'-: vJ : 1 41 1nVtt 'BE SUKE YOU AKE BIGHT AND thtot on HFt, -Davy Crockett. ot. 1? i0. Si L T - ' ' I! !:of:sswxal cap a XT T? A C A TtfTq j j 1 i j R 'J I-ilLUfOIiDTOS, JN . c. I.on AX &. SN, 1 1 h'N'KY.- AT LA W, A; l:i-ri!KKFo'Kiit.. X. 0. -iTn.i to fi'ti V" biiMia'ss intninttrd to , ,'-1 .N-ti.e.fWe of North I'u.ol'ui:!. in j '..5ut'-'or K-Jt-ral t'onris. f :."- f j.Y HARRIS, M. 1). Nr. n j riff :'SS. ti i;u yiviiT ii' .in fin- ! ! i:irc:uiitrusi-U Ui3 v'uie will recciv. artenfion. :'.,-r hi- fyiin.lat It'n Oflivo or Ut'UJfncc htiuiH'Hthe prantico'of Mehcino, pav wid Midwifery, inKuther Imh nnJ thv surroniklinix coun oO-lv. :uY ';y S L'M. nAITHKU t. P. 1 1 .U XT LAW. v - - - - MuKii WTON, N. t . Srrii 4!s r,Lli:i.. ;u.d in I l.f ' 'until H.M ! . ..... . 1 B . I t I I ti. :iU '. pari -)l ti'f Mine. :.:v i ,i i a u r: r 1 - Frivsiv-iuii and tuiccn, v: i-u -1 1: ui u'rr;Kiti. K. '..':i ?S.-i. -i'-nd rs In- 1 -u----u.ii.il ijTil. i-Ui i i i i!.- i k. r. V.-iCLN ! i :ir t i i - -I V'1. iiV.'j'l t.i.ii.ci'H ;. am- : l;l'.t;ti ! t! I in:i'.'f ! : ti- .- v. i-v r-rr-mjl :s 1 1 I -1 ion 1 ClKii illU.l.ti V t'i :! b t' ;1liU- AITdUN'KY. AT LAW. . llt'TiiKirroramx.-X. lit n.'.H-STICK, iriui;:;i;v at law, 1:i i ni.i:Kt.-u'iON, . ; 'rrt'.tv iii ihc-: Si'l'ior Co'.tt o'i'lho j c n:l- ,lu.!k-i:,l )it.nft. in ilif Su-; ''. u-ifrt v Noiih ( aiolitm. fin;: mi tii( wVj I'ourl. 'ftt l-ult'Vii!e and . Ala-v:ile. 111MNKV KOCK ILOTKL. oia itt.vi ,iv.!-;ili v knowr iluUo. on lii'l:ory. Nut. (':;) Tunvi 17 tnilf i en st t O iUiiiinii.rol mm. z: nd the twiveU.npubUe that he, is' full v vpurt-Q to acct':n'i.cHl.ilM lUfin. u is uiu'i-" ''7-UiUthat tb;t p:.-.ce .8 it! J Sit ;n: J-l ui Uiv '; Ktestfry i:i Wrtrru o-.lh (' .roliua. ami ym ccirina.citWr health or. j.l.ure. hr.d tio bi-tur. viae-1 wntlo- vay u.o mmiO.. Uv lorm -n.nlil.e lenso?. I ! . and XiO tains, tvii! ti " ' t to tuui.e '.s loUiNiri.ililo. Otvv tnc a fail.. ' :e-:f J. M. JLSTtCl'. nil- lirnxKTT .hoi 1 1 i', nrTIlKRrOKDTON, nN; c. -J oi cti !or ilio ;ia-iiiiiiiiiia:ioi'. ol tw.o 3vi-.:,Rg public, and vit" uor.d liiri-, ntu.ii-Si-rvant-t, and ot)d stabk s aiul U-od tor v'r, it.e noi-tu-lor aks a sharoof cat run- ' c. ih;hktt. v rit '.nr. U. M. KOBS.VSOS, F.AS H ION A B L E TAIL O R, .9., Opposite the' Burw-.ti Ji'AUfi, , 1 v V T UK Fi F C K T ! 1 '. ' , X. C. -;- v.otk cut atui niade wai ranted to Fit. tailing Htivl rt-Dair.tiir done at slmrt notice, est Si-vla V..t.i.-..i ' ! :lw:vs on hand. 1 .tUil)U- a di-tatiee nromntiv at- 44-iy. ""i to. HIDES : HIDES ! ! HIDES ! ! ! t.t.iu!ist ma'rtiet 'nriees p;iid ' fr -iltu l'.7 Hi,,- - n , . ,"v , rv '- ' - . LSTEJiN STAJt LODGE No. f)l, A. F. 1.. uMs rwrularlv on the 1st Mondav r.ipl.t H'ti njutuli. Tuejd.tys of Supt-nor rourt-S the tVstival-j ot the St?. John. O. M. WH1TKSIPK, W M. J; M- .1UST1CK, fAH AND RECORD, cct tsuED Weekly at $2 pek Year, L'lekdeki- .5: Carpenter, HCTIIFJIFCP.DTON-, N. C. I N, STAR & RECORD. I'UKf.ISIIED EVERY SAXCJUDAV J. C. Clendenin, 1 J. B. CAKrENTEK, PuELIsnER; RUTHERFORDTON, N C TeuMS OF SUBSCRII'TION. 1 copy 1 year in advance, 1 copy ti months Single (;oH', T copies. 1 year. 10.00 lit). - 1 ; 20 k' 1 10.09 30.00 Specimen cdpi sent free. Hates oFnAdvertisixg. I inch .l.fii) 1 .VJ J ini:be- 'J.HI XMO I itic' :i.i'(K4.."i 4 n:cii -Lflft T..00 Im 2m 3m Cm 9 t.O 27.00 .30,00 It' 16 31. 42, .6-1. l.r0 300 ...ot) v.fiO iuo 5-5" :J.uu .r.')i) ,ui ll.iii) t; no 7,rti lir.oo n;.r!i ,im in,ofi lo.oo j-.(io : iin-hCi.i'O 7.."il I0.0H I'i.Mi VO.OO -27.f 1.",(H) I-.' (1,IH,(M l,tH) 'JO.i'O V:"i,iH- 4U.0K 0"..00 IHJ.OO .h.I. -JO. t'O -10,00 jli.OO f-0.00 110.00 1-0.10 ir'Non-ohjectionable local notices 25 cnts per line AiWisomcnls are payable , ly, m advance. ! quarterly, in advance ess Agents procuring advertise-, You better be careful," said moiita, vih be allowed a reanonable , ho esentlv "my name's Moo commission. ' i i.. -? fr Special arrangements, when ! !. electrotypes are furnished. j i frB Objectionable advertisements, i such as will injure our readers, m'ji, the .character -of tlio a)ci as a tn.irli ; ... , . o toned journal, will not be inserted. ' Anv iUither information will ! be given on application to the piib lishf'rs i: i iwj.-; w r. v . r. ! y . w ; i e ; n . E s t o x. ' Moodv grew upon Chicago with even' .vear he remained i there. When lie first threw up ! his place as clerk in a shoe store', I at a salary-of twelve hundred a I war, and determined Uyi work ! ujr-.lesus" and Hive by faith," he was dubbed ki Crazy Moody," j aiid'tlie name struck to him many years. But wIkjiVIIic little class j ot rag.-a-mufiius in North Mark ! et 1 1 it 1 1 grovto the well-appoint- lillllUf.-j ll I'l'l .iiirasiun, tnvi wlien he Christain Association, under his lcadciVuip, became one ofthe ruling nowtrs, and 'when raiwul llail rose ine second ti'me,-Chicago began to appreciate him.' He .was 4Ouzy Moo.ly" no longer. Chicago likes vitality. The newspapers pr(moted him to lhother Moody," and the ti tic adhei es io hiin yet. AA house was ri ven him, rent free,his friends 1 1 T 1 1 1 A 1 - - - . . 1 Imrnihod it,and the most eminent . . - , , . i- hi i iai " - i wife's porti alts C AvVMVS ,,ron . i . . tor him. 1 1 ..t Si 1 . Hi Ci uunpie SCSSIOIIS, V.,llicai "fuutiu tci- t'nl nf P.mihrr .loodv. and rank ed him with Iter elevators, her water-tunnel, her hotels that up oil jackscrews, and her j volert f-he lias since added t)ie tire, and David Swing. X Moody V improvement in repu tation was partly the AVHspring of a very genuine iinprovetnent in ! ids iueUiiuls. 116 was like al t most alt young men ot real power, i imitative at the start. He adopt l utl from others, cant phrases and jspeches. Ilia catechisms always began with one question : "Are I vou a jChristainY" lie was once j asked to take tea in a village in Jiichian bv a lady who was an- Yimutlrit Ihm- liusbaiid. a leadimr i ""T . ' , lawyer, should be brought under ; uAre voQ . a christian, My. ?15aukV" asked Mv. Jioodv. t I VI think r am." answercHlahe ! lawyer. "How about yoiirselt, It.. If I..' i i fl a 1 1 -.n now. 31 rS Joodyr" I have heard Jr. Jtnody tel.l lio;v, while in the Christian Com mission service, he once propoun ded, his favorite quest ion to a Tennessee planter. But as the man was deat, his repeated voci-! teration ol "Ai;eyu a Christain failed to bring a reply. Turning to the black man wlio stood by, he asked, 44 Is your master a Christain?" " No, massa,.hc's a rresbyten- an jt was no uncommon in those da for Jr. 3oody to assail -suddenly a strange younnian with this point-bfank query. Of course he ?oon became noted for his zeal and eccentricitj. A young man fro m the country, who had hekLa: situation in thn city for just three weeks, was thus r accostedhy him in the street : " Are you a Christain r $2.00Lic .r-lnct:, "it s none ot your 44 1 CS It is. "Then you must be D. L. Moody,'' said the strantrer. Madam' said Moodv to an irisn woman, 'v won't church io-nrlt V T 1 . you go to u An' whose is it ? Is it Moo dy's church." "Xo, -it's Gods- church, .bat' Moody oes there." V Trolh, thin, f won't go; "I'll go to hear an eddlcated man, but I won't go to hear an ouid black smith like Moodv." With that 1 Io0(1y with' divers" crimes, not Knmv-'nfr f; ,lsnin , ,n ut ! tut ! said sh with Triah dexterity and etT. outer;-, "I know'd .Moodv afure vou was ' flWWK- i.wlTwrol t,- tl. Pva,.i- tive commiUce ..of tlio Sunday school Association at one time, fuul gave us much trouble by breaking up a comity convention iiow and then, raid turning it into a revival meeting, thus upeeting a deal of nice niachinf.u v. At L'on- j tiace, 111., there was a revival that ! swept 'the. country. Even all the lawyers joined the churches, and the court had to adjouii at ten minutes before twelve to attend noon prayer meetings. The re vival was begun by Moody sweep ing through the town on a mud dy day and 'talking to every man and child he met. Appro aching a group of politicians, he heard one of them say of a proposed nomination : I think that would carry the county My friend," interrupted he, "we want to cany this county for the Lord Jesus Christ. The politician, vith Wcstcr.i- er s pi ule about taking aroke slapped Moody on the shoulder, burst into a laugh, anthcricd out: " 1 am with you there, old 'fel low." , ' Iut Moody's Avonls became the the watch-word ot a very remark able religious moTcmcnt, and 1 doubt not the country is better for bavin ir once been carried for Christ. liut Mr. Moody has grown wiser. He libs ared away some of his eccentricities. He has im proved his mind by study not very broad, but 'diligent. He has grown in modesty.' The real sin cerity of the man is his power. He knows nothing about oratory ; but ho is vigorous, direct, and often exceedingly eloquent, bear ing all before him by a resistless momentum. His theory is that a man can be useful "it he will get down low enough for God to work through him." His greatest strength lies in his management of men. He is not a firstrate organizer, but he is a born leader. Perhaps no other revivalist could have over come the strong Scotch prejudice as he lias. Soon arter lie built Illinois Street Mansion, the Irish Catholic boys got into the habit ol stoning the windows. Moody went to see the Catholic Bishop Dnggan about it. The Bishop Vpoke admiringly ot Mr. Moody's zeal but regretted that he was not a burning light in the holy mother Church. " Perhaps I am wrong. said the latter. Lhope you will pray for me, Bishops that", if wrong, I may be led into theN truth." The Bishop promised, but Moo dy dropped on his knees and in- sited ou havjng the prayer m the spot. BishopDuggan knelt and prayed for him, after whjchMoody as fervently prayed for the Bish- i ii n-irTiii- n I r t irrr n rnT op. The Bishop alwavs after wards expressed esteem for Moo dy, and there were no more stones thrown. x . His tact i3 of the highest order. and such tact, energy, industry and iiidcmitability, must have en riched him if he had used them selfishly. His recent refusal of 1,000, offered him bv the Bar oness Burdett Coutts, was .ehai uucm;u, itiiu oeouauu is. now tin- dergoing something like a revolu- non ; tor, conservative as he is m doctrine, he is a perfect radical in method. Hie eMective way : is always the best, with him. " j He is not clerical in speech or j appearance, and he will never be j anything but the greatest iay preacher of our timel They say in Scotland thatho speaks the ' Chicago diahc." What he does speak is' the Western Maa chifsetts diuloo- -xi-crdtiou nees "whore4 as all New Englanders do,ahd softens the o in stone. And he says "suthin" ..for some thing. So also, does the Vice President of the lrnited States, however. 'But an earnest man is better than a polished mar. The leading pulpits in a Citicago have for years welcomed "Broth er .Moodv" because he is a man. And what perpetual applications do we find lor saying of Emer- s ns, " vVords have weiirht when there's a man behind them. r A t a ii y 31 :t r r i a ; A V I a i u s. man Vc;i W ilei-tii rl, a d Quickly "'Wins y, Slei". Four years ago a briirlitf intel- ligent, but not pretty looking young miss, lei t a homeless and penniless orphan by the death of her father, came to this city and procured employment as a waiter Il.knrivrii -jrvoiul.r-lni u.A ',.l-i.r 1,,.,. hmnn ,v,il, in . X,., i 1 raniiiy mrii cousins, or some thing otfhat sort, then residing onTSecond street. One day, at llinner time, there strode into the dinuing-room a tall, broad shoul dered, bronzed and bearded mail, who was evidently from the Far West. There was the unmistaka- air ol a plainsam about him ; evi dentlv one or better sort. lib seated hrmself at the table served ly the girl in question, and watch ed her movements very closely. At supper on the second day af ter his arnval'he remained at ta ble until it was nearly desei tedj, andHhen as he was about rising he addressed the girl in courteous tones, saying that he desired aii interview with her, as he -had inl formation of importance to com4 municate. 'She replied that shq would see liim in the ladies' par lor at a later hour. She did so,, and was not little surprised at re ceiving an offer of marriage. He stated that he was a resident ol the grazing districts of California.: owed a large stock ranch, and was a wealthy man. lie had . . . . t been out there tnireeeir. j-ears during which time he had mined prospected lor rich diggings, h uu ted grizzlies, fought Indians, chas cd greasers, and pursued the usu-j ill avocations of an enterprising Californian. lie was on his way acrenstie. 1 ou may think him ; longer, donned her hat and shawl, and you will have 232, and as 'there.:; fanatical. But, at least,"he is sin- ! and the two .started out shopping. is no remainder you annex a cipher.' . cere, self-sacriiicing, 'and whole- j Dresses were ordered as( all the Now take 859' multiply by 5, the an hearted. The religious life of the fashionable modistei the city, v x? hi5 ; tt"d dividmg this by 2 ; whole Northwest has fnlt. hU in. fhn cmn f,, hn srdnfrt.i uh;., there is 19 and a . remainder; you - . . -. v i, inu 111 lilV i-lllll LU I'U LU 11 LUL tJl. U ILillll I east to m?il m auatett,, "M!a.eed that the couple should meet j resided m Massachusetts, and . fl , r ,W,rc of thareac I stopped in Detroit to see thecityJ had m6t her as above, described,! . , was pleased with her appearance,!! I t . . Ill -9 " and tnougiit it wouui no ior ner advantage to quit her present em ployment ami become the wife ot n r iiii-'invm : Tliere was an honesty and sin - . cerity n the mail's ''voice as he made Ins declaration that convin ced the girl that he was in ear nest. Slie replied tnat she would consider his proposition and give him an answer at the breakfiist ta ble. During tho night' she thought the matter over seriously, and when in the morning she took her eccentric lover's order, and hoa-ked in low tone, "Are you iroing t California?" she replied u Yes, " and then wejit for beefsteak and potatoes: That was the extent of the courtship. As soon as the hungry guests had departed from the dining room, she repaired to the parlor, where the lovor was anxiously awaiting her- By his direction she introduced the head waiter cnat sue stiouiu not worfc anv twentv-iour iiours. . jjixts were simihrrlyXordered. and then the retaiL-dealers in all manner of Ismail wearing appearel were visi ied and large purchases made, the last one being two la re Saratoga trunks; The next afternoon the pair were married at the reimleuce oi a cicrtrvman, maae.a call on the bride's humble friends on Se cond street, and left for the East by the evening train. I If vni-Dn f hn fmir. -r"W ces of the undo who were aware of the circumstances other mar riage were all positive that she had acted rashly, and predicted all manner of troubles and trials for her.' From the hour of -her departure, however, none of them have ever heard avord fromJier; but from the tact that the happiest-looking wife and mother to be seen riding about " the city on Saturday, a cnrlcy:headed boy in j her arms, aiuLthe gentleman who " told hersOmethiug to her ad vantage by her side, was the waiter girl who 44 married .in haste' b' t lid .not repent at lei: u'-'e, nt'may be safely assured that the prediction diu not came true. Detroit Free Pi es s. - . Where ISo I5a! tlie Advautau'c Just at the close of the war of 1S12 an English man-of war entered Bos ton. The captain', was known . as a ul ? tne.nrst water, nterrapf barbers siiop in loston, .ana nndin ! bully of the. first water. Entering a no one but the boy present, ho de- manded m an insolent and overbear ing way, ''Where is your master " "Not down yet, sir." '"Well, I want to bo shaved." '-Yes. sir. I can snave vou. "ion : xes, sir. "Well, you may try it, but look here, my youngster,'-' Kyi:!: his 1 v-ule l pistol on the table, "tho first drop of blood j'ou draw on 'my face I'll shoot you." 'A11 right, sir," was the re i l3 ne Rljave(1 mm' aU(l did it well. After the operation was through, the bully turned to him. as he took up the- pistol, and remarked : "Wasn't vou afraid ?" "No, sir," re "No, sir. tor ted the boy. I would shoot "Didn t vou believe you V "Yes. sirf '. 'Then why wasn't you afraid The boy very coolly replied : "Because I had the advantage.". ."Advantage, how ?" demanded the irate' bully. "Why," said the boy, with tho . ut most? nonchalance, "if I had drawn blood, I should have taken the raror and cut your throat from ear to earl" The bully turned pale, but never for frrf f li n In onn Aii I'opcmciit in Jfluine. A youth in Portland, He., seven teen years old, has just married a girl aged fifteen. The Press savs the latter s father ob ected to the match, and when Tie e heard that the day for the "marriage was set, locked the girl in her room. But love re cognizes no ljeks or bars, and a . the appointed , honr for - the. weddiug drew near the young lady jumped from her windov. It hail ' been i " " 4 " " " " T I I and there be madi; one. The vontif? lady in question was promptly on hand at the appointed time and place, and the ceremony was duly preform" ed. When the indignant father went to the room of his daughter to re lease her, he found tho room vacant ...... . ... 1 and a note on the table saying that she was Mrs. . The father at once sent word to her that she need not return to his house. It was probablv nnnecessai-y, as the young couple are' now living a3 happy as clam3 in high water, - all bv them selves. An exchange asks : 4tVhpr ilnpa' the cotton go 1" We know where a: good deal of it goe; but don't like ; to tell .."' . e - , Something Curious. Any number of figures you may wish to multiply by 5 will givb the same result if divided by 2 a much quicker operation r but you must re member to annex a ,0 to the answer when there is y no remainder, and when there is a remainder, rhatever it may beannex a 5 to the . answer.. Multiply 4Gi by 5, and the answer jvill be 2,320 ; divide the same by 2, thereforo place a 5 at the end of the line, and the result is again 1, 9;. A hastv man. with his arms full of his wife's baggage, thought he was left by the train last night, and run ning rapidly across a platform, foil over a truck. He straddled one of the handles and rode it for a second, lunged forward and got his legs tan gled up in the crosspieces, when the' malicious thing reared up and slid forwai-xLi"-411 -T" T,.TItrfxne man ou nis oaiance ana got mm down ; tic blackea -ins eye ana oroKq his spectacles agaist the handle, and ran over his foot with the wheels, .and even after he got awav from it and was seated in the car, ho says the truck ran after him and kicked him twice in the ribs before . the brakeman could take it awav from him.. A man about two-thirds drunk, and his back covered with mud, stopped a policeman on the street and asked to be locked up. ' Why, you are able to walk home, aren't you ?" asked the ofiicer. Yes, I could get home all right, but I don't wan'tto, and you wouldn't if you had my wife! Take me down ole feller," and if she comes inquiring 'round just say I've gone to T'ledoon 'portant business." Free Press. A traveler in Vermont, stop- -ping at a hotel recently, ordered supper. The meal was a very in ferior one, and at its conclusion, which was soon reached, hestep' ped up to settle for it; ' well. said Boniface, with alacrity, " I hope you had a good supper." u Yes," replied he, musingly, 44 the supper averaged first rate; the butter was strong and the tea was wcatv. . . The. Atlanta News chants: " The melancholy days have. coma The saddest of the yenr ; It's most too warm for whisliev, A little too cool for beer." An exchange says : "Fnvther Boyle, of Washington, addressing a school on Easter celebration, a young miss askod lhra : 'Farther Boy !e, what is the origin of Easter egg V . A hei, " no doubt, miss.' replied tho father quietly.'' V . ,; -440 m . ; ' A young blood dining at a hotel ! was requested by a neighbor to pass him some article of food winch waa near him. . "Do you mistake me for a waiter ? ' said the exquisite. "No; nlr '; I mistook you for a gentleman," r , . -., " f J . Gtleman.. j wm u uVm rn . 1 . , .T OI jou.muuiw waw ora w u vour orm Las no lock on 1" "Blast it, you jes keep still' gnarled 'Joe, "the rabbit don't know npthin' about my g'4ii h.avin no Iqek onto it." A minister approached a mischiev ous urchin aboijt twelve years old; and laving his hand upon his shouF ! tier, thus addresFed him.: ? .Uy S)ii, ! I bel'.eve th ) devil has got hold of j you." believe he has, too." was tae signincant rejny oi uie tiraun. ii - i . . x This is an item not to be printed in the Siniday-scinol books : A erow4 i - ... . .... . . 0f bad boys went bathing in $mmic River, Iowa, on the Sabbath day, and ! whilo' the ReyTabez Iiynrie was re j proving tliem and vainly endeavoring j to induce them Ut come out, a thun ; Jer-storm came up and the minister was killed by a flash of lightning. None of the noys were urownea. A Delaware man lost his wife and a race-horse by the same stroke of lightning, and he tried for two hours i to revive me norse. h i it- d If S -4 v. : 4 Hi Mi ! 1 u t f j ! Si. if 1 . r