* TABOR CITY A MARKET LEADER OF SWEET POTATOES. ΓΟΒΑ CCO. ST R A V» BE Riat i SNAI* BEAN ANI> OTHERS Tabor city tribune All The News - Without Fear Or Favor TABOR CITY FASTEST GROWING MARKET IN THE BORDER BELT SERVING NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA A, \o. 2A Wednesday, January 4, 1950 5c a Co-s $2.00 a Year Avo-Year-Old Fatally jVpjured By Automobile ί J Slippin A round By 1.ΛΚΚΥ ASH BY l'.sbe. (.'it \ "s Gas King. U'illai'i Wright poor in sume tilings. ιίγι j:, ιΊη**:'·, was tne recipient ο ;,vu> uiiis Christmas Eve. Sevei •sui'.a Clauds, all ineuVbers j Windy'» bridge ciub. itii by thi t-;ubbie*l Santa. Doc Da nieron restated tilt* Wake Forest fire jaii u.t.i a oasket ot Cnristmn ,ji>U.e> fail of good cheer, sar· >auer kraut, razor blades ' tl\ ^..ov a tall measure of ap preciation tor tne gifts and at·· kau»ied-uu the result of Mon itav s Cotton Bowl, the sports üumieil Wright served the globa urug^tst a bo »vi of Rice at Mon to* > evening meeting of the Civ· ι;εη v. ιύ> The equally sports· minded Doc consumed the rice auiiiiii or.ly the gravy which ilu Tar Heels on Monday afternoot i:aii taiieci to spoon out. Liuyer Mallard reported that it «.otaini:.-: the marriage license foi liv Ca:;e!i-Shelie> union, he wa; a»fcetl iv.· swear that both appli *aats tf :rat :"aseahie ige. Λ.:.! -peak.:!. ot i.v esteemed rrpre.-vr.tatuv of the bar in Ta Ijr 1 :i::ve i-eon informec t . occasions by Kita thai '..C IV?! Oi !UCirric»J^ laVrt>. be borne bj him when, atu |i ι ; to t;:Ke ine leap. Olh «r- ·:..·.·. . ;.e.»\i inducetne its t:H· : .-it t.:at 1 :e.l like an un • «U'pch:l(! Ii«. ι·ι_: mereilessl] • \>vt«! <·. , titi .ι viUei. cruel worid Τ» t ν ::?e:\s?ed. the possibility .. :!iarriu'ic on t.n> Mt:e of ι:κ i> no; ;.ke!y it» the ilea:- tu· !Λ 'V coui: c people <ti!l throve fcatiana pee Ν on the sidewalk atul ι caM»ü.. .>o;:ieone slips on i.vm To the urjm!erested — WKI.i. kuu read this far: i Pic. ISorris Now In Kyoto, Japan WiTH Till. FISiST LMi:;·) STATLES m:\:\ COUPS lIYOtO. .?a.l>·»·. U*. It»»2* ;:V. James :i Xorris. Jr.. sun »I Ί·. .ικ: ?-!i · William il Nor· Lm: C'i;. \ ( - ·ι«»ν. s »rvi.-iy ur.ti tii'.· 2-* ii:: Γ:ν. neer Cosstil'c !.υ. ι Battaii.u. irr Kyoto. Κ von». ku>v. . y- '! ·■ i-i.j nt >hrint's is ·\.[»:ι:Γ> „n<·..·!.· capit.i! an»? ο:ιν >'·1 Üiv ivii. scan' .tVl ι1 Ιί'.Λ. The 24i>;h Kü-'M'.t'-'r Construc >.'»i Bai;alu>i '·. < :!·(· iinmrtaiit U.>>. wi.icir.;. ι«·;·..;ΐ:ηα and ii:uiata:ii:r.- tl;·· iacul.cti« t»i mi:i Jur;. ,:i the First 1- Zone i>: respnnsibililji ©n •v,uii;ern Honsi.u. ia:";2v»t *·* the •>..par.e>e isIar>«S Viit? work of ϊίί;- um: is <-'»nt«*»!:ra? "ΐ iarMj }::i the Kjoto. i.Kaka and Κν>ικ· i'cj. ? - X')rri- entered the Λ· my ι·η ...Iii ti ;l»47 at Norfolk. Va.. ."t! completed infantry basic mining at For Jackson. S. C. He i'.trletl lii.s oversests tour of iliiiy j·· the Kar Ka-.r Command during Mach, im;: Cadet Carter jis Promoted CHARLESTON. i* v.*.— E'id McLcnrion Carter, of Tshor '·*> \ f.. i;is been promoted to Me rank ·>: eadet captain at 'he • ;tadei. the Military Calicge of .s':i:th C:·:"·>! ::a. according to an ; t!.'!oiiiici !i;ei:{ iracit· b> Col. T. L. itiuh commandant of cadets. !!»·.· prijtnurion was made at the e«'l i.t the tall nuarier aiul is ef ieciiv? immediately. Cadet Carter, who is majoring *·! historx is a member of the -enior das.·.. Helen Haielson. two year old daughter ot Mr. ancl Mrs Worth ilarrelson «>' the Green Sea sec tion of Hony county died Tuesday morning at 11:3» after being hu by an automobile near her home. Coroner S J. Di\ said investiga tion was incomplete but it vas re ported that Brice Blanton of the Green Sea section was driving ' he automobile which hit the child while she \*as lying in tie road flaying. I Coroner Dix said an inquest l would be old next week .uid no charges h; d been placed against 1 Blanton. Funeral itos will be helJ from , the Green Sea Baptist church this morning 'Thursday* at 11 o'clock I with the F;.-v. Morgan Gilnath of ficiating. Burial will be in ν he church cemetery. Surviving other than tie par ents are two brothers. Sami iie and ; Billy Wa> ne: two sisters. Nancy Gayle am Frances Jane. al. of ihe home. Cecil Smith of Spartanburg. S C . visrte Mr. and Mrs. James Brice Mo day and Tuesday I Frank Τ. Woolen i Named To Boardv ι Of Education Frank T. Woolen of Chadboun • has been named as a nieinber υ I the Cm um bus County Board ο I Education to succeed Tommii Wooten. Jr.. who resigned tu ae ί eept appointment to the board ο I commissioners. The new Board of Education ap pointee is a former member ο ' the school board. His fattier Frank T. Wouten. was supcrin {undent of schools many year: igo and is ranked among lead ins educators in Columfms Count) history. Woolen is engaged in the in sura nee business. He is a broth *r-in-!«w of Lieut. Gov. Pat Tay lor of Wadesboro. The Board of Education menv ber was named by ihe Democraii< Executive Committee in called session and the appointment wa.· mnounced by Chairman U". Averj Thompson of Hallsboro. Other members of the board an Chairman R. J. Lamb. James W Peay. Μ. K. Long. Leaman Ward Β. H. Small and B. L. Townsend <0*'ΝΠ νΈΧ0*1 WT5 - a. SRIlT jlj HöiPjJil !ιι No/ember. Jonev Day Low r;u.urv .iiivl h. A. Briit u nt to ι .us i ipkirs Hospital at Balli ι-· a.- biu.' babies. ••It· NlVWitJ aä·.! C'laCOs. ill*« l:uls nu t a^ain Fri-.iay. ti; t ;ut ..ι Ci. .hi::.α.· νΛη":! spue . ι ■ ; u.:4 til ill is re . erai; . ·ι ' a:. ;.»»· Oi.uttiOtny. ... u; I, ay it:;ae ir.e ;; ) U 1 ti.ev liO U» ;:tUr <l.l> e ι;·.ιΐ:Λ . ν·:»:νι i.t- : .U!:t he ;:b'.v to a!· : ι t. his ttu-rui. ν >!.· ..u r..» jiave e!v»iu:\i itvat -!.ae uk· Xowmbet day th«;y .. l·· .v : :r Baltimore lon;?y .i> :.j ;vi!b vit'il un the I'(i3(l tu aiu: suruory lui his i.; . · lu'iv lotuiiltoa. Bi'itt S or ιΐι.u ti in ti e tutui'0. V. h'ie .liuioy Day v. as an ex· lit prospect to rcurtipk'ti' tt in*y ami stood up well untie t :· ι ..;n raiion :il Johns Hoj'kiiis Κ λ. s a iar tin»!··, risky case. Without surjiery. Ε. Λ. face; certain death, according to h.is •nt:ii authorities. With mi opera tiiiu. iu suiii.i.·: oiily an ever : ill ;»ti , ' I \1·.·:·.ίΐν.!ιίΙ'.\ Κ Λ. has sufferec tili· t xira str.. ii ol an oporatiot tor iSie π ίη. ν.ιί of Isis appendix Ji:itey i>;i.v tolif ί·! Α.- here Tri day that Iu1 was feeling *;rcat af tor his operation and oxpre>je< t!ie hope that Κ A. would ha ν» ...ii ι11 Κ. A. is scl.-.Mii!«.· i to return ti Jul n-i ϊI«:j»!«·:«« f.<·· further ex aed a possible opera, tici τ.! .iar.iiiiry 2 ·. tlis ciiancc Siowever. will di*pc:id upon tin public's ι espouse t.i the fand rais ing campaign in hi» behalf. Contributions lor young Brit;': operation should ne mailed ti. Ben Β. Lewis. Blue Baby Fund Whitevilie. X. C U'i'iic j)!.· y.i.» pi'ijüoiy th hi si faille ot tile seas·.!» the Ta b >.· Citv »{id Do vi ι» coached I»; S'li Caruso completely i.utclassei ."■i! iutuled th«· Kli/ahctlitnwi \ι·1!«ι\ν Jacket* as toitrth tieiVa <>t i: <.· -.oar ccmparul ι») thtei W»tts l.Lfl by I5i!I White and lit rme< Mv'vthe team built up a larg< hail' ι iiDe lead and from thi: pi.in: on fcIl:?.abethtowvn was no :<» get any closer titan ρ··'·'■' * h hu-fl the Red Devils Κ i>al -f m e was Tabor City 4t> IliijabtiiHown it». Bermex Stevens. forward. vva a airi high scorer. with 13 points followed by Bii! White with 10. The EEli:'.abethtown jjirl \va: probably the best team the Jevi] ettes bad played this ve.u \v»tl tne local -'ills being outclassed i.· every department. Elaine Cam? be-1 starting forward scored 3. l»u.ills for her team and playet U»oii ball all the way and her tean "vii:»nd up on the long end ο C4 to .'50 score. •I 'se;>hine Jacobs, who has beer p!.. ins gu.<rd but recently cnang ed to forward looked very gooc at !i ι nev position, makin: 22 out of 3D joints for the losers. The Tabor City team will to nüibt ntake their second att *mpi to win a district Λ game. In theii only start t iey lost to Clinton 4: to 3d. Tonight. Friday, the sixth the local team will travel to Lum be: t in for its second same in tht nevvly formed district. Cam« time is 7:30. By JIMMY DERRICK The ucieiicing Coiumous Couii ty Champions led by their Caplait iiiul All Cotumbus Center Bil White won tueir titird victory -ji liie current season by beating tin Lhadnourn Panthers 57 to 33. After tlie Lady Panthers ui Chadbuurn had defeated the loca. gu*U 32 to 23 in the opener. 'me Red Lievil eager» built up i large first quarter lead, but wit I reserves entering the game. Chad· bourn pulled within nine points οι the lied Devils at intermission. High scorer ol the evening »va> Bermey Stevens. Wiio is also iln leading scorer of tiie team. Hot· mey scored lö points against Chadbourn Bill White was runuei up with 13. Η. B. Byrd was toi» ior the losers with It). The lady Panthers of Chadbourn completely dominated hte first half of play as they built up a to 6 lead at hail time. But the Devileties came back in tlie sec ond. holding the high scoring Panther?, to a mere 7 points in the second half. Most of this credit can go to Tabor's two fine guards. Captain Joy· Waddell and Billie Soles. Chadbourn's 20 points first half was too much for the Devil ette? and the game ended 32 to 23. Gladys Tyler was high scorer for the winners with 15 points. Ta bor's Irene Jordan was almost equal effective with 13 Earl I'onvielle has returned to Edenton after visiting with his family here. -.1 ·ι Λο-.rnrt mokes the heofi 5'0« fonder, tut present} do ο better job JANUARY β—Jackson delet t ί.·!?·Λ er Nm O'ltom. 18)5. I—I) V troops under A'.ec· Arthur, land on likon. 194S 18—Woman's wilregt '•so lution posseJ by con gress. 1918 11—Alenander Η ο m 111 0 » born. 17S7. 12—Alfred Fuller, brush manufacturer, bcrn II—Congress authorize* 15 stor flag. 1777. 14- Rctterelt, Churchill cpen Casablanca con ference. IW DISCOMMODED ... Cherie Κ arrows, Los Angeles, holds over head of her brother, Phillip, the junior size toilet seat removed from his neck by firemen after he bad slipped it over his head. Evidently he Med to assume the yoke of responsibility a bit young. He didn't thtnk the wooden collar a bit becoming and welcomed the firemen »ho had to oh a «aw. Merchant Board Will Meet Monday Evening Two Hurl In •j Sunday Ml Collision Two were ii! tin· hospital this ;. week as the result of a head-on r|r:tlli<ion about 1WÄ miles eas! of • Tabor City on Sunday evening. Aibro Stevens. 18. a Tabor City . youth now serving in the U. S. Army, suffered comwound frac . tures of the right thiih. right ! shoulder and left knee cap. Ste vens underwent an operation on .Monday afternoon at Post Hos pital X«». 2, Fort Brajig. to pin the tlii^h fractures. Elbert Watts. 23. also of Tabor City, received a broken arm as a result of the accident. Watts, operating a Studebaker. was driving west towards Tabor Cily when his ear collided with a Ford, operated by Stevens who was going in the direction of Guide way. Billy Herring, riding with Ste vens. and Ben Wrtgiit. a com panion of Watts, received Tacera lions in the collision, but were re leased from the hospikT after treatment. Watts is a patient at the Co lumbus County Hospital. Stale Highway Patrolman W. S. Allen investierted the accident. Λ. Ε. Goldfinch, president öl' the Tabor City Merchants Association . announced on Wednesday that tht first meeting of the Board of Di rectors would be held on Mondav evening. January 9. at 7:30 o' clock. in the office of the asso ciation. Goldfinch said the new boarc and the old board would meet io get her. the usual procedure fin the first meeting of Hie year. The new president of the asso ciation also announced the mem bers of the new board, recent l\ elected by the association. The directors for 1950 include: Alis: Genola Woodard, Horace Huberts J. L. Winstead. Ben I,. Nesinith 111. William Shelley. Troy Bennett Paul Rogers. A. A. White and A C. Edwards. Those who served on the board durins 194H were: A. E. Goldfinch II. G. Dameron. J. E. Bell. Wallaci Soles. Ruey Hewett. Horace Rob erts. .1. L. Winstead. E. W. Fon vielle. Bon L. Nesinith. Jr.. and S, T. Rogers. Goldfinch urged that all mem bres of the boards, both new and old. attend the Monday night meeting. He also issued an invi tation to all members of and in terested Tabor citizens to attend the first meeting of the new year Three New Cars Coming To Tabor Tabor citizens will have an op· ;>L>I lUiuij. Ij V .1-·.v' UilVe iH.lO ]|Κ·<1· oi automobiles which will go οι utspia.· κ· laoor City within tlu next weeK. c/.i oaiurday. January 7. iln c»evtuiei wiil go on displav at Prince jViOtor Co., Inc., on J'rui acu street. A. h. uoitiiiiicn, man a^er ot tne firm, announced thai c.ic cviiij.aiiy ν»υιιitl re.nain open υίΐ Saturday afternoon in ordei tiiat all those interested migiil view i.ie new Chevrolet. i lie nc«v IX'bolo «'ill be placec before the general public on 'l ues nay. January 10. at White Motoi Sales in Tabor City, located on tin Green Sea highway. While Motor Sales will also pre ^r.L to the pulxLic on Thursday .January 12. the 1950 Plymouth and A. A. White, dealer, has issuer a general invitation to the publii to view both of the new cars nex week. Rcv/cil New Manager Cr H. J. Eürch Store The II. .J. Hurch Company i»i' Tabor City has announced the ap pointment of Λ i ist on Howell as manager of tin· loc.il firm. RoweiI was forme: ly w.Mi the I:. J. l.urch Si ore in Hemingway. S. C. Ml*, «nid .Mrs. Howell re now re.siding in Hemingway hut plan to move t'i Tabor City soon as an apan merit can be located. White Dealer For Avery Machinery The Columbus County franchise for Avery Tractors a id farm im plennnt.» was recently acquired in T.tbi r City bv A. A. White and \\ . Γ. Cox.. Sitiof ti'e farm equipment will b·· conducted from the business establishment of White Motor Sales, the l)e Solo-Plymouth deal ership in Tabor City located on the Green Sea Highway. White announced that his firm was now in a position to service anv make of fiirm equipment and a complete stock of ;>art.s has b». en acquired. S'nmund Butler, formerly of Whiifvtlle .is salesman for the new line of Avery machinery. i>AY AND LIST Town llall should be a busy place this month as Tabor citizens have two deadlines to meet l».v February 1st. Morris Garrell, Town Clerk, is conducting sales of auto li censes which must be pur chased by all automobile own ers in the township by the first of February. The town licenses sell for S1.Ö0. Mrs. D. C. Spivey will be in Town llall this month for the purpose of listing taxes, a task ^-hich also must be completed by the first of February. MID-TERM EXAMS NEXT WEEK The Tabor City School will hold mid-term eaxms Thursday and Friday. .Jan. 12 and 13. Principal C. li. Pinner announced. Report cards will go out the lollowins Wednesday. Mr .and Mrs. Gene Fizer of Whiteville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mercer Friday even ing. AUTOMATIC BELL SYSTEM ΑΊ ία η on cjty sclools The automatic Bell system fin the recently constructed higl school hinidiiig was completer (hiring Ihe holidays and is now being used for the change ol classes, officials announced today MRS. HARDEE ACCEPTS POSITION AT SAI.LY'S Mrs. drover Hardee has ac cept« d a position with Sally's De partment Store and assumed hei dlllies this week. Mrs. Hardee Ihe Immer Lois Gordon, was as sociafed with Sally's several years ago. MISS FOWLER NOW WITH CLARKTON STORE Miss Amelia Fowler who has been associated with the Carolina Department Store for several years moved to Clarkton this week where she assumed du?*» al the Carolina store there. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Woodard of Rocky Mount spent the Christ mas holidays here in ihe horn»· of their daughter. Mrs. B. A. Gar rell. Mrs. Garrell accompanied them to Rocky Mount und visited Mr. i-nd Mrs. M. L. Etherige and Miss Marguerite Woodard in Nor folk. Va.. before returning here. Sam Fowler has returned to Charlotte after visiting with his family lor several d:*ys. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Canady spent Christmas Day with her mother. Mrs. W. C. Ard in Mullins who was confined to her bed for sev eial days before Christmas. I One Year Ago in The Tribune ' PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Eight tobacco fanners of ι ho Green Sen community arc* formin: a corporation for the operation of a tobacco auction warehouse in Tabor City and have obtained a lease on the W. F. Cox warehouse. The warehouse will be operated by Hon Watson of Green Sea. of the incorporators. Watson is an ex perienced tobacconist and for the past two seasons operated the Dixie Warehouse at Fair Bluff. SHOE FIRM MOVES Tabor Shoe Shop, owned and operated by Robert F. McCormick. has moved into its new and larger quarters across from Tabor Hard ware on Fifth Street. TABOR MEN JOIN ARMY Windell Bennett, Cecil O. Soles und Billy Νorris of Tabor City • have been accepted for enli-sl:iu%iii ί in the Arm> und Air Force. I Bennett joined the \niiy ·»«. j year. Soles for two >.ar·. ttui ι Norris joined I he .\sr f«»; ·.· 01 three years. negro i u Leroy Giant. 22-year-old Negro of near Tabor City, was electroeu Lfd at Columbia Friday. December 31. for the rape of white woman I in Horry county· last spring. PRINCE MOTOR BUILDING Prince Motor Co.. has started a stockpile of building material nt its lot on Pridaen street and hopes to bej/in the construction of a new home in about 90 days, Managet A. E. Goldfinch said yesterday. Woodeü Assumes Managership Of Tabor A &P C. C. Woodell who hss been as I sociated with the Gre;:i AllantM ! and Pacific Tea Company foi j nine years has assumed the man J agement «1 the local A Ρ Store ' Mr. Woodell. son of M;\ and Mrs Β. J·'. Woodell of Whiteville. ha: managed a Wilmington Λ and 1 Store for the past 4'2 years. Mr Woodeli's brother. W.ule. is man agor ot the C'hadhourn A and Ρ Store. « Mrs. Woodell and their six vea old son. Jerry, will move here a: soon as living accommodations an available. The Woodeli's church affiliatiot ι is Baptist. C. \V. Seagle who has been man ! ager of the local A and Ρ Ston ! for I he past several years w ill as I sume the management of a nev ! Super A and Ρ Store in Elkii , which will open February 1. Mr. and Mrs. Seagle left Satin day lor Charlotte where ΛΙι·. Sea gle was admitted to the hospitn to undergo an operation. Merchant Dies By Own Hand, Buried Monday David Clayton Spivey. 4». weil known local merchant, died Fri day from a seli-inllieted wound in tite right temple, according to Cornor H. Hugn Nance. The investigating officer said Mr. Spivey used a .410 y.urie shot gun and was found lying on Iiis bod at home ahoul noon by a neighbor alter a Neuro laundress called for help upon hearing a gun fire, lie rliwd enroute lo the ho.s pital. Mrs. Spivey was attending to duties at the store and Mr. Spivey was alone at home except tor the N'.'jro laundress who was working in I lie >ard. Coronor Nance sain no statement was made as ι<■ the cause of the act. and no iiujueM will be held. Funeral rites were held from I lie . chapel of the liimm-Cox and , Core Funeral Home Monday aft , ernoon at U o'ciork willi ι In.· Kev. ; P. Gantt. pastor of the. Mount • Tabor Baptist church officiating. Interment was in the Myrtle Green cemetery. Active pail bearers were W, W. Woody. Jack Strickland. VV. II. Shelley. Jr.. l.efio> Core. J. F. Jell. L)r. II. G. Darneron. Kuey Uewell. and It. U. Britt. Honorary pallheai ers were VV i I - inont Wright. Ii. A. (iarreli. Alai-I; L'anady. Dr. S. Cu\. Dr. L. M. •.itdun. (J. C. i^vjiisle. ι . ii i'iii ner. Kenny Jordan. A. A. Whit.·. I.. S. Harham. Evurette I'itjirr». A. K. (rdliiiincii. Troy Bennett. I!. Π. Himers. Jr.. Slierill' II IV Slante;·. ■ mi Chii.l' L. H. Willsmi. Surviving ale hi.- wife Mrs. Nel lie Spivey aiul from that union three sons. Boh anil Hen of ι he Imuu·. and Joe Spivej of Iii»· Ii. S Navy. IJcstoii. Ma>.: Iun dnu'il«· iers. Nell and Naney of the hum.·. "iin\ivinti lion Iiis fir-d marring · :ire out· daughter. Mrs. Princes.-· Pearl Williams of l-'ayelleviilt·. Ten».. and iw» suns. D. C. Spiwj. Jr.. of Kansas City. Missouri, ιϋ ί Bill;.· Bay Snivev of Conway S Also survivipi! are three step dap £:iil»*:> Mrs. ['"vance.« Wiiho'iir /1! California. Mrs Benuee Btiilard »! Kalcijih. and Miss Dorothy Str< e i soii oi Kaetord: one sister. Mrs. Β Κ. ΗιιϊΙη'Κ of Tabor City: ihre· hrolhers. W. F. Spivey of Tabw f'ily. V. (ί. Spivey of I.oris. and Β. II. Spiv.·\ of Del roil. ?.1ieh. Lf ATHS AND FUNERALS ! Arthur Μ. Cribb ! ΛΐΊΐιιιι .VIui;itin Cribb. 411. farm· I er of thi· Guide-way %o<.!i:ii! of ih< I futility, ciierl at his hom·.· v\'ctlne< I day morn inj· at 5 ο'ΗίΗ: mIiow jiitS: :i lengthy illness. Funeral rites \v:·: .j.· hold fron Ilu* Buck Creek Baptist Chui el this afternoon 'Thursday· at : o'clock with the Kev. Cl.ulo l'rine« officiating, assisted l»v ih<· Kev Γ. II. Wood. Mur'ill will h»> marti j in the church cemeiivy. i He is survived t>\ Ins wife. Λ11·.-. Kuba Benton Cribb: fin· itauglv tors. Votihle. Aialln-a. Oorothy Hazel and Linda of the home four suns. Coy B.. Shell. hi. Cari· Ion. and Shet'win of ΙΙκ· home, one .sister. Mrs. Fannie Capps ol IGailivanu; Kerry. S .C.: one broth· j er. Franklin Ciihh of Bunk* 'λ, Tabor City. Mis. Mary E. Prince Mrs. Mary Ellen Prim·»·. 74, wife of the lale .lohn Τ l'rinee, 'died at the home of a brother in-law. Haynes Prince. Sunday afternoon at 1:15 following a pro longed illness. Funeral rites were held from the Emerson Free Will Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Kev. Ronben Hil burn officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery. She is survived by a brothei. R. C. Soles . Simon L. Soles Simon L. Solos. 64. Tabor City. Konto 1. farmer, died at the Con way Hospital Wednesday night. Dec. 2JJ. I'uiu ι*«Ι ι ilt·^ were h«:id from llit· Oak i>;ii»· Chtirci Kr. fiay tilIcm noon al 2 o'clock vi'li lit«* lit··.. Olln Kdu arils and I!»♦· I!c\. S. Λ. I la· ley official inc. 11 leimeiit was made in I lie church cemetcry . Surviving arc Iiis v.ite: ion· s«i!;.s. Simon Sole*. Jr.. and \V:n st.in L. Soles (if Tallin· C'i'j. I!!. 1. S^l. Lloyd C. Silk·;- <.i !·'! Rei· ninti. (Ja.. C|)l. Kticlid \V. Soles of Phenixvülc. Penn.: three dauyh'ei.«·: Mrs. Ks'he;· Mac Gra ham and .Mis. Lena .vuvis ··;' Ldis. lit. 1. Mrs. Florcice Ciiantv nl' (Thun-Ii Mill. Aid.: J'iv> hi others. .Inrd.iM Suits. Ι)·ιιι Soles, and tis Soles nl' Tabor City. Rt. I Rev. Λ. H. Soles and John Soles of Loris: one sister. Mrs. Mollic Spivoy of Loris*. Hi. 1. John C. Whittington .l:ilm C. iVhiUint'lnn. .'12. Horry County farmer, died at ι he home nf his daughter. Mrs. Charlie Graiiit'er. on Route 2. Tabor City. Christmas Day. at 3:i;0. following a leiiathy illness. Funeral riles were held from the Carolina Bap tist Churl) Monday afternoon al :> ο "el iek with the Kev. Clyde I'rince official in£. Burial was made hi the cluirch cemetery. He is survived by three sous: ( C. H„ of Lories. S. C., Claude and Leon of Norfolk. Va.: t hrec daughters: Mrs. Charlie Cirain&er. Mrs. J. I). Register nf HaliKboro. Mrs. H. C. Eardley nf Myrtle Ueah: one hrothcr. Β. I·'. Whhtinu ton of Loris. S. C.; three sisters. Mrs. R. VV. I lodge of Hamlet. Mrs Kate Seals of Laurinburg. and Mrs. Annie Jackson nl Dillon. WIS (HECKS STAR! JÄH. 16 WASHINGTON—The Veterans Administration will start pay ing its $2.o00.ft00.00fl special insurance dividend January 1(>. The agency said the first of I (>.000.000 checks will jio out 'in I hat date. It said the mailing will he done by the U. S. Treasurj disburs ing office The goal is to mail 200.00(1 cheeks a day or 1.000.000 ;i week. VA said this is "merely a ξο&Γ and does not imply I hat 200.100 checks will go out every workday. VA said it has received 14.225.000 dividend applications and has acknowledged almost all of them. The maximum check any veteran can receive in the .special lividcnd is $528. Fleeing Negro Fires On Officer During Two Hour Chase Wed. P.M. Hyman Now With Insurance Firm > In Florence Jack B. Hyman who for the . past several years has held a po sition with the Carolina Depart ment Stores lias moved to Flor ence where he will be associated ■ with his aunt. Mrs. \iaye \V. Stevenson, a! the Sanborn Chase ι Insurance Agency. Ilyman. son of Mrs. IJianche W. H\man. has held a position with • the Carolina Department Stores • since reluming from service *\itii the Navy during World War II. He has resided in Clai'ktun tor more than a year where he was man ager of the Carolina Store. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman and son. Johnny, moved to their new home on Cherokee Koad Tuesday. Λ 30-year-old Negro was in the Conway jail I nursuuy following a two Hour cnase i»y muuway owi cers 01 not η Aorth ami sum ft Car <·ιma. on \Vriliu*>da> evening. J in· .\egro. t-iiiumo lieilanij of .VI> rile Beacn. Λ. C., was chased in suiuln Carolina Patrolman i). W. Aicl.aunn Iram tili· other siUf oi Conway In Ciicen Sea. wlitTC liellaniv 1.00k ιiu* dirt road to 1· air Um II. McLaurin had attempted l) ·»!«·> Bellamy lor speeding, wlien lite latter. upon hearing the pa liolman's siren, speeded up and commenced liriny upon the offi cer. McLaurin returned the shots in an ellort to stop the speeding car. I'otroiman ?.l(J,aiirin radioed 1·» C'oIuiiiImis County where Highway Patrolman \V. S. Alten and Chief .if Police I.. K. Watson covered tlic Tabor City and Fair Blulf area. The chase, beginning around 9 o'clock Wednesday evening, ended around 11 o'clock at tile Wayside Service Station on Highway 74 and 7(> .iu-l outside of Chad bom n, where Bellamy was a|>prenhendea h\ North Carolina Patrolmen W. I). I'insly and Hoger Cohen. Bel lamy was returned under arrest Ιο I he Conway jail. Officers said it was definite Bel lamy had slopped en route to the highwaj intersection to changc tiros, a blowout having resulted from the .-'κ>ι lired hy Patrolman .Mcl.auiin. it was not clear today the rea son for Bellamy's fear of arrest but officer- discovered the auto mobile was not registered in Bel lamy's name. To Try 0y?s WOULD YOU I.IKE TO ACT? Y*m may have .some hidden talent, hit! if you can "Ι act. perhaps }■' would lie ;i sta^e liainl in t Si">l!iul'.l«·ι·.<* ιι«·χί produebon. The Spot lighters. t!r;.;nalic t· d! tin· Tahor Cit> High Sehe v. ill sponsor ;i play to be giv· ri»liri'lj hj outsiders. tlv pioeoe fluni which will :jo tu thai, ί £ani/ation. Tin· play under consideration a the pre.-eul time is "Xi'tht Mus rati, a drama full of opportun;· tii>s for lim.<e interfiled in all > pli.sT.·. of In·· theatre 'ψ Tr;. outs for I he play will be liflu ·>ιι Monday night. January I), at ü o'clock, in I ho Grammar School auditorium. Everyone, >οιη»{ί a lid old. is elxeii'.ted an hi- * to I■· y nui. ' \iahl Fall" was Riven very >ueci->. ull\ a! Chapel If ill last sutniiier h.·. !h.· Caro'.ina Piay inakirs. and was r'.'eenJy given in tin· Penthouse Theatre in AUan lis. r.a Mr. a id Mrs Sharp Turner of Fair Hlul'f «ere suests of Mr. and ilrs. Dewey Cox Christmas Day. Mrs. At. F. Morris h:id as her Sliest- during :lit- Christinas holi <i.i> · Mr. f.iul Mrs. liub VVal.son of Di.rham- au.I Mix C»u\ Davenport « ι > pari a η hur#. S. C. CI:,:rUs ι ο.··: ·.,»« nt the (Christ- ·.. nii'.·· 'I'dotavs in Fair illuff with John Torn. r. Flo>r! Ncrris of 'ho Marine Corps. <^i:antici:. Va.. has arrived here to spend a .'Jo day leave with his mother. Mr-·. F .M ..Vorris. Μ·-, ami Air . I. Λ. Poston of Charlotte s,»».*n· the Christmas holidays in tie· home of Mr. Pos ton s mother. Mrs. .1. .1. Canaday. Mr. i'o.vlon is «:ss-»cialed with the llaskiiis and Sol«··:, C P. Λ. Com pany. ('IvrloMi·

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