0 . ... blume VIII. Number 3 SEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. F. E. Hooker, of I lender- It. tl'S in T?nomnrv U'o.ln- Ir. Jonah Leach, of Raleigh, nt Tuesday and Wednesday town. )r. W. L. Davia, eyesight cialist, -of Plymouth, was in n this week. lev. and Mrs. Chas. M. Lanm ended the District Conference the M. K. Church held in ldon this week. Mr. Chas. F. Jones. of.Wil- ngton, spent Thursday in Mr. Thos. M. Jenkins spent ieral days in Durham this ek. Miss Annie Medlin and Mrs. H. Huff attended the Metho nference inWeldon this week. i Miss Mary Taylor left Wednes- for her home in Oxford after week's visit to relatves. Mr. C. C. Bower, of Norfolk. nt vesterdav in town- Miss Margaret Hewitt snent week-end in Durham and apel Hill. Mr. H. D. Maness, of Raleigh, sa visitor in town yesterday. Mr. Eugene Lehman, Jr., left iurday for Chapel Hill. Mr. Joe Cox spent the week a in Durham. Mr. P. H. Moss, of Charlotte, h here yesterday. iliss Florence Bingham spent week-end in Durham, lr. R. C. Teachey, of Rich- nd, was here Tuesday. Ir. VV. T. McCoy, of Balti- ire, was in town Tuesday and dnesday, Iessrs. F. D. Tarker and H.. rsThorpe, of Rocky Mount re uptown Monday. Ir. Max Einstein, of Char ;e spent Monday in Rosemary. Irs. C. A. Lyerly, of Rose- Sry, is very ill with lagnppe. jr many friends hope that she 1 soon be on the road of re ery. v. E. C. White Will Deliver Address Rev. E. C. White, of Anderson, fc., will deliver an address to J Uaraca Class of the First IthnHist fhnrnh n.vf Tt..-ihere, ht. I his is the third speaker this s has brought to Roanoke lids in recent months in their eavor to help their class and public, which-are cordially in d. Mr. R. L. Towe is the :her. As in 1918 the Rewards of 1921 Will Go to the Fighters But the fighters of 1921 mu.t use different weapons. Their weapons will be optimism, honesly, determination, intelligent and energetic action. The weak and those who believe that watchful waiting will bring cuslomers to his flore will fall by the wayside. ST The fighters will be in harness early morning, cleaning and arranging his slock in attractive displays, reading his ''Hf trade papers for new ideas, keeping alert on market conditions, making advantageous purchases for quick turnovers. Panning, planning, planning. Furthermore they will not lake for granted that the pub lic are mind readers- they will advertise with circulars, newspaper and attractively arranged windows and many other ways. Every good merchant cannot always write advertise ments. But this need not hold him ha. k. We will w"te them for you. We do not claim to be experts, but we have studied the subject quite a good dell and have col lected considerable data. , J Our service department has proved valuable to others - it might to you - it's free to our customers. Service Department Roanoke -Rapids Herald You Cannot Stand Still- You Ml 'jJddnt7oY'1?dreai Forney - Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J act.l Forney announce the marriage of their daughter Marion to Mr. Fenner Sannu Smith on Wednesday, March the six- teen tli nineteen hundred and tventv-on Greensboro, North Carolina At Home alter me uvenuein 01 .prii : i an view uu.ui l.titmoro, isorth arolinti )ato this year are as follows. The ahove announcement ciuiR- l0lliro,l, Dawson, Halifax as a surprise to many of Mr. ; Darlington, South Rosemary! Smith's frier.ds in our com- J Calvary, Aurelian Springs, Hol munity. Mr. Smith made his lister,' Ucar Swamp and Har home here for many years and j drawee. On Friday evening, at the time of entering the ser-! April Nth, at the respective vice during the war was condue-; school building, the above men ting a men's furnishings store, tioned will debate the present After entering the service he ' day .uestion-"Re3olved that the contracted tubercular trouble and was sent to the Government hospital at Biltmore, whore he got relief. Mr: Smith's mother is now living in Rosemary with her son, John ('., and daughter Miss Mary. The bride is pleasently re membered here as she visited here with Mr. Smith last sum mer. Freinds here wish the newly wedded couple much happiness. Buchanan Moore Mr and Mrs. Joseph B. Buchanan announce the marriage of their daughter Lessie to Mr. Thad M. Moore, Jr. on Saturday, March the twenty sixth, nineteen hundred and twenty-one New York At Home 125 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. The above announcement will be of interest to the many friends of the young couple as both par ties are well known here. The bride made her home here for many years, holding a responsi ble position in the offices of Roa noke Mills Company, before re moving to Richmond in 1918. The groom is also well known being a nephew of Mrs. VV. P. vaughan. Besides vis visiting here several times, he made his heme here for some time being in the employ of the Roanoke Rapids Power Co. Their many friends wish them much happi Rural Schools Debate ! League of Nations Deliating has hivinn an im portant feature in the larger rural schools in Halifax County. Several of these schools have joined into this interesting nart if the work with much enthu si- asm and have determined to win the Patterson Debating Cup that was presented by Mr. S. F. !... .. I . . .... "LUT'7,n ,:lsl ''" 11 win De leineuuiereu urn the iialilax School won the honor last term I he schools entering the dc-! United States should become a Member of the League of Na tions." Those schools winning both sides of this subject will go to Halifax on a later date and compete for the Patterson Cup. It is hoped that these debates will be well attended by interest ed friends. The Schools need your encouragement in the work they are attempting. Fifth Street to be Opened Up to Boiling The people of our community will be glad to learn that at the regular meeting of the County Highway Commission last Mon day a contract was placed with a prominent road building concern to build the proposed road from Fifth street to Rolling. Besides being a great convenience to resi dents of this section, it will per mit traffic to get to Boiling with out crossing the railroad. The road will pass within 50 yards of the Roanoke Rapids cemetery and a spur will be constructed lead ing up to same. Interesting Lecture by Dr. Long Dr. T. W. M. Long will deliver a lecture on the care of the body, and health in general, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, in the Men's Baraca Class room at the Methodist Church. This message should be of vital importance to all men who have their own welfare, as well as that of the community at heart, and a cordial invitation to attend is extended to all men. NOTICE I'NDKR AND BY VIRTUE of the power of stile contained in a certain deed of trust from W. F. Horner to Geo. ('. Green, Trustee, dated the 1st day of January, litis, and recorded in Iiook 2S1, iiiiL'e GH, Register's Ollice for Halifax County, default having been made in the payment ot the irulelited I nesa therein secured, at the request of ; tfuyholder of said indebtedness, the un dersigned will, on the itth clay of Mav, Vm. at the Post Ollice Door inThelma, N. (.'., sell for cash, to thp highest bid der, the following described tract or parcel of land: ; That certain tract or parcel of land i situate in Littleton Township, Halifax County, and Slate of North Carolina, described as follows, to-wit: BKGINNING at a point where the Ttieinm to Brinkleyville road crosses Great Creek; thence with said road north ;l deg. :S0 min. east :W feet; thence north 11 (leg. east 1UIM feel; thence north 7 deg. lid min. east till feet; thence north 7 (leg. east Nil! feet; thence north ' degrees .'in nun. east i!o ieet. theme hoi ill -iil dee,, oil Hull. e,isl H2 feet; thence north ;t:l deg. east :W." feet; thence north '1 deg. .'til min. cast 70" feet; thence north 2'J (legy ltd min. east (js2 feet; thence north :rdcg, east :(7;i feet to the F.aton's Firy Road; thence with the Futon's Feiiy lioad north fit) deg. west tl;!!l feet; IhetiAe north 45 deg. west ZV.) feet to n gum; fVnce south Til deg. west Utiit.'t feet to I'uiikiini liraneh; thence with I'unkum I'ranch to where it enters intoGreat Creek; thence with Great Creek to the road, point of beginning, containing iMt.t acres. There is exempted from the forego ing description the following two tracts of land: I1FGINNING at a stake on Eaton's Ferry Road, runs N 50 W (i:?7 feet to a stake; thence N 4(1-00 W 117 feet to a stake; thence 54 (leg. (Ill W 255( feet to a stake; thence N 10 W 775 feet to a stake; N 51 F !50 feet to beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. BEGINNING at a stake on the west side of the lirinkleyville Road :!0SH feet from Great Creek, runs N 4it deg. 30 min K 7(1 feet tq a stake; thence N E :!M feet to a stake; thence N 22-30 705 feet to a stake; thence- N 2!)-H0 leet to Eaton s Ferrv Road: thence 5t W 205(1 teet to a stake; thence N 4 1200 feet to beginning, containing acres. This 7th day of April, 11121. IS- It Geo. C.Green, Trustee ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, WITH THE CHURCHES1 All Saints Church i fpisr opal) Rev. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector Roanoke Avenue Mm Mary Uulir, Pamb Visitor i Njxt Sunday is the Second ; Sunday after Faster. i Services: 7:!!() A. M. Celehrn- jtion of the Holy Communion. Church School T. W. Mul - if,,, supt. Morning service at 11 v.vht sr.rvi,.,. 7 n you nave no Church home All Saints' invites you to become a momher oi the Uiurch organi zations, of the Church. The Church with a welcome METHODIST CHURCH Rev. L. B. Jones, Pastor Sunday School at S):-13 A. M. Sermon at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Special music. Don't miss the services Sunday morning. "LATEST IN VAUDEVILLE" DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE Presented at the Peoples Theatre Tues day Evening Under Direction of Mrs. Frank L. Nash. The Latest in Vaudeville stag ed at the Peoples Theatre last Tuesday night by local talent was indeed a big success if success can he determined by applause. The vaudeville was under the directorship of Mrs. Frank L. Nash and given for the benefit of the Kastern Star. There were five acts or troupes, staged in real vaudeville style. The first act, the 1. B. Young Co., "youth and beauty in the latest song hits," featuring Hockaday and Nash; Wither spoon. Nash, Faison, and West, and Miss Hayes. In the chorus of this company were Misses Mendenhall, Lewter, Hockaday Spencer, Meta Jones, Cammie Vaughan, Holt, Hewitt, Hayes; Messrs. Glover, Jackson, Abner Nash, Boyd, Price, Zollicofl'er, Raiford, Witherspoon, Ross. Their song hits won much ap plause. Especially popular with the audience was the quartet of Witherspoon, Nash, Faison and West, who were called back sev eral times. The next number was Mrs. Frank L. Nash, with her talk and talk songs. Mrs. Nash is an en tainter of marked ability and her appearance on a program always wins applause. The Hawaiian Septette came next with their gems from the South Sea Isles. The members of the septette were Misses Fleeta Marks, Maude Jones, Louise Jackson, Dorothy Humph reys, Elizabeth Coleville and Josephine Gowan. Their cos tumes, songs and dances were ty pical of the South Sea Isles. This troupe received their full meas ure of applause, which they sso charmingly won. The Versatile Shaws: Mr. R. C. Shaw, his two daughters, Mrs. Murray and Miss Shaw, as sisted by Mr. E. A. Telliga, came next with a musical act that de lighted everyone present. Mr. Shaw, who is teacher and leader of the Roanoke Rapids Band played the cornet, Mrs. Murray viohn nd piftno; Mis Shw, pi ano and trombone; Mr. Tellaga, tromhrone. Their selections were skillfully rendered and roundly applauded, and especial ly The Rosary played as a solo by Mr. Telliga. Another delight ful number of this act was the duet by Mrs. w. S. Hancock and Miss Shaw. A "pair of lunatics" was scheduled next, but omitted from the program. Our local heavy weight, Mr. M. McRae Faison pulled some local lunatic jokes in its stead. The closing number, ' "Good Times" featuring Misses Hewitt and Holt in Japanese costume and song. Miss Mendenhall and Mr. Glovpr in n rlanep nnmLpf Micai Hockaday and Mr. Nash,' SOng!sticks aml dnbbs jt with mud number and Miss Bettie Cooper i For his food he gets the bark off in an Egyptituvdatlcv, all of which - of the trees - He works nil sum- won apteVMjjw tfwdie Clark prWed at the plane. - ced and well rendered and indeed a credit to those arranging it and those presenting it. APRIL 8, 1921 Community Service Report 1 Inrini thf month tho rliroptor fliiss wary wasnourn, nas new i twenty-four community meetings! II - 11-1, un an aaenuanceoi j,,u. i tie following figures show the tendance at each school. School No. of meetings at - Att. 222 2t;.j 2S7 215 ;5ir Print ! I);irl'"Rton i IVar Swamp a I vary Aurelian Springs J lliibgood 318 Dawsons Halifax Roanoke Rapids (col) Glen view Ilollister 135 281 The largest attendance at any one meeting was at Aurelian Springs, there being 10S present; Glenview was second with 183 present. Ilollister and Calvary are the only two schools in the State that have paid for the work without aid from the State for seven months continuously. 122 Juniors stood the last in tellectual test for certificates. The highest grade was made by Mary Louise Bell of the Hob good School. In the jumping test Clyde Rook of the South Rosemary School won. Her rec ord was eight feet and nine in inces. On March 7, from live to sev en o'clock P. M. the boys and girls of the Junior Citizenship Club of the Hobgood School en tertained with a camp-fire sup per Misses Mary Washburn, Com munity Service Director, and Elizabeth Hyman, Principal of Hobgoed school, at which time the Juniors presented a very in nrogram called "The Home-Talent Circus;" otherwise, the Bar num and Bailey circus. Mrs. Barnum directed the guests to each interesting spectacle, the first of which was the two head ed baby. Two Juniors had their heads bound together to repre sent it. The next was the Siam ese Twins, a very interesting feature of course, as were all of them. Next down the line was Sleeping Beauty. It was a very great temptation, especially to the boys, to attempt to arouse her as they passed, but that was not permissible. Across the isle from Sleeping Beauty was the largest baby in the world. She weighed four hundred pounds and after each meal she gained fifty more. Down the isle from her was a wild woman. Of course, they did not linger long to see her. Next came Jepto, the monkey. When he be came tired of being a mon key, he changed himself into the smallest woman in the word. They called him a "2 in l"show. Then they came next to the mis sing link between man and mon key, a very interesting link, they assured each other. Last and best was a wonderful brass band. The children made the music with their mouths which was very soothing to the tired nerves of the guests after the excite ment of the circus. All of these things were repre sented by the Juniors, who did it in an admirable manner. After the circus they had a camp-lire mippi'i oi eveii tiling nice to eat imaginable such as pickle, eggs, cake, ham, sand wiches of various kir.ds, etc. Then came the pictures. After seeing the picture of the Reaver, Dan Bonn, a third grade pupil of the Calvary School, wrote this composition. THE REAVER The beaver is almost like the opossom except he has a short flat tail. He builds his home up in one end Of! the creek. He makes it out of j mt so j,e havo food enough . . , . . , . ; the winter, Be is a very? good swimmer. When ho hears' 'anybody he will dive.' ,,:.. Subscription Theatre Party Mice Mini Trai-nUm U.-lm ....... ! gave a most delighttul theatre, party in honor of her house ! guests Miss Catherine l'inner, ! Miss Ju;ia MeMorns, Anderson .iuiuuii anu iru manning. Seats were reserved at the1 Peoples Theatre for the showj after which the party went for : a moonlight auto ride. I'pon returning to "Wyche crolt about eleven o'clock a de j licious buffet supper was ; by the hostess. Those present were: Miss Catherine Pinner, of Suf - folk, Miss Dolly Grizzard, Miss Julia McMorris, of Portsmouth, Miss Mary Traynham Wyche, Mr. William Mnnning, Anderson Jordon, of Suffolk, Ned Manning of Raleigh, Francis Patterson. Keep Your Chickens At Heme For the benefit of those who might not be familiar with the laws of the town of Roanoke Rapids we reprint section ten of Ordinances of the town of Roan oke Rapids. Sec. 10. That anv person or persons owning any fowl or fowls of any description whatsoever and allowing same to run at large in the town and off the premises of such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and, upon conviction shall be lined five dollars. The police have been consider ate enough to make an almost house to house canvas advising residents that they must comply with this ordinance or be prose cuted. Chickens are fine in their place, but when they destroy neighbors gardens they are a nuisance. POWELLTOWN ITEMS On Friday evening, March 8, at 8 o'clock, Halifax, Darlington and south Kosemary will argue the question of the League of Nations in a triangular debate. Halifax will come to South Rose mary and South Rosemary will send a team to Darlington. Evelyn Brown and Robert Mer- j ritt wi! upho,j South Rosemary at home while Helen Powell and Viola Glover will represent our School at Darlington. Lewis Taj lor who has been suffering from a serious opera tion is improving. Dr. A. L. Zollicoirer, of Wel don will lecture at Smith's Church Sunday morning ateleven o'olock. Sunday school at ten. Mr. R. E. Merrittand Mr. L. A. Daniels made a business trip to Petersburg last week. Good taste has been used in the selection of the Pulpit and chairs for Smith's Church. These new articles of furniture add greatly to the appearance of the building. FRATERNAL NOTES Carolina Lodge No. 223 1. O. O. F. at its regular meeting Monday night. March 28, 1021, in W. O. W. 11a!!, Rosemary, N. C. elected one candidate to the De grees and transacted some im portant business. C. A. Dickens was elected representative to the Grand Idge and R. I?. Powell was elected alternate. 0. L. Smith was recommended to the Grand Lodge as the Grand Mast er's Deputy for this lodge. Bro. D. H. Tillett. Grand Master of the North Carolina Grand Lodge, will deliver an address on Odd Fellowship Saturday night, April 9th, 1921, at 8 o'clock P. M., in the lodge room over the L. G. Shell Co. Store. Every member of this lodge and every Odd Fel low in this section i requested to attend this meetmg) Bro. Ti lett is a reputable lawyer and very enthusiasf?Odd Fellow aid319ra will keep his audience aware while he is speaking on this im portant subject. $2.00 a Year in Advance ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AKTl inPAl ITEMC Jfrs m,ent Clyde Mi.elle, of Zebulon, several days here this week vwitimr ;n the homo .f Mr 'am) ,rf W. G. Lynch. , Mkj ,;,. u'ilUnma nf Ports- mouth, spent the week-end here I visiting Miss Lena Rivers Jones. Mr. C. E. Murray v'sited his I wife here this week. i i Mrs. F. M. Shuteand daughter, i ' C'ltVinrinn liov. rafiiina1 f trm a visit to relatives in Williams ton. I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Murray j spent Monday in Petersburg. Mr. R, B. Lawson spent the week-end here. j Mrs. R. B. Lawson is spending 'several days herein the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cherry, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Catherine Finer, of Suf folk, is spending several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyche. Miss Mary Traynham Wyche has returned to Spartanburg College after spending a few days here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dean and son, Graham, spent the weeK end in Oxfosd. Mr. Larry Allison, of Frank linton, spent the week-end here visiting Miss Ethel Leatherwood. Mr. Jim Pearson spent a few hours here with his sister, Miss Millie Tearson. Miss Marie Winslow, ofOxford, spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. R. L. Towe. Miss Carolina Moncure spent a few days in Wilson this week. Miss Gladys Barber spent a few days here this week visiting Mrs. P. C. Duncan. Mrs. Neal McRae, of Littleton, j spent a few days in the home of i Mrs. J. L. Price this week. Mr. J. R. Manning spent Tues. I day night in iienderson. Miss Minette Marshall has re turned to her home at Virginia Beach after visiting Mrs. Job Taylor for several days. Mr. J. W. Smoot spent the week-end in Richmond with his wife who is ill in a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brock and son, Julian, of Rocky Mount, spent a few days here last week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Price spent Sunday at Spring Hope. Mrs. Bryce Parker Beard, of Salisbury, is visiting relatives here. Mr. D. M. Clark is spending several days here on business. Miss George Washington An unusually good motion picture "Miss George Washing ton" will be exhibited in the school auditorium to-night at eight o'clock. Last night "The Cricket on the Hearth," Mutt and Jeff and a two reel picture of Mary McAlister along with pictures of the loca'. high school were shown. The first pictureof the , series was show last Friday ufght to a house filled with"chikJren.i The machine did ,nqt work eir.'.but, ,a good mechanic has;, repaired it and good pictures' will bc' 'n every 'Friday - night'iand. rsome- ti niq 1 q;:lf liiiet? V;f :, V ;! ! '; ; : ' V! Art 'admission fee ofi only.;, ten li.li.l "ill u .'44- Witt" Pant IrirfHifctftm. V T The course '.if.tncttio 'aCWeft Point Is largely inaUVefnatleftj' ktii pro fessional. The prlulp tll'JetU taught are matliomatl(!.1,:Epglilih. French, drawing, drill refutation, pf all arms of the service, naturni-and experimental philosophy, caemlKtry, themlcal physics, mineralogy, f6Iofry, electricity, history, lnternationali"on stltutlonal and military law, SppbMh, civil and military engineering, science of war and ordnance and jfuft- ry.-: ,...i4 Kv.:,;:;. UJfiSrSrS?- toff,?. W-WadHs' ':tl6fhe.untl ijrW "(rroond. ""Caue." kft'xplainec. "iier.si alive and Vehav oniB (sympathy "tugoiherVV t

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