m Subscription $2.00 a Year in Advance ROSEMARY PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. P. U. Black, of Charlotte, was in Rosemary Tuesday. Mr. and Mr . Dan W. APen and childr n, of Tarboro, spent Fri day and aturday in the home of Mrs. Sadler. Mr. W. S. Weeks, of Norfolk, spent Tuesday in Rosemary. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, who OAUIJ 'T 3Jltr.IT 'S.IJV have been the guest of Mr. and turnc 1 to their home in Lum berton. Mr. E Falkner, of Hendrson, was in Ro ;cmc.ry Tuesday. Sir. and Sirs. Ellis Joyner and sen are now occupying their new lame on Jack on Street. TSIy cpp ic(.aDe re-hoaazpobeea Mr. C. C. Duncan, of Murfrees. boro, v as in Ro emary Tuesday. Mr. and Sirs. C. E. Raiford are o a upying the apartment iif the ( it z. n’s Bank recently made vacant by the removal of Sir. and Mrs. E. H. Joyner. ' Mr, H. Herman, of Baltimore, spent ye. terday in town.. ! SI'. G. W. Newby, of Thomas-1 ville, w as in Rosemary VVednes-1 day. Sir. Fred Peck, of Greensboro, was in town yesterday. Mr. George F. Pappeudick spent Sunday with friends in Youngs ville. Mr. R. W. Bryant, of Ashe- j ville, was a visitor in Rosemary ! Monday and Tuesday. Miss Ruth Tran ou spent Tuesday in Norfolk. Mr. R. 11. Gay spent yesterday ! in Halifax. Messrs. Edward and Len Branch, of Enfield, were in town Tuesday. M. W. C. Williams made a business trip lo Raleigh Tuesday.' Mr. J. D. Sandridtre, of Char lotte, was in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gay visited friends in Cimway j Sunday afternoon. Mr. F. B. Hcffman, of Ashe-1 ville spent Tuesday in Rose mary. Mrs. Frank L. Nash and chil dren are visiting relatives in I Lumberton. Mr. S. M. Thonip on attend-j ed the meffirg of State Conenn-; tion of Ice Manufacturers and Dealers in Asheville this week, j Mr. W. H. Ward, of Winston, was a visitor in Rosemary Wed nesday. Mr. J. 1>. Thomas, of Rock day. wood, Ga., was in town Wednes-1 Mr. E. Lynn, of Richmond, was in town Monday. . Mr. A. V. Hodgon, of Dedhan, Mass., was in Rosemary Satur day. Mr. M. Lowenlhal, of Wilm'nj- i ton, spent Saturday in town.. Mi s Je..n Hewitt attended a j Young People? Fellowship Con-j vention held in the Episcopal j Church of the Holy Conforter, j Burlington, Friday and Satur-1 day. Mr. J. E. Taylor, .of Conway, was in town Sunday. Mr. Eugene Lehman spent Wednesday in Norfolk. Mrs. Charlena Hart left Wed nesday to spend several daysi with her daughter Mrs. W. Roy j Shelton in Wadesboro. Mr. Alfred Stern, of Atlanta,! was in town Friday. Mr. W. J. Macdougald, of i Providence, R. I., was in Rose mary Friday. Mr. John Sale, of City Point, spent the week-end with friends in Rosemary. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lehman spent Wednesday in Norfolk. P" Mr. E. L. Singleton, of Dur ham, was in Rosemary Monday. Mr. R. B. Owens, of Hampton, Va., was a visitor in town Mon day. Miss Florence Bingham spent the week-end in Raleigh. Rev. T. B. Crown The death occured on Feb- 2, in Victoria, British Columbia Canada, of Rev. T. B. Brown father of Mr. F. M. Brown of this city. Board of Trustees Meet At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the High School Building Wednesday afternoon, in the light of crowded condi tions which now exist and which promise to be greater next year, and in considering the fact that the school system is attempting to provide more practical educa tion for the youth of this com munity, it was decided to erect a Vocational School Building. This building will be located on the grounds of the high school adjacent to the present building. This will relieve the present crowded conditions. The space now u ed by the Horn ■ Economics and the Manual Training Departments can be used for class rooms to take care of the present overflow. About four hundred children are at tending school on the half day plan and next year it is predict ed the number will reach six hun dred unless more room is avail able. The new building will con tain class rooms and with tne extra room in the present high school this condition can be re medied. The new building will be ini two separate units One will be devoted to Home Economics for teaching the Sciences such as physics chem'str.v, biology etc , and will contain class room-. The other unit will consist of l various shops in which indus- j trial work for boys will be car ried on. Elementary and ad vanced wood-working, electrical and sheet metal work, automo bile mechanics, textiles, concrete, j bricklaying, plastering and paint ing will be taught . Roanoke Rapids will be the first community in the State to establish kso complete a Voca tional School. A certain amount of such work is being done in . everal places in the State, nola ably in Charlotte. Supt Coltrane who has just returned from Itich mand Norfolk and Baltimore states that this will be the most complete school south of Balti more. The following building Com mittee has been appointed: j Jhariman, Dr. T. W. M. Long, I Messrs. J. A. Moore, L. S. Can non, Lewis Grimmer and E. J. Coltrane. Work will begin at once and will proceed as fast as the plans can be worked out. It is hoped that the building will be . eady for use the first of Septem ber. Dr. Perisho Speaks Dr. E. Perisho, Extension Lec turer lor the State As.-ociation of Colleges, made an address in tne auditorium of the high schuul t'riday morning. His subject was "the Conservation of Re sources-” Using illustrations irom current events he urges the pupils of the high school to become interested in one great prt jvct and work and prub em towards its attainment or resolu tion. The students were intense ly interested in the address and the t ccasiun was a red letter day in schotd calender. During the day Dr Perisho met six different! classes in history and civics and discussed wit 1 them the applica tion of the principles of history to present day problems. Dr. Perisho was formarL | president of the Agricultural i College of South Dakota. He was an attache of the American |delegation to the Peace Confer ence in Pans 1919. More recenely he has locate 1 permanently at Guilford College. _ I FEARSON - SMITH Mr. Willie Pearson of Rocky Mount formerly of Rosemary N. C. and Miss Susie Smith of Brinkleyville, N C were quietly married at Emporia Va., Sunday Jan. 27, 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson will make their future home in Rocky Mount N. C. t VINCENT BOY’S BODY IS FOUND Badly Decomposed, Disfigured amt Ravaged by Time and Scaver gers. Found by a Fisherman. The final act of the grim tragedy of December 28, when 1 Edward Vincent lost bis life in the muddy waters of the Roan-, ok" nrcured this w» k " hen hi 1 bcdy w s ditcov red on las. We re "lav to ,Ji n Tu • i> r, a North ampton county fisherman, on a j sand bar of one of the innumera- , ble inlets that fringe the eastern . bank of the river. The tody was hardly recog- i nizahle, having been frightfully mauled in its two mile journey 1 from the scene of the drowning. I over the 1400 foot dam of th Roanoke Rapids Power Company cown the rapids and acoss n the Northampton side. Devon' I position was present in an ad vanced stage, both hands and the hones in the lower p irt of tl i face being missing. Identification was made b.\ j Miss Itu'h Rainey, an aunt of th. | dead boy, based upon that paid , of the clothing found on the body, the structural peculiari- | ties of the feet, which were fair ly well preserve:], and the far! that the left collar bone showed ; evidence of having been fractur ed in the past. Considerable surprise at the j location of the body was expi'e. s ed by many people familiar with the physical contour and the cur rents of the Roanoke. It was J stated that current sets well | away from the Northampton side ' at that point and the fact that a body drowned at the spot where j Edward Vincent apparently met j death should have drifted to the location where it was found i. considered by most of those : qualified to express an opinion as highly improbable. It can. only be accounted for as a vagary ; of the river at flood stage.. Interment took place Thurs i day afternoon in the family buri- i al place in Northampton county, j following funeral services at the grave conducted by Revs. N. M. ' Harrison and It. H. Broom. Perfect Plans for Fight on Boll Weevil The series of bon weevil meet ings held in northeastern North Carolina is but the opening gun in the fight to be made on the boll weevil this year, state ex tension workers of the Stale Col lege and Department. The work ers in the Division of Agronomy and the Division of Entomology have lately prepared a definite program giving in a condensed from the best methods of fight ing the weevil and this is now being printed for wide distribu I ion over the cotton growing area. Only the recommendation [embraced in this folder will ha I workers this year in order that a confusion of methods will not cb given which may cause the grower to fe 1 that none of them is correct. This publication i. Extensin Folder 14, “North Carolina Boll Weevil Program For 1924” and may be had on ap plication to the extension divi sion, State College, Raleigh. N C. In addition to this folder, the ^ exten ion service plans to issue a poster for distribution by ounty farm agents. The Live-At-Home campaign will bo conducted again this yea: and all he activities of the ex ten ion forces will be correlated with the tight on the boll weevil. The extension service believes that only best cultural methods should be used in growing cot ton this year and that pre-square poisoning should be practiced. This poisoning can be done by simply dusting a little calcium arsenate in the cotton bud just before squares form or by usin the molasses mixture and daub jing it on with a mop. This, I j iiRAVE DOUBT AS TO IDENTITY OF BODY SUPPOSED i TO BE VINCENTS | Die widely expressed doubts i . ' i the identity of the terribly mutilated body found last Wed nes lay morning and supposed to be that of Edward Vincent ere brightened upcn the le u t of a t dephonic ccmmuni Cat» a this afternoon from Dan ville, Va., by Mr. J. T. Chase stating that the Danville au thorities had been looking for a d wned body dressed in cor duroy pants and long underwear and socks, badly mutilated and corresponding in size to that found here. The Danvile mes sage stated that a hand of the bodv drowned there had been recovered and that ; allies fiom Danville were on the way lu re to examine and att m; t id; ntifi was j interred yesterday afternoon as j that of Edward Vincent. The complete tally as to c!( t mg, the fact that the body was identified by relatives of V iro n* w ith some mi'givings, coupled with the positive state ments cl pudically nil who know the river that t is a phy sical lmpos.'ihiity for Vincent s body to have drifted from the sp< t where it was sr; posed to have drowned to the point where it was found raises a strong presurnpt on. a terribly unfortunate i intake lias been made and that the Rearo’ie has not yit given up the body of Vincent. ■ - --- - - “Nay, Nay, Pauline'’ One local business man when .pprom 'ic J by Mr. Simms re-, pird’ng the forthcoming Tenth Anniversary edition of Ih Herald '.o nationally advertise “The | 'otton Towns’’—-Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids, asked if it is j o get more subscribers and if 11 is a contest. No. it certainly is not a sub icrip ion contest, nor anything like it. We are not giving away ny diamond stood d t ot rushes with safety guards and '.emountable rims or any books n the origin of Mali Jong in i'hina or other baubles to get .'oiks to take the Herald. File Your Stale income Tax Re: urns l will bo in Rosemary ac the otel on February 13th, 1924.; ;t Ro smoko Rapids, February! 4th, at Littleton at Hotel Feb l 5th, at Halifax Feb. 16th, 1924 J ,o aid anyone who wishes me to :<> so in making out State Income i’ax Returns for 1923. J. H. Norman, Deputy Com. of Rev. Low Cunning If Is a spec tr.ok »*■' !"\v cunnlr,-.: j in «r|tieezc cui K11• • w11■ 11 if• * from a j modest man who is eminent in an> i science, and then to use it ns !e- dt\ j acquired, nnd p;>-< the s.uirre in total | silence - Ilornce Walpole. weetened mixture calls for 1 ound of arsenate, 1 gallon of j •lola ses and 1 gallon of water j o be applied within 24 hour fter being made up. A little utt cost less and ma\ 1 eappliei ust as easily, however. Where Cits Thrive. Rats are abs at from the eldest parts of the world ami are' most nu merous !n th« eastern tropics. They are characteristically trop'cal. In rath I er cold cllmu'e such us that of Can adn, some species have acquired a habit of migration, going south to some extent In the autumn, as the northern - inters are too long t*» he survived in a stuta of uninterrupted hiberna tion. WITH THECHURCHES All Saints Church > Episcopal I Rev. Lewis N. Taylor, Rector Mrc. Kalherin ■ Webster, Parish Worker Roino'ce Avenue | 'THE CHURCH IN THE , IIEVKT OF THINGS” invites vou Next Sunday is the fifth Sunday after Epihany. Services as follows: 7:30 A. M. Celebration of the Holy Com. munion. 9:45 church school, bible classes fiir adults and children, T. W. Mullen, Supt. M rning service and sermon at luno. Night service and sermon at 7:30. Church School Service League Mondav 2:30 P. M. St. Mary's Guild Tuesday 3 P. M Valentine Social and Fair for the young peaple Wednesday night in the parish hall. ''The Church with a Welcome.” § M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Rev Robert H. Broom, Pastor Mr. W. V. W« odroof S. S Supr. , Miss Vivitn Edmonds. Pianist Mr. K. L. 'owe, teacher of Raraca Class, Prof. K L. Elnure, Pres Epwurth League 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Young People’s j hour. (1:45 P. M. Epworth League,' led hy I’rof K. L. Elmore Pres. 7:30 P. M. Preaching. The citizens of this favoed ommunity would dro well to ! ponder and act more Frederic! 'Harrison’s recently sta’ed reed:" 1 believe that before all . hings needful, beyond all else, true religion.” R osem *ry Baptist ( hurch Charles J Sheets, Pastor 10:00 A. ,M. Sunday school 278 last Sunday (82 percent). 11:00 A. M. “Church-anity on the earth in the period after the Lord Jesus has taken up Ilia saints or 'wise virgins’, will be i he fifth in the pastor's series on Christ’s Second Coming. 2:30 1’. II. Sunbeam Band. 0:30 P. M. The B. V. P. Unions 7:30 P. M. “Utopia or the Millennium (after God secures Ilia ‘foot-stool)”. Sixth sermon on Christ’s return. Wednesday, 7:30 P- M. Prayer meeting. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Joe Mack, Pastor Mr. Ned Manning, S. S. Snpt. Miss Myrtle Bla e, Organist. Sunday School at ten o’clock. Morning service at eleven: o’clock, conducted by Mr. Joe Mack of the Union Theological j Seminary at Richmond. Va. Evening services at 7:30 P. M.! Local Boy Proves To Be Good Wrestler The University of North Carolina’s Wrestling Team is lighting its way across the state of Virginia in an effort to wrest he mat title of the Smith A'lan tic states from the Virginia eol egfs where it has rested fori nany years. It is of interest to the com- j I "minify that a Roanoke Rapids Hi product is proving to be the; 'utstanding star of the Tar Heel j earn, Jonnie Vick, son of Mr. •nd Mrs. M. R. Vick, was promi lently mentioned in dispatches concerning the U. N. C. - U Va. match held in Charlottsville ; .tonday night. His bout with ; "ritzer, of Va., which lasted the mited time, was the feature of his teams 13-3 victory over the Cavaliers. After a hot struggle with the Virginia star, Vick pinned his shoulders to the mat i ust as the timer’s whistle sound ad. The Carolina Grapplers having lisposed of U. \ra. will take on V. P. I., Washington and Lee ,nd V. M. I. during the remain r of hte weak. Memorial to Edward Vincent A very impressive memorial service was held in the High School Auditorium Sunday after noon at three o’clock by the school authorities in memory of the late Edward Vincent. The exercise were opened with the singing of “MyFaith Looks up to Thee-” Prof. B. J. Col trane made the opening remarks and led in the Invocation. .The Rev. R. H. Broom read selections from, the Holy Bible and the Rev. Lewis N. Taylor offered a prayer. A quartette sang. Prof. Chas. VV. .Davis, princi pal of the high school made the ! first address in which he stated that the pupils and faculty of the high school looked upon the school as one lug family, th cir ■ •'e which had been broken by the passing of their beloved member. He said in reviewing the scholastic records of Edward Vincent he found no outstanding grades but as he continued to re ! view further he found something else unconciously making its way in the lives of the pupils, a spirit i of devotion, unselfishness, loyal tv. "I find Edward Vincent at the top.” He then read resolu tions of the High school as drawn up by the committe as follows: In behalf of :he school there are a few things we wish to say ! about our fellew student. The Roanoke Rapids High j school has lost one of her finest, most promising, and ioval sons. He was a leader, with a leader’s : power to touch the lives of others. He was an athlete, with an ath lete’s love of good sportsmanship and lair play. He was a friend, such that those who knew him best were proud of his friendship. He was a good citizen with the welrare of the school at heart. : 1 he seventeen years of his life were full of the joy of living. Le‘ | us not grieve for him too much. But be comforted with the I thought that now his spirit is free, and courageously follows the Greatest of Captains. In behalf of the school we say these few words of appreciation and offer to those who loved him best our sincerest sympathy. I* | is with pride that we say, "He | was ours and we are the richer i for it.” Prof. K. L. Elmore, as one of his teachers, spoke of his physi cal and moral strength and of the effect he had upon the mem bers of his class as a leader and of his influence as still carrying ion living in the hearts and lives lot' his associates. Mr. Walter bimpson, atheleticl director'said: “As 1 review my experiences with several hun- j dred boys, over a period of more; than twenty years, I most natur- | ally select a few of them to be classed by themselves: because they possess something more than atheletic fitness and ability. I'his something according to my personal analysis, is a spirit. This great spirit, so necessary in the make-up of genuine man hood, is composed of several ele ments, frankness, f-irness, | generosity, honor, humor and the “will-to-do!” Pictured in my memory these all time champions , of fitness and spirit, 1 feel pinna cled in the group F.dward Vin cent.” He read the following re solution. Whereas, we are convinced that, on the afternoon of Decem ber 28th, 1923, in the Roanoke i River, near Roanoke Rapids, N. | C., Edward Vincent was taken j from us by sau accident, during | an effort to save himself, and ren tier assistance to a comraae, THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLVED: First, that, in the: death of Edward Vincent, the; Athletic Association of Roanoke Rapids High school has suffered the loss of its finest exponent of true sportsmanship, one of its most valuable members of all major athletic teams, and one whose influence upon comrades and student body as a whole will be missed in great measure. Second, that the earnest ROANOKE RAPIDS PERSONAL AND LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Duffee, of Seaboard .-pent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. BruceTillery and 1 little son, spent Sunday in Scot land Neck. Mr. Abe Norinsky is spending I some time in New York and I Baltimore on business. Miss Florence Yates, of Sea I board, is spending some time ! here in the home of Mrs. J, R. I Brown. Mr. R. L. Martin and son Dick, ■pent Sunday in Danville. I Miss Cammie Vaughan, of : Halifax, spent the week end here I with her parents.. Mr. M. M. Faison spent Sun | day in Danville. Miss Nell Jones, of Potecasi, i spent the week-end here. Miss Charles Cheatham, of |Henderson, spent the week-end j in town. Mrs. B. Marks and daughter | Fleeta, spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. .J. E. Wesson is spending I some time at her home in Al lerta, Va. Miss Alice Wicker, of Lilling ton, spent the week-end here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Collier. Mr. Jack Green, of Richmond, spent the week-end in town. Mrs. Frank Williams is visit ing at her home in Massie Mill Miss Ruth Jones, of Murfres boro, spent the week-end here. Miss Rosalie Corbitt has accepted a position in Kinston Mr. F. M. Coburn left Tues day to visit Northern markets. Mr. Wiley Brown, of Green ville, spent a few days in town this week on business. Mr. Harry Johnston, of Nor folk; spent the week-end her. visiting Miss Bernice Peele. Mrs. Viola Collier has return ed from a visit to Jackson. Mrs. Blanch Morgan, of Haw River, spent the week-end here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Collier. Mrs. W. T. Councill and chil dren are visiting in Hickory. N. C. Mr. K. C. Towe left this week for New York where he has :;c j cepted a position. Don’t Miss it There will lie a “Dramatic Dialogue’' at the High School Auditorium on Monday night. February 11, at 7:30 1\ M. “Deacon" Keen and “Sheriff’’ Keener will be locked in a most interesting debate. No Admis sion charge. Services at County Home The County Heme service Sun day afternoon at3:00 o’clock will be conducted by the Pastor of lh M. E. church, Rev. R. H. Broom While these services are for the benefit of the inmates of the home, they are also open to the genera! public. sympathy of each member of the Athletic Association be expressed in these reo!utio;.s to his mother, members of his family, and to the community, Lastly, that copies of these re solutions he furnished his mother, the Roanoke Rapids Herald, and the permanent files of the Roa noke Rapids High school. Signed: Athletic Association, Rtatioke Rapids High school. W. A Simpson, William Glov er, Hal Bain, and Fred Vaughan; Committee. Two of his school mates. Miss Helen Jenkins and Wilbur An derson gave short address show ing the esteem in which he was held as a school mate. Prof. Coltrane spoke of his home life, of his devotion to his mother and of conversations with him which revealed his character. Mr. Coltrane then stated that opporounity would be given for anyone in the audience to speak. Two short tributes of fered. The School Glee Club sang. ‘‘0 Come Ye Disconso late” and Rev. E. N. Harrison pronounced the benediction.

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