,£»»·♦.· ,·«· ' « Vi . . _ ., ,y ,- ζ t Buy lt.. Sell lt..Trode lt.. Find iL With Α Tri bune Want Ad' CALL 2321 FOR WANT AD SERVICE W>t KENT: Crescent Beach cottage, sleeps 10. All modem conveniences; $45.00 weekly. Contact William Η. Shelley, Jr. phone 4481. Tabor City. 4/25; 10/10pd. JOBS WAITING — Torn»* men and women. $50.00 to $150.00 per week. You can work your way. You start earning when you start learning. Write: Charlotte Beauty School, 129% S. Tyron Street, Charlotte, N. C. A. 15,22,29,S3,12,l».c I A I A stated communi cation of Tabor Lodge 663 A. F. & A.M. is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p. m. David Simon, Master Harry Bryant, Sec. Headquarters CASE TRACTORS or Mules, Harnes·, Wagons, Horse and Tractor-Drawn Farm Machinery S. L. Poller & Co. WhiteviUe, N. C. GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR :t Us Make 'our Watch Run jke. -New . . . ft "U-iwh Tested SCfcbtific^llv With Our tvatch Master Dor man Jewelers -*Kabor City. N. C. Ρ» FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES NEW and USED Electrical Plumbing And Contracting Rewind Generators and lUlraild Motor· PHONE 3921 TABOK CITY, N. C. Κ Ε TS MADE IN 60 SECONDS Dicus-Fowler Co. Tab<»r CKy, N. G VENETIAN BLINDS Custom Made STEEL — WOOD ALUMINUM Me«*nr«l end Inatallrrf Pr«· PRINCE BROTHERS Furniture Phon« 32*1 Tabor CKy QUALITY LUGGAGE 8ΜΛΒΤ itylet». Sturdy, tight-fitting tongue-and-groove construct ion makes it moth, dirt and dust-proof. See our display today. Prince Bros. Furniture Co Car wont crank? Ping* skipping on cold morning? Then take It To Doc. Bruton. He will have it running like new. Have your plugs and points checked today. Tabor City Auto Parts. NOW EVERYONE CAN OWN A NICE NEW BALDWIN. NO MONEY DOWN. PAY A SMALL PAYMENT THIS FALL. THEN TWO MORE FALLS TO PAY. NICE PRACTICE PIANOS FROM $10« UP. NOTHING DOWN. PAY THIS FALL. BEAUTIFUL BALDWIN CH URCH ORGAN8 ON EASY TERMS. WRITE HARRILL MUSIC STORE. LUMBER-! TON. AND A FRIENDLY REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON YOU. EVERY THING GUARANTEED FUL LY. HARRILL MUSIC STORE. LUMBERTON. N. C. indf. AMBULANCE SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE Oxygen Equipped Newest Model Cadillac Ambulance Phone 3221 INMAN FUNERAL HOME Tabor City, N. C. PICTURE FRAMING — Lei at frame your pictures, diplomas, etc.—Any size you need Id as sorted colors . . . W. W. Woody . . . W. F. Cox Company, Tab or City, N. C. »CttlAN AND OTHER-VAREE TY PECAN TREES, and fruit trees; also lightening rods, and monument cleaning at reasonable prices. Contact Vance C. Ward, phone 2651 or P. O. box 232, Tabor City. FOR SALETTndividually design ed Spencer supports and Lad ies Nylon Slips. See Mrs. Β F. Duncum, P. O. Box 2, Phone 388i, Tabor City. Charlotte Observer want ads taken at Tribune office. If you have a need for this scrv-| ice, its available to you. We charge nothing for our serv-1 j ice. See The Tribune, Tabor j I City. AUTO LOANS WACCAMAW BANK & TRUST CO. Your Financial Friend Dependable WATCH REPAIRING I • Electronic Equipment • Trained Watchmakers 1 ' / / • Reasonable v f Price* Davis Jewelers I I «»Λ l> < ΗΙΓΙ"· Prop Τ •♦»or Citjr. Ν C. Phone 21Λ1 lAUTO LOAN REFINANCING QUICK — CONFIDENTIAL Southern Auto Finance Co. Cohmhi Hot·! Bid*. Phon« 2711 Goo. A. Smith, Mgr. |Jimmy Dil Wants To See You About firofont Retreads THE THINGS you en.iov . . . rugs, furnishings, TV set. your clothes . . . may be soaked clean of their value by the water that; saves them from fire! Not a pretty thought. And it's expensive unless you! have broad insurance pri»-1 tection for that personal property! If you don't have it. ask us about it today. It will be yours at little extra! cost. Nesmiih Agency INSURANCE Phone 2191 — S. Railroad S« tabor cmr, v. c. f TRUCK TIRE BARGAIN AT FIRESTONE NOW . . . YOU CAN SAVE UP ΓΟ 70" NEW TIRE COST ON FIRESTONE FACTORY METHOD TRUCK NEW TREADS Here's what you get: 1. New Tire Tread Width 2. New Tire Tread Depth 3. New Tire Tread Design 4. New Tire Trend Rubber PLUS NEW TIRE GUARANTEE SAVE TIME — SA\t MONEY Special..."2 HOUR SERVICE!" You can't beat our Deal ... or match our service . . .Just Drive in and in less than two hou.. you'll have safe, long n.ileage Firestone New Treads on your truck DICUS-FOWLF.R CO. Tabor City, N. C. BUY GRAINGER BLOCKS FOR THE BEST IN CONCRETE BLOCKS Our Steam Cured Blocks meet A. S. Τ. Μ Specifications for Grade "A" load-bearing walls —SEE OR WRITE— GRAINGER BLOCK CO. Green Sea Kord — Phone S471 TABOR CITY, N. C. AIm See Γ» For Flll-In Dirt SEE PEOPLES SAVINGS & LOAN Association FIRST m 3~ DIVIDEHD ON INSURED SAVINGS PEOPLES SAVINGS AND LOAN Association WHITEVILLE. N. C. FOB SALE — PUbn. Sptneti Uprights, Grands, Lowery or Sons. buy. sell, trade. Als« piano tuning & repairs am Radio and TV repairs. Se< Yates Radio & TV, Chadbourr N. C. (tin] BABY CRYING with «I»»« rash? He needs soothing Swiss Ointment. It's an old prescrip tion remedy. Dumeron's Dru{ Store. S64 QUESTION _ WHAT'S YOUR Insurance ques tion? We want to know it—evei the $64 one. This Hartford agen cy wants every customer to full] understand the protection turn· ished by each policy he bay»— what it does and what It do« not rover. NESMITH INS. AGENCY "DRUG FACTS" ΜΑΜΟ MA&AMT KUMM. «Τ» ALSO NEASANT ID KNOW HARRELSONS PHARMACY MS SUCH CXCELUHT MftiCJUPTION tfBtflTf/ , PHARMACY I Ζ REGiSTE.RED DRUGGISTS TO SER.VC YOU "YOVR FAMILY VfrOGGlST ] ro»e ovt*. 4S YEAK<Z~ , TABOR CITY, N.c~ Drive Around! Inspect our plant. See our work. Thon you'll know why we always turn out quality clean· injr and pressing sorvio. I'hone 2."51 1. Tabor City Cleaners I Trutnne TV GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR No Cost In Repairs If Needed During First Year Western Auto Associate Store Tabor City BOTANY 500 MEN'S SUITS OUR EXCLUSIVELY — in — COLUMBUS COUNTY I J. S. MANN'S DEPT. STORE WhiteviMe, N. C. » GIFTS · CHIN/ • HOME FURNISHINGS "The Best For Let·" The Quality Shop SAM T. GORE, Owmt Aa Ope· Leiter Te Drivers Of Tabor City Dear Driver: You don't know my little dau ghter Dob by who is just six and has started her first year ol school. You haven't seen how she can turn from eager enthusiasm to solemn unconcern to youthful wisdom No. you couldn't know her or love her as I do— that's why is seems strange that I have to trust her very life to you! Yes. to you—bccause as she marches off to school regularly she'll be crossing streets, play ing along the way, frolicking around the school. I hope 1 was preparing her when I threw in some advice nbout the safe way to do these things—in answering her ques tions about all the wonders of th^ first grade. But this is pretty new to hei and she may make mistakes. Debby isn't irresponsible, yet she is not responsible. For her, the crushing dangers of traffic [»re not real. I can tell her, but it would be like describing the Giant in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. But you know and you can watch out for her. You can watch for her as she plays on the way home from school, and you can use caution when you see her ready to cross the street. You can be ready to stop if she should dash out from behind a parked car or follow a rolling ball into the street. If you re member how dear she is to me you'll drive slowly through eve ry school zone. Since you have been granted the privilege to drive, 1 have to assume that you will do these things. But will you? Will you drive carefully wherever there are children, not only because it is your legal responsibility, but because you care as much as I do that the frightening roar of traffic death—of the Ginat— never becomes real for a little eirl who has so much ahead of her to learn? Sincerely, Bill Crowell The Division of Health Af fairs of the University of North Carolina includes the Schools of Dentistry. Medicine. Nursing. Pharmacy, Public Health and the North Carolina Memorial Hospital. FOR RENT: three room apart ment. downstairs, with South em exposure. Located on Lewis Street. Contact Mrs. R T. Bruton, phone 2606, City. 9-5pd. TWO BOOKS ON NORTH CAR· ι OLINA HISTORY AND CUL- ι TI RE TO BE PUBLISHED IN ι OCTOBER BY THE UNIVER- < SITY OF NORTH CAROLINA < PRESS ! ι On October 13, The University' of North Carolina Press will pub-· lish TARHEEL TALK, by Nor . man E. Eliason, a pioneer his torical language study showing 1 how our North Carolina fore- 1 bearers actually talked. I How is it possible to determine, earlier pronunciation? Is folk, speech a corruption of standard I English? Was there more swear-1 ing in the past than today? Who' gave slaves their names and what were their names really like? Was the role of the Negro significant in the shaping of the Soutnern dialect? What is the true explanation of our various American dialects? Why is t«cre! a difference in the speech of, eastern and western North Caro linians? How good a speller was Daniel Boone? What is the sig-' nificacne of the fact that th·» first known use of scarce as hen's teeth was by a North Caro linian? 1 These and innumerable other questions are necessarily raised —and answered—in this unique historical study of the English language in North Carolina from the time of its settlement in the seventeenth century up to 1860. In tracing the historical develop ment, light is shed not only on what is distinctive about Tar heel speech, but also on Ameri can English generally and on the ι English language as a whole. Mr. Eliason, Professor of Eng lish in the University of North Carolina since 1946, has examin ed thousands of letters, journals, bills, receipts, record books and ' other writings in the Southern Historical Collection of the lTni-·' versity of North Carolina — and, has produced the "First History| of Language of a Single State" j using the first-hand testimony provided by North Carolinians themselves. Thi- wealth of folk speech in these records provided 1 the author with a sound explana-|i tion of the various American dia-,1 leets, enabled him to explain the,i differences in the speech of the ι different sections of the State ': ind to includ« a fine treatment if proper names and the use of imilea. Both the nature ol the ividence and the conclusion· Irawn are clearly explained in ion-technical language. I SHERMAN'S MARCH NIROUGH THE CAROLINAS. >y John G. Barrett, to be pub ished by The University of <orth Carolina Press on October 17, an alternate selection of the 'ivil War Book Club, recordi ompletely for the first time th* nilitary campaign and human Iramu of this relatively little ;nown phase of the War Betw he States. Based on printed nemoirs and documentary rec irds of those who fought and of he civilians who lived in the iath of Sherman's advancing irmy. the author vividly de», ribes the three month's march vhich Sherman considered the rreatest of his military feats l*he burning of Columbia, the •ngagements at Monroe's Crou loads with Kilpatrick's forced he battle' of Bentonville. and Johnston's surrender in Raleigh line «lays after Appomattox are he high spots of the story; but he human interest is concentra· ed in the many episodes that jrew out of the planned, syste natic destructoin of supplies· and »roperty by Sherman's orders tnd the undisciplined pillaging if the "bummers" as the arm J noved toward Raleigh. John G. Barrett was born in jastonia; he received his educa· ion in the Laurinburg Public Schools, Wake Forest College und the University of North [Carolina. During the war he erved in the United States Nav il Reserve: trom 1944 to 1046 he vas a Lieutenant, junior grade, ι board a landing craft in tf# Pacific. He is now a member of :he history department in Vir ginia Military Institute at Iex ngton. Marketing officials of the US )A report the sweet potato crop η prospect at a fourth below ast year. Prices in the 1956-57 narketing year probably will iverage much higher than if 955-56. FOR SALE: One 14 ft boat, 15 H. P. Evinrude Motor, Re mote Controls, steering wheel, and trailer, all in Λ-1 condi tion. Call Claude Huggins at 2491 Tabor City.- Indf.c NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, you can enjoy the all weather dependability of Sun Ga£ Bottled Gas. Safe, clean, efficient. Get our prices on( completely installed system! Wrights Gas & Furn. Co. FOR SALE: One 14 ft.boat.15 II. P. Evinrude Motor, Remote Controls, steering wheel, all trailer, all in A-l condition. Call Claude Huggins at 3491, Tabor City. Indf.c WANTED AT ONCE: AUTO SALESMAN. Opening for promising young man. Age 21 40. all benefits. Permanent work with good future. Call Suggs Motors, Loris, S. C. indf. FO R RENT: APARTMENTS, AND ROOMS. Mrs. Frank Ward. 106 West Sixth St., Tabor City. ind.c' PIANOS FOR SÄLE — Two pi anos near Tabor City good as new. You may have by paying balance. Interested parties write John's Piano Store, Granite Quarry, N. C. (Exp AUl rack trouble Thibidcau Clinics Myrtle Beach Conway Ph. 5S42 Ph. 314 H Hwy. 17 Hwy. 701 EVERYTHING FOK VOIR HOME Todd Furniture Co. WHITEVILLE GAS CO. Division of CUMBERLAND BUTANE Phone 2341 BEST QUALITY JEWELRY At REASONABLE PRICES COLLIER'S "Whiteville'e Leading Jeweler* And 8iWeramitliir EMPIE'S TV and APPLIANCES WH1TEVILLE Day 2273 Night 2875 f — ι KRAMER'S Two Complete St or·· To Serve You i Ladies' & Men'· Shop WHITETILLB, 1*. C. I Β. F. Goodrich VACATION TIRE SALE #plu« tax and your r»fr*odabl· 6.00-16 '"· B.F.Goodrich EXTRA SERVICE 6.70-15 SIZE FOR FORDS, CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH ... ONLY 129.5 BRAND NEW Safety-S Tube-type Sem· famous tread Μ|κ a* formerly cam· on new cart 1095 ■ 4.70-13 ill "'and" TUBELESS Β. F. Goodrich SAFETY-S ONLY $400 1795 ■ Μ 6.70-13 ■ Μ *ρΙ^,α" ™ ~ r.n.o<lobt· more for WHITEWALL . I SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SIZES Ο J "«» pik« α* α tpwiel F traMa oHowonc· / Ο «Am you buy ». f. Goodrich SAFETYLINER J SILVERTOWN Β. F. Goodrich NEW CT CA· TREADS j|AjU Applied to tof·, n ap , sssr" & Up äsu Size 600 χ 16 "Ν. Ν V -'/ ι ' * — I SB. > ✓ ✓ ' ' II Ι \ t FREE SAFETY REFLECTOR Ο lew» at nigh· — proUcti your cor PUT ANY Β. f. Goodrich TIM on Your Car VOO FOR AS IOW AS 1 DOWN East Tabor Tire Service Intersection of Highway· 701 and 410 2 Mile· East of Tabor City at East Tabor A. E. PRINCE, Mgr. PHONE 5381 & 5336 we will not Be undersold JOIN THE SAFE DRIVER LEAGUE B.F.Goodrich B.F.Goodrich IMS Τ IN Μ U II I) I Μ

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