sacked # freedom of Expression $ freedom of Ascembly # freedom of The Press Φ freedom From Fear 76.7« TABOR CITY • Built by Farmers • Patronized, by Farmers • Devoted to Farmers • Interested in Farmers ff Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" ftTvi. NUMBER 30 TABOR CITY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1952 5c A COPY; $2:00 A YEAR Γ RED DEVILS RED HOT IN AA LOOP ;· or City's Rod Devils, winners of five consecutive srames in the fast AA conference, meet a| . , Whiteville basketball team in Whiteville tonight. Coach S. W. Caruso's cagers started1 • wo run over all competition in recent engagementss. They are left to right: Sonny Sanders, :: oughs. Jimmy Jernigan. Jimmy Tompkins, Junior Jordan. Maitland Smith, Sam Waiden, - - Jimmy Garrell and Tommy Rogers. AMERICAN LECION POST HERE b MEET AT HUT THURSDAY I V iv.omh- is οι the American :0>* in Tabor Cit> are r_"; : · * attend a regular busi-i , _ at the Hut Thürs-· z ; ,r 7:30. The committee {\:·,s recently appointed to ?.*?·.-a ν the possibilities or re· rsaniz'.ns the Auxiliary are re ueit .i to be present at the tee: ins alio. The:·:· will be a drawing for r- ·?. kpo" piaze of S10.00 at the teev.r.s and in older to win. the t.vT.s name that is drawn ms: be present. S-veiai iten~s of interest tc .... L·».*· vfiS«. aSSOu