τ II Ε ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY Ν EWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week liaäxfP" People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper .\v. xcmeer i&ss®esr "Tabor City — Tbl Town With A City Future" ΤΤπϊϊϊϊ *τα. ΜΙΚΤΗ CAIOUNA WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, Ι9β· ■ RR ι«· ρκκ copy—$3.00 λ ykar The f'imous Glenn FÜIl-τ I '>: 11 ni wr'l definitely appea r in Tab >r City for the 1 «>oU Can. V II>1 Κ» -·. ·„ :11 Queen's Ball. now schedule«! for Octob ei 21. the first «>t the thru.—tt.iy eVelll. According tu Harold Ward, ii 'nv.-i'iiting the Ir.ws who will sponsor the daiue. the «iiiitiv.ct I«·!' tue Aiir!c:-iiifiwn eichest!ι ha uc.-li ΜμίΗο an ' tickets for the bal! w ii be >üi : :ιι< shortly. Contestants for the beauty I agei'iit .ire now ben·.·.· m.unlit %v the Tabor City Garden j C'lib. Mrs. John Dorman. pres ide nt. Prior to the dance. a mam mouth (;ii.κί»·, directed by tin· lii'tary Club, is expected to bo .■ten in tiu· town, stalling at 2:30. On Oct. 21. tin· second day >f the festival, a press dinner will occur in the school cafe til i.i. (Saturday. <ict. 22. the tinal day of the event, a <quaio ciana· will be held, t'hr liyhoi t the tinve (lay.·, ed ucational bioths and kiddie ides will be open. The educational booths will t a'.vire the e; forts of youth and :ult groups in Columbus, iorry and Brunswick count ies. Directing the Glenn Mil'i ίύΐιιΙ will be Ray McKinley. .h'Kii.ley took over the b.ti»i vhich disbanded after Miller is lost in action dining Wll. after Miller's piumc λ .is popularized with the filming ! his life story. 1 he Miller estate got the bandsman's longtime friend to lake over the baton and te f frtinlze the'group. According to one .reviewer. No leader is more 'suited to tie task of recreating, m per son. the brilliant brand of miir-ic of Glenn Miller than McKinley." More details of the Yam r tsiiva! will be released next i week. Wrecks Mount la Tabor City At 0:15 p. in. Saturday oast ι ί Tabor City, a two-car col lision that occurred, .according to the investigation, when a car pulled to the· left to make a ■i-hthand turn, injured two. Hurt wer«' Derand Simni ins, 5. chest injuries, and Ktliel Porter. 3H. leg injuries. Both ivere treated by a Tabor City »hysician. Wagon P.im.icrd T!ie drivers are identified by Me G. T. Lane as Dallic Mus en I'hipps. «8. Tab<>r City H-3. uid Mrs. Marilyn Spivey Sim mons. 25. Tabor City R-3. Damages rvialei· «250. and ' I'hipps was charged with driv- ' in<> on the wrong side of the road, and driving without a license. IT. McLean reports that »bout 10 p. m. Saturday, three miles west of Tabor City, a [nick driven by Hoger Wayne Grainger. 20. Tabor City H2. ?! Hided with the station wagon liven by Olm H. Lewis. 35. Nichols Π4. I) images to the station wag in. $8011, and to the truck $150. Deputy Returns Dynamite Suspects Two Tabor City men who lumped bond while awaiting Superior Court trial for the heft of a quantity of dyn unite 'rem the W. Κ C«x C->.. re united to the county Monday is guest.. <.f the Sheriff's <te wrtment. Aiti.i: op i\ re· it. Deputy \t.ty t'odwin went tu Mil waukee, Wi-c., and locHti-l riiom.is Cox. 31, and Jack 2". who had fled the ••unity alter Ileitis placed und i $500 bond f »l'owing the \ug 7 dynamite theft. Accompanying the /deputy • 'is Pen sin.'i I.uciaA Wil i TV \v! Ill i · !' ·'ly sfo.-d t e uot vi« e 1/ Ii ι J , t ι ail in lieu of bonds of a toil er amount. $2,500. I Collision of a lilöti Chevrolet automobile with a Ford log trlick Monday night resulted in the ho^pialiaation*of*three Taber City puo.pl«. A Chevrolet (according to officers) veered • into the roar wheels of a Ford log truck's left rear wheels, and then smashed into the hlock fmnt of a buildup. Hospitalized were Uafford "Son" Watldell and Tillman Waddell who were removed I'rcsn the au'.<>ml>i!e seriously injured, and Car'ono Ki-.mv·'. :i passei..^er ill the log trucK. j tour üleai. Two «In Jail, Two Stills Wrecked Violence, death, burglary and bootlegging kept officers in and near Horry County hu y over the week-end and early the; week. Four persons lost their lives in five separate incidents in ^lorrv County. Two stilN were destroyed and two men were apprehended while robbing a store at Bay· born. Pearly Doffer .!r.. of Harts, ville was shot and cut to death at a Neuro night spot at Ay nor about 10 30 p.m. Saturday Ho died en route to a Myrtle Beach hospital. Coroner Littlcjohn Blantnn said Hilbert Lee Washing!« η of Aynnr is being held in the Hor ry County jail pending the out come of an investigation into the shooting. The rutting is be ing investigated also. Coroner Blantnn said an in quest will be held after tin investigation i< completed. F.ston Soles. 17. of 10!! N. fc:igtit Ave.. Wilmington. V C.. was killed a| a.m. Sundav on Highway s<';. the old Whltov Ille-Cenway Hitrhw.vy. in an automobile wreck after a»» parentl.v losing control of hi1 / car on a curve. He was alone in the vehicle. The car was registered in the name of .loby Cox of the Bed Bluff Communis·, who nn« jy-ole*'» uncle. M · Cox said he did nt>t give So! * <·οη· ·ι' t<» drive the car. \o Inquest will b" 1u !d sr. cording to Coroner ".In·, m. It was ruled lie met his d \U'» :i a result of his own rcckle < | driving. Loris I'oltce a*»d Hi Patrol investigated. S I,. Johnson. 39-year-old ^N'egro of Sumter, was fminl dr.-»Η tv ι p-« In? fro'ori t o*i Higwav », en-d of X! holv at 7 20 ρ m. Thursday. He had (Continued On Pag·· 4t c Änio, L03 Truck Collide Mcnday Gn Lewis Street i Three persons wi i o hospital- j i;<d Mundtiy night following a colli.-ion of a log truck and; i'iitomobüi· mar tin interse«.·-. t · 11 of l.cwi> «tm· anfl Second I t ime in Tabor City. l-nr.-tiiMtin, Officers Ted Watts and II .· ry Ibuton re ported that tin accident which1 κι 11 r red around 7 p. m.. in volved a Ford In« truck driven l\ Theodore Hickrran. colored, and a 1956 Chevrolet driven by Da fiord "Son" Waddell. Policeman Bruton reported , that it appears that the auto n.< 1 lie, travelling south < η Lewis strict, veiled into th · Ii ft-re.ir wheels of the truck which was travelling north s',< rd on Lc wis street. He be lli ν ^ that the car continued leitward for approximately 200 κ et before the crash into the cement l»lock Iroiit of a build ing on the south side of the street. D:iff< id Waddell and a pass enger. Tillman Waddell were weuged Insiiie the automobile.· iVe > ci't wed and can icd by : 1 bulaive lor treatment in I.otis ('••mt'.titdty Hospital. Carlcne lit avi s, passenger in the log truck, was also hurt {•nd carried to the Loris hos pital by car. A sist ·ι· of the Waddell bro-' tin i's y lid tod ly that Dnfford 1 «■'< I " ·· · bet nr. treated for lascerations and collusions o' the head and fa e, is able »« sit up in t!»e hospital, while Τ·' πι ·ιι VV .'Hell. wm· ' 1 thought to be in a more serious - o otioti, continues to lapse : (<· 1 tiii· ι t iousness. C'.'t!»i«e Heeves' condition is ι mil. :>' as "good." If ckin-tti <iid not require hos- 1 ■' ligation. M< nwMlc. officers are con ' t iilr.u η invi ti.'.riiii »: of th« | - ei τ I VN V . Λ.'R t f \ Nancy Kanelhun lias enter- j d Limestone College. I >1J >Λ I· it 1 S C I ί. I. Λ ΛΝΧΚ (■ί'ΛΝ'ίϊΓΚ rr■'■«•ivi'fl her rurs i;is degree v.'ith the rwnt graduating class of McLeod's infirmary. Fl«>rcnc<\ S. C. Λ Ciatu.t«· of Hi" Tabor Cil.v I^:(*h M'hool -:Ιι<· is th·· daught er of .Mr. and .Mrs. Keifcr Granger of Tabor Cit.v. .Miss (•ranger has acrcpln! a posi tion on tin· nursing staff of Mc ! eotl's and is remaining in Florence for duties. Wra. Riggsbe* , Suicide Victim Wiili m McGoe Hignsbec, 2fi, ? n-in-law o! Raleigh Dicker ί· :: of th>. local Diikerson ('■. nil C'· >ii Iriiction Co.. \v a: I' iirnl tatnlly <iiot ibout ! p. m. Μ »ηΊ'ΐν tu ['>.■ Lath loom of lu^ newly-built home at A\ant Ferry l«oaJ. Ualeigh. Coroner Mar.-ha'l \V. Ben i ■ tt said In; app n entl.v shut I insi l! through t!u· right tcm pK with a 25 rati bin* automat ic. The victim's wife. Mrs. Ami D.ckerson iiiunsbee. found the body when shi· went home for lui.i-h froin Hex II «spital where sbc is a nurse. The coroner said Kiggslnc appeared to he in gmid spit lis when he left Iiis father's bu-i iH'ss, the Κ ίΐιιΊ Π Tire Com pany ab« lit 11:30 a. m. Young Ιί ι hj.; -bee w is ι istant inaitai· i : of tin,· company. Bennett ruled the death a suicide. Surviving besides his \<"ife . 'itie (! iikIiI« r. Lee Ann i'lj· M>ie: Iiis father. William ί■"··«■·!> Π ·!· . ee: three sisters. Μι I uci ie Alexander of Ha leijjh. Mrs I .a Karle Marrum • f Ft Wot* . Γ vis and Mrs I.o ■ H iitiiian of Silver !* pritigs. Μ J. Γΐιΐ· rat · vices are to be belli ι n.i ι to lay (YVi i m·* ' iv». I ΌΓΛΙ. * . Ο! Γ ·' SHI Ν Κ Sc·, iits of 'Γ bor City's tm-p i!·'! came aw iv from tile Pl* II let I our! ef II I r last night loat'ert iii ν η with more than {') mtt't i ai t'e.. and cards of ■ '·. inc ·η· n· Λ l'n (' nit of Hi>r:<»r. h 1 ; ι ■ C ι I Jt< ;i '·· ι. *. 11 " · - et City' t u p won the Inspect ι η ;.v. aru. and μΙ.ι cd eec >nd in the advance· merit competition. ] -HISS AZAV* t. KVKICK LA\'D, da'.:«.iter of Mr. and Mrs. L\ B. Strickland, Kout. labor City received her di ploma and school pin on com pletion of three years of train ing at the McLeod's Infirmary Sdiool of Nursing, Florence. S. C. on September 2, along with fifteen other members ,of the class. She ;-|.ins to continue nursing duties at McLeod's. Community Development Annus! Meet Features Talk On Future Of Farming "Columbus County is getting publicity far and wide for her I rugress through community development programs." a spokesman for State College remarked Tuesday night. The occasion was tin* annual Sponsors Dinner "f the Co lumbus County Development Program held in the Tabor City school lunch room. Georg«· \V Smith, assistant director of the state's Exten sion Service, noted that agri cultural income increases each y< ar by four percent but that farm populations ate decreas ing. •"Today 10 percent of the na ti< -»ι feeds 90 percent." But he explained that by mechaniza tion. leadership and technolo gy. more people are being re leasee! each yeai from the farms to work in the indust ries. In line with this trend. Smith told the representatives of the county's organized communit ies. that they must keep up with the latest trends. "Watch new needs.' he challenged, "Support education for the masses. Give your children a good education and a good set of values." With people moving away from farms in the era of larg predicted that agriculture dur ing the '(ίο-· will depend en all aspects except workers. The speaker was introduced ij> C. Lacy Tate, president of Wa camaw Bank and Trust Company. The organized communities epr«. sented at the dinner meet ing were Bethel, Cherry Grove, Freeman. North Whiteville Sandy Plains. Smyrna, West ern Prong, White Marsb-Red Hill, and Williams; delega tions from the Prosper and Winter Haven communities were absent. .viaster uf ceremonies for the ccasion was Jerry Honeyeutt, W. Ε. N. C.. Whiteville. The invocation was delivered by Jack Babits. Columbus Connty News etlitor. Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur of Peoples Sav u:gs «S: Loan Association, Whiteville, presented special music. Responding to a welcome by \V Horace Carter, editor-pub lisher of The Tabor City Tri oune, v.·,,- Piit Wiioten. presi .1 lit of Columbus County De velopment Association. Guests were introduced by C. ßion Sears. First National Bank president, while the commit tees were rec»yiii7ed by Bob Fowler of VV.T.A.B. Mrs. l.loyd Hinson. vice pres ident of the county develop ment association, rendered a progress report, tracing the p-ogress sof rural Columbu Item 193R when County Agent C I) R.'.per and Mrs. Raper : tailed the succession of events u'timately through the 4-H movement. Mrs. Hinson also offered commentary while slii'e- showing various pro jects completed were shown. Λ second guest speaker. Bo!> Woof!, ptcsident of N. C. 4-11 Foundation, was introduced by Columbus C. P. A. President C. R Yoder. James C High, representing Che News Reporter. White ille. express«· i thanks tospon isfor making tin· program i>« «ssible. »MtTll SI^TKRS .1 ··■· Smi'ti is at the Uni «'sity of North C.nolina for inly and Judy ivmrned to iiti·'.' tone. CIRCll-ATION DRIVE Green Sea Hifch School FFA :T!d.ibcrn arc beginning thrlr nnu.il orlvc for subscript! um t«> flu- I <»K>S SHNT'NFI. the TAB« R ΠΤΥ ΤΚ'Γ.ΓΝΚ. ac cording to Wilson U.tnkin, ad \ isor. Kate* fnr cither newspaper to llorry, Columhu* and Brun*· w irk subscrlhers are £3.00 pei >ear. Readers o«tdc> thh 3 rounty area nt.t> subscribe foi VI rc. Pilront or Ο ? ·ΐ: j * ,*;·« .. arc urged to Mfti»t the tFA Ir. thin current money ma k Wie project. Week's Market Almost β,ΟΟΟ.ΟΟΟ ρ.ίιιids of .<>! :« η uveu have been bought this year on tin· local ware h< its floors! Tabor City .still loads the Xortii Carolina section of the ϋ··ι iei Holt in averages. This l.-ct was made kn> \vn tuday by I Κ· ii Lovell, Sale supervisor, anil conlirmcl b> a Depart ii i nt of Agriculture publica tion. Taboi City's average lor the season has been $t>3.56 per hundred pounds. For the past five days, how ever. Whitev-die's average has I sin passed that of Tabor City and can thus claim the week's leader in the county average war. For the past five days (Wednesday. Sept. 14 through Τlies.. Sept. 20) the county av erages an; shown as follows— T.ibor City, $(il!.74: Chad botii:!, Whiteville. SG4. 77' and Fiiir Bluff. $60.38. :-■)·.! tlii'iuiili yesterday aft ιΐηοοη (Tuesday) were 7.7H4, !»4!ί pounds. bringing farmers $4.91)3,783.10. Nu ch.siiin date has yet been set. Kearlyr. Busn h lew Kiss Icrr? Co'Op By LEYERNE f»lOSSER Λ 17-year-old Cronway Hi: .1^ Ιιυο! Senior. Mesirlyn Dunn Mi.- been iinwned the 19U0 tlilit.n ol "Mis.-. Horry Electric kooperative." (See I'hoto Paffe) Daughter ><i Mr. and Mrs. M;;rion Dunn, Conway Π-3. Mcarhn steps into the shoes of iitiiing queen Norma Je<n ! ittle, >i junior at Coker Col lege. \Vi:h her career-minded eyes set on study ol the University of South Carolina and fashion designing. Mearlyn was crown ed during Horry Electnc's an i.ual two-day Electric Fair and Business Meeting in Comv.v Runnel slip for the title in cluded Patsy 'Hodges, 17. d;ui ghter of Mr. and Mrs Γι Κ. Hedges. Aynor R-l. and Kathy 1.ittle. 17. daughter ··! Air. aiul Airs. I.eroy Little, Lor is Rt.2. Kathy's sister won the honor la.-i year. In the talent division, t'ip la.tiors went to Candy Abie, ίί:.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Able. 37tii Ave., Myr tle Beach. Second pla.e w.is v.nii by Diane Sindeton, dau ghter ui Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Sinuletini. 309 Jackson Ave., Conway, while Kitty Striik 1; rid. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1.. M. Strickland won third place. Formt-r Conway Mayor Dr. Carl lJusbee was principal :(eaker during the business .·><.·?'"ion of lh«· 11«·γ»y Klectric anmnl «et-to-sether. He s-i luti-'l tin· cooperative for "lighting up rural Horry Co-1 unty" and took a crack at tin I.(publican farm policy. Three men wer»· reelected to Hi«· Horry Hoard of Directors. D. Μ Grainger. II E. Stevens end C (*, Bullock were return Ki to the co-op's executive I' ircl t'fii ers fur the ne«v lir.n include Grainger as I res id- til. II I,. I.lipo. vlcc-Presi il.t ,ιικι W. Hal King. sec re . y ,ιηΊ ii'ea: (ΐι «·|·. XliARKC'KOIM'KR ON TV "Sharecropper" Ken Lovcll li .ν be seen on WKCT televi- ι ion Monday morning hi re ponse to an invitation from' 1.1 pi.VNcer ot che "Carolinas i •"iiim Heat" program. The 0 30 a. in. show will (l)iH\ fin»! lovcll di*<-it!t>-' :ι 'Τ «v.·» r C.t>'* bicjo fnnit i ..»· jtasi n. as well as plans πι· the I960 Carolinas Yam i '"estlvel, I County's Progress Pictured POPULATION 194o 45,663 1 950 50,621 , 1900 IS,272 TOTAL FARM SALES li#4U 1 959 Crops 4.500,54« 24,037,372 Livestock 253,204 5,088,972 Other (Forest etc) 55,815 5,225,000 TOTAL 4,815,5*05 34,350.444 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS 1959 Number of est. 36 51» Employees SI.'5 2,300 Payroll 36.3,634 8.193,000 Value Added by Μ fjr. 977,000 17,972.000 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS Number of Stores 391 933] Total Sales 6,496,000 35,691.000) Employees ; 002 1.2751 WHOLESALE TRADE Number of Est. 2It 59 Sales - 5.347,000 , 49.225.000 gfioly Days Here Jewish stures in the area will be closed Thursday and Friday while the owners and their families attend worship st 1'vices in keeping with the 1 igh religious holiday. The holidays are known as t inning of ihe Jewish new year 3721. according to their cal lu ar. The holy days begin at • unrtown Friday. The Jewish stores will open as usual Sat urday. Γ Rosh Η ash ana ushers in a 10-day period of religious holy I 'ays f.r t.ie 'w.« whith ends ».ith the Day of Atonement of Yotn Kippiu. Yum Kipper will come on Oct. 1. when members of Jewish congregations will return to their places of wor ship to spend the day in prayer i.nd fasting. Douglass High Increases Slaif ; Doutlass Hish Schoo* iiad one <·( tin best opetiiiigs experi »need m years. The enrollment during the first two days of school was far beyond the, i.jmber anticipated in both the eiementar\ and high school de p. rl incuts. ι mi· cm οι imt'iii ΐ"Γ me ele- ί iveiitarv department was 420. vhich was only 32 short of the membership the last day of •hool. The enrollment for the 1 j;h school department was, 1.17. whereas the membership the last day in the hieh school was 11!· Several pupils who ;·ι«· awav on vacations and Jobs are expected t>· be enroll ed in a lew days. Due to the increase in pupil A. D. A. for the last scho >11 u rin. an additional teacher was allotted in the high school IVirs. Chrystinc Williams, a re sident of Tabor City and a' giaduate of Douglass High School, was transferred from the 8th grade to the Soci.il Studies Department. Mrs. Clara IV Pailin. also a resident of Tabor City, returned after a Icrve of absence for one year. Teaching this year at Doug lass are the following: W A. War··. Κ oromics-Soe iologv—Principal: W. .1 Wall . Agriculture; M:>-< F Tay! ·.·. Freneh-Fnglish: Miss K. Davis. Heme Econorics-Health; Mi House. Mnthematlcs-Sei«'nc,·; Λ/rs. C Williams. Social Stu '■· (v; Miss B, Smith. Business F-'ucdion; .1 ('. Williams. Kill Τ rude J C Johnson. 7!h Crade; ,t. ■' Troy. Pth gride; Mrs 1!. Τ λ'it shall, fitli grade: J. F. Pail n. *>th grade: Mrs, F. F Stan e>. 4th grade: Miss Μ Μ Mc 'ioy. 4th grade: Mrs. C. B. Pailin. 3rd grade: Mrs. Cr M. Oi'ÜF. 3rd grade; Mrs. F. F. Als'on, 2nd pra^e: '' s r «r. ?n.' grrV: ■f! « r* V· .VI . ?! J{1··; V^rs. Η. Τ Vcreen. 1 t giade; lid Mi*« Μ Η Moore, Igt jrade. I Tabor City, attending the t'ni versity of North Carolina as a graduate student, put her home county in th'e lime licht Saturday «hen she attended \ the Kennedy Campaign in Ra-j leiah. tier question was the first one asked from the nine selected from the floor. Over :>0fl had been listed on cards. Miss Home's «iuestion was! "Do you think the Soviet Γη- j ion will art peacefully toward j the I'S in f.iee of the threats of atomic w ar?" Kennedy saici ι he thought Russia would be peaceful if she realizes the lT S. has the retaliatory forces to j wipe her out should she attack | The Saturday talk concluded a tour which began at Green ville. went to Greensboro and 1 Charlotte, by the Democratic party presidential nominee, .lohn F. Kennedy. Buddy Long's Funeral Today Josse Elbert (Buddy) Lone,' Sr.. 52. farmer <>1 Route I. Clardondon died in a WilmiiiK tei· llosoit il \1oiida\ after ;m illness of three years. I Λ native of Columbus Com» ty lie was a son of the late Joi ar.d Kein ee'i Long. Γιιην'Μΐ service* will i«· heh Wednesday dhis nfternoon) ?00 tn the Bethel Met hoi' ι ' Church of whieh he W's member with the Bev !·>' Γ \rmstrene. pastor, oificiatii" Burial will follow in the fV th el Crinetel \ fie is survived by )»< wif« Mrs Ada Bennett I.on«: en •on. Ρ Κ. 1 out'. .Ir of S'a' villc: tw<> daughters. Mis \· | • iMt Β ιΗν Ii if WKtev i" . I Mb* Br'- v ! »»re. « f t' e I·«'·'·» ' < in· sister. Men. S. P. C»'»re R<l. irendon and twi «ran lehlMreti. II'M Ι1ΙΛΥ VISIT Mr find Mr.i. Dnvil S'wm in· plnnrir·»? η trio to ^Mot l'i »"•η '·. -· ♦' · ν·-'« ·■ ' '* Λ ' 11 it fi.l '■ 1·ι·γ η·ι ι er family for religious holidays They will | Lome Friday.

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