PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY BT The Herali Publishing Co., Inc. J. F. T. M. Stainback Shute . . Editor Manager Subscription $2.00 a Year in Advance TELEPHONE 570 fact that the Republicans hav not decreased federal taxes is airi'.y dismissed: and the fact thai they did not increase them by nearly two and a half billions is set up as striking proof of economy. And thi9 is Hit for ward, not as an example of the humor of extravagance, but as a, serious argument for voting the Republican ticket next fall. ; We are inclined to think, in . pessimistic moment, that nation- j A politics in the United States j has sunk to a lower plane than it' had ever reached before. The j idea that the national headquar ters of the two great parties are capable of putting out, in all I seriousness, such ineffable bunk i as has recently been emitted ; from Republican and Democratic j headquarters is depressing in the extreme, the chairman or one the rate of ten cents per i.i.b. l''n 1 0f the national committees thinks must accompany article in ail ewe. ex- j a regular ac- '- Uiaile lor teas muni is ai.aiuc, uini .iv important possible issues are good roads and better schools. . jvi0A??li AfjP3 serauj, jwAjrqja n. a a littl" -si'iJe; trSen I call- "Mrs. R. W. Hackett was J eliminate ail sucIT daughter, or for the women who National i may beeome your wife? If not. Entered ai Second Class Matter April S, 1914, at the Poet Office at Roanoke Rapid, North Carolina, under Act of March 8, 1879. AU communication should be addressed to the Hera'.d Publishing Co. Persons wishing return of mss, must in ! all cases enclose stamps. AU cards of thanks, resolutions of re snect. etc.. etc.. will be charged for at cent her customer nas a reKuir - count No insertions than 25 cents. Friday, August 13,1920 The community needs a hotel. The headquarters of the opposi tion candidate resorts, for its good lode, to Joe Miller s Joke Look. , What choice has even the most superficial thinker between these Thpv don't seem to be able to! two? W'e are seeing here the sk;k lorsuuic - . . nM was eliminate all such testimony if service." ix.1 in onntVvor iliWtOr. WhO find- aort'inrr. n ...k.'.L -.'!-J a. ..... rL Vn a I Z Tr'r' " "L C0UW 'eailV'nd Proceedings certificate that 1 was not able " .. " " B . ; Suffrage Convention. Chicago. Wake up and fijrht Suffrage in tTSrvHm 'the jury". The poor ! Prted b' Jer that aj The Nat.onal Suffrage Program j February. 1820. rage 64. ' order to protect Southern Worn man's wife cannot afford to pay IfT . y "l, be.en I I provide 1 Men of the South, do you like : en from havirg jury duty forced rwo doctor's bills to ape the j J"" whl1 H women be subject to jury j this prospect for your wife, your j upon them. Hiwcrrahle dutv whieVuffr?jr-: Pn 8 Jury I " ' 1 ' - - - ...... - - - -x .. iats have forced upon her.'rso she .' " ,,nicn thp suffrage states is obliged to serve. , are oi, juries in murder An article from the Spores-1 Cfcs- commercialized vice cases, man Review of Spokane, j and whiskey cases. Washington, a suffrage State : A court official of many years tells how the jury law works experience states that his ob thera: " v;servation of crimiHal trials has "While the law is so stern that shown that at almost every term it refuses a mother permission to of court language is used and in go to her baby while she is doing cidents recited from the witness ury duty, there is nothing to j stand that grate on the sensibili prevent a baby goinn to its ; ties of all refined men present. ! mother, at least that i how the Profanity, obscenity and the de-1 law was interpreted in the court j tailed narration of the immoral of Judge William Huneke, when acts and doings of the lowest baby Margaret Hackett went to j type of humanity are brought the courthouse for her dinner. out in all. their revolting naked "Father rushed Margaret, j ness. A suffragist naively age three months, In nn automo- j argued that if women were on bile to the courthouse. Mother the juries all this would be "cut gave baby her 6 o'clock meal, lout!" This is childish. It is a and father and infant retired, ! fact that it is not cut out in the subject to ln;rry eaHs during the; suffrage 3ta.te. Most judges night. jure refined men and would Free Testing and Distilled Water for Your Batteries Every Ten Days We Are Equipped to Recharge and Repair Your Batteries A Rental Battery for Every Car. No Net J : Your Car Stand Idle get the war out of Warsaw. Funny how long both parties survived without woman suffrage. That front rather warm, Harding? porch is getting isn't it. Brother Where now are the earnest and enthusiastic patriots of the over alls club? Somehow the country doesn't seem to get as excited over politics as it used. The last word in optimism Parley Parker Christensen's campaign manager. ' Little more than a hundred days to hard weather -and that coal supply not yet in? The solons of North Carolina and Tennessee stfn to have lit tle disposition to race. Czechoslovakia is neutral in the Russian-Polish war. Evi dently Czechoslovakia knows what's good for her health. Poland is still far from being beaten in Foch's opinion we un derstand this view is not shared by the Poles or the Bolshevists. first fruits of the fatal policy of leaving our politics in the hands of "practical" politicians, men whose first thought is for the spoils of victory. For these false steps were not accidental; on the contrary, they reflect faithfully the type of mind that predominates in our public affairs at this moment. The candidates, i thank God, both rise somewhat ! above this plane; but unfor tunately in electing either of; them we must elect also the men j who surround him to places of power. They talk, and with reason, of the pettiness of Wilson's cabinet; but the members of the cabinet are intellectual giants compared with these. Greensboro Daily News. "Cox Speech Pleases Demo caat3" head line. As tickled over it, doubtless, as the Repub licans are over the orations of Harding. REJECT THE SUSAN B. ANTHONY AMENDMENT j Suffragist leaders are careful ; never to mention to their audien-1 ces in the East or in the South the subject of jury duty for : women. When questioned1 about it, one of them replied:' "Oh, that can be arranged very' pleasantly." Let us see how it-1 is arranged in the States where I women vote. For many weeks of the Spring of 1917 a big I. W. W. murder! trial was in progress in Seattle. Six of the jurors were women.' Mrs. Sarah J. Timmer was juror i No. 11. She had received word; before she entered the box that j "her children had contracted! the measles." Calling the jury; in, Judge Donald said to Mrs. ! Timmer: j "Mrs. Timmer, I have been in formed that you are worried about your children. I'm powerless to let you go home, see or ask Ouija. 1 am not red but slightly pink, Little I do but think and think, What a glorious world tvvould be Iftthey just elect dear Parley P. but both sides agree that I mav communicate to you any word From th 3 mass of conflicting i your family physician desires to reports coming from Raleigh on convey. Don't let your attention thesuffrage situation down there, be attracted to anything but the it looks like we will either have trial. We'll keep you advised to wait and see what we shall and you will have no cause to worry. Remember, no news is good news." (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 8, 1917.) It must be a grand and glorious feeling for a woman to be drawn as a juror on a murder case, likely to last two months, when the children of her family have contracted the measles! A month later . the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said: "The confinement imposed on juries' in murder trials is beginning to j tell on most of the members of J the Tracy jury, especially the; women jurors, the majority of whom have families. During the last month numerous stipula tions have been arranged be tween attorneys for both sides, allowing children of the jurors to see their parents for a few minutes in the presence of witnesses. The defense attor neys estimate that it will be nearly two weeks yet before they are through submitting evidence." WOMEN OF WEALTH MANAGE TO ESCAPE JURY DUTY One of them told an eastern friend how she did it She said: "I was determined I would not serve on that jury, so I got a doctor to give me something which would make me violently BUNK As well as we can figure it out now, the two national campaign headquarters are all even in the percentage column cf the foolish ness league. Chairman White's error for the Drmocrats, when he declared that Mr. Cox, in this mo3t fearful hour of the country, is running for President on a platform of good roads and bet ter schools, is balanced by the statistical genius of Harding's headquarters, who figures that the Republicans have saved the .country $2,400,000,000 because they did not appropriate all that was asked for. "Pinsv," ran the schoolboy's essay, "have saved thousands of lives by not being swallowed." The schoolboy's essay is one of our standard national jokes, a typical example of American humor. But wherein does its logic differ essentially from that of the Republican statistician? The clamorous departments ask ed for $2,400,000,000 more than was appropriate; therefore the Republicans have saved $2,400, 000,000. In other words, because they were not more extravagant than they were, they are entitled to be called economical The Preserve Labels Label your preserves as you put them up. Don't depend on pencil marks, they will rub off. We have in slock a large quantity of Dennison's Preserve Labels in assorted books of 1 00 labels to the book at only 15c Per Book Herald Publishing Co. Roanoke Rapids, N. C. We Carry in Stock the Still Better Willard With Thre.d. : Insulation for All Cars and Models. .or Weldon Storage Battery Company Main Street, Opposite Post Office Loyd Melvin, Manager 300 Pairs Ladies Silk Hose Reduced All of these silk hose are made by well known people, such as the Quaker Maid .and Busier Brown. Black and white and the fashionable colors all sizes Especially attractive is the black Quaker Maid with white clox. An excellent opportunity to buy your supply at. a big re duction in price. The Comforts of Life Those who save in their youth may enjoy the comforts of life in their old age. Just a little self denial of the things that are not really worth while now aided by the assistance this bank is glad to give, will help you to build a competence sufficient to care for you in your declining years. Why not start today? If you do not know just how, we will be glad to tell you about the several plans we have for the convenience of our customers. 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids Member of the Federal Reteroe System G A. WYCHE, Pr. S. F. PATTERSON, V-Prt. T. W. M LONG. V-Prcsi. J. T. STAINBACK, Cuhier