Ik The WEEK'S NEWS j DOUBLE LIFE—Day time she's a model; ; showtimes she's in the current Broad way hit, "Dream Girl." Here Helen Bennett tunes in her peri able- Lewyt. Pre vious io posing in a de luxe stateroom of the Queen Elizabeth, lor fashion pictures which will appear in many magazines next month. ACCUSED OF EM BLZZLSMENT—Wil licm A. Nickel be hind bars at Miami. Fla. A 60-dollar a week cashier, he is accused o! stealing S6S0.000 to S1.000. 000 irom the Mer genthaler linotype Co. cf New York. MOLOTOV VISITS ROOSEVELT'S GRAVE—Rus sian Foreign Minister Molotov (left) and the wreath he laid near the grave oi Franklin D. Roosevelt at Hyde Park, Ν. Y.. recently. Molotov asked for "eternal memory to the great president." ■■■·■ -··::· MCVIE PAIR HOMELESS AGAIN — Ac'.or »ess | Barker, his actress wile, Susan Haywcrd and their | two children evicted from Hollywood homes ier ρ the third time this year. They refuse to pay ex- Γ orbitant rent^^^^^^is for an apartment. FOR FALL-~,ch'"!rk combined lot «* suit tor iaU day*· Virginia Welle ; star ο! ·1.^ Mqn" suit with a chai »reuse 9««' ^deI the coat. JOE LOUIS SIGNS FOB BIGGEST "BOTTLE" OF CABEEB— Too Louis, heavyweight boxing champion, signing as board director with Wm. B. Graham, president of AU-American Drinks Corporation, who will produce soft drink beverage· under the champ's name. * I ^^jjj^gsaauHK&saBSBMaB··· FIXING UP the HOME <&ta4U>(fteetito · HOW TO CLEAN OVEN IT" EE PING a new range clean, or "· cleaning up an old one, has always been a major problem for most housewives. Meat cooked without fat is almost always taste less. Meat baked -slowly wilL get tough. When fat is subjected to this fast cooking process it will splatter and splash over the inside of the oven. The result is a coat ing" of grease which must be re moved as soon as the oven is cool if one is to keep the appliance clean. Do not use ΰΛγ abrasive ma terial in cleaning any part of the range. The manufacture put on ί a surface which is a fir* cousin to ι plass. If you scratch tiny lines into this surface, it will produce fine cracks or check marks later. A