e Eagle Cries ty-First” ‘‘•S’- i*- . s s4v V t\ \ \ v J When oPe ®top8 to con sider the nurf^1 °f in his own circ*e °f acclu¥hnt ance who havP Itioney N during the preceding year through unfortunate invest ment, he wonders why a “Safety First" slogan is not as stringently and universally urged as a preventative of financial disaster as it is in warding off perils of casualty and hygiene Whether you have a dol lar, a hundred dollars, or • thousand dollars, there is no sacer investment in the world than a Building and Loen Association- Statistics compiled recently show con clusively that there has not been a single instance where an investor has lost a cent in one of these associations. Of what other investment— stocks or bonds—can this be said? Why is it safe? Because it is protected. First, it is pro tected by first mortgage on real estate—the old iron clad protection. Second, it is pro tected by state supervision, which supervision the asso ciations themselves were in strumental in procuring. An annual examination of the company’s transactions is made and the statement re sulting shows not only assets and liabilities, but accounts completely for every dollar of receipts and disburse ments. If Patrick Henry, famous for his declaration that "Tax ation Without Representa tion is Tyranny," were alive today he would no doubt go an record for asserting that ‘Investment Without Pro tection Is Folly.” ook the “if”from “Thrift” noke Rapids Building & Loan Association neteenth Series Opens Sept. 1, 1923” — Professional Cadrs | Dr. W. A. Cartel VETERINARIAN Office end Hospital 2nd Street I WELDON, N. C. Phones: Rea. 50. Office 33J. 1 —. — • --=??r* I H. B. HUMPHREY OPTOMETRIST ROSEMARY, N. C. I SpeLul Attention Given to Examin* ini Eyes and Fitting Glasses Esfi»ecrin| and Surveying Spadafiiiaf ia Farm Laid Sur.eyin | SKMd Flaw Muk. Baildu, K. H. BARROW IwSi (Mid., n. c. META B. JONES Notary Public Office: Harold Publishing Co., Roanoke Rapid.. N C Electric Repair Work nil of kinds AMATURE WINDING, MOTOR GENERATOR REPAIRS Daae Prsaptlf tad Efficiently SMITH’S GARAGE Phans 1» E. A. MATTHEWS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Office*: First National Bank Building Roanoke Rapids. N. C. DR. W. M. WARD DENTIST Rosemary. N. C. A. L. CLARK Attorney - at Law Second Floor First Nat-onal Bank Building Roanoke Rapids. N. C. Alls i . Zollicoller Attorney at Law Kosemar> N C. Office over old Post Office Buil.ling MONEY 10 LOAN la Large Am iunts n Good Farm LanJs For Five, Seven, and T*n Years, A. C. Z0LL1C0FFER Attorney - At - Law Rosemary. N. C. DR. R A. BETTS Licensed Chiropractor cll.ee: Opposite Fn tr ince to B seba I I aik Tuesday, Thursd-y, Saturday 5-12 P.M. Rosemary, N. C. “For Acute aad Chronic Disease" * 'Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free" m COOL YOUR i FEVERED BLOOD ^ these broiling days with our “sin cerity" ice cream. We call it “sin cerity" because it is made of simon pure materials and in good faith by * us. Our cream has that old-fashion ed “homey’’ flavor—the kind mother used to make with the old freezer - s and gracious, but it was good! So is C ours. Try some tonight. Serve it g to your friends and hear their praise. ROANOKE ICE & FUEL COMPANY S. M THOMPSON, Proprietor ROSEMARY, N. C. SEABOARD I AIR LINE RAILWAY Passenger Train schedules as information and not guaranteed. From ROANOKE JUNC HON, N. C. No. 16 Leaves 4 52 A. M. for Portsmouth No. 15 Leaves 11.48 P. M. for Atlanta and Birmingham No. 19 Leaves 7.10 A. M. for Raleigh No. 20 Leaves 8.40 P. M. for Weldon No. 11 Leaves 11.58 A. M. for Atlanta No. 12 Leaves 3.02 P. M. for Portsmouth and Bay Line Connection Call on nearest Ticket Agent for information and Pullman reservation. I JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., E. W. EUBANKS, Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Roanoke Junction, N. Thrift and Spendthrift The reckless spender We all know Never gets anywhere. It’s the man who saves Regularly Who “gets ahead in life. Make a deposit To-day. j i Rosemary Banking & Trust Company Roiemary, N. C. vvastern Respect fer Women! ffie best story of the westerner^ reverence for women, writes a com* spendent of a London paper, “la co» cerned with the conclusion of a llttW fight with Indians. The latter got the best of it and *he squaws arrived with stone hammers to finish off the wound ed. As a squaw thus armed was ap proaching a half-conscious victim bla friend called out to him : 'Look out. Bill, theru’s a lady coming/ " Legal Notices County of Halifax, State of North Carolina, Board of Education, Against J. L. Dupree, John C. Dutridge, First National Bank of Rocky Mount, W. P. Jennings and others. A. R. Sorsby, All of Rocky Mount, N. C. And the Mutual Life Insurance Co., Newark, New Jersey. Know all men by this presents that in accordance to the provision of Section 61, Article 5 of the Public School Law of N. C. Codification of 1923, that thirty days after the first appearance of this instrument in the Roanoke Rapids Herald, the County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Halifax County, North Carolina will apply to the Clerk of the Super ior Court of the said County for the appointment ot' three appraisers who shall !. y .,tf by metes ami bounds not more ten acres of the Pittman la.ul near Crowells Cross Roads in Halifax Township, and shall assess the value thereof. They shall make a written report to be signed by them or by the majority of them to the Clerk of said Court within five days jf their appointment. If the report is confirmed by the Clerk, upon pay ment by the Chairman or Secretary >r offer of payment the title of such and shall vest in fee simple in the •orporation. Given under my hand »nd sealed this first day of August 1923. A. E. AKERS, (Seal) County Superintendent of Public ist ruction. J-3-lt. ! Three Corner Los On Hamilton Street 90'xl40' desirably located for sale al a bargain Apply Herald Office - . -— npiTrC TAYLOR-MATTHEWS CO i/l\UViU Prescription Druggist* Open Every Other Sunday for Drug* Only From 10;to 12 A. M.4:30 to 6:30 P. M. Meet Your Friend* atjOur Fountain The Leading Place for Drink* Oil Often Causes Fires It may seem a small moment where you keep an oil can but it isn’t, if you must keep one in your house or barn be careful of its location. Always take every precaution to pre vent fire,and assure yourself that your fire insurance is adequate. This agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company will welcome the opportunity to explain fire risks and sound insurance to you. NATIONAL LOAN & INS. CO. Roanoke Rapida, North Carolina Herald Buildini Phoae 44 fiif'Six 5»Ptu$enger Coupe $2550 1924 Model 1 __ 19X4 Models Are the Finest Big'Sixes Studebaker Ever Built The enthusiasm with which the new 19*4 model Studebaker cars have been received locally is an indication of the reception they have enjoyed throughout the country. No wonder.They are emphatically the most compelling values Studebaker ever offered and the public knows that Studebaker has been a consistent leader, year after year, in the amount of intrinsic value per dollar invested. The Big-Six Sedan and the Coupe are the finest cars that have ever borne the name Studebaker. They provide all the perform ance, all the comfort, and all the depend ability that any car will give—at a price that smaller producers cannot approach. & very uung tor wnicn one can wwu ui motoring convenience, comfort and utility has been provided—even to the extra disc wheel with tire, tube and tire cover (two on Sedan); handsome nickel-plated bumpers, front and rear; large* roomy trunk; auto matic gasoline signal, and many other fea tures. There is nothing more to buy. The prices of the Sedan and Coupe are moderate because of 8tudebaker's large pro duction, vast physical and financial resources, the manufacture of all vital parte In 8tuda baker plants, and the accumulation of experi ence and prestige gained through 71 years of building quality vehicles. I1924 MODELS AND PRICES-/ o. b. factory | LIQHT-SIX I f... , 112' W. B., 40 H. P Touring -——— $ 90S Roadster (3-I'M.).. 975 Coupe-Roadeier(!-Paes.) 1225 iadan..1550 SPECIAL SIX 3-P—.. Ur W. B..SQ H. P. Tour In*_*1330 Rowfatcr (i-Pmm.y-1335 Coup* (5 Pm.)-197$ S*d—... BIQ-3IX r.rm—., I2t* W. B.,49 H. f. -_!1mS Cwiy (S-PBw.)-1*50 Terms to Meet rour Convenience Big-Six 7•Passenger Sedan $2750 1924 Model JOYNER MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Roanoke Rapid*, N. C. THIS IS A STUDBBAKER YEAR