. .. .«·. «■■■·■ «ιis. Aioc« Martn " w ■ .> . ;» ο. .«wiui&, Va. ΐυ viait Niis. Martin's inuUier. m WELL· DRILLING — For any of your well drilling nevus see Z. L. Ward. Route 1. Phone 4139. Tabor City. Indt. • CANCfcE CLINIC — Officials of the American Cancer So "*· cut> teimnu tue public of ■»···' tiie Camer Detection - Diag ■' nuibt Center, open each ■ Tuesuay morning at Jam«;» Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, uiK.tr the sup —"' er visum ot the New Hanover County Medical Society. Tile examination (or cancer is 4FREE to anyone in North j Carolina (children by doct "Äor'" certificate). Persons aie ' Jjf> .urged to avail themselves oi' A the opportunity tor early de EtCftcction and diagnosis of can Εββ cer, by calling for appoint ment R02-4277 or writing CANCER. P. O. Box 1382. 5g£.Wilmington. N. C. (Leaflets ""ijgmailed upon request.) Η me Ccmiri*» Event Ο . w ··»·» -ν · ·"»'» 4 - e»^ 4 * suii; »ι cliui'lcauii' Her parents are Mr. at id Mrs. Joseph A. Qurv. Rebecca Wright, sponsored by the Future Farmers uf Α Ι morica; a sophomore: member ' ut Κ Η A. student council, mon ogram lub. varsity Da.-kotbail »cam; the reign::·* FhA sweet .·<..ιΓι. Misa \uinu> >» tue uau ^..ui o. iVr. ιΐι·> Λiia. Curt tVUght, Clau'ti.loti. Lin .a Gor··, sponsored by the sophomore ciusj of which .she is a inemuer: also a memb er of the 4-H club: t!ie tiaugii .er ot Mr. and Nils. Lacy Gore. Uoliie Pearl Cribb, sponsor ed by Uie M-iiiur mcmbci o: the nice club, l· ΓΑ, 4-H. annual .staff; tunned best look ng ot the senior super»:«» ives; named "class beauty": daugn ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cribb. Lynda Burroughs, sponsored by her freshman ctass: a mem ber of the student council. FHA. varsity basketball team; the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Burroughs. Margaret Shel'.v. sponsored by the junior class of which she is a member; also a mem ber of the FHA. 4-H, annual staff; was the 1959 Homecom ing Queen runner-up. Margar et's parents are Mr. and Mrs Hoyt Shelly. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lovett of Cherry Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Donnie Canady. You will always reeret if you don't give your children the opportunity to play the pi ano. We will deliver any where a good practice piano for $99.00 and up and bench Also, we will deliver a New Baldwin piano with as little as $25.00 down, small month ly payments or fall terms can be arranged, we trade for cows. hogs, turmture and anything of value. Call or write Hnrrill Music Store. P. O. Box 9t!7. Luinberton. N. C . Tel. 9-3730. 1 25Tfchg. Ρ HEALTHY STUART PECAN TREES 5-6 ft. with 3 ft. roots Only $3.50 at YOUNG'S PECAN MARKET Farmers Warehouse Whitevillc Jplant now for shade, beauty, ami profit. Complete in structions for planting and 2are with each purchase. YOUNG IS STILL BUYING PECANS TOO! diKTcompRnv ELLIS'SHOE CENTER t. • "Columbus Pounty's Only Exclusive Ladies' Shoe Store" House Of Famous Brand Shoes Red Cross, Cabbies, Socialite, Joyce, Tweedies De Lano and Mane Aire Τ America's Most Talked About St Walked About Shoes MM···—■ Tues. — 6 P.M. Sponsored By TABOR CITY WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. J. C. Singletary, Chm. Benefit Sei For "Dimes" The Annual Mother's March and a coffee benefit are plan ned for the March of Dimes announced Bill Rogers, general chairman. The Mother's March will be held Tuesday. January 31. und er the sponsorship of the Tabor City Woman's Club with Mr·». J. C Singletary, president, heading the committee. The march will start at li p. m. and as in past years and residents are asked to leave their lights on . nd welcome the volunteer workers. The Werner Burger will sell cofue all day Friday for ten c»nts per cup w ill all proceeds .-.nnm to the fund said Ed Nor ris owner. Rogers stresses the obliga tion that Tabor City people trust feel toward this annual urive for funds. We desperato 1p neetI !o wipe <>ut the exist ιηβ debt and to make ready to help our polio, birth defect and arthritis victim.·«. "Please Say Yes To The New March of Dimes." Bell Anniversary (Continued From Pag^ 1) Mis. Hill's response I slightly: "I think our happiwt ! days wore when we had all ot ι.ι with lis." % . - » uv uUt'VV , i..vir sai.i.i.·.; moment: wtwn ι ;ntir se.oiid sun—Lacy—died : ol a In art attack when only 17 ! years old j Theirs has been a simple I lie; daily she will be found «κ king and careing for their .onu; and ho may bo seen e<. Ii:«. lisuning to the radio ι »tu ying aslit.i..nuy. One can trutiifud judge the Jititi A. Beils and agree with the sentiment written long ago by Frederic Amiel— "To knuw how to grow 'eld I is the master work ut wisdom, and one ol the most difficult apti'.s in the great art uf living." This they are doing! t "T Presbyterian Group Holds Study Session Mis. C>ttis Wright of the j Saint Paul W. S. C. S. directed the study of the book entitled I Ι "One World—One Mission" at' | the general meeting of the Presbyterian Women of the j Church Tuesday evening. The meeting was held at the' ; church and following the study i Mrs. Henry L. Reaves served · refreshments 111 the recreation al department. A number of visitors from the Brunswick Presbyterian Church were in attendance. In conclusion members of the organization met for a business session with Mrs. Hector Le<_·. president, presiding. Cburcb Women Meet For W.M.S. Study The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Jones Street Mis sionary üapi.st Church mot Friday for the study of the January program on tin· Ind ians in the Southwest. There were eight members and six visitors present. Mrs. W. J Hardee is tin j president of the Society. Tho ι • ionization was completed and j the society plans to study tin j Home Mission book "The Dreamei Cometh." which is the story of Luther Rice, who' discovered that the carrying | out of the Great Commission tequired an intensive Work continually prosecuted in the homeland. Town And Country Club Plays Bridge The Town and Country Br idee Club met with Mrs. H. B. ßuffkin, Jr. Thursday eve 'QfiM at'which time Mrs. John Dornum was high scorer. ι Others plapuig were Mrs. Γ "Vi) ■ C' < .. !» Ί Gib;" >:». is :,o . ι.: .·. jiui.uy Ulcus. Mrs. iioiii'ic Huglns, Mrs. Ed Morris ami Mrs. Lester< ι Barnhill. A sweet course was served; by the hostess. SUPPER Μ FETING The reiulai meeting of the \moiie ii ! e..i> 11 Au;ili«i"y :i « st ϊ'Χι. η t :t 7 p. iii Tius .!a\ nicht at the S.m iy Plain Community Center an ί elected Mis. Luddie Norris as presi dent and Mrs. Doris Dean Goiv secretary and treasurer. A highlight of the evening meeting was the serving of ;· oveied dish supper by the Auxiliary with the post memb ers joining them. The organizations meet every tourth Tuesday night. HEART COUNCIL Tb«· Columbus County Heart Council will meet in Hotel Whitcville, Thursday, January 16. at 8 p. ni. announced Mrs. Evelyn Leonard. local repre sentative. C ouncil members arc urged to attend as this is the first call meeting of the new fiscal pear. BETHEL NEWS ί BY—MRS. LLOYD HINSON Jack Mickle.v Anderson son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Γ. Ander son of Clarendon, Route 1. has completed a six weeks course it Coyne Electrical School in ?hici!go. 111. lie is cuontinuing 'lis education at Western Klec ne Electr· nie School in Burl ington. N. C. He is staying with no of Iiis sister's Mrs John κ Jordan while attending this t>U! Sl\ The iSotiicl Community 1-H Club met at the home of Ron ;«ld llinson Monday night Jan uary lülii. Gayle Long presi dent presided. Two demonstra tions were given by Mrs. Rob it II.ir.Iii· aciult leader which ι eluded—Givln« j> bed bath. • 'anjiin»· toe bed with patient ■η ed for Kil l's, and for the boy's—Pruning Shiubbs. At the onclusion of the meeting re· frcshinents wore served to the ι ?.· in. nit ι·:.s ίιιι .1 lilt Iva «.τ im- nie«..inj: wilt be i'.elit at the l.oine oi Uayntllv l'owell. The Williams Ruritan Board of Director's held their regular ; meeting at the home of Lloyd Minsen Wednesday nicht. Jan •i irv I8tli At the conclusion ·! the mectimj refreshment:! were served. The Club includes member.- tr««m the Williams Township arcu au ' sotuc micr os· <μ I .-nes from ndjoininn, .ν it. l'liiv ht.U tin ir ilnuicr ικνί.ηϋό once a month. T'was nice to sec Hoscoc Ilecnk of Bristol, Tenn. form-' ally of the Mollie community recently when he was home to visit his Father who is a pati ent at the Veteran's Hospital in Fayctteville, N. C. * fr S25. REWARD For Information Leading To The Sale Of A WISE HOME DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE that needs and wants a WISE HOME? If you do, $25.00 is as good as yours, "his reward offer is definitely limited. Reward Check Will Be Mailed To HERE'S HOW EASY IT IS Simply give us the name of a prospec tive WISE HOME Buyer—Phone near est office listed below — or mail or bring in the attached card. You When Construction Begins BRING OR SEND YOUR PROSPECT'S NAME TO: WISE HOMES, INC. P. O. BOX 583 WHITEVILLE, N. C. Addres» Telephone No. Direction· Prospect's Name City The above person is interested in buying a WISE HOME See him—! Send reward check to: Your Name Address . City Telephone No. The Tabor City Tribune Green Sea Road Tabor City, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION ORDER BLANK Name Address Check one: Cheek one: ( ) 1 year at S.'i.OO inside ( ) Bill me later Columbus, Brunswick, Horry counties ( ) I enclose ( ) 1 year at 4.00 outride Columbus, Brunswick, llorry counties I« THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY The storewid»; sale you've been waiting for . . . greater savings on winter fashions for mom, dad, the kids . . . wanted items for the home Further reductions on dress fashions for every occasion! Wear now into spring, included in this collection of fall and winter fashions are many cocktails and formals Better Dress Fashions Heg. 22.98-25.00 29.98-35.00 NOW Reji. 13.00 45.00 19.00 49.98-55'.U0 22.00 65.00-69.i)8 Budget Dress Fashions Reg. 5.00-6.00 7.00-8.00 NOW 4.00 6.00 Reg. 9.00-11.00 13.00-14.00 Better Fashion Coats at Terrific Savings I lU'K. 49.98-55.00 5il.9K-G0.9K 89.98 NOW Reg. 40.00 98.00 48.00 110.00 65.00 159.95 NOW 69.00 69.00 115.00 one group Budget Coats Kejf. NOW :J5.00 22.00 k one group Budget Coats Retf. NOW 19.08 32.00 Better Fashion Suits at Reduced Prices Reg. NOW Reg. NOW :HZ 25.00 ilZ 48.00 ι».»« 33.00 '»·»» 50.00 ΪΆ 40.00 8:8- 55.00 14 FUR JACKETS dveri mouton processed mm·** kk ΩΩ ΙηττιΙι, reif- TO.95 HOW 44.ÜU Fashions β Belk* Second Floor SPORTSWEAR ΛΙ is.si's Fur-Blend Sweaters novelty, classic cardigan, slipoii sizes 34-40 Keg. NOW Rejf. NOW Ö.99 4.00 1 0.99 7.00 7.9!» 5.00 12.99 9.CH 8.99 6.00 14.90 10.00 cabreiia leather jackets white, beige, blue. black Size 10-Iß. 10 oo rt-g. 25.00 ΙλΒβ Wool Skirts! Slim Pleated — Sizes 10-18 Reg. NOW Reg. NOW 5.99 4.00 10.99 7.00 7.99 5.00 12.99 9.00 8.99 6.00 14.99 10.00 all wool blazers whiter, red, grey. brown Sizes 10- 1U „ ο ο rc«. 11.9» V.ftS Wool Slacks sizes 10-IS. π·μ 8 »9 5.97 Fur-Blend Sweaters 34-40. π·« 10 91J 6.67 Sportswear Λ Bulk s Second Floor sensational savings on every man's fall and winter suit in our stock! Rck· NOW K«K. NOW i :',ό.()0 29.88 ttD.ft» 55.00 \ 56.00 43.00 06.00 76.00 men'» all wool suit· Λ . cicctIon «if hII \ν<κ·1 worsteds «»til all wool flannels in ivy ■and pleated models. Reg. 49.95 39.00 Mens Wear a Hoik's Main Kloor

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