! i A' SUiiliQIiiiB n rrn Volume VIII. Number 7 Rosemary personal AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. K. W. Woodard, of Seot-r and Neck was in Rosemary; Wednesday. Mr. V. Teiser, of Ra'eigh pent Monday in town Mrs. Frank F. .,,! ami itives iauhter are visiting re ii Lumhtrto:i. Mr. A. J. Johnson of Georgia spending several davs in Rose- iary. ' Mr. J. T. Stainbaek and! aughterJane spent yesterday' n Richmond. 1 Mr. W. F. Homer, of Homier-lCaroIin Jvas here several days this week. Mr. Eugene Ogburn, of Em- j oria was here Tuesday. j The Womans' Auxilary of Saints' Church met with lire. E. W. Lehman Tuesday fternoon. Mr. Robert L. Dickens, of Hali ax, spent Sunday in Rosemary. Miss Lucile Carlon spent week nd with relatives in Richmond. Mr. W. L. Shaffer, of Phila elphia, spent Monday in Rose lary. Messers. J. E. MCgee, I). P. IVike, T. W. Mullen, W. 0. Tho- nas, T. E. Davis attended the leeting of the Knight Templars i Enfield Monday afternoon and ight. Mr. Lee A. Diehl. of Philadel hia was here Tuesday. Mr. Richard P. Taylor, of Ox- ord was in town yesterday. Messers. Monroe G. Jenkins nd William Medlin spent Sunday Ii Raleigh. Mr. D. W. Norman, of Wei don las in town Monday. Mr. Geo. L. Hayes, spent yes- brtiay in Richmond Mr. Arthur Jordan, of Ran-olph-Macon College, Ashland. a., spent the week-end with riends in Rosemary. Mr. F. E. Lyon,' of Savani.ah ia., was here Monday. POWELLTOWN ITEMS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ptarks a son. ,Rev. Lance preached a short lermon at Smith's church Sun- Say after which communion was taken. Sunday School next Sunday at ten o'clock. The teachers and several stu dents and citizens of South Rose- inary went to Weldon Tuesday to lehearse for the Halifrx County Pageant. Miss Ethel Leatherwood, Home demonstration Agent for the bounty taught an interesting Rooking lesson to the intermedi ate girls of South Rosemary on jnday afternoon. The little Icirls learned to fry delicious toughnuts. A new green burlap curtain as been added to the equipment if South Rosemary school. j On Monday evening, May 9. at :30 o'clock, South Rosemary commencement will begin. The seventh grade certificates will be presented. Choruses, drills, short plays and a flower revel, Sogether with the crowning of he May queen will be important tema on .he program. The en tertainment will be absolutely """ifree. A cordial welcome to fcveryone. lospital Authorities to Put on Drive to Furnish Nurses Home Officials of the Roanoke Rapids Hospital have appointed a com mittee to put on a drive to secure funds to furnish the nurses home recently purchased. In a few days the people of the commun ity will be called upon to help in this work. We believe the people of the community fully realize the great blessing this institution is to them and will give freely their material and moral aid. A definite an nouncement of plans will be made next week. Maud Jones Represents Halifax County in i State Piano Contest' ; For two vears a contest has: 1(pn i10i,i in vortn Carolina that oilers a definite goal of acheive-; ment to the young pianists of our State. County Contests are held at which time any piano teacher may enter one pupil. The win ners from the Counties meet in Greensboro, at the North Caro lina College for omen, to go to a series of final contests un der the direction of Prof. W ade It. Brown, who instituted the State Contest movement in 'nrth Th fi , - t . a Ij0vin Cun m, r(lt hl.nnr . from all the music folk thruout the State. On Monday after- noon, April '25th, the Halifax County Contest was held in Central School Audi torium, at which time three con testants Miss Branch, from En field, Miss Far her, from Weldon, and Miss Maud Jones, from Roanoke Rapids, appeared. All three showed decided musical talent, playing their numbers with technical skill and i musical feeling that promise much in their future development as pianists. The judges, after lengthy discussion decided upon Miss Maud Jones, pupil of Miss Julia Thompson, of Roanoke Rapids as the winner of first place. Miss Jones will go to Greensboro on May loth, ac companied by Miss Thompson. The congratulations and good wishes of her townspeople will go with her. Mother's Day Services at Baptist Church Next Sunday, May 8th, being Mothers' Day, the services at the eleven o'clock hour at the Bap tist Church will be made to har monize with the purpose of the day, and fathers as well as moth ers are especially invited to at tend. Furthermore, people who are not parents are requested- to help make it possible for mothers to attend this ser.vice. If moth ers desire to carry their babies, provision will be made for them to be cared for by competent per sons in the primary apartments of the Sunday school during the service so that mothers may be free to enjoy the exercises. Rev. A. G. Carter will preach at the evening hour. Members of the congregation will please note that the hours for the evening services have been changed for the summer season as follows: B. Y. P. U. to meet at 7:1" regular even ing service to begin at 8 o'clock The public is cordially invited! to attend all services of the church. T. S. Crutchtield, Tastor Report of Community Service Work During the month 21 meetings were held with an attendance of 2,013. Aurelian Springs had the largest number present at any one meeting, there being -273 present on April 30th; Ilobgood was second with 238 present. The following statistics show the number of meetings hold in each school and the attendance for the month. School Meetings Held Att. Calvary Aurelian Springs Ilobgood Dawsons Halifax Roanoke Rapids Glenview Hollister 2 268 3 478 2 Gfil 2 207 2 237 1 133 2 177 2 265 2 136 2 113 2 135 2 63 for the Darlington Bear Swamp Roanoke Rapids (col) Print (col) The expenditures month were !j32tU0. The Primary programs that were given in eight of the schools were splendid. Halifax and Hollister children won the prize for making the highest score. WITH THE CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH Rev. L. B. Jones, Pastor Mothers Day will be observed at the Methodist Church next Sunday morning. A special pro gram is being prepared by the choir. Mothers Day . includes Fathers and the home circles. If your Mother is living attend 1 the service, therby expressing J your appreciation of her. It will j mean more to her than your, tears after she is gone. j Sunday School at 0: l-" W. V. Woodroof, Supt. j Preaching by the pastor at 11 1 A.M. . i At 7:30 P. M. The singing I will be in charge of the Junior! choir. j to j All are cordially invited these services. All Saints Church (Episcopal) Rev. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector Ruanokt Avenue Mill Mary Duke, Parish Visitor WHAT IS IT? A State of Mind? No. A System of Teaching? iNo. A Beautiful Theory? No. . A way of Life? Yes. That's What the Christian Gospel Is. Take it and Try it. IT WORKS. All Saints' Church invites you next Sunday. 7:30 A. M. Holy; Communion. Church School, T. j W. Mullen, Supt. Morning ser-1 vice, at 11, Night service at 7:45. 1 Next Sunday is the Sunday after Ascension Day. ; The Church with a welcome. Rosemary Methodist Church Rev. Chas. B. Lance, Pastor Mother's Day Sevice 11 A. M. Special Mother's Day Proaram 8 P. M. Sunday School 10 A. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 P. M. Regular service at New Hope 3:30 P. M. A cordial welcome awaits all. Will Observe National Hospital Day, May 12 The Roanoke Rapids Hospital will observe ivauonai Hospital Day May 12th. The National Hospital Day was adopted with the view of giving the public an opportunity to get acquainted with the great work our hospitals are doing. On this occasion all hospitals observing the day week keep "open house" to the public. The doors of the Roanoke Rapids Hospital will be open to the public on this dav from 11:00 11:00 P. M. and the public are cordially invited to call and ac quaint themselves with the op erations of this institution. Hospital Pnrchases Nurse's Home The Roanoke Rapids Hospital has purchased the residence of Mr. (1. R. Williams on Roanoke Avenue, and expect to occupy the same as a home for the nurses about the 15th of this month. The increasing demand for room in the hospital for patients and the necessity of more nurses made necessary the acquiring of a nurses home. The nurses quarters at the hospital will be converted into patients rooms. Zollie Powers, Negro, Caught Wiih Monkey Rum Zollie Powers, was caught at Roanoke Junction Saturday night by chief Dobbins with too ! much Monkey Rum in his car. Because of this Zollie ia minus his car and ia under a $200 bond awaiting trial at the June term of court. ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C, MAY 6, 1921 "American Rescue Workers" Commit Most Diabolical Crime Ever Perpetrated in Community Jim and Ed Sharpe, "Rescue Workers" and Their Chauffeur, Alonza Burleson, Dope and Lure Two Young Girls Off in Automobile and Criminally Assault Them at Point of Pistol. Crime Committed Between Here and Weldon Saturday Night. Criminals Now in Halifax Jail. People of Community Deeply Aroused. Three Ball Games Last Saturday That Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary are baseball strong holds was clearly demonstrated last Saturday, three games be ing staged on local diamonds. The high school bos crossed bats with the Wilson high school team and delivered to the visi tors a very humiliating defeat. The local boys making the cir cuit ten times while no Wilson lad ever reached the home plate except for batting purposes and many of those fought the air in vain efforts' to relieve catcher Bray of his duty of catching the ball. Jackson pitched a steady game, pulling himself out of several tight places. Gray's work at third, with the stick and at base running impressed the old fans rather favorably. As a whole the high school team has much promising material. At the Rosemary park Hender son came down to offer battle with the Rosemary team and with the exception of the first two innings played tight ball, allowing no runs thereafter. Rosemary scored 2 runs each in the first and second innings and held the visitors scoreless how ever in the third Rosemary's im ported twirler seemingly gave out, for the Henderson boys be gan to lambast his offerings to the three corners of the field. At the close of the fourth said twir ler was introduced to the bench and Harry Welsh a local man placed in the box. One score was secured from Welsh's first inning which ended the scoring for the day. Thus the game ended 4 to 3 in favor of Rose mary. The Henderson team won the admiration of many fans for they played a clean, good natured game without much kicking. Especially was then pitcher a for midable combatant as he contin ually smiled in the face of defeat. It is not easy to down a man with these characteristics. The Rosemary team is gradu ally coming into its own. Under the field management of Allen C. ZollicofTer, who by the way is the best amateur first baseman in these parts, it is strengthening each week. Very soon we are confident Capt. -ollicofl'er will lead his team to many brilliant victories. The third game was staged on the baseball grounds of Patter son Mills, the management loan- ing the same to the colored team. We have not been able to learn ' thf outcome of this game. Road Commissioners Vote to Begin Work On Hard Surface Road The Halifax County Highway Commission in their regular meeting Monday at Halifax vot ed to sell $250,00000 worth of bonds and-begin work at once on the hard surface road from Roanoke Rapids to Weldon. This work will begin immediate ly upon the agreement that the State Commission will reimburse the county fcr its part of the cost and the sale of bonds. The Road Commission also let a contract for a gravel road lead ing from Halifax to the state farm. The most diabolical crime ever perpetrated in this community was committed Saturday night, when Jim an dEd Sharpe, of Al bemarle, twin brothers, and "American Rescue Workers" and Alonzo Burleson, chauffeur for the Sharpe brothers, presum ably doped and lured Misses An na Gillespie, aged 19, and Liller Barkley, aged 16. away from their homes in new town pre sumably, to take them to the tent services at Rosemary, but instead they took them to a wood ed point between here and Wel don and at the point of a revol ver criminally assaulted the young women. Only one of the Sharpe bro thers and Burleson were present when the first dastardly crime was committed. The brutes tried to force the girls to take whis key, but they refused and at the threat of death unless she did Liller Barkley took some in her mouth and held it there until an opportunity to spit it out. When Sharpe and Burleson re turned to pick up the other Sharpe brother, Liller Barkley jumped from the car and escap ed. The three men then escaped to Virginia with Miss Gillespie and were apprehended at South Bos. ton and held for local police. Chief Jackson went for the criminals and placed them in jail at Halifax last night for safe keeping, for local authorities feared their safety should they be brought here. After reaching home Miss Gil lespie told a gruesome story of her experience. She said that after drinking a coca cola brought her by one of the Sharpe brothers her memory, became affected, that she did not remember leav ing home nor did she know that Miss Barkley had escaped. She said that she was threatened with d'iath if she did not promise to tell officers that she hired them to take her to her home in in Virginia. This horrible affair should call a halt to the annoying nuisance of professional beggars that in fests our streets for in nine cases out of ten the beggars are unworthy of alms. This nuisance could easily be stopped by an or dinance requiring all beggars and solicitors such as "rescue workers" to convince the mayor or city clerk, that tfcey and their cause is worthy, before they, are permitted to beg or solicit alms on our streets. On Being Natural. We all Immt of onr Independence n.i m.P r,- i..m to n r iiv the ny iv (Mnfe beat, bat lit that Hot ninny of us have ni-ne enough, sitting at a banquet tull tu dip our bread emits Into our coffee. Doing ttM OiliiK we like to ilo and Mng oui 'lvti free from all affectation ar two performances reserved axclualvatT for thf few tfad moment we art u borne lth the faintly. Offers to Sell Ford For $6 Gets Into Trouble Early this week Wither Harri son and Chas. Thompson, of the Patterson Mills Village stole the Ford car of Steve Clary, also of Patterson Milts Village. Thurs day they evidently tired of their possession ana ottered the car for sale for $6.00. This of course aroused suspicion and thty were soon under arrest They were given a hearing and placed under $300 bonds awaiting trial at the next term of court. Subscription vvwihj vvuuiiioaiviiia in ; iwnnvnL nu iio i Liuvi i ni Regular Session Monday i AND LOCAL ITEMS The Board of County Commis- Messrs. T. C. and Johnie Wil sionera met in regular session liams, of Airlie. spent Wednes Monday, all numbers being pres-1 day in town. ent. Besidea routine business sever al appeared with complaints re garding the valuation of their property, which by the way has almnct Lvnmo t-nntino . : visiting their little son who is ill PIf- A;EL,.Atker8, Supenn-iin the Uoanoke Rapids Hospital, tendent of Public Instruction, ap-: peared before the board with his ! Miss Catherine Smith, of Stony budget for 1921-1922. Prof. ! Creek, spent the week-end here Akera stated to the Board that! with Miss Alice Coleman, he had made it as small as the Mesdames J. A. and Charlie state achool lawa would allow Vincent, of Vultare. spent Tues- with one exception. This item being the cost of maintenance and new construction. Several of the commissioners bemoaned the fact that they could not cut ev ery item, insisting all the while that they were friends of good schools! Despite the fact that the county must add some thirty teachers next year Prof. Akers' budget was only a few hundred dollars more than the last one. The pruning knife was applied to the one item to the extent of $47,000 which means very little progress for rur.il schools the coming season. The followipg jurors for the June term of Superior Court were drawn: 1st week E. D. Tippett, J. F. Cobb. R. A. McDaniel, C. D. Arringion, J. H. Alaxander, Jr., C. N. Parks, Geo. N. Fisher, D. Melton, H. A. Pittman, E. Batchelor, H. C. Keeter, J. White, D. M. Campbell, G. Pittman, W. A. Wilcox, J. H. W. A. A. L. Morris, L. G. Shell, W. G. Lew is, E. H. Shell, M. B. Shearrin, B. F. Whitley, Sr., Richard Smith, W. J. Collins, A. Strick land, G. W. Andrews. Eli -Bellamy. Jas. H. Clark, J. B. John son, C. J. Smith, C. T. Tripp, S. E. Bowers, Al Harper, Willie Price, S. W. Neville, W. A. Hol land, Ed Allsbrook. -2nd week W. N. Powell, F. M. Cooper, W. C. Dickens, J. T. Parker. Leo Allston, W. R. Hardy, Surry Dunn. W. L. Harrell, W. G. Bass, L. B. Gurganous, B. O. Joyner, G. H. Lewis, Walter Dunn, J. R. Mohorn, J. U. Jones, W. L. Whitley, R. L. Joy ner, J. W. Harris, R. B. Brick wall, J. S. Hedgpeth, W. E. Mat thews, J. E. Hancock, G. W. King, J. W. Williams, T. B. Gunter, S. G. Nicholson, A. D. Glover, W. E. Luter, A. M. Bloomer, W. A. Crawley, Jas. Wood, J. W. Heptinstall, T. L, Vick, G. E. Taylor, E. W ertson, L. L. Braswell. Rob. Special Services at All Saints' A special service for the mem bers of the Junior Order U. A. M.. will be held in All Saints' (Episcopal) Church next Sunday moring at eleven o'clock. The Juniors of both Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids are asked by their councillors to meet at their respective halls at ten-trfirty and I , . , , . , , march body to the Church The following musical program of Ascensiontide' music will be rendered. Processional - See the Conquer or Mounts in Triumph - Henry. Venite exultemus and glorias - Anon. Te Deum - Farmer. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name - Holden. Offertory - Anthem - He is Risen Simper. Doxology - Old Hundredth. Recessional - Alleluia, Sing to Jesus - Howell. Four-fold Amen Newcombe. At the night service at 7:45. Processional - Crown Him with Many Crowns - Williams. Glorias - Kettle. Magnificat - Kettle. Nunc Dimittis - Turle. Hymn - Our Lord ia Risen from the Dead Hutton. Offertory - Oh, the Bitter $2.00 a Year in Advance Mr. Geo. Vick, of Littleton, spent Tuesday in town on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Bethea. of i Brinkleyvilie, spent Tuesday here day in town shopping. Rev. Millard, of Littleton, spent a few hours in town Mon day afternoon. Mr. H. Miller, of Baltimore, spent Tuesday in town on busi ness. Mrs. A. P. McPherson spent Monday and Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Annie Workman spent the week-end in Greensboro. Messrs. J. H. Baucom and Jim Newsom, of Littleton, spent Tuesday in town. Miss Elmyra Jenkins has re turned from Brevard, where she has been teaching. Mr. J. T. Thomason left this week for Oak City where he will spend some time on business. Mr. Marshall Spears and Miss Pearl Robinson, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams. Miss Louise-Smith, of Bethel, spent Sunday here with her pa rents. Miss Millie Pearson spent the week-end in her home at Bailey. Miss Catherine Smith, of Stony Creek, has accepted a position with B. Marks ca stenographer. Mr. Harry L. Johnson, of Chapel Hill, visited Miss Mary Coble last week-end. Mr. C. J. Topping spent seve ral days in Winston-Salem on bus iness this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyche are visiting their daughter, Mary Traynham, in Spartanburg this week. Mrs. P. C. Duncan and son, Straughan, spent the week-end in Raleigh. Mrs. W. H. Jones left today for Washington and Royal to visit relatives. Mrs. B. Marks has returned from a business trip to New York. Mr. Abe Norinsky left Wed-, I nesday for New York. Messrs. B. W. Babcock and Kendall Hunter, of Appomattox, Va., visited Miss Christine Mc Carty last week. Miss Christine McCarty pent Sunday in Norfolk with her mother. Mr. A. L. Robertson spent Monday in Enfield. Mr. G. E. Williams Buys Residence of Mr. Bounds Mr. G. E. Williams has pur chased from the N. & II. Storn Company the residence recently occupied by Mr. S. J. Bounds and family. Mr. Williams i3 making extensive repairs on the same preparatory to its occupa tion. The N. & H. Store Company of which Mr. Bounds is an officer is erecting a cottage on Hamil ton street facing the Central School which Mr. and Mra. Bounds will occupy as soon as completed. Mr. and Mrs. Bounds and children now have rooms in the home of Mrs. S. P. Scott. Shame and Sorrow - Roe. Solo, Miss Moore. Doxology- Four-fold Amen - Newcombe. Recessional - Love Divine, All Love Excelling Stainer. The public ia very cordially in vited to attend these services.

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