i 5 1 N 1 . i J ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. ('., JULY 2, 1920 Subscription $2.00 a Year in Advance I I 1 I 1 ! I I l -r : 5 " o Volume VII. - iuubtt 15 ROSEMARY i!LIbOiVL AND ' SIX MORE LOAFERS LOCAL ITEMS I LODGED IN JAIL Mr. R. D. Jenkins welfare oilicer. lei'i t1 county t Hi KOt'S for Chapel Iliil where lie will take a six weeks ci iin in child welfare work. Mr r p. i;;,.r r c,,i,r,r Va., was in town Wednes day on business. Mr. 1. IU. Jenkins spent sever al days in Hampton and Newport News. Va., last week. Mr. W. K. Matthews has about ; Th(1 tirst three for house break completed his new home on Jack-; injJ aml stea;j.1ri and the other son Street. jwo for receiving stolen goods. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Coleman, i Martin was conYifteil on the of Roykins. Va.. were here Sun-' t.iar of breaking into the S. tfav. Mr. CharbM 1 b rue, nf mond, spent Tiuvdav im Kieli-u;se- mary. Miss Angelyn Alexander ar rived from Scotland Neck Wednesday night and wiil be associated w ith Miss Reed at the Rosemary Mfg. Company's cannery this summer. Mr. H. G. Goodman, of Peters burg, was here Tuesday. Mr. H. L. Dell went to Hali fax Tuesday on business. Mr. L. G. Shell spent the week end at the Beach. Misses Sarah and Lillian Hell j years ISM to 1S72 in which tend Jenkins are visiting relatives at ; encies strikingly like those of Hampton and Newport News, J the present day are revealed, Va. : The Rosemary Druir Co., is making some improvements in their store buildine;. Mr. J. E. Cox is remodelling his cottages on Roanoke Avenue and making considerable im provements on them. .Messrs. M. G. Jenkins, Clyde Taylor and J. E. Dobbin attend ed the Richmond-Rocky Mount Ball game at Rocky Mount, N. C. Tuesday. The Revival meeting at the Baptist Church closed Wednes day night. Mrs. D. A. Culbreth of Clin ton, is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Chas. M. Lance, at the parsonage. Mr. I). L. Powell, of New York, was in town Tuesday. Miss Nason, of the hospital staff, is visiting her parents in Staunton, Va. Mr. G. E. Grissom. of Hender son, was here Tuesday. Mr. Jeff Palmer, cf Charlotte, spent Tuesday in to.vn. Mrs. L. G. Shell and children are spending the summer at Vir ginia Beach, Va. Mr. C. F. Ogietree has recent. Itr inofallorl an n n.t i. A :1 r Struln ir : r.r., 4-;,.., .i I'uuiiuuii iu ina nc ami itii luiii store. Work on the deep well for the new laundry near oanoke June-1 lion nas oegun. in is win oe known a3 a wet-wash laundry for household laundry. Mr. W. G. Thompson returned Wednesday from Stanitorium, N. C. after spending five or six weeks there. Mr. W. F. Joyner left yester day for Detroit Mich. The Boys Club of All Saints Episcopal Church enjoyed a hike and a Camp Supper Sunday after noon under the directions of Mr. Leonardo Andrea. Mr; 15. C. Harrell. of Chapel Hill, was here Monday in the in terests of the Univ'fxiiy of North Carolina. Mr. C. J. Levengood of Wins-ton-Salem was in town Wednes day. Mr. R. F. Jenkins, Jr., of Columbia, S. C. spent Wednes day here. NAVY PICTURES EXHIBITED HERE A navy recruiting station stop ped over a couple of days this week, pitching their tent on the vacant lots just beyond the Glover building a ;j(.f (Umrfi, unique iiu,C;, ima .w fnrn nf tma nirk' u: : ;..f. was Mien iiiuviiij; juuiuic uiam, A screen was placed on the side of the'small ollice ouilding oceu-i pied by J. H. Cranwell, and pic tures exhibited showing some parts of navy life. Sent up for Stealing and Receiving r. i r i rt f i j iioitn uooas. une lor maeceni fondue!. j Chief Dubbins broke up what Ul peared to be an organized I bunch of negro loafers who gain ed their livelihood stealing from varimis warehouses, when he 'I arrested, Kugene Martin, Regi- i nnl Martin, Richard Harrison, ! Will Inirram and John Blackwetl. A. L Warehouse and Harrison and Ingram the warehouse of the L. G. Shell Co., all five were placed under $500 bond, in de fault of which they went to jail. Marrie Mills was convicted of indecently exposing his person and went along with the others in default of a $500 bond. HOW TRICES ROSE AND FELL Interesting conclusions may be drawn from a recently complet ed analysis of wholesale and re- i tail prices and wages tor the showing finally a slump in prices which, economists and students of market conditions say, soon may be expected if history is to repeat itself. The figure of 100 is taken as the basic level of all three in lSilO. There was a gradual rise during ISM and 1S02 and 1S03, and at the end of the last year wholesale prices were rt 150; re tail prices at 110; and wages at 130. During the year 18(54 came the sharpest rise and wholesale prices jumped to the 210 mark, reaching the peak in January, 1S()5. Meanwhile both retail prices and wages had taken a more gradual rise, the former standing at 1(55 in January and wages being at 150. In April, 1SG5, the war ended and there came a sudden drop in wholesale prices, which fell to 100 in July of that year and then rallied up to 180 by the end of the year. Retail prices and wages continued a steady rise throughout the year; not being affected by the end of the war and reached the respective levels of 170 and 1(55 at the end of 1805. In the year following the close of the war, or 186(5, there was a marked variation in the trend of the three. Wholesale I prices fluctuated rather violently , 1 I Kiif i'lf Vi q Anncfanf rlnu'nu'Qrrl A th continued thig downward w with accasional i sharp rallies for aeven years following the war, scoring a net ! loss of from five to ten points a year, untill in 1872, just proir to the great panic, they were at 130 or just SO points above the pre-war figure. If history is repeating it self the man who now denies himself useless luxuries and puts his money in government securities or in other standard investments will be on a sound financial basis when the present troublesome days are over. War Loan Organization, Fifth Federal Reserve District, Richmond, Va. NORTH CAROLINA, HAI IFAX CO!'NTY.-IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. M. Pippin, Jr. I Vs. Notice. MapKiif Pippin, i The ilffemiant alove named will take niitico Uiat an action entitled as nuove tins been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County to dissolve the bunds of matrimony now existing between the said plaintiff and defend endant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at (he trm of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the j fourth Monday in August, VJM, at the Court Ilouseof said County in Halifax, N.C, and answer or demur to the com,,,Bint j sai(, HClion or tne "'"i" i (,ff , wi Him v til the I inrf tor thp rp- lief in said complaint. is. M. tiary. Clerk of the Superior Court. This 20th day of June, A. D. 1920. A. L. Clark, Att'y. jy 2-4L UNIVERSITY NEWS LETTER With attendance sw eeping up to the 1200 mark, a limit fixed only by the, capacity of the University to accomodate stud ents, the 33rd session of the University of North Carolina summer school swung into its second week facing a more vari ed activity than Chapel Hill has ever known in any one summer. In addition to the more than 700 North Carolina teachers who are studying courses in education and the 400 students taking re gular college courses, a series of institutes has been announced lasting almost to the very open ing of the University for the l'JOth session next fall. The public welfare institutes, con ducted jointly by the University and the southern division of the Red Cross for social workers of all kind, will continue until September 13, the last two weeks consisting of field work away from Chapel Hill. A special child welfare insti tute will be conducted July 5-10 under the auspices of the National Child welfare Associa tion, with Mrs. Ira D. Hasbrouch' field secretary of the association, in immediate charge. The com mercial secretaries of North Carolina, secretaries of cham bers of Commerce, boards of trade, and other industrial and civic bodies, will hold an insti tute, August 9-14, the first of its kind in this state. Overlapping that institute will come another, the community service institute, at which W. C. Crosby, secretary of the North Carolina community service bureau, will have his 40 field agents for a conference and dis cussion of their problems. At the same time the second meet ing of the state and county coun cil will be held, August 17-19, with representatives from many of the state and county depart ments which are closely connect ed, present for a rehashing on both sides of tha difficulties of their work, The new public welfare insti tutes, the beginning of the school of public welfare in the Univer sity, have attracted a large num ber of social workers. Commis sioner Roland F. Beasley has brought over almost his entire office force, including Mrs. ! Clarence Johnson, director of child welfare work, Mr. Harry G. Newman, of the state board, and Mrs. Powell, his own secre tary, all of them attending classed. Twenty county superin? tendentsof publjp welfare are here now for work and a num ber of social workers from out side the state. A lot of attention is being kiaid this summer to music and' dramatic productions in the sum mer school. Professor Paul J. Weaver, assisted by Williams Breach, director of community singing in Winston-Salem, will direct the production of a music al cantata and a chorus; and Profespor Frederick Koch, direc tor of the Carolina Playmakers, will have charge of a production of some of the original North Carolina folk-lore plays written by University students. He will be assisted by Mjss Grace tJria- wold, director of the Theatre Workahop in New York, NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY-IN TIIK SCl'KRIOR COURT. Mamie Gardner , Vs. ' Notice Charlie Gardner The defendant above named will take notice that an ftotion entitled a above has been commenced in lh Superior Court of Halifax County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween the said plaintiff and defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the fourth Monday in August, 1120, at the Court House of said County in Halifax, N. C, and answer or demur -to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint S. M Gary, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 29th, day of June. A. D. 1920. A. L. Clark, Att'y. Jy2-4t. WITH THE CHURCHES j . AH Saiuts Church i Fpixop.li ! lo enforce strict compliance Rev. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector j with the State sanitary law the Kwaokf Avenue j engineering division of the State Uoni.Ho Andrr., Liyworltr j board of health is placing addi- j tional inspectors in the field for Next Sunday is the Fifth the purpose of checking up corn Sunday after Trinity, munities which have previously Church school and Adults I been inspected by the regular Bible Class. T. W. Mullen, j field men of the health depart Supt. at 0:1) ment. Where previous instruc 11 Celebration Holy Commun- jtions for the construction and ion and sermon. S evening ser maintenance of sanitarv nrivies vice and sermon. The Church with a welcome. Rojenr ry Methodist Church Service 11 and S. Meeting of the Hoard of Stew- ards Monday S P. M. Womans Missionary Society Tuesday S P. M. at the parson age. Praver Meeting Wednesday S P. M. The public is cordially invited. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Eugene C. Few Pastor Sunday, July 4th Vm. Sunday School 9:1") a. M. W. V. Woodroof, Supt. . If you are not in Sunday School we want you, you may find profit with us. Preaching services 11 A. M. sermon subject, "My Declaration of Independence." Services 8 r. m Sermon sub ject, "A Man on Firo." Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 i. M. We welcome you into true worship with us. Presbyterian Church Rev. Stanley White, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Service 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:15 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting 8:00 P. M. on Wednesday. Choir practice on Wednesday following prayer meeting, There will he ft probatory ser vice for the communion on Satur day night at 8:00 P. M. The sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated at the. ! morning service. j NOTICE Attuntion of all ex soldiers who j cers for offices which failed of served in the War with Spain at , nomination in. the primary held on home or abroad, or those who! June the 5th, 1920. saw service in the Fhillipine In-' 2. That the primary shall be surrection or the Ohina relief ex- j held under the same rules, laws pedition and their widows the ; and regulations as the Primary of late Congress passed laws of the ' June 5th, 1920, and; in accordance utmutit interest to above class of ; with Section 4gXi a a.nd the sub oldiers and if they will send j sections thereof of Gregory's name and address to Walter S. biennial Revi&aj of 1917 and Buchanan, National Aid-,e-: amendment thereto. Camp, Army and Navy lTnian, By order of the County Board Route 'I Louisa, Va., he will be 'of Elections of Halfax County, glad to advise you fully as to ! North Carolina, your rights under the new law, ! Whit. A. Johnsto Chairman, prompt action will mean the pos-i sible saving of money, as the: pension commences from the i filing of the claim. Mr. Bucha- nan is also a member of the General Nelson A. Miles Camp, ! No. 1, United Spanish War Vet-; crans and the President's own ; Garrison, No. 101, of the Army! and Navy Union, and wjshes to assist his comrades in every pos $uc manner, write mm and n i Lclose ptamp for reply. I BAND CONCERT I The bands of Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary are indebted to i Mr, S, F. Patterson for their new summer uniforms, which will be worn for the first time at the concert at the Roanoke Rapids Park on July -1th to be given by the combined bands, Seats sufficient to accomodate several hundred people have bean placed in the Park, and the ;band stand will be completed in time for the concert on July 4th , i-ir st to Bs Remembered. Advice Is like snow, the softer It falls, the loi ger It dwells upon and I the deeper U pinks Into the mind. Coleridge. , SAI 1 Ak Y laws to BE RAPIDLY ENFORCED nave not been iollowecT prosecu tions under the law are being made. Owing to the large territory contained w ithin the State it has j been an impossibility for the in- specters employed to complete '' the work of inspection through- , out the State since the law be came effective. This work is going forward, however, as rapidly as it can be efficiently done. This reinspection just be gun is for the purpose of check ing up and making sure that the law is obeyed. Laurinburg was the first of the tow:ns to receive a reinspec tion, and this was officially re quested by the local authorities. Spring Hope, Jamesville, Robersonville, Plymouth, Henderson, Nashville and Nor wood are among others visited. From all these reports indicate the desire of the people generally to follow the provisions against the spread of typhoid fever, coli tis and other diarrheal diseases the germs of which are distri buted by (lies. Among recent prosecutions iwere three of the largest! property holders in the town of I Henderson. Each defendant i entered plea of guilty and judgement was suspended for j thirty days pending their com- pliance with the law. At Nor- wood six property owners were ; convicted for failure to, provide sanitary privies. R. B. Wilson. PRIMARY JULY 3 Resolved by the County Board of Elections of Halifax County ; 1. That Saturday Julv 3rd. 1920 be and the same is hereby fixed as the day and the various voting precincts of Halifax county as the places for holding a second pri mary for nominating certain Ofti- BOTH lOCAl TEAMS LOST LAST SATURDAY Local fans and pJayers were slam out of luck last Saturday; : both the Roaomary and Roanoke ; Rapkla teams losing their games ;to the time of 6 to 3: A team from Rocky Mount i crossed bats with Roanoke Rap ids and the Woodland team with Rppemary. Voth visiting teama made their six runs in one inning in the early part of the game midst a comedy of errors mingled with a few hits. MR. J, M. TAYLOR HOST Mr. J. M. Taylor gave the members of the local camp of Woodmen of the World, a very enjoyable ice cream supper in tb$ rooms of the camp last Monday evening. The ladies of the Episcopal Church will hold an ice cream supper in the park at Rosemary Saturday night. The public is invited. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION The combined bands of Rose mary and Roanoke Rapids, num bering forty, musicians, have ar ranged an unusually attractive program for the concert to . be given in the Park on Sunday, July 4th commencing at 3:30 p. m. No efforts are being spared to make this concert the best ever given in Roanoke Rapids and it is to be hoped that every- uoay will attend. The program will be as follows: PART I 1. March, National Emblem, Bagley. 2. Overture, Empyrean, Hayes 3. Waltz, Lifes Dream, Buhals. 4. Overture, The Troubadour. Myers. 5. Mexican Dance, Santa Rosa, Kiefer. 6. Overture, The Iron Count, King. 7. Two-Step, Our Director, Bigelow. PART II 8. March, Indiana State Band, Farrav. 9. Overture, Inspiration. Hayes. 10. Waltz, Kittiwake, Myers. 11. Overture, Arcadia, Lan- veua. 12. Intermezzo, The Flower Girl, Wenvich. 13. March, The Union Forever Scouton, 14 Fantasia, The Soldier's Dream, Whiteley. a. Trumpet Call. b. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. c. Tenting Tonight d. Bugle Call. e. Glory Hallelujah. f. Just Before The Battle Mother. g. Yankee Doodle. h. Home, Sweet Home. i. Dixie, j. Star Spangled Banner, k. Taps. 1. Soldiers Player. Ed. Owens, Director Rosemary Band. Author Whitely. Director Roa noke Rapids Band. POWELLTOWN ITEMS Mrs. Annie Toppins and little daughter, Virginia, of Richmond, is visiting Mrs. A. G. Medlin this, week. Mrs. M. A. Daniel ha3 arrived from Petersburg where she has been for some time. Mrs. Moody left Monday for Norfolk Hospital. Misses lola and Annie Bell Gray spent Sunday in Norfolk. Little Nellie Luter, daughter of Mrs. D. E. Luter, entertained a few friends at her home Satur day afternoon Mrs. Marvin Starks was the guest of Mrs. L. A. Hudson Monday afternoon. Mr. Nathorn Ethridge, of Hobgoad, spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. Miss Eula Hodgens, of Scot land Neck, is visiting; relatives here this week. Mr. Robert Merrttt left Sunday for Norfolk. Miss Annie Hockaday, of Boi ling, pent the week-end with Miss Lottie Hudson. Mr. Mazor Morris of Rocky Mount, is visiting friends here this week. Mr. Robert Medlin, of Durham, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Eugene Ethridge, of Hob- good, spent Saturday and Sun day here with relatives. Mr. Pepper, of Littleton, spent the week-end herewith relatives. Mrs. John Dickens and family, of Norfolk, are visiting Mrs. L. A. Dickens this week. PARCEL POST SALE The Ladies of Tabor Church will have a "parcel post sale" at the School House Monday July 5, 8:30 o'clock for the benefit of the new church. Cream will be sold and every body will have a good time. Come! ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. L. W. Clements week-end in Norfolk. spent the Mr. P. C. Duncan spent Sun day in Clayton with his family. Mr. Will Duncan, of Newport News, is visiting relatives here this week. Misses Viola King, Norine Cranwell and Lessie Bray spent Sunday at Ocean View. Messrs. Elliot Love, Bruce Tillery and J. Butts Dickens spent Sunday at Ocean View. Miss Murch Raybon, of Lum berton, is visiting Miss Beadie Clark. Mr. F. C. Williams spent the week-end in Franklin with rel atives. Mr. F. F. Tatterson spent the week-end in Raleigh. Miss Mina Smoot has returned home from Richmond after com pleting a course in Stenography at Massey Business College. Mrs. W. G. Lynch and son, Graham, have returned home after spending some time in Ox ford. Miss Julia Harry has returned from a trip to Philadelphia. Miss Ruth Clark, of Weldon, spent last week in the home of Mrs. J. Frank West. Mr. Tillery Roberson, of the U. S. Navy, spent the week-end here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Othur Smith and family, of Cedartown. Ga.. have arrived hereto make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Spivey and son, James Lewis, spent Sunday at Rehobath. Mrs. Mike Faison and daugh ter, Mary, and Mr. Dallas Rea ves spent Sunday at Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tillery and Mr. W. S. Hancock and sons, Joseph and Allen, spent Sunday in Scotland Neck. Mr. Junius Wrenn spent the week-end at his home in Vultare. Mr. W. S. Hancock spent a few days in Norfolk this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck and Mrs. Bullock spent Monday in Oxford. Miss Addye Williams spent several days in Richmond this week. Mr. C. E. Matthews, Jr.. has returned from a visit to Asheville. Mr. S. F. Patterson is spending several day3 out of town this week. Mr. J. S. Massenburg has ac cepted a position with the National Loan & Insurance Com pany. Miss Lucille Smith spent sever al days in Weldon with her sister this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Shell and family and Mr. R. E. Shell and Mis3 Annie Taylor spent Sunday at South Hill with friends and relatives. Mr. F. M. Coburn has returned from a business trip to Baltimore. Messrs. William Jackson and Francis Wyche left this week for Camp Sapphire, where they will spend two months. Misses Alice Hockaday and Ethel Leatherwood spent Tues day in Enfield. Mesdames Annie M. Clemcnt3 and Roland Coker, of Garysburg, spent Tuesday in town on busi ness. Mr. Roger Warren, of Piy here mouth spent the week-end with friends and relatives. Miss Haillie Stokes, of Black stone, is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haraison. Miss Coleman, of Emporia, has accepted a position with Prof. A. E. Akers. MissElouise Thompson, left thi3 week for Wilimington after spending some time here with re latives. Mr. Pollard Bo, of Norfolk, spent several days here this week visitinc his mother. Mrs. W ' G. Thompson.

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