TABOR CITY, N. C Published Every Wednesday In Tabor City, North Carolina By The Atlantic Publishing Co. W. HORACE CARTER EVELYN LEONARD Editor Associate Editor MARK C. GARNBR Business Manager Admitted to the postoffice at Tabor City, North Carolina, for trans^ mission through the mail as second class matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1897. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Columbus, Bladen, Brunswick, Marion, Horry and Dillon counties 1 Year... $2.00 6 Months ... $1.25 National Advertising Representatives Newspaper Advertising Service, Inc., Chicago, HI. WORK CUT OUT FOB US The acquisition of rights to some beautiful property right in the heart of town for the purpose of constructing a city park, makes it mandatory that we get busy immedi ately and do something about it. The land is centrally located and can be made into a playground area that will make life more enjoyable for every resident of Tabor City. First we have got to have an old fashioned "working" and turn out in numbers sufficient to clear away every unneeded obstacle. Then we have to get busy providing benches, picnic tables, some open furnaces and an assortment of safe playground equipment. All of which will take time and will take some money but with the help of every civic club in Tabor City and the active cooperation of every public-spirited citizen, we can do it. Time is of the essence m me project. äs you kuuw, this park project is one of our "Finer Carolina" objectives, and we have only until October 31 to complete it, if we wish to even be in the running for a Carolina Power and Light Company Cash prize. Even with it complete, we might not be in the running for reward money, but we will have done a great deal toward improving Tabor City since the contest started. That was the original purpose of the contest, and in that we have succeeded. Any gainj from prize winning will be like ice cream on a piece of pie that was already delicious without the ice cream. The efforts of the committee composed of Buell Lanier, American Legion; Joe Spivey, Veterans of Foreign Wars; and John Dorman, of the Civitan Club, in securing rights to the property should not go unappreciated. They de serve your best handshake. Others helped also but above all the committee rates recognition for a job well done. From here on out, its up to every club to do its share and to leave no stone unturned until children and grown ups alike are enjoying that recreational facilities that can be ours for the asking, plus a little work spread among a lot of people. This park is something we have been sorely needing. Recreation here has long been at a bare minimum. Matter of fact we can't even have two theatres any more it doesn't seem like. Let's make the most of the situation that now confronts us and get real busy with making the park area a spot of beauty in Tabor City and at the same time a safe and sane place for all of us to play and relax. Think it over. FIRST with Doctors., FIRST with America! Oi Camel is America's most popular cigarette by billions! But long before Camel reached those heights, repeated surveys showed that more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette! The doctors' choice is America's choice —Camels. Start enjoying them today! WE FILL P.M.A. ORDERS WE HATE η STOCK ROW Rye Grass — Fescoe-Certified Ladina Clover-Certified — Crimson Clover Austrian Winter Peas — Turnips Ruta Baga — Collards — Mustard — Rye Wheat — Oats WAYNE FEEDS FRED M. JERNIGAN Tabor City, N. C. 1 OUR DEMOCRACY frM.* CONSTITUTION DAY SEPTEMBER. 17 *THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION RANKS ABOVE EVERY OTHER WRITTEN CONSTITUTION IN ITS ADAPTATION TO CIRCUMSTANCES, ITS SIMPLICITY BREVITY AND PRECISION, ITS MIXTURE OF DEFINITENESS IN PRINCIPLE WITH ELASTICITY OF DETAIL? ih ^ t . —JAMES BX-YCE millllllik f«=n If#/.; //' Γ"' > Ί ■ ι II ι ιιι,ι mm After l(>5 years, the constitution framed for a nation OF A MILLION PEOPLE, SERVES,WITH LITTLE BASIC CHANGE, TO PRESERVE OUR FREEDOM AND TO GUIDE US IN DIRECTING THE DESTINY OF A WORLD POWER WITH A POPULATION OF MORE THAN ISO MILLION. j J) ·:' " A .lliill.l-Sfcv <I What bryce wrote, more than fifty years ago, IN HIS 'AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH* IS TRUE TODAY— AND, IF WE PROTECT ITS PRINCIPLES AND PRESERVE ITS SPIRIT, WILL BE TRUE TOMORROW. Carter's Column By W. Horace Carter You know, we don't often real ize it but the nearness of Tabor City to the Atlantic Ocean is a pretty big factor in our seeking industrial development here. Peo ple in the Northern area who are moving South with industry are all bringing some supervisory help with them and almost all of them are looking for a place where rec reation is not too difficult to find. This was brought to mind very vividly last Tuesday when Carl Brubaker, production manager for the proposed shirt and pajama ■"lant here, visited in Tabor City with an eye peeled for tftings tnax he might tell his wife and family about Tabor City that would get her in a notion to leave their Pennsylvania home of long stand ing and come to a totally new part of the county. Brubaker looked over the resi dential area, took snapshots of the school, which he liked very much, took a shot of each of the churches in town, another shot of our main street of which he was not overly impressed, and that was about it. He didn't seem to have been very much sold όη Tabor City un 3ITY, Ν. C. til we carried him to Ocean Drive Beach, and we drove down four or five miles of that beautiful strand at low tide. Brubaker liked that, and he liked the fact that Tabor City was located less than 30 miles from this ocean area. He pointed out how he had to drive 120 miles to get to the beach now and how his family really liked to swim and fish. Thus the nearness of the beaches could play an important part in ι whether we get the new industry I or not. If Mrs. Brubaker, who has never lived here, likes the way the I main street looks, the way the I churches and school looks, and if I her husband can tell her of the excellence of the beaches, perhaps she can be enticed to pack up and come South. And, of course, we always feel that once here you learn to like the town and people, get the sand in your shoes and become a per manent fixture. IM FOR won Hello: Let's look at some pointers on pressure cooking meats: 1. Preasure cook only those meats which are suitable for moist heat cookery—such as pot roast, I swiss steak, meat balls, short ribs, j j pork chops, pork shoulder steaks. 2. Do not pressure cook meats, which require dry heat, such as rib roast, ham slice, T-bone steak. 3. Before cooking any meats (except smoked and cured meats) brown slowly in hot fat. 4. Place all meats, except those j used in soups and stews, on a rack in the pressure cooker. This pre vents a water cooked flavor. 5. For a browner exterior, after pressure cooking, place meat in a hot oven (400-450 degree F.) or under the broiler for a few minutes. The sweet potato is one of North Carolina's most versatile ; crops. It is rich in vitamins A and C; its vines make silage and roots are used as dairy feed supplement. New dewberry varieties in the Sandhills may help North Caro lina regain its position as the No. 1 Eastern state in the production of this berry. Agricultural workers from 20 j countries spent a week in North | Carolina during the Southern' Grasslands Tour, held in connec tion with the Sixth International I Grassland Congress. « HAYSEED —— By Uncle Sam ——— A SMILE A smile cost nothing. A smile may be of great value. A smile does not impoverish those who give it. A smile happens in a flash. A smile may change a life. • A smile may help the rich. A smile may enrich the poor. A smile may creatTT^T"^ A smile may ioster good ** gllrile raay drivc ·■* % A smile may give hope to hopeless. ' 10 h A smile may encourage ,hß J couraged. he % A smile may rest the wean, A smile may lift a 'bur<w' A smile may dispel darC'« A smile takes awav value. * ' -"lng of A sn forever A smile may live in me There's real, economical convenience when you pay by check. Fill it out and mail. That's how easy it is! No chance of overpaying. No doubts about payment, either. Your cancell ed check is all the receipt you need. Be safe! Open your account today. Don't delay! The Hojne of Good Banking ... WACCAMAW BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MEMBER P. D. L C. in Tabor City, N. C. WHITEVILLE CLARKTON SOUTHPORT CHADBOURN FAIRMONT SHALLOTTE KENANSVILLE ROSE HILL BEULAYILLB Ctthtirrti Sirfdarg Mt. Tabor Baptist Rev. P. C. Gantt, Pastor Sifiday School 9:40 a. m. Morning Service 11:00 a. m. [Training Union 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Church Night Wed. . · 8:00 p. n. W. M. U. Circles Thursday after 1st Sun. General W. M. U. Monday after 2nd Sun. * Tabor City Presbyterian Rev. Fletcher C. Hutchinson Pastor Sunday School 10 Α. Μ Morning Worship 11 A. M. Woman's Auxiliary Tuesday Alter 1st Sunday. j| Lake Swamp Baptist Rev Harry Nobles, Pastor Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Preaching Saturday before the first Sunday ar Every Sunday 11:00 a. m. except 3rd Sunday which is 8:00 p. m. Prayer Services Wednesday 7:30 p. m. and Sunday evening 7:30 j*. m. Full Gospe* Tabernacle 3unday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. ¥oung People 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. ra. St. Francis Xavier Cath. Rev. Francis J. Murphy, Pastor Rev. James R. Jones Assist. Pastor Mass: First Sunday 9:00 A. M. Other Sundays 11:00 Α. Μ Holy Days 8:30 A.M. Church of Christ Clarendon Charles R. Nance, Minister SCHEDULE OP SERVICES Sunday Sible Study 10.0(V A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Evening Worship* 7:30 P. M. Thursday Bible Study 7:30 P. M. Mt. Herman Baptist Rev. S. A. Hatley,pastor— Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:00 p. m. BTU, SUNDAY 6:00 p. m. Worship Service Fourth Sunday 11:00 a. m. Second Sunday 7:00 p. m. Cherry Hill Baptist Burris Carter, pa.**" Sunday School .—10 a. m. Worship Service Saturday before 2nd Sunday 2:30 p. m. 2nd Sunday 11 a m. Pine Level Free Will Baptist Rev. A. L. Duncan, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship Service 2nd Sunday 11:00 P. M. 7:30 p. m. 4th Sunday 11:00 a. m. Saturday before 4th Sunday 7:30 p. m. Gurley Baptist Rev. S. A. Hatley, pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship Services First Sunday 11-00 a. m. Third Sunday 7:00 p. m. Iron Hill Baptist Rev. S. A. Hatley, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Β. T. U. 6:00 P. M. Worship -Services 2nd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 7:00 P. M. Green Sea Baptist Rev. Morgan Gilreath, Pastor 3unday School 10:00 a. m. BTU— 7:30 p. m Evening Worship 8:00 p. m. Glendale Baptist Rev. Otto Edwards, Pastor Sunday School __10:00 a. m. Prayer Meetings, Sundays. 6:30 ρ m. Preaching Saturday before 3rd Sunday. 7:30 p. m. 3rd Sunday morning,ll:00 a. m. 1st'Sunday night 7:30 p. m. Saint Paul Methodist G. W. Crutchfield. Minister Carolina Baptist Rev. Elwell Sunday School 10:00 n Morning Service π: oo a J, Evening Service 8.00ρ.» Prayer Service Wed.. 8:00 p. ^ Mt. Sinai Baptist Rev. Hester, P<M>tor Preaching Saturday before 4th Sunday 7:00 p. ^ 4th Sunday morning__li :00 a.m. Sunday School 30:00 a. ^ Bethel Methodist Rev. J. M. Carroll, Pastor Sunday School 10:00a.® Morning Service 2nd Sunday 11:00 a. r. 4th Sunday 7:30 p. ri Prayer Meeting-Wed—7:30 p. A Mount Zion Baptist Church Rev. Ralph Johnson, Pastor Preaching Saturday before Sec ond Sunday 11:00 A. M. Preaching Saturday before Second Sunday 11:00 A. M. Second Sunday 11:00 A. M. Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Robert Grainger, Supt. Prayer Services Sunday Night 7:30 P. M. Emerson Freewill Baptist Rev. Coy Housand, Potior ^reaching Second Saturday 7:30 p. m. Second Sundav 11:00 a. m. Preaching Fourth Sunday 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Dillon Nealey, Supt. Poley Bridge Baptist 1st Sunday 11:00 \.y Sunday 7:00 p. ι Church School Morning Worship «ff V Ί3% sua ,.30 ρ Tuesday after 1st Sunday Saturday Derore ist 3rd Sunday night 7:30 a. a Sunday School 10:00 a. a Prayer meeting, Sun 6:30 p. ra. Preaching Clarendon Baptist Rev. Clyde Prince, Pastor Bible School each Sun._10 s. a Preaching, ith Saturday and ith Sunday 11 a in. Preaching 2nd Sun 7:30 a Cedar Creek Baptist Rev. S. A. Hatley, pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. a Prayer Meeting_Wed. 7:p. m. Worship Services Third Sunday 11:00 p. a First Sunday 7:00 p. m Lawndale Baptist Rev. Harry Nobles, pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. a Worship Sen-ices Third Sunday 11:00 a. a Old Zion Wesleyan Meth. Rev. Lester C. Parkes, Paste Sunday School 9-A5 A. M. Moraing Service 11 a ^ W. Y. P. F. 7:30 p. B Flayer Service Wed—7:30 p. «· New Life Baptist Rev. Clyde Prince. Pastor Saturday before 2nd Preaching Sunday - 3:00 P. * 2nd Sunday — 11 4th Sunday night ■;£ Sunday School — 10 Lebanon Methodist Church Rev. J. M. Carroll, Pastor .. Sunday School Preaching . « 1st. Sunday 3rd Sunday -00 M. F. Y. Λ Ο Μ Monday — 7:00 W. S. C. S Wednesday Μ After 1st Sun. 7:00 Antioch Baptist Burris Carter, - Sunday School 1(| "L Preaching Saturday before 2na Sunday J};» £ » 4th Sunday 11 00 1 This Directory Sponsored By The Following Tabor City Firms: Roberts Clothing Co· The Dixie Store W« F. Cox Company »Western Auw Associate Store Garreil Sales Co Columbus TridinS

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