THE ONLY rVLITZE*. PRIZE WIS I Κ I. Y NEWSPAPER IN Τ Η Ε UNt Τ ED STA More Than 10,000 People Reed The Tribune Every Week 7< r es *7WW People Shop from "I Jic Pages Of Their Hometown newspaper VOLUME XU, NUMBEK 2» "Tmbr City — TAe Tou-m With A City Futw Τ ABO· CRT. NORTH « * WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1958 ft ΓΒ. VTV Federal Grand Jury Indicts Officers For Third Time For the third time, a Federal Grand Jury im'.c ted Horry Sheriff John Henry and eight o' his deputies in Florence Monday οηφνβ counts ·>ί violating the rights of prisoners. The Horry officers had been indicted by two previous Grand Juries on the same charges in volving the same focr cases. The first true bill was returned in Cclumbia. Later they were in dicted again in Charleston under a new statute. Monday's indict-; Monday's indictment was under] Se^ion 242, Title l;l of the Crim iniff'Code . N. Welch Morr:.s;ette, U. S ' District Attorney, his of—j fice re-presented *he charges to the Grand Jury Monday against ' the Horry officer^ "Because I believe the other juries were1 drawn from improporly compos ed boxes." [' oiicTin ri^nry -^ηα nis eigni deputies arc charged with violat ίηιφίιυ civil lights of Cleo Pat- ' nek, Leonard Ford, Vernee Floyd and Bob Jackson Spivey ] The indictment j'ates that the , officers "did knowingly, willful ly, unlawfully, coiruptly and felonously combine, agree and I conspire to deprive" the four ' men of their "rights anil privi-'! leges under the 14th Amendment 11 the U. S. Constitution." ' 'φ- indictment L-ates that the officers, while ho'ding Ford, Patrick and Floyd used "fists·^ hands, feet, olackjscks or other ^ blunt instruments to strike, beat, whip, assault and injure them, j all for the purpose of oppressing,i.| threatening and intimidating" j the trio in the freo exercise and, enjoyment on their tonstitution al rights and privileges." ·· i Sheriff Henry, Deputies Chal i.u# Small, Ode'l Floyd, Roy Huggins, Arnold Henricks, J. D.j Stanley, Harry Harrelson, Mack E. Booth an I James D. Smart! are named in fKe firvi count. j The second count chargesj Sheriff Henry end Deputies Floyd, Huggins, Sir all, Stanley; and Smart "did deprive Patrick; of his liberty without due pro-J cess of law." riM>uties Hendricks, Harrelson,! Flo^i, Small and Booth are nam-1 ed in the third cotint with having! "wilfully and unlawfully sub-! jected Ford to deprivation of thej rights and prtvllcges secured to| him under the protection of the 14th Amendment." The fourth count of the indict ment charges Henry. Hendricks, j Huggins. Smart anc Small of having deprived Floyd of his ι rigfe, under the same amend ment. The fifth count of the indict ment charges only Hoggins with! depriving Spivey of his rights, while acting under the color ofj the law. The charges against Sheriff! Henry and his deputies grew out of a fracas on Oct. 13 near thej' Red Bluff area in which Stanley! is ytieged to have been attacked byword. Stanley ,vas admitted, to the hospital for injuries re-j ceived in the attack. Ford was later tried and sentenced on charges growing out of his attack on Stanley. The alleged attacks on Patrick, Ford and Floyd, according to the indictment, occurred "on or a bout Oct. 13 and continued until Oct. 17." ^Continued On Page 3) Merchants Set Banquet Date For March 10 The annual Merchants Asso ,-iation banquet scheduled orig inally for March 3 has been postponed until March 10. H. G. Dameron, ?«eichants As sociation director and chairman >f the banquet committee, said loday that about 300 persons ivere erpected ο attend the jvent. Civic club members and their vives will be inv 'od to attend. "Tickets will l*e priced ex ceptionally low and employees ivill be-urged to buy tickets for heir employees," :ai<l Dameron. The annual meeting will be tißhlighted by eloetion of offic •rs. Earl C. Home Accepts Western Auto Position Earl C. Horn»· i>a> accepted a( >osition with the local Western] Uito Associate store announced! i. T. Rogers. own?r Home, son of Mrs. Tlobbyl lotne and the late A'r. H»>rne 01 lorry County. »»·,,· gra iu:it·· ! roni the Green S< ι 11;u ι School t tended the Uniw ι·νν· of Son.!' '.irolina and Coastal Carolina College. He is married to the former k-tty Brown of Columbia. S. C.J "hey have two Sons. Dennis and •arry. PRE-SCHOCL CLINIC ' All child. .1 who will rrarli the ace of six on or before October 15. 19-*>8, are schcdul ed to attend a pre-school clinic at the Tabor City school on March 17. Principal Randall Burleson «aid today. Parents of children who will attend school for the first time next year are requested to call the school officc this week if possible and give the age of their children and other pert inent information. The pre-school clinic will check each child for health and other data. CLUBHOUSE Nl^AK COMFLüTit/IM—Consirucuos of the new clubhouse for the Carolinas Country Club is nearing completion. Preston Hennies, golf pro, estimated that 10 more working days would be required to complete outside construction. The golf course !.·■ expected to be opened in early Spring. Father-Son Feie Held Ai Local Baptist Church L·, Α father-son b.uuiuet at the City Hani st Church mel with success I -! as 2t buys, immfci.s .·. II. A.', and i.i.". 'jt'iicr.. wot-· guests of the Brotherhood <uga »i/rtion. Tin· iicv. V Ilaynes. past ur of the First Τ1.·jj»!st Church in Luris. was U'.u- ' iptaker. 'P. U. A.' i>i^'.onttcl a brie! program in ti.e· .ops in th ranking syst.·.η ··! {hi· orr*aniza Ικιη. Three »i ·!>> for membership in the R. A.'s are obcdicnce, faithlulness and illingness t< work. The banquet wo« '.he first evei staged hc-ri out it·; success ' irt ii.-'lly insures it boviming an an nual event. Counselors f. r the R. A.'s arc the Rev. P. C. G intt. Fd Hick man. Billy Dorman. J«>e Cole man and Grover IJirdee. Business conducted at last night's mooting in 'fied a report >n th«· cost of floodlights that have· been ercctod behind the :hurch. The project was under Ihe boys committee of the Bro therhood. H. A. Brady, Miss Connie Brady and Mickey ".Vatts visited η Snow Hill Sund: ν afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Λ services at the Church in Tabor City from Λ! Pastor Joseph Chambers for the sick will be hel· is scheduled during the [athews will lead revival r>f God on Lewis Street arch 2, to March 16, has announced. Prayer 1 nightly. Special music services. Doctor Will Locate Here In Near Future Τ;ιΙ»ι·ι· City will get its third (doctor within the next ·50 days t airing nnfnrseen adverse de velopments. That was the announcement naile today by Tally H. foldings Icyeeutive secretary of the Tabor 'i'ily Merchants Association. Klidings has headed the drive to locate another iloctor for Tabor : ί "ity during: the past seven months. He said this morning that he was not at liberty to disclose I the name of the doctor who will I locate here but said he would <e> here -it least b> Μjy ) an,! I possibly by April 1. "I appreciate the aid of dirsc-! I tors of the Merchants Associa tion. other local people and the l.oris Community Hospital dur i ing recent months in the efforti I to secure a doctor," said Eddings. "Of course, we appreciate all 1 rhe help on other projects and solicit your continued support." The doctor who plans to move here was in town Monday and; talked with many of the mer chants. Tabor City has two doctors at the present time. Dr. C. F. Simpson <«nd Dr. R. M. William son. The tragic death of Dr.! R. C. Harrelson last summer prompted the search for an ad ditional doctor in the community. tiviians Flan Beauty Pageant Tabor City's Ci>'it.»ns arc plan ning their annual "'Miss Tabor City" beauty pageant. Clyde Stanley, president, ap pointed a commit·»"· to plan the program. Expectcd t<· report next Monday night are Ben Nesmith' HI. Phil Hughes and Cetil Mer cer. Other business ronducted at the regular meeting held at the: Capitol Restauran". included an increase in dues t-j S6.50 month ly with approval of .1 motion to, eliminate the fifth Monday night aa an eating nighi for the slub.i A report was given by the budget committee. Mrs. D. J. Hughes is spendingl some time in Faimont this week Repeat Offenders Pay The Price In Mayor's Court finding I ho g lin; ■< i-uh :ii May ors Court hero as ..iayor How ard Harrclson continued to stick by h is policy to > repeat of fenders pay th.. .net·. Three person··· this week found ll'.e<.iselve-i ..nellinsi out muic money to the coil" because of the policy. The docket v\ ;<s as follow.-,: Floyd iiilburn. failure to yield right of way to si rot*, not guilty; Curtis Allen, publio <1· nkenness and disorderly conduct, a· 11» and costs; Rufus Strickland, public drunkenness, cost: Lillie Mae Smith, disorderly conduct ..η 1 assault, cost: Raymond Glenn, Jr., disorderly conduct, cost; Kelly D. Long, disorderly con duct, $10 and cost o;· 30 days; J. E. Mishoe, improper muffler, cost; Sidney Gor··, affray and using deadly weapon, transfer to Recorder's Court: George Scott, public drunkenness and disord erly conduct. S20 pl';s cost: Ern est Melrum. lighting, cost; Oree Wilson, fighting, «.·*is». Mary Lee Wright, fighting, r.cpoal to Sup erior Court; Marlene Williams lighting, appeal '■> Superior Court; Bobby Nob'es. disorderly conduct and usin^ profanity at s.hool, transfer to superior court; Karl Hilburn, pub'ic drunken ness. cost: John Wayne Gerald public drunkenness, appeal to Superior Court: Williams Neal Singletary, public drunkenness.! .«st: Dillon Raymond Cox. pub-i lie drunkenness, cost Leroy Tyl-i ;>··. no operator's license, transfer to Recorder's Court; James1 Thomas, no operator's license, transfer to Recorder's Court. i MRS. BORDEAUX ILL Mrs. Florence Bordeaux, mo-j ther of Mrs. Eugeno Cook, is a patient in the Columbus County Hospital, Whitevill". Mrs. Bord p.iur has spent most of the wint er here in her dahghter's home· Leal Loophole Appeals Greatly To Defendants ! Defendants in Mayor's Court have found a legal loophole thai Ki(ts them extra time in which to raise whatever money necess ary to pay court fines and cost* Four persons appealed convic tions this week to Superior Court. This in itself would not be important but the rights thai go with the appeal to superior court often mean the difference in a person paying his court fine or serving time in the pokey One of the four persons paid th« Mayor's Court fine Tuesday .· ι ernoon and withdrew the >')i peal. According to a recent defend ant 10 days in which to have a change of heart and pay the fine fixed by Mayor's Court. So, by appealing to Superior Court, a man without means of paying his fine in Mayor's Court on the night of conviction is given a 10 days grace period. Those who ose Ihe appeal as a legal loophole to gain lOday» grace are happy with the system However, they admit—a convic tion in Mayor's Court mram paying out money and even the 10 da>s goes by in an awful hur ry. Mrs. Ralph Spivcy Places In Contest Mrs. Kalpli Spivcy placed in the second »'roup of the Ketty Crocker Contest ν inners spon sored by the l.ious Club of Fay· cttrville last weeK. The event, disnlaying ."i.ilTC cakes made from the Itett.v Crocker products, was held at the Stewart Oldsr.tobile estab lishment in Fayetteville. The iirst place η inner receiv-j ed a new Oldsrr.iVIe while Mrs Spivey :'nd 1!> ot'wr women wil' receive silver. Cerro Gordo Nan Files For Commissioner fcd Walton Williamson, 32-year olu Orro Gordo merchant and «armor, announced today that h< would hp a candidate for county commissioner for District 3. in , the Democratic primary May 31 subject to the Mill of the voters ! Williamson is a native C'erro , Gordian, a veteran of World Wa« II. He is a member of the Cerrr Oordo liaptist Ch'irch and a Mason. Married I·.» the former Mary l.ouise Church of I,ake View, S. C. and they have one son, aitr three. District three If| comprised of C'erro Gordo. Fail Bluff and Chadbourn townships ·. «—»«.»» ran ιελι Carter, McPherson Head Red Cross Drive la County \V. HORACE CARTER AND Ο ROVER MelMtFRSON Γ:*·Λι·αι· YI«nU«» .... „1 ... . R'-.Tvorciani ct. η. and \V. 11. ut Cat tor, of Tailor Cit>. iciepteil the· !!»5H Coiumbu.- Co unty Red Cross fund drive and )l;.ns are underway to launch h«· campaign on March 3. Solicitations will he made in ■very community in th<· county hroughout the ment'.i of March ir until the S700 1 "ounty quota las been reached. This marks the '·'< time that •ither McPherson o. Carter have leaded tin- Ked Cress i-;.ir<paif(n ind they said this v. -ok t*■ jit they vould du their to raise the lecessary funds. "However, we ealize that no two or three peo >le can make this drive successf ul. It is going to require a con icerable amount of time by doz ens of civic individuals if we are ο come close to success with the led Cross .ampaign tins year," ncy said. A meeting of I'-.ulers in the •ampaign has been called tor rhursday afternoon at 3:00 in Tabor City at which time various (immunity chairmen are expect •d to be selected. McPherson is a;i announcer ,vith Radio Stat μ ι vl'TAB in Tabor City. Hp is member of he Beaverdam Γι \V;:' Bap ..-t Church and ha been engag •d in farming for a number of ifears. He is married to the form ?r Jane Walton md the father >f two children. Carter is editor arid publisher ■I The Tabor City Tribune and ias been associated with civic »rejects in the Tabir City area ind Southeastern North Carolina for the past 12 year.··. In 1SI57 he served as president of the SENC and Development Association. ^ even— ounty organization -de ι«» um in · muusiry lnio the area, to improve farm in come and expand community development. Ηι· ι?· presently serving us enaiiman of that group's executive committee. C <rter is tlso pies dent of the Tabor City Recreation Commis sion. T-.mbor lndu: trial Drvelop mont Knterprises, lr-c.. The Car olinas Country Club, Inc.. vice president of the Tal. ■:· City Rot ary Club, and a .vjnday School tesicher at the Tab j· City Raptist CT.urch. He is nvirried and the father of three children Sei Pre-School Clinic March 31 Ai Williams The first ^rade teachers of Williams To.vnsh:;> Schoo! met recently to discuss plans for the 1958 pro school el inn. Miss Ruth Mes.'s, the fiemcnt ary supervisor. iur."-.inced that the pre school clinic was sched uled for Williams Township School on March 31 at 9:00. Details concerning the clinic will be announced later. BULLETIN Λ telegram wis received to day at press time from Congress man Alton Lennon advising that the House Of Representatives sitting as a committee of the whole had appropriated an ad ditional $250 million for the ac reage reserve program. The pro posed action will give ehuat treatment to those desiring part icipation in the soil bank hot denied contracts. What Has Happened During 1st Year Of Horry Misconduct Investigation? By—W. Horace Carter (First In a Serlse) Twelve long months have pass ed since this newspaper launch ed ita crusade revealing the fac th^the Horry sheriff's force wai under investigation and charginf that "misconduct in a variety on ways is rampant among som< Horry officers and others." Or tki, first anniversary date, whai has happened during the year? Were we right? Were, we wrong? Is the decision yet to come So that the public may draw it* own conclusion.;, we are re hq|fc|ng the week by week deVe lojMenis since last February 20 as reported in this newspapei artd if the "cold war ' should con tinue another 12 months, a sec ond anniversary η.Ό.ιρ will ap pear in 1959. You will recall w< •previously said investigations oi this nature sometimes last fron two to five years. In our weekly column on Feb ruary 13, 1957, we said. "There"! π#1 than a usual amount oi ryjmor going around about an alleged investigation of Horry county law enforcement officers . . . this rumor has rome founda tion. If this alleged investigation comes up with concrete proof of bribery, fraud, intimidation or other equally deplorable misdfti ' duct among law enfoicement of ficers of the county then the people are entitled to know a bout it. If no misconduct is found, then that should be brought out too . . . It's a known fact that there are hundreds of bootleg joints opeiating in Hor ry county. Ourint? the opening months of Sheriff Henry's first ' term, these illegal operators had a lot of pressure on them regul Jarly and these raids served to |discourage these iterations. !t j doesn't appear to meet of the !public now «.hat the raids are as frequent or is sue r<ssful as they .once were. Whether his is a mat jtcr of nonchalance or something ! worse is a matter of conjecture." IjThat column was the trigger for < ÖT ■ the year-long crusaric that ever now has not climaxed. Following lhat column on the week of February 20, this news paper ran the streamer headline Horry Sheriff's Dopirtmcnt Now Under Investigation. Thus th< lid was off and the pressure or all concerned. Thit »rticle wenl on to say that two separate in vestigations were inderway, on« private and ine föderal and thai "if misconduct is levealed suf ficiently to warrant indictment! there will probab'y be a whole sale swapping of badges for pri son numerals." That artich charged in affidavits printed an' names withheld that some offic ets had prcsiurfd ν η ι ions busi· nesses to change mi»*it boxes ant puiball machines a*i<i to do bus iness with the Horry Music Com· pany. Sworn statements ο th: cats to operators who re fuse ι to change machines appeared. In an editorial in the same is sue we said, "Thh newspapo and the public generally want only the truth. Rumors of mis·· conduct of public official:· is anj old story in Horry. This ti^pc there appears to be concrete, material available to prompt thej investigation. Proving malprac tice of a public official is alway?i a difficult task, but not impossi-j ble if guilt is present. Graft! rings in other counties in South Carolina and elsewhere have been broken up -rnd convictions secured through painstaking ef forts on the part of investigators, ilf some of the Horry sheriff's de-l jpartment is guilty of misconduct,] !wo believe that indictments will b > forthcoming." The editorial pointed out furth-i er, '.some of the "icketrers in the' I county are afras). Many are guilty of opr>rfltin;{ illegally anrt| • to cooperate "vith 'he imestigat ' ors brings them fear of road I sentences and heavy fines. But if the investigation does prove! ' misconduct on tho p*rt of public ' officials, it will h-jve to re.-uli ι from statement· of i'legal gamb line operators and ti.osc in then whiskey traffic. The church folks aren't in a position to testify toji these activities. It's the little) ι racketeers themselves who have; the power to bring out the truth.jl "No statement ever made by this11 newspaper had greater truth'ι Γ, an that. ! In the same February 20. is- , sue, was the dory of Bob Spivey ι Deputy Roy Muggins allegedly Im at Spivey over the head with a postol several times and jailed ι him on a variety of charges. In' subsequent county »«urt, a Jury; after seven hours deliberation found Spivey guilty of only re- ι listing arrest. He was given a , road term thit wa ■ appealed to 'he State Supreme Court. And ifiiggins was later indicted by a < Federal Orand Jury on charges, of violating Spivey'« civil rights| in the incident. case, along j with others, is xchedulcd to b" heard in Florence dh March 10 ι On February 27, thi* newspap er'« brtnner head read, "Affidav-li Is Point Finger Of Misconduct \t Horry Officers." No othei >aper ever printed by this com tony was in such .vide demand The article carried in detail he story of J. I". Livingston [ame warden, who caught and harged two Horry deputies, s 5L.ED officer anil other citizen! illcgeril.v night Iiunt'ng on f [ame preserve. The story notei hat the Horry Grind Jury re used to indict the hunters an< hat the Governor »"moved I.iv ngston from office. Sheriff Hen· •y was reported to have gone be ore the Grand «fury and tin Governor in d.'fcnnc of his de puties and agilnst Livingston Another affidavit in the sam< >nper charged tliat a deput; iheriff was press'iring the oper· itor of a business for $40.00 ι ureek if he continued to sei vhite whiskoy. Solicitor Reuben Long then re juesled the editor · > provide hin with "names ':t the otfleers und >r investigation, names and de i|>artments of the officers Λ-hc lure making the investigation [when the investigation mm· menced, etc." Long also said he 'had not authorized any investi gation of the sheriff or any oth er officers in the .-ounty and that he di«l not know of any irregu larities in connection with th< sheriff's department. Solicit'·! Long since that time has an flounced his intension not to rur for the office again and is re portedly among those attorney 'who will defend Horry officer: '.in federal court. In the same issue, it was point· ■ ed out that SLED officers ii company with Sheti'f Henry hac • visited the editor :iiid asked tha ' news sources and affidavits b< •revealed. The newsunper answ ι ered them thusly, a» the· propc I time, under .he crODcr circum stances, and to the proper auth • orities, all the wealth of inform ι ntion accumulated v. ill be avail • able to the courts.'* Shortlj there-after, affidavits and name: |Of key witnesses were passed a long to federal authorities by the newspaper. An editorial in tint issue said, "We are primarily interested ill seeing complete honesty on the pari of law cnfoi cement ag'-n eies. We believe that when this fails, tl it* people's confidence in their government υ weakened and character b<v< mes less in evidence. Government should be of law, rather than of men and • when Mich is not the case, » handful of rackctee:can con ti ol the masses. On March 0. tins newspaper ι carried the headlln·*. "Sherif' Fed Up. Solicitor Sick As In vestigation Continue.;" Solicitor 1 Reuben Long ha I branded tt.« n< wspaper stories 3.1 'false rum» or.;." Sheriff Jltnry had said he I was "fed up to Oi<j ersrs." An il legal subpoena had been served on the editor to appear before the Horry Grand Jiity. And in stead requesting that th.· hear· II (Continued Ol 3)

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