r ; , . ... .. . - :. . , -. . - - i " ; , - ! T" s - . ' ' rr ' ' ' M M, ,', I .111,1 ,.., I. , a mi !! II I IhLmi II " ' : , .. , " j , r .- no5icI lanugo TTJJ 1 ft r . ' ;..l.HVV. t. . ' III 1 I! i i'. r r m i i aa 1 ' " k lira t . a a a is ar i .bw - . m j a . iSkuu v;i'va;v- v.l:;.i: 'V( .v'sis;;-: . o:ia-.ari-(l'.? J IV V J : --r Tri.-rr- ; . A : ... . lT..--. , ii-'iuiii T nuLLJ '. in im"iii ss5A-"Q !LJIligl J-. ; .!! ffT .!; . -rTTT J. Bi CARPENTER, ' RCTHKRFOROTOS, N. C. Collections promptly attended to. ' " TTo'iiw is At la Will eive prompt ottmlion to on businetw Blruatedia airt cure.! -u I. Prtculur Hltfulioii jrivert to collections in ATTQRHY AXLAW, UUTUURKOR .TON, N. C. CoUMttdns made in ouy part of tl.e SU te . jiii. Ji;va ici;, - III niEKlOBBTOKt JI. C. piufins collected in ull parU of the L.rQHTBHJLL, 0.' k. WI11TESIDB cnv rccn ill a whites! dc ATTQRXEYSand COUNSELLORS 1 AT LAW, yiTHERFOKDTOy, N. 0. snciic in all the Cmirts of Western North anliiia, in the Supreme Court ol the 'fculeaod lutlie District. I'ircuit ai.d Suprem OurUof tlM United Sltitea. feb6t nIiv-J V. IIAI18US, j'-TTILC GIVE .PROMPT - AT ttniion to all rrci'ei8ional . callfl, n4 liopewto merit a coritinuanci ' ol Iiih Itiiijt ifntablislied practice. Hvs C'MiHtftiuiy hi linnd a fine supply ol fUKK DUUtJS at lyffice in UutlierlorUtan. 18 , Ull. J. Bl. CUATON, OWKHS his professional erviee) to itii i ld HViend and the pub'tc generally. ' ' - RVTliEUFOKUTON, N. C. 10XTINUKS the practice of Medicine, y Surgery mvl Midwilery, lo Rutherlord and the Burruuudiug counties. Charges mod crirt.' ! 1 - tncb.l8t "Viv M. SHIPP, :- Attorney, i at ' , Lajv, Charlotte. N. C. ' .yrnUttena to all buHtu?s entrusted t bta fMmili LXili JudiciHldUtrk.. Collect ious , tiliida in ull pMXltof thtate." ,.; fyf-r.J , II.I.UAli in ATTORNEY AT LAW. "S n elbt, N. '.G. .1iill,pmclice in (lie OourU ul Eutlnrford, tv iV.'UX.jil'-.'-v .. . Joim r. Butler,1 I 1 PRACTICAL MAKER AND JEWELER, rf-C, Peafefb FiiVnteifbiaavi Ojock, Jt? rrpiiwiale nW WntcH afler'iJ c i FinealcheiOCTloc-ks tWri Jewelry of ttrry description repa'red aud warranted for twelve mouth. t3T orW left nt the VixniCAToR Office will b f .sal i,mjr -expense. , 46-ti. LB. aT.Win.-KJaV ti APf- 1 Vci .f -a o. v.oi f ; j tMty ' l 1 H4i-IWiu.rr of f ) Uib .'. ia 8d f ( tVwhiuglou.il. C. r C v ' . W 80UCITOUS "f MRlTAivD KUEOPliAN TATESTS, tiA . s',,,.'xrj: ' '-, - ' ' . ' COUXSKLOtlS AT -PA.T.KXT LAW'. (15 yean w itneeua jttlifiitors . Patents 4C0 Sevlnrh Rl., -Oppwtt tlfe Taten OfBc, Wasiuxotp3J.' C. pers Carefully JY?Pr, and I?ateota se- cur reU wnoouv aeiajr- v ; KiamTtiattoru1i the Patent Ofllc Free Oi Chrge, and no Individual lee ake-l iu any oij. uuleaa a I'atetrt is nllpwed,-, ' . Send for Circular ol tcrjua, structions and rererencea. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, W. M. MATTHEWS '& S03, 1. . VUCPK1ET0RS, cnAULuTrE, N, C AK.15 this method of returning their Rin cer thauvs lo thetr trieuda and the pub X lie "lie generally J Uie very liberal rmmner in which tlieir rtouaenas ueen jianomwu un der the cuarce of Mattliews t Stegall, and they : . ... .r . ' i . - .. ' i . ..inHcm ilit-iii-eWes Mhnl no iain nhall be vpMl to awUe Alieir Viivroua coinlvrtubla, , , Tlnfir table ibal be luruiahed with lii very beat,Miatuarki atToras.1; j : . . AttcntiveandoTHe aervsnts will always be oahiNid aa tvry euort wiu do roaue 10 ' give euti'e satisfactioo. Their stabler an' lirrge and 'commodious, suflicieut to accommu'iUeL all who may come to see U3. llorne tiid V ehicles always on jiaud to supply ttie wants, of customers. 10 W V' fji Al.7nV-ii1HftAnheB'' Jin. 'S4th. Rutffertordton. Persons rml.nji to lisC r . 1 Rae of Tuition per session o twenty t&iT " ludi'ea. JatflfTO. DRUG ; TPuVDEl J J J' .DRUGGISTS' i . ;. ."-.5. Cobkba Trade kd Tnrvs' InvUe attention to ihete1argo and well select- Fancy and Toilet ytVh"cteir ,J rf Prfiimerif-. -i$qp 7. '; '' ; Kerosene Oil, - - , ; and eyerjj-thing kept by a 'first, class . DUUG HOUSE. i Merchant Pl.vsicans and otltcra are invited - examine our etock and price. T. K. CURETpN, ; I Resident Partner, 45-1 r , CHARL0TTK. N. C. .K. U. WIL80X, . 1 -j AV., J, 1H.ACK. WILSON &BTCK, TinOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS lu Drupt: Medie'uies, Pans. Oils, ,Dye otttjfit, Ukemtcal, WtJidvw u lass, Lamps Lamp Chimneys ictf. ' 'rmTr.. Corner Trade A College Ets., ' ClfAHLOTTE, N. Ci Vindicator copy tt 45 I t 1000 v LIVERPOOL 8 ALT delivered any Depot $.30 to the Trade. ' ;i ; Steniiouse, Macauley & Co I IIIGI1EST MARKET PRICE Paid for country! produce by I STEN HOUSE, MACAULEY; & CO. .' - . ';N i- ', 45-3m : G ROVER & BAKEH'S FIRST PKEMIFM, .f . ' EL AST I C STIT C H " FAMILY BEWIJCa ' rfcOlXTS OF KXCKLLK&CR Beautr snd i' lii'iiy of SUeljjje Perfwiion vA siHt f-flicfty.crfiiiaiii'Benri UHiiijrbodiUiread direVr Irotn flu? gpooja. Kii tastetiui dfsemnl i i 'j'..!: .'. '.t- tr j -: c( appln.vtHMi wiUiout change of aiijnifimut. The Hum rcutiua rta BCiiiuv nun HniHiexs alter wa-king aiidironian. t- 13e4de!doinr att Winds ot woi:k done b t oilier. Sewing MwluneN. tliese 'UacTiiaie eietifte tlie most lautifuljuii'pbf rouneni hmbroiderv ai.d ornamental work. 181 r. , i l Utf-' V FreJi f Tftfki JTl4'r F''uit, Herb. 'live, oiirnoi nnu jveraiTcn ot-wis, with Vrttiotis far ruU ur, prena:i ly maiL Tlie most Ounbleto ai-.il Judi- Mf'fA 1 4 a a. . J L 25 Sort of cither ror SLOC; prepai4 by mail. Also Small Fruits Man?, -.Bulb, all the new Potatoes'. 4tr.,'-rrepAtd by nihil. 4 lbs. Karly Rosc Potato prepaid.' lor $1.00. Con overV ('ii(siilf AsiHrapu, $3 po' 10(); Jf Ji' pef'I.Of. i-reaiidi iew jJariiy!fraraiiW e'e5 liUiwmrh .rapMi4 UnvHWe,i 5(f . ytF.-WuvM. prepaid. True C'e C1 Cranberry, lor up land or hrf AliOf. net " 189, ' prei paid, wkh' divecfioiiS.' Priced Cataioujie to auy iiddre,j, gratis J alsp trade list Seedjon cOmrtiiaaion. i t I : B, M. WATSON. Old Colony Nurseries anil' Seed WarelHuie, , Plytiftaxti, 4M ill, 4 Mass.- "yE taMilied in 1841 , TO WllOLKSALB BCYEIIS- Thanking 'onr 'numerous frienas who in th past so lavishly bestowed their lavoraupon nn ajja tnereoy piaquig us amoug uie ,. . .First of I be IIerc- aitls of . ? - Clmlildlle. ' . ') iitle'which we recbgn-t proudfaati. lao.lon, wltclf we will endeavor to maintahi by Fair Hearing . : : . - . - and --.' '' " ' ; Extraordinary j Indurcineiits thU t-otning season, to present the .' first and largest KUK-kj of nds ever jbiougbt to this Slate by any house, whreh we respectlully iu-; vite our numerous cuatomerii : and all others who come" to tl lis market to purchase. t i. Verv Kecpectlullv t i " ' WltTKOWSKY & R1NTKLS. nr. A. U.IM A YE ft - is now with the above famous and well known house where he will be , pleased to see his irieuda - t ' - . ': FASHI(aABLEMILU5ERY '. . - ,. AND Dress-Makings i -t .' I l ; f. .- Mils JlSlY AFILIJIMS. Over WITTKOWSKY k RIXTKL'SStore 45 tf L ' ' " Charltte, N. C ; . 1NOTICH. I Will ttep4 at m'yrilrioe7rorti tho ltlj Ji I2lh of this mouth to li?i tho taxable pmp- SACKS C2t - 11 Vindicator copy l time. Bl, -y etonny winds of winter. Drive the chi fir, drifting -now, . I ' Cloivly Jvaukrdj busy;pdner , , -: . Heeds not hew tuc winds may blow. o ; vt. i jt:' s ; . -,r '.7 ''Click: clk-k. Wrtype gif dmiffpha " Here 'aud tfitr? iipm be'cae, AsIi'b Vaiis for lio'if. pij)ntgr Kven; leuer to Ha place. :" ' fleavfAd U? useful prjnter fi , ,Eyeryt;'lprt jrtMW iieed, . ' FiwAif iiiliis were, aulT in "winter - Had we uot the news to read. Sad would he the. wprWV condition, ' . II no pHuter'bojA wr tuuud ; V7Fai and -wiperitliiioiv, t ; . s;.",Stji k'itor"w"iobOTn . Yea. it ;s the busy primer Roii the car of knowledge on, ABM'Hloeuy'jnip,iul wiintor ' . Soon would rcigu il be was gone. . . Moneys useful, yet tli winters fiM not halt co high n place . : As Hie btisy. loiliiijc priitem, . VFiniceHng type before the case. - ' , ' " " . U ; ' Yet wliile the type they jre setting, Oil some Ihwhhleetj piiij ay, Leaves tne i-oiatiJ'V kindly letting Thuiers waastle ol tlieir p. j. I ' ' ' ' Oli 'ingratitude ongracioHsl . Are thiere on enhghtcMed so'l Men w it IV minds w tocHfacious As to slight the prime 'a toil? : ;. .. -j r See himl ;how extremely pusy, Fmjreiiug 'ype belore jthe case, Toil u. till he's aliiKisl diazy To exalt the bumau'raice. ' ' . : .. . i- . caprice : Slie I ung the enre t tlie window ; " ;'If he goesby," she xaidi . It He WiM hear my robin rtinging; 1 ' Ar.d when lie iil'U hw hiead " I shajl LM Tiug here, .ty sew, Andlie wUfiiow loiita, i 1 know.". : I : .-'V..; t j : .' . j The robin sang" a love sweet song, . Thjrouiguaao raised his head; ' The ojiidv-n mined away uud blushed; . ! uinaj"'l uo Kaid.r ; . t . nd wtni oif bri.dt'nTi j n stllr :A piiik-eyed rabbit, while us milk. The young m.'.n loitered slowly By the house yiiree ti.-iieji that day ; . She sk'eok'her fiead hlmtne window-, " "He need not look this Way." ' Sli sat at. hvr piano long, j Ad signed: atid played a death-sad song - i - , . But when the day, wan done, she said, wisii'ihat .he would vwu t ;. ReiMetiivt-r,. Mary, 1 he tall-s "- - -, Toiilt l'm ttt at Iklmu." 1 So wheu he rangfcshe wtnic Ue elf . She weut and let hiui in litTstlf. . Thpy ssng fnllldng toyetlieT, Their wurjrs love" sxteet, deMb and; ; The"robirt woke Iron ;lii! shtiBber r' Aid sig otit, deaf andr glad; ' Xow go!"' Bhe coMy saidj "Its late," ' Aud followed fiitiitd laicb tlie gate. 4 He'fook the rosebud fro fcer hair, - J . WbUttoii wbaJl uot l 1 she aaid v , j -. JDe" closed her baud withli his own, 7. f And wLiieliefiaiiaue.fbrbade, i ; wji,'iaVkeuin tpipa ; j WlViyy-s ""f,'.3! .?- t?-: u.J s j tDfiiR Aai(W'&;BAD ' LllE. 'Edgar Ashcroft humedthrOUffhlrnv tAiWaiWlia ammmt rr riftarlv the-feets at-tt tmuimany;-earV h'our Lri the morning'; for u'Cffen- eral ha was gi ven to late eyenlng ; houra, and:gettmg ii in the mor-J uiiig,whenevr he felt . Hkf jitr-r He didnot pause till .he : reached the door of a plain brick house in a auieVstfeet' 'Bfrierins' the bell ratnef excitedly, he. Inquired of the servant, who f answered' his summons : , -. ': I. ; "Is your' masteriri1!"' tf" "Ye'sf sir.' !:-'' -''- . -''Harid him my card, and ask if he. will riot see niei." "t The servant quietly re-appear ed, with the request that Edgar woura tollow her into her mas ter's presence. f j- . ; iidgar Ashcroft was ushered into a pleasant sitting room. where his friend;, Charles,HoIden, a sedate man at lc5st ten yars older than Jiimself, was .seated at a table, on which rested a small trunk of business document which he" bad brought home for exam ination, ihis business being mat of a lawyer. ,:; " 'i ' "Wliat.brings you here at this early hour, AshfrdfV asked the lawyer jsurpriar-jj.". . - u13ad nevin saidi'Kdirar.4 thrns- ting. his hands mtoj hiSwais pocteta ana speak:insrin-an - exei ted tone. "T?n HOOTS'" T l-rv am.wrr hearJthtt. "But What is it?" Yoa r'eraeniber I' consulted you three months since about in- vesting; my money -in a. -copper mine somewhere hp iu the Lake buperior region.:' . ' , . 4tI. remember it perfectly. do with tCU hA : , ' "I wish I had taken your . ad- yicej burl sfbol enough; to ,be azzjedl b the , brilliant prpmr iaes of the director, and the long anq.xne snqrt orT his, i' mvemea 4 r,YJwi many iv&you.?'f , , ;"Hvebunrbat;ri Sclt out," feaie'ildlti rlacoaW j" Wfhat' and sacrifice ,niaeteen "xscxier man me wuoie. i - xul uou b vuw imuik u worm anything ?M ym " J " 'Nota cenLT : . - , -"There are Borne cood "mineg Trive, but this was g&t p bv swindlers to (cheat the eonMinffi public ont their, money. It taxi, UVTVllU UUlUlUg. ' "nut twenty-five hundred - doW lars won't I support ma." said Ashcroft injiUmay. o as 1 do, then." "What?"! v i ... "Earn your living by your own exertions. i "But," said - Edgar, . "I have never been brought up to work." "Jvery body4ought to do some- "But consider my delicate health. Mvi constitution, is verv weak, I can assure ybiu" "I should! tlrink it miarht be. You turn' night into day and' day mro nignc. usLie nours ax parties soirees -and theatrcs are enmth to unaernun any- .constitution, when carried ito ,"tlie excess,. 3-ou I are carrying them." - -MJo you really tninKitiB tnat?-' Yes.Idp - ; s . s f t "I "never .thpu a:ht of that. ;Per-. haps you; may-be right ; but if-4 1 were abje to worlc, , what cOuld I do ? .Who jwould engage me as a. clerk 7" 1- "How would you like to follow my profession ?" "As a lawyer t Yes." T ' '"' ' J " ; : r "Isn't it liard. work?" - I "Of course is it.' Anybody that expects to succeed in any profes sion niu$tidook ibrward.tcj hard work.,'! J . ,.; -.: w ; Would you recommend itf . 'wotildi recommend you to try.u I'll teU you what I'll do. I'll engage you as my office -clerk, That. VlH be jail fvok will earn the nrstryeaf, perhaga. more : ' Durrti agree to giveit ATlierjyou can sell out your sharesrand get one hundred and - fifty J .tiolUursIainu- ?4,PM?J what irJeft... Tbax Mftu give you seven njjuurea an.p fifty dollars, a year ineome.' -''TTnw enrr T livfi nn that, sslrtvl that'? ! ii. it "Then yon must change your tailor.;: Tnjfabt'.you .must eteiftge your plan-onife. 1 3?6u"mus,f; 'drop therman of fashion and becom& a-steady-going ;clerk.',",,' ' - MltrwiiS. be hard " said -the young mJn, his 'expression indi eating a mental struggle r J1 "But it; is necessary. Then again consider that itja wyifTj a time. ..jLt.you work: with euergy you will soon - command a. good rmcome. l am wininsr to extend every assistance In my power,' and upony7ou Imust depend the rest. What do you say ?" "You really think . my health will allow. ..ot the necessary- la bor?" i -'I do."! '' ... fThen' I will sct'my mitid to it:4 ' " Come n next Monday. Mean time inake ;the heedful, arramiej menW'';j. . "So I am going to be a lawyer,' thought Edga; Ashcroft, v. 'as he left his friend's house. "Hmyt one had told me tnat jwnonth ago I should !haye-H5ronouhced him insarie-Well circumstances4 altcf s, that is certain.". What will my fiishijoriable friends say ?" ;, . "This was, after all,, the greaM eat mat to dgar. lo subside from the I position of a man of faabion. toi a ohumdnmti elerki in the office of a real estataf lawyeri seemed to him "a great descentJ fthough in. the view, of right-;thin4 iking people.it will beregarded las an. ascent. In to week the change was made ted 6n hislnmln sharesvhd in Vested it in : substanfialahkr shares, whieWyielded himra ne income of one hundred and sev entyMivqdollars a f&ect? Upoi this and! his salarv he must livcl 1 t -v - w. t .i ivi n a. a a -wMj riQ .tuitlcvrulted. !tbftre..-fl , I - . ' -.. :- knepvar jwtlmaUlyoppeAfed ,iO frgot' that they badrcver lknpVa hini .Thi3.trx?ubled bim eonai etalytrfetrbttt .thftreiwa on gpoU ftVtc X-efHting . from, bi& nvrgirt ujiWid.wBiaonaDtejneuus. Nocbeing iuTited to parti esr he no lonej liad- occasion. ;;to)kee.P' late hours, andhis-healthandetrejigtb visibly improved, i Thisurprjsed hiuu a,he was occupied with offi ce work duria the day. , . - UI declare ifolden," he said one day t "I've gained fifleeh pounds iu t le last three months." . ' Work . jeems to agree with you, Asbcroft' waahe reply, . feers6rifreV'thanie'dHo " t told you how il would be;' ; "But I didn't- believe you .'at tha ; time." - Late hom-s are more trying to an constitution than hard work." So I begin to find it." iust at first, Edgar found his office work a- task ; . but oon it bean to be pleasant. He became interested in tlie profession he had chosen , . an d,: as-1 he was by : o means 'deficient either in natural talent or education, ho! became, before thevvear closed.a valuable assistant to his friend Holden. .". I Just before the close of the first vear. the lawver said : "Edrar if yoo have no objection, I mean to 1 Hquble Tour salary." . I fvThanfc you. ; Holden, but 1 1 don't want vou to aIo itanleas you 1 tbink I am worth' the increase' 1 into the cellar, and Jennie follow TI do think t so. You . .have ed him. He then took her to the made yourself very' valuable to me, and haYe,juJlvpgLaitered. the" routine work ofjtbe office." ("ThewJ-will accept- it gladly ; f('JmoiigHI,vtfon,t,-wa baekto the old scale, of icxiendi- i tiire, L would iike a better roomi aid a little., better abta"., . ... . rSo the tnewr arrangement Was niade.'.,"; ' ::f; '-''; .?J41bve; gave herii kiss and vanished Oneway Edgar ' met'in -tM. into tWair;' - 1 : strift&f Mr? Bullion, ' "beaVy? ipaut iu wic pin kvuvo "i nc ov- aaidpreaident of. (one of d the -city -He tried totavoioV bkw, JiayingJ ;a jearslpeTOrefprijpoeea lor-tne na.ot miss JSanny. uumon, anaj ladn;? advanced -io zhiitt. and-esaidj eordiallyi.-jiiit WvrA Uhk vVftlo .do. yow J4r i A8fe- croft?" r "Very Well; ;"thaiik you ;sir," 1 aid Edgar, ratherXembarrassed. ..Qome vo undrtojotlfei hQuse?-- sbali-bejgl - :JEds:aiyg face, betrayed., hia aur- prse.i ; , ; 1-, : . 1 . tfI'U .tell ;vou . ;a secret youn: man. Two years ago I refused ypur, suit to my aaugnterf. onau earnest manner, ana seemea arrx I tell you why t" . . ious that something 'should' be rlt you please, sir, , . j v . Because I eaw that; yow were! h .mere , man, t)f fashiou,. doing'- Ufl.;nn. o f nn LTrrLr' Ernie's house last. night, and to-day Won to tall back, upon. You JllirUC V alb luOb. UllVaV VH AULA . lost money sooner, than I expec- . . . T i , VCA j UUlj w j... - . hnr - mt? cn rnrmo vnn nave acted since like a sensible man, I hear erood reDorta of your tal- ent and industry. Come to my ro. - - house whenever .yoi like, .and. .if ever you hayeany propoaiuon w rniikedome. X Will taiCC miQ consideration. - , . i Edrrtr needed no tation. HeJ and iaunc lieart was. sVill his. ' S6' .one day he made bold to lay the- matter before Mr.-Bullion. - I v, ' ""Fann v Idves ' me and I love her n.ht'KiivA. ''bilt iav ' galam u only twelvenundred loiiara,a year, and my : fortune. u - redued to twecty-nye Jiundred' aoiiarc. "jpranKiy 8putuui,yvuui; uiow, - ,,t ,i i i . . " said -Mr, liUinon. ;.x uuut care tor "vour 'poverty. m uaui . iT ui r marry f annv, ana: i ll' wejiuiw vou have enough to .keep the pot boiUng,.-vK t. -rrV-VN , i So gar.ariied .U19.. daiigh ; i tor nt amininnnire- tie was mi d i rnuM ih;.i ao v Mn-n t 1 - - - 1 1 m 1 m once taken.iinto rpartnerahip by A V,:ir P: infn i "Johnaaid a bfrien4 Holdeny . prentice aa ha waa is a millionaire himselfr having 1 T:tv. : - , -7-;, t r on a ahort lourney,? father-m-law'H iffopertr. Bohjs bad Irtcky turned out the r jwTof good luck, after all - . c AVeritaMo'GliMt.1 - joune jnri about w t Koblmundi.of thd.recniL.PolKe. HUwtrict, a jfUlT ot. two aud- .... . ' ' ' tfcntb and MorfiaMroei'and i Xu yearn oJd; baa ..lived at vtht bquse-firw. days. ; 6ho- told , Cap tain ,iKohlmundwjUQ,' .by: , the way, ia aifirm beUwior iu? trliou and gobliiia that a man : arpoara lolheir. every liigbt,.fiDd4tell her that he was a , .Mason, j- And was murdered about four yearatogo. Bhe says the -man- is about the size of Mr. Iluzza, the truukist; has a fair complexion, and browu curly hair; that there ia a deep gasn m ms ttiroat,,ani a cut on, his Lead. He wears black cloth ing, all covered with blood. His name is Joseph , Scott, j He told the girl that he had boarded in the : house with ; a. , maa named Amburg-t tall, dark; complex, ioned. man with blacly eyes and black moustache aud j whiskers, now residing in Philadelphia; that he -.was murdered by this man fours years ago. j The girl said she first saw Scott on last Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. On going into' the house, the girl said, ' If there are any spirits here in the name of the Lord, let them . come." Scott cried out, Zoola ! Zoola!" Jeu- nie told them that her name waa not Zoola, and she would not an- swer to it. ' He then said, " Jen me ! Jennie !" She said " in the name of the Lord, will you tell me what is the matter with you ?" iie rfepfied, Uomfe and will show you." Scott went down the steps east side and said there was where he buried $3,000 in f gold. He then took her to the north side, and showed her where Amburg had buried him after! cutting bis throat Scott then told her to 2:0 i;6 the 'Free Masons r and report what she badVeen;' 'She promised to.doso, and he bade her crood J;TIie girl Airtlief stated that ahe Bawmis man eyery nigni ; max heTcame to her bedside" and set will you get mV bones' buried?" 3 jue joia ner; iq.exuume nil uoaya uiij un me iugney, pay- nis uiner- money , and set up for.herselC Tho 'last 'time she saw him. he told her li'would confer pjwn her tlie power of curing airdiscases." "NVliateTer " may ! he thotrght'of tbis -strange statement of th firl, 'it is certain that she i is fally im- pressed with the truth" of' it. She wenttoFrce Mason's Hall 'and 1 several .prommem Masons, wno finally sent her to the police office where" :she related her story in an aone to relieve ner spiniuai mena ot the blonny-habitrments. Wadertarrfmataibrnmit- 'tee Of finirirnliao n.H. -4 1 ' . . expect to hear a lull report, 01 their ghostly vigiK St. L OUIS I irm rnrfi T r v.. The,Kev.,Mr. Wasbbum, of i nn if v i in r iw iisii 1 111 11. uj . i ' , wJ rCDltu 1v v "a! - STUB COlUllV, i.Jr uavo way to the jail he escaped from the offieers. but . was captured after running a mile. - These ministers must - be protected against the "' actions of their handsome Bearers," There is only one thing worse than ignoraiicCraml that is con - - y v.w . an over-wise man is the worst. Jf on may - 1 osophise,-y Yon -may cause a fool to pbiV proposed LoinsvDle and CbaW osophUe,-voa' may coax, don- tahooga RaTlrodaTj ' -i may An kiit Jnn Doea not thblowinj:ofanad . mt ii iaw ... vertiement cauethetrade winds. boys aVerfalla of the CaU-trfci. ; : The Sdnth Fotk of .th-C tawbaRiver, from U jtiactioa: with the main, river toth town of Lincoluton) is by (be -Btrcara-abont1 thirty' -tuiles. Tbia atream: will . tvnvgtj JiOO will afford greatdr iraUr-powcr iKanRny OttleTITKralll of ilia same aiio irflhi&'SU'fc. 4 -Three in ilea fitni :tb jtxaqt ian is tjio; StQwe3vUc;ljV9ttQnd Factory, . owped by IL k,, Stowe, The fail Uj HAct The improvement iconalat in a, cotton-lactory, capaple of work-,' ing six hundred poUnda of ooi ton per q&y, , gnssaw-nui ana, inacbiue shop. j " .' ' " rive miles above this, is Stowe'8 Falls, owrtea by the same parties The! : fall" is 25 - ect,with beautiful grounds and great facilities forj' baildingt.' 1 The only improvenient is saw-mill. f r v One mile above tfcis. there is a fall ot 10 feet, unimproved and half mile farther up the wood I awn Cotton Faaoryjjnst and saw-mill ; water! fait. 11 feet The factory lis capable r of i working eight hundred . pounds of cotton pcrday, owned by Lineberger it Co. , xiiiuc iuiius iiitir up, is uiu Hoffman Shoals j thp fall is 12 3 teeij with a grist anil saw mill on each s'de of the river. Five miles 'above this, is ; Rhodes' Mill; with a fall ; of 5 feet. Two miles abovej , this, is a fall of 10 feet, unimproved. '' Three miles father up, is the High Shoals,owned by Admir al Wilkes. This fall is 35 feet The improvements are an Iron Bloomery, Rolling-mill, Nail factory, . Saw and : Grist mill-all-in operation. ,f ti'-. Two miles above tbi is the . Ixng Sho'al ' Paper Mill, Owned Dy uraoy, jauister c .uo. xne fall b 9 feet, "JTbe r bHi i ca pable, of turning o'u BOO pounds of -paper, per f yj Thero also a grist ana saw, mm on thep!ace.4 ; :c; Half mile higher tip, there is ; a fall of 7 feet unimproved. One mile and a ' half above thi8,4a'W& R. Tiddy's Paper Mill; f The fall is' 8 feef the. capacity of the mill 00 pounds' :df pa:r per day-': j .4 - Half mile farther up. is thei site of the Lincoln Jcttoa FaeU ory. . i The -factory was destroy ed by fire in l&Glaod baa not: beeni;rcDui)t...ioer,:iau 4is, i ileL Thbf is a 'beauUfiif placer . .i 7, Oije mie from ttncolntpni the Laurel Hill Faclbrrjownid: by J, F. Phifc'r,'- Esqi 5Vater: tall 1 feet, and th&l lacbiryfis capable of working" BOO pwxxrial per" day." " r ''" i t.' i'nob ; TraeTiver aooyexnwpomiwx more slugah. ' -'- i" Stowesville Factory 7 miles from the Wilminctoa- Charlotte k Rtrtherford Rail- J ill iL- U- : I.- - trom one to live :miies iron t - m . .. , J Tates Factory, :,"JIountain i i it. i ' w0l Pr da;Tr?.J ome' - , 1 t j ,T- It is ruraoml that. the , late Confederate General Sibley, TWin nnd TVjuiWrd are. to Loring'and Jkau regard arejtp. become Generals in; the army of the Viceroy of Egypt, at ( a salary, of $6,000 a year each' ' - The Cincinnati i()mme'cial 1 7 rI,r-il TrW .w..v,-Hvw . " "j rrVit" E. Lee is to bj. president ot trie l I ' ' - 11 i t master to hi abont atartjo A L . - A. ' ou mim ex am absent:' "Thafak von air." demurely replied - John.''d rather alecp with the I a ' . I t 1 ' 0 ' I . . ..' .

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