I , PROFESSIONAL CARDS; , (PHYSICIANS. IJr. J. W. HARRIS, . . , WILL GIVE PROMPT AT tention to.v all Professional calls and hopes to merit a continuauct of his long established practice. i XW" Ha const ikiy ou hand a fine supply ol PUKE DKUGS at Lis office in Rutherlordton. DR.J J. M. CRATON,- RUTIIEEFORDTON, N. C. VFK.TJS his 'nrofessional services t& nil eld Wert. "d tbe paVte .generally. Office at his Drugstore. . aec.iuii fllr. 0. HICKS, . - RUTIIEKFORDTON, N. C. - i OXTINUKS the '-practice "of Medicine, Surgery and 'Midwifery, in Rutherford and the surrounding counties. Charges mod erate. - ' mch.8tf. ATTORNEYS. : ; . J, Ii. CARSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'RUTIIERFOR.OTON, N. ConectioBB made in any part of tie State feb.6tf. rj.:,:: :in.u. justice,;. : '"'ncriiEni'onbTOK, nr. c. Claims collected. ti all parts of the EtaU;.' - ' m i . t. F. CHURCHILL, V r 0. jr. WHITESIDE CHURCHILL. & WniTESlDE ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS :V at LAW, , , , " PTUERFOKDiTOlf, K. 0. ' "Will pracfice in all the Courts of Western JCertti (,'arolina, in the Supreme Court? of the State aud in the District, Circuit aud Supreme i;ourts ol the United States. , feb.Ctf. i ALEXANDER. &MASOI c. v.a"i J. Sf. Mason, Attor- J ney at J.aw, and ( late C'apt. iu Sud f U. C. Vol, ) BOticrross op . AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PATENTS, .COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAW. (Io years experience as solicitors of Patents 4G0- faeveutli St., Opposite the Patent Office, " Pupers CJiireuilI rrepared, and Patents se cured withont delay. .- J'.xaroinations in tM Patent Office FretSSW .vnrgo, ana uo inaiviauai leo atke-i in anv . euao, -auiesa a l aieni is nnowea. Send for Circular of'terms, Instructions arid rcjerences. . ! , u.S-.tf. : MISCELLANEOUS, . CHARLOTTE HOTEL, W; i I9ATTII EH'S Oc r ".. PRGPIUETOKK, ' - CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4 TAKE this mcihod or returning their sin cere thanks to their friends and the pub lie generally for the very liberal manner .In which their Houso has been patronized un der the charo of Mattliews & Stegall, and they pledge themselves that no pains shall be spared to make their patrons comfortable. Their table shall be furnished with the very , best the market affords. ' Attentive and i-olite servants will afways F&e 9n hand and every effort will be made to give entire satisfaction. Their Blables are large and comtLodious' fiuflicientio accommodate all who may com6 'to see U3. Horses and Vehicles always ou hand to supply the wants of custodiers. MASONIC. Western Star Lodge, No. 91, A. Y. M holds its regular com munications on Monday evening, on or before each full moon, and on Hie; anniver 'wiry of St, John the Baptist, and St. John the "P'1; ' SM. II JUSTICE, W. M ' E2L S. Hates, Sec. NOTICE! To the Citizens Jof Polk Connlj-. EACn month hereafteruntil further no tice during the week commencing on the first Monday, one of our firm will be in Columbus, thus giving our clients and other in Polk, who desiring it, a favorable oppor tunity to consult .with us. .Mr. Clmrchill Will attend ih Jan. Officf In tho Court House. CIIURCHJLL A WHITESIDIi May is-iu- i Attorns FORTUNE IN ANY STATRi?,Mc 13k. for Salt New patent article for e-ery fomwU. Sample 2. Address INVENTOR P. N. Box 2,43S,:'New York. : july 15-tf. AILROAD CARTS, manufactured by 13-tf. J. B. CARPENTER 4 CO. CONFECTIONERIES I li'A nuts, jellies, pickles, crackers yj ac. xursnie oy W. CLARKE, SALT I SALT!! SALT! f ? JARGE supp'y of best Liverpool Salt, for sale very low at , , J. W. CLARKE'S. TO LEASE. 0 N THE 25th day of December next at .ujuse in iu;thcr!ordton, I will lease for the i f J Col. of 2nd D. C. Vol f I and ex-l'nMtnnMcr of f j TERM OF 1 WO YEARS , ino well lenown VILLAGE LTOTELi built - and occupied for many years by tho late Wm ; Twitly and also by Sam'l. Wilkins. At the same time and place, I will also leaso for the same term the . II 0 TEL' , now occupied by Carter Burnett, laq. Those are the only Hotels in the Village of Ruther foroton, ard are both capacious aud otimfbrU table buildin-s, and on each lot aro the neees- n mlS' copy 3 tIme3 ' State of North Carolina, - II UTII ERFORD OU NTY, , SUPERIOR COURT. JAIIKS W. JOHjfSOK, ; vs. Mai;gauSt E. Joiixsox. It appearing to tho satisfaction of the Cour that Margaret Ji. j Johnson, the Defendan :. above named is not a resident of this' State or cannot aft er duo diligence be found theroio' it is ordered that nuhli.i;.. i , '.; " " "uinenoraton, for six noVii the rejief demanded in the canZuL -w. v.a, i h I'ininri r ..;ii or the Plaintiff will apply for J. BJ Not. 21st, 18cd UAUfKNTER. S. C.C. 4l-6w. NEv GOODS. THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CAPT. J. W. CLAKKE, fTlA'KEis this raetbodof informing his nam' I erous friends, that lie lias on band, aud JL is daily receiving, the largest, and best assorted tock ot ,. FALL AND WINTER Goods, ever before presented to the people pf Kutberford, nil of wh'u Ii ho offers to sell at greatly reduced prices, for Green-backs; or country produce, of axV.kind, at the highest ainrket price. -: DEMOREST'S YOUJSTG AMERICA. "The most sparkling Juvenile Maeazine ever issued," and Splendid Chromo Pictures of .Audubon's Birds of America as supple ments, and other fine Engravings in iach number. The November and December num bers' free to new subscribers. This most instructive, entertaininp-. anil best Juvenile AlaiMzine comprises numerous : 1 . 1 r . . . .. . . miu uwrei jcamroa hi at are peculiarly its own, and entirely free. Iforo le gross exagerationa no eoiij moil io jii-eniie -meraiore. uur lnonta ly Young America ptesonu the finest colored and other engravings, the best stories, puz zles, prizes, music, and a kioet ot new and in teresting subjects thai will net ouly secure the attention o? Boys and Girls, but serve to puii- ty and elevate their minds, commuriiente much valuable infonnation, and prove a well spring of pleasure in tle household.' .eajlj? juLjmtion, $126: wITl a"irood Microscope, or a pea 7T lui nteT Pocket-Knife, or a beautifulBi)ok, as premium to each sub eenbor, and splendid premiums given lor clubs. Address, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, . ' 838 Broadway, N.C. ' Specimen copies, with Circulars, mailed free on receipt of ten conta,. ... : New subscribers sending in before the first of January next will reooive the November and December numbers ireo. A Splendid prize for llie ladies. The finest jnost pleasing and costly Parlor Engraving ever pullislred in America presented as a pre mium to each cubscriber. ;t.7 ; , tfte' Useful, the Entertaining and &e Beautiful. TIe Ittodct .Tlairazine o( Americiu Dsmorest's Illustrated Month- LY. rA Magazine of Practical Utility in trie Household, a Mirror "of the Fashions, and a Literary Conservator ol Surpassing Interest and Artistic. Excellence. . " List to the ocho, hail the sound, From very quarter lo 1 it cornea :' f A Magazine of worth ia found. Exalting both our taste and homea." The Useful in Demorest's Monthly com prises the Utilities, of Fashions in Ladies' and Children 8 dress, including full-size Fashion able Patterns colored S.teel Plates,' etc; Gardening, both ; useful 1 and ornamental, adapted to Ladies: Model Cottages, with th-vsurroundiiirs ; and Jlome Matters in 111 .i.i!. A.f....i-5 ' ii 5 '. '. uii moil uvuanuieuu. r 5 ----7. The Entertuimng comprises Original S tories wina roems oy i,iie oeai autuors, picy items. tialka to w omen by Jennie June. Llturary ma Art trossip, etc., anu FbDuIar Music by the best composers, etc., etc , The Beautiiul comprises numerous Illustra tions, in the highest style of art, printing on the finest calendered paper, in the best man ner, got up 10 a style to forma splendid volume for binding at the end of the year, and itogctuer, a monthly visitor that no lady of taste or economical housewilo canaflbrd to be without. 'Yearly Subscription, only S3.00, with the finest, largest, and most pleasing engravinjr ever finished in America, and richly worth $10, entitled "The Pic-Nic on .the Fourth of July, given as a premium to each subscriber ud splendid premiums lor clubs. Address DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 838 Broadway, N. Y. When sent by mail. the. postage on the PJngrajng; lea cent, must be included. Specimen copios of the Magazine with cir culuts, mailed iree, on receipt of fifteen cents. OOTS and Shoes of all kinds and prices to suit customers, for sale by '. : i rcch25if ' JONES & BRYAN. No lions and Fancy Goods. LARGE assortment of Notions and Fan- ey Uoods of every variety for sale' by meh'.25tf JUNES & BRYAN. OOP SKIRTS, and everything else the; iiaBies wam, Jor said by , mch25tf JONES k &YAN. f Hardware and Ciitleryi,; ' MBRACING a large assortment o Spades, Axes, Shovels. Hoes of the best quality, Tatfe Knives and Forks, Tockot Jvmves, 4c. &c. for sale bv 1 mch25U JONES & BRYAN. . LAiD AGEYCY. J I Vi n UNDEKSIGNKR has completed UNDERSIGNKR nrrngeuien by winch he can lace in lgementS bj the Market, any lands which may be for sale. .Persons ha vtn lands to iell will find K'.fo their advantage to" confer with mo be&re selling. ; . B.CA EPENTER, 'Agpnt - : 4 . . - BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! I F you want to trot POOil hnro-n:n Iw ing the best qi-ality of goods, for the lows est prices, before you make your purchases, be sure to call on J. w. UI1AKK.E. LL kinds ol Gentleman's DreRs' Goods, le sale by JQNES 4 BRYAN ANTED. 1000 lbs. Bitter Root, . iuuo ids. May Apple, 1000 lbs. Percoon Root, 11300 lbs. Buttci fly Root, JONES 4 BRYAN'S. June 24-tf , ,. at KPATRING in Wood and Iron done at the lowest rates by 13-tf J. B. CARPENTER & CO. Coffee, Cofl'cc. OVERS of Good Coffee would do will to call and examine our' stork l,c(nro purchasing elsewhere. JONES & BRYAN mch25tl ' . ,? ' .;, Ladies II ress Goods. USLINS, CALICOES, POINTS, DK LA1NES, Grenadine?.. Pot.l 8816 hT JONES 4 BRYAN. mch.26tf " . LEGAL, WOTICEWhereas, many Judgments have been taken in my office and as the Code of Civil Procedure pro vides that the Clerk shall not be required to do any service until the fees are paid This is therefore to give notice to all, concerned, that by coming forward and paying costs tht papers will be issued to the Sheriff for "ollrc tion. This 6th October, 1869 " ',. c; J- B- CARPENTER, s. c. clerx. laVV- . Jor Rutherford Ceanty. vindicator copy 3 times. f ' HATS and Caps, of the latest (tyles, for "e bv JOHV.- lo'vi w mch25tT 1 fivl Trnn a t ttv JLiaVUijLJJXX JL Life Insurance Company. to -3 90 GC O OB C! ta K Equality Life Insurance COMPANY OF I rm f3 IT IS MORE LIBERAL TQ THE 1 INSURED TITAN ANY OTHER And will Eventually Become PURELY MUTUAL ; AND BELONG . TO THE IK SUIl ED EXAMINE ITS PAMPHLETS BEFORE VOtr h IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO DO SO. ' PRINCIPAL OFHCK, "1015 Iaix Street, RICHMOND, YiKqtxui. ACE.1XS WASTED EVERYWHERE CARPEin'ER & LOGAir; AGENTS, (. Ii U TIIERFORD TON, N. ' O. J. W. Harris, M. I) , . 40-lf. Mkdical Examisbh. FRESH ARRIVALS LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, Just received at LTSCH & HTJFFi;lASXEne. CONSISTING IN PART: :i- Bacon, Lard, Flour, '"Vtal, Loather, Cotton Yru, 40. 4c. In fact everything generally kent in n well regulated Faiisily Grocery Store. For sale (Theap, for Caslfpr Country Produce WE HAVE INOT1IIXS TO SELL 3S-tf. LYNCH & HUFFMA ST KR. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. GOOD supply of Hardware aud Cutlery, consistimr ot Carpenters tools, of all scrjptiona, knives and forks. For sale cheap by J. W. CLARKE. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. fjyiE best qualities of chewing tobacco, I smoking tobacco, cigftrg, Snuff, 4c. Al JL ways on hand and fVr sale by J. W. CLARKE. SPECIAL COURTS. FECIAL COURTS FOR THE TRTAT. OT7 Civil businoss only. J Theio will bo a rtwm'hI held in the County of Polk on tne Ijast Mon day in January next. In the County of Ruth. enord. on the First Monday ii February next and in the County of Cleveland on tho Third Monday in February next ' - 1 nese U)urt8 have been ordered tn trr fjivi business only, therefore I notify all persona to be ready for trial in Uiose cases in which I have heretofore appeared as Counsel. siili cases will be prepared for trial. Ii. W. LOGAN. J. S. C. 'Nov. 8, 18G9. 9th Jud. Dist Vindicator copy. DRY GOODS. SPLKNDID assortment of Calicoes, Worsteds, DeLanea', and Ladies drees goods and Iritmuiugs, to suit both style price, can be found, at . , J. W. CLARKE'S. and GENTS', FURNISHING GOODS. I F you want sjvtiiiiiff in thn lino of n..t. Furnishing Ouods, you Wnr always find on hand,' at Mia lowest prices, and in iU laiOKt fashions, s good supply or Ready-Hide Clothing, 'overcoats, cashmeres, clothes, Ae. by calling at " J. W . CLARKE'S. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. A GOOD assortment of Notions and Fancy , Goods, Toys and pretty things, to please the children. For sale by j J. W; CLARKE. FAMILY GROCERIES GF all kinds including the best qualities of Sugars, and Coffees for sale cheap by - ' J. W. CLARKE. rnbe Ohio Improved 5bester I nwo. proauce llie uaaAl HHT amount t 01 VOKK, for food consumed, of any known breed.. Send for its description, and a great variety of other Thorough-bred, and Im ported Animals and Fowls. CARPENTER St, LOGAN, Agenta. Kuthwfbrdtoc. JT. C. 3. ' ' ' ' D R. J. J. LAWRENCE'S COLUMN osioo: THE JMOST IHPOBTAitT IDlSCOYEBY MODERN PHARMACY. DR. LAURENCE'S CONCSNTEATED CO UP 0C ID ElWACt OP FOR THE CURE OF 0BSMA E LOifi-STAXDIG CHSONIC DISEASES or Tn 8I82L niil EIDIIYS NERVOUS SYSTEM, &C, SUCH AS: Scrofula, and nil Scrofulous, Eruptive, Cutaneous. Mercurial, and Syphilitic affections, 01011 RlieuiixalUnnj Neuralgia, hrisip ela, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Old liters, Tetter, Salt Wieitms: also, Qhrptyc Liter Complaint, Dyspepsuij ' Jaundice, ' dostive ms, Nervous Headctclic, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy , Gleet, Gravel and all diseases arising from IMPURITIES Or POVERTY of the Blood, tokpidity of the Liver, diseases of the Kidneys orJ urinary Urgans, Debility of the Nervous System. The great superioriy of this medicine over all oUiers is, that it iliorditgldy eradicates all hu- Uors and taints, and at t.rn came time changes Uie Stomache and Liver to an active, hsaltht sTAtEy invigorates tfy Nervous Systejn, renews aitality, and can be relied on as "a mfeypleasant, and positive aemedy. FORMULA AROU2SD EACH BOTTLE. Thisrejjaration; is-prepared by an educated ' experienced, and WELL-KNewN Physician and Chemist, who has thoroughly Rested it in a large practice. It fa, ttierefore, submitted to the public with fall confidence that its grpat merit will taussi it to have a popularity unequaIzd in the history of Medical Prepara tions, PRICS OyS JDOLLAX PBM BOTTLE !$&epared;ohlii by D. or folk, va Fen Sals " AROUNP THE WORLD!" mhe liew York Observer. la I now publishing a aeriea of Letters from a ao Bev. Di. K D. O. PRIUB, who is mafctno; the tour of the World, byway of Cali fornta, Japan, China, India, Egypt, Ac ; to- gemer witn various otner correspondence, all the News, Religions and Secular, and a great Tariety ol the best Reading, Original and Selected. Now is the time to secure toe oldest and Best Family Newspaper. We make the following liberal effers for New Subscribers We will send the New York Observer, lor one year to One New Subscriber and one Old. for 85 50 TWO " I Two " Subscribers, , 5 qo " and one. Old, " 7.50 Three " Tbreo " Four " Four " Fire " Six " " '-00 1 11 ana one Old, " 9.50 " 9.00 and one Old, " 11.50 " 11.00 " 12.00 And to any larger number af the aame rate Sainple- Copies Free. Terms, $3.50 Per AiiHuni, m Aavance. " 1 r ' SsAn r Kir O li nnr t. T i r rr . - j i-ian, xost-umce uraer or lirgisierea Juetter. - SIDNEY K. VORSE, Jr. 4 CO., 37 Park Row, New York. "VT. C MAP AND G2ZATEBR. The 8"f ribr h"ng purchased the entire Copy Rjght, Plates, 4c, of the above vmm, Uu uesinous 10 expedite their sale ,.i.uK uie enure state at an early day Offers fo give active business young en good chaivce to make money. " shares of flye or ten counties each Thia new Map wiU b9 about Ave feet by ILLUSTRATED BORDER, p4ntOrhtxgr" d Gounlie8- - Roa i oet Ofhces, Mines, MounUins, Rivers, 4c., 4c nm.. i.I, . e P Jueverynouse ot-uooi in me state. fTT , p,es reaa7 aoout e 1st of ( Terms accommodating. Address with two aUmp ,L .KEY. SAMUEL PKARri 38-3oi Wilmington, 'N. C. ONWARD! UPWARD II . Uavitg net with success, far beyond our expectation, in the publication of the Charlotte Observer, we take this method of offering our papers, Daily, Tki-Weklt asd Wbeklt, m amonar the best ad Western, North Carolina. Advertis-mevts SoUcOeS Terms Moderate. l'rem'uwk- 1'remluuia! "We offer Five valuable Agricultural Piuz MlUMS to persona cpttino- n niu . i VWkekly ObseevekT 'r w x voenSMIT1I TSON A CO., j Aug. 1869. Charlotte, N. C. : FAMILY GROCERY, LYNCH & IIUFFMASTER, , (Be it.vETx' Hotel.) UTIIERFORDTON, N. O. AVE OPENED THE LARGEST AND ueai seiectea stock" of Xmily Croce.-io and 'Confectioneries. Hint w ,u MJuaty since the war. -' " v JTheir stoek conaista In part of Sugars, Coffees, . Salt, , -;" Teas, Syrups, Scda, Ginger, Pepper, Spices, Soaps, Candles, . Buckets, Seizes, . Brooms, t Cotton and Wol Cards Powder, Shot. Lead, Nail, , i 1 Fish, Cheese, Crackers, .Candies, . Baisin-t, ' ' -JfvU, Preterits, Jellies, Oysters, iSardines. Pickles. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Taints, Ojls and Dye StaUs, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Shovels Slacks, Forks, Trace Chains. We will sell ascheno as th B.mo lri;i. r goous enn De DOtignt at Spartanburg. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex- j - 'uw " 4 (1V1 V VI viihiiko ior gooas. - Uive s call before, purchasing elsewhere. Sept. '69. 31-ly. FALL AND WINTER j Jl'ST RECEIVED AT C RATON'S STORE. ITT AYE just received from New York-aud Charleston, a very large and desirable stock of GOODS, consisting of DRY GOODS, Notions, Fancy Articles, Dress CEoods, for Ladies and Gentlemen, Hardware, ' Hats, " Hoofs, : SllOCS in great variety A LARGK IDT OF CHOICE GROCERIES embracing, bUGAR, COFFEE. TEA, - " boda; . SALT, ClrEESE, CRACKERS. OYStERS, &c., tec., CROOrtERYantl GLASSWARE io abnn lance.' DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS VARN ISIIES, DYE-STUFFS, "WINDOW GLASS, PCTTY, and everything in fact nsaally kept in a first retail Store, all of which will be sold at great 1a" reduced prices for Cash or Country Pro duce. My friends and the public geaerally are res pectiyely invited to call nd examine my stoek aa J feel confident that I can" and will sell thsm d O O D GOODS as low as they oan be bought in Charlotte Or elsewhere for.Cash or Country Produce. . J. M. CBATOr. jmje3-r9 -t ) SOIETIIIKC MBIT. ; : . 7. ' ' If ICE EL watches. or a SUPERIOR GRADE AND AT -REASON A- Gold, SilTer A Patent Cases Filled Geld Movemetlf Mud k. WvnuT aimrmA. c- ,. Yicna, Switzerland, in Lever. C-tmiirhlllnno mA w ?,-t - xcl . j i-suuionum EscapomenU Warranted perfect time keepers. ,i walches lia-WDWfl sold by us since loou, anu we can puarnf 1,0 and reliable Umam f i i fcerfect thiSrS Borel Courvoisier have taken the Grand Prize at lot. r;. v ... ror superior workmanship, and" the irreateet perfection in. time kwpinaT j A"orde,r8 allPW be addressed tp'the under signed, only Agebid hi the United States. Quincke & Kru?ici, Nos. 8 and 10 John street, N. Y. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF NICKEL WATCHES IVnuni't'icvr,,' fjan 30-ly. .ii o 1 a FIRE ARM BV (lie Tmd. '.. .7. . T hr 1 n:. . .im uitxouui 10 dealers. 200,000 lurched thr u. S. ' Array, Navy, Belt, Police and Pocket Re Y, iiv using iieuiic Cartrido-e Breechlouding aud Revolvin? Ripiks. Ei BEMISGTOS & S0.1S, ILIO.X, N. Yv Jan. SO-ly. . SMITH'S Boot, Shoe arid Leather Store, NSA.TDOOR TO DEWEY'3 BANK, barlette, jv. c. f The Largest Wholesale aHd RetaH Carolina. Their stock of Leather and Shoe Findings most complete, embracinjr every grade of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather Upper" Leather, ' French and American CalfSkiV Kip, Lasts, id, 4c. -. ' They also furnish all wi,iii,0 t".i.i. , 18 LeaUier BelUng at Manufacturers' pdcef. Wholesale Department. iJie3r aV? receiTed Ueir FA lia v1Dl0r Stock, the larsrsBt. nnrf tf ....... brought to this -market, aud will Bn I chants at mer- New York Wholesale PrI icee. Iheir expenses bein? much less, and as they buy exclusively from manufacturers, theij no reason why they cannot soli at as lew prices as the New York Jobber SMITH'S SHOE STORE, ' nedecdr94t7-tfneWej'S BaDk' Cbarlolte- C. Messrs. J0AES & BKTAlf , AVE just received, and are still reeeiy--inj?a lai'2e aud hand kinds of w ST A PL E AND FANC a ttrir Jsc ear- tsxztzsss 9 which they propose to sell at tho lowest Cash, li , ""anu an winds of Produce a the highast market prices Call and examine our stoek before purchas ing elsewhere, OT mch25tf JONE8 t BEYA A GAUD To Wholesale Buyers, Tlianfcing our . numerous friends who in the past so lavishly bestowed their favors upon and thereby placing us anion the us, First off the Ittercliaiits off Churlotte. a title which we recognize with proud satis faction, which we will endeavor to maintain bv Fiir bcaliug- and Exli aordiuary Induccmcntii. ' - -' ' ; " this coming season, in view of which and the anticipation in tho rise of goods, our MR. UISITELS, nas airenay Jert lor Northern markets (much earlier than usaal) where, by'In's well known energy ana good judgment in the selection of gooas smuble for this maiket, we hope to be nuie uy ine 25lli of this Tlondi to'present the first and largest stock of goods ever brought to thisState by any house, whieb we respectfully invite our numerous customers and all others who come to this market to pur- vuoav. -1 very itespectruily, . WITTKOWSKY t RINT 1L8.; Mr. A. It. MAYER now with tho above famous and well knewa ouse where he will be pleased to" see ais rends 'b27.tf a I R . GODDIii'S COMPOUXD ; GENTIAN BITTERS, i Cores Chills and Fever, Dsypepssa, Indigestion Colic, Sick Stcmac Bronchitis, A8th- v nia, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, te; , tW A UNIVERSAL TONIC, gj : A sure, safe, and reliable preventative and oure for all Malarial diseases requiring a gen eral tonic impression.- . Preparred only by Da. N. A. H. GODDIN and for sale everr where. . JAMES T. WIGGINS. Srccessor to J. II. Baker t Co,) Proprietary Aeent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi- ciues,JNorfolk, Virfririis. fu.co 13-lj JEItROIlS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for yearn from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, ani all . the effects ot vontbful indiscretion, Will for the sake of sufferinz humanity, send free all who need it, the receipt and directions for making Uie simple remedy by which he was caied. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, REM IN G OONS' :'i Sold f JOHN B. OGDEN,. 4 No. 42 Cedar stFeet, New York. P-lj- r.ioo, . ; j LIFE I5VIQ0RAT0 R Or Rejuvenatiiig Elixir, for the immediate relief and permanent cure o that condition which unfiis the euftV rer from performing the duties of lifo, and which aria fromi a morbid conditiot of Ue kidni-ys an Bladder, and reaulls in nervous proatra tion anl orjranic debility. '" ; It U adapted to all do-ar.gcments of the KIDNEYS AND BLADDS. AU who Oiit fino speedy relief. j SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS are restored ti VOLTKIFCr; VIGOR, AND OLD AGS WITH A TO EX1STENC5. It invigorates and strenirtheDa the r and gives : LIfp.'HeallkaDd StrfDrfh n all who use it and follow the direciiooa. It ever fails to remove Xiirvuna H..),n;i t. kney or ant of Power, aud all Wi.j.Viw.t- aming from Excessesor Youthful Indiscretioo resulting iu ' loss or jiEiionr, XF.nrors tkembuxo. UXPLIASA.VT DkEAMS, GSVERAI. LARSITtDB HSADACUK, FL'IemxU OFTHK KI.V. which neglected, will assuredly lead on to . i.s.4iTr on court rrio.. W hen trie systemjs once nffoftfil it nt not recover witrout help. It must be. ISVlQOltATEn AND RTRKNGTHEXXD" to enable the sufferer to fulfiil the duties of lif IT ilAT BE RELIED OX IS ALL CASFS 6? EpilljJlic Filx, Piles Dropsy, Cratel and i Kidofy ComiiliiiuU, ' And all weakness arising hom diseases that have been neglected or not projierlr cured. It is aho of great service in many Diseases ptccuUar to the F E JI A I, Jnd especitilly it is so at termed a that Period C II A KGB OF LIFE. : : This medicine has been tried by thousands AND NEVER FOUND WANTING. Under its influence tho face will have the bloom of health, the eye its luster, the brai. its t ower. If you are onoof thos Kn1,... violated thelatvsGf i.ealth. and fit.d r. sult.tlirtt your physical or BietitHh powers are weakened an.4.that,you are i.ijfu for th? active duties of iiferdelay no lonsrer. hut trr t l.i. r . eily, for; yuder its infJuenco tow svstem will recover. If vbu persevere in ii nan . j . -. ."-wv m gui. cure is certain. ' : Sold bTthe Priucipnl Druggist. Price One Dollar ver C7 nt lies J or Fite Dollars. Iu lioso places where we Iiave no otri.nt w drill fiArwl ilka m 1 .n , -. . or more bottles arc puroiiascd at oue time we vviu pay tiio Iivight.. K AY it CO., Propi 1)4 Codar btreot, Saw York. une8-ly, . .. ilORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD II SC UIKV T3IK ni.nnn. Remove Heudaehe. I)ixines. Oidiin Ifrcnrsinets,: Unpleasant IheatntJJim u.efs of Sight, Indigestion. Vleun- ' see the Stomach and JJo-w-els. and . Restores the Rick te Ferfrrt licnitt,. These are tho best fmily Tills for soneral U8C. ""T ci ireeiy on tiie Jjver and Stoumth, promote digestion, and cure all those syrop toms common to Dyspepsia. They are PURELY VEGETABLE Efj Wo urge all who are in need,, of a hannloss but eff5ciicious PfiUFYi.NO JJebicink to use this remedy. We havo nc.vur fJund a medicine act with more beneflciaf resalu. They are useful in every disorder, and particu larly so whero the -Liver is torpid nilu tho Bowels habitually coHtive. Sick headache is generally relieved by a singladose. Eruptions ou the Face or Body, that nrino from Blood impurities are soon removed. Hit Remedy m simple! The effect wre ' : T-rj' Uiom I they only c'o!t 25 ccnU, and if jfou cannot, get thein of your Druirsiet, seud the moiievto BRYAN 4. Co., "64 Cedar Street, New York. And they will bo sent by return of mail., port pald ; july 8-ly TO LADIES. If you require a reliable remedy to relievo you and remove Irreurities or Obstructionn, why not use the beft I A uevei- failing remd dy will be found in . Dr. Harvey's Female Eills. They are safe and sure in bvjery ease. Up wards of 50,0() Boxes are sold 'annually, lor they accomplish what they are: represented to do, and give entire satisfaction Thejrarenot anew discovery but a long tried remedy for All Feraale Difficulties, . $hey.are perfectly harmless, but truo, and may be taken at any tune w't'" bafety, Price. One Dollar per Box. Ir. Harvey's Golden Pills. four degroes Blronger than tlie above, are in- -tended for special cases, and'may always he relied on. - . Price, Five Dollars per Box. Eo not be imposed on by dealers offering you substitutesTor ifinw of them are worth less but Dr. Jfarvey a Pills may always be re lied on and if you catt.iiot procure them of your druggist send the motuyto BliYN CO., 64 Cedar Street, New York, und ihay will he sent by rctbru of mail well tetwd, Send a Stamp fur a Plicate Circular. JUST PLRMSIIED nOW TO MARRY, WHO TO MARRY, AND WHEN TO MARRY. Price Twenty-Five Cents. MADAME LUCILLE BE.IIARRE has published a very valuable aid to all who deaire to gain tho affections of the opposite ex, wWtvut regard to wealth, age orJ,eauty. It is the only really practical work of the kind ever published, ft is tho only really practical work of the. kind ever published. It can be read by the single and the married with inter- " est and pleasure. ilweuty-five cents thus expended may give y6u years of blisv whieo none but the'bap py can fully realize. Sent by Mail, Post Paid, on receipt of price Address: MADAM LUCILLE DEMARRE , . Station F. New York July 8 lv u vi:iood. v Younir Man. if you are suffermtr frnm iho eflecls of impradent habits; and find your aself flQicted with-Seminal Weakness and sEmisions, Iropotency, symptoois common to aec ssof Spermatorrliea, and which assuredly the happiness and unfits the sufferer for BUSINESS PURSUITS OR MARRIAGR, loso no time ia procuring the efficacious rem edy, known as IE Tbice Ose Dolla"e Pea Box. v ;

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