5^· ^rtffautc ^[Tvu NUMBER 47 "Tabor City — We Town With A City Future" TABOR CITY, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1952 5c A COPY; $2:00 A YEAR Billy Β. Garrell Gets Contract For New Post Office Building Billy Β. Garrell, young local j)U<.nei> man. this we*k was noti fy that his bid for a new post jfr'ioe Building in Tabor City had bee:: approved, and that he was jiiv.onxd to commence construc immediately. j.i;r l said today that construc ts; would get underway this ,AlVv ι the lot between Prince Motor mpany and McGougan £le\ t ι. c ompany, and that he ex :>ec*.txi to have the building com peted -y August 1. Γ:./ building will be a modern •j-ick s-ructure with attractive front and will have an un shed at the rear. The di be 75 feet by 28 fee! The new building is expected υ »cid service to the local post xfi.v -hrough the installation of ijjitional post office boxes and itiier i.ioilities long needed here. G.;rr-:i said his contract had i>ee:: approved for a ten year per ar.d was sent to him by the postmaster general in Washington. r::e building was originally plan ned for completion on July 1 but the late ".ate in receiving approval has :r. ; ie it necessary to delay ·> aa* \ LEBANON CLUB NAMES OFFICERS Mrs. Jessie Harper was elected president of the Lebanon Home Demonstration club at a meeting neia in the home of Mrs. Ernest Haves Tuesday afternocn. Other officers named were Miss Thelma Currie. vice president; Mr> Levi Fowler, Secretary: and Mrs. IIa V. Hinson, treasurer. Mrs. Levi Fowler, vice presi dent. presided at the meeting in the absence of the president Miss Thelma Currie. Mrs. Ernest Hayes gave the devotional. Reports were given by Mrs. Elizabeth Walters and Mrs. Jessie Harper on home management and iducanon respectively. Book re >xts were made by Mrs. D. M. Currie. Mrs. Elizabeth Walters r.a Mr'. Jessie Harper. Selection of Pictures'* was the iemon>tration for the afternoon given by Miss Gayle Wells, assist ant home agent. Mis sfhelma Hinson, home dem arcation agent of Brunswick -aunty, was welcomed as a guest. Refreshments and games were enjoyed during the social period. SERMON TOPIC ANNOUNCED BY PRESBYTERIANS "The Unsearchable Riches of will be the sermon topic for the regular 11 o'clock morning '•vorshi) service at the Ta'oor City Presbyterian church, Rev. Flecher Hutchenson, pastor announced. Sunday school will be held at 1!) o'clock Α. Μ . The public is invited to attend the church sendees. Rev. Hutch-in; on announced. Florence Party Honors Three j- J. Canady was one of three honored guests at the home of his 4augh*.sr and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis, Jr., in Florence w Sunday, June 8. The other hon Jree's were Mr. Davis* father and grandfather whose birthday's ire june 22. Mr. Canday's birth is Jur.e 4 and the party cele brated tht three anniversarie's. Mr md Mrs. Davis enteretained *'th a picnic style dinner at their home >a the lawn at noon. Others attending the dinner in duced Mrs. Canady of this city,· Mr. Davis' family Frank Ward h Hottoree Prank Ward was honored Sun Father's Day, by Mrs. Ward hi.; children when they enter ained with dinner at the Wa*d home here. A picnic style dinner *as served on the lawn. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. ^arnd the ses sion will open with the worship service at the Whiteville Method ist Chuich Sunday evening. Other Whiteville officers who will have a part in the threeday program are Miss Jean Powell, Grand Recorder; Miss Emilie Has ty, Grand Choir Director; Mrs. Reva Butler, Grand Mother Ad visor; Miss Margie Leder, Grand Page and Grand Representative to Colorado; Miss Carolyn Thompson, Grand Representative to Louisi ana; Miss Joan Ashely, Grand Representative to New Hampshire and Mrs. Irene Marlowe, Mother Advisor. Tabor City officers are Miss Mary Lois Garrell, Grand Hope; Miss Mary Joe Pinner, Grand Mu sician (Pro Tem); Miss Janelle White, Grand Representative to Illinois; Miss Mable Hodges, Grand Representative to Mississ ippi; Miss Rochelle Simon, Grand Representative to Oregon; and Mrs. M.ie Young, Mother Advis or. Miss White and Miss Joan Strickland are also members of the G:*and Choir. Two Are Hostess For Sandy Plain Club The Sandy Plain 4-H club met with Joanne and Peggy Gore Fri day night with Vicki Sue Lewis, president, presiding. Verna Mae Norris fcave the devotional and Peggy Gore, program chairman, presented the program with sever al members taking part. The 4-H emblem's were distrib uted for uniforms. Margie Gore and Bobby June Fisher were re ceived as new members. During the recreational period games were enjoyed and refresh ments served to 17 guests by the hostesses. The club will meet with Mary lin Norris in July. FOOD HANDLERS SCHOOL SLATED A Food Handlers School will be held at the Whiteville High School I Cafeteria, Whiteville, June 24. 25, and 26, officials announced today. The three day program is being sponsored by the Columbus Coun ty Health. The theme for the school is "Sanation Is Nourished By Know ledge and' Grown as an Obligation and an Ideal in Human Relations." COUNTY NINE SETS PACE IN DISTRICT Columbus County's American Legion baseball team, still riding on top ;n district 2 baseball play, will meet a strong Kinston nine on Civuan Field here Friday night at 8:00. Immediately preceeding the game, tne Tabor City American Legion Post 101 will be awarded a trophy from the State Depart ment of the Legion for its first place honors won in membership increase this year. Thi trophy will be awarded by Joe Mann, Depart ment Vice Commander, and all local Legionnaires are urged to attend and to wear their caps. The local baseballers are still undefeated this season in the lea gue with four consecutive victor ies and to date hav-3 taken one win fron every team. The meet ing with Kinston here Friday will mark the second engagement be tween these two clubs. The locals won over Kinston there 9-3. Last Friday night with Lefty Carlisle Davis hurling, Columbus County racked up a rather easy victory over Wilmington at White ville as they took advantage of every bieak of the game to win 10-4. The locals mustered only five base hits but li bases on balls doled out by the Port City doomed the visitors. John Goins' ringing double was the only extra base blow for the Columbus ag gregation. On Monday night, the Colum bus team coupled superb pitching and murderous batting to com pletely rout Laurinburg at Laur inburg ?3-1. Jimmy Jernigan went the distance for Columbus, giving up only four hits and a single run. Meantime, the local batsmen were knocking the bail all over the pane. In the seventh inning. Columuus scored 15 runs as 19 men came to bat. The game was originally scheduled for nine in* nings but after this marathon frame, Laurinburg conceeded the victory and the las: iwo innings were net played. EMERSON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Duncan of Clarendon were the Sunday visit ors of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Duncan. Mrs. Lonnie Norris and children, Mathew Norris and Norman Soles were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cartrette of Hallsboro. Carl Hinson of Whiteville and Neal Hinson of Clarkton were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hinson. Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry Benton of Laurinburg visited friends and relatives in Tabor City Saturday. Robert Sellers and Miss Rean nie Bell Soles were married in Conway Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Dock Garrell of Tabor City visited Mr. an dMrs. Ruther Lee Soles. The two small children of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Soles are ill. Two of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Nor ris' children are also sick. Mr. and Mrs. George Graves of Fayetteville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Graves. Miss Lorine Nobles was a Sun day visitor of Miss Nettie Mae Duncan. • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nealey were Saturday night visitors of Oscar Soles. J. E. Batten and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nealey Satur day night. Dula McGugan Circle Meets With Mrs. Prince The Dula McGougan circle met with .Mrs. W. H. Prince at her home 'his month with Mrs. B. L. Nesmith, Jr., leader, presiding. The topic for the afternoon was "God's Call Τ ο Your, g People." Mrs. D. F. McGougan gave the devotional and Mrs. R. T. Bruton assisted with the presentation of the program. Definite community missions were planned. During the social period refresh ments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Nesmith, Mrs. McGougan, Mrs. Bruton, Mis. Sallie Carrie, Mrs. R .B. Mallard, MnJames * Scott, Mrs. Sadie Eddings Jits. J. A. Mills, Mrs. 'Rosa Garrell, Mrs. Ehwna Harrelson, and Mrs. Eugene Collier,