ROANOKE RAPIDS HERALD. ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. GREAT REPUBUGA fill WORLD CONVENTION MEETS Through &n association with a number of other American newspapers Tb Roanoke Rapids Herald is represented throughout the world by some two hundred photographers, more than one hundred of them being with the armies and navies of the Tariom warring nations. A number of the best and most interesting of the pictures taken bj these photographers will be reproduced on this page each week for the benefit of readers of The Herald. ORGANIZATION COMPLETED IN SHORT ORDER BY MOREHEAD, BUTLER AND DUNCAN. WOMEN'S PATROL OF THE LONDON POLICE FORCE CONGRESSIONAL NAVAL INSPECTORS AT KEY WEST FOOS" IILOOES LlJiNEY Convention 8ends Telegram to Lodg Commending Republican Cause in Matter of Treaty and League. AROUND THE WTffl HERALD PHOTOGRAPHERS - WU'-i - Mi)'. i- I jan.J UV rt sX s ; Jj 'V V-xW i $ .'':: ' r K:mm. , . a, v-. ! This Is the roinpli'li- wiiiih-h's piitrul of the Liunlon mihcc lone, it is -jn ontmowth of the wiir uud was organ zpd recently. The feuuile llohhles UhU after women anil and children, especiully. FOUND HIS LONG-LOST SISTER BY WIRELESS ;r . 1 t 1 tic cuiiKiessMinul iHinnl ot imvul ms(.cctins ut Key U x l ... .1...;. ,. 1: me I . imIhi.ii t u 10 Janmlia and the V I ri; i u Isliinds on a general tour ut inspection. Left to riW : Sena 'or Kenvoti of !:) ; t'on Sressman (laniett of Tennessee: Senator Kdje of New York; Coti(;i'esMiin Towner of Iowa: Hear Admiral J. N. Oliver, L'. S. N., head of tile commission; innressiiien Camphell of Kansas and Gay of Louisiana. "PRESIDENT'S SHEEP" ON THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS Lwiicr Archer, stai ol .Mis. liorolliy Archer of Toietio, v.:tli Ins wireless set with huii ne found his sister, Oleo, itRPd seventeen, for whom he and his mother had been seanhinK for 13 years. No trace could he found of the girl shortly after she had been placed In a children's home near Lima, O., until one of ninny wireless appeals sent out by Lester lorn ted her on a farm near Uockford, u. Cleo is shown nt the ritiht. USING CALIFORNIA'S WATER POWER 4 fa.-ctsuHi.ilx Within a few years California will be freed from the danger of fuel shortape, for the state's water power Is being developed rapidly, ninny dam being built along Its waterways. This Is the Just completed Kerckoff darn near Fresno, 125 feet high and 4(Ki feet long nt the top. The water will oper ate turbines for the generation of electricity. ENGLISH GUNBOAT AS AN APARTMENT m 0 '1 he "presiilent s sheep are 11 p.caii'CMiue sight mi I lie south lawn ot the White House, ihe president "tak ing the suu" on the south porch frequently enjoys watching the gambols of the flock. SUGAR FOUND IN FIR TREES MAKING THE NAVY POSTER GOING ON A SI3ERIAN TRADING TRIP ..iJS?S- 1 1 tW' fill ' -SSI rTfV 'T P m & j'. L"" A'"' 'X V ! R'ls Greenloio.--John Morehead Ma- i rion liutlt r aad K. Carl Duncan com j ptel tba orain .zjliun of the repub- Ik an party of North Carolina. Th l (urnialitie'! nre Bout through with at the state contentija of tha party and a line two tliousitnil delt(aleii endorsed the new ounizrtinu by cheering ro clfaroiisly while the three shook hands on tbe stage of the Munic.p.l theater here Km nk l.inny, uia'.ile to attend thn convention on aoouut of .- ktiesa, was imliiiled with Morehead, Uuiler and Duncan in the "li g Four." who will attend the National convention at Chicago as dlegates at large. M.ire head was reelerted as national com mitteeman without opposition and Frank Llnney mcceds himself as stale chairman. John J. Parker of Monroe was nom inated for governor, and A. A. Whit ner. Hickory, for nited States sena tor. Judge Pritchard was endorsed as a candidate for President. The convention sent a telegram t Chairman Lodge, of the senate foreign relations committee, commending him and hie collegiates "who have prevent ed the confirmation of the league ot nations unamended as atempted to be fore?d on the American people by President Wilson." Lenoir. Town commissioners ol Blowing Rock have called an election for March 30 to vote on the question of issuing $15,000 street improvement bonds. Wlnston-Snlem. On account of In fluenza in the town and country dis tricts, the March term of Yadkin su perior court, which convened at Yad kinville, adjourned soon after the clerk had called over the docket Raleigh. The North Carolina Med ical society will hold its annual con rention in this city April 20-22, accord ing to the plans for the meeting, while the North Carolina Hospital associa tion will meet on the day before this conveatton opens, April 19. Goldsbore. After making a raid sear Goldsbore, in which they destroy ed a large mooashine still, revenue of fleers journeyed over to Duplin coun ty, where they were successful in lo cating and destroying a steam outfit still of &00 gallons capacity. Rutherfordton. Spindale, a suburb of Rtitherfordton, is on a great boom and has many new enterprises amont; which are a new rc.ller mill, sash and dorr factory, garage and shoe shop. Other enterprises will be promoted at an early date. - iJKlV,rT.8, uu" J Greensboro The orsanlzstlon meet ing of the Co-operative Dairy Pro duce company was held here, officers be:ng electd and plans made for the conduct of the business. i"ehurst. Three hundred and eighteen gelfers, comprising the great est field that has ever taken part In a single day of tournament play since the game was invented, started out on the first session of the qualifying round In the annual apriag tournament. Discovery of the growth of sugar on Douglas fir trees In British Columbia Is announced In the American For estry Magazine. The discovery re sulted from Investigation by Prof. John Davidson of the University of British Columbia at ancouver. Specimens are said to have Indicated the presence of a large percentage of an extremely rare variety ot sugar, Indians have made use of the sugar tor many years. The illustration shows a tir tree branch w ith the sugar oozing from tSe bark. C. B. Falls, one of America's fore most poster artists, who has Just com pleted a new poster for the United States navy's recruiting campaign. PRINCE SIXTE AND BRIDE In Ihe old l.nglish gunboat Nortliniiiptoii. monrcd nt lemple Me is, Lon don, as a training ship for sea scon Is. the chief instructor has titled tip a very cozy apartment. FOR SALVAGING OF SUNKEN VESSELS S il H x!5 i.r 1 tl h 'W Hi" 11 V?yl I ' J H U. ' .'i i fl n Pi V 1 I 1 mkU 1 1 t V V' v X,J 1) ' mWimti.'Simiirfimi!?, iti Ttl This Moating dry dock of .nimense proportions has been launched In Germnny for salvaging sunken vessels. The dock la towed Into position di rectly over the vessel to be salved, and by means of pontoons the ship Is .raised. Prince Slxte of Bourbon-I'nnna, offi cer of the Belgian army during the war, and his bride, Mile, Dedwlge de la Rochefoucauld, daughter of the Due de Doudenuvllle. Prince Slxte If brother of ex-Emoeror Karl's wife RAISED IN THE TRENCHES Mr. mid Mrs. Adam Lipke and I heir dog 'leddy photographed in Seattle, on their arrival from Alaska, after making plans for a trading trip into the Siberian arctic. Mrs. Lipke will accompany her husband and Teddy, who once saved the lives of bis owners when the Llpkes were lost in a snowstorm in Alaska. The Llpkes anil their party will cross Asia through the Bering sea from Nome. Alaska, and then continue S(K) miles Inland to trade with the Siberian Ksklino. SNAPSHOT OF STEEPLECHASE ACCIDENT Lenoir. Clerk Oscar Coffey, ef the Wautanga county superior court, has sent ia his resignation to Judge T. B. Finley, according to news reeclved here br friends of Mr. Coffev. Tbe office does not ray a sufficient amount is the reason given for Mr. Coffey' resignation. ft i I x ft' t ft A 1 S " " i "A' 1 0 X K r I J 5 : I " J ft ! i F sJl , , " f ' . t, & y ' f ? f 1 I t' '.f . f ' f if ; - o I ii --iK P1 4W -V-V.-A. V-. . . ... .. ... Mjj S3 fl Wilson Public UtMitles. W'sn WI'soti town is rttinjr tn a etate of preparedness to defy, to a ccrta'n extent, roal strikers and at the same time save thousands of dol lars In operating her public utilities hy harnessing Contentnea creek, three rp'ls sw-nv. Contracts hsve been let wVch reouire the exnenfl'ture of $111, 033 for the construction of a dsm, lines, f'c. d'v'rtd ps follows: Tm and buildings. T ftf)0 ; two generators, fl?"lT: sub-station and transmission li-i"s SS.300 ; turbines and governors, $10,406. This Is Argoiine, a (ieruuin police dog, and the German In his name Is as far as It goes. For Argonne wears two service chevrons and was raised In a trench by a United States dongh 'oy. who permitted him to be exhibit ed In the Westminster Palace kennel -knw In l.nririnn. Keiii.rknlle photograph taken ut Kemptou park, Kiiglund, showing spectacular accident during a steeplechase. MUCH IN LITTLE If a dish (lies to pieces In your hand. It Is a sign of trouble to some member of the family away from home. The world's smallest violin Is In London. It was made by V. Vander meulen and measures: Body, 111-10 Inches; over all, 2 Inches; bow 3 0-16 Inches. Roff--Bists WuM Pv te Fre'ot r--iris HqK.ipS c-fr-sfri.t, fliM-lar- g"t1in tbit they write all numbers of the i-p-thiI psemblv t cnnie hem and rnt'fv (Iip Sunn TV Anih-vnv snf-f'-'ice amendment without expense tn the stite. f-, t,-"i--al acsemlv w'l! srree. tT do thit the governor w:ll b" nrred ti rill the leg-islsMtre Into extnnr f -ntT-v e-o-sioo. TMs amendment could he ratd in a i?v and it would he no more trotih than culling state conventions of both parties. Pises for County Commencement Charlotte. Pirns were made for th county commencement, to be beld April 9, and the district preliminary contests, set for Mrrh J8. as well as for tbe fleld day exercises on April S, at tbe final meeting of the year of ta Mecklenburg; County Teachers atso elation. S'lver enps aBd medals to be pre sented to tbe winners In the Tarings contests, Including declamation, rec Itatinn, glee club, story tenia f ui spelling, at the commencement, win be given by Charlotte Srma.

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