ft T-OS ft A y Vfi!nro VII V.. I 10SEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. M. N. Gilbert of Greens. pro, was in Rosemary Monday. Mr. J. Wesley Keefer, of Nor oik, spent Monday in town. Miss Annie Medlin is in Wash- Tigton, D. C. to attend the in- uguration. Mr. E. C. Moseley. of La- rosse, Va., spent Monday here. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Warn, of reen Bay, Wis., were visitors in lemary Monday. Mr. 0. F. Asbury. of Char- itte, was here Tuesday. Mr. B. H. Roebuck, of Orien il, spent Tuesday in town. Messrs. W. N. Kirkland. J. A erry and L R. Allsbrook. of 'orfolk, were here Tuesday. Mr. E. F. Lane is building a IhotograDher's studio next door i the Rosemary Banking and frilQf rVtmnamr Mr. W. B. Spiers, of Rocky ount, was here Tuesday. Mr. J. C. Miggett of Charles- n, S. C, spent Tuesday here. Mr. R. P. Taylor, of Oxford. as in town yesterday. Mr. A. R. Baird has resigned is position with the Stedman tore Co. to accept a similar po tion with the same comnanv hich will soon open a branch :ore in Roanoke Rapids. , Mr. J. B. Markham. of Rich- iond, was in Rosemary YVednes. 0- Messrs. M. L. Whedbee and G. V. Riddick. of Suffolk. SDent yednesday here. ' Mrs. L. H. Justis. of Littleton. pent the week end with friends wwn. Mr. E. C. Kendrick. of New !ork City, was in town Wednes Mr. Julian Warrick, of Sea- ird, has accepted a position ith the Stedman Store Co Dr. Ward, of Jackson, will m a dentist's office in Rose ary over J. j. w aae's store in te very near future. Mr. A. T. Harrison, of Mont imery, Ala., was here,Wednes Triangle Debate Chapel Hill, Feb. 24-Hender- m, Roanoke Rapids and War- mton, compose one and Jackson. lich Square and Seaboard anoth- tnangle from the northern sart of Halifax County in the jnnual debating contest for the iycock Memorial Cup, E. R. fankin, Secretary of the Debat Union announced here today, ihe query, "Resolved, That the losed shop should prevail in American industry, " will be de lated this year by 225 high Jchools, representing 90 counties f the state. At the same time jnd in connection with the debate p iniersonoiasnc Track Meet ind Tennis Tournament will be leid. I The preliminary debate comes if some time in March and the mals are scheduled for the mid. lie of April. The exact dates ill be announced later. An Interscholastic Meet will be staged on the same date on which he finals for the debate will be field. The meet will comprise all f the fourteen chief track events ifhe regular high school Tennis 'tournament for the championship ht the state will be played at the ame time. Miaa Dudley at School Auditorium Friday Night. Miss Bessie May Dudley, of Richmond, who enjoys the repu tation of the girl who has made more people laugh than any other girl in Virginia," will ap- pear in a benefit performance at the Centra School Auditorium tonight Miss Dudley's program will consist of humorous recitations and impersonation. Miss Dud ley appears under the auspices of the local chapter of the Eastern Star. en Music Lovers Club Organized Following the Community! -am ai me Lenirai acnooi duna mg on the evening of February 2oth, Miss Lucy Crisp asked.! that those present who were' interested in beginning an organ - ization to be known as the Mu - sic Lovers Club, remain. She stated briefly that the objects of the club would be to bring to- grther those who were interest ed in music, to arrange for Mu sicians of standard reputation to give performances in this com munity, and to give opportuni ties for choral work to the mem bers of the club who desire it. Miss Julia Thompson read the report of the nominating com mittee of which she was chair man. The con.mittee was com posed of the following: Miss Julia Thompson Chair man, Mrs. R. L. Towe, Mrs. W. S. Hancock, Mrs J.T. Stainback, Mrs. F. G. Jarman. Nominations had been made by the committee as follows: President, Mrs. W. L. Long. Vice-president, Mr. E. W. Leh man, Recording secretary. Mar garet Hewitt, Treasurer, Mr. E. A. Telliga, Business Manager, Mr. William Manning. All the nominees were elected No definite date was named for a meeting but it was announced that the officers would hold a special meeting in the near fu ture and make further plans. Below is a list of those who have joined the Music Lovers' Club. Active members; Mesdames, F. L. Nash, A. L. Taylor, J. T. Stainback, R. D. Jenkins, T. M. Jenkins, J. H. Harrison, Jr., W. S. Hancock, H. P. Thomas. W. L Long, Misses Margaret Hew itt, Ruth Transou, Mendenhall, Hooks. Julia Thompson, Orie Moseley, Meta Jones, Lucy C. Crisp, Rouss Hayes, Margaret Matthews, Messrs. F. L. Nash, H. W. Atkinson, J. H Harrison, Jr., H. P. Thomas, W. L. Man ning, E. W. Lehman, E. A. Telli ga, Associate members; Mrs. C. M. Pitt, Misses Ruth Rainey, Clara Hearne, Louise Wofford, Messrs. W. S. Hancock, A. E. Akers, E. J. Coltrane. Margaret E. Hewitt, Recording Secretary of the Music Lovers' Club. Cemetery Association Meets An important meeting of Ce darwood Cemetery Association was held Wednesday night, Mar. 2, in Masonic Hall. The princi pal matter discussed and acted upon was a plan by which funds may be secured to purchase addi tionaf land for cemetery pur poses, the demand for such land having become imperative and acute. After much discussion it was decided to send out solicitors to appeal directly to individual citizens, for contributions to sup plement the donations being made by organizations and cor porations in the community. The names of those authorized to do this soliciting will be published in the Herald next week. It is hoped that all citizens will give worthy consideration to this mat ter that has already been nee- lected too long. Special Meeting of the Parent Teacher Association The regular monthly meetinc of the Parent-Teacher Associa tion will occur next Monday evening at eight o'clock instead of the afternoon as usual. At this time a program in the Teach ing of Citizenship is to be pre sented by the children of the elementary grades. In addition Professor H. T. Hunter, of Wake Forest College, will make" a short talk on the same subject The people of the community are cordially invited to attend this meeting which promises to be the best of the year. A WARNING Mr. Editor: The following letter was re- - ; ceivea Dy Air. u Green, the the , Chief of Police of Warrenton. Sunday, the 13th of this month. "istm0ctn,.n k. n 1 1 am a Colored Man but I want itnipt Villi Tifnnw that tho onlni-oH . " " -w.v; ! Poonlp u Fivin tn R.im n nrn , up Norlina and Warrenton in March and is now getting the Hayes, Jr., vice-president, J.T. guns and all ready. I write Be- Stainback, treasurer and E. A. cause I don't want No trouble tis Matthews, secetary were retain the young nigers and they say , ed, also the board of directors I.III V l LSIIIIILT III Kill lllll ICQ ..,. iiv wvi vt vJ . v jail that night. Watch out in March. There is 5 white men they say they is going to kill and if this is done I am afraid you all will Kill us all." The same information as that contained in the above letter has come to me from different sources, and I believe it is due to the better class of colored people in this county and to the white people that it be made public. Between the older 'ones of both races, there is now, and always has been, the kindliest of feelings. With the faults of the colored man, the white man has borne patiently; to the faults of the white man, the colored man nas Dowea submissively. Uut a new generation has sprung ud. and the kindly feelings that for merly existed between the races is fast passing away. Many of the youths of the colored race have in recent years been "UP NORTH" and many more in the late World War, wore the uniform of the government: and this clasj returned home with an ex aggerated idea of their own im portance, claiming much for themselves and conceding little to others, is a continual menace to the peace of the South. The sooner tney learn that there are certain customs of the North which they can never safely ex ercise in the South, the better it will be for the peace of all the people. To those who are planning to commit the crimes mentioned in the above lettsr, I desire to say that the following facts are known to me and others: 1. We know that immediately after the dispute about the apples which led to the recent shooting at Norli:.a, a shipment of rifles and ammunition was or dered, this shipment was stopped and never reached its intended destination. 2. We know the names of some of the negro leaders, men who should be wiser, who have been advising the young men of their race to organize and arm them selves. 3. We know that numerous or ders have gone to Sears-Robuck and other Northern and Western firms, for pistols and amunition. 4. We know the names of the leaders who organized and arm ed those who met on Sunday night, the day of January, in Warrenton and who were gather ed at the colored Methodist church, in the field near the church, in the stables near the jail and at the cafe of John Wat kins. 5. We know of the frequently held, and large attended, meet ings thit have taken place near the old Ridout Home, near Haith cock's Store, near Macon, near Paschall, at Blue Mud, near Per rytown, at Snow Hill and other points, 6. Information has been brought to us (much of it true -and much of it doubtless exaggerated) of what has been discussed and what has been planned at various meetings. Peace beween the races is ab solutely necessary for the pros perity of both and the safety of all; and with that leading thought in my mind I desire to urge upon the white people of Warren the duty and importance of beine particularly tatient with colored people at this time, carefully avoiding all personal altercations you kept them from shooting the! officers with W.S. ;itlC0ck J. mpn that tb tho 9 nt .ii'A Mn w t p : t ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, MARCH 4, 1921 Rosemary Syrup and Bottling Corporation Stockholders Meet The stockholders of tlie Rose- l,n v. t ' Matthews ednesday afternoon : Tho tcmnriri' ... w. . , . . . . v i . ..inn, nr rr t vv m t ...... ....,;. ; u G. Shell, vice-president. G. L rr r ---1 . WrilITl inflluliiu I nn OrwtllA nvr.l , , a. VUUIRill iXHM Ij. ! B. Suiter, of Scotland Neck. i'robably the most imiwrtant action taken at this meeting was u J e i, . me incision oi siocKnoiaers to buy the syrup rights in North I tul m u lu ,,w "umL near ,',"'eT-on Carolina for Coa-Ola, the new . on account of f!'ckness' drink that is actually better ' '3S Katie Collier was called than other Cola drink, instead of j home Thursday on account of six counties as originally planned, the illness of her mother, and to increase the capital , stock Miss Ethel Garner entertained from $30,000 to $40,000. a number of her friends at a can At this meeting the stock- dv Party last Thursday evening, holders "got down to brass tacks" 'All attending spent a delightful and made plans for the begining. 'evening, in the neat future of the erection of their plant, which will be a two story brick structure located on the corner of Roanoke Avenue and Thirteenth Street. The lower floor will contain the bottling plant and the second floor i i i , ., mooraiory wnere tne syrup wi be made will be located. As soon as this plant beirlns operation branch houses will be I XVOi,t;iriary- ine warrant was opened allover the state as quick-! sworn out by tne Citizens Bank ly as possible. '. an Trust Co., of Rosemary. The increase in the capital , Huttn was brought to Roa stock has placed more of the noke Rapids Thursday afternoon stock on the market which the uireciors expect to dispose of in j; a . . i. a short time. The officers believe they have a good opportunity to build up a strong company that will pay big dividends and are now offering our citizens a chance to share with them. Any of the directors or officers will be glad to talk with interested parties. POWELLTOWN ITEMS Mr. Millard Merritt, of Nor folk, spent the week-end with his parents in South Rosemary. Mr. Edward Medlin, of Peters-! salad to the teachers at lunch, burg, is visiting his parents thisj We had our meeting in the week. afternoon and we are getting Miss Burwell Patterson was a,onff splendidly with our sew the guest of relatives in Warren-' inff and Iike il verv much ton last week. i Pauline Bethea, Secy. Mr. Frank Merritt, of Nor folk, was a visitor in South! Double Wedding Performed Rosemary last Sunday. ! La8t Wednesday Evening Mr. J. R. Edmondson was . called to Tarboro last Wednes-! A very unusaal marriage cere. day to the bedside of his brother j mony was performed by Rev. T who died before Mr. Edmondson s rwfioi.i ot u;a u reached him. iui. mm mrs. r. m. L-ODurn Vf T7 a it i i ana JVlr. and Mrs. Hav.vonn ; Cherry, of Roanoke Rapids, , spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L Powell in South Rose- marv- Dr. Carter, and Miss Wash- burn made a very interesting lecture on Health at South Rose- mary Wednesday. and giving no possible excuse for ( trouble. The colored leaders in Warren County are hereby notified that they MUST control that element amomg the younger ones of their race who, according to the above letter, are planning the crimes therein mentioned. The white people in this County do not de sire trouble, but rest assured they are prepared to meet it in the proper manner when it comes. If the threats contained in the above letter are carried out, or attempted to be carried out, the leaders will be held personally responsible, and punishment swift and certain will be meted out. This letter is written for the purpose of avoiding, not provok ing, trouble, and for the purpose of letting the vicious and ignor ant ones know that their every act is being observed and their every move is being watched. TASKER POLK. ;GARNER SCHOOL ITEMS ' iss Bessie Jones, of Weldon, iwas the guest of Miss Essie hawimgs last week-end. Mr. A. VV. Garner was in Hen derson last week on business. Messrs. J. R and A. L Gar ner and Mrs. A. L. Garner mo tored to Aurelian Springs Sun cvi I ,).. J We are glad to know that Mr. J. f. Willey who has been very ill with pneumonia is improving. Mr. Raymond Garner, Miss Ethel Garner and Mrs. H. L. - f'"". S"n,iav w,th fnonds at Aurelian Springs. Miss Viola Stainback, who has vw l .p """ 5 ",s .scno()l tw i : v': olu maiK - ll'lfh llw V I V .1. 1a , teniliniT SChOO in U P (Inn l.naro . . 0. F.Hutton Charged Forgery With O. T. Hut ton, a former Dolice- tne;man ot Koanoke Kapids, was ar rested in Raleigh Wednesday night charged with forging a foO.OO check on C. O. Keeter, of , I) mi I u niei JacKson and given a I ... "It P T 1 and hearing by Justice J. K. Dickens. who found probable cause and placed the defendant under a $500.00 jnstifiable bond. This Hutton was unable to give and was taken to Halifax jail to await trial. Hardrawee Sewing Club Teachers meeting was held here at our school Wednesday Feb. 23. Some of the girls of our club under Miss Leather- wood s direction served fruit .in-unn mj.. wmviuivh kjvu-n, uii loot luiilUa) evening when bv one ceremony t.wr pnnntac honamo Yin wife The contracting parties were Mr. Dallas D. Reaves and M i SS M A r v iR Pa iann art A f t j MIUVII U1IU All. I . Ernest Caoell and Miss Lottie Clary. " Muer . Cannon wiil be of interest to many of our readers: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cannon announce the marriage of their daughter Irene Forrest to Mr. Frank Louis Muller on Monday, January the third nineteen hundred and twenty one Norfolk, Virginia At home Rosemary, North Carolina Rev Betram E. Brown Here Tonight The special Lenten Dreacher at All Saints' (Episcopal) Church tonight at 7:30 will be the Rev. Betram E. Brown rector of Cal vary Parish, Tarboro. Mr. Brown is well known' here. He conducted a mission here a few years ago and made a host of friends. The public is very cor dially invited to the service. Subscription ! Roanoke Rapids Takes Part! ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL i jn National Celebration AND LOCAL ITEMS . . i Fjit , jty Celebration that was a small j - 1 unit in the big national celebra-j j tion of the national week of song, - j Posters made by school boys and - i'fls were on display in the shop; - ! windows, reminding passersbv to I Be Vise, Sing," "Join Us Our Songs," "Join the Frog n 1 Chorus." etc. Attracted by .u u, va..uu, MiM Fannje gue Dona, f announcements, numbers of theRad 0ak, spent the week-end m pP L f " Cami re with Miss Majorie Menden- together to hear the musical na programs given by the different J departments of the schools. The 1 interest in Music and simrinir grew as the week went on. oarh day with some i:ew urom-am. un .. . ' u, ine cljmax was reacne(j ,n our first community sing, held in Central School Auditorium on Friday night, with Mr. Wade R. Brown as Conductor. The audi torium was well-filled for the oc casion and evidently the best singers were there. After a prayer by Rev. Mr. Brown, and our national hymn, Mr. Brown soon had the whole "Commun ity singing "Howdy-do," and shaking hands heartily with each other. Then came some of the old songs, "Old Black Joe. " fol lowed by the little ditty "Lil Liza Jane," and others that everybody loves to sing. Mr. Brown quickly made friends with the whole crowd, and made it a pleasure to sing under his direc tion. Mrs. F. L. Nash gave sev eral very attractive readings, "Mary Jane and HerMelodeon" provoking many hearty laughs. The names of the prize-winners in the poster contest were an nounced by Miss Hearne, and the posters shown. The prize winners were as follows: First Kathleen May; second, Edna Wafford; third. Gilbert Brown. Honorable mention, Roy Medlin Doris Vaughn, Maud Vaughn, Ellen Westbrook, Flaura Prit- chett, Wilbur Anderton, and Ro salie Corbett. The people went away in a happy mood, looking forward to the next community sing with with pleasure. The music lovers of our town remain ed for a short time to begin the organization of a music lovers i club. j Already school children are saying "when is the next nation al week of song?" Our first celebration was a snccess, and now we have in our town two events to which we look forward I Luiwaru-i National "Christmas" and Week of Song." New Lyceum Coune Open. Saturday Night March 12th Three Excellent Numbert I ! The first number of the new j Lyceum Course will appear in the School Auditorium Saturday j night, March 12,. The Clifford Foote Trio will be the special attraction at this time. The second number will be a light opera and will be put on ' by the celebrated Montague Co. I This Company will sing parts of different operas but will special ize on "the Mikado." This at traction is scheduled to appear March 29th. The third number will be the famous NewvYork Glee Club, which is one of the very best Lyceum attractions on the road. This Glee Club is now touring the South and Roanoke Rapids is fortunate to be placed on their itinerary. Many favorable re ports in regard to this attract ion have been received Th ; date is April 22nd. Season tickets for these three attractions will cost $1.50 this price is unusually low and would not be possible except for special concessions that have been' made by the Lyceum Bureau. It should be understood that no one is making a profit on this course. The cost will be approx imately $400 and the supporters of the plan hope to sell a suffici ent number of season tickets at this low price to cover the great er part of the amount. School children will be admitted for half price. $2.00 a Year in Advance Misses Lucy Delbridge and Hazel Rollens, of Purdy, Va., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennemur last Wednesday, Mr. J. W. Taylor and daughter, MilHro.l nr M t r Rr.n' IniiWsnent WednPsHav in Trlw w here they attended the funeral of Mrs Tnvlnr'Q hrnthor Miss Louise Smith, of Bethel, here with mucin me ween-ena .L 1 relatives. Mrs. W B. Simmons, of Porta. mouth, spent this week here with her parents. Mr. G. C. Outland spent the week-end in Suffolk. Mr. W. S. Dean and son, Gra ham, spent the week-end in Ox ford. Mrs. A. O. Pendleton has re- turned from an extended visit to relatives in Greenville, S. (J. Mr, C. VV. Graham spent the week-end here on business. Mrs. L. S. Mosher is visiting friends here this week. Miss Norine Cranwell, of Richmond, spent the week end here with her parents. Miss Mary Duke has returned after spending some time in her home at Charlottesville, Va. Miss Annie Laurie Patterson left Wednesday for her home at Patterson Springs on account of the illness of her parents. Mr. David F. Jones, of Greens boro, visited Miss Catherine Campbell for the week-end. Mrs. T. W. M. Long spent a few days in Richmond this week. Mr. B. D. Webb, of Williams ton, spent several days here this week visiting his sons, Messrs. B. S. and C. A. Webb. Mrs. S. M. Parshley, of Brook lyn, N. Y is spending some time here with her daughter, Mrs. S. P. Scott. Mr Bruce Tillery, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with his parents. Mr. Frank Habson, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with Mr. Bruce Tillery. Miss Virginia Tillery is spend ing some time hero in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tillery. Miss Dora Journatrin has ac , . . ... cePted a Potion in the Millinery uvinxruiK in ui b. warns. Mr. L. C. Withersnoon 1 fWeeend ,n Wilm.mrton with friend. M,ss Shackleford, of Baltmore. has arrived to take charge of the MilIiny Department of B. arks' Mrs. J. S. Marks is spending some time here in the home of ner mother Mrs. J. R. Brown, Miss Florence Yates, of Sea- board is spending some time here with with friends and rela- tives. Rev. Stanley White has re turned after spending some time in Texas with relatives. Mr. S. J. Bounds and son, John Preston, attended the Inaugura tion in Washington today. FRATERNAL NOTES Carolina Lodge No. 225 1. O. O. F. at its regular meeting Monday night February 28, 1921, in W. O. W. Hall, Rosemary, N. C. con ferred the second degree on one candidate, had their usual atten dance, and next Monday night, March 7th they will confer the third degree on the same candi date and the members of the de gree team are requested to as semble at 7 P. M., to confer the degree before the lodge take3 up the regular routine business. Every member of this lodge and all Odd Fellows of the community are urged to attend the meeting Monday night, March 7th, as there will be a smoker and re freshments served. Lodge called to order promptly at 7 o'clock. J i 1 5 1 1 i