning has returned to her home in Henderson . after spending some time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Wyche. Mrs. Emily Gooch has return ed to Weldon after spending some time with Mrs. T. W. M. Long. Major Wm. McK. Evans, of Richmond, Va., is in Roanoke Rapids this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Job Taylor left Saturday for an extended trip to New York, Chicago and Lima, Ohio. The special preacher at the Lenten service at All Saints' (Episcopal) Church tonight will be the Rev. Frederick Diehl, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount. The service will begin at 8 o'clock. The public is very cor dially invited. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McPherson moved into their new home on Roanoke Avenue this week, which has just been completed. Mr. Geo. Stanley has sold his interest in the partnership of Stanley and Seabolt to Mr. Sea ' bolt. Mr. Bartharlemew, formerly of Rocky Mount has opened a KARL JANSEN COMING Will Appear at School Auditorium Next Tuesday Night. Mr. Karl Jansen, the Swedish Entertainer will, appear in the school auditorium next Tuesday night under the auspices of the Boys Athletic Association. Mr. Jansen has entertained American audiences for the last twelve years most successfully. The entertainment will cover a broad field in the line of Educa tion and amusement. The peo ple of Roanoke Rapids are fortun ate in having an entertainment of this character offered to them and it is confidently expected that they will patronize it liber ally. There will be an admission charge of 25 cents to school children and teachers. Others will be charged 33 cents. SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS PRAISES MR. JANSEN This is what University Sum mer School news of Charlottes ville, Va., said of his "Nobody Home," given at Cabell Hall, July 11. 1919: "The large audience of the Summer School which heard Mr. Karl Jansen last Friday night in his entertainment. "Nobody Home," was given a rare treat. The famous Swedish entertainer was at his best, keeping hia au dience with him by his ready wit and by his sound common sense, Mr. Jansen possesses to an unusual degree the ability to hide behind every joke and quip a morsel of wisdom if only his hearer knows how to search for it. This is Mr. Jan sen's fifth year with the Univer sity Summer School and he will return again. May good luck and good luck follow him every where." Mrs. Virginia Lee Cushing Mrs. Virginia Lee Cushing, one of Rosemary's oldest resi dents, died at her home, number three One Hundred Street last Friday, after an illness of sever al days with pnenmonia follow ing influenza. Mrs. Cushing was a Miss Vick before her marriage and was a native of Martin County. She was the wife of Mr. Alonzo Cush ing of the same county. Twenty one years ago they came to Roa noke Rapids. Shortly after wards her husbond died and she moved to Rosemary which has been her home for twenty years. She was fifty-seven years of age- During her stay here she has made many friends to whom she meant much. As a neighbor, as a friend and as a mother she was devoted and unselfish. Feur sons and three daughters survive her, Messrs. Sebum, Wm. E., and Arthur E., of Rose mary and LaFayette, of Camp Meade, Maryland; Mrs. L. E, Keeter, Mrs. C. A. Dickens, of Rosemary and Mrs. R. S. Ayres, of Suffolk, Va. The funeral service was held in the home Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. Lewis N. Taylor officiating. Interment was made in the Roanoke Rap ids Cemetery. grocery store between the stores of Saunders & Mohorn and Stan ley & Seabolt. Pastor Crutchfield was pre mature in his announcement as to being able to conduct ser vices last Sunnay but he is now up and feels confident that he can hold his regular service next Sunday, and it is hoped that' the congregation will bear this in mind and assemble at the usual hour for services. A cor dial welcome to all attendants. Miss Clara Hearne was called to her home this week on ac count of the illness of her mother. We are glad to report that Miss Lizzie Dalton is able to be out again. Mr. Abe Norinsky returned today from a business trip to New York. ROANOKE RAPIDS DEFEATS RICH SQUARE For the second time this sea son Roanoke Rapids defeated Rich Square on the local court Wednesday afternoon by a score of 33 to 4. The whole team played good ball and would easily havejmade a higher score had it not been for the loss of time caused by fouls. This is the tenth game which the team has played eight of which has been won. Last Fri day night Wilson won from the locals on the Wilson floor by a decisive score. This was the first game of the championship series, and the result eliminates Roanoke Rapids from further fortification in the State series. The local team will play Wel don next Wednesday afternoon in Weldon. INFLUENZA SITUATION IS IMPROVING The Influenza situation in the county is improving although there are still many cases in some communities. Last week there were two hundred and seventy-five cases reported mak ing a total to date of thirteen hundred and twenty-seven cases This is probably only a fractional part of the number in the county during the epidemic, there being so many mild cases which were not seen by a doctor and doubt less a great many seen were not reported as such. During the past week there were eight cases of Pneumonia reported for the county making a total of thirty-four cases re ported since the outbreak of the Flu epidemic. WELDON FAIR TO BE REVIVED There is a movement on foot to revive the Weldon fair. The grounds have been selected, be tween Weldon and Roanoke Rap ids, provided the owners do not place to high a value on same. A great deal of the stock has been subscribed. It will certainly be a paying proposition. A great many of our people remember the old Weldon fairs, how the great crowds gathered here from the Roanoke and Tar river sec tions, in fact from all over the State and Virginia, and enjoyed a week of real pleasure. There is no better place in the State than Weldon to hold a fair con sidering our railroad and hotel advantages. Our friend Mr. W. H. Joyner, of Garysburg, has charge of the affair and we have no doubt will push it to a suc cessful end. Roanoke News. DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT MEETINGS MARCH 27 At the meeting of the State Democratic Executive meeting held in Raleigh recently, Satur day, March 27th was the date fixed for Democratic Precinct meetings, April 3rd for their County Conventions and April 8 fir the State Conyention at Raleigh. LYERLY HINSON Mr. Arnold D. Lyerly, of Rosemary, and Mis3 Irene Hin- son, of Pattersontown, were married at Grace Episcopal Church Rectory Monday after noon by Rev. F. Cousins. They are "at home" at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lyerly. ERECTING BUNGALOW ON HAMILTON STREET Mr. E. A. Matthews is erect ing an attractive bungalow on Hamilton Street, which when completed will be an attractive addition to this neighborhood. tor. J. R. Myrick is the build ing contractor. Balloon to Rait Ship. A Japanese Inventor hag patented a device employing balloons to help tnlfip mnkeo vessels. ' CORPORATION COMMISSION TO GIVE JUNCTION CROSSING FURTHER CONSIDERATION If You Want the Crossing at Roanoke Junction Made Safe for Traffic NOW is the Time to Act - Write the Commission What You Think of Present Conditions GATES ONLY WILL CHAUTAUQUA WEEK JUNE 10-16 Chautauqua will be here this year a week earlier than last, the date being June 10 to 16th. This information comes in an enthu siastic letter from Mr. Geo. H. Turner, director of the "A" cir cuit or the "Original Sevens." The letter also tells of securing The Royal Belgian Veterans Band which is one of the highest at tractions ever sent over by our Chautauqua. ROSEMARY SCHOOL HONOR ROLL 1A. Grade: Ethel Taylor. 1C. Grade: Martha Ruth Pearson, Walter Matthews, Joseph Loomis. 2B. Grade: Mollie Sawyer, Flossie Powell, Irene Garner, Gladys Fields, Jessie Taylor. 3B. Grade: Ruth Buck, Lucille Cox, Pauline George, Virginia Hardison, Beulah Jacobs Helen Simmons, Cole Coles, Clarence Kelly, Earl Thompson. 3A, Grade Sarah Jenkins, Mildred Raird. Sarah Kellv. Blanch Thompson, Eddie Smith. 4A. Josephine Green, Minnie Sledge, Wantola Mills, Robert Vick. 4B. Hattie Jacobs, Marvin Taylor. ROANOKE RAPIDS SCHOOL HONOR ROLL IB. Grade: Louise Brown, Ollie Powell, Joe Brown, Bettie Gray Long, Elizabeth Lynch, Ruby Knight. 1A. Grade: Mark Tre va than, John Draper, Charlie Smith, Gertrude Rhen. 2A. Grade: Lurline Hardy 2B. Grade: Katherine Dan iel, Ethel Pully, Jacob Lampley, Robert Lowe, Andrew Peele, Colon Womble. 4A. Grade: Agatha Moore. 5A. Grade: Rufus Vick, 5B. Grade: Ivey Crouch. 6B. Grade: Nellie Morris. 7th Grade: Mable Braswell, Carrie Hedgepeth. MRS. SALLIE WATERS RADCLIFFE The soul of Mrs. Sallie Waters Radcliffe, entered into the rest of Paradise at her home, num ber 414 Four Hundred Street, Rosemary, Thursday night at one o'clock. Pneumonia, follow ing influenza was the cause of her death. She was the wife of Mr. Dan M. Radcliffe, who with six small children survive her. Mrs. Rad cliffe, with her husband and children came to Rosemary about one year ago from Hyde County. During her stay here her kindly spirit of neighborli ntss has won her many friends. She was a member of the Christ ian Church, from which she will be missed. The funeral services were held at her old home in Hyde County Sunday afternoon. A good woman has entered into the joy of her Lord. A CARD OF THANKS Mr. H. E. Dobbins wishes to express his very genuine ap preciation of the many kindness es shown him during his be reavement by the people of the community. .,y..X, i in i .,,,, .awmii SOLVE THE PROBLEM The correspondence published below will acquaint our readers with the propvss made in re gards to eliminating the menace to the life and property of our community caused by the cross ing at Roanoke Junction: Mr. F. M. Shutc. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 4th instant to hand and I am directed by the Commission to advise that the matter will be further con sidered. Mr. Stanly requested tnat he be permitted to try the matter referred to in his recent letter and see if the same was practicable and if not the Com mission told him at that time they would take the matter up further with him. Respectfully, R. 0. Self Clerk March 10, 1920 Corporation Commission, Raleigh. N. C. Attention of Mr. Self Dear Sirs: Upon the receipt of your let ter of the nth regarding the dangerous crossing at Roanoke Junction, the writer asked three of his friends who are interested in making this crossing safe, to observe the effects of the opera tion of Mr. Stanly's suggestion. These parties state that if there has been a change in conditions which make this crossing so dangerous they are not notice able. We note with pleasure your commission will give this matter further consideration, as we and our people are convinced that the compromise (if the same may be called such) offered by Mr. Stanly will not help matters at all. Our people believe that gates will make this crossing safe and want the same placed there at an early date. We realize that the question rests with your commission and await your further action in this regard with much interest. Yours very truly, Herald Publishing Company, Inc. NIGHT SCHOOL TO BE OPENED NEXT MONDAY NIGHT Arrangements have been made to conduct a night school in the old Methodist church for the people in Roanoke Rapids. The school will be open to men and women as well as young people. Anyone over 14 years of age will be welcomed. The first work to be done will be in reading, writing and arithmetic. Other courses will be arranged as the demand grows. Miss llattie Uos,;, of . Sanford, has been secured by Supt. Coltrane to have charge of he work. Mis.s Ross is in town this week explaining the work to the peo ple. Other teachers will be pro vided, if there is a sufficient number of pupils to demand it. There will, be absolutely no cost to anyone who attends this school. Anyone who desires to increase his general education is invited to come and get the bene fits. It is hoped that the school will open next Monday with so many pupils that other teachers will be necessary. Miss Ross has a room at Mr. B. S. Wejib's residence, and will be glad to explain the plan of the school to anyone who might I be interested. WAR RECORDS County Collector of War Records Make an Appeal We reprint the following from the Roanoke News for the bene fit of the veteran readers and their families: As Collector of War Records for Halifax County, I am endeavor ing to obtain certain data con cerning every soldier, sailor and airman who served in the recent war from this county. This will be impossible unless they them selves, or their relatives, give me their cooperation. In some sec tions I am making satisfactory progress. This is to remind the men who received Honor Roll blanks last year from my Wel don representatives, to fill them out properly and completely and send either to me or Miss Eunice Clark, who will help me with this work. Our persistent efforts mean that we wish to honor the brave boys who so nobly played their parts in the great war dra ma, and in doing this we shall be preserving invaluable records which shall be handed down through history to future gene rations. The Historical Commission, which I represent, wishes photo graphs of the men, tlreir letters or copies of them, written home -anything bearing on the war. Miss Eunice Clark is my Wel don representative and will turn over to me whatever is collected. She also has the Honor blanks, and I trust every man who was in the service from this county, will see her soon, and enable us to complete work quickly and thoroughly, Mrs. E. L. Whitehead, Collector of War Records for Halifax County, Enfield, N. C. SOUTH ROSEMARY NEWS South Rosemary School has been closed for the past week on account of Influenza. It re opened Wednesday morning. Miss Patterson has been ill at her home in Littleton 'for the past two weeks. Mrs. Joe Neal died of Pneu monia following a case of In fluenza Wednesday night, March 3rd. She was buried at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Reynerwhohas recently moved to our community from Rocky Mount died on the eve ning of February, 25th, follow ing a case of Influenza. Her husband has had Pneumonia but is recovering rapidly. Mrs. Americus Medlin, Mary and Tom, have had Influenza but are recovering now. Messrs. Andrews, Leeper and Sisk visited Halifax School last Thursday. Miss Parsons returned Sunday after spending a week with her parents in Cape Charles, Va. Coburn's Minstrel will be rival led by the South Rosemary Negro Minstrel on the evening of March 19th. The program will be in three parts, featuring a Georgia Camp Meeting. An old planta tion scene with appropiate banjo tunes by a real negro string band and an Hiawaiian Night scene with Hiawiian guitar music. Everyone is cordially invited. The entire family of Mr. Frank Evans has been victims of In fluenza, They are better now. Wedding bells will be ringing in South Rosemary soon. PURCHASED HOME Mr. C. W. Graham has nur. chased the residence occupied by him for the past two years from the estate ot the late R. W. Brown. Mr. Graham will mnlr several improvements we under stand in the early spring. And Succeeding. Most of the economic sorrow whlcfc a nation suffers arises from the greed of men trying to sneak selfish advan tages over others for profit. ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. J. W. Kimbrough, of Raleigh, was here this week. Mr. G. E. Grissom, of Hender son, wa3 here Tuesday. Mr. E. T. Pullen, of Richmond, was in Rosemary the first of the week. Mr. L S. Stokes, of Peters burg, was here Tuesday. Mr. D. E. Barkley, of Ashe ville, spent Tuesday in town. Dr. Justice, formerly of Rose mary, now in Littleton, was in town Tuesday. Mr. J. L. Bryant, of Mar garettsville, has opened a res taurant in the building formerly occupied by the Rosemary Bank ing and Trust Co. Mr. Sam Kee, of Seaboard, spent Tuesday in town. Mis3 Nancy Johnston spent the week-end with her sister in Fayetteville. Mr. C. E. Falkner, of Hender son, was in Rosemary Tuesday. Mr. Fayette Cushing, of Camp Mead Md., is spending a few days here with relatives. Two new enterprises opened in Rosemary this week in the store recently built by Mr. L. S. Can uon. Mr. W. F. Joyner has open ed an automobile sales room on the first floor, and has stocked it. The second floor is occupied by Mr. Wm. C. Williams, under taker. Mr. J. Arch Taylor, of Oxford, spent Tuesday night in Rose mary. Messrs. Sol Kohn and M. Kel ler, of New York City, were in town Tuesday, Mrs. Councill, of Hickory, is the guest of her son Mr. Wm. T. Councill. Mr. Ellis Joyner, of Littleton, has accepted a position with Patterson Mills Company. Mr. E. W. Woodard, of Scot land Neck, was here Saturday. Miss Mary Alexander, who has been nursing her sister, Miss Angelyn Alexander, returned to Wilson Wednesday. The friends of Miss Angelyn Alexander will be pleased to learn that she is improving very rapidly. Mr. E. O. Merz, of San Fran cisco, was in Rosemary this week. Rev. J. C. Ledbetter, of Wake Forest College, held the service at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and night, in the absence of Mr. Carter, who was in Burlington. Mr. Robert Rodgers, of Char lotte, was here Tuesday. Miss Nellie Messick has re turned from a visit to Winston Salem, N. C. Mr. J. Merritt, of Raleigh, spent Tuesday here. Mr. J. G. Torrance, of Char lotte, was in town Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. M. Lance were the happy recipients of stores of good things to eat when they were mercilessly pounded by several members of their con gregation last week. The army of pounders led by Messrs. T. M. Jenkins, C. F. Ogletree and Arthur E. Stowe were well equipped to carry out their work in a successful way. Mr. Monroe Jenkins spent sev eral days in Newport News and Norfolk this week. Messrs. Taylor and Collier are erecting a handsome bungalow next door to Mr. J. T. Stainback on Hamilton Street to be occu pied by Mr. Harvey Taylor and family. Mr. J. B. Jenkins, of Winston Salem, was the guest of his broth er, Mr. T. M. Jenkins, Wednes day night. Mr. H. L. Bell spent several days in Hobgood this week. Mr. J. J. Wade spent Wed nesday in Rich Square. STORE BUILDING Mr. B. S. Webb is having the store building recently purchased from Mr. W. F. Horner, repaired and thoroughly renovated pre paratory to moving in by April 1st, if possible. '

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