CORRESPONDENCE Messrs. Editors: In a 'late number of our leading Agricultural journal there is an article on David Dickson, of Georgia, who has amassed nn im rnense fortune, by skill in farming. Of course it is nat fto be expected ibat every farmer as successful as he has been, forvery few have the same energy and practical good "sense to apply to all the various departments ,f h'-s pursuit; Lift if one-half is true that is said of him, we may take him fur our model, and the nearer we da as he docs the better for us. One thing struck me very forcibly, in tho article referred to.which is this, Mr. Dickson cultivates nearly double the quantity of land to the hand that farmers generally do This most important result is accom plislieu in a way mat. we can an mmme and 'A kno wledge of it would be of nreat value to the farmers who read t - j our paper. ' - It is dene by.deep plowing and shal low cultivating. . In the Spring he gives his land one deep and thorough plowing or break ing u n the Cultivation of the crop is --o ii ' m only on tho surface, of the ground, just deep enough to destroy the weeds and eras; It will be seen, at once,; how .much hard labort'if . man and horse can be . ,1 t .. 1 1. 1 . . i-rt n A tlmt !a nnf all, it is the best way, even if no labor were saved. This U the great secret of his sue. -cess iu workin" Iwentvfive or thirty acres to the hand. When the proper : time comes for Hitting this knowledge into practice, . let all your readers, who arc fanners, remember it, and the saving they .will make in labor will enable them easily to pay for their paper and a libeial contribution to the tuiv's of an Agri cultural society beide.w Yours, &c, PLOWMAN. A Tekuidlk Leap. A fire occurred in Brooklyn, New York, on the30ih ult., In the wliite lead works of Pewin, Andrews & Douglas. Tiiomas WaU Jttee,, with hfsf wife and chikl, occupied the upper part of the- building. The fire commenced between the second and third floors and spread so rapidly that the escape of the family 'was cut off. In this emergency. Wallace came t the desprato resolve , of jumping fjom the third htory to the ground. lie tyok his child in his" arms,. ahd, his wife's hind, and together they made the fp.iifti! lean. Wallace his child were kiSU-d. Mrs. Wallace had both less broken and her tkull" frac.tx tired." 5!:.e-cannot live.-. .. Wholesalo Slaughter. ' The Nashville" Union db American m s : A horrible tragedy .was perpetrated twelve .nilos from the yUy, on the Clark's vi Me iko. before daylight Sun day morning.. It was the murder of a u-iln and three children by' a fiend in human s-hitpe, 3w Barton, this husband anil father. Mrs. Barton and' her children had re tired to rest in the same 6cd, Saturday right, Barton being absent." Shortly fu-r iniilnight, it is believed, Barton returned and cut iheir throats. The murder was not di'scovered until 10 o' clock Sunday mvning, when a farmer, well acquainted with the family, pass ing on his way to church, observed the lu;ue fastened,' no smoke issuing" from. the chimney-, the windows closed and no sign'of life. lie went to the door and knocked. Again and again did he beat upon the 'door,, but no answer came. A 'mysterious stillness prevail ed. He. pried open the door aud stood aghast at the dreadful spectacre which met his gaze. There lay the mother and the three little children in a great dark pool of blood which had run down from their lacerated throats toward the middle of the bed. The mother looked as though she hud awakened from some terrible dream, and, hav ing resisted as long as she' was able, had sank down w ith her face turned to ward her children, as if to avert the fate which awaited them. The children had evidently each been pulled down one by onen the bed and butchered beside their mother. FR U IT TREES ! FR UIT TREES ! lO.OO per 100, $80.00 per 1000. I have a fine assortment of apjile, peach, perw plum, apricot, 'nectarine, and grape Tines, Ac, for Fall and Winter planting, for sale in large or small quantities cheap. Also a few choice Dahlias. The most magnificent of-Autumn louvers New descriptive Cats logue sent to applicants I'ree. ' , G. L. ANTHONY, ! t v Greensboro, N. (7. P. O. Box 11. 45.3m. WANTED, -AGENTS MALE AND FEMALE, To introduce the. celebrated " Commen-Sense Household Sewing Machines " Price only $15. A so, the " Buckeye Shutilo "Price $20; and the "Home Shuttle"-Price $25. Tables and Treadles Walnut Top and Cast Iron Frame, bronzed --Price $10 oajh. " For Circularfi' to Agents, address MAXWKLL & BRADSIIAW. 45-3m. Charlotte, X. C. NOTICE. To all whom it may concern, That ther will be Special Term of the Su parior Court held in the Town of Rutherfoi d ton, for Rutherford county, on the 1st Slonday, it beiny; the 7th day of February f870. To eoDtinue from day to day until all the busi Hss is tranfa;ted in regard to civil suits. By ecial approval of the Governor and order of Judge Henry. Given under royjiaud this the 23rd day of Dec 1 869. y Bi W. ANDREWS, Chm'n. E. J. W'iluaws, Cl'k. cx-offieia. i 3t To Wholesale Dealers. E.M.HOLT&CO. offer tho manufactures oC their several milla at the Factory Prices, delivered ia CiiarlotU, YARNS. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TICKS, AXD THE WEtli-KKOWIf ALAMANCE PLAIDS. TO PLANTERS. WE RUN TWO LARGE FLOURING MILLS ARE AGENTS FOR AND OTHERS. Our Mills Will Consume 1500 BUSHELS OF '' WHEAT PER DAY. which we intend to buv in tlio Charlotte maiket, Lou't sell your wheat, before see ing us. WE HA VE JUST RECEIVED AND OFFER TO THE TRADE SA CKS LI VERPOOL SALT. . SACKS BLOWN SALT, FINE IN FOUR -. BUSHEL BAGS. v KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL KINDS OF The LargestStockin (he State 45-tf ' u" vl!' W. J. BLACK, WTLSON AV RT.PK- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In Drugs, Medicines, Pants. Oih, Dye Jjamp Klumneys, die. Corner Trade 4 College Sts., . - CHARLOTTE, IV. C. Vindicator copy tf. 45-ly 1000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT delivered any Depot $.30 U the Trade. . Steniioltse, Macauley & Co, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid for comiiry produce by STE.NI10USE, MACAULEY & CO 45-3m TO MERCHANTS. ELI.1S COHEJY, The Oldest Mcrchaats of Charlotte, are offer mg their largo and ell assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, BooU and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions and Fancy Goods. Suited to the Wholesale Trade, at Unprecedented Low Price's, Buyers would do well to examine their goodi uu prices oeiore l'urciiasing. S:ore Oppoaile Charlotte Hotel. 45 3m. ' EL1AS & COHEN. AXES "AXES!! Axes! ! EVERY AXE WARRANTED, IOO doz. Just received, which we offer very low at WHOLESALE OE RETAIL Also a full stock of Hardware, Cutlery Guns. . J. ' Is?- Cafl and see us. Oates, Walter Brem & Co 45-Im Mansion nouse Corner. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. Thanking our numerous friends wh in the past so lavishly bestowed their favors upon ue, and tUereby placing ua among thai . First of the ITIcrcIiaiits ef Cliurlotte. a title which we recognize with proud satis fao: ion, which we will,endeavor to maintain by Fair Dealing- . and' ExtraordiHary IndiicemenlH this corning season, to present the first and largest stock of gooda ever brought to ' this State by any house, whieh we respectfully in vite pur numerous customers and all others who come to this market to purchase. Very Reppectfullv, WITTKOWSKY fc RINTJ8LS. Wr. A. K. MAYER is now with the above famous arid well know house where he will bo pleased to see bis lrieudtt FASllIOAAIiLE MILLIAEBY ! i - - AND , '- Dress-Making, - by Mis BETSY WILLIAms. Over WITTKOWSKY &; PvINTEL'S Store., tf ' Charlotte, K. 0, PUNTS FOR H TIMERS AND OTHERS -r-Th Grafton Mineral Paint Co, are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and moot Durable Paint in use ; two coat well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it ia of a tight brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed lo green, lead, etoe, drab, olivs or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. Tt ia vatua ble for House, Burns, Fence, Carriage and ar makers, Pails and Wooden Ware, Agri cultural Implements, Cal Boats, Vessels and Ships1 Bottoms, Canvas, VeUl and Shin gle Roofs, (it being Fire ana Water proof) xioor ini ikhub, yonu junnuiw-'Wrp having used 5,000 ouls, the past year,) ana ft paint l i a I or nnv nuriKwo in urisuroassvu iur ww h.i w - a - . I ability, elasticity and adhesiveness, rnov g per bbl. of 300 Iba, which will supply a u i mer for rears to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which V ... gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, oration Mineral Paint. Perseus can order the Paint aud re mit the money on receipt of goods. Address, BlDWELL L CO., 254 Pcail St., W. 1. 45-Gm . i DRUG TRADE! ! Wholesale Asb Retail DRUG GISTS, Corker Trade akd Trtos Streets. Invite attention to their large and well select ed Block of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oih, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Window, Glass, Brushes, Combs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, . Perfumery, Soaps, Kerosene Oil, Lamps, and everything kept by a first class DRUG HOUSE. Merchants Physicann and others are invited to examine our stock and prices T. K. CURETON, . Reeidext Partker, 46-ly CTTARLOTTB, N. C, Irs. . 2 o rj a x 9 e s. n e. M a John T. Butler PRACTICAL Watch and Clock MAKER AND JEWELER, AC, I Main St., Charlotte, N. C. ' Dealer in Fine Watches and Clocks, Jewel ry, Spectacles and Watch Materials ic. - Fina Watches, Olocks.and Jewelry of every dcscriptioQ repaired arid wufrauted for twelve nionthx, ' . fjf- Work left at the Yikdicatoh Office will be forwarded at my , expense. 45 If. W. M. SIIIPP, Attorney at Latv, Charlotte, N. C. Will attend to all business entrusted to his ease id the IXth J udicial district Collections made iu ail parts, of the fitatp. 44-ly 3 PUMIUMS.! A SPLENDID CHANCE! n order to lacretM tLe (Srcuhtion of tLt BUTHEOBD STAB, whith bow has the larg esv ,irclatin of any REPUBLICAN JOURL, PnbKahed ki Westwa Kortli CareluiHi Wa offer tba following .htJueeoaeBta la A genu. We wilil gire for tUp- Wgoat liat of subscribers, not lei), than 160. A fine English Lever, Hunting Case GoM Watch and chain, valued at $32.00 For the second Largest List, not lens than 73. A Grover k Baker Sewing Machine, valued at $50.00 For the third Largest List, not Ws than 50. A fine Double Barret Shot Gun valued at $JB.60 For the fourth Largest .Liat, not lew than 3A A Washing Machiu, valued ? " tl4.09 For th'a fifth Largest List, hot lew than 25. a. Silver Uunting Cse Wub, valued at : 212.96 We also offer to person who will get us a Uub orvOiiubscribera, A Niekel Hunting Caao Watch, valued at 10.00 lorafJIua of 10, Books publmhed by rowler a, W ells, to the amount of For a Club of 5, a Years subscription t6 the Star, ' $5.00 $2.00 For 2 8ubscriber8--Ai.y book worth 50 We will alMgive teemv New suuac ber a beautiful picture of President Grant, raided at 25 FREE FOR TWO MONTHS. Persons subscribing for the Star far 12 the months ahall receive the paper free ubIH nrist of oaxt JaniMtry. A NEW STORY, BY ALPHA DE KAPPA, Will be-commenced in a few weeks, and will run through some ten or SftHen numbers. The interest 3ianifeted in his stories. "Buried Alive," "The Hival Lovers," 4c, ic, is suffi cient to 8tisfy all that the new one will be a s net 88. We have or dered a lot of new TYPE.', aud iulond to make the - S - T A It , ' ' second to no paper in the State. We ask for a continned support from our Inenag promising to give tlie Jsur mere atten tion in every dtfpartiuent. The Cash System. The cash system will be atnetly adhered to, sb we find it more trotibla to collect wkat is due iM than the awaey in worth. SEND. IN YOUR NAMES AND THE D A S HI M MEDIATEL Y ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE DELIVERED AT THE OFFICE WILL BE TAKEN A DAM. AND THE MARKET PRICE cw AdTcrtisements. COMPLETE PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE TIMES." " Tlte lest. Cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union." HARPERS WEEKLY. 8PLKXDIDLT IU-CSTi-tTEO. In Korember will beoinmeneed "Man and Wife." a new aerial b ry, sjludidly lllasira ted, by Wilkie Collins (AoUior of "Tlio Wo man in White," "No Name," Armadale," and " The Moonstsne.") New Suscribera will be supplied with Harper's Weekly from the rommoitcemeut of the Story to end of 130 for PiHir Dollar. Critical Notice of the Press. The Model Newspaper of onr country. Com plete in all tlte department ol an Amor t, u t'ainily rip-r. Harper's Weekly has eartion for itscll a right tu iu title, " A Journal ot Civilazaiion." Jf Y Evening Post. Harper's Weekly imy be unreservedly de clared the btat uewspapor iu America. J Y 1 iidep'lidetiL The ainck-s upon pnMie questions which apieir iu llarpcr'd Wickly Irom week to week lorm a remarkable series of brief- poliu- AieKsa.s. l nev lire uiliiij!Uiliea by clear auu puimeu siaieuic iii, oy goou coimuou--j ; by independence aud biealh of -view. They Hil ....rv... a.t.rl l.....V. ..f .... ... Tl. ' I are the oxpresyion or mature conviction, high principle, and strong k-eling, and take tl.eir place among the best newspapt-r writing of Mie time. orta American Keview, Uosion, SUBSCRIPTIONS.! S70 TKRiI!i:-Marper's Wetkiy, one jwr $4 00 An hxtra 0f either the Magazine, Weekly, or Baza, Ue 8Uppiiej gntlis ,i)r every every Club c v-.ive SubTibera al $4, each, ui-one icmiltanb. nr i... $20, without extra copy. -Subscription to llnrper-,v ind eck. Iy, aud Bazar, to one addrcfa for on0 10.00; or, twoot llarper'a tVvodicJi; l0 one address for one year, $7,00. Back Numbers supplied ot y ijrne The Annual Volumes of Harpers V.kiy' in ueat cloth binding, will bo seut by exp,' free ol exDonae. for 7 nmlli. A mmhl. ' - I -13 I Set, comprisiiiglThineen Volume, sent on re- ceipl of cash at tbe rate of $5 25 per vol.. freight utexpuuse'of purchaser. Volume XIII. ready January 1 1870. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which munt bo paid at tho subscriber's poat-otfice. Address 11AUPKU i BROTHERS: New York. I'h'OSl'ECTCS or tub . DA VIDSON MONTHLY. The Students of Davidson College, NV C , proposes issuing a Monthly Magazine, lo be devoted to Literature, Science and Art It will coiruin the Sr-ceches delivered an nually, belore the two Literary Societies. The Magazine will contain about fort page, and otherwise, will be about the size of Black woodj.- Magazine. It will be under the super vision of six members of the Senior (Tlass. ThoBe are elected three from each Society. It Will be their honest endeavor to see that noth ing shall appear in the magazine which is not written in a chaste and ,elegaut style, Tho magazine will be contributed to, trom time to lime, by some 'of tho most eminent writers ol this and other States, Wo earnestly solicit tho co-operation of u!l those who have a de sire lo aid in building up a high standard of Southern Literature, and any. contributions to this end, will be ihnnklully received, Terms of Subscription : Single subscriber, , $ 2,00 A club of six, 10,D0 A club of twelve, 18,00 Address Kditors DIVIDSON MOXTIILY. Davidson College, N, C, Now is tho Time to Subscribe ron tub . NEW YORK WEEKLY, . Tub Pkoi'Lk's Favokite Jojjuxal. The Iffoit Interesting Stories Are alwnvs to be found n tiro NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there are S7A' ORE A T STORIES running through its columns; and t least One Storr is Itfguu Kycry ITIonth. New subsoribora are thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story no matter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each 'number of the New Yokk Weekly contains Several Beautiful Illustrations, Dou ble the Araoutt of Reading Matter of any pa- pet ,o( its class, and th9 Sketches, Short Sto- ries,,Poenr.s, etc., are by the ablost writers ol America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really Insuic tive Mvtier, in the most condensed form. The .V. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTHEKTS have attained a high .reputation from their brevity, xcel.lence, and cortectnesi. The Pleasaut Paragraphs are made up of the concentrated wit and humor of many winds. The Knowledge Box is confined to useful information on all manner of subject. The News Items jrivo .in tho lewest words ihe most notable doings all over Hie world. The Gossip with Correspondents contains answers lo inquirers upou all imaginable sub- jecus. AJT US'KIVALED LITERARY TAPER IS TIIK NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each issue contains from Kight to Ten Stories and Sketches, and half a dozen Poems, in Addition to the Six Serial Stories and the Varied DopartmenU. Tlie Terms to Subscribers : One Year single copy. $3.00 " Four copio ($2,50 each)! CM u " Eight copies, 20.00 Those sending $20 for club of Kiglit, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy Pkek. Getters-up ol clubs can afterward add single copies at $2.50 each. STUEKT A SMITIf, Proprietor?, , 43-3m No. 55 Fultou Street, N. Y. ; Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit, Herl), Tree, Shrub and Evergreen - Seeds, with directions J'nr oulturo, prepaid by mail. The most Complete and Judio cious assortment in the country. Agents wanted. 25 Sorts of either for $V00 : prepaid by mail. Also Small Fruiti, Planr, Bulbs, all the new Potatoes, Aa, prepaid by mail. 4 lbs. Early UoSo Potato , prepaid, for $1.00. Con over's Colossal Asparagus, $3 per 100; $25 per 100, prepaid. New hard fragrant ever blooming Japan llonjvsueltle, 50 eta. each, prepaid. True Cape Cod CranWry, lor up land or lowland culture, 41.00 pr JOO, pre paid, with directions. Priced Cutalouge to any address, gratia j also trade list Seed on com mission. B. M. WATSON. Old Colony Nonaries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouili, Mass. Es tablished in 1842. "VTOTICE. As Assiflee in Bankruptcy of V the Kstetaieof John S. Ford, I wiU'sell J-l on Monday, the 20th day ofDecemker, 1889, to the lisgliest bidder, for cash, the Notes and accounts due the sard Estate. L. P. BRWIN, Assinee. PERFUMERY, Toilet Soaps, Ac., for sale by JONES BRYAN. VcVfjtl new adyertisemkSts. CHA. A. DANA. FotTCI. IwM. u4 hot Mr York WniT,-it 4TttitT.Bl arw. AiitNw M htlfnr. Fall raii(HikM;Hnltani fwrnmrn' w1 fVaH B .mii1 OhW, mm4 mhMi Mary ft mp Wrk!f wxxi .lat-Wfrfy ..nkfr. AtmrtvilMM mman mrymrr 9wmt A. aiJVM tSt IwwC'i. hum, Mowiac Marlunw. Parinr ti-Ttmrs. IKw1f Maris, r Wfmajt Ihr pmnloflM. STrrinwrna aaj ttt laa. S4 tMlar i4 f-r it. L W. KSCLAXn. NMatft , N. TaA. CANVASSING DOOK SENT FRKE Saris by Sunlight and Gaslight A Wori descrkptive of the SITS'-Crte. irtoe". Vk-e, Splvndors aud Crimes of the City .f Par a. It tells bow raris uaa become the (tayrat and nictit BoMUlifuI CilT in the World : how its Beauty and Splendor are pnrchstHl at a fenrful coat of 'Minerr and Suffering; how visitors are Swindled by Profl-ssiounJ Advra- turcrs; how irtue ami ice ro arra in arm iu the lteauiiful City; how the oitt Tearfu! nwM,er is aquandervd in naeleea luxurv ; and contains over 150 fine Engravings of noted! " Places, Life and Scvhcs in Paris, Agents .wanted. Canvassing books aeii. froe. Ad dress National Iausniso CoM Philadelphia, Pa.. Atlanta, Ga., Cincinnati. Ohio, er bt. Lrrnisj Mo. 10,000 AO KNT3 WANTED FOR Walks and Homes of Jesus. By Rev. B. Manh, D. l, auther of 'Xtrtit Sceiiw of tho Bible." Apply l once to Crittesukx A. McKmstt, H03 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TIIE MOST RAPID SELLING Book Now offered to AfnU is 33 of.;;c rev1sf.d and kklargkd by G ks. Rop.eut V- LtE. l ! m tare a a rid hiintifiil ocL-ivo volume, u- ...... . ,i ...til, .i.wmmi RLokI Kni'rnvintr? "vw ; Au :.. t':,;u ,r,rt. lto ubcribcra the firx..k ' f An agent in MHlwTn 54 the first week. do 47 do d - 35 do do 32 do do : 19 the first d.iy. .do do '. do do do do Misaisv Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas. Missouri, 32 the first 3 tiny a U do do 11 first 3 days ' Kverybbdy eubscribes for iL," agents all Vay. We want an agent in cvry county. Send for circulars, giving full particrt, lo UNIVHUSITY PUBLISHING CO.. 4 Bond St- New Yort w OMKJf OF XKW YOUKt or, Tk UxDER-WoitLO or tue Gkeat Citt.--The sins of every class of society ex posed. Avoid the Railroad to ruin. Signals of danger aie up. More Money in it for Live Agents than any other Book. Takes three Dresses all the time to print fast enough. One Agent took 178 orders in 10 days 748 pages, 45 illustrations. Price, $3,50. Agents Want ed Address N. Y. Book Co, 143 Nassau street, N. Y. WITHOUT Spectacles, Doctor or Medi cine. Sent post paid, on receipt of 10 cents. Address IV. K. B. FOOTK. Authorof Medical Common Sense, No. 120 Lexington Ave., cor., Kast 28th St., SY A' 1VAY WITH Uuco-jfbrtnble Trussos. Comlort and- Cure for tho Ruptuted. Sent po.L paid on receipt of 10 cents address Dr: K. B. Foorn, Xo 120 Lexington ave.. New York. - 10 000 AGENTS WANTED FOR RETROSPECTION. " ; The finest Engraving in tho market. Ap ply nt once to ' ClUTTKN'DEX k MCKIS.VEV, : 1308 Chcstuut Street, Phih.delphiH, Pa. S67f A For first clar,s NEW 7(JtJIAVK ylJI I PIANOS. Scut ou trial. U. & AJfJJ Pia so Co , New York. (J COMMON SENSE! !1 ameu AUKATS, jjo per monins to sell the only Genuino Improvid Com mon Sense Family Spwir.s Machine. . Price only $18. Great indueementt to. Agents Tis is the most popular Sewing Marine ol the day makes the " Elastic Lock Stick wil' do any ' ind of work that can be done on any Maciiino 100,000 sold and the dem and constantly Increasing. Now is the time to Wake an Agency. Send for circulars. 2?" Be ware of iiitnngors.lj!3 Addross Skcomii A Co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., or iil. Louis, Mo. milE CELEBRATED L ' STEWART COOK STOVK The Best in the World Over 100,000 in Use. Will do more work with the same amount of fuel than any oilier Stove ever made. , FULLER, WARREN & CO.. Exclusive manufrtcturers, Troy, N. Y Descriptive pamphlets sent free. i TWO MONTHS FREE ! FREE ! ! FREE ! ! ! The Most Popular Juvenile Magazine in America. XOTIIIXa SECTIOSAL! KOTJIIXG SECTAMA X,.' The Little Corporal. ErUirtly Original and Firni-CUtM. All Dew subscribers for Tho. Little Corporal for the new year, whose names and money are sent in before the last of Dcember, . will re ceive tho November and December Xos.. ol 18G0 Fhek. j The Lntle Corporal hns a Iargter circulatiDii than any other Juvenilo Magazine in lle World, and ia belter worth the pi ice than any other magazine published. Because of its immense circulation, we tre enabled to lurnish it at the low price of Owe Dollar a Year: Single number 12 cenM; or free to any one who will try to raise a club. Beautiful prennujn.s for clubs. Subscribe Ndw. Back numbers can always be acnt. Address Alfred L. Sewell k Co., Publishers, Chica- The Purest, Best and Cheapest LAIADBY SOAP, COLGATE A CO. 5RW YORK.. EstublUhed in 180G. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. KNIT KNIT KNIT. AGENTS Wanted erery where to sll the American Knitting Maohine, tho ouly practical Family Knitting Machine orer iurented. Price $25. Will knit 2,000 stitches per minute. Addresa American Knitting Machine Co , Boston, Mau., or St. Lbuia, Mo COUNTRY PRODUCE. ONT forgt that aay and all kinds of country prouueo win oe uxen in ex-' change fur goods, at the highest mark ice, at J, W. CLAKK.E S. 5j frjj TO TIIK WORKTXO CLAS& W. .r, now prepared to fumiidi all claivni with eon xtant cu jUornwai at botue, tlx wuol ot th time or or ihe parc momenta. Ibistne4 new, .liphl at d profitable. Persons f eilhcr ez i!y earn from 50c, to Si pr erciMtig. and a prcputtHHiai uta by arvoting their whol lime UMlfc bUMOc. 15or aud gitU htfn noaify ai n.ttxh as men That all ,ho awtt li ikk-c may ncnd iboir addre., ami rt the btixiuca, we hiakt tltwt uapralleled off : To mich a are not wen MUanrd, w wul tel 51 to pay tiie trouble ot nln(. 'uU ariicularx a valuable mnpte. h th will 4 to ork on. and a cuvr ' ut Tb People'a literary: O nipwuio. ouai ol 'Jm larg?l and bert lainiity nvwapttprra puUiahcd a 1 vul fre by mail. Urader. it you want prr.iaBeot, . pr.tllatJe work, adjr W C Al.LK.v A Co, -lugusta. Mvi.e. 100,000 AG KSTSVYASTKD YQH PRIEST A AD AO. Applv at otuf to (R1TTK.NPKK i McK!XNl:Y. nOS Clicslnul street, Pl.iUrdeiphia. Pd. c. R. JOHNS' & CO. Land Accxts AND BAXKCR.V AtSTlS, Tata. LORILLARL'S is au exwllertt article tf granulated 'Virginia; wherever. introdiauvU it U Smolig TtA-orro. univeraalir admired. It ia put up in band- home' mtiKhn bg, in which orders Ibr Urr schauat Pip s are daily packed. LOMLLARVS I is made jf the choieo Ynirllt Club hal grown; it. is suU- ioiia j TUtxtco. I uvrvoua iu MS e&rcta, aa the Nicvtioe ha.-t levn oxiracted; il taavoa no diwgrecablo taste alter rmoking; it ia very mild, light in 'color and weight, bene on pound wil last as long aa 3 ol ordinary tobac- cu. tu litis biAi-0 we also Pi-'K oMcr vary. day for flrt quality Meerschaum Pipee. Try it aud gutiviuc-o youraelvea it ia au it claitua to U', "Tuk iisvsr or Alu" LORILIXKD'S This bradd of Fit Cut C'UftTUI&Y. I chewing loUaoou h. au Chtrritg T"ixicr. equal or auperiori an. where. It ia without dout the best ch ing tobacco in tlie eoautry. -t'".Mia !vo now been in gan- ' ' I ral uae iq the Imlcit States ovot 110. vt-or., and alill eknowWgeU ' lh beat" wherever used. II your atorekeewr does hot have lh articles for sale; ask him to ret thorn ; tWy Sro sold by respectable jobber uliuoal every, where. Circular of prices mailed on application. P. I-Pltll-LAltD CO., new lrk. ASK Von r Dor lor 0r UratrarUI f r SWKl'r Ut'I.Mil-.-il"l.(biM,r)Uuil a It made ouly tty I .SI CtK.l.i, larmitl,ntr. ' tr. winn I I Pa., of U U vernal dii WHlTTIEa, 9 Wylie St, Pittsburgh niou-wide reputation, treats ! scases ; a 1 10, seminal weakseaa ""pofencv, Ac.ilio result of soil abuse. Bond - -mnp.i nr Kcaieu pampiiiet, ou pajwi. iu inauer failed, slate case. CouaultPUon I'rer 0 Horg.. Slight-ofhand Kx poed ;" over 100 pages. ' Age Cards ;" to tell 'any man "Game ot Authors." All mautu lor M jtitj. jt. , Gue v A Co., Yorkvillo, C. GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST rilKMlCM ELASTIC STITCH FiUtLT 8SWI5Q 181 lialttm 1 pro St., UullloiorOf !TCd. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Beauty and Elasticity of Stich. Perlection mid aim rlicity of Machinery. Usine both lhrea'U dircci.v. from the spools. No fastening of seann by hand and no waste of Ihrt-ad. Wide runyn cf application without 'change of adjuslmeut. Tli4e-ai retains its beauty and tittniicsa after washing and ironing. Boiiidoa doing nil kiinii of work done by other Sowing Mbchincs. thoso Machines execute tho most, beautiful and por muneiil Embroidery and ornamental work. 'J6-lr. State of North Caroliua, KUTIIEIiFOIlI) COUNTY. . SUPERIOR dO CRT. Jam is W. JoiiASOif, vs. . MAr.OAUliT E. Jomvhok. It appearing to tlio sutisfactirwi f the Collf that Margaret K. Johnson, ' the Dofondart' above nuuiud is not a rosident of this Statu or cannot alter due diltgeuco be found (hireio it is ordorc! that publication be made in lb RiUherfonl Star, a weekly newspHpcr publish ed in the town of RutherfoTtlton, IbrsU weeks notifying tlio Defendant to d-irot in aud defeud the naid action, or the Plaintiff will apply for tho relief domaml-d in the complaint. J. B. CARPKKTKIl, 8. 0. a Not. 21st, 1SC9. CONFIXiTIOxNERIES. C RANDIES, nuts, jelHes, pickles, cracker W. CLAKKK. Ao. or sale uy J. SALT! SALT ! ! SALT! i! 1 LARGE for sule t supp'y of best Liverpool Sa!t, very low nt J. W. CLAKKK S. TO LEASE. 0Nlhe wil UK 25lh day of "Deoember next, (ourt House in Kuthcrfordton, I 1 louse lor if to , TERM OF 7 WO YEARS the well known VILLA GE HOTEL, built and occupied for many year by the late To Twitly, and also by Sitm'L WHWns. At li e same time an I place, J will 1 Iomsu for the Kime term the HO TEL now occupied by Carter B"rntt, Esq. Tb one are lite oulj Hotels in the Village of Rullier for.iton, ai-d afe both capacious and corofbrU t.ib'.c buildingM, on each lot are the nee-. nary outbuild'. 11 gs. (J. W. LOGAN. ' Nov. 81I1, 18ii9. Charlotte rmocrat, copy 3 times and tond bd. to this oflGCo. KSTKK.V Stah I)l0K, No. 9! Y. M.. hold" ils rctrulnrcom- muiucniioos ou Monday evening, on or belore eHch Jul! moon, and on the anrver anry ot St, Jolin the Baptiat. and Si. John tjj Evangalist. j.f. II JLVflCkC, W.-M. J. S. Hates, Sec To thn ' f pU( Ctaatx 11 ACH month herearr, until further no. J ti.0v during tlj wf-ck CQmraencing on the first Monday, one of jur firm will bp in Columbus, th.tJS?girin our cltenbMind other in Polk, whp cieairir.g it, a favorable oppor tunity to 'conaiilt w'rth us. Mr. Churchill will alteud ia Jan. Ofnc in tUo.Court Houao. CltUliCIULL A WHITK-SIDK, May 13-3L, At tor dots A FORTUNE IX ANY STATE -Rifht for Sale New patent anWo for orery forocla. Simple $2. Addnwu ;XVE5T0l P, N. Box 3,438, Ne-r York -joly 15-tf. ' RAILROAP CART?, nwniifactared by 13 -A J. B. CARPENTER CO

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