oanehf Vamh tcntd PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY BY Tbe Herald Publishing Co., Inc. J. T. Stainback F. M. Shute . . Editor Manager Sukcription $2.00 a Year in Advance TELEPHONE 570 Entered 8 Second Class Matter April S, 1914, at the Post Office at Roanoke Rapid. North Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879. All communications should be addressed to the Herald Publishing Co. Persons wishing return of mss, must in all cases enclose stamps. All curd of thanks, resolutions of re spect, etc., etc., will be chhrged for at the rate of ten cents per line. Cash must accompany article in all case ex cept here customer hB a regular ac count No insertions made for less than 25 cents. Friday, May 28, 1920 The community needs a big new hotel. The whole month has been a "long cold spell". m Conditions are reported nor mal again in Ireland. Next week the G. 0. P. will have most of the headlines. Mexico seems to have little trouble in disposing of her ex-presidents. You simply ought to buy that season ticket early - and Chau tauqua starts on June 10. Talking about superstition -everytime Hiram Johnson makes a speech he knocks on W ooa. This colyum is going to miss Carranza-we would always get a squib out of him in a pinch. California Johnsonians in rhoos ing their hero as an alternate are betrayed. He has to melt stony hearts by his eloquence. His mighty voice is to soften and persuade hostile delegations. The galleries, judiciously "dressed", will make majestic reboation. In a grand transformation scene, pandemonie in hullabaloo, pan angelic in brotherly affection, the foremost anti-iniquitarian will be nominated bv a unanim ous vote. Lovely picture, more than worthy of the golden age! We hear the iron tears drawn down Penrose's cheek. Even Murray Crane takes shelter in a confess ing handkerchief. The rocky heart of William Carries is moved t) the la(e remorse of love. The groups of veteran politicians who were cold and deaf to so many miles of appealing words in 1012 and 191fi are won at last. Yet why should Senator Johnson's physical presence and far-heard voice be necessary to get him the prize? He deserves it for, more solid reasons. He repre sents openly the steady hostility, shown more insidiously by the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate, to the League of Nations, to the reconstruction of business confidence, to the diminution of armaments and war. In his six years as Governor : the expenditures of the State were increased nearly 100 per cent. As an economist, a reduc er of taxation, he perfectly re presents the passion for economy and tax reform of this Republi can Congress. With a so flaw lessly Republican record, why should he have to let loose his thunder at Chicago? New York Times. Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. - j Save Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on s EASY PAYMENTS I Electrical Power for ail Purposes at Low Kates WE RENT DIRECT WATER POWER AT $15.00 per HORSE POWER per YEAR Wouldn't it be better if Con srress would get to work on its mandate to govern the American people. Only $2800.00 of Johnson money sent into North Carolina headline-Ye Gods! Won't even hnv ennueh dears to go around for the faithful. MAX GARDNER is finding jim barrett about the best vote tretter for him in the State. Jim makes friends for Gardner every time he opens his mouth Wp sag bv the DaDers that Brother Bill Bryan will be there, and brethern, the chances are mnre than favorable that he will start something after he gets there. The peace resolution is now in the hands of the President-regardless of what he writes about it, we confidently assert that what he thinks about it really isn't fit to print. The New York Times has dorsed one John W. Davis the Democratic nomination the presidency. 'Sail right, presume if he can get the votes of all the Democrats who never heard of him before. en for for we We still think Hoover a good man for President. Such is the tenacity of our conviction tr at we will insist even after they've innnmirntpd somp onf pIsp that they missed the chance of elect inar the biggest man in America to the presidency. ASKING ALMOST TOO MUCH. "And so you are not married yetl" "No." "Engaged?" "No." "What's the matteiT "Well, paoa says that my fcushand must be a keen and experienced man, of good health and good habits; ruam ma says that he roun be frugal, Indus trious and attentive; and I 6ay he must be handsome, dashing, talented and rich. We ore still looking for him !" Strny Stories. Making Money Now. "Is Scrilson still doing literary '(rork?" "Oh, no. Scrlbson has giren op his dreams of fame and decided to let pos terity take care of Itself while he tarns a living for his family." "Sensible decision. Is he selling au tomobiles?" "No. He's writing popular fiction for the magazines." i i DRY CLEANED. "I never see the cat vraahin kaf fees any mora." "That cat is progressive. - Eh trolla around in front of the vacuum cles-a, whenever I have it la use,'' The Other Fellow. j1' X like the other fellow, ; ' Me'e food to have along; Tot I can always put the hlarre On him when things go wrong. . Milder Moods. "There's no doubt about It," unwed Senator Sorghum, "we're a great deal more gentle and refined than we used to be." "There have been some hard-boiled methods." "Not In statesmanship. Ther'e was a time when a political quarrel might lead to a duel. Now the worst you can expect Is a libel suit" ALTERNATE JOHNSON Senator Johnson was elected one of the alternate delegates to the Chicago convention, "obviously," says Mr. De Young's San Francisco Chronicle "with a view of making a vacan cy for him in the regular body when the question of the pro posed alliance is before the con vention, as, apparently, it will be" The ' 'alliance" is, of course the Covenant of the League of Nations, to whose "iniquities" no other public man has given such study." By a rather un fortunate reference to "the florid eloquence" "of the young man Bryan" In the Democratic National Convention of 1S96, the purpose and hope cf the A Correction. The Judge I understand that yon frequently said that robbing a trust fund was the last thing you would do. The Culprit Well, what If I did say 07 The Judge Ton were wrong. Ton are cow going to do from one to ten years. T. W. MASON Girjsburu. N. C. W. L. LONG I Roanoke Rapida. K. C K. A. MATTHEWS, Roanoke Raipdi. N. C. MASON, LONG & MATTHEWS Attorneys at Law Office: Roanoke Rapid, N. C, . and Jackfton. N. C Dr. Wm. A. Carter Veterinary Surgeon WELDONN. C Local and Long Distance Phone Drs. West & Crank DENTISTS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Office 2ui Floor Drag Start Building For Sale One Jersey Cow (3 Year. Old With Calf Four Weeks Old 12 Nice Pigs Eight Weeks Old Prices will appeal to one desiring to purchase a good cow or pigs. E. H. SHELL Rosemary, R. F. D. THAT'S what tha Patke Phono. I- Z'?ZZ'ZZ III . ' SUPREME in eyery good quality that I Su&J- " 'tf , : f you ever look for in a modern phone HI' ' Ff"4J ri i graph. I ai AlPi rlM ' ft v'i:- - - SUPREME in de.ifi. and in construe- tjl CM5 M . Y V i jf AboTe all, SUPREME in tha one big- M ! fcjj llM I j - ,1,in th,t 'a I m ! m M i fm ii$fli SUPREME IN TONE HI FJ M U'll tfl ,10 :X)kf ft r ' pTi! THAN THE ORDINARY j i' ?7 - PHONOGRAPBL Mi 4 SEE US FOR YOUR applies Building Lime Let Us Figure With You on Your Requirement Cement Laths Halifax Builders Supply Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. The L. G. Shell Company, Inc. Rosemary, N. C. The Store Your Doctor Recommends Rosemary Drug Company WHERE QUALITY COUNTS Rosemary, N. C You Owe It To Your 0 Family It's an obligation you have assumed - unconsciously, perhaps, but none the less an obligation. You are in duty bound to fosler family thrift, to teach it by example. Some portion of your income - be it ever so small, should be regularly added to a Savings Account. The bank-book makes a fine object lesson -the whole family can watch the balance grow. There is no time like the present and you can open an account here with a single dol lar. , 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids Only Rational and Largest Capitalized Ranking Institution in Halifax and fCorthampton Counties ' C A WYCHE, Pre. S. F. PATTERSON. V-Pted. J.T. STAINBACK. Chi. T.W. M. LONCV-Prest. 0 (j

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