jmm mmw mm mwmmwKmmmw''"mm, nm"mmmmm''m " ."""'T "" ' "" aai mTmm ' . J ' ' " wn hli.i rm i r- "---ir-ni n ...a. M , , ' M..' ' rru i ml.- - -h .u. in" "'"";,"",a",nj'""'"- .. n ... r 1 1 n.- n .. .:-K-lifllTri.ii ij"? " . ;.. V; ,v':; ;.;'. .M '!:; 'v;.v'; . ' .''.-'l ';: I ' ; ; -'. . ; :- I . ' J- j ....... i- - vv . ' .; "VU' . : j H j : ... 1- ; r. .J" , -. V i r -f r ; " ' i: I -,v- ' ' t 9 : jT". -h J x4 VOL. IV. -. TJ Sr RUTIIEBFORDTON.-NrC. -.ltiRCfl;261870. , NOjO. ' f l " i v.--'.;: j' ': I 1 ' - . " i . . . , .- ' ....... '. satMda? I i v .1 . V f ProfessIonaliCards ; j. b carpeNter;. ATTOBWEY AT UW, i . firniERroaDToir, $. C i - Cl!c(kas prompt ljr ttDdl to. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BcTntaroiDTOir, H. C "Will ffiv prompt attrniioB' to all business trustsd to ins care. PrtK.tilr alUMitio.1 prsn to collections in Wis Superior and Justice' CoufU. - .' J. li. 4AUOIV9 ATTORNEY AT LAW, IRUTUkfEFOR. .TON, N. a Collections nsds ia snj part of tie State I JI. It. JUSTICE, j; Wbulesalc avd Rktail DRUGGISTS,, j Comirt Tradc a Trtw Stukxts." Inite attention to their large and well select- J . ' Medicines, I '.' 1 WJadow. lts Jbmhts, fCpmi L .Fancy and Toiltt Article, 'Perfumery JSeaptf - SEAATE lYKMIUATLXG tOU- BITIiEBIOHDTON, Pt. C. Claims collected in all parts of the L. T. CHTACHILL, . H. VQITIMOI CnURCniLL & WniTESIDE ATTORNEYS and C0UNSE!L0RS AT LAW, t; - , RUTIIERFORDTON, N. O. . . - J Jteroaeme Oilf : ; ( j . Lattpt, ; and; erery tjiing kept bj a first class j I ! DRUG IIODSE. " ; 'J MrchatiU Pl,jfieniis and others are invited tetxanin oarioclc tid "J1cef.: -., II T. K CURETON, Rkbibkwt Partvkr J 45-It , . . CI1ARL0TTK, N. C ' ' : i WJ. BLACK. w. u. wiuos,. . WILSON & BT,iGlC, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 1h Drugs. Afedicinet, Pants. Oils Dye i.-i..r. sit . .i. wit i aj r Will Trrlo in .11 ktw Cnnrf o-Wt-n WemtCUU. fTlrtOOW U IUSX, amVS, iforth arolina, in the Saprem Court ol the Lamp Chimneys, & " . i Stale and in the District, Circuit and 6uprem Courtis of the United States. Jeb 6t Dr. J. W.IIIRISIS, TTILL OIVE PROVIPT AT tcntion to all Prol'easional calls, and hopes to merit a coutinnano ol his long established practice. 9 ilas consUntlj ou handaflne supply ol PURJC DRUGS at bis office iu UnUiertordton. t2-lf - 18 I y. DIl J. M J CRATON, , EUTHERFOSpTON. N. C. " OTFKR3 his professional service tt nif fid friendv d the pub'ic generall.. OPce'st his Dm Store dec.l9tf 'i lr. O. Ill C K, RUTUERFOUDTON, N. 0. M tONTINUKS the practice c4' Kedicine, I Sumert and Midwilerv. in Ratherlord aod the surrounding cotmuea. Charges mod erate. . v . nH.-P.HUl W..M. SHIPPJ Attorney -at Law, ; Charlotlci N. C. "Will sttend to sUbus'insm enrasted l his ate in theJIth Judicil diHtrict. ' Collectious Made In alumna of tle State." 45-ly H. CABANISS. ATTORNEY AT LAW., BniLBT, N. C. "Will practice in tbo CourU of Rutherford, Cleveland and Gaston. 1 John TK Butler, 1 PRACTICAL . Walch and Clock MAKER AND JEWELER; ' Main Si. Charlotte, -tV.. C. Dealer In Fine Watches and .Clocks. Jewel rj. Spectacles and Watch Materials. Ac. Fiue Watclies, Olocks and Jewelry of every description repaired and warranted for twelve aaentbs. 3i- VTnrt i.(f t the VivntcxToH OfT.ce will be Rrwarttd at my expense. 45-tf. REPORT. To XAeulmwrit jGovernor Caldwell, ' President of theSenate. The Commissioners appointed under "Senate resolution for. In vestigatipji' tof Jauujiry 24th, 170 ask leave utfder the insmio- tions tov that effect recently re ceived from the Senate, to submit the following report : v , - Although duly notified of their appointment shortlv after it : was made, it was deemed proper by the Commission not to enter up on their duties, ruhtil after the passage of a law which was pre pared in the Senate, to ascertain and confirm the powers with . - - which they had been invested un der the original resolution. This occurred the 16th of February laatr nd upon the 18th, th Com- mission cbmpleted their organiza tion by the appointment of Mr. Henry M.i Miller, as" Clerk, : and ordered that certain persons should be Jeummoued to attend betore them as witnesses, upon various days in the orders men tioned. x or tnese names ana - aays, as well as for other details of like character, the Commission ask leave to refer the Senate to their Journal, which is herewith sub mitted, i In the course of their laborsthe Comnlis8ion ; have examined, at length, the following persons, to wit: " : Messrs. Edward JSelo, Jesse R. Otuljba, William Joliu eon. Robert H. Cowan; T.FnMirermah, tru- liam Sloan, J. J;i Mott, Samuel McD. Tate, R. F. Simonton, Cal vin J, Cawlss, AJpnes, ufu3 X ide!ld. Rattle, Hawkins, M SJ Littlefieid, T, F. Lee, D. G. Fowle, H. C. Cowles, by I aud and no wnRte of thrwl. Wide raK W. K. Kichardson, J. i. UaviS, c( application' without ehnKe of-adjtwtmeuU nf-m ArIcAwl tC f? Luttefloh. S The fe .m retaius its beauty nnd firmncssatter VV 3 ' A8K6W, 1 i3. uuiiertoii, o. wa-hinjr and ironing. Besides doing all kinds V Watts and B. S. Guion. ol work done by otlerSewinir Mjichiues. tene ' ,T i j Uaciiiowi execute the beautiful and per ( i one of the persons summoned wueni KmbrQidery r,d ornameuui work. before them have tailed to appear ' ' ' . . T except Mr. Geo. "WVSwepson, for Freh Garden, rioar.Je ruit, Herb, . , 1 M j 4 tw Shrub and Eerren Sis. whom a summons, directing his with d'uvftions far -ulture prepaid by appearance on the 3d day of March wail. The Gimpleur ami Jodi Was claced in I the hands of the cious ftsoiiinent in, the ; cotimry. 1 ox.LiM. either roVfi.dof oiil Z&iFtey.of frfary. Tmi Was .. . . .... .. ... : w I --i ... - v: i - -t v , .-:. : personally, orr Corner Trade & College Sts., ; j U i CHAULOTIE, N. C. Vindicator copy tf. " s 45 ly ' 1000 SACKS LIVERPOOL 'SALT delivered any "TJepot, $'.30 to the lWe. j STEKHotiSEj MAcXuLirr &; Co. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid for .country produce by ' STENHOUSE, M ACAULEY & CO. . : . - ; j . ,, 45-3a GROVER & BAKER'S ...... 4i EL AST IC STITC II FAM1LT SETflNO 1 ; j III Batliaicrr 81., Batlflniwre, flleV. Pv)IXTS OF EXCELLKNCR Beauty and Elasticity of Stich. Perfection and im r licity oiiirtdiinlrj. Uii( both ihreadR direc. v trotu the spoobi. No laxtenmif of ajeauis i, Piuiit,. Bulbs, ail gerved urjfhitrirsbtii epaictey mail. , 41bs. ..r "" "'L 'f'-ki aid. thr $1.00 Con. the 1st day of March,, as appears 1 Dv tnc oaenn s return. utner mail. Alw Small Fmita, the ne Potatoes. 4c, pn Frfrlv Rose Potato , prepaid. Over's. jfHl AiparaKUsv$3vpr WO; $35 banning Japsm iioriivsnckie, -60 ct each, notices of uie same sort were 13- prejid. True Cpe rf iranbcrry, lor "P anp1 for MpWs Good M Rol)- paid, with dircwtious. , Pnwd Cataiouge to erts Treasurer, of : the Wesfern 1 auv adiire?!". uratts ; atso; trade list beeas on eommisHirinj . B. M. WATSON: Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse,' Plymouth, Haas, fcs- UdliMlied in 184. A LEX DER & MASO. C. W. AliaiiIr. Ui. li.n. smh, abw i J Cal ! O. C.'Vol f j ae at L. aud f 1 (rMaiMtar.r f ' 1 taia Cft. 'a f I W...lalii..U. C. ,) t C. Vel. , ) TO W1UILKSALE. BUYEUS. C M. AlaiaiKlar. lata hlatmrU.C. i aOUCITORJI r AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PATENTS, ! 'TLanVlnB' onr numerous Ifriends who in thpast so lavishly bestowed their yorsjupoa as, ana uiereoy placing. us among vue., , ; flnt f th-;.Hrc ants f Cbu.rloltef , . , , m ;it wt.!.1 oth rpmrni.. with nrond ti (15 years experience a solicitors of Patents j.i wUicU we will eudeavorto mainUin by 460 Bevetrtn St., upposne toe raicnv uwee, AKO COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAW. Washixotos, D. C. ( Papers Carefully Prenarednd Patents se cured without delay. . pV. . . Kxaminations in the' Patent Office Free Oi jCbargv, aud u individual fee akei in any eaae, unless a J "atent is allowed. North CarloUna Railroad Compa-vj ny. W. JJ. and K. W. .,i'ullian, but owing to xneir,aDsence in .xi ew York, as appears from the return these. were nqt served.. . t. . ?It is proper tolsayere, onice for all, that, with the above exception no difficulty itas -been . made by any one i n. regard to attendance ; nor any in regard to interroga tories except in two instances which were allowed by the Com mission : and that the officers of the State to whom there has been Fair Dealing Extraordinary Inducement this coming season, to prespnt the first and oCCaSIOTt to apply for information lareeet MOM Of ftwaa ,.ver BFUtttm w una . " ,!r 1 J . , Kenrf fur Circular at terms, inatructions and 1 Slate bv ntiv house, wlwch we resoecttully in- Or assistance, liave reituereu ii a. w w - T i 1 I - . referencea, auj.5-U. vite our numerous customers and all others 1 once and cheerfully. rug cum. w Linn iuiii w fuivm 1 CHARLOTTE HOTEL,' W. M. FIATTniJWS -jOlf , 1 V " racpij.T0B3, 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. TAKE this method of rctcming their sin', cere thanVs to their frieitds and Alia pub JL lie generally for the -very liberal manner ! in which their Uuuho has been patronized un I der the charge of Matthews A Slegall, and they pleden theqisolves that no pains ahull be spared tQ make their putrona conUortable. Tb ir table sha.l be luruislicd with the very best the market affords. j . AttcnliTe and yolito servants, will always be on band and every effort will be made' to give entire aalisloctioa. Their stables are large, and com n. odious, sufficient to accommodate all who may cmoio to see U3. Horse and Vehicles, always ou, baud to supply the wants ol customers. Vehr RespecthiHT, . WllXKOWSKY dt RINTELS. The Commission presume,-tha the chief object of the Senate in their appointment has been attain ed in.thc procurement, and recor ding of the mass of evidence bere with submitted.- The statements FASHIONABLE MILLI.YERY made by the witnesses finder oath have been taKensaown: in ? ureir I is now with the above famous and well known horwe wliwre he will . be pleasod to see his Irieuds .AND f Dms-Making, presence reAd overi to themj. first answer by answer,; and, then, in the whole ; tind are ; further verifi ed by their respective signatures. The, Senate will judge whether the Commission have prosecuted tneir investigations I in the proper I will attend at my offioe (root tha ?th . to.1 ,s.v ' ' - 12th ot this mouth to list tho taxable prop- and with uie proper range of in- T 1 M- Mi. Miss BETSY WILUAm Over WITTKOWSKT k RINTEL8 Store. 45 tf ". " ." Charhitte, N. C. . av Nnrr.fifiw 11 A L E ACADEMY. The Spring, sessinof ?thaS ftudTerfonlton erty, and wlw alUpedal , taxes forT the.Tp wn I jy n each individual case' Hal Acadenit will 'eommeuee Jai. 24lh. RutberibrtHott. ' YrtMu ftiiUng' to' list' are " J l. la ( ! - im ' am V . A ' "JL TT . J JbLMLsbH UBl A 111 b.UU VCI IDBWI . Ul i IIIIU.'M . , - -- w - T -. j. b. Carpenter C-2L. . - . - H7 'IV. o.Jf.i.l W plicated in detail j and' the: coixi- paritive magnitude the inter ests which it involves i snchtHat the Commission dd notFeef them selves justified' in detaining the j Senate. "with remarks upon the particulaH of which it is compos ed, or in , acting upon .the suppo sition,1 that every part of it will not be subjected to an impartial and thorough scrutiny. . , , The Senate will find mpstof the result summed up i n three sched ules, whicb are hereto attached. Of these; ' . The frit contains a statement of the details connected with the issue of State Bonds to the vari ous Railroad Companies by the Treasurer, and was - compiled by that afficer for the use of the com mission. ' " The second gives arV account of the disposal of the Bonds after ihey came inta the hands of the Companies. -i The third shows the amounts in mqniey for which the Bonds have been sold or hypothecated. The Commission desired to propose aoMr-?A,to exhibit at one view the principal items of expen diture by which these amounts had been partially, 6r totally ex hausted ; but upon consideration it was thought better to present this view in a body of the Report. The . more because the informa tion in regard to: this matter is very general, and more nearly an approximation to the truth. It was not expected that the Com mission should examine and veri fy, vouchers for expenditures in detail. With the general obiects -i . m time aftowed fbTBiiTf operations, this; was impracticable. An ex amination of the testimony will show other reasons why, in any case, only ari approximation could be had. In deed this is true as well in regard to the figures rep resenting the amounts received by the companies upon the sale or hyyqthication of the Bonds. By referance to the testimony -of Messrs.' McAden- and Joiiesi ex planations 'will be foundoing to show that by the - rules of New york stockboard a: deduction ia' made for all North Carolina Bonds issued after Juiylst1868, at the rate of six.' per cent per -annum upon their face.'" So not a Bond dated Oct 1st 1859; if apparently soldrat twenty-five dollars - in mthe hundred would in the first instance' be subject to a deduction of seven and one-half dollars, and they net to the-company but seventeen dol- ars and a half, "less taxes and cominissions for sales. To complete, tnen, the general view afforded by the - scHedulea, the commissions and the follow ing statements, obtained from the evidence herewith submitted, in regard to each one of the compa nies that have received-' appropn- ations from the State since May 1st, 1865. " ' ' ' ',. V' I. THE WESTERN N. C. R. R. COMPANY. .- (W. Dl) : To this, issued between Janu ary 20th October 2nd, 1869, thorugh George "W. Swepson 8367 State Bonds. Of these 3132 are said to have been sold, and i824 hypothecated ; and of the amounts received upon this acccount our! attentioti has been drawn to some. $1,845,000,00 which appears in papers submitted by Gen. ? Little field. No testimony except hear say has been submitted to the companies as to tW dealings of Mr, Swepson with either the boDcte or . their, proceeds. la the eyij dence of Gen. Littlefieid ' will be found certain papers, unverified in anyway, "which he reports havirrff come, into his Tiandsfro eijer iMr. Swepson or j Sputte him Anceount ofhls traflsae Oetr. Littlefieid charges lrinT- aelf with a certain -sunt of money as -receirea from Mr. Swepson, and gives a statement of tlhe man i er in which that has been expen t ed ; but, excepting certain Flori- a Railroad Bonds turned" over IV. MS HXlAXstON A5i tXEBOlO ? Al . of tje Bonds issued . to , Company" were'sol d to of by John E.JPiclneUlL of New York, , for f 160,948,57 andt by. the, , ceounU rendered-throgtcthr fff. of the Company, it appears, to have been exrnrlMl : .In a n!Idm bv Mr. Swepson he'; could give 1 details of constnictig Railroad, no account of the' manner in I Th fvirlrmf. nr. ,;. ;. to uv acrouni oi xnc manner in whieh the latter had r disposed of ther Bonds or proceeds. Tha papers and statements above re ferred to show : that Mr. Swep son sold and ' hypothecated the 5056 bonds mentioned above; that thsir proceeds, he turned over Gen. Littlefieid $136,277 63; ended $277,383 31, of which or contractors thd the Treasurer uf the, company, $27,311 41 y in vested $990,633 39, in Bonds of e Pensacola and Cla. Railroad mpany and otherwise ; and ve&unaccounted for about $040- The bona fide of Florida tri be a the deposition of Gen, Stubbaand the exhibits filed therewith; - 3 ' V. THE KORTHWESTBRS N. C. R. R. All of the "bonds issued to this Company have jeen returned to the State, " without prejudice,1 as is understood). Mr. Belo's de position shows, ihat no use what ever was made of them while in his possession. . . j -- VL XHZXHATIXA1C a. r; covpahy. Of the 3200 bonds issued to the Company 1650 have been' return ed, " without prejudice," to the State. The proceeds from the 1502 that have' been sold, arc wenn anrl iha P.nmo,r T fwtf,v-i,;. xne -o unuerpieuge r J I im Kv.1 fU T so, appears, that the figures sub- " x uu.uug account vjestment is understood to .. ..... estion not settled betwixt Mr. The evidence) of Xlesxra. TTrt kins, Tata, Sloan aad Guioa,. 4e tails, amongst othezj mitt era, c&jv cumstaocea - bearing upon - tha questions: Hoy iar any of tha Bondjy issued, 'sinta May ltt 1845 or the proceeds of such Bonds, have ben uied to forward Legislation, for these and tko ap. propriadona. For the res it will . be seen that with two exoeptiona. : in whiei persons j claimed and, were allowed the privilege' of not testifying upon thai point,' diraci; and full details hare been j made. " by everywitness supposed to hara , any information thereabouts, of any knowledge in regard tot such ose of the said Bonds or lhrJr proceeds. . & I . ' It will doubtless! be borne la mind, that the investigation of the Commission into these . saat ' ters was by the Senate expressly : limited to any improper employ ment of lKoe Bonds, or any of their ' rycecds. ' ' Some evidence of an applica tion of those Bonds or their pro" ceeds to private purposes, will b r J S it.- J !?.. m -m found in tho dtmrkairinna ef flam ittedtothe commission in this Phaseofirou, and Messrs. Jonea. hole Of the proceeds of that rSnrt uuui wuc 1B ui BOcn -t)ni c-tion ha- tUnitvt ai ine uonas wnicn was hypothe- ,. " w mr The Commission have not ckted. phed to the ordinary expenses of drawn uron fu- An4rt constructino Rkilroiiiia "jw4ll na . . . t , me ueneral Agga-a. for tattr M - W nil ajrvju-.4 4 rm V A . m I - I - 1 11 biuwi pvuw, m rvguiar ex-1 expense. V iwry C Aji AaAtt ask AAtl Wit 4V4a ail. 'J 1. I v,vc aiuiuic ueience . A certified statement thereof oi meunauxam Kauroaa case, as accompanies this report It would itis ealled. There is still upon be found that inrfmlma, tW dnon the YorV mtSol nand $250,0672. The evidence f oflScers for summoninc- wifrtm. Trust Comnanv v,; "Ra Pon thia item is P11 b7 ses " and of the Cleric nfTVaV. hypothecated by Mr. Swepson, Hin d acmpanied by an County for a transcript, they Ja ii,o;a xa exhibit from W. W. Vass as omnnMn oaio irni.. j A Genf Littlefield'8 statements show he received as President of this Company from his predeces sor, Mr. Swepson, $18-,92o 83 in cash and $11"3;946 13 in an order drex.of the Company $127,471 96, I i - lit - - t nn : ii ami , owirwe r.'vv tu . ui DO X nnn The proceeds from the sale of occasion to say, has been very $131 871 96. i He explained that & State bonds and some coupons, laboriously emplcTplofUn lata She" protection" consisted inire- are $51,193,13. Some,. $700 of into the night Th Commission. . llevingtheso .Bonds from certain w Deen P1 orujiia- m wtMr u and the remainder. 1 structions of the Senate for an llad beenfincumheTed,.pravioualy $433,14, .is upon deposit in the eariy report, hare been under tha; i.h(sUHngoffiee,in FloHda- banking house of Jones & Lutter- necessity of employing a second ( He believes, that within a few loh,. at FayetteviUe. Certificates Llerk lor tne last mgnt, ana two days, : this property rof the . said were exhibited by the President, days of their session. V Company will, be entirelv. diseii: r UW . iveapectiui attuiniv. tangieaanaavanaoie.. .: ; "y-r rs r rT-oo! , : J lorK, acKnowiedging mat tney i o. j. x l.nm.n o, hold tor tne uompany, unencum-i itxau.iij. ovah. bered, 253 bonds ; -and 12 other Raleigh, March 12th, 187a I. TTHXS WISTimN N. ; C. R. . K. COM- PANT, (I. TJ.) , . WiU i..B.,"T 1 bonds trere shown the commis-i - issued td;;.tlus-.Compahy1 ili''i nSnlf Ai'TVeaj; To YonngiZZen Froimwas $1,234,766 42., It" ap- be ars from the evidence .. that all pf this has been expended in vari us matters connected with the onstraction of the Railroad. The vidence of Messrs. Tate, Simon- . - on; Mott and:H. O. Cowles will thia con & Lutterloh. i ASD spend as much asydu get, you will i : ,i itJ.. t O. I never ue ncuw uuui wu uv. Bonds have been either sold -or hypothe- j , y liTTaAlf. Th& '- evidence'' is " The only wayby which capital' hated and the amount raised there-1 xilLr-t:,l .--irU,,T;-iT4: I ran increase is bvBavinr.If rotl I - . 7--. ' . ri 1 1 H rri I iv iv. nutn. .1 ijucb. . u 1 u 1 : - )e found Interesting in lectioot ' ; 1 VI1L THE ATLANTIC, TEfH. ; , .. ju k, company. 1 is not what a man gets, but what It will be seen, that no use has I ves that constitutes hia been made of! these bonds iu eon- wealth. Go, learn tha first br nection with the . end for. .which rules of- Anthmetit; learo ad ? they were issued and no use tion and subtraction. Add- to' wUtero. except in connexion "fflX 1 with the action brought mWake Tj. -ua a,w . In addition thereto, there , will in the--name j of Robert ' C. of hia life, make aomo addition to e found exhibits, printed and -in Kehoeaffainst the aaid'CothpanT hiacaoitaL You say vou ret but .manuscript, containing ofilcial ac- ftDd the State Treasurer, of which UttlcC Never mind; .spend - less counts rendered by the above a transcript is herewith EleVL( :The than Tittle; en ntyw yon will persons the Company, and to ODject of that suit apparently was I TUZZ. ' . . . - f : 1- I -r r j : to resxrain xne issuing oi uynm i as i tti upon the allegation that they practice of running np were unconstitutional and thus stairsso often exercised by young . void.' An injunction vas obtain- people eerecially, U said to be rm- ed upon that allegation. The hnt . ,r j '.4 0 i sician is reported jxo nave oncs suit, however, was j compromised, th&t hoM not and the injunetiou vacated oefore faxa a walks if the honaa any term ol the Court ha4occur- was on nrc, and he had ralnabla 11 .1 . n I ir. matrn illnrli vtllnne1 ordinarily connected with the rea, oy in VTT 0 W rs U e7pcciafl7rioVtS construction pf Railroads'. The W . the attorney, of tiie JS.SSnf tne same snouia De issuea. .-"Mease. - . .1 . ?. 1 3 ii.i pvr 1 - tne eveni, u uappenea inai t the commission. HI.- THE W. C. ASD K. R. COi The proceeds and hypotheca tion of the bonds issued to this Company are $1,029,548 67. Of this it appears that- all excepting about $10,000 now on hand has been spent in such matters as areJ week ias agreed upon by tiia 'froataa.1 . St, 110 and $I5J)0 accordlntt to gruda of atadiea. L. I WITTY, Pria Jam. 1ITS.. "M.. rj t. 4. -v. .f i cover two hundred and five mapu- andi company : of-.New'xprk-T, facts connected with this Road will be found in the evidence and exhibits submitted by Messrs. Cowan, Sloan, Alderman and C. J. Cowles. Upon reference to Schedule No. 1, it will be seen that twenty-three of the bonds issued to this Com pany, are charged to H. IL Robin son, and none delivered under the authority of the Act of 1866-,67, chv J56. On reference to that Act, it will be founfl that these items have" nb'cohneetion vrith.the sub-" I jectmatter . of, this , lpvestigatioh, Ho could give no ; assurance-: thatji being rnerejy an exchange ojtgat trere'ejwet MrfSwelnier of ;optheja.tT bonds were so paid; and besides, Tlc farmers in! the neighbor that 86 others were cxpen'ded by hood of Vienna, Fairfax county, ' a 1 aAMkl A M..- Aafe. a' 4VaM the Company h W DDectton - I SZ. with the auit; t It does net appear on t- landafor the tonrpoaa what ' their connection - was, or of hunting. Thisii done, to pro- that the plamtitt j was interested tect uie Diros wmcn m e. pauy on insecxs, sum far .m Vi farmer heat fricrfffl were satisfied by the 77. ;. ; f ers0n who havemade cloaa ob ;. The commission ;rcfcr to the serration on this subject aay ;that evidence of Messrs. Johnson, Me. insects injurious t vegetation ar Aden, Sloans Battle, Fowle; Lit: multiplying to a feartnl tt tlcfiela;aWl'an-Askew. to.6o - j ; ia-tJkjiL It- ppars, xmnht chejl two f1 hundred aid iacfenty fife feet: that oi. tnesc- Donor nave hieh.U in the course ot cotsituo- i 1 Vtadieater topy 'l tiast. ; ; " ft " . - 1 conirderabsftin duucvuis not com . 1 - . ' r. ... . - ' ' '' ' ' ' ' " . . I. . - ' 1 ' i i i

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