THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week rs.9% Γ People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper ' >»<·- XV. Nt'MBFR 21 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future" 'TABOR CITY. NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 85. 1961 ,Nlr.& MrsJJ. BelS Eiasaored After 64 Years Cf Kütsrriaae An year οι inanuu life means more "Millstone*" to many couples, but not to the John A. Bells of 317 Hickman _road; to them it is another year "of milestones. Friday they celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. Members of three genera tions of their family joined Tabor Citians in wishing their, continued health and happi ness on the date of the aqniv, ersary and·,the coraratulatioiy« were accepted ci/ietty; humblf ntss is the san£ quality whifn expresses Mr . Bell'!» -interest ιιΐ .. >'»»: tu· ι D'j.> : i.iu ü.·. 1 "The study ot .i>ti*i>ii >:·.». the movement of the hvavci;: . b«kiit!s. is Mn:· th:··.". mighty bi>?. and it makes mi4 feel mighty small " John Λ. Doll an i Vir ginia Harrelson wit»· mani· I Jan. 20. 18y7. They liail been engaged f«n tw.· years befo.v \ the ceremony was perfoftn."! ι in her father's M'll Branch home by Eh'er G> r G.<: . •co. tfcey h.r' <· uiv.-d !..:i !' ea: · "prlcr to their «.n·-., . - Both, came fu-m · ;ι: m sj«h·!:. . lit ·.«· » ;· IT \\ .··< :ilM» ; ;..··»· ·.«τ τ in l is native l. tl S. t". sec'on, and ii. ι working in i> . ' »it 1 *>. '! · .. .... ι» mi April 1, ' ι . .ι ;m · l; ιτηοι'.ΐ i " ·\ ..,·■ .« '.'i\ ii War. ι,. ΐ'.ίι < i. ·. their tr.arriuKe tl··.· ι . ι 'i;r 'i\v· yi-.>rs at ι ■ ·. i ?:..!» »r ΐ. vVillll • . · IV «Ίι Vt lied. in 11»! -1 ♦e; "> -v \:t. l\.U>r which . '·· ;>y 1. .k village ! >!.. ti ,v .«tore.:. It! !· ν ii !■ siow sur irii. homo v.m it coton field. ι· t'iey hu\ ■ seen tli«,· • J. . ■ ι · : tin·it lalU liy. :i; vatr the par .r. < ; ά.· ehili.ivn, Velni.·.. w .virs. J. ..I. McGuugan .·ί «"ι \ l,V Wey tl . Myr' le • ·: t ι v. iliwist·'!; IIa : 1. . λ Mrs .·. Κ. Bot well, ν ,.y; in Jiihtitiio Vir . . :·. u Mts. Joint fcl. Wrenn. : I. on». "·' >. * ι·;. ore tin· ur.:nd p;ir '·■- < : 'it and «j ea'.-i,rand ;> r.-iit- O: llii.I·. ι 11««»..*»t:Mr Deli's fi-year ' i:t i'n merehNntile l.u i ι . ι··· whiclt bi ■; ii imineiti !y ;iit»r '.ti' Efir> moved to ί .· r ( ity. In. became Town .·■.·.«. i v.huli In· credit ably Iii!) f.»r many years. While holding the latter post i.t· wii- :i!j:h collector of light and telephone t>i; I -. lie retired in 1J50. "What has been the most ple eant portion of your mar r i vein·."" Mr. Hell was re '••n'ly i.sked. "Ί ·· period since my retire ii nt." he nswcrcd. cxplain • r.u "Co w< been togetr. vi· more." «ζ i Mini'··' On Paie 2) *SlEW OFFICERS — Pictured are the new oflie The men were eleclrd to fill the po*ts ('u"'n·; Steward: DavH Eincene < «'ok. Sr. V/ardrn: Λ Master; Je**e R. Barker. Secretary; '.Vcn UII E. It ;·π it. >r. Deacon: Warden: Arthur Bellamy, steward. Officers not show.ι Jie P.. Fiank Fred llickman. Tpler. <■>' ί Uj Ifa-totile Lojgi seOüÄÄ. . ic" jr..! < rt t't ri· !U. ihajr are \V. f. C rib:, ι it Jr., Jr. it: I amen P. Hickman Harold .Jr. Λ nun«, Tre-tvnrer: and < 1 ν ii it f SWEETHEART CONGRATULATED — Miss Bonnie Norris was crow neu the Tabor City FI \ Sweetheart Thursday at the Future Farmers' annual banquet, held in the school lunchroom Eater she was congratulated by the club president. Harold Hughes, as other officers were present. Pictured are (left to right) Ronald Herring, treasurer: Rachel Cox. F1IA president: Ouis Fowler, sentinel: Scott Lowrimore. vice-president: Carroll Fonville. secretary: and Arth ur Tompkins, reporter. Miss Norris FFA Sweetheart BANK PROGRESS C. Lacy Tate, president of the Waccamaw Bank and Trust Company's chain, re ported to some 250 stock holders at the annual meet ing in Whiteville Thursday that the 35th year of the institution was among the must successful in its hist ory. .Mr. Tate1 pointed out to Ihe stockholders at a gener al business meeting preceed-' j ing a banquet that the bank's net earnings for 1960 totall ed S288.570.19, a ten percent increase over 1959. He also reported that the banks sained S3.500.000 in deposits in 1950 without benefit of any bank mergers such as have been frequent in the Stale in recent years. He naterl that t!ie Waccsmaw Hank had hud no mergers since 1937. Waccamaw Banks handled more than 9,500 loans in ίίΜΐΟ and thes·· loans totalled riore than S7.900.000. Tate reported. Rotary Holds L'dies Night T'..v 's». ;t attended ladies niiyU \<:.j ! iu!n home evjt hv!'i by tlv local notary Cl.i'o t. <*l: place at South of tne *'or !«·: restaurant near Dillon. S. C.. Monday iii«;lit. The Rot arians anil wives attending («Hailed 48 and the meeting was generativ applauded as the best the club had held in many years. Arrangements for the ladies nivjht were made by W. A. Wil li ms and R. C. Soles, Sr. Favors were presented to the briies attending. Vance C. Ward is a patient j in I oris Community Hospital.1 His condition is reported crit- j ica! at this time. Miss Bonnie Norris was crowned 1961 F. F. A. Sweet heart Thursday night by Tab or City's Future Farmers ol America at their annual Fath er-Son banquet. The reigning Sweetheart is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Norris and was chosen by popular vote of the entire F. F. A. chapter. Following the dinner officers ol the organization were intro duced to guests, includlpg Her •ld Hughes, president;' Scott Lowrimoie, vice - president; Ronald Herring, treasurer; Carol Fonvielle, secretary; Ar thur Tompkins, reporter; Ot'is Fowler, reporter; F. E. Lay Jr. and S. L. Jackson, advisors. Guests weie entertained oy the club's president at the pi ano for solos; bp the F. F. A. quintet composed of David Coleman, Carroll Fonvielle, Jimmy Burroughs, Tommy Spi i vry and Sammy Williams; plus ! several gin la ι numbers played by Melvin Tompson, Scott I.owriinore, Gene Mills, accom panied by Hughes at the pi ano. line of the highlights of the urogram was the drawing for j-.ifts by which ino:-t persont .itten.äng the banquet came a way with an item doiirted ίο ♦Ve club by Tabor City inorcli Uits . The F. F. A. president was introduced by R::ehel Cox, president of the Future Home makers chapter. The η e w Sweetheart was introduced by Scott Lowrimore. Also attending were memb ers of the county board of edu cation, men of the local high school faculty, and a number of merchants. Rl'EY IIEWFTT . Ruey Hewitt is η patient .n the Southeastern General Hos pital. Room 257. Lumberton where he underwent a major operation Tuesday morning. Miss Tabor City Candidates Are Wanted By Club Which young lady of tin· '!' - bor City shopping-area b. ι qualities to represent tί.·· town in Ijeayty and 1«»c .! events during 1 ϋΟ 1" ' Tabor Citv Civitatis want . know and t>» lind the answer will stage a Miss Tabor C.:.. contest on Krulay night. Match Ml, in the school audit<thi . bat..inn Miii and »»veiling „"Wi. A nun's fashion show will ••Iso oe integrate.! into tl.e Mr '.ii Id program. ''."he iuw Alis. Τ ■ ι Ci:v. V/vll a: the 1:1 ι enu-r-u;· \ ι be ι :vsi nt .si ' t i.i. s by tl:■ Civiti'.n (' tii>. J LOU »DA v:nit Mr. and Mrs Paul I'riia · :.nd daughter, ι'.*! i.· -a c;«e. an Mrs. 11. Ii. McKn vis d ;w and Mi>. Kenne, ι II >.μμ· Titusx illc. Fla. also Μ .ι:. Mis. Bruce J: cksnt, rn 1η·.ι:ι.ι River City. Fla. MRS. WOODROW Μ \RTIN Mrs W'oodrow Va.t.n ι- ι patient in Lorts C<>: muni';. Hospital whet · she in. i« . . ι · uigery Monday DICKIE ROZII R Dickie Rozier is :» »rttient τι I oris Community 11<·<ριΐ;»ί. • vi a ■-iv wri fJ.w Λ m » Outstanding Man Sought By Jssycees Τ;.» r City .).·>ivtv or·· sc >·.· . hit·:', :· ·':<· <«l«' .III' t-H >« ·ι. ; :ηηιι < Ι Μι<· t,»«s;i?»s :ut.v. . .t Vi > ■ r ihf Iii r Ci y Jui.i· : Cu; iri'.i · < i ( :un ■ u.v i tU. ;i lJi>tit;j;uish<-d Sc. . ι«.··· Α wart! t·. the j num nu · Ik tv. > »i t;.·· i. . *vho h... c«ritribir<(! thi· i.n '. ovt lall, t<» th<· civiv vmtuivs -i» liit·· . ί<<·ι .\lilis chairman <>! tΐ?τ ? \" prnjffi. I '■· 1 ay i: I- <·' ■ Ü i- tht til «I'Mill ι ι nom ination· . Λ:ι> ;Η·Γ:-·»η ιν ·· iinniitiii'«.· \vh· iih'v·.·»· he li i-Is h;i> ma it tin lit ι · · Ί · ■.·'.!?:« '. ·>· the· vvt 'tnr«· ·· lainr City. fCt.j»iiir ' f.i i h·.'.»!«! t·«· ri.i:··' l«> in Tab >r ( I:% ι ι gi· - I II III i:.!ll 11 JJUI · :ι i 1 I! *1-1 - Pharnncv. !'ι !■ winners of this award :l: ·.'( .,· μ |J.-n L. Ν< smith III, ι "» ιίπιΐ:. Richard Gordon, ! Carter, Harold Ward, . η :. C<>x. ι .! >c ν are also making ι ι·,"Λ ίι!ί· s 'arch for "Ou! • : ι... >'« ·ιιϊί>ϊ Farmer" cart ■· honor which was • II. -i year to Graham il. ι ι. Whiteville farmer. Γ · ·! >· vishinß to nominate .· · ' o!isidi*ix*fl an out t ir.-iii;·; voting farm·.·!·, should ι · ni ,i Lyi.wood Mills, Tabor City Winru: - ot the two honors :.i d ■ t the Dis · . i I S< rv <.■<■ Awards ban hf'ulwi by the Jaycees Hoefi©c^sning Event Is Set Ht Williams ¥m Friday üight Williams Townslvp ^ hool's annual Homecoming ha kcthali «rann» will I»· played Friday night starting at 7 when ll:e Λ<ίΐπ.·< and Farn«·rettes of Williams meet the Nakina Indians. Airs. IV»' ; Thompson and Air. Jesse Yaught will iVilJS Lo.-<;', •igning Queen tuiiee to graduates of Williams Township in the h i κ h s e h ο ο 1 li brary from 6 ::i(i until 7:8(). At the half of the boys Kam«», nine Κ i r 1 s will compete for the title of Homecoming Queen. Gayle Long·, the I960 Queen, will c r ο w η the newly select ed queen. Judges for t li e contest a r e Μ r s . Evelyn Leon ard of The Tabor Ci t y Τ r i Ι» υ η e ; . · I lr i'OUVI .·. 1 'it- \ I'WS of 'j'iM· ν' nihü·; Cnu i! ; Μ...Λ Sttwari ι i llw WKNC , ..j \\ ill ι i vc ;if in ι '.t ι · 1 <\·ι nit nit> ni— ai:ti t**i \«f. S;i-it' ' it"' it. -i»>n ·. ι ' ΐ ">y t;i Μ lit πι flub; Η ·> :.»r: ro - .»»>· t»! κτλ. ΚΗΛ Mt»;i.»S! .".Ii ciub < ri · ,ν: t· - ittir-in-fhk'f *>? "TV Aggit.' She· »< t'l·· ti;iu· M· r . ! Mi. l.i t ■ .1' . "·> V, J*| ■ !λ I!. < :.» - 't^ii. CI As ·. Wi: . '. t "I - okt'r^. a tfC'Sf nvi,: >·)· Hu r "ί th» . poi'. r: anil .l;uk Habits .Ni'u s. t ι■ i< ι:: council, varsity . λ 11; ι. i t. mi Μ i.-s Ward is ι ·. htei i>! Mi and Mrs. I. Η W. id. Μ'ππη Himhcs. sponsored i > !li·· -tuden? council: a mem !m · ■ t · ni ii"ni;im flub, var i \ ι . -k· ib II Ir im, student . unci'. "Λκιί·'" business man . r hit m ther Mrs. Rnbv '.· 1 :· ■ >t Tab<>r City. She is a ι ni< r. . ί"' re. ι juni> r. sponsor i ' by Kutir .· Tea· hers <>f Α ι. ι ·.'·.· uviuber of ΚΗΛ. FT A, (Continued On Pam· 2) F»CRIVING EAOLU ΒΛΠΟΚ·* Ihr Fair Γ.Ινί» hl*h «rhool and«t orlum fan. II», wrrr wvrn ho«* fron» that «own. rh«» »mpr"*«'!'« Court of Honor br««-*h( If· a film»* r, » η' 1!ι · mTil Ji Iii rulsli-il honor* thai has tr«·« h.stov<*»n I )«·> 'ttlrns, ft in entirely poviiblr that this w.n ;.ir lir.t timr vvn lis freiu one (nop la UM «täte have been awarded Εa«I· badge*. th· hlfhcat award In srontlm:. at one Court of Honor aesalon. The »fVffi, pi«« their parents and «th^rs takln« part In the ceremonies are shown above. Th-p Incluie from left to rlaht Mr. and Mn Jim an.: »on iantl?, Mr. and Mrs. t'pruitl Brltt anX mm lUn.'.jr. 1.1 > Scout Jimmy Renfrew, Mr. and Mr*. Louis Rotere and aon uoagU ·. A tar Mat Pete Wlllta. Bill WUIta—on and Iwt MaaUr Irrd "'•.Hph'lnc" 1H.· I;i*t -f thr Γ5;Μν τ':ι-·>γ. Μ'. Τ1 Mr«. Willard Small jη · t>avl . · s ••••I ' <:·. Tvr-r. Vr. i>nrt ■ t tt , -■ ·· ' r " t■· » Μ«·»-··, and • ι f .,· .ι ι . · m> itir. m Hit nmii) j Iii«·«· t< ι *»»♦ tercm^.ii . as vmt«·'* c«jin»· fvom ail over tlic county to witness tbr MV«n youth» «· th*y rwrivtd Ei(l· »wards.