DO YOU KNOW — That v the 'Reid Cross Last Year Spent $525,000.00 Succoring Disaster Victims ®Hc ml tl Volume X—Number 2 t jflQANOlCE RAPIDS, N. NO VEMBER 7~3/ I f 2-0 Subscription $2.00 a Year in Advance ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. F. B. Parker, of Rocky Mount, was in Rosemary Tues day. Mr. J. H. Tysom, of Norfolk, spent Wednesday in town. Miss C. Love, of Murfrees boro, was a visitor in town Sun day. Mr. Chas. E. Finch, of Nor folk, spent Tuesday in Rose mary. Miss Ffe rine Bingham, spent the w'eek-end with friends in Raleigh. Mr. H. L. Goodman, of Peters-' burg, Va., w#s in town Tuesday! and Wednesday. Mr. Jesse A. Gay; of near Seaboard, spent Friday, Satur day and Sunday as the guest of his son Mr. R. H, Gay. Mr. L. L. Cohen, of Baltimore, was in Rosemary Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Demara, of Woon socket, R. L, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Weiss-1 ner, spent Sunday in Emporia. Mr. A. V. Medlin, of Zebulon, | spent Tuesday in Rosemary. Mr. Z. A. Dean, of Norfolk. ! was in town Tuesday. Dr. John W. Martin and Mr. ; Alfred Martin spent severaldays ■ in Richmond this week, J Mr. W. L. Bowncy, of Nor folk, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Beatrice Green, Is visit ing relatives in Rocky Mount. Mr. J. D. Perry, of Norfolk, was in Rosemary Tuesday. Miss Minnie Johnson spent the j week-end with friends in Green ville. Mr. W. Irving Smith, of Petersburg, was in town Mon day. Miss Mattie Lee Cooley_, of Jackson, was a visitor in town Tuesday. Rev. Francis Joyner, of Little ton, spent Tuesday in Rosemary. Mr. M. Greenwald, _ of Balti more, was here monday. Miss Mina Smoot spent the j week-end with friends in Green-; ville. Messrs. Ned and William Man ning, Gordon, W. T. and Stead afternoon for a short stay in man Coui -i^ left Wednesday New York City. Mr. R. M. Rice, of Reidsvilla. spent Monday in town. Rev. E. N. Harrison returned' from the annual meatin of the Methodist Conference, which was held in Elizabeth City Tues day morning. The members of the Methodist Church and Hit people of Rosemary are very , glad that he was returned to j this charge for another year. j Miss Cook, of Aureliun Springs, was in town Wedn day. < Mr. Arthur {law-kins, o Petersburg, was in Roaemary > Monday. Mr. J. 1C. McCee spent tne | week-end in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pruden j have returned from their honey moon trip and have taken rooms | in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. j R. Vick. Mr. Chas. W. Greer., q£ Nor folk, spent Tuesday in Eo ? mary.. Mr. T. W. Mullen and children spent the week-end with : 3lr. tives in Petersburg. Mr. J. P. Hilliard, of Norfolk, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Lucy Lassiter, of Con way, and Mrs. ,1. T. Flythe, of Jackson, spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. J. B. Boyd. Mr. Frank P. Barnes, of near Seaboard, spent Sunday with friends in Rosemary. Dr. R. P. Beckwith and Mr. N. D. Cox spent several days hunt ing near Ldenton and Williams ton this week. Mr. Thcs. Gay and son Mr. Willie Gay, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Massomore. spent the week-end with friends in Greens boro. Mr. Russell Moody, of Henri co, was in town yesterday. I I Emporia 0, Rotnoke Rapids 0. Two ancient rivals, Emporia High, and Roanoke Rapids High | battled to a scoreless tie on the ! Virginians gridiron last Friday j afternoon. Roanoke Rapids goal was never threatened. Time was called at the end of the first half with the ball On Emporia’s three and a half yard line. Edmondson. Vaughan and Powell were the particular stars of the locals, while Barnes and King, played their usual good game for Em poria. A remarkable feature of the gameWas the infliction Of nu penalties on either side. Another noticeable feature - not a substi tute was put in until the last min ute of play when Charlie: Sfriith replaced Speight. The officials, of the game, Coach VVilson(VVm. and Mary) referee, and Chase mouth ) umpire, did- their work well. ■. • v ' This game closed the (season for the home club. Since Friday, efforts have been Hlade to geC a game with teams from Rocky Mount, Greenville, Washington, Tarboro, Oxford and Franklin, without success a fid Wednesday afternoon found Coacn Simpson packing the football togs av.ay for use next season. • • Simpson’s charges have had a successful season. The following record was made. R. R. H. S. 19. Franklin Highs (X.K. R. H. S. HO. Red Oak 0. il. R. H. S. 4. Rocky Mount 7. R. R. ii. S. 9. Raleigh 14. R R. H.S. (i. Emporia 0. R. R. H. S. 0. EinporiaU. Out of six games played, ttiree have been won by the shut-out route, two were lost and one resulted in a tie. 'the team made tiity five points against twenty one tor the opponents. This season d'etrelopedl new material int he persons of [ Powell, George Smith, Glenn Gurley, and Lester LuniOndson., Prospects lor a good year next! fall are exceedingly oright. Physical Education Program An exhibition of the program1 of physical education tyhifhjs be-: ing practiced in the local schools, will lake 1 iaCC Monday night on the stage of the Higa school auditorium at seven - tuiiav. -Lm | monstrations of health cldh work,1 relict periods, play ground actl'vi-:' ties, corrective exercises, folk | dancing, setting up drills, ap paratus tumbling, will be given under llie direction of Mr.* Walter A Simpson, Athletic Llirecior. I'lie publiq is cerdialf^ invited, Potato and AoasO. ; In Bngiand i;u* lirst . Torts to pro mote the cultivation >>f the potato were suspected to be a conspiracy caf^. Italists to oppress the poor. The labor leader. William Corbett, said: “Work tjng.iivn ought not to he induced to five on such ‘cattle food.’” In 1725 an attempt was made to introduce pota/ • toes into Scotland, but tlu*y were de nounced from tiie pulpit on two con tradictory counts: that they were not mentioned in the Bible, and so not for the Christians, and that they were the forbidden fruit, the cause of Adam’s fall. They were accused of causing leprosy and fever. Hymn in Court. When the Folkestone, England, magistrates refused to license Sunday dancing recently, a nu iber of ob jectors to Sunday duncing—who In cluded clergy,- ministers, churchmen and women of all denominations—In the body of the court commenced sing ing “Praise Cod from whom all bless ings flow.” Led by a Baptist deacon they sang the four lines of the Dox ology, while the court clerk and police cried “Order, order," before fuey were ejected. I • C-jkt r:.i:33. • | Pleasure In s’-r’it o n . ts. one hu i man deligl i that age does' not seem : to wither. The Baptist Lades Aid of Rosemary will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, December list in the furniture store win dow of the L. G. Shell Co. Come, jand buy yoiir/ CKricl'mas'-gff‘.x A service will be held-at 10'A: M. Thanksgiving Day in All ,Saifits Episcopal Church. The public is cordially invited. The Woman’s Club will meet on next Mon iay afternoon at U.e high school auditorium at three o’clock. i 1 Sunday Schools Hold Conference i..,: t -.J ; With services''full of inspinij, twin .{mij.d.eep iSpfcitjtaJjly..--. with leaden# \WH -tjlMlifiedv'fdt- ihtfijr wriV^ .wiflM’^'gppd . eutlwsi.-uscUi and" «• g.rSt i f ying«H tt im darh’e. ffe General .ISjhjjjfllf Sdho'g). Gonfet'--, ence,> held "On Sunday,' mondhy'" a|i(! ^itiiXdisfjiVi'.sUi -! i e.sH.w.JSimdayiafternetili '’'abbutji seVeij/s'huti^jijiT',' people;nwaibr-.i melt,pat keyed 1 for the •> ini'trd' ! tuef,iiijjg'.rit:tbi’‘',liig-b,.'iel'i(ad.'au(!ii I torium. and- a t:1 et -devdiiotia 1 ex-j, 'USferfdJJ \vitn;!'4av>at.ten- . tion to- Miv "Salu^ii.v1, *-prof; minent business . mah., pf, $ajis 1 bury, tell of the possibilities in j Sunday school work and how to make the work a suedk-'s. Sun day njghc fully iO&'M.dftuVrtlm'l'] j made up a congregation for a j union service .of tjie .eight cliurplieg.*n. the-'Commumty;. ‘Mr. : L-i I.',* aJ*SbctjfaVy.,' I | Siirftfay'',S$o5f’Board of the»N?| ’., Me ffv >d fcytr f’o itf'V .' .mail. ’ I art iWldi'e.y' ..yiaii-inl.ei'eRted. anil i i- ihaes torivddfohi ! My,-', K. -B uukneij* G enerai :Sec: retaVy iif llni^i^tk.ii’aVa!a-t’li.i 1 dhpa l i’nion* :vro.n '•ttWti'Mift'r I'fin* t' -.fey • the ! BatdCas and Philatheas. She emphasized the value of "having I something for every one to do I and then outline methods of ■service and fields of opportunity., Rev. ( has. H. JSeovil. of/Con-1 c' • rd, E x efi^izcjSeer-etdr^*' df the (Board ofi reUgiohs; education of the Episcopal church, spoke -Monday night in the school audi torium. showing the need of reli gious education and outlining a plan by which wePk day religious instruction might be given in .th« ;l<&aLv*ebTpoi.'X as is done in j many of the cities and towns of! % wuajfcsji# ? Miss Keene, who is connected^ v.-ith ihfe sail odist cHyrch as j triveling secretary in the inter-: i t of thi> Primary work of the, Sunday school, brought many funv-and,•'help i'ul ideas to her hearers Tuesday afternoon in, t.he...ivo.s(3irmry Baptist church j and again that night in the high .-bool. She said that we have' been building .churches, holding thf.vic;^, teaching classes, with i out proper emphasis upon the i •viUuttiOf'.proi^erly teaching the children of the primary classes' £nd sii gjgcis ted-r e m edies. Tuesday night, after the ad dresses of Miss Keene and Miss Buckner, Prof. E. J. Coltrane, , ! cbahtfna'h" .of the Conference, j asked Re .. Mr. Scovil, to sum up the ground covered. He gave a brief resume of the several ad dresses. ami resulted of discus v ussier.:: and presented an out line of the live principals of Cup lujii-.f^rture, viz, (nforma iii n,' nHurory, worship, service j and gifts. Those ho attended the Con tei ence learned the need of more interest in, idle value of, and \vh t an up to date Sunday; school should do in de\eloping Christian character by of' *1 mi rounded Cl^.istdan educa tiiii'";.; ...» hi As a result of the Conference, follow op’work nas already ge gimand it is Ciefteived that tne ■streets of these' meetings will ce far reaching. A male quartette composed of Messrs.., C. T . Johnson, S..O. Brown.'R. 1.. Martin and MacRae r aison sang in a most pleasing manner Tuesday night. — •. NOTICE The 'Womans Auxiliary of P.Cobyterian Chu 'h will hold its aoual Bazaar on Deoern' er 13th to i ho v ir duws 10’ L'he Hff dd Publishing Co., and National Loan and Insurance Co.* WITH THE CHURCHES Al! Saints Chnrcli : Episcopal i Rev. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector •.;' Mr*, k.tberine, Parish Worker ;r: Roapoke A>enue '•: V ! ‘ " «• *£hg Qbiyyh Ts ami Ts not. ; The Church is; A Divine - Institution with a . Human Mission, ^ot.alhuman institution with a l Divine Mission. An Organism for the* dispensing , ; Christianity, ■Not .qn organization for the at .Jainment of Christianity. A corporation of believi-rs. Not.#,.company of believers. The Kingdom of Heaven seeking men on earth, Not a .Society on earth seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.” N>xt Sunday is the Sunday next before Adveyt. r S^C2s^:3Q A. M. The Holy f'omm union. j •'U tvhfM)! bible class ;4#* for adults andTchildren, T. W Muller. Supt. '‘‘/Morning1 ‘service and sermon a! 11. T%ht- s-rviees ami -crmon at ■ 7:30 ' • -St.-. Luke.-- 3 P. 31.1 - YoQhir Peoples' 'Society. -Wednesday night. ■ T: ••!j*:*h'hkfgiviWt i)aV to A! 31.: .Nov.'TO'. SL Andrews Day, 10 A. mIi' life Holy Communion. ‘•;A most cordial welcome! await you.. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Rev Robert if. ffcobm, Pa-tor Mr. ’S . V. W t ilroof, S. S. up-. Mis. Vtviso Kdmond.'.. P^nist Mr. id. L. I owe, teactier of Raraca l?s-t Prof.- K L. Llnnr.-*, Pres ’-'nwortli Lea. ue 9.15 A .M. Sunday school. , 1 i :0i) A‘. Ai. sorrgon ?>' pastor, ; j *t: Pressing for the Idi-r. . / om5 P. AI. If p worth I,aague, ; Prof. K. I.. K’mure, leader. 7: 'A) P. AI. sermon: Imitating God." 4>ul>!*v* ins-udiJ :w. (vf Stew r 1 eery o!er < \ • v. w /'thy; ' ■ use in . he-- ruiili ituAe of thy \ mercy: and in tlu* fear will 1! wo- i.lp toward Ihy ho-, L*m- I ple/V-Psa. 5:7. • I. Two Additions to Ford Fami v Detroit, Mich . Nov.—There’ ■ J be.- ; a double chridtejiing in the Ford car fatniiv. Whan the new"., i member, a spiart s edan with two d ora, ar rive i- .on the scene, announce ment".of which is just made, there;came with it tne ouostion of a name. For Several day ■■ the folks just couldn't decide what to call the baby of the family until, from quite: an unexpected source, there .came the 4itippy sugges tion: "Let's call it Tudor.” And Tudor it' Was ’christened a namuiquile in keeping with the aristoeiiatic appearance of the new car. "Hoy! at out re-n; mine; the ml' ,r :edmisppjon^ .asked and Ihsetj ca ne this reply : "We imijrht c'jiii. it the four door Ford or-*Ai)#, that’s it 1 Ford . or, Fordor. and ex pressive, isn’t it ." So we have two Ford ears with brand new names, the Tudor and 'the Fordor. ' I . ’ Parent - Teacher Association • To Meet. .. The regular meeting of the high school parent t>aehers as sociation which was postponed : (v'ill he ; h< Id - on next ■'Tuesday night at 7:30. A speaker has been secured lor tilt - tim ■ end :i very inters btitftf prpgra n will Jbe given. Come an i vote for your ! childs grade for th • picture. _ POLIC COURT NEWS ITEMS Charlie Whitehead, variously and severally charged with .manufacturing whiskey, trans porting the same.and furnishing intoxicating liquors to a convict. Charlie Moore, a local celebrity, was found not guilty as to transportation, but was I placed under bonds of 8150.00 each in the other two .charges. Exum Moore was required to give a 8150.00 bond on a charge «-i operating an automobile while drunk. Seymore Boomer and Della Jones charged with disorderly conduct, resulted in a fine of 810.00 for Della Jones with the! so as divided betweeri the two defendants. O. Pitchford and William Drirmgoole paid fin. s of $5.00 each and cost - on a charge of en tering into an affray. Butler charged by John j eisher with disorderly conduct, was required to pay one half the costs, the other half being im posed upon the prosecuting wit ness. T.-W. Boomer was uixed with , the cost for driving with cutout ope n. F. Gillespie was placed mi di ■ ; <150.00 bond for operating vn ut< mobile \ hile drunk, *and under a §50.00 bond on a charge transporting whiskey. Mary Hill, charged with pos sessing whiskey for the purpose of sale and for running a house of ill fame, was sent on to Hali fax jail in default of bonds ag- j " .'gating S500.00. Bithey Epps, charged with giving whiskey to Charlie Moore, a convict at the County1 ;! e.pital, was rojuired to give <50.00 Kind for his appearance o. Halifax huperior Court. John Birdiong, charged with jdaiiniion. wa.- sent on to jail in default of a <200.00fcond. * J.ey F. Page, charged with, iarceny, was s -nt on to jail de fault of a <200.00 bond. Willie Vaughan paid a fine of <15W) and cost on a charge of public drunkenness. Robert Tudor, drunk and dis orderly. was fined §15.00 and costs. ■Major Branch paid a fine of <5.00 and costs for being drunk and disorderly. Parent-Teachers Meeting The three Parent-Teachers Associations of th local public, schools will combi, e their efforts 1 .uu! have one general meeting in the high school auditorium next Tuc (lay night. I)r. E. W. Anigl 1, of Chapel Hill, has been cited to speak.. A full atten-! lance of citizens in the entire i . juested. An in k ces'nu: feature tfill he an ex nibit by the Industrial Arts De partment. William Robert Akers Died at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. A. E. Akers, this morning William Rob. rt Akers, fourteen months old, a,fl t an illness of only a few Mays duration. It is understood that the body ; ..ill be taken ot Elm City, N. C.1 for interment to-morrow. The ! sympath y ‘ of the ent ire commu. ,iity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. I Akers in their bereavement. Cherry * Cafe Searched By Officers Officer Woodfin, of the I’ro I libition Enforcement Staff, I searched the cafe of Mr. H. F. | Cheery on last Saturday after ;Oot: foe spirituous liquors. No iquor was found in the cafe but a search of Mr. Cherry’s resi dence disclosed nearly a half gal lon of \vl ■' key in a bedroom I Coset. He eve bond for hi* ap 1 •> uranee'at Raleigh and his case J is being tried today before the U' ederal Court. Appointments For the Weldon Distr ct The following am the appoint ments for the Weldon District: Presiding Elder—S. E.Mercer. Aulander circuit—M. F. Hod ges. , Ahoskie circuit— A. D. Clark. Battleboro and Whitakers—H. F. Boon. Conway circuit—J. B. Thomp son. Enfield—C. T. Rogers.. Garysburg circuit—C. M. Dance. Halifax circuit—J. D. Midgett. Henderson— first church, T. G. Vickers. N. and S. Henderson—G. G. Whitehurst. I ittleton- G. F. Smith. Uiddleburg circuit—J. T. Dra per. Murfreesboro and Winton—L. C. Larkin. Norlina circuit—H. M. Eure. Northamption circuit B. F. Robinson. Rich Square circuit Rufus Bradley. Roanoke' Rapids— R. H. Broom. Rosemary circuit—E. N. Har rison. .Scotland Neck—E. L. Hillman. •Warren circuit — William To we. V.' irrenton circuit—H. B. Por ter. Yv'eldon—G. W. Perry. Windsor circ uit—N. M. Wright. Williamston and Hamilton— E. I). Dodd. indents in Yale University -K. M. Price, Weldon Quarterly Conference.. Buy Christmas Seals In looking over the health ac Livities of the various coun ties and cities of North Carolina, it is increstir.g to find that the communities that are the most . igorous in fighting disease and promoting health within their boundaris are the ones that have the larger sales of Christmas Seals. These little health stamps seem to have rpore than a fund raising value. They carry the Christmas spirit; they educate for health; they inspire to action. The interest of the people in an action health program seems to be shown by the number of seals they buy. The larger the Seal Sale in a county, the more vigorous is the tuberculosis Qam paigu that follows—not entirely hew: more funds are avail 'd le, but because public interest has been aroused through a campaign that has reached every home. It might fairly be said that the community that does not sell its uuota of the Christmas Seals is below par in the scale of com munnity health. It has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. The Christmas Seals barometer indicates the ■lalth ahead and this is confirm 'd by the mortality and mobidity statistics which cannot be dis puted. Mrs. VV. S. Dean, our local chairman, tells us the Seal Sale ■t ill begin here on Thanksgiving Day. Plans have been perfected for a large sale in our town and community, and we believe the people are going to purchase more liberally of the Tuberculo sis Christmas Seals this year ! than ever before. WOMANS CLUB A general meeting of the Wo mans Club will be held in the high shool auditorium on Mon day at 3:00 P. M. All members are requested to attend and new members are cordially invited. Reindeer in t|. S. An attempt is being made to raise reindeer on * commercial scale tin the United States. ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mtasrs. E. H. Ricks, Gordon i Council! and Lee Cooper spent a ! few days in Richmond this week. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Harris and ’little son, of Seaboard, were visitors in town Wednesday. Mr. Jack Green, of Richmond, spent the week-end in town. Miss Martha Bowers spent the week-end at her home in Little ton. Mr. C. V. Woodward, of Balti more, spent Wednesday in town. Mr. E. Kuff, of Richmond, spent Wednesday in town. Mr. J. T. Chase spent Thurs day in Norfolk on business. Misses Mildred Taylor, Louise Jackson, Grace Brown, Florine Holt, Maude Jones, Alma Vaughan and Mr. J. W. Taylor spent last Friday in Murfrees boro. Mr. S. V. Holcombe, of Nor folk, spent Monday in town on business. Mrs. J. M. Taylor spent the Week-end with her daughter in South Carolina. Mr. R. L. Martin and son Dick, spent the week-end in Washingi ton. Miss Earlirie Fleetward, ‘bf Warrenton, spent the week-end with lVJiss Eula Collier. . Miss Minnie Daughtry and grandmother left Sunday for -Norfolk to spend some time. Mr. George Daughtry left Sunday for Norfolk. Miss Ruth Coble spent the week-end in Greensboro. Mr. Steadman Councill, of Hickory, is spending some time here with his brothers. Mrs. Norinsky, of Baltimore, is spending some time here with her son Mr. Abe Norinsky. * Rev. R. H. Broom has return ed from Elizabeth City where he has been attending . Confer ence. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hudson and Mrs. Lacy Hudson spent several days in Norfolk this week. Miss Alice Poole has accepted a position with Roanoke Mills Company. Mr. J. M. Lucas, of Reading, Pa., spent a few days in the home of J. VV. Womble this week. ‘Huckleberry Finn” If you don’t enjoy one long hilarious laugh; if you don’t en joy two hours of solid merriment and music, stay away from “Huckleberry Finn” at the Peo ples Theatre Friday night, Nov. the 23rd. If you are one of those individuals whose soul is warped by shallow egotism, colossal ignorance, and hold pessimistic prejudice towards all God's humanity, you are warned; you wont enjoy “Hucklegerry Finn"—stay at home with your small coterie. "Huckleberry Finn” is for those who enjoy life, fun, the sunshine and all blessings God has so generously endowed his people. “Huckleberry Finn” radi ate s cheer; he is effervescent with good will; he is incor rigible with fun, his optimism is contageous, and the numerous situations un folded in the progress of the play brings opportunities galore for “Huckleberry Finn” to be I himself; in other words, to | emanate fun, which he does pro ! fusely, continuously and extra ; vagantly. We reiterate in stating I this is postively one of the best attractions that will come to our Theatre this season,and we urge everyone who wants good clean moral shows, who wants the best, to come and see the boys Huckleberry Finn and his Pal, Tom Sawyer. Mothers, come yourselves and bring your children; they will want to see the boy everyone has read so much about. There will be nothin to offend the moat cul tured, esthetic taste. Playin at popular prices.