THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STAT ES More Than 10.000 People Read The Tribune Every Week People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper VOLUME XV. NUMBER 25 "Tabor City — The Town With A City Future» TABOR CITY. NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY I. IJ»61 10c PER COPY—$3.00 A YEAR * 4-H Development Fund Drive Far Short Of $7800 Quota Response to the letters re cently mailed out to all Co lumbus County businessmen . requesting their contributions to the N. C. 4-H Development Fund campaign has been grat ifying but there's still a lonu way to go to reach the $7800 county quota, W. Horace Cart el, campaign chairman, an nounced today. "We have received a total oi 70 contributions totalling $1065 from the letters and most of those businessmen contributed q their suggested share of the * county quota. But we belic e that there are more than 70 businessmen in Columbus co unty who arc interested in set tins up this fund so that many rural boys and girls will have the opportunity to attend col lege who otherwise will not have finances available to con tinue their education," Carter said. Λ The 4-H Development Fund » is seeking to raise $1,000.000 in the State with which to pro mote the rural youth program in North Carolina. This money will provide scholarships for I needy and deserving 4-H club , ' buys and girls, enhance the camping facilities and provide , for larger participation in the exchange student program with ' I other countries. All of the ι three phase objectives are de I signed to better the future of ! North Carolina farm youths. In an eftort to remind busi ni'isnu-n of the need for their financial assistance in this pro gram, those who have not con tributed to date will receive a I j reminder card within the few I j days. The county committee is j ί hopeful that this will spur I those who are financially able j I to mail their contributions on j jin. After the reminder cards j j have been mailed out and bus-' j inessmen have had the oppur- 1 ι tunity to mail their contribu j tions, a ten day personal solic- I itation will be held throughout the county in both the rural and town areas. The personal solicitation is scheduled for February 10 un til the 20th. Everyone who has received a solicitation letter and not responded will be call ed upon in person. The eoun-, ty committee has selixtetl a number υί community leaders | in every part of Oil county to ' make the solicitation. During this ten day period.1 the various community deve- j lopment associations in Colum- j bus county will seek to raise i iho quotas set for each of thorn in addition to soliciting* the (luotiis set for each ol tliem in addition to soliciting the in' in town potential participants ι in the drive. "We do not want Columbus county to fall behind the other counties of Notth Carolin, ι Many counties have already raised their full quotas and we want to I ave ours completed by February 20. This cause i.^ J as worthy as any of the other.·; 1 that are held every year. But this is a one time drive. When we have raised this $7800. we ; do not have to worry about it J coming up again. It's a one shot deal and the committee and workers hope to wrap it up successfully by the Febru-1 ary 20. deadline that we have set," Carter said. REV. AND MRS. Ν. B. STEVENS OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT HOME ON SUNDAY BY BRENDA W. STOCKS Fifty years of marriage were celebrated by Rev. and Mrs, Ν. B. Stevens on Sunday aft ernoon, January 22nd at their home near Chadbourn. Attending the golden anni versary reception for the well known couple were about ISO telatives and friends between the hour« of three and six o'clock. Ρ Ν. Β· Stevens and Miss Edna Fea were married on January 18, 1911 by Rev. Vale in the parsonage of Chadbourn Meth odist Church. Rev. Stevens is the son of the late Queen J. and Emma Ann Fair Stevens both of Co lumbus County. Mrs. Stevens was the daugh ter of George and Lydia Hammlin Fea who were na k lives of Michigan. Attending the reception wns Glenn F. Strole of Chadbourn who served Rev. Stevens as best man at his wedding. The late Miss Amy Perrin of Chad bourn stood for Mrs. Stevens. Guests were greeted upon arrival by Mr. and Mrs. Strole and introduced to the receiv ing line which was composed of the honorees, their son and t daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stevens of Chad bourn and children Mrs. Sarah Neil Stevens Eartley of San Francisco, California and Hen ry Stevens of Chadbourn. (Continued From Page P. T. A. TO MEET The Tabor City Parent Teachers Association will meet Thursday (tornmorrow i evening) at ?:S· In the school auditorium Mm. Lln wood Mill·, president, an nounced. The Tabor nty Thorns, on.'er «h« 'Irretfen of Mr· W. W. Woody, will present Group Hospital Insurance Plan Offered Merchants ι Directors of the Tabor City Merchants Association have approved a group hospital plan with Hospital Saving Associ ation of Chapel Hill that will save all business firms with present group plans with that organization, as well as any new merchants, 20 percent on their hospital insurance. More than 100 persons are currently insured through a group hospital insurance plan among the local businesses with Hospital Saving Association. The new plan will allow each of these groups to save 20 per cent on their current prem iums. It will also be available to all other businesses in Tabor City that are members of the Merchants Association. The local business will con tinue to be billed directly as they have in the past but the billing will reflect the 20 per cent saving after Hospital Sav ing has completed its wor* on the new, larger group basis. Members of tlie Merchants Association who are not now covered under a hospital insur ance plan may join in the new group provided 75 percent of the employees of the business Join the insurance plan. Any •tew firm joining the insurance >'«n. will have immediate cov 10 -n t'-c »rnpl -ype«! tfcot J.nt a« « chance for firms without gro ip insurance to have file covc i ii< vitaoce for tho.«e al (Continued From Page 4) ρ Two Young Boys Die When Ice Breaks In Va. A ski.tiriK accident in NYw Νι·»>. Va.. lust Friday r«. -ulUct in The death ··( two boys. «>··:■, i>: a former Columbus LTounty couple front Nakina. Tommy Watts, 4. and hi. irmthei. Eddie. o. wore the· vic tims. They are the sons oi Mi·, and Mrs. Edward Watts, of Newport News, wilo lornierlx li\ed at N.ikinu. The Watts il tildren were skating in .1 Newport News park and waiwl ii'td away iron 1 the crflwd and fell through thin ince. Thvy '.\rre missed several hours lat i-r and tlie bidies were recover l·»! late Friday. Funeral services were con dufteti Klonday at the Chapel Ί' l'eaco.k Funeral Home in Whitevilk* by Rev. K. C. Foster. Burial was in the c.>U.n.;.>us Memorial Park. Surviving besides the par 1 nts are a brother Donnie; the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Watts, of Nakina; and Mr. Bird Mrs. T. J. Williamson, of Nakina. Woolen Elected President Of The County Council Pat VVooten, «·Γ Western i'ronij. was reolected president >1 the county council of Com munity Development organiza tions .it a meeting in White k'HIe Monday night. Mis. Lloyd Unison was re •leeted vice president and re porter: Mrs. George Strickland, it Cherry Grove was elected secretary, and Ralph Morris, of Sandy Plain was reelected treasurer. ',uv VP.i? r Maven C'ommi^n ii D.eveJopfnent group has -lopped.oui ot the movement, leaving ten active i.mi organiz ed arejs of Columbus county. The ccunt'p conn, il adopted the projects of SKNCIami De velopment Association and tl·.«· p.imary objective:" Increase farm iinome and convert to improve'· Ii ν in«." Τ .e group «Veii-d to again hold the spon.-oi ci.- annual din ner and set the dates from February 20 to March 1. lor the drive· for community deve lopment funds. These funds will be used for the cash a wards made annually to the communities with outstanding records in several categories. County Farm Agent Charlie Rapt: discussed th· present -1 11 Development Fund cam paign. The leaders of Commun ity Development organizations are assisting in this drive. The next meeting of this county coun il will be held Fri day, March at the agricult ural building in Whiteville. Record System How Sei Up By Merchant Assoc. Λ modern and efficient book keeping system has been set up by Iii»· Tabor City Merch .nts Association and every member of tlie organization can nov.· inspect the ledger and know exactly what the finan cial standing of the association ι·:. W. Horace Carter, president, innotini'ed today. "\\"e li ne set up an account; itceivnble Ii iger and a general "edcer c· niparnble to that kept by mos· private businesses. 1'he ssoclation is a t usiness, ίκΙ wc are endeavoring to op •ι it'.· it like a business," Carter tniil. "This system will show ex irtly how much en h member I iii- coi't-ributed during the n· ir, u; at his I 11 mc«· is. h<>w l'ifh has b' ell eollected during Hi t*ear and. 01 course, wh.'t funds are «'ill av lilablc." h„· il 5. Γι«· a'S<"in'i η will operate η a bu '·(■·» 'tvm and only m.Orif ·*·η clu'timsMnecs will ιιτ'/al'.nc·· this budget. The current dues schedule, if rpamt'iinod by t!i<· association·!··. wll! tn\e care of all '»fHTitirrt e.vjtnses of the ntg •n.. it η du tiu 10(51 including V return of t' e kiddie π '<·>; t ·· Vri ti·· «I ft· I the '·(»"·,· ■ . . I) ••«•et· "< 7 ,f' ι μιGn.otit-n <1 event within the resent budget Watch For Your Lucky Paper Number During Big Brunswick County Days» TOWNSHIP SCHOOL HOMECOMING QL'KKN OF 1961— Linda Burrouchs. I". ν«·:«Γ old liauehtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burroughs receives the crown following her selec tion as 1 *♦·» 1 Homecoming Queen of Williams Township Iligh School Friday night. (>avle Lung retiring f Wil hams 'lownsliip High School Friday night over a field t f nine contestants. The stately blonde of 5' P." with fair complexion and brown eyes was crowned \)y Gayle Long. liltiO Queen, at the 1 half-time of the boy's basket ' ball game with the Nakina j teams in the school uym. She , was sponsored by her class and ' plays Varsity basketball us well I as being active in many school ι programs. ' This was the second annual [affair held by the school and i both times members of thv freshman ilass were \ ict<>riuu . The queen was judged on points of beauty, poise and neatness. Susie McPherson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Me Pherson was first runner-up. She was the slviitot girl meas uring 5" 1" in height with brown hair and blue eyes. She is a senior, chief cheer leader. : editor of The Aggie, member ·iisore«l i>\ the Monogram C'lnl>. j Si-eond runner-up Ann Ward, d.iugnter of Mr in·! Μ - l.insey Ward, sponsored by the ΡΗΛ. Shi* stands 8*7" and has black hair and brown ι yes. Others in the contest wer · Miriam Hughes, sponsored by I the student council, and the j daughter «if Mrs. Ruby Hughes; . Linda Gore, daughter ol Mr , and Mrs. lacy Gore, sponsored ! by the sophomore class: M.u - , garet She'lev, daughter of Mt and Mrs. Hoyt Shelley, snon ored bv the junior class; Κ — becca Wright. "FFA Swee: heart." «laughter of Mi and Mrs Carl Wright: Dolli«· Pearl Cribb, daughter of Mr. a:i«l Mrs. Martin Cribb. sponsor«*'! by the senior class, and Ksta G< re. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J«>M*ph Gore. sp«'nsore«l bv the FTA Marv Stuart «n, • ceremony, nur without civility. --Lord Halifax FRIDAY CHALLENGE Λ basket ball game between th·.· Tabor City Divilettes and Blaucnboro's *,irls Friday nicht may determine the conference < hampionsiiip. In making the statement to day. Principal lSamlall Burle son. explained that Bladenbitro fir Is have not lost during theit last 35 «allies and will present a special challenge to the Tab or girls. It the Devilettes win the Fri day same, the t«o teams would be tied in their conference standings. AH patrons of the school are asked to attend the came in support of their team. The "Brunswick County Ap Mveiatinr. Days" promotion in rubor City tor Thursday, Fri t. . and Saturday. February 9, lit and 11 is rapidly taking sh;ipi and promises to be one if the most novel events ever μι· »inoti-d by local merchants. A number oi merchants are taking part in the three day ali t wHt tliat will not only »tfer unusual values in merch niHlise but will also see $300 in .•ash awarded to lucky custom ers. And it's not a case oi drawing a lucky ticket cither. The cash awards this time will be awarded to persons re ceiving the February 8. issue ■Ι Γη».· Tabor City Tribune's special section that will carry a number on the front of the |..rumotional section in red ink. Κ very one of these papers will have a number and those who ι e-eive a paper with a number containing two zeros in it, can lvdeam that paper for $1.00 in cash at any store advertising in the paper that week. Also, there will be duplicate numbers in every community. Any two persons receiving a paper with a number the same .is that of some one else, can t ind that individual, bring both papers to any store taking part in the promotion, and get $.00 in trade for each of the papers with the duplicate numbers. The Tribune will reimburse every merchant who receives the papers with the duplicate numbers or numbers with two zeros in cash. All persons bringing in these lucky numb· ers must present them to mer chants by 6:00 P. M. Saturday, February 11. Th«· special promotion is be« ins held lis a special invitation to Brunswick County people to shup and trade in Tabor during these three big days. But the lucky numbers will appear on papers in every rural section receiving the Tribune. These topics are being mailed out as samples and there's no obli gation not even the price of a Tribune. The winners in this promo tion have no obligation what soever. There's nothing to buy. There's no age limitations. There's no registration slips to till out. No jingles to write. It's a pure and simply givea wap designed to stimulate the retail business in Tabor City during these three days . 18 New Firms 9n Merchants Assoc Ei:.litre» tvw members nf •h«· Ί'ιΙ ··ι· City Mfichants A*— ■ snriatii it have MKiu-tl up tor 19(51. Ijtiι . inn tin- τ·>t;il mem i berithip to . at« I» 78. Κ vi ι i.··» ! rll. i vt iui1i\f veietriry. an I lilllllH · li 'Iiis \v< . k. >.ι \· II f.:iid thai there are • sill .i iniinb i of i>tht-r firms t ..ι ι c· · I t«· '. "in and ■ νι· a r i'!| .t< report οι tin. ' m! γ.μρ v.ll! hi ma ϊ" with 1 μ thi n« \t \vi i k hi ten day-. ?ii i member.- «if l!u· assneia« : ti· ii w n wi'i'c tmt member? j ta-t ii.iluiii Τ..l>oi City I tin S !ι ι. Di Kuui 'κ Cook. |< ipltal la -:;.u· ti:·. «1. Är Ο Λ.'·. Sei1 ie i!"ilia'> Ιί.ι ··'<> Λι IV ι! ι ·!ΐ· i n· : > l.aundrama. L'H'iv'ry .V Dr> üirVs.'viii Ι 11· ι· i « t. I\n/irr'. •. tun y & 11 > Cleaners. Hill li< "ι ι . Attorney. Uj'>*s Αιι'ο I'irt . Τ ' r Citv Florist. Ta il· City K' 'Is. l!;.ncfi.'s fiif ■. C'iiiv'ern ami Nirri·· Ta t i · ( ,jy ' '· η ι -. Ta'"·> Ci.y • >·ι c ι.···ti ν and Π ixlon Au'o •'oris. Some ο1 the nen* mi'mhcrs ha·' made parti.»1 π ■ ti ihuti ns "·' the Hint κ ι in priofvea; ·· 'nit hi-d 11 "Γ been full dtieS paying rm-mlM-rs Τ h «'· \ · «ι r m·Tiber.«' i*i it ; ·ΐ( ri aso'l du«"· hp - nvt ■ it It i\tr,i «iri'Miaty ι mipot :ι· .inn. I)lrec1n'*i ιη«·ΐ Monday ; riiirniier awl heard tin· repoit f the drive Tn date merchants kiivc paid η «ash l«u th< ipei iij ration S20RI.25. Draft.4 anH ι "imi'imi nls have been slgn '.'?>■»*··· !· " »»ν * irS7 7% , '.us expectable«! that aie rathfr certain fm $2419 00 If the·*«· come through as expected, the association will have a budget «Ι $9191.00 in 1961. "When w art- certain of this revenue. we will establish a firm budget of expenditures 1.(1 we wil Hive by this year. \VY are very happy with the ι ponsc that the drive has met ·' i!i nid the directors are en thusiastically working for a more active association," Lov ell said. Merchants Association direc *.nrs als«» voted Monday to iom bine the Tabor City Credit Ihiroiivi with the association if creriit bureau directors still wanted t«» follow that course. The credit bureau directors had expressed a desire to do this some time ago. It the Merchants Association 'akts '.!)<· credit bu/eau over, Μ will immediately make the erv'cc j'vailahle to every mem ber of the association on the • me b:isis It has also voted to eh..nie the collection serv ce of the bureau. The system ι ' eh.imes for collecting bills would call lot iisie third of any »ill ι ollected amounting to less th.'n $30.00 The amount for ■·<.|'ι fiiin would be only 25 per (•"i t ·> r amounts between $50. and ?10 0(\ and would drop to -Ό percent for amounts collect ed above $100 The collection agency and the credit reports will be ava ilable to every member of the Merchants Association if it takes over the operation of the Credit Hureau. Directors of the ass«>ciation rmnfve.tred Mori'^v tl>n· ifrcat tr ο .'ι '. i·. ,u lit essential. It should be used by (Continued From Pegr V)