W.C. WILLIAMS Licensed Exnbalmer and Undertaker Prompt Satufactory Service Day Phone 640 fiSSS3SS2!5S39BSBKX ZEBEssasatBssassusmssse. GLOVER & SMITH FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER . - N. C. Night Phone 540 Roanoke Rapids, Day Phone 506 Roanoke Rapids Power Company Roanoke Rapids, N. C. St Your Money by Buying a Building Lot on EASY PAYMENTS Electrical Power for all Purposes at Low Rate' Send us your inquiries for LUMBER FLOORING SIDING FRAMING WINDOWS DOORS BEAVER BOARD PAINTS ROOFING and other building materials We will give you high grade stock nd prompt nd efficient service E.E WoDett & Son LITTLETON, N. C aw tf mm Roanoke I II The Policy Never Covers The Loss If your property burns - you lose. You can get Hartford Fire Insurance that wiii pay your losses. Fire frequently destroys valuables that money cannot replace. Fire often means loss of trade - business disorganization. It is a sound protection vou can afford to buy. There is a Hartford policy to cover every fire risk. Let us tell you about these different kinds of insurance protection. We write all Hartford policies. NATIONAL LOAN 6 INSURANCE COMPANY few KmiM BuMiuf Agents Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Rapids High School Department EDITORIAL STAFF Josephine Hege -:- Editor in-Oiitf Fannie Marks Graham Society F.iiitor COOPER GkIZZakd i'owell Society F.iiitor William Jackson -: Athletic Kditor Roland Johnson - Cartoonist Miss Hooks -:- Faculty Advisor 0 I Slid 8 l.'Hli of t'iH'11 and till fl.d of it l that Ioc K'Hitle? rili-s iliut miiu lmH today, i:p ami siuiiiul tiraurr. Set", tin-re l.e roiiifs er tl.ac ri. II On Monday afternoon Miss Powell, Hazel Cobb, Josey Moore, and Eulalie Robertson went out in the woods to study birds. They took with them two pairs of field glasses and a bird guide book. They had not gone very far when several birds, were heard singing and chirping. Finally the little songsters were located, One of them was found to be a chirping sparrow. Its breast was gray, its head black, and wings were chestnut. Another peculiar little chirp wa3 heard far away, by close study it was found that this was our brown thrasher. He was a bright reddish brown, his breast white with black spots. His song is very musical. At first one would think that he sang in the same key of the cat bird, but by a careful study his carol became very distinct, The slate colored junco was found in an open field. He is a winter bird but seemed to be en joying the spring with us. He had a pink bill with white mar kings on his tail and breast. He was very busy helping to build a nest and paid very little attention to us. His sweet little simple trill caused us to take a great deal of interest in him, The study of birds is very interesting. They are one the world's greatest gifts. Eulalie Robertson '23 Bird Study Men who have honor; men who will not lie Tall men, sun crowned, who live above the fog j In public duty and in private ( thinking." ! Only a few minutes were left me. As I worked under the; tremendous strain of last minute ! effort a poetic inspiration seized 1 me and this was the result: j "Man give us a map! Today we ! need them, Straight roads, churches on the right location: Mistakes that the eyes of the teacher cannot see, And a railroad that curves at the right place; A canal that is in the right position; Alumni Notes Good maps! Pupil praised .vho has a one In the left hand corner!" Norfleet Vick, '22 The Oxford Orphanage Sing ing Class gave a concert last Monday night in the School Au ditorium. The program consist ed of readings, songs and an operetta. The children perform ed splendidly, the smaller ones, doing especially well. I I'f tier1 in fle mimiTK. "Wti.-ie wa. I at? Oh, yes. WVII, wt.cn he was six miles out vt Nortmi ville, and walked Into ton, MUs Edith Somers waiting at the I'r huerari church. That was at noou, and you might tiiiiik Doe KmtleT could have covered the distance oft fu"t liy then. But the fact is which I forgot to tell you that he had heeu stunned by his fall and lay like a log In the road from two in the morning until half mist eifht. A No, he hud a broken shoulder. "Miss Somers nailed with thebrlual jmrry from noon until a quarter oast one. Then her father took her home, ami uu hour later they were speeding In their car out of Nur'wivill. She ueer went Lack I sucnS she wa too proud. Of course you know Jim Soi'iera lout fort line in the pMiic jeur. "loc Hemley hud to lcae Nurlon vllle, of course. We Unnied his siory soon after he got here, hut I reckuB liohody holds it against him. Anvnuy, he's a powerful good doctor. Hut don't jou hi lieve what oilier folka say. for. as I told jou, they'll gel It wrong, miss, "Well, I must leave- you here, for I've pit some vhopping to do. But walk straight ahead to the turn and you'll see the school mi top of that rise, (loud morning, doctor! This Is the ow principal of You know her? "Curry Myers, come here! Come here! There, you're too slow ! You've missed It ! What did I see? Why. Doc Bentley kissing the new principal of the free Minul in the middle of the street, us bold as brass, and look! Why, they're currying on as If there wasn't another human being iu the world hut just themselves!" day of March, A. I. h'-'l. and herein-; a ft i r named, will, hes'inning on the l.'th. day of April. A. I . I'Xll. an.lel.w- iris; on the :!'nd, day of Aprii, A. 1'. ; l'.'-l. keep the Kegistration book cpt-n ' for trie reiri-tratioii of voters f om H1 o'clock, A. M. to 5 o'clock, P. M. at the Mayor s tltlice excepting on Saturdays, ; when the said Kcgistrution books shall I lie kept open until !! o'clock. I'. M.:. That said Registration !kk1.s will lie; on n on the L' lrd, day of April, A. 1. ; l'J-1, hem the second Saturday before the election, at the repuiar polling1 place, for the inspection of the electors ; of the said Town i f Koitnoke Uapids; ; that the follow ins named registrar and judges of the election will conduct the j registration and election: YV. S. Hock-; , aiiay, Kegistrar, A. K. AkersandH. W. ' Harris, Judges of Election. In order to be eligible to vote one must have been a resident of the State j of North Carolina one (1) year, of the County of Halifax six (til months, and! of the Town of ltoanoke Rapids four! ( I) months preceding such election. ! ! No new Registration of Voters is order ed for said election, but persons who j were not registered for the Town elec- j turn two t) years ago should register. Registration for Slate and County elec tion and for the si hool bond elections has nothing to do with this election, it is well for voters to see the registrar and be sure that their names are on the ! books. A. 1.. Clark, Tow n Clerk. March 11th, A. 1). l'.KM. "It's the Chapt Thing 1 Ever Bought," Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Ya. "I p-1 $t f--r fiec.il.(s ,f Ril.nai and Jri; by the Lrpe Dun.lT M d(d r jts e ve jk ted un. I revk.ia ar've savt huQmjs 01 dt:Ur ia chicks, e and tmj.' Ytxir prta wco't t.K-S it. feUts tL"- up and kave no staHl. J5 vie, 4i.iS. SuU sad guinntcai by t nuL- Phim.y Co. Roanoke HarJ.rr Co Allen C. Zollicoffer Attorney at Law Rosemary, N. C Office Over Old Pottoffice Building "Rat3napKI!48R.t', WnU Irria Nerhood, Peaaijlraaia Re sT: "After nsing one larr parksce. we eonntni 44 dxii rats." KA'f-SN At kill tn. drira up the cmrean, and kem no smelt. Cats and dors wua't touch it. Comes in eoovenien sucakea:iioDUuiia KiUiolhettwd. Ut a package toasy. Thrassitas: Be for kitchen oe cellar: tie for chicken houae or com crib ; S1.2& for btmi and outbuilding. Your money back if KAI-SN AP doeao t do the wotk. te.vci ho SMFII BaUaadCaaiutat kt Roanoke Pharmacy Co. Roanske Haidwarc Co. The approach of Easter brings us again in toucn witn many members of last year's senior class. Earl Daughtry has returned from the University of North Carolina for the Easter holidays Julian Allsbrook and Charlie Spencer are also expected back from the University for Easter. Other members of last years class at Chapel Hill are Walter Wafford, John and Clarence Cates. John Vick is at Washington and Lee University, Minnie Daughtry, Bessie Hedgepeth and Nell Jones are students at the North Carolina College for Women at Greens boro. Louise Lain is at Greensboro College. Traynham Wyche is at Con verse College, Spartanburg, S.C. Mary Matthews is living in Rosemary. Elizabeth Robertson wa3 mar ried March 10th to Mr. Harvey Hazlewood, of Roanoke Rapids. Flower Exhibit The students of 'the Central School are gathering a collection of wild flowers, which will be used at a meeting of the Parent Teacher Association soon. The science class looks up the names of the flowers and they are writ- ton on little cardboard slips and placed under the flowers on the table. The flowers are very attract ively arranged on a table in the end of the hall. Every pupil seems to be taking an especial interest in this col lection of flowers and we hope to have a large collection by the next meeting of the Parent Teacher Association. Service Spells Salei. Some people are accustomed to buy Ins their groceries by the quart, peck or bushel, But oftentimes they buy by weight, nud while they do they are at a loss to know exactly how much to order. Au eastern retail concern makes It easy for these customers to buy either by weight or measure by displaying, on the counters, signs that rend an fol lows: "Ji peck equals 3 pounds; "jj peck equals 7'4 pounds." This Is 11 real bit of service for the customers iitid does away with any em barrassment on their part in trying to order by weight some bit of merchan dise that Ihey ordinarily buy by meas ure. System. Notice of Registration and Tow n Election The Doctor's Bride By KATE EDMONDS The voters of the Town of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, will take notice that, pursuant to and under the laws of the State of North Carolina governing City and Town elections, and under the provisions of the charter of the Town of Roanoke Rapids relating to elections the regular biennial election tor the pupose of electing a mayor and five commissioners for the Town of Roa oke Rapids, will be held at the usual polling place in said Town on Tuesday, the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1921, between the hours of o clock, A. M aud sun set; that the registrar appointed by the Board of Commissioners on the 2nd, ft Ail Ir 0 UMt ' FOR YOUR DRESSING TABLE 4 usel ful Give her a cift of ivory. It so happily combines the with the delightful air of luxury. Our slock is made up of a number of exquisite and exclusive designs, in complete sets or in single articles, as desired. You cannot appreciate the full beauty of these articles without seeing them - we invite your inspection. Rosemary Drug Company Rosemary, N. C. Senior Class Meeting The president of the senior class called a special meeting Monday afternoon to discuss plans for the senior class day exercises. Miss Powell was asked to give plans and suggestions for Com mencement. No definite plans were made. The president appoin ted a committee and sub commit tee to work out plans for clas3 day and present them at next class meeting which will be held next week. Birdie Williams '21 A Parody and How it Was r rmeii With Apologies to J. G. Holland On March the eighteenth we had to have ready to hand in, a map of Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids. In this map we had to locate all the churches and pub lic buildings, ' the railroad and canal. At the appointed time my map was incomplete. On the same morning, at the same hour, for the same teacher, we had to know this poem: ' 'God give us men. The time de mands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and willing hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill, Men whom the spoils of office will not buy, Men who possess opinions and a will; (1), 1921, Western Newapayer Union.) "Yes, uiiss, that's the way to the vil lage. So you're the new principal ot the free school! I hope you'll like the place, miss, and stay with us a while; the lust principal she found ed the school Miss Brown from Bos ton, you know and she bided here for seven and twenty years until Doc lientley sent her home to die. Couldn't do nothing for her, he said, and that's saying a heap, for we all thinks a good deal of Doc Bentley jown this way, "Doc Bentley, did you ask? Yes, he's been our doctor for nigh upon five years now. That's his house on the bill. "Five years ago Doc Bentley was practicing In Nortonville, a hundred miles across the mountains yonder. Doc Bentley was considered the best doctor there, and he used to be thick With all the society folks In the place. "But for all his big practice Bentley wasn't the man to sacrifice the poor t gat a bigger fee. "You see, mliis, Doc Bentley was en gaged to be married to Miss Edith Somers, the only daughter of old Jim Snmers. who built the railroad from Claflln clear over those mountains. The day was set for their marriage t the Presbyterian church. And you'd have thought that he'd havt let up a little on his practicing, with hl wed ding day a few hours off. But ha didn't. "The night before hi. mrrlj a call came over the long distance tele phone from Carters, which lies 18 miles south from Nortonville, In the midst of the mountains. A negro man had been crushed by a wagon and he was the nearest doctor. Would he come at once? "Doc Bentley dropped the telephone receiver and called to his man : 'Sad dle my horse, Jim,' he said. 'I'm go lne to ride to Carters.' And, seeing that nothing he could say would stop him, Jim saddled the horse, aud Doc Bentley reached Carters at midnight and saved a life. "It had been downhill to Carter, but It was uphill going back, aud IS miles upon a tired horse may mean Ave hours, or twenty-four, when the mountain roads have become rushing streams, and especially when your horse falls and breaks his leg In twe places. Doc Bentley rose up from the muddy ground, looked at the animal, and drew his revolver from bis pocket to put It out of Its pain. Then he re flected. Tf I can cure a man's broken leg I reckon I can cure a horse's, he said to himself. So he pulled the beast Into a thicket, and, two days later, he was back there with plaster of parts Modern Furniture a SMi of Succe; Allsttsel furniture in OberlinCollege Office. AUstee) office furniture is used by such firms as J. P. Morgan & Co., Cadillac Motor Car Co., Bush Terminal Co., National City Bank, because modern organizations de mand modern equipment Office? Furniture en " H3HHHH ra " M Alhteel filing cabinets can be put to gether in almost limitless combinations to meet the exact needs of the one-man busi ness as well as the requirements of the big organization. You simply add more units as your business warrants. Saves Valuable Space Allstee! filing cabinets save IS to 25 floor space over wood cabinets, and have greater capac ity. Alhteel is fire-resistant, warp-proof, wear proof, rodent-proof, dust-proof and everlasting. Come in and examine the Alhteel filing units. Look at desks, safes, counter height files and other units of Alhteel office furniture, the equipment that belongs with success. HERALD PUBLISHING CO. Roanoke Rapids, N. C,

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