THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSl· Δ SERVING COLUMBUS, BRUNSWICK AND HORRY COUNTIES 74e '· UNITED STATES PAID CIRCULATION Τ Α/· Τλιπι With A C!ity Γ,, TABOR CITY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9. 1955 ÄP I KK COPY—S2.00 PER YEAR larfer Not To Seek Mayor's Post Agcsk. "With the expectation tha other persons would want t< Know so that they could mak< their own plans now, I want t< announce that I will not be ) candidate for reelection as May or of Tabor City in the sprinj I election," W. Horace Cartel ' Shyor announced today. "I am deeply sincere when say that I appreciate the oppor tunity that the people have giv en me to serve as Mayor durinj the past term. I appreciate thi confidence shown in me and hype that some small measur« of assistance has been rendered,' he said. "There is no doubt that muld have done a better job al< twugh I do not feel that I coult have done any better with th< time that was available to do i in. I asked for the office on th( grounds that every effort woult be made to curb the speeding it Tabor City and that if it con tinued, the town would take it a lot of money in Mayor's Court Last year our court did take ir more than four times as much as it ever took in during anj lO-'vious year in its history. "1 sincerely believe that th< speeding and reckless driving has decreased in Tabor City, bui 1 know that some continues There will probably always b< some, but 1 only hope that per haps a few have learned a les son and that some little gooc may have been done," Cartel said. "1 also made the promise thai JNbre would be no favorites ir, the court. I believe that this ha: been proven. One must considei that every case is a little differ ent, but I have never purposely let friendship or business inter fere with the decision in a case "I want to thank the five mem bers of the town board for theii cooperation during my term ol office and to say that I expect to work with them to the best iVmy ability until the end of the fiscal year in July. We have, ol mm ι rem Ha<rl enm.» ,ι;.·»,.««» *■ but generally we saw things to gether and I believe some good has con«· from the present ad ministration. "I want to say a word oi thanks to the town employees in the city hall, the police de partment and the street and i-ewage department. They have cfw a creditable job, particul arly in recent months. Some changes have been made during my term. Some I favored and others 1 didn't. However, the present group of employees are, in my opinion, doing a good job and have my full endorsement. "Some fine people have urged me to run again. I know that others will be happy that I am not running. But I believe that ΙΦ man who holds the job as Jilayor of Tabor City should f.ave plenty of time and not so occupied with personal business that some phases of the office are neglected. "In recent months, the push of business along with a string of illi.ess in my family has made it all but impossible to fill all the obligations of the office. With that in mind, I have decided aft o "prolonged thought that it would be better to announce my decision not to run again. "I felt that by making the an nouncement at this early date, it will give other prospective candidates an opportunity to make their decisions. I have talked with no one in regard to the candidates for the office and have no desire to have any voice irwnnming my successor, other tllmi the one vote I will cast on election day. "Let me say again, I appreci ate having the office for the past two years and am thankful to the good people of Tabor City for their patience and coopera tion during the term," Carter lid. (tela Members PJm Sock Dance Members of the Columbus Co unty Beta Club will unlace their shoes and dance In their socks on Saturday night, March 12, at 8 o'clock at the William* Gym nasium. J η addition to the informal !be, a variety show will be staged by groups of students from Chadbourn, Tabor City, Cerro Gordo and Williams Township. All clubs rhould notify Shir ley Norris at the Williams Township School as to how many guests and members will be present. Final Plans In Making For Big All-Star Till Final plans wore being mad« today for the staging of the initi al Senior All-Star basketbal. game on March 19 at the Taboi City gymnasium. David E. Diamont, athlcti. director at the local school, said today that the list of senior: from the various schools had been compiled and that the se lection of participants would bt made within the next day or two. The tilt will put senior star* from class ΛΑ schools against outstanding cagers who will graduate this year from the Co lumbus County schools in the "A" conference. jl James Stewart, coach of White-j^ ville's Wolf pack, will be head ι ( mentor for the A A boys team, while Gary Harden of Evergreen will coach the boys from the [class "A" schools. Coaching the AA girls team will be David Diamont of Tabor City while Coach Paul Weather ly of Nakina will tutor the girls selected from the "A" schools. Sponsored by the Tabor City Monogram Club, admission will be one dollar per person. Coach Diamont said today that the participants would be select ed from the following group of senior cagers. Tabor City (girls) — Alice Ann Home, Lou Floy Watts, Betty Willoughby. (boys)—Jack Cox, Brooks Mills, Jarry Cart rette and Laverne Spivey. Whitevillc — (girls) Nancy Duncan (boys) — Charles Wat son, Jack FormyDuval, and Charles Dyson. Cerro Gordo — (girls) Pansy Bullard and Alcne Stii^kl' nd. (boys)—Edward Coltman, and rtichard Williamson. iiiuim.N juwn.Miip — (Kins; Betsy Long, Shelva Joan Fipps, Irene Duncan — (boys) Bobby Stanley. Fair Bluff — (boys) Francis Floyd and C. M. Holmes. j Chadbourn — (girls) Carolyn I Peal, Pat Curie, Jean Strole and Pat Hinson. (boys) Buck Jolly, . Hobert Boyctte and Randall ' Peacock. ■ Evergreen — (girls) Ann Ben ton, Harriet Icard (boys) Ed ward Pierce, Alfonso Coleman, s Tommy Edwards, and George f, .Vance. 3 Nakina — (girls) Dorothy r'aulk, Sara Barefoot, Lois Pierce, Jeannie Wayne and ^ 'rancis Baldwin, (boys) Donald > Pope, Frank FormyDuval, Carl- d ton Jackson, Graham Barefoot. >' "We would like to see a big turnout for this initial all-star L game. The future of this event L: will probably be determned by c the reception it is riven this C year," said Coach Diamont. > The object of the tilt is to give i •very outstanding senior basket- I. ball performer an opportuiity to n iisplay his wares before some of si the prominent North Carolina s< •nllege coaches. Such notables as Coach Frank ' McGuire of the University of .Vorth Carolina, Coach Everett ' Case of State College, Coach Hal ' Bradley of Duke University and Coach Virgil Yow of High Point ^ College have been invited to at tend the event . . . Too, most of ° the small college coaches have ,r been extended an invitation to . ittend. Tickets for the tilt can be ob- ρ' .lined from any school in the l' .ounty .... a| Presbyterian Men Will Meet Tuesday Men of the Tabor City Presby .erian Church will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday. March 15. The Rev. Fletcher C. Hatrhe son »aid the men would meet at She church at six-thirty p. m. \ dinner meeting will be held Hut the alte has not yet been ietermlned. Organized approximately three month* ago for the purpose of i'cllowship and evangelistic out· reach of the church, the croup Is Informal. Anyone desiring to Join the group la urged to contact the Rev. Hutcheson. Pvt. Edward Joseph ilarrei ;on of the Marine Corps, Camp cjeune, spent the weehend here ■ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harrelson. «wJL ii Lifii'iONS »EV1LKTTFS WIN .... Tabor City's Kirl rase rs were all smiles after winnine the Columbus) 'ounty Cage Tournament. Shown left to right. front , Coach Dave Dlamont. Betty Wil'ouchby.L lobby Jean Watts. I.ou Floy Watts. Alice Ann ll >rne. Shirley Norris. Darrus Soles and Wilaree «'orris, (second row) Mer. Ann Elizabeth Mallard, Verna Mae Norris. Jane Smith. Sylvia Wil- , iams. Betty (iaskin. Priscilla Grainger. Hilda Cartrette and Mgr. Mable llodgcs. ueviiettes Beat Chu^isourii Cop County Tourney Honorr JUDGE RUSHES TO HOLD COURT; BECOMES VICTIM OF WHAMMY When the Mayor rushes and lets his foot pet heavy >11 the accelerator, he is apt to find himself on the other «ide of the julge's bench. That was the case last Friday as W. Horace Carter, Mayor of Tabor City, zipped along the highway from "hapel Hill in an effort to get back to Tabor City in ime to hold Mayor's Court. Outside of Lillington, Mayor Carter saw the small Sack tubes that, spell^ "w-h-a-m-m-·"" but it was too ale. Without a word of complaint, he paid his fine. It >vas a total loss as the "Whammy" delayed him just ong enough to make him late for his role as judge in Tabor City's Mayor's Court. Civitan Minstrel Show Set April 1 -■t Friday, April 1, as the dati >r its annual blackface Minstre how. An annual event, the Minstrc how has always met with grea iccess and a "better than ever' now is anticipated for thi: ear's audicnce. Under the direction of Mr ob Hodges of Whiteville anc obby Collins, the cast will in ude Civitans H. G. Dameron avid Kelly, Jimmy Dicus, Hani· obles, Cecil Mercer and Al arrison as end men . , , Ber . Nesmith, III, will serve as iterlocutor for the minstrc low. Mrs. Nell Fowler wil •rve as pianist for the show. One of the highlights of th< ,cning will be the beauty con st to select "Miss Tabor Citj Γ 1955." Last year's queen was liss Lany Waiden. Anyone desiring to enter th< >ntcst is urged to contact Mrs . T. Rogers or Mrs. R. R. Reg 's, co-chairmen of the com· ittce. Other business discussed al ic Monday night meeting was ic sale of house numerals in an fort to exptdite the city mail •livery service that has been »proved for Tabor City. "Th(» hnUKO numoralc arrived onday and members began Hing them Tuesday morning," id Harry Bryant, president of ic club. A packagc deal consisting of irrect numerals and erection Is ; •ing offered to citizens by Civ- . ins for SO cents. With two persons per team, e Civitans divided the area ι to 11 sections and assicned one . am per section. "Civitans will contact ever.v te in town during this drive. 1 tie cooperation of the public < making this project a success , ill be greatly appreciated," ryant said today. I Civitans also voted Monday ι ght to establish a fund for ob ining a band instructor and ι ilforms for local youngsters. ; ι bor City is one of the few ( aces In the county without a t II time band instructor. i All proceeds from the Minstre' . low will be donated to this « ► pn-Muuni ui ine ciuü. Dr. R. M. Williamson was I named chairman of the· band project committee. Alert Employee Puts Out Fire 11 Only the alertness of J. N. Strickland, employee at Strick land's Super Market, prevented I another serious fire in the store Sunday morning. ι A small fire was discovered ι; Sunday morning about 11 o'clock near the meat department in ι Strickland's Store Jennings i Strickland, owner, said today (that his employee had stopped by the store on Sunday morn ting and detected the fire. He ex Itinguishcd the flames without I having to call the fire depart I merit. Strickland said a cigarette {dropped In the sawdust caused I the fire. No damage was sustain |°d· "It gave me a big scare when I found out about it," said Jen nings Strickland . . . The store was gutted by fire several months ago and was only re cently remodeled and reopened. Tabor City'··· Red Devilettes played their role of "darkj' horses" in the Columbus County j,' cage tournament to perfection as!' they romped over ChadbournL >6-48 recently to win the girls! championship trophy. Led by sharp-shooting Alicej'l Ann Home who garnered 48 points, the Devilettes turned in a superb performance in coppingj\ their first tournament title in mcny years. It ' ι '.he boy's division White-! viffe edged Chadbourn's Panth-'a ers 56-50 in a close contest that saw Charles Watson pour 17 points through the nets to take high score honors for the even-^ ing. It marked the second conse-| iiitive year that the Wolfpack iiad waltzed away with county ι tournament honors. * Much of the credit for the - Devilette's tournament success 'went to Betty Gaskin and Dar ius Soles who combined effors ι to halt Chadbourn's outstanding ^ [scorer Joan Elliot. The· six-foot forward with the eagle eye for point making managed to collect . j J5 points in the losing cause. j "I'm real proud of the pro- ' Kress made this season by the ■ cirls and feel that the calibre' of basketball played by them in | the tournament proved they J were worthy of the champion- . ship honors." said Tabor City11 coach Dave Diamont. " In the championship tilt, the I Devilettes had to come from be hind after Chadbourn held a 17 15 advantage at the end of the first quarter. With the score ' knotted 26-26 at halftime, the ' Devilettes began to pull away a '.airing he third period and built! up a 43-37 lead which they nev- ' er relinquished. The Devilettes tournament vie- r tories were posted over Halls- I born 65-53; and Nakina 49-42. n Home was one of the outstand ing girl cagers in the tournament r as she poured 131 points through ci the hoops , during the three t games r Each member of the Red Dev ilette squad was presented a p miniature basketball at a chapel ,, service held this week at the'0 local school. < Local Boy Slashed , 'atrolman Leon Carter subdued ι knife-wielding attacker with lis blackjack Friday night about 1:15 o'clock in front of Ward's 'lace after he had severely lashed a young Tabor City boy Jackie Norris. 17-year-old son if Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norris, was ushed to a local doctor where 6 stitches were required to close uts on his stomach and back. The victim was then taken to he Loris Community Hospital iut released the same night. Patrolman Carter said he car ied Wesley Norris of Wilming rcn to the Loris Community Hos lital where four stitches were aken to close the head wounds riflicted with the blackjack. He /as then lodged In the Loris Jail η charges fighting and dlsord rly conduct. Released on Sun (iH.v anrr posting sioo bono.; " Norris failed to appear for trialil Monday and the bond was for-|" feited. •Mr. Paul Norris, father of the -Utting victim, said today he had taken out α warrant for the at tacker charging him with assault with a deadly weapon with in tent to kill. The boy's father reported that no cause was given for the clashing. Patrolman Carter said that the Wilmington man cut the young Norris boy without any apparent reason. Carter said he had been ques tioning several of the boys with the Wilmington man about shooting a rifle. The young Nor ris boy was not Involved in the riflt shooting but was standing nearby when the attacker walk ed up and began to slash him. Citizens Approve Bond Issue; South Williums Has Best Vote " ·τ«·ον imnuui was noieu in λ tu relay's vote but citizens who irted gave the proposed $740, 10 school .bond issue their over helming support with a seven j one majority. Oi the 2,291 i>tes cast only 284 were against •e proposal that will give Co-! luinuus County a much needed < building program. j The heaviest vole was record· j ed in the South Williams pre- ] ι-inct where 332 persons cast ; their votes. Only five of thesi ] were opposed to the school bond < Three precincts voted 100' Intelligent Approach To Combat jj Problem 01 Juvenile Delinquency j. 6 Candidates Mtend Initial ?aseball Drills Sixteen candidates attended ie opening baseball drill session tiled Monday by Coach David . Diamont at the Tabor City t chool. f With the season opener set for pril 5 at Williams Township, oach Diamont is making plans ) run his diamond aspirants trough a series of rugged drills u ring the (our weeks preceding H· opening of the 1955 schedule, welve games are on tap tor the !)55 season. In releasing the diamond sehe- ' nie for this season, Coach Dia sunt said, "It's too early to lake any predictions but if the s oy's continue to show the desire 1' > play the game they should c ost a creditable won and lost n L-cord for the season." Is The schedule is as follows: jt April 5—Williams at Williams, ownship ! 1 April 8—Raeford at Tabor City'c April 12—Whiteville at White-'« •lie jc April 15—Lumberton at Lum-jc erton c April 19—Williams Township,< t Tabor City lj April 21—Clinton at Clinton f April 20—Loris at Loris ' April 29—Lumberton at Tabor J •ity 1 May 2—Raeford at Raeford May 6—Loris at Tabor City May 10—Whiteville at Tabor] :ity ' May 13—Clinton at Tabor L :ity. r Boys answering Coach Dia- t nonts initial practice call were { tobbv Wright. Laverne Spivey,! )avid Anderson, Billy Wright,ι Sen Spivey, Jack Cox, Jerry ! "artrette, Jason Soles, Crooks Iills, Hugh Gore. Tommy Col- ' ier. Jim Brady, Franklin Ray, 1 litchcll Anderson, Johnny Bru- ' hi and Gene Ray Larrimore. ι By V. J. COLOMBO ι Principal. Williams School is As a or man t am pnmar- 1 y interested in seeing that all! :hool children are given an op- ' ortunity to give of the best that ley have in order to Rain the i lost for themselves to enable nc· to contribute successfully to ' fe as a whole. In short. I am in- . ?reste«l in helping children help 1 lemselves to a better education v >r a l>etter way of life. We have been taught that hu- ' inns were created in Gou's image _ ndowed with a mind to judge be- j .veen right and wrong. We know t Iso that education is an accumu-!j it ion of experiences which af- . •cts the way a person behaves, here is a reason for everything person does; consequently, it isj nportant to see that children re led by their parents, school nd churches to do what is right ο that there will be enough ealthful experiences to allow bildren to grow and develop into ormal healthy adults who have omcthing good to contribute to heir community. The first six years of a child's fe are the most important. The hild must learn habit training lid parental discipline, a dis ipline that is kind, and consist nt. He must feel the love of par nts for himself and for each ther. If not, the most promising eriod ^f hyi iihas been wasted. (Cdntinued on Page 12) -louse Numeral Sale ~las Good Response Considerable success was being oted in the sale of house numer ls by members of the Civitan 'lub: however, persons who have ot purchased the numerals are j irged to wait until they are con- · acted by Civitans. Within the next Id days every- ] nc in Tabor City should have een given the opportunity to pur hase the "package deal" of I minerals for 50 cents. Civitans 1 re charting the numbers of the]: omes, furnishing the numeral? < nd erecting them for 50 cents. < Merchants Will ι Meet To Discuss j1 Reorganization ! Λ meetine of all Tabor City ( irrchants has been called for hursday afternoon at 3 o'clock u t the Town Hall. 1 ΛΙΙ merchants are urged to at rnd this meeting and takr part 1 • thr discussion on thr rrorgan- ι cation of thr Tabor City Mrr- t hants Association which has« con defunct for thr past six \ lonths. c Considerable interest has brrn \pressed by srvrral merchants ] urine thr past srvrral wrrks It at thr Merchants Association ] mild br reorganized. "W'r nrrd a Rood Merchants association and with thr coop ration of rvrry merchant tbrrr I ι no rrason why wr can't havr]>' nr of thr brst organization* in · lis srrtlon." said a local merch-' ' nt. in urging all merchants to ! Itrnd thr mrrting. ν VilliamsRuriians ?IU Hold Ladies ■ fight Thursday I ι Williams Township Ruritnn ( embers will observe "Ladies ight" on Thursday night at s 30 o'clock at the Williams ρ nwnship School cafeteria. I The objectives of members v ill have a better opportunity j. understand the full meaning the Ruritan work in which ρ oir husbands arc engaged. a Η. B. Todd, president of the v ub. will preside over the meet- c H. P. Harrelson is much Im- c ■oved following a several day Ε line« at his home here. h Sobcat Killed Near , iome Of W. A. Cox j Λ bobcat weighing about 35js ounds was brought by the Tri-j| une office Monday morning byII Ir. VV. Λ. Cox of Route 3, Habor -ity. ι According to Mr. Cox the bob- 1 at had been run over by Ralphs nman near the Cox home. )i Λ small crowd gathered to s r»ok at the bobcat and a few' emarks were made concerning \ he "beast of Bladenboro" but,« U were certain that this bobcat ρ /as a bit too small to be credit-ii d with the Bladenboro feats. | I Jarbers Net $53.04 l· :or Crippled Kids ( Μ Proceeds from local barber L hops on Tuesday were donated ! ι the crippled childrens fundi nd one customer at Lux Barb-j r Shop paid an all-time high asj e gave Kenneth Ray five dol-^ irs for a trim. Λ total of $53.03 ' ■as contributed by shops in ι' 'abor City. !' "We would like to express our ί ppreciation to all those who! >t>k time to get their haircuts on1' 'uesday in order to make the i mgram a success/' said Bur-ji age Cox, president of the Co- < imbus County Barber's Asso iation. "Too, I'd like to thank λ ie barbers for their eoopern on." |( The Lux Harber Shop was the|l :ene of generosity as Kenneth 1 lay reported that in addition to I ie customer who paid $5 there •as one man who paid two dol- 1 irs for a shave. "It's the most I've ever been aid for a haircut and a shave nd I'm glad it was for such a ■orthy cause as the crippled ι tiildrcn's fund," said Ray. 1 Contributions by shops were: ι ity Barber Shop—$17.05; Fowl- I r Barber Shop—$14.00; Lux 1 arber Shop—a 14.21; and Step- t ens Barber Shop—$7.20. » uppurt tu the bond issue. Bug iill No. 3 showed a vote of 62 η favor and none against; North -ecs precinct cast 14 in favor ind none opposed; and South -ees had 25 voters with none ipposed. In only one precinct did the ote go against the issue. In the iast Lees precinct, 24 votes were ast against the bond issue while 3 favored it. County Attorney Raymond Aallard who devoted many of lis evenings to appearing before ivic groups throughout the co intv in support of the bond is ue said he was pleased with the esults of the vote. "Although tse vote wasn't u urge as I'd like for it to have iccn, the results show that the •oters are alert to the needs of ho schools and their children." attorney Mallard semasked. With the approval of the bond ssue it was noted that $593,036 iill be allocated for the county chools and $146.964 for the city chools. The outcome of division of a ei-ond state 325,000,000 school mnd fund must now be awaited ii supplement the sounty sshool Kind funds in the building pro ram. OFFICIAL VOTE For Aif'st Bogue 54 23 Bolton ....... 30 3 Bug Hill No. 1 15 8 Bug Hill No. 2 20 2 Bug Hill No. 3....62 0 Cerro Gordo 71 5 Chadbourn 197 26 Cherry Grovt ... .25 6 Fair Blufi 76 48 East Lees 23 24 North Lees 14 0 South Lees 25 0 West Lees 42 9 Ransom 128 3 Tatum 69 13 Waccamaw ..... 71 4 Welches Creek 17 3 Western Prong ...45 9 V'iliMins Νι7. Λ... 105 11 Williams No. 2 .. 51 13 So. Williams . . 327 5 Whitoville No. 1 291 13 Whiteville No. 2 136 4 Whiteville No. 3 86 40 South Whiteville. 27 12 2007 284 Excellent Response Γο Barbecue Supper S^ets Firemen $400 Although the official tally lasn't hern made, approximate y SI no was realized last night t the barberue supper sponsor d by the loral volunteer fire lepartment to raise money for aincoats. This «as the amount needed ο make the project a success nd one spokesman said today hat the proceeds would prob ibl.v he enough to permit the uirchase of 16 raincoats and lats. "We appreciate the support iven this barbecue supper by ocal citizens but regret that here w as not enough barbecue," aid 11. G. Damrron. commls ioner and volunteer fireman. The shortage of food resulted i-hen an overflow of plates were old at the door. Fifty-six plates rere sold to persons who had lot previously bought tickets. [4-Year-01d Boy Stabs Classmate With Scissors A 14-year-old eighth grade tudent at Tabor City School rpucd with η classmate over a laskethall then became enraged nd stnhhed him in the hack with ι pair of scissors. Wayne Fowler, son of Mr. and Urs. Pink Fowler, was stabbed η the hack by hi* youthful class nate Friday afternoon during a lass period at the local school. It was reported that the wound Mis closed with four stitches. C. II. Pinner, principal of Tabor *ity Schools, said today that no ormal charges had been lodged iy the parents against the youth ul assailant. The name of the assailant has ι pen withheld due to his ago. JAYCEES WILL OBSERVE LADIES NIGHT Fl IDA Τ Local Jaycees and their wives k-ill observe "Ladies Night" on rridny at the Pee Dee Lodge. It narks the first observance of adies night by the club and 'resident Richard Gordon said oday he was hoping for a heavy ttendance.

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