τ HB ONLY PVLITZEK PRIZE VINN IN G WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. IN THE V ΝI IF. Γ> STATES More Than 10,000 People Read The Γribune Every Week *7ü People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown newspaper ι Γνοΐ-ΓΜΕ XI. NUMBER la "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" TAB«)* CITY. NORTH ( AKOI.INÄ -viilNKSIlAV II I ν in iae< Leaf Market Opening Date ftoved To Tuesday, July 30 Opening of the Tabor City and other Bonlof lielt tooacco murk •is has been moveci up to Tues day. July 30. according to an nouncements released in Lumb i-rton Τικ·;,lay. Folder Bel: markets had originally been sol to open on August but wtun ι!ι<· Georgia-Fiorina mnrk«·' ehanged from July 25 to Jul; 18. the South Carolina marki's moved up to July 3(. Even the August j, open·'.κ dates was one of the earliest in years in this area but the w«.;· - ther conditions this season have been such that tobacto has corns, off the stalk faster than in sea sons past. It is believed by to bacco men generali»· now thai most farmers will be ready to start marketing th··.! tobacco i · this section by the July 30, · p ctung date. Tobacco throughout the Boni er Belt his been damaged *· some extent both by hail and Irowning und poundage expee· ations this season ;.ie consider ably lower than in 1656. Garrel! Joins Seles Staff 0! Rogers Pontiac James Garivli !i.. joined the sales staff of Hegers Pont.a Company in Tabor City. T. ·· announcement was ma I ν by Π. 15. It -licrs. own " ■! 'he local :iutoin< ' ι!<· ago»'-? C rrell. a native ol Tai)"· Citv. was ιοί t:H'vI\ . - i riatei. v\itn Ο. & G. Supci .Vi.-iket. lie l»as also had extensive expert en with produce i.nd tobsnv. markets in asso-vation with barrelI Sah s Company He is married to the fortnOi Marian Graham of Loris. Th· y In.v.· iv.i' -·ι·.Μτ«η. '..nth'a. ltui Chuck. 5. They are members of ihr Tabor City Baptist Church. "We are happy to have Mr 5arrell on our automobile s«de stait and invite his many friends to come in and see him." sau. Rogers. Mrs. Bozeman Dies In Whiteville Mrs. Sarah Isadrre Boz«*m..n, 72. died in the Coluri.bus Coui.ty hospital. Saturday, June 29. Funeral services weie held on Sunday at 4 p. m. at the Duluh Baptist Church w>th the Rev. Trowel! Powell, pas'or. officiat ing. Burial was in the church cemetery. Survivors include one sop L.onzie Bozeman of Chicaio, 111.: four daughters, Mrs. Stella Jcn rette of route 3, Tabor C'ty Mrs. Cornelia Duncan of route 4, I.oris, Mrs. Sad.e Burton of Columbia, S. C. and Mrs. Alnv Green of West Pair· Beach, Fid. four sisters. Mrs. Allie Jacobj nf route 3, Tabor City, Mrs. Let tie Sellers of Tabci City, Mrs. Olive Jones of Wl-.iteville and Mrs. Bec-kie Hewett of route 3, Tabor City: one brother. Lucian Smith of route 1, Clarendon; 21 grandchildren and 15 gteut grandchildren. Thinning to prevent over crowding by too rr.i'ny tree: is helpful ana necessary in grc w ing the best and lai^est timbei crop per acre. Operator Caught In Peer Raids Beats Agents' Informant I The man λ'..ο directly rcspoii ft for South Carolina Bevor L Tax Commission agentj ft,· ching six ΗοΓΓ) business·· Κ ling beer dlegali> on Sun iuy Κ ^ severely beattn by Clyd·.· I·. t»n the main streets oi ■ Saturday aft -moon. Sol I of · .. in* . Goreto Κ , one of the establishments ft . .lit Sunday, June 30. I Soles allegedly a ΐ tackt 1 Νλγ |nan Smith, of Loris, on K.;il I . ι stroet and assaulted litin ft thout provocation. ■ Smith suffered extensive in ■ about <he fa <· and head Ε (»was admitted to McLecds ■ irmary in Florence after hav K tirst been treatfcd by Dr. J. I Thomas, Jr., in Loris. Smith ■ .ι damaged rigat eye. lacer ft ns yn the forehead, a broke»» ■ and another abrasion on I Shoulder. I ere was some medical ι·>ι B ι · indicating that the pupil ft: the eye was damaged and ft <9 r. |ierniaiient <>· dam ιV ft '.:ht result. I -- des had ieporto(!i\ been aft ft -Smith tor several days an.i I ι λ cd h'm to T.-bor City a ■ ι · nine before the assault oi ft .1 Soles did not conn , ft- !'li in Tabor Cil.» but pount· ft·! η him near tue front of; Parker's Department Store on Κ :>;.d street shortly alter· *n..tli returned to Loris. I gangstcr-liki attack p«v | ■ iblv resulted from the fac'< I t Smith accompanied agent, i Κ he s. C. Beverage Tax C<>. i ft v-fin in the raids r.gainstLor'ji ft r operators for selling oc*ri ft-. Sunday. an offense in di"t * ■ !ati< iii of South Carolina iaw ft . long known to exist thro-· ft ->ut Horry county. I Agents confiscated 140 cases ft r . tu) 30 pints of whiskeyI In lie Sunday raio in which' ft·! ith assisted. S'x defendants liom those raids are scheduled ■ > have a hearing before the ■ \ Commission to consider tne l.uestion of license suspension. ] ■ Loris Policeman Jack Cannon ■ 1 today that Soles was undo*·] ft iiid for the assault. Just what ψ Ies will be char&ed with In ft itirt is unknown bat consider fact that Smith was a ftmall man wtikhing little more fth.in 100 pounds and Soles of ftonsiderable stronger and heavi er build, it ts beiitv-ed that he ftould be charged with assault ft.ith attempt to kill, a serious fth.irge carrying hcz\y penalties 1' upheld by the c« urts. I Reports indicate that Dwigbt ■niggs, another of the beer oper ators caught in the Sunday raids, ν I'vvith Soles at the time of ft): assault, accord-ng to wit ■ • -ses and kept Smith's wife a in trying to separate Soirt ■ ·<ιι her husband. 1. Reports indicate that Soles flrat Smith unmercifully, and jlmitinued to pound him evn A'er Smith had partically "~s; Consciousness. I Smith was formerly employe! ( ris by Wood's Five and 'len §'> nt store. Im identnlly. three or more of he beer operators who were aught selling illegu· y on Sur l;,Y. were they up I subpoenaed >efore the Grand Jury in Horry bounty by Sheriff John Henry ο testify to the outstanding «annor in which thr law wa.·« x*in^ enforced in Horry? ΕI.DREI) HICKMAN ILL Eldred Hi-kman a patient it the Veter,ins Administration fospital. Fayettevillc where he, indei went a maioi operation fuesday. BAPTIST MLLTTNO The Prf-A<mdalionil Con- 1 ferencr In the Carolina Amo elyton will be held Thursday, 11, 3:N P. M. at the ttlendale Baptist Charrh. Hor •re. O. Hammett, Η täte Work er from Columbia, will be the Kpeaker. The members of this asso ciation arge that rarh preach er and ui Key trader· of tb/ cherehes be present for this meetlnK. ^CJT«H»r (s promotional Mayer Hears Heavy Bockel In £oiar? Sessfcr. drunkenness 2*£ ^ i!··'''· M»nda>· n,«h a.M^ 5;rr it"nc;-»<"> »» νΐ.,νο, Γι„;ν: 'Γο κ .vrelson C ases heard inc.'uued: W,,|„ Chatman, disnrri«· ». . .·..<» ν .. a< '> conduc: 1<,S,>· 'tU1 'Γ. Go ,· (| ι v« |Γ|Ι.·| ι . conduc, iinfj ... ,, , l1-· 1 di>ti.rl»inK ü,.. ... Κ t'°Is,s; J,>ss Oo,e. «Iim.i - ' """'iui a,,d tfinK r<t:>y '""duct. costs; η,.,ϋ Mae Edwards. uso nt t .· ♦· Costs · usc of Profanity. The follow,,,e ,n With <*«ts Ol c »urt (tr i «"» public hi um!:« !)· j'iarges: John Paul Jones. Ol·.,-. « Smalls, |y,,v fhsPIJ · '> -« d«,,*,.. x;:' ' IM.·. Κiv» r Williams, , liomas. Luthe,· S,„iih ° Secc-al cases „ans,,,, , to Recorder's Cou·, after . "'·· «»use was fount.. Thev, in. clu.l.-d Ben Hcmr.lnicway as J ! w,th ■· dcaa'\ weau ... ,'τ.·,"Γ" • Louise Sctt. ιeekloss dm ; : Afford, no opera' "« > license; S;,m Ρ, ice, exnved OrrnZ■" 'ίΓ"*" A ' * m ' ' h rung, r. alias IM, Grainier >iiunken driving; Roiand Tuib, " · drunken drivn.R. In a case where six persons η η t ' "' ' With Possession of w;,??* Paid whiskev after the w h ch uVVaS ίθυ'"1 ,n thr tai >■> .,hev were riding. One pleaded guilty. Jam«s Jerrv Sni rc »- «3Ä ' to Recorder s Court rhn Th " Urr° f0l,!'cl n,,t SUdtv SSL "»»« ·>·»·da;.; N'ith Lawson. Dacd η fdcc A S τ τ* ··"" «lien. A similar case found' \WhJ,ovv Green t ans,erred J,J Recorders Court <>n a charge of Pression of non f;ixrf^ °[ him'Skl'fV' lh" tW° |J'rsons with Jim. Lawrence B.own and, guilty! 'rdet'· W"'P foUnd *2? j-d «on of nun tax-Pid whiJov I ρ^Γίό?.*,n cxcess of 100 miH p<?r hour in a 35 n,i!es per hcur 7°' and a"owing an unlicens vih^rat0r ,0 ^ tn&ur The biggest weekend distrub sulted in T" P0,iCt °riict'rs rc Fowlor ,1arges afiainst Edwi·"» "wier and Jerry Fowler bri,lK sc",.,° Recorder's Court Edwin Fowler ^ .,s ,haig,d rt>s<sting an est, Pub„c drunkenness and destroying p; j. uite Property, jerry Fowler wa? (Continued On p«,Ke 8) Merchants Rally In Active Support | Off More Business i Aware that the tcbacco acre age cuts and poor growing sea son will tend to depress the re tail economy of the town, mer chants and busineuitien of Tab or City rallied Monday night κ' the school agricultural building and planned an extensive drive to encourage farm« is to tr.ide in the Yam Capital. Tally Eddihgs, new executive secretary of the Mci chants As sociation, pointed out to the 50 or more local peop.c in attend ance. that the long range future success of the community lies In industrialization bu. that the Im mediate future will be determin ed by how well tte town sue· ceeds in bringing the faming populace here to trad·. It wh pointed out during the roundtiible discussi» η at the meeting that Tabor City ha«· » tobacco market with ten buyer* following every salt about three more than the average on oir.er markets. This they emphasize has led to the reason why Tator City has consistently led the Border Belt In prices for many years. The discussion pointed out thai over the past ten >ears, Taooi City'« tobacco market paid out more money and sold more pounds of tobacco thi»n any ot i er one sale market in either the North Carolina or South Cere lla· Border Belts. Merchants wefr cncourageo to continue and expanC (he friend ly service to cuttrmen and to (Continued On Page 9) MISS ΕΪ-'ί'Λ'Λ Jf.'.Ν FIPP? Columbus Beauty Will Seek "Miss N.C." Title This Week A Columbus County girl \ ill be hunting the "Misj North Car olina" title this week when she joins an array of Τ:·γ Κι» 1 beauties in ituriington Thursday for the annual pageant. Shelva Jean Fipps, pretty blue eyed brunette fron Clarendin will wear Ihe "Mis: Columbu; County" title in seeKing the cov eted state beauty titie. The p:i geant, a bathing suit, evening gown and talent atfair. begi ·· Thursday. » The winner of 'he Jaycec ■ sponsored pageant wii· represent North Carolina in the Miss A merica pageant at Atlantic Ci'y. Shelva Jean won tne right to appear in the state contest wr.en she emerged victorious in th." Tabor City Jaycce - sponsored beauty contest last month. Shi won the title from a field ol seven beautiful Coiumbus ent ries. A former basketball star a' Williams Township High Sehr···! she will give the same Hawaii ir> dance at the state pageant t:«a' helped her to wir; the coun'y title. She is five feet, eight inrde tail and weighs 131 pounds. Her vital statistics are 36-22-35. The young, 20 ycais old, bea i ty isn't nervous about her ap pearance in the erntest: how ever, she might face one compli cation. She plans to be marric' Sunday and rules st-pulate tha< Miss North Carolina must re main single for 12 months. "I'll worry about *nat problem when I'm faced wi'h it," w.i< her comment on the subject The personable beauty might have more on h;ino than a hy pothetical problem. Her chant«; of winning the thrilling three day contest arc excellent. She is the daughter of Mr. anH Mrs. Felix Fipps ot Clarendon Womans Club Has Lead In Little League Baseball l,a<k of spectator? is the on'v slow part of the Uh a1 stimm» r recreation program. Randall Burleson. direct- r said today that the little leauur baseball teams were progressing nicely but urged parents to at tend thoae semi-weekly tilts held on Monday and Thursday. At this early ftage of the sea son th* Women's Club leads the league with (our wins and two (Continued On Page β) Next Water Bill Will Reflect Increased Rates The Increase in water r ,4es for Tabor C'ny wii; ι*· reflected in the bill mailed otit on August I. The change in r.ites is effec tive this month The increase w.ut made offiti-, •I last nißtit who', the Town II«turd approved the· change mi ni* the minimum water rate I" two dollars -»nd Iii» minimum sewerage rate to one dollar. Pre viously it had been $1 50 mini mum for water and SO cents for sewerage. I I The water minimum applies ■ to the first 3,000 g.illons with a charge of 23 cents being made for each additional 1,00 gaUotv·. ianelle While . Wins Vacation Fo Si. Louis Janellc W.iiti·, a home ' tonomics senior n.ajor. at Wo man's College of thi University f North Carolina. leaves S;.i-> irdav. July 13. for St. Ia> ti> v Ihe is the North Carolina recip- t [•nt of the Willi in Danfort'i s "ellowship whose purpose is "to « ning together ο ti t s t a η d i Ii g * oung women from leading st.ite iniversities lor a lour weeks ' >rogr:im of sturij. research ' leadership training, iiid fellow - ' hip." This fellowship was fir-* iffered in l'»36 by the Ralsti.ii 'urina Company <»· which Mi )anforth was founder and form-;, r chairman of the board of di- ' it· tors. The fellowship includes aj] nonths stay-tv. ο wteks of which I fill be sp>'n' in St I.ouis. Mis·'« ouri The Halslon i'urinn Com Ί i:inv will be host t-> the 48 girls j ι mi the United S. ites. llawai'l· ncl Puerto Rico Ti.e following wo weeks will be spent at the; imerican Youth Found itio.1'5 > "imp Mini>vanca. Stony Lakc.'i He.ma County, M.chtgan. Miss ι Vhite graduated fron the Tabor *ii> Η ι tili School in 1954, where : he was president oi the senior .< ?la*s. Miss Tabor City High ittd winner of tin· Citizenship up At W.C.U.N.C he is trea? irer of the Horn. Kconormcs Jlub. and < otineil membfr of lie Wesley foundation (Mete «iis» student group) She planfj ο teach home economics upon !i.ulti .tion she is the daughter »f Mr and Mrs. Λ Λ. White, of ?hallotte. N. C. 'Whammy' Back On Tabor Streets The w h· mmy has reared it« wad again and unsuspecting speeders can well « xport to be »roseetited. Chief of Police Π Ε F.pps, :aid today ihe wh. n.m.v would it used often in the future and remind« t motorists to duvc :arefu11y on streets A-here chl Ircn are playing. "Tabot Ctty ha not had a highway fat.iiity in the past Ihree years and w»· would like to maintain this excellent re cord." said Kpps Memorial Pool project Accepted Tabor Rotary ilc'v Methodist Parier arrives Γ · :: ·1:ιι'". Chair.in γ ι·.ι ··: '·! til ^ ι: ί .1(1 M« ι ·. ι·;: h"! <· Γι ιί .· from Rowland whjrc In- ha* .πι: ι : ·.1 ll»*.' Μι'ίι* »'i: ' Ch ile!. ><>:· :>·.ι· pa.s' tour >·· ;.: I 1! ν. und Mr·,. Cliambr ι ·.·.· ι . · iln· in kv parson.ι. iirilll' ·ηΐρΙ«··.ΟΙΙ b\ l< ' Μι ι!ι·. I>t II· «:»1.ι.·ι tlu· Ht-v. Paul i' tiiiih was promoted 'ί ι·χ< < utiv« Ίιι « tor <>1 tin· Me'h · odist ri"ti';::!li'f tor Hifi' * ("* ι : ' .Ί Κ hi ·>'■ lull James Hogers Attending Air Force Session ί C'.rl« * ι. ·· C. Κ.»Ki-rs. s< η ' Μ: Mrs. .1. S. Honor* ■ ' Ιινι ι· Tabnr C ly. N. C'.. i. «■■€■»1! . ι: tending The Aii i:< > IV Summer Trailing tu! ;ti Μ al Ai · Force Ha ;··. •nr Tnmp ■. Florici.·. Ca·' · Rosers who i.as con·· i■·'· f. ·,!- junior yc. r in a«! inced AFRöTC at Ν C. Statf .iMinriin: a 4-\\>ok sumnu" .liiuni; j>«-r»■ »d .1- part of .η ' -tin it Training at C ·> · ■5je. V ■(.· 111,1· τ naimni: Rog 1a't·. i'!y nbsetve? the at." m r in i'.vtion ana participate? ι man> of tin- air force oper.; ions. Fol ■' m : gramri 1011, Cad· t togers will be eligible fur ί> oiutinrnt as a S<··.· >nd T.icute»: i;. tin· .Air Fo'cc Reserve. :» i f. r entr> into flicht trail ijj · ν in tin· , »vi-teil siivcT in^s of an air fnr..e pilot. Local Church Γα Observe Home Coming The Emmanuel Holiness Chur h located on 121 Wall Sire«! , ill observe Hume Coming D y >unday, July 14 Dinner will be erved on Ihe grounds at noon nd a special servke dedicating he new parsonage ill be heiti The Rev. .1 P. Jones, paste«', xtends an invitation to nil "o· ner pastors. members :>nd riends to attend »i e service hlenry Elderdice *asses In Hospital Funer.il services, were lid 1 »londay. July 1. f.n Henry Ο ilderdice who died in the Wt rans Administration Hospital η 'ayetteville en Jur. 30 follow ng a long illness Me was 61) •e irs of age. The Rev. Elder Gradv Cox ind the Elder C> Mishoe were in 'barge of the gravrside service - η the Long Ceinet»i\ .it Γί ·»· ν ay. In addition to his widow a ion survices also several broth ers and sisters. laom ui'v Notary Cut) tionda\ niniit appointed a coin to study ihc possibillt-'vk i! sponsoring a sv. .mining ρο«·1 ι iL . C.ij hono>.iit{ Ik I 1. . 11\ Isen, J; ni along with his two • •μ·· t IWyj'tl.· i ■ '· June 23. Ί In jii · rii d through > ·■..!>■ known ·.'· moi ! j· η ' would bf ι.hi I to i:.< teaching of al' >oys giris in Uu are· how ο swim. rhi Rotarj irojti'l was pre· • nt«.··i to tli (·! ;!> by W. Htr ic<· Carter. · immunity servic airman. and a un .limous vot«· pproved the· project subject to !.· ability of the community <o a im· the needed funds. A pool of satisfactory siz* villi 1:1t,, plant facilities has icrn estimated to cost some· cherc between S18.H0Ü and $2Γ>, 1(10. Clu'tj P: : lent hember Uog i- ap; .nt«· ι Carter, Ε W. Fon ii 1 It· and i'.r.il Rogers, Sr.. tc j i»ini!:;'»i ί, stud/ the project ind put into motion the drive •r land.- that would be requir ed to con truct the i?ool. It wa? pointed <;ut at ine neeting that had either t^i«· I·· !«·«· oi in- ..on.« . con able t'» λ;ί tli drownings miuht not law occurred and that facilities η t!:i· ar. a for teaching swit . ι: 11 - an meager. T:.< committee ... expected ' •«ntact doctor a>- -n.tes of Ur iiarrelson, former patients ana . ai townspeople an eft.ir' • lai c t-inJs foi building the nemorial pool. Produce B'iyer Express Thanks To Farmers Claude !' rloy. .■ Fiorida pro :...·· buyer, completed a brief stint of buying tomatoes, »uk·? nid poppers hero last week. liailey cuii'mca'· μ tl.at wcu :her condition.» ha ι ;akcn their loll of tIii< year'· produce and ih.it while i.either he nor t».e farmer made any η ency he was xtrcmely |ile.-is/.l rtlth the cc "iteration extended to him by local fanners. He expressed hi:: papreciation for thru mterc^'. According to Tally H. F.ddine», Executive secretary of the Tabor Ci'y Merchants Association BarifV will return here next season to purchase produce. Jaycees Will Allend Disirici Executive Meet Four local Jayiees will at tend a district executive com mittee meeting in Lusnberton to night (Wednesday). Those scheduled to attend iu rlude Harold Ward, j icsident of the Tabor City Jay<ics; Thelton Ro\d, secretary of the elub; Iiri: L. Nesmi<h III, di>irift secret ar.v; and Al Harrison, distnet vice-president. Executive «ommiMco meeting? will be held quar'crly during the 1957-5)8 Jayeer year accord ing to llan 1.1 η Civitatis Sponsor Fish Fry Friday Tin· local Ctvit«n Club is sponsoring η fish fry at I^ak'-'i rabor Friday nig it. July 12, for !hc benefit of the summer reere ltion progmm n< ··· iti pi-ogres*. "Fish suppers will bo sen ι For $1 00 per plate beginninc a' >:30 P. Μ and local residents interested 'η c'tnik out and a the same time bribing to sup port the youngstoTfc' baseball program are urged ίο (ome . , r>iit Friday evening." Frank Mr Qougan. publirtl> ebairman. said today. Tickets (or the supper are av ailable throughout !-.< town now and arc in the hand.« of all men -! bers of the Civitan club. How-i ever, persons who do not buy advance tickets aro still invite 1 to attend the supper and procurc heir tickets ;it till* time tr > »at. All local civic club* joined to iromotr the summet recreation irogram and Die fish fry supper ν as .«elected by (hi Civitans a·; he ways . nri means of raising heir share of the cost of the sroject ANOTHER STII.r. Federal »sent* A«oopi»d H««n on another Illicit lt<i«io/ »till Monday on the farm of Walter Stri"M,ind. near Cireen Sea, and arretted Strickland and on« of hh hoik while the plant was in full operation. It waa a Μ barrel capacity «α that had apparently been a! ■ lowed to operate vnaratwtod for many month·.

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