11 V 0 It ! if ' t t s 'is f M ? ? - Lyy yn AVn THKN GO AHKAIX" Cbocsett. : 0" hi .1 .., x;.- h ' w'ftn -"i- ft H SI : QEJA mrS(D(0)MilPo -.'.V. '. TTTTTTIA -A. 'a " ' ' ' . . .- :..t A - - -..... i m: i . : i . ' - : , - -v . - I- I , . . , -r V 1 ' ' W -M ? m' r . y j. ,f A -: --.rTVi I . " 'j ,'u J. '. - " J""W mll"?!! U-- I i I t r -I. f i. ft ; 1. p' - i AV, ' ,. tWi-W-i fiD.iiV.i-ir init J'dud have 4tt Itlt&rCSt in Hie, SUDJCCl, umuei I 1 1 - . . ttt aC&TJT?? ' I wife JnuJm,W-SJt Dentist V. ;:AMeuK Up-inck ana JW uevn. mw ; ;;- .nhik,Mb. peiiU6H iu U,e . .'atheririo, .lames Uannon. 'P.;' 1, "I-Lt be taken "hvi ire" -w -r - I... in uidnr. ru ; ait Hnswri. to C.fclfei.t :.tAl'HJ "'WW Dv-r- " m .1 oi...i.;iri liiili'.r(rkril f!hnnir firpet v - ' : ' '- - i , . i t:i....ii..L- nn.l.'llia rrtlinr ,liWN dee d.; om .OJicKijy mum $5 to rer Dfly at ho!e- Terma lre6 Address G. Stinson Co., roruanu, nam. Kvery pcron"8en!!fig os 50 ,iCTts trill re rwriarlv for six months, The Son ve nir; large, eight paf?e . Journal, and as premium, ,.-'t n.n..n;Rooni. nioturps. "Little W tilK HW m-Q-- fc PUBLISHED . EVERY gATBBPAlV J. Cabpekteb, j LOGAN. , ' attounkys at lkw 3 W!ll..twnl to ;mv bu,uesH i,tusteU to , V 6 n ho ftatV;f KvrvUo Hna m j. AV.vHATvEIS,; M- D. , riiyvichm; Ptirjroon and Otifk-meian. Riii'iieitordion Htvt vicinity. , . T , 7:IUU ei ""iruled U. his ca, will rcccW, h a ' Tfcilcd of Medicine,; jonUoivtiiid - the surrmHiu -- trv. .inr II B ?. AtruW 'VVrNl- G AITIIKK ' & BVM M, : . A1TOUN KVS AT LAW, ' .v , C (JhUiVIm.' i'nWcl-'., H.ihvi-rU. MeDoss Ul. iu . ...ui I 1 11 Mil k ' 1 J - v p ' .Mfely Physician and Surgeon, : i ,..tl ut l'iitiinrrwUon. re" i?Sly h; iTOU'nal rvUv, to , ; r,,!- tor the-HWmr lti,. M'rcto. f..rp roitvv.i; i,,k,. .y; iw;',1 ' j. n. rAUl'KNTKU,-, i:rTllK.l:MKI'TOS, X. : C llection vroiu,.!! lUteinM f-M' M. H. .1USTK K. A-rruitSKV Pr.ii -Wiliitrick. wife CatlKirij.e, Jam8 ;annou, uruiiviii it. and ihe other' lKirs of 'John A. and Mrth Hall died., the Detendfcnls above namvf . If .i-'l fniiiul vitMii vour Cuuiity, to appear ut the office :o the Glerk.ol-tue Superior Tonrlfor tlmt Couuiy iof IlutHertbrJ, . within t Aav ivftL-r die service ol ihissummons " v . .... 1 -.1.1. ...ninn on them, exclusive ol me cuiy oiMucu wmw, '.i.i himuw the oiunvlaim, a copy oi which x Ue-deposited in the. office oi the Clerk of .i c..-.i-wr.s ('.Miirr. fnr'Siiid Cuuntr. within 1 111? OUi'l IV i -vv. w . . leu dnys Irom the date f this sunimoiiH,. ana let i!i( m take notice that if fcUev 'ad to air' .wcr tlH'Si.id cAHnpUiint within Uat time, the Sp&ii.tili -wilinily utl Cort tor the relief Wniai!lei iu lite cnuipwuil. Y Ueiwf tiil not, and bt this summons make due wturn. - .' : . , V ' l- i f.ivi.n under. hit. hand , and seat -.oi Ham Wi Clork Suieri(r Court Uutlu-rlord toauty. :xi I . -i 'i'.i IfnIJemi M- T nm,.,!! ! tO the WUa V1V awr,..-.. Kilnrum-fc and Ui-- Otlr hM Ot AlWll vlvil; witVick, dccU. John" iMc-k-jr ynd wife Cath - .htr ol John A. and Martha .Had, VWtfej iietenditnts in the ilbove cause, are n-.iHVHid. ntsof this State, nud Imve an m- . . :.. .., .,1 njt.iiK within Ua coiiutv. and high in it-.ii ."" - , . z .-, h.tc ested in ti.'v uhjoet wtti-r of th.s .SU't. It is therefore ordered by in I luit. che !olV"oi.i ' suii.inoi.s bo pulilLshod in the ..ll.e Star n d Wesi-( arolina Juccru a .w-vn 'url wvr i...brlf-hed in the lown oi Ruthin liTrdton. oiue a we, k tor nix wi-eks notify n.g i i" ...l.,..i.. nnimir :ltl(l above naineu ua;icu.iu" ft it.wer tl.u piai-itills complaini m iiHiiiuy 1...I i.;n li . .tsiknii asiiinirft them for the waut'ot an answer. . Conifs ol the winvrnons and compliant, can . , i !;,..,tiAi, tii ill; Clerk of tte fJ. ... .o i!hnrt;hill i Whiteside.. iJaintiil 1 $l.o0. V ' ' i " V "I .1. L' !.' i V "ROOlfS WHICH AJaJS iGbbaiBbbWfor All," very cfnnioj and CEPJw i ft.K!iatf S little girlithfier' Kiltpns. -"J, " R ,,r TVth am 14 V- i lnnnes in m.c. mm -k nf rt heinor Driuted in twelve differ ent tints and colors. . 'iV.reibound to give satisfaction. The paper six wnoie muw and superd.pijsuirea tor only 50 cts. Uf; der. by mail, acotice. - auuiwo . 9 w tu mm row .'Publisher. Works whic should be found .in every lH V . , Brl.toJ, yenneasee. ' -?.i-I.I ..U rtl nil ponifoiflM wont' I I Kmrv Wit 111 ' . .... to entertairt, InstroetV nJ improve.. VP!!ff will be sent ' by Teturol posty pU' receipt pi Price -r---xUr;iJ-:- TVX!V PHYSIOGNOMY? RiifniiaKictiiestb'J Uironn'h TempeanSehtid!Vtfernat Wtms, nndi-es-peciallv-la- the JUimonioce liivine, with more than One Tliousand luustrauous. jr XII IS FAIU,IU1YRICIAN.- . A Rendyi Pjriqciiber and Hyniq, Adviser. tr:.i. u..rA.. trt.thp Nature.. -Causes, "re Agents wonted tb sell our nnl,etigraviiigs ; $i to 10 a day easily roajde. RTJTHERFOBDTON, N. C.' Tebm8 or Subscriptiow. ' i voar in advance, . . 2.00 OJUl J" J copy 6 months " Single copy, ' 6 copies. 1 yew, 10 " 20 " 1 " Specimen copies sent free. w iV,W' sDcaker of the House of..,, i . f , . .1 , Rflprese.ptativc8. ' iLaH IT trjro, and at atimei w)aeui party v ;v spirit was high, yet he" discharged' .: hife dutic? as a presiding oflfcer to the satisfaction ot all. ; . "TIe-vas a member of the Bap- 1.00 .05 10.00 16.00 30.00 i Rates of ' Adverttsesg. lw 2w 3w ..Ibi ,2m 3ra . inn 11 9.UL.SL50. SU 6w ,.)r 3.1)11 V- taour 32. vtionai jnViiiiiaa pvprv kind. Avitn a uio- sarv and cDioiiSr Index.. Joel, Shew,. A "lU Upstnitod: Hnd:Book p; Phrenology. r&jr cts. sent to the SRW TOEK A d O ORIKNTAL TKA COMPANA will 1W return rrmvl. ono rxAina Ol exceiieuv Oolong, Young, Hyson, Knglmh Breakfast Japan or Mixed Tea sneh as is usually retailed at $1.30 to $1.50 per pound.---- It is a fact not generally known that by a M.nt nrrano-pment of the Post Otfice, Small ouaiitities oUnerchandise are now c.mveyeil 1 ,nc ,et: loLo 2-2,00 36,00- 4 mencs "- , X'" ... V,, 370 4J.IK) BU, ? r hr,n ffi il& Sa' S 5Sh S.00 -! l-2rol,10,OO I5iOO-au, .w - , . i col, ao.oovw 7r' v ' ii -jy '-i. NonbiectioAle" 25 cents per line. has, gone 'toTeceavu uc v roV'iiPcIlltectr OX, iJit i the Universe, cpmp hr,ui& - - Lastgattrdy liiiUoui" four ' . miles from this place, on tbe Shel by road juW dter -dark, James McFavland hWbeen to Shclbv, and was on his way Home, was halted by. a Atoight of th; -road", an bi irOr -Ufc , , moiVov soon enougi .i; ; nud PKysiognorny, K juw n w ens' - a,ChaVt V Rewrdiog tbe of the' Onole Character, w Oti, upWard oUW latent aud!st.;;;'Rnn,S1.2i. ;, .,... ,(, . 'uiI6i'-JTaiAV.HV'R7,.' ' .. ."-h' rn. i,: U u fn 'Rehave and pan " UOW, 'M .''n r.ri4L..;S t ' in- I 1 ' How 'to Do Jjusiness. . ,a , iia..u--- li.pcnsal.le forome'Impyetaent. In one voiuinirr-w.:'-. .:.,)' V;.-i.--i. S.Aterwfelbl?;fircd,:tho ball passing;:,::: ..l! in .W S Ut...,.,i. 'rt;c'biim of James' haU-v - bef allQWCU n.ui w vijw. 'f Tf -i brino- f cts Ollh'7 Tlie'New York and Urientaiea. omw . .t.1,111 nHvAntncre of -this Extraordinary i.wi:. ...,ri ;a cnr.K-iiio' its customers m an parts of the Umti States mih tlie finest Teas ever imported k 1 : WHOLESALE PRICKS. T?easonsy-TOi 's1kt4 orer yoir Teas from the New York and Oriental Tea Com- Or, Hie: Right, Iterations pi. 9i"w "'Si closing U.e'Lftws ol Ci.njuga Select ,on. arid showing Whi- Slar'and Who-May Na Many. A Guitlc- for Both Sexes." S1-.5U. Dis Or thKxlempomrpW PpW.! Icluding M.-.iM. ffnide lhr . inducting Public r.irii r T 42-Cw. '.v Gkii 'Snperiur Courts j(eph Kortune, . W . i P. F -tm.e. O.' T Waie.m wile 'h A.. J. h (.amble . ; i.m:....i.ii. vi .rv -V KoiLuiicaud and wuc r.u"t ; ,-. . 'i J. IV 0. .lL''Foriii:ias:. tv.j l I' ,ar ia riilllilic. -VlHMiK j'Oll ttKUEF. . . , .-, KXATK -lP-NOUTII CL11IOI.IKAV the ghff.H Uethertd Crniy-Owet-' . -v- . hn4iv tnnuindL. To wnt 3-; f li. ftaioi Kl Charlie Korvnoe, the , i'wiaiilii ,.bov. iiHml. if UK.y be nin.t .. (.i.tuHir in iue outer i "IT Me. tings neoording to ParliumeutJiry lonns. ' . oipa fa n l. ES.. Tlie Pcopio .PietonalalWition, B-autitully: raustrated. .with . nearly . S-xty ,. Kngrav.ng,. Cloth, gilt, beveled uirs.. 9 ir , . daphm vEJiSAY. OPf.MASf WiU. ote: ; intjfUtly tftuslratld: Cloth,. . i... " .rili,' Dpsrted" Tillage, r rL.ii; liiti iilt SI. : AT i :.. . -mi i i mi .T. tin. n .w . ; ; .,u.f.-H. l,t- iU k of'ihe .MiiHTior.n ' ,v of Huthei!..r.k wiihiu twenty days aher MTV C' .)( iie dy r i :thi mhu inewi. ut uci seri'KtJ. airti. an- ..... n liillTUilllil n . ?.. v.j-, i.--U'. DLL-t'tonarT aotL Holer nte 'Bi7? . Hni.Sony. tlO X HEIiS. H Yfil l-BOK and Training ol their Diseases wall Hygienic st Because live Company deals only in , f i..l t J .uJl kiinVa pure unaau!ierjiw . Uiat immense quanuucs ui .-u v.. adulterated with the leaves -of . the. Willow, Hawthorn, alid other; rees. nd - vep sniaU tnns. Kiiti.-los ol lead and st-el filings. i....:. ..-.tr.. urn spot OV6r..' Wie nesiues coioi i us '"i . - . country and soldiftormHis prices s rLi,vroftl-?few York and Or.enta jVa Company, can. by a new process , . n ..eneraliy known; detect the presence of adul. Nation in all .H fb& f k J. i will continue to maintain the high chamcltr hitherto susiame.1, ny seumg uoho ui n WTTTK ?. Tl" A. XCl-o' . " 1 i i . . - . ,-- blesus to import la.geiy for eash and urns to sell cheap. Wo buy all' our .Teas at the Ports of China and Japan. nd thus Rave many intermediate profits R.ndie)arg. r ; , Jrd Because we Have inaugurwr . . ' ll1.llli.SV. lutv .l(lvrv .n .wv - " SYHlvlll v. i --.,. i s i 'V . -i . :.'' ilJ" i.l.Tlini.n rtlld.! commisspn g"' Special , arraemeits,' ; hen. electrotypes. faxnished., 5 - K5- Obiectionable advertisements, such as will-injure our readers or the character of the paper, as a uu toned journal, will not be mserted. ggT Any mrther ! information .will be given on application to tlie pub Ushers ' : ' ;' ' ' ; it was The weather the past week has been cold but .pltitsant. With the next number of the "Star. & Kevord will have ..closed v;n:t,Vrce hi ihc K. nor routi-ot; v h A. .UJWe. d, Ahe, Clerk a ;t he -w A 8 at. FIIttENOI.OGIt: ANP- ."'- IfOJfiJ?' u...r.... .,..1 ..i ot Uil fiimmona make : Ueuco." ,'SuinHOenuA1.(7"7'"l' u , . I - . 3,111 fili. . (liven under tny 'iuwHi an '.. . 7. '-i.i " 0 ! Jeahfytif! V?Jf.:fr " - give lh cm lo our cusionirr. uy to any address, the fluent qualities of rea at Wliolrtiale Prices. - m . 4th. KtWusejMi.rW? ohr.Ai : THK Tl M Ki$ s Pure Tea at a low Price; and as we are determined ;10 supply tliis'ueed, it :s lb yur interest to Jr.lp s by seridiog vour orders at once. . . . . " r"Se oui Price Tisf. Oolong (Black) 'i w.uM.-t.- ,KMitd(Cce, and black) CO, 70. Wst . iapa.. U., ulorl)f, ltv0t.b irt $.1.. .riaiffeifeb;- 70, 8b, $.0d' $lf2ft per KHllid :RA,fl ,n W CI. Young nyo irrtnjw, w, -P' I,: .,. .L..t TBlackl GO. 10. 80, Ust i. ?' I'll . '-'f'u 'tar Married oti Tlitrr tb? by Bev."-.Carter .iBiniettE8q;r Alexander Mjlure,. :;;a.;' li Elizaoeth .TAlbnghtyi ai;VIu:r Township, The next quarterly tiietiiYg; r this circuit, will beheld ,with;thd churcli atVKistler's phapeT1vione mile North of roorsord, wthc partanljurgTOad.., in tt-ttttfK out -tM liberof SrARaud ;only,aow live the reasons we all our; 1 .. ;?..f,'.i ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' We ejaqtywrn that 4iivy.QViX5l issufipiuioiied of the act; nor couia it' be tiW,)iOT.t or colol ed Snan WvdtnirlllC radvi8'd 'oh'r citizens to bo on the looKovit;: ar' tna7 , , there' is organised band robbers iu this counf y ra 4 this 13 not the first attempt of the; kind ; ; . -I ' i tr .' t " .... ... in this county itatety - The FostmaeriC?iiernl. ! At home, in Hartford, Mr. 'Jewell-;;; fl.ftn active and consistent;"member ST the Asylumi Hill '-i rhrirch ; ana,ror, , iwas'.GovWio a? t in leading the sOTfiKffiWpifli i: ai ihe cuh. He carried his religi ous ideas wth kim to" Russia imd ; Instead of devoting the baJ?l)ath to festivityvor visiting the tbeae.;-; wis accustomed, with his family., jtoJvul. attend the little Protestetchurch. ;,was-.told,'on arriving at Pe-;'-;-;;' tersVurgh,.tfiat all memi)er,,vV'V.. ;cqvirt were1 accustomed W play for ; m . t l,of lm . -rtGYor aaAi...: J leuned to- gnuu. ' Z.r : ( . i - J ,n jt best to 'tmramc&3$y.ii,,sr"j u r-.i' ..mmodation of. the I i.'uTiit .liVociviov, , C. Atlorkut and made .rwnt tp Jib C caanuir and reiiairhin dueiii mn , " T , - .nnlpnitrom a distance promtr UV -Til ti33 mnotinir.-ior. ; Uii.cirtuf gtn .dTOrtford; atiwl 44-IVY r$$- Orders from ; euded Uv HIDES I HIDES 1 1 HIDES .l'il.-.--riek Did fbr; Green U 1 lie JllfJUCSI. Ui ' r-. r .. l.o vcv iutcrcsu)Kid.scour iiiivv .ri "" , ... Ae one T-OTJi-?, v ...... -ii - ?A t-tiolt1n V ' ! - v . . . ...... Cisco urm; - r V.' - ft v : - 4 ft : ' f WESTERN ST A Jti LOD Gh X H. JUSTJCW, Bgc. in - . . . .i.: On. dato oi viun rv.i- ' a lL UM .. ...., til to anther -add i-VrP notice iii-ii "-. - - . ' -"a -n..ii-L wiihiu ten days from o.in.mo- s. and - ici iiiciu . .:.;. .rill ,;,nolaint within that tuue, uic r.-a ipply tathc'Codrt ior.lhe relier demundca in duo return . ; . Given unuer u? i "- .----, Courtis dayb. , ; Clerk Superior Court;ButhertonlCouUy.. j V:8Vpenr"ing the Court 'tliat Leola For- m a. i i K IBS opened an Office in Rutneriora.on :ur. n. police of Denary, and will be pleased to have a share of public patronage. ,. fjffice at Capt U: 1-UiWnaon'a, Tailor Sliop. :Dec12Ui,1814. - r mAi'Annlication will be made to RutUertom jAauuitic-wr , id . i .Home ftctDr, oa .Second Broad Zap Hon. Jo,. e,.-r . ..: r-jr-'. -i,.'J li- ri-ai f nra-Proof Safes pvcuii. Ol lrOUBY, ut ' -. - ; '-' o ibvoiii " w " . . i i c , , . . .Alum and FlasterF-PWs. There wer but ;feV otriybn i . i - - - - - - & CO. JJRSf our State who were ms supen- lors in mieiievm filled with honor to tbemse.ves 265 Broadway, n. t., 72 1 Ch6striut 8tif ? Phlld. ILniotheEravelers life and ?"": ; . t ...nMs.t. nnri hoH been oTits board of directors from the Btarti He has large executive afld buiiess ability, a boundless capacity for. work, and a sonny-now oiamiiim imirits. fpoUcy, rk VI ni i ';r .-rVcfl t.KA -Arabian once wmio . ; , t desert he oneway bad) abad : beadJ ache, Briiigiitoeas.abibty to bear on our naUonal postal ser vice; jit would seem that the Presi dent could scarcely have found a more capable man for PoBtmaster Genertrhrenolofjical Journal. I it r -.1 2i 1,' fi 5 n . tl 4 I 19 9 SI

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