ALL'S FAIR By R. RAY BAKER ? . H20. by McClur Kw8!aper Syndicate) Here's a story about a nurse who didn't marry a patient Graduated from Sunburn Memorial hospital In the bl(f city, with au encmvert, berib boneil dli.lonia, and an U. N. after her name. Suae Howtli accepted a po sition as superintendent of Bellevlew hospital In the small city of Rushlng ton. and there she met David Kllng. j David had never bvn sick a day in I his life, evrept with the mumps and ; measles when h was i. yn in-ster. ! Nevertheless, wtii-n he saw Suse Ilope .well, David decided that he needed I a nurse, not because S;ise was a nurse, but because Suse was Suse. and her being a nurse was just incidental. David was proprietor of a jewelry-phonograph-sewing machine-camera store, and he first saw Suse when she entered the place on business. The business was the purchase of a sew ing machine bndly needed at the hos pital. Now David was a very Ingenious young man, albeit somewhat reserved and backward when It came to the business of wooing. The moment he aw Suse step Into the store the lit tle engine that operated on his left side began to work queerly. As he walked toward ihf i - . l . . tomer he wax 1 :; - would frii.lll.Ml her. I'.,-' seemed uniie - to the ccn.-lll--i.iii H.; t ; had not noticed the m. : In stories all mir. :;r. this one is no ev, ;:: u in !' Sh mmmer 06S The season for Pumps and Low Quarters is here and we are prepared to supply our customers with High Grade Pumps and Low Quarters at Prices Hard to Beat Silk Hole-Proof Hosiery A shipment of this well known hosiery just received Big Stock of B. V. D. also on hand You Will Find Our Prices Lower Wells D. Tillery Co. J. K. DICKENS, Manager Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Harmonious Surroundings in the dining room - comfort, taste and refinement - insure better digestions, which, in turn, make for better health and greater happiness. The exercise of a proper amount dt care in the selection of your Dining Room Furniture may mean more to you than you can possibly know. Save You Money on Your Dining Room Need ai Good Weie Bought Befote Recent Advance Come in and Look Over Our Line Without Obligation to Buy B. S. WEBB Exclutive Furniture Dealer We hnV'l " '. Mf 1 ... .Vtif.all ' . -1 ..... -- other one .y mistake fie. U.e I .il I'i'. so it wouldn't work. As it rmj Jielied, mf strntry proved utmeces s:.ry. ilum'.is to the lo.'i.lciitiil bivtiU of the belt on jour machine." Suse smiled. There wits a queer, ntther mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yes. it was st r;:n-je," she admitted. "I miipoe you figured all wus fair In love. Well, now I'll iiiuke a confes sion of my own. I fell in love with you the day I stepped into your store." "I never susin'cled it," he exclaimed. "I didn't intend that you should." she said. "Hut my heart whs bumping so hard when you advanced- to wait rn me that I feared you would hear It. . "I also believed that all was fair in love," she went on after a brief pause. "In fact, I deliberately broke that belt so I could have you fix It." ' "I Need a Sewing Machine." gard. Suse hud bif; eyes that usually appeared gray, hut "at times seemed i shaded with deep blue. She was neither slender, short, tall nor chunky. Her hair was light brown, and while iit could not be called luxuriant, there was enough of it, without paid-for ad ditions, to be done up in a hnsiuess- . like, nevertheless attractive, coiffure. r "I need a sewing machine." Suse 'said, and I)avid stopped staring and j ; suddenly remembered what she was 1 ' there for. i Once out of his daze, he tried to .cover the fact that he had been in 'one by rapid monologue, which was i rather inane, but served to mako tip :for the time he had consumed in srur ; lng at Suse. ', Suse selected a machine mid paid-' for it, requesting that it be sent to ithe hospital, and after she left lavid .drifted Into a waking dream. Suse ' certainly got a bargain when she , i bought that machine, for a young man's heart was thrown In without extra charge. The apparent hopelessness of his , dream brought David out of It. i "I'm a gonner," he half groaned. . "But what's the use? I don't know her and there's no chance of getting acquainted unless I get sick, and then j the store would go to ruin, mid who ; , wants to marry u bankrupt man? He- 'sides, I might as well admit that I! haven't enough nerve tp go after her." ! However, as has been said, David i ; was an Ingenious young man, nnd it 'was not long before his brain got to ' work on a scheme which had for Its object the forming of Suse Hopewell's acquaintance, and, some distance in the future, the marrying of her. Two sewing machines were to be delivered on the same trip, and a short time before the driver of the flivver called for them Duvid might have been seen busy with a screw driver about the mechanism of the one ordered by the superintendent of Bejlcvlew hospital, lie might have been seen thus engaged, but he took pains to make sure that ho was not. He watched the machines leave on the truck and with a queer glitter in his eyes began straightening up the phonograph record rucks. There were no developments that day, but the next afternoon David re ceived a call from Helleview hospital. "The new machine I bought of you doesn't work," said a sweetly familiar 1 voice on the wire. "I need it right now, so please seud some one In a hur ry tp fix it." Some one went In a hurry. David u)t himself. Suse ushered him into the presence of the obstinate machine, and lie pro duced a screwdriver from his tool bag to remedy the trouble, of which he was the cause. "Xou won't need that," smiled Suse. "It's something about the belt that's wrong." With surprise David noted that her statement was true. Something was wrong with the belt, and the bobbin, which he Intended should have be come balky, worked smoothly. As he busied himself repairing the belt, David managca to entice Suse Into conversation, ami when he left he felt that he hail tnudo some prog ress, although he was still mystified. The mystery was solved when lie got back and learned that a man had been sent out to Joseph Freedmau's home I to repair a new machine. "The delivery man got them mixed." David decided;'- but he j;;:-t a" well pleased, for the broken belt had I served Its purpose tis effectively as the bobbin might have dune. ! Thus did David Klinger and Suse j Hopewell get acquainted, and, encour aged by bis progress of the first flay. David summoned enough courage to Invite Suse to attend the theater with ' him. Suse seemed to welcome his atten- tlons, and soon be was rulling en her... with considerable regularity. Three months after the purchase of the sew ing machine that hud served to guide their destinies, they became oi mured. ' "Isn't It wonderful," be observed one night, Vhat little things serve to bring a man and woman together?" "Yes," she agreed, "I once heard of a man who met his fate just be cause a strong wind blew a hat from a young lady's head, and be ran after it for her." "That case is no stranger than ours," said David. "Just a Utile sew ing machine did the business. Do you know that I fell in love with you the day you came Into my store to buy the machine? And do you know that I deliberately damaged a sewing ma chine so that I might get acquainted with you?" "You damaged my machine?" she inquired, evidently perplexed. . "Well, do. I didn't. Id(iniage4an- QUEER METHODS OF FISHING In Palestine They Do Not Us NeU and Would Laugh at a Hook ' and Line. The modern I'alitlne dweller tells us that he would now look In vain for boats "launching out Into the deep," and working nets all night In the Sea of fialllee. Not that the tish have i disappeared; they are to he caught! there In millions, as also In the Jordan ! and Jabbock ; but the Arabs, less ac-j customed to svs'etenic work than the! Jews of old, follow easier plans thf j siniplesi ,-.r which i. throwing poisoned bits of r,e:il cake Iito the wrter, and then wading in to make a collection a custom of which no other nation li like to rob them. Another way of doing the work Is hj pelting the fish wiih stones, which rac be done very profitably when th schools of yellow luusbt congreata Some of the Bedouins, probably taking example by travelers, fire charges of small shot among them, and so get a bag; so thick are these schools that It is even said that a revolver bullet has been known to kill three fish. Hook nnd line may be found very occasionally, hut, as a rule, when the practices above are not resorted to, the fishing is done by small dip nets or large hand nets; In the former case the fishermen, standing on the banks, lower a kind of bird net which can be closed by the pulling of a rope, from racks or wooden platforms, and hauled up at Intervals of an hour or so. Where the hand net Is In use It Is a kind of cross between a butterfly and shrimp net the fisherman wades In up to his waist with a bag on his shoulder, and Is content to catch the tlsh one or two at a time. The fish of the Syrian waters are of many dif ferent species, but few are peculiar to the country. Exchange. Phenomenon Caused Alarm. It Is recorded In the Gentlemen's Magazine that on January 3, 175d, at four o'clock in the afternoon, at Tunin. In Ireland, an unusual light, far above RE Two Car Loads of URN1TU Just Received These new arrivals make our stock one of the most complete in the county. Dining Room Suites Living Room Suites Parlor Suites Odd Pieces of Furniture and Home Furnishings Come In and See Our Stock Glover & Smith Furniture and Undertaking Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Warning ! ! A burglary arts everybody buying additional locks. A fire merely arouses sympathy for the viclim. Yet fires are more frequent than bur glaries and more coftly. Additional insurance with a good sound company like the Hartford will give you pro tection up near the present value of your property. that of tb" !r!L-tiicst day, s'fruck, all the !i-.Mers w!;u amarement. It tli-Mi f.-el -il aw-.y I y Invisible decrees; hiit at seven. fre;n vest to oast, a "sun of st- :u e-rs" appeared across th sky. midnintln like the waters of a rippl'ier stream. A general feeling of alarm was excited by this phe nomenon. The streamers gradually became d'ssohed, and flashed away to the north, attended by a shocS which all f. It. but which did no dam age. Ti e iT:iir seems to have been an example of Aurora Borealla, only singular In Us being bright enough t4 tell upon the daylight Work Involved In Making Rifle. Nine hundred nnd ninety-seven cut ting tools alone ate required la manu facturing a modern rilie. The twist drill Is one of the busiest of these. To supply l,(KJt),(Mlo rilles, 94,000,000 holes must be drilled. Beat Them to It I was expecting a friend to call oii Sunday evening. I opened tlie parlor door, and, seating myself on (lie porch, awaited his arrival. When ha cama we went into the parlor. Hearing a noise, we looked around, and to my Chagrin discovered my two pet chick ens roostlng'on the back of a chair. Chicago Trlbnne. Forestalled the President. Peggy is feeling Important these days, having been chosen secretary of her little church" club. She was labor ing over the minutes of her llnst meet lng when I suggested that she should aiwayg begins "The meeting was call ed to order with the president la the chair." "But the wasn't," protested Peggy, indignantly. "I was. I got theve first and got the big chair and the rest had only kindergarten seats." mm .Mi .if -..'v-A- -"riirlbii i Haiiii iTiii t '''(ii. i Ai There is never a doubt as to your satisfaction if you trade at this complete drug slore. Never a doubt as to reliable quality. Never a doubt about getting exadly what you ask for. Never a doubt as to lowest prices. Never a doubt as to prompt, courteous attention. Never a doubt that you can buy juft as safely over the phone or by mail as in person. Never a doubt of any description. jfigpipyf8gfggCTiBPgiiwf piwwf Wti C r, jP O PHONEiSGQ - ROANOKE RAPIDS, N.C3 StJlLiiil it i frig fg tNf gf wwwwww wm mnm m pm m h wy' mm mm Ml mm mm mm i v - it e i WTO-ayiieiwiMWf j ' NATIONAL LOAN & INSURANCE COMPANY First Natitnal Bank Buildiif Agents Roanoke Rapids, N. C. TM'tex-ifciff mmmmmmmwmwmmmmmmwmmmWWmwammmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmMmmWm lit I 3 tlLi"5M?".. J.i Special Opening Night V .4 ALTON PACKARD Master Cartoonist and Homerist Extraordinary -AND- Del Mar Ladies' Quartet AT CHAUTAUQUA Season Tickets - - - $2.50 Less Than the Price of Three Admissions at Evening Performances on is a i weive vynnaer Packard" and furnishes Chau tauqua this year with one of its best entertainments on the program. Mr. Packard was on the Redpath Circuit last year and the newspapers of the cities he visited praised his work most highly. First Night - June 10th

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