VOiTUNUMBER 42 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" TABOR CITY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1952; 5c A COPY; $2:00 A YEAR Federal Court Convicts Klansmen In Flogging Case State Passes Sentence On 11 Night Riders In Johnson Case Eleven of the 13 men charged with the flogging of Woodrow Johnson in the first of many Ku K!lx K!an cases were found guilty and received road sentences or heavy fires at the conclusion of the trial in Whiteville Saturday evening. Ail defendants in tne Johnson flogging were charged with con spiracy kidnapping and assault. Judge Clauson L. Williams of Sanford ordered a maximum two year road term in an assault con viction for Henry Edwards of Whiteville, Harvey Barfield of near Mullins. S. C. and Ernest Ward. They were not found guilty of kidnapping charges, but Judge Williams told the defendants,"You are very fortunate the jury didn't find you guilty of kidnapping. I doa't