EOANQKE BAtWa . fjgK AX. , flOKS EAPIDS. H. C, itoofcC 2lapidjJ $tXM 'Protection organization that PUBLISHES EYEJtY FRIDAT IT The Herald Publishing o., Inc. J. T. Stainback F. M. Shute . . Editor Manacer Subscription $2.00 Year in Advance TELEPHONE 570 Knterd a S-ocnd CIbh Matter April J, 1914. at the l'ot Office at Koanoke Rapid. North Carolina, under Act of March S. 1K79. All communications should be addrcswd to ti.a Herald I'ublishini Co. FersoDi wishing return of msa, must in all custii unclose stamps. AH card of thtnka, wolntkms of re ipect, etc., etc, will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line, cash oimt accompany article in all cases ei cept here customer ha a regular ac count No insertion! made for less than 26 cunts. Friday, September 17, 1920 PROTECTION OR DESTRUCTION? Under the title "Forest Pro tection or Devastation" there has just been issued from the office of the secretary of the North Carolina Forestry Associa tion a pamphlet containing some of the addresses made at the an nual meeting of the association, held in June. These include "Timber Depletion and its Rem edy," byE. E. Carter, assistant United States forester; "The Recreational Development of the National Forest of North Caro lina," by Verne Rhoades, super visor of Pisgah and Boone na tional forests; an address made by Frank S. Lambeth, of the South ern Furniture Manufacturers as sociation; "A Lesson from French Forestry," Theodore S. Woolsey, Jr., assistant district forester; and "French Forestry Practice for North Carolina," by Dr. Jo seph Hyde Pratt. The volume also contains the resolutions a dopted which embody the pro gram of the Forestry assocaition. The association will continue to urge on the people of the state the enactment of legislation for establishment of an adequate for est fire protection force; also, it now urgeson Congress the appro priation of sufficient funds to furnish reasonable co-operation with the states for the same pur pose. Congress is petitioned to re new the $2,000,000 appropriation for purchase of forest lands, and to establish a forest experiment station in the state. The gener al assembly will be asked to pro vide funds for the protection, ad ministration and improvement of Mt. Mitchell park. The national forest service, Mr. Carter stated, recommends fed eral action jointly with state to prevent the continuation of fire losses, the proposal being that the amount of federal funds ex pended in any one state during any year shall in no case exceed the expenditures of the state government for the same pur poses, and further that the sec retary of agriculture shall be au thorized, in making such expend iture, to require that reasonable standards be made effective by state legislation in preventing the establishment of fire men aces or the handling of forest land in such a manner as to pre vent future production on it, and to withhold co-operation in whole or in part from states which do not comply with these standards in their legislative and administrative methods, North Carolina, he pointed out, has about 18 million acrtfs of forest. On this the state spends less than $4,000 per year for fire protec tion and gets between $2,000 and $3,000 assistance from the feder al government Oregon is spend ing $40,000 for the same purpose and requires its forest land own ere to protect their forest on an acceptable standard, or pay the state for doing so. It appears that really adequate fire protec tion costs on the average not less than a cent and a half per acre. The federal government has purchased, 'under the Weeks law, the entire appropriation of which now has. been exhausted, 350,000 acres, or somewhat less than 2 percent of the forest area, and the purchases made within the decade, the federal expert de- clsrea already to have justified themselves. Even with a fire IS at times" we are getting real timber growth. Pennsylvania has more than a million acres of state forest The i purchase by states of ' forest j area3 is increasing, but the really ! effective forestry policy must be i directed mainly towards private I ly-owned areas, since the nation and the states will never own ' more than a fraction of the whole The federal department is with North Carolina in its efforts to have a federal experiment sta tion located in the west, which will be all the while developing, in a systematic way, information about Krovyiiij; and using forest. "There are today communes in France," said Mr. Woolsey, "which have no local taxation be cause the revenues from forest property secured by their fore fathers pay the communal bills. At the same time these forests form a link in the national tim ber bearing areas so vital for economic production and soil pro duction," Said he: "The Appalachian mountains are suited for forest production and for a great national play ground. If 70,000 people daily visit the Wienerwold near Vien na then 10 years from now there will be a million or more in these hills, seeking health and recre ation. Will these people count enance forest destruction? The people of North Carolina must be foresighted. You must insist on liberal appropriations for fire protection, for technical cooperation, and for the forestry measures advocated by the state forester, and Colonel Pratt. It is a civic duty to urge your rep resentatives in Congress to se cure large federal appropriations for co-operative fire protection and for the establishment ftf ex periment stations, for if our for est production is to be permanent we must base our silvical man agement on sound technique. Those who invest in forestry must be given even more accu rate and detailed advice than the farmer secures today from the farm experiment stations. For the errors of a forester may not be discovered until the crop is harvested a century later." It would be well if every thoughtful citizen in the state could read these addresses. The, idea of systematic federal aid in forest protection we have no doubt appeals to the Forestry association. It was only in this way that a real start was made toward spending money on an adequate scale on highway con struction. Highway construction and forest protection mean the same things; they are means of conserving and developing, for this generation and for posterity the natural wealth of the soil. They are alike, even, in having each an incidental buts highly valuable recreation aspect. The time may te unpropitious for securing the renewal of the national appropriation for pur chase of forest lands, and for se curing large-scale assistance to the states in fire protection. But the federal forest policy is so soundly based that surely these things will be done sooner or later. 1 he time is not going to be propitious for asking the gener al assembly to furnish funds for the proper care of the forests, or for the purchase of additional areas; but the conservationist will simply do their duty, as they always do, by presenting the powerful facts on which their appeal is based, as urgent ly as possible. -GreensboroDaily News. Fall and Winter Coats and Suits Are beginning to ar rive - absolutely corred as to fabric and Style. Of course these new arrivals had to meet the quality te of The L G. Shell Co., Inc., The Quality Store Rosemary, N. C. Big Stocks of Furniture and Home Furnishings Greatly Varied as to Quality and Design Living Room Suites Parlor Suites Dining Room Suites Odd Pieces of Furniture Comfortable Chairs Rugs and Druggets Ranges and Cook Stoves Hot Blat Heatds and numerous other home necessities Save Money by Buying Your Furniture at the Bsaswell Furniture Co. Rosemary, N. C. Prepare for Cooler Weather Now Cooler weather is close at hand and no doubt you are beginning your plans to brighten up and make home more comfortable. An Aetna Hot Blast Heater will solve the heating problem The Aetna gives a uniform and easily controlled heat and con- sumes less coal than many other makes - and cost no more. Be Sure to See Our Stoves of All Kinds Before Buying Bed Coverings of Every Kind Bed coverings that are light, but warm. Heavy bed clothing will tire you and keep you from feeling fresh in the morning. We have a tremendous stock of Bed Coverings and believe we can supply your wants. B. S. WEBB Exclusive Furniture Dealer O IP Any Breed I Li Any Sex, Your Chance to Win a Register ed Pig Come to See Us or, Write for Particulars Citizens Bank and Trust Company Rosemary, N. C. AW orthy Ideal Lincoln Once Said: I will be prepared and when my opportunity comes I will be ready To the young men of today this Bank offers its facilities to help them prepare for the time when their opportunity arrives. But you muSt do your part by depositing regularly a portion of your earnings. We will guard it for you, pay you inter est on ifc and then when the time comes when-you need it , you will find it ready. Start now preparing for your opportunity. It may come any day and you want to be ready. 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings The First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids ; Member of the Federal Reserve System C A. WYCHE. P,t. S. F. PATTERSON, V-Prt. T. W. M. LONG, V-Pret J. T. STAINBACK. Cwhier