THE SUN be Has More Thau Double The Circulation of Any Weekly Paper in The Tenth Congres sional District, Comprising Thirteen Large Counties- t , VOL. 5. ftO. 20. RUTHERFORDTON, N. rG," THURSDAY , MORNING MAY lZf J905. $5.00 A YEAR. ' , " (V AX A TV Has More Than Double The V &2 - ; A - 0 A V M R? Circulation of Any Weekly ( . 1 . . i AM I ' Papet in The Tenth Congres- m - iSTy 1 KA L I t x ' sional District, Comprising V r,. ' " O N'V U V V Thirteen Large Counties. - GOOD WORK FOR THE FIRST YEAR. The People Of Rutherford Coun ty Complimented. CATTLE MUCH IMPROVED. Last Year Inspector Connell Found 1-4 Of Our Farms Infested With The Souther Cattle Tick, And Upon His Return This Year, He Finds That Amount Reduced 1-2. To the Editor of The Sun I wish to comrjliment the people of Rutherford county for the interest taken in exterminatingthe cattle ticks, the most serious . obstacle to local cattle traffic in the State. . I Last year I found about one-fourth of the farms in this county infested with the Souther cattle tick. This year I find about one-eighth of the farms that were infested in other words one-half of the farms that were infested last year are clear of ticks this season. - - ." . A : . :J v : Now, this is good work for the first year, but still the. other Jaalf could have been cleaned up just as easily. Have you thought of what the peo ple of Rutherford county are: loseing -annually from the effects of the Fed eral quarantine restrictions, not men tioning the losses caused -by cattle dying from diseases, brought about by this easily exterminate but deadly pest, the cattle tick? Cattle are bringing from 3i to 4$ cts. per pound at Hendersonville. The market men of this county "are payinj? from 2i to 2i cents per pound in oth er words a cow weighing 1,000 lbs. will bring $45.00 in Hendersonville; where as, a cow of the same -weight brings $27.50 in Rutherford county. Why is this so? Are cattle scarce in Hender son county? No, there is at least 5 cattle there to every one there is here. Here is the cause. After it became established that ticks infesting. South. ern cattle carried the germs of Texas fever, or distemper, the National gov ernment established a cattle quaran tWline extending across the country y t tne Atlantic to tncracine ucean, located such as to place all tick-infest ed territory south of said line. The price of cattle is fixed for the whole country at the -large markets north of the quarantine line. In oth er words, what the cow will bring on the large markets less the expense of snipping is the price, she will com mand on the local market, or on the farm. Otherwise someone would ship her. Henderson county is north of the quarantine line and has free ac cess to these large markets. Ruther ford county is south ethe quarantine line and is prohibited from shipping to these markets except under certain severe restrictions.; That is the cause and the only cause for the difference in price of cattle in the two .counties. Get rid of the ticks and the quaran tine restrictions will be removed by the Federal authorities. To show that this work pays let us take Henderson county as an example.' During the spring of ,1902 certain quarantine restrictions were placed on a part of Henderson county; - during the existance of these restrictions cat tle sold in Hendersonville at from to 3 eents per pound. On the pledge of the Henderson County Cattlemen's Association ' and the Department" of Agriculture to exterminate the ;ticks or at least quarantine the infected cattle, the Federal quarantine restric tions were removed. Within ten days cattle advanced from 3 to 4 cents in Hendersonville because cattle could be taken to other markets. This meant the saying of several thousand dollars to the people' of Henderson -r. ... .innliailV ' W IIRb il Ifl 1 1. 1 4)KTi -Till . i-i . i -.rem mm ' mi mmmj - wvnt -. .m. mm mm ut county hd obtained authority tcf,ex " pend $200 per year from the, county funds, of which only $l20was used, to employ inspectors to locate and quarantine the tick-infested farms and instruct tne people in the be3t methods of exterminating the; ticks. With this small expenditure and tli active co-operation of the people, the t icks have been exterminated in two ve"ars. Six entire counties, Wilkes. Caldwell Burke, Catawba, Lincoln and Gaston, have been exempted from ""all Federal quarantined restrictions rtnrimr the past three years,, leaving Polk Rutherford, Mrftowell "and almost surrounded by the vSeral quarantine line. Now. there ino reason why these four counties .fannld be under quarantine later than Su fill Where it is possible for who have tick-infected pastures Jo take the cattle out of those pas-- TaoK later than September lRt it ,ifLDH Jr of ticks! by-March'lstC - Zl 'tls the Airest and best pln Tb (n the ticks in one season, exterminate tne aWptn vartRA PERSOHAL AND LOCAL. Things The Sun Man Finds On flis Raunds To Write About. Mr. John Wells, of Myrtle, was a pittBiuiii cauer sataraay. Mr. Fred fireen. of Soartanburs S. C, spent Sunday and Monday here visiting friends. : Messrs. Zt. L. Womack and A. V. Hamrick, of Caroleen, were pleasant callers, at The Sun office yesterday. -Mr! P. H. Gross, of Forest City, was here Tuesday and called at The Sun office and renewed his subscription. r -Misses Bonnie Morrow and May Hester spent Saturday last in Forest City. They report a delightful trip. . MisaMaude Coxe, of Green .River Plantation, is visiting Miss Wilhelmina Tate. Morganton News-Herald, 11 th. -Mr." E. G. Sherrill of Old Fort; spent several days here last week visit ing his kinsman, Mr. JohnC. Souther. - Miss Mabel Wells, dansrhter of Mr. John Wells, of Myrtle, has returned from Pacolet, S. C, where she has been attending school. ' - ? Mrs, A. W. Hnnt moved to .Gam bles Store this week where she will make her future home. She has many friends here who regret to see her leave. Mr: 'McGiivary Miller left Sunday afternoon for Converse, S. C, where he has accepted a position with the Clifton Manufacturing Company as salesman in one;of their large stores. Mr. Miller is a most excellent and capable young man and his many friends here wish him abundant success. Steve Carson Killed By Liahtnina. During a thunder storm Saturday af ternoon about 4 o'clock Steve Carson, a colored man, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. He was an em ploye of ex-Sheriff NE. Walker and worked on hw farm near town. At the time he received the stroke, he was en gaged in feeding and was on his way from the barn to the horse lot to feed some cattle. . He was struck on the left cheek, the current ranging downward, badly bruised the body and tore his shoe from his left foot. Carson was an in dustrious colored man and bore : a good reputation. ". w--s Federal Court Jurors Drawn. Col. H. C, Cowles, of Statesville, and Squire C L. Hunter, of this city, jury commissioners, to-day drew the follow ing jurors to serve dnnng the June term of United States District Court to be held in Charlotte. The jurors will be summoned toappear at- the Federal courthouse by 10 o'clock in the morn ing of June 13th: Robert Simmons, Ferry, Rutherford county; Plato Rollins, Gamble's -Store, Rutherford county; M. L- Haynes, Nanito, Rutherford county; B. W. Hy der, Rutherfordton, Rutherford county ; A. P. Hill, Rutherfordton, Rutherford county. Charlotte Chronicle, 10th. Dr. Uorri3on Leaves. v Dr. R. J.-. Morrison, the popular den tists who has been here in Drt A J. WhisnsmVs office for the' past several months, during Dr. Whisnants absence in college at Baltimore, returned to his home at Cherryville Saturday. He is a clever young gentleman and has made many friends while here.. , . 9.nd. the Sf .h.t may Uv. escaped tjie Death Of A Sweet Child. Margaret Alice, youngest child of E. M an Delia Carpenter, died last Satur day and was buried Sunday at Pleasant Grove. "Suffer little children, and for- brtl them not, to come unto Me, for of such is the" Kingdom of Heaven." X Henrietta News Items. (Special to The Sun.) " ' Henrietta, May 12 There were me morial services ,at Oak Grove, church and .Vburying . ground" near Caroleen Wednesday: Addresses were, delivered by Revs. R. M.H6yle. of ' Shelby, and ST, R. Richardson.r of Caroleen. ; - ; C Mr. J. F- Beason, a traveling' sales man, of Charlotte, formerly a resident of this place, was in town Thursday and Friday. ! , , , ' There will be an old-time singing at Bethel church Sunday afternoon. There will be a memorial service at High; Shoals church, near Henrietta, Sunday at 11 o'clock, , , - Mr. J. N. Callahan, who attended - the grand council of the Red Men t Salis bury last' week, returned home Tuesday 1 grease, aud kill , them. Don't 'allow a single tick to get grown and drop off the cattle on to the pasture fo one season and you are rid of them. - Try this. Your cattle-will look better, do better and be better. Remember you who have ticks on your farms are responsible for the county being tinder quaran t i ne for cattle; below the, 1 1 nel Jf cajttfe are clear of ticks they are as healthy as cattle above the line, .but still -the .owners of the - non-infested cattle are not allowed' to cross this line on account of others who have ticks, so let, us clean them up. :" 'Itejrpectfully, RUTHERFORD'S MEW ROAD LAW. The Act In F ull As Passed By The Last General Assembly Of north Carolina. A Bill to be Entitled An Act to Work" the Public Roads of Rutherford County. - .':-.: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: , Section i . That the Commissioners of Rutherford coun ty shall at their meeting on the first Monday in April of the : . year nineteen hundred and five, and at their meeting the ' first week in January, annually thereafter, appoint one ca pable person, in each township to he the supervisor of pub lic roads in his township. ' ' Section 2. It shall be the duty df such supervisor in each township, within two weeks after his appointment, "to ex amine all the public roads in his township,' and divide them into sections and appoint an overseer for each section and apportion the persons who are required by the general road ' law oFthe tate, to work the public roads, to each overseer. ."ection 3. It shall be the duty of all overseers to give . notice to all persons; subject to road duty, belonging to his section of road, two days before the time appointed to work on the road, and the kind of tool he shall bring; and he shall require, and shall have performed six full days work, of eight hours each, by every person, subject to road duty ; belonging to his section of road: Provided, however, that -not more than two days work shall be required at any' one : working. And provided further, that any person, warned " .by the overseer, shall have the right to send an able bodied man; not subject to work on the same section of road, with " the required tool, in his stead, or he may, on, or before, the morning of the day required to .work, pay to the overseer the sum of seventy-five cents, in lieu of one day's work. Section 4: That any person, subject to road duty, and being duly, warned by the overseer, who shall wilfully -re-. fuse or fail to work, or pay, as jrequired Jby this act, shall -be guilty of a misdemeanor and any justice of the peace shall have the authority to try, and if found guilty, to fine him in a sum, not exceeding twenty dollars and all costs of trial, and it shall be the duty of the overseer to prosecute any person willfully refusing to work, or pay when duly warned. " r-; -; ' : ':' k ' ' : :l Section 5. The supervisor of each township shall keep a list of the names of all persons, in his township, who are subject to road duty, and a list of all overseers appointed by him," and .the names of all the workers assingned to each overseer, in a book supplied by county commissianers for that purpose, arid it shall be the duty of all overseers:to re port to the supervisor, upon his demand, all changes in his - allotment of workers, either by death, or removal, to or " from his section, and the supervisor shall have the right to " make such changes in assignment of workers as he may deem proper. " Section 6. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of each township, to thoroughly inspect all the public roads in his " township, twice each and every year, and to notify the overseers at what time they are required to work on the roads and the overseers, upon receipt of such notice, shall proceed to notify all persons assigned him by the supervi sor, at what time and place: they shall meet, and perform -the work of repairing and improving the section of road as signed him. . Provided however, the cost of repairing all bridges, and the material necessary, shall be paid by the county commissioners. - v Section 7. The supervisor shall have the right, with the consent of the land owner, to change ancP re-locate any; part of-any public road in his township so' as to secure "a " better road bed, or easier grade, and, when necessary," he "may require the sarvices'of the county surve'or, in making such change in roadway. Section 8. All monies collected by the overseers, either in lieu of work, or by fine, shall be turned over to the su- . ,pervisor, ,whb shall keep the. same, as a road fnnd, to be expended upon the sectioriof road from which collected, and when the amount so collected, from any section shall be sufficient, to employ ten workers at seventy-five - cents , .. each, for one day, he shall direct the overseer, of said sec tion to engage said ten workers, at said price, " and : direct the performance of one day's work of ten full hours, upon -his section of the public roads, and the supervisor shall keep .a faithfuf record of all monies received by him, and when and how disbursed. : . r x.,-. Section q. It shall be the duty of the supervisors of the r several. townships to make a full and complete report, un--- dertoath; to the county commissioners at; their -meeting on C the first Monday in "January of each year," of the condition ' j'" of the public roads in their respective townships, and if the, full amount of work, required by this act has been per- , formed "and to what extent the public roads, .in their town- " ships are being improved, also all monies collected and how . disbursed, and 'what amounts remain on hand to be turned over, with all books and other papers relating to working - the roads- to their successors:: - " Section 10. The supervisors "shall receive," as compen-' sation for their service, the sum t of J two dollars per day, . for each day engaged in inspecting the roads in his town-; v . , snip, not to exceed three days at any one inspection,, and five dollars per annum for the other, services required .. of . bim by; this act, and the overseers shall receive" one dollar, ; vf:fi effccbwoxking, as compensation for notifying the- hands, , t. thoiwf dollar or engaging .workers, when so directed by the supervisor, and one 'dollar pec jday ! for' superintending " their labor. ' .' '.. r ' : ' 4 'SectiqiT:ir.i Nothing in this act shall be i coptrued l as v: ii 'depriving the supervisors or the overseers of , any. privileges - - or rights given in the general road law of the State; and , that this ast shall be in force fromsd after its-ri: $400 STIEFF PIANO TO BE GIVEN AWAY Another Contest Inaugurated by v Simmcns-Anderson Co. BEGAN MONDAY, WAY 8TH. This Is The f.lost Expensive Pcize Ever Given Away By Any Con cern In Rutherford County The Plan Tully v Explained 7 By This l7ell-Known, Enterprising Firm. This is the most expensive prize ever given by any concern in Rutherford county; and it will cost you $400.00 in cold cash if you buy it anywhere in the United States, but we are going' to give it away. Here is our plan: ' The contest began Monday, May 8th, 1905, and will close November 11th, 1905, at 10, o'clock p. ;ni, we win give you a vote with every cent you spend with us during the contest. If you purchase amouts to 5 cents you will get 5 votes, if it is 50 cents you get 50 votes, if it is $10.00 you get 1,000 votes, and so on. You may vote for yourself, your wife, your sweetheart, or anyone you may wish; you may sell your votes or give- them away, we don't' care, just so they are voted. The contest is not for the prettiest girl, or the most 'popular man, but the one that gets the nost votes by 10 o'clock p. m., November ilth, 1905, will get the $400.00 Sfcfeff Piano absolutely free. We" have or dered the piano and will have it fn our store in a short time. We will keepa record of those voted for and! the number of votes they receive. This will be published in The Ruther fordton Sun every week. The only possible way to get votes from Simmons-Anderson Company, is to buy goods from them. .We have over sev en thousand dollars, worth ofgoods in our stored; consisting of cloth ing: for men and boys, all sizes and any price; dress shirts, underwear, hosiery, ties, collars and cuffs, hats and caps, styles and prices to please everybody. Our line of shoes run from the infant's mocasin to the ditcher's brogan. And if ve have not got the goods you want we will get them for you. , We guar antee the quality of our goods, and if our prices are not as low as our com- PROVE. Satisfactory Boston Mass. , Jan. 25th, 1905 Mr. Chas. M. Stieff, ' Boston, Mass Dear Sir:- ! , : : The Stieff upright piano, which you sent to the New England Conservatory of Music on trial last October, has . proved entirely satisfac tory, and on the strength of this trial, I have decided to place an order with you for Twenty Five (25) Stieff up right pianos, same style as samples ubmitted. These pianos must be de livered at the New England Conservatory of Music on or" before September 1st, 1905 : Yours Very Truly Ralph L. Flanders, . . .., Manager. Charles M. Stieff Manufaetwer Sf the piaAo witK the sweet tone. . Southern warerooms, 211-213 . " North Tryon St., Charlotte, North Carolina. C H. wTLMOTH, Manager. -' Mention this twoer. ii CANCER HOSPITAIi We want every man and woman in the United States to know what we are do ing. We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife, and. are endorsed by the Senate and legislature of , Virginia.' If you are seeking a cure, come bere and you will get it. We guarantee our cures. The Kellam Cancer Hospital, RIGHiVlOISD, VA petitbrs, don't buy from us. Our trade is increasing every day, and we are going to sell more goods in the next six months than we sold In the past twelve months. If we have the same goods for the same money, with a chance at a $400.00 prize, are you go ing to buy from us or the other con cern? -We do not consider this a mon ey making scheme for us, but an ad vertising scheme that will establish the fact that we are selling the best goods for the least profit. This is not a gambling scheme, and there is no chance for trickery, and no one need be ashamed to enter this contest. , SIMMONS-ANDERSON CO. A Marriage At Sunshine. rSr"l to The Sun.) SUNSHINE Mav 15 Mr. PrnPtr. Biggerstaff and Miss Cleo Bridges were joined together in the holy bonds of wed lock on May the 7th. at Sunshine, Kev. M. M. Landrum, officiating. May joy and sunshine beam in their lives for good. Give Our Store a Visit I 4.oo4oo4oso4o4o4o4o4oc40'FOfoioo4o4o4o4o4o4o4oo o 4 o o 4- o 4- o o i- o fr o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4 4 o o 4 'fill9 J&M We carry one 'of the largest stocks of Drugs in the and try to keep just what you - want at a price that us seven days week', and if necessary twenty-four hours, a day. 4 pleases you. .Prescriptions are filled by 4 or county always the in WSlkne. ITorest jCity . O 'mfl- ' - - " o4o4CK4CiO44O4'04O4'O4040404C044C 4 o 4 o o 4 o o o 4 o 4 o 4 o 4- c Sf o 4 o 4 o o 4 o o '4 o 4 o o 4- 3 any r--