More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IA THE V ΝI TED STATES *3 7Ae 3 People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspapet VOI I'M Κ XV, ΝΓΜΒΕΚ 21 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" TABOR CITY. NORTH C AROLINA " WEDNE-DAY. JANI ARY 4. l»ci « iSoop Conference Sfnrts Friday Nite whiteville — Tht* iöh Waceuin.iw Athletic Assceia t it «it chainpionship basketbal met opens. Fi ü1«»y Jan. β· i. throe-aaine slate. Contests üt Bladenboro, Kli/· ab« II. tow ii and Whiteville wil pry the lie! ofr the 30-Kanu slate tiiat will give two f"r· lun.ile CiUb." the clowns now \» ι in ο y Bladt ubo.o's Bulldog \, a» wound ii.; la.-t seasoi un· biutoii 1:1 b* ;nui biv;·' tfanii ·ι douhlcheadets lhat will sent Ciadbourii tu Bladenboro T.t bot City tu Elizabcthtowu ami Shailotte tw Whitfville. Game.· i t BB>>:o .nid F.Ti.wn will begin ta! t its luia.t lontests a". 7:3· : =»!' 'tilers will beg.r» at 7 Rciuriimu at term· η ·' th« • clit u1· i.t the loop inchule: Whiteville Wdlflets — Jane Simtn. June Smith. Rutii .Smth. Mary Sc«»it, l.mria lb >. Wolfpack— Tiiii Bl.ickuiun. Julin Barkley Ned Covington. .Jimmy Walls, Edoie Η ich. Robert Leder Nicky Gross. Cliiibnurn Lady Pantlwrn Carole Cole, Marilyn Hindus. Margaret Robinson. Sui; Ehxst.n, Lyn Watson, Sharon Stephens, Maty Ann Jackson. _ j > Tabor CHy I Bevllettew—'Carrie Je»· Wr*y Rachel Cox. Eula Mar Aroette Shelvie Grainger, Judy Graln κπ· I.enore Beck. Brenda Nor tis, Cam Spivpy. Red Devils— Rorer Small. I.con Fonvielle, Rondal Foley. B»bby Soles l ane Buffkin. Larry Fowler Jackie Small. Boyd Lee. Elizabethtow η L.idy Jack«.:.-· — Linda Calli ♦»«ii. Virginia Blackburn. (i*:l ι Nt'iris. Gayle Munroe. Hel· η Sι.^vr»·.- Ν incy Peterson. Yell '.v Jackets Pat Jessup. ChaiU IVVane. Mac Porter. Eddie Smith. Mac Campbell. Bud I· islicr. ShalloUr I.aily Bu... — Linda Phelps. I 11 ii G· re. Judy Golden. Bet tv Wo«»'':ird. Vickie Woodard, Donna Fulf-»rd. Donnie Hewett Pirates — Jcrrv Murden Jan J, Hewett. Lyn Ilolden. Robert Galloway. Bladenhorii Lady Bulldogs- Doris Brown. Polly Bullard. C.racie Storms. Judy Kelly. Judy Lockamy, Jane Storms. Ann Davis. Linda Dove. Carolyn Scott. Bulldogs —James Parrish. Ronald lhst er. Jimmy Bordeaux. Doug Ev er-;. Robert Pail. Richard Davis, Billy Storms. Ross L. w is. ^ MRS. Ο. V. IIICKS Mrs. Ο. V. Hicks has resum ed her duties in the labor City Schools after being out several weeks on account ·>! illness MRS. NESMITirs FATHI R Mrs. Β. I,. Nesmilh, III, was I ailed t«. Key Went, Fla re cently on account of the illness i»nd death of her father. Craw » ford W McCraw. Grape Growers Call Monday Night Meet Horry County farmers Int frwtfd In an additional Miirrr of Incotnr have been Invited to attf-nd a meeting at thr Lorl* Junior lllrh auditorium Monday night. Jan. 9. at 7:30 ρ in. to hear »omcthin* of the potential* of «rape «rowin*. Thr mcetin« ha.* hrrn railed bv thr llotry f ounty ('.rape Producer * Λ·*οΗ» tion. member* of whi h al ready have some 10 a.-re* ot' vineyard* prodorin* crape*. Several member* w ill tell what th»lr experience from a financial polrt of view haa been In «rape «row In*. Additional vine* have re f'Ptl» b"eom- lyljflhlf, Joe MrCormleK. Vocational Aff Heultnre teacher fald. and an effort will be made to Increase creatlv thr acreage in Horry ptntai to *|p· ru* I _ : Blood Wanted! What typo of blood do yoi havi·? •ι your blood-type is A-pusi ti\e. your usistani'i' is need ed, uct'orJiiiK tu l.inuoot Hrislii n-prrsjntative of thi Tabor City VFW. Tin· club has undertaken thi responsibility tii Ret donor: each Monday for Brrmrn Jen' ι litte 'til. victim of a biood di.v • »-as«·. Mr. Jenrette must have ; tran.^lusion each Monday. Don ors may so to his Tabor Cltj Rt. :t home, or contact Mr Wright or Ted Soles who wil arrange for transportation. Two Hospitalized Following Accident Ji'smc Goritnti, 2€. ami Lt't Cm 'don. both of Chadbourn Rt 2. wore admitted to Culumbui C'iiunt> Memorial Hospital Fri i day niKbt after a highway ac cident sev< 11 mill·.· west u! O.-.itü· um «>ri lun.l paved road 1504. Accord in? t«> Patrolman Α. Η Complied who investigated thv , nu*!iap whi'.h occurred at 7 p. I in., ιeportod that a 1951 Buick 1 driven by Jessie Gordon was j lounding a curve when his car left the road and sped into a pasture, turning over iour ι times. The car was reported a com plete loss. The driver was cited lor careless and reckless driv ing . Both men are now in satis factoij condition, the hospital reports. Holliday Appointed 1 ο Study Committee On College Entrance l>r Ralph L. Miller, of Or lan.lo, Florida, President of , The Association of Governing Kuards of Stale Universities and Aliud Institutions, has re ( « ntly appointed John Monroe •I Holliday. Galivants Ferry member of The Citadel Boarc' t»f Visitors, to be Chairman of j a committee to review and I study the entrance require ments of various colleges in the U. S. In addition to Mr. Holliday. this committee is composed of Hendry Andre. Curator. Uni versity of Missouri. Jefferson City. Missouri; Mrs. Elizabeth . G. Anthis, Board of Regents of j Oklahoma Colleges. Muskegee, I Oklahoma; Mrs. J. P. Brand enburg. University of New Mexico; Charles F. Mourin. . Minnesota State College Board, Aurora, Minnesota; Mrs. Κ Β McNaughton. Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Portland. Oregon; Tally D. Rid dell. Board of Trustees, Insti tutions of Higher Learning of Mississippi. Quitman. Mississ { ippe; Richard E. Adkins. Uni versity of Nebraska, Osmond. 1 Nebraska. Mr. Holliday Is to make a brief report of this committee .it the sectional meeting at The , University of North Carolina. In March, and a complete re port at the Annual Meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska, next Fall. The Association of Govern ing Boards of State Universit ies and Allied Institutions is composed of various colleges and universities throughout the U. S.. Including Hawaii. Mr. Holliday is Regional Di rector representing the States of North and South Carolina. BULLETIN An unemfiriiird report »a« received Juil before pre»* time today that the re· main» of a newly born baby had been found In the ca mode of a aervlce station In I-ort», Λ. C.» thin morning. According to the report, the mangled body wm found η hen th· utatlon attendant *« wklni to dlacorer whv the camndc wonld not flw*h. ι Detail» wer« not available at preM Um a. Columbus County Forest Ranger B. Frank Batten inspects a typical "> - year old pine tree specimen. The warden is making a concerted effort to get farmers to replenish their unused land with state-furnished trees which cost as little as $4.50 per acre. Coroner Sends Stevens Case To Grand. Jury For Study : r: ' ' : Giviians To Build Field House For Athletes; Plan Beauty Show IMANNE GORE Reigning Miss Tahor City Members of the local Civitan C lub are planning to build a field house on the local ball park, Winston Gore, president of the group announced today. The move grew from the team's need of dressing facili I ties on Civitan Field. A discussion of the· project was among tin important mat ters aired at the club's Ladies Night, held Dec. 12 at Zane's Grill, Crescent Beach. Plans are also underway to ita.'je a Miss Tabor City beau ty pageant this year, according to Gore . Due to a conflict with the innual Miss ,C«>lumbus County contest, the Miss Tabor City lajieant has not been held for teveral vears. but the I9(il ver -i'-n will come off on March 10. ! Currently reigning as Miss Tabor City is Diane Gore who won the title in 1959. She is expected to crown the new titl ist in this year's event. Miss Gore is a student-nurse at Winston-Salem Memorial Hospital. Asuccessful fruit cake sale and aid to the PTA's needy ι family project were among the I other projects in which Civi | tans were engaged in as 19K0 !ended. Raymond Williams Killed In Accident iiaymonci Williams, 24-year old Tabor City Rt 1 man. w.isj killed late yesterday afternoon! when his car was struck bv an- I other in Laurenburg, according I •o Scotland County's sheriff's j department. Williams, who lived with his Da rents. Mr. and Mrs McDul fie Williams in Ihe Vinegar Hill section, was struck head on by a car which was attempt ing to pass another as they •vere approaching the Williams vehicle from the opposite di rection. The driver of the other car 1 in the accident was not named I by the investigating officers · hilt it is understood that he i.< ] •escribed as critically injured; •vith only slight chances of re covery . Ft'iwTal sc'ice? will be heldj fhursday at 3 ρ m in the In-J nan Funeral Home by the R»v.| Haynes Prince end the Rev Zettl« Ward. Burial will be in the Forest Lawn Cemetery Pallbearers will be Dran On.«- j kin. Paul Simmons, Robert | Williams, Charles Singleturv. I-e verne Spivev and Donald Spivey. In addition Jo his parents lie* is survived by one sister. Miss Aliei· Dean Williams of Wil mington; two one?half «isters, Mrs. Wilson Wtlliaftjs of Clar endon and Mrs. J P. Strick land of Wilmington; also Iiis maternal «randfather. Lonzie Fowler of Tabor City. We make a living by whM we get, b»it we make a lif·· by what we Rive. STATK COMMITTREMAN ü. Porchcr Smith, operator of Carolina Department Store· hwn named chairman of ·*»» N->r»h Carolina Merchant» \r*~r. 'intcf eemmlttre. Mr. Smith, o*e ef the oef*n l*era of Tabor Cltjr'a mrrrhant· amoelatlon. Ii «too I director· at-laric of the it at· iriiaiu· Uo. , The Columbus County Grand Jury will take action on the case of Jimmy Stevens, 22-year old Loris Rt. I man killed in a Whiteville automobile acci dent Dec. 4. This action will be in accordance to written in structions tiom a coroner's jury which weighed testimony ut a hearing in Whiteville Mon day. Coroner J. B. Long Jr., heard witnesses testify that Jeff Ha; relsoii. also 22, of Tabor City, was driver of the car in which Stevens was riding when ;t · crashed into a 7.(Mill pound log truck at the intersection of Virgil street and the by-pass. D. Frank McGougan Jr., Tab or City attorney, represented he Stevi lis estate at the in ;uest which was conducted by '«»roner 1>·ιι«. First to take the stand was Fugene Farrar, 38. colored,! Loris, driver of the log truck. Farrar said that by the time ne saw the I!I58 Ford driving to ward him, "That was it." He related that he was passing under a green signal light as the car struck his truck. He told the coroner that the car was "going pretty fast." Vernon Fowler told the cor oner that he was in a car fol lowing the truck, and estimat ed the offending vehicle to be going 70 to 75 mph. Next to take the stand was ι the Rev. Bane T. Underwood i»i Whiteville who related that he arrived on the wreck-scene just as the Ford was being turned right side up. He said that when he saw the two oc-1 I'upants he thought both to bei dead. First he pulled Stevens« through the car's right door, and then removed Harrelson "whose feet were all tangled up." Chief Wade White told the jurors that he and another of ficer investigated the accident, both at the scene and later at · the hospital where he ques tioned Harrelson White stated that Harrelson I told him that he and Stevens' had been to the Starlight drive- ι •η east of Whiteville. and as' 'heν were approachtng the by pass intersection at Virgil) street, he applied the brakes which failed. The officer claimed that Har relson said he was not able to 'ell what speed he was driving bec'Use the speedometer was broken. Harrelson was placed under ι H»nd Tuesday. Giving does not impoverish is in the service oi our Makev, ι neither do«» withholding en-j rich ut. Warden Urges Tree-Farming Through ASC contends the comity forest warden, B. Frank Batten Warden Batten has bet·η going from town to town recently, urging newsmen to publicize the need for the replenishing of our forests wit!» seedlings. The most startling factor a bout the state's project to re vitalize our woodlands is thai it can be dt.nt with a cost of only $4.50 per acre for tlu seedlings. Says Batten, "The cost for 1,000 seedlings, enough to plant one acre, i> surprisingly lo.v. And landowners can get 1,000 trees for $4.51), and it requires nily eight to ten man hours to plant this number by hand." The warden discussed anoth •r factor beneficial to farmers: 'Financial assist.m < i> als« ivailahlc to farmers planting trees A total of $12.00 for planting an acr«· can be arrang ed through the ASC office. Pines should be planted be tween December and March, Batten says. Farmers interest ed in securing trees may con tact his oftiee in Chadbourn or inquire at the county agent's office. Scouters To Meet Scoutcrs of this district will hold their annual recognition banquet Thursday, Jan. 12. in th»· Bladenboro elementary school dining hall. In announcing the annual event. W B. Beery III. council president, promised that :in ad dress b.v Rev. Thomas llaug.M of High Point will t>n of spcci* al interest to all s outers ami wives. The meeting will include re cognitions and presentations of 'he Silver Beaver awards, giv en for outstanding adult activi ty in the Boy Scout movement Important Meeting For ÄSi AfgercEiaists ι Set For Thursday "I ( .t\ in, ι chants u<. !ι;Λ< <"><· ·>Γ its ' !:'l>"itant ιιιΐΊ-tiiiy.s ,,f jj,,. Λ " "· '· · · .»an. , v't " K' 11 TC.MA Tin ·, , , ' , , sa>s !.. ι :: 1 111 »*·«-· ... ΊΓ:*· Dc-monetr» I Juin ^ated · · ■ -" " ■ ι.^iv. iih'.»s l,"M "f ' v·'" "« Μ «pare«! ■·■ äp Old Company I si Dividend 1 '·» kholders of \ r '»«···. have mitial dividend, ■■·-'■ .γ inducement ·; ' ·■"··' b> My.s. Doris ; · invMiinit. thi Γ, . "'1> " yt:u' ί,βο 'hat I- I storv «.·»< in· dim,· ι ■ , , , ■ y vv-,s J * Cannery ex. - - : Ä«InAf2?°5 c"«v"r'"! V"' sak·· '^bu'r yl>. was lor med by ( *.·. ■ «Hlif J Toy j| ι ' '"°·· two suc M·,! produce lirms here, and ' ■ " ι'Ί ·ϋ«Ιΐ.)ΙΙί this VearV "Τ : I ;··;■.·*·<·»<· «««*. liMdind.Mrs r.tH.?* minted "it I«. ι ΰ Con'~ . tl "; been the deci ciis ,f , ''<■ "H-ud be. ..ι.:,. ,·„, .. ,ht: , 1 *·' tu. Hitnre." ■ »ated Dec. 1 Ί ι City ι, l'rai '«d '*■·> i..s.,iV U"' holiday "... i V.'·· ·'" v..«Wdi illy ,· lit·,», '· "" " i" visit " a'u tts Pei-Konncl." V/iilouShby LlerteJ I cun- Farmers Pres. "J' r"V"':·. '"•'••Ebering 73 . ϋ· · c · ,'1 , dinner· th<· ; ι , ,'i',usd:,y ant. ' n^'Stiiur » of (f„, K'"fss por flaieriie Will electi^J ·«-Äftw? \·. in. ν it-,. , ; ·'* Κι God γϊ". ··■■·''- ;;:ΐ ä aiiik. ti.-jisuri·,. ' Grovw οΛ'η'Ι , ,''"'·'"'' by Advis W ,Η'·""· »<*>' ! 'rSsSW· Λ· » Dinner Meet Sei By Cancer Unit Di. Howard Κ Slrav.cut ι ' uii l'ioluKlst <Ί Ltuiib.Tton ue the speakei .:l tin alllll. ! Dutch ι mci liny "I the Board of Dnectois ·· tlu C-i iuiiiuus Cancer Soiiety t«> i held at Hotel White·. :l!·· Wen I nesliity. Januurv 11 at 7 ρ μ I Li!" Stl uWCUttl 1 I- .1 lullt . ' >t l'enns.. Κ .·»..! and ciinu· j North Carolin.. i«»ui yi-ai.·. ... · I r u.iii.u i. siiiiiit work .t ' (»ray School ·>! Mm ; cil.l· II. WlllS'.ull Silk·»:. 11· !. . i -erved im tili in · t tti i{. tj· son ('.>unt> Ι'τιιΐ υ! tl: American Canct r Si ι· ty ■ wa. p.esitli-ΙΓ ·.! Iii· tun! I.i · yt-sr, Too. hi- chairman ol t!u· iNIIICOr C Jtmilit *··· ·»: 11 ■«· II cal stiil! <·: S<'Utl.i .i.-tt't'ii Ii«··.-j Clitl Hl>vp|l;i| il. i.Wll,i,elton Di .1 T. Wvcru· ··. Uit:' - villi is ci .tiiM o! t!.·· t. - bus Ciutity Cancer l' All board liiftiibi ι it!· 11■ - j vited tu i.tti tri tl.e IJutcii clii.- * I nor and reservations should oe made to Mis L. D. Wheel··!·, executive seeietary «.1 tin· in-| unty itnil. plium Muiway L' 3241. Whitcviile. by Monil.t.v ι noon, January 9 Do You Have Any Road Complaints? Lumbertun — Residents of the live - County .iea um · piiiing the Sixth Highway Di ι vision will have ait uppurlutiity ii prestnt mad requests. peti-' lions itiid problems tu n-pre-i svntatι\es ol the Sixth Divisi >n ' 'it a public hearing her· ·ιι | Wednesda>. .lauu.iiy 11 A·»-j lloUlieeUii-llt of tili· I.· .hi:.,· \\ made today by Ui\i ion Kn^ii - .•er J. W Spin 115. City and i-ounty officials. a !olig \vith t!u· ' I' d ριιίιΐί. ire united to atten : tin· beitr ug il they have toad-ri-i|i!t·. t .vhich they lee! .·! .ulil i. . : . ittent ii in. Tl'.e he.frills w ill b·· h.-ld in Wedn·· day. .lanu.iry 11. id p. Remit (its Coll ιΊ π h in of tin .{•■bison County Con tho·: between the hour.- I 10 , r. ■ tu»t Γ_'·::ο ρ hi Insurance Agents Elect New Officers ι Hector McNeill ol Whilcville ι was elected prcsidint of C >-. Itimbus County Independent Insurance Agents A.v i.eiation at a dinner meeting last nit;ht in the I'ee Dei* l.otiiii·. Nichols. S. C. MiNeill succeeds Frank Ne stnith of Tabor City in the presidency. Also elected were I,. Ρ Ward Jr.. Chadboiirn. vice-president; j and Emily Hose Memory. Whiteville, seerelarv - treasur-l er. i OFF TO SCHOOI, Linda Sue. i'auuhter of Mi and Mrs Way man Cox. lift Sunday for ΙΙι^·ΐι Point when she is attending \ ·ι;» star , College. IIARKY BKI.I. Harry Hell i- expert···! hoirw· I ! today from Walk,·· j I Memorial II..spit d if.-i bei-i-j \ a patient there f··! M.ek Bootleggers Hit Hard Lick Over Holidays Lav enforcement officer«: hit ι hard lick it 1h<· bootleggers during tlio holidays. '>ti Μ'μκΙλ. I)r< 19 County IV (·ι nu-|< V 111· ( Ί ··. lltld dv I'IV In* ;iii »'alloiv of mash. On Krid iv in tlir· Norton sec tion tbe> < iit a Π »O <%illon cook er. dctrivrd '.MHK1 en'Inn* of masli and at rested two men, identified a nnd Ony· lioc Lovett of «he Norton see· tton Federal men aided in thin raid. The folio« vine WednHay County Policemen fowler and fiaus" ar I Si,KM \tfent Λ-κΙοΓ ■ '>n nidrit a 200 gallon rook· • r d *f ν*·1 1 on ·. ttf.-v n* iv>a*h and arre«te' .'· rn .n »·ν idrntlflrd as Alexander Hi.ilcr ol Tabor City Later SLED Λ ««tit Jim Ληιί (Continued «η Plf· 2> Act. t) Hog Kills Man »» "Ii** ι ι"" i> wit usuiii lime for slaughtering hogs. Hut the picture Wiis irvorscrf it his wivk in Bolton , I Perry Smith. ar oM Bolton farmer was announced dead «in arrival at Columbus County Memorial f I· »jcpi t :■ 1 Monday, having hot-n attacked b.v a male h«>g around 7:30 p. m. Th»» b'ooay incident took o'ane in ' ι* fathe-'s pasture when Smith went in separate two bosrs fighting One turnid on the Negro, fiercely kiting into his l«ft aide . ?»mun s rattier r-in fr« ·τ· where he w iv viartin« ι trink I and fought the hri« oft with | P<'le lout» enough t„ Rn,b [son bv the wnist tu draR hin. tu safety. The niaddened animal rush ··' again in the younger man ;»ικ1 »la.shnt h(s 1c-rv with twn-in-'t Ι"1»κ tllüks before h,. 1-ntiH I it»«»' «·Ί'lf the pa «tun Λ) t^#< ί··ιν«)ί1-ι1 f-ι,.ιχ f( |. I '■ t'*e Vi'* ΐ *>s ι ;h ^ , I bet η rruslnvi, tj-,. ft lung *