THE ONLY PULITZER PRIZE WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES More Than lO.OOo People Read The Tribune Every Week 74e People Shop From The Pages Of Their Hometown Newspaper VOLUME XV. NUMBER 34 ffTabor City — The Town With A City Future" ΤΛΒΟΚ CITY. ΝΟΚΊ1Ι ( ΛΚΟΙ ΙΧΛ ui \ ι. λϊ !t 11, .j. i«u: 10r PER COPY-$3.00 A YEA* Conway Cover Girl To Direct Pageant Robin Williamson of Conwav will direct the 1961 edition ;l the Miss Columbus County pa jvant, Tabor City Jaycees uis .'lujiii tocay. The pageant, slat» Ί for Fii liay. April 12, will find the winner walking away with a 5750 education scholarship. Miss Williams« <ii is well known throughout tlu· ar. Having won ::8 beauty cntestv • iiring a period of five year* A*hi h is believe;! to be a "world's recor.l." Among the titles wi ii by her wwe thv. "N;itk>r.;>l Tobacco Queen.' "Mi s Anivil USA" aim "N.·. iunal Cover Gill." s>he is a native c»t" Comw.y attended Limestone College, jihI was a crama major at tl··/ Richmond (Va.i Institute. While in Richmond Miss Wii iamson acted in many of th·· :ity's productions include th·.· lead role in "Bus Stop." Later >he worked as a fashion mi.dvl [or Miller and Rhodes, and nodeled for free lance photo graphers and for television, tier picture, too. has appeared >n billboards all over the co untry. and appeared on the April cover of Fori! Times. Robin has worked as judge, lirector and coach with beauty contestants throughout the co rn try. Added to the list of special »uests and dignitaries schedul :d to appear in the Miss Co uinbus County page-ant is the lame of Carole Hewitt, reign ing Miss Brunswick County Γο accompany her when she lings will be the popular Shal otte· Sextet. Contestants are currently bo ng sought by members of the lunior Chamber of Commerce. 3ersons knowing of gi .» w ο josses." talent and beauty are equested to contact Jimmy jarrell, Roger Mills, Richard »ox. Harold Ward, or to write ο "Miss Columbus Pageant. Cntries Committee, Tabor -ity." MKS. EMIL CI It It IΚ Lt. and Mrs. Emil Currie of 'ensacola, Fla. arrived during he weekend for a holiday visit vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. rally Eddings. Mrs. Currie is low an observation patient in Community Hospital, Loris his week and will remain at lcr home next week: however Λ. Currie will return to tlu Maval Base late this week. VIRS. I.. M. Rl'MSCY BACK AT PLANT Mrs. L. M. Rumsey who was· lere during the construction md the organization of the Co umbus Manufacturing Com »any. Inc. (Shirt Plant» has 'esumrd her association »ith he company for an indefinite irriod. During the leave here she •as worked with a number ol •ther plants in several offici i I apacities and comes here from ι vacation period with her amily in California. Too, her lome Is in Los Angeles. BURT MESSENGALE will bring his Greensboro orchest ra to Williams Township School for the Junior-Senior dance. Friday, April 21. front 8:00 to lt:00. Members of the two classes will also be joined by date* and other invited guest* to enjoy the "Ousstand Ini Society Dance Music" or-! ehestra. New Manager At Ritz Theatre l· Horace A. Gheesling is the new manager at the Ritz The atre succeeding Bud English who resigned to accept the management of the Whiteville Bowling Center which opens j | soon. Gheesling has been in the ι theatre business for a long per- · iod being associated with the < Byon Amusement Company in j Nashville. Tenn. and the Bail-1 ey Theatres in Atlanta. Ga. l· He recently joined the Stew- ( art Everette Enterprises, with ] offices in Charlotte, owners of; the Ritz Theatre. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gheesling have ! a son. Skippy. 15, and a dau ghter. Diane, who is employed in Atlanta. Mrs. Gheesling and , Skippy plan to move here soon but Diane plans to remain in Atlanta. Road Problems To Be Aired April 12 Residents of Columbus c«»-1 I unty will have an opportunity to present road requests, peti- J tions and problems at a hear ing in Fayetteville Wednesday,' April 12. This announcement was made by Division Engineer J. W.i Soruill, who noted (hat city and county officials, along j with the general public, -ire invited to attend the hearing if they have road requests which they feel should have attention. The hearing will be held be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 noon at the State High way Office. Civil War Series Starts Next Week Λ * 1 ■· - · · - ν/IIU IIUIIUICU )C«IH ax both those of the United St Confederate State« — had a five-sided fortresa on a t of the harbor at Chariest« For there, within the walls of Fort Sumter, the 'irrepressi ble conflict" between the Northern and Southern states over states' rights and slavery I was coming to a crisis that soon wov.H explode into Civil j War. Although the people had no way of knowing it. the con flict was to erupt within a Century of Mtndy The American Civil War. wMch followed from April 12, 61 through April, 1865, has captured .the imagination of Americans more than any oth er war. Those who enjoy read ing of glory, battles and ro mance, as well as military strategists, historians and scho lars, hav« studied th· Civil » mis ween, Americans— ites and the newly formed their eyes turned toward mall island in the middle >n, S. C. War for a century, but still the public desire to read and learn about it grows. Now, the op portunity to satisfy this appe tite for information about the Civil War appears to be at hand as Americans begin ;i mammoth, four-year Civil W.u centennial observance. The Tabor City Tribune, a? part of this observance, will Bive its readers a full and uni que history of the Civil War, carried in weekly installments Each installment will tell ol the events, personalities dra ma. excitement, color, signifi cance and tragedy of the week exactly one hundred years be fore. Begin the habit of readin (Continued On Page β) CtAKDKN C'l.UH (UFT t<· Tahor City llijrh school Tuesday wert· 7·~» shruhs which won· transplanted around the fla>r pole. With the addition of more shrill»* and plants in the fir tire, the Karden chit· members, who made this their chief project of the yenr. Tal>.»r City will have another permanent heanty spot all year lonji. Pictured with two of the azaleas planted l«y agriculture students are .Mrs. W. A. Williams, cluh president, and Mrs. Clyde Stanley, project chaii'tnau. (Staff I'hoto) Mrs. Β. Α. Garreil Heads SENCIand Food Committee Mrs. Π. Λ (»arreil. president if Tabor City Foods. Inc.. >>t :'a.or City. was rlu'li.'d presi i κ 111 oi tili· Food I'm. ess I Hi ι Committee oi Hit· SENClan (Development Association .·υ · i | culture division ;it a meet in;, ίιι Calabash Tuesday infill. Elected to si'ivi· vvitli Mi I Garrel I was Dr. F. Β Thoma.. , f N. C State College, who will j serve as secretary.^ i'"V torn .mile.· "w.- ion in M< ' ch and the permanent officers were elected last night. 11 I Temporary officers' had De :ι j serv ing sinee th·· original nr.!!- ι Iani/.ational meeting. >' Tentative immedi ite objec tives of tlu· cunnnitlee are lc< Ucvelop a complete package to present l<> prospective national concerns. This package is to j include proiHi. tion informa i tion. financial arrangement.-, 'site information, power, iian - piitation. fuel, laoor and «.til er data that woulu I)!· ·>ί ir,!,r j est to processers . j The next meeting of the com mittee is set for M.i> 0. in Bu;-i . «aw. N. C. From Crates To Peacock Throne j This is the second in a series . of stories <·η the forUit··... | , production ef the Tahor Ci'vj' Clioruv. "The Kine anil I." Much of the opulence oi the setting of "The Κΐιικ and I" ι tircell.v attributable to Don I Hughes wiios · major concern heretofore has been ti·· ni k iug of stra\vb.'i:y crates. Λ1- ' though it may seem a long , jump from ctaN-:nakirg '■· , the carving of llie el »b· . ϊ · ! pcacocl: Ihione vvhi.h flays :· ·. . 'integral part in "The Kim: and I". D· η ha. ' ·:>.·.· thi .-lie!·· - , fully. Willi milts oi awi·:. .oj<i much hammering hi ha re- , created the s|..einloi o| ancii lit , Si.un. (:r great help to him have been W. W. an 1 ην·1»· ' ;ers of the Chorus — Tommy y Spivey. Douglas, Heck. Jimm.» burroughs. Ronnie Jones. Ricky 1 llarielson. and C. M. Sellers. ! Their combine·· efforts have resulted in what the Chorus believes to be its most rlalioi ■ ate stage setting to dale. j The curtain will rise on this cit e of the IBflO's at K:(H! ρ , m. on April 2<t and 21. Tickets for the production will be $1.00 j and reserved s« t will be on ' sale one week prior lo the per- · formances. MSS. WILLAH» OARRF.LI, Mrs. Willard Garrell con tin- ' ··(»« to improve in the 1/Otis Community Hospital where he has been a patient for »bold · three weeks. Her daughter. 1 , Mrs Pedro Ruiz. S-Sgt. and 1 I children, Sherrie and Bobby of 1 Abelene, Texas were here to (be with her and Mi. Garrcll last week. ■ ΤΜϋΙ!«», TT TM i'Mt .Λι«>κ ι α ν ( iionrs ivill feature a ι. uml>er of «-Iii? Iren ii»r lln· i>rsi (imp «tri Λρι·ϊ! 58-?! in the Tabor City School iiiditorium in (lie production fit TIip Kin« And I." In (hp pic I iir·· on (lip fir.>( row. (l-r) <ϋΙΙ,ν SwppH»j. Ann Shelley: ■ecoinl r.n\. C- > .Vlopsy Ne niilli. \\ mi. ι and H'iila San is1 hir<l row. < I-r> Jo'in iluche.·· s.'iil l.inily f onvirllp; and on hi· hack. .1 ii't> Ν in. \i lio ha* .uns many I e.i.Un·; rolps in labor City Musical ivoiiiic ions. ■ labor Chords Is Soliciting A f 111Γ111* figuiv in tuwn h<· .· at'li rnuoris· is (,*. 1'.. St il l's. the < ι »r« · t 111 11 > \ r fo, the 'abor City C"l.utis in iU ei '•rt tu Sl'l'llle Mil I ll'H'Ilt biH'K II.: 1< . the |.·'ι>Ίι» It ii <·ι " Iii · j iiiv; .aid I " "In .'I! its ρ»«»fI«ι<·— 1 ii'. s tin· l "ii·ι ii - has tu en wi ll it iM.ii ι · ».> tl v· eunimumty . ' is rxtr ·ιικ·1> gratelul tor .'•s -ii;);·· ' ·- ιi-1 i.ewi.- Siki >πκ ιι··ι·ι . "λ. n\ j t ·>|>!«.· ί·'·ι in>1 linger - *-Hi I Iii ' .ι ι·ι·"ίΓ dt ;il u| m η ν ι λ ■ fijtiinil ϊ ι»ι* i'.h· (· ix'.iic 11 i f -! ιι.ν - III till e.ilibre ·ι| I".« Kii ·.: and ! " To Ικν.ίη \ith tili e ι. '.In- matter 1.1 ι .ι ι \ . J11·. hu·ιι· \ p.nil I·· the tiil'i ι · 1 tin· slum* which !■ r uiiM'il hy copyright law. Fi r . : (' ll Ill-Ill ι sill i'»V tl.l· l*ill II - s ·,·■ ii inn t! i' ni.istci lul wni I.s f I {■"_·'· ir I Umic-I : il*l(l Ose 1 ! 111*11 I 'fill J I. two III I »I ι iftli i.iv'.s mi. 1 talented ;ιη·Ι mi ! χ I μ 11-I \ ι · 111. ι > wi itfhts " 111? <ii I. In spi'e ι» ι!·ι< ι- nsiderablt· ■ ■st fid With Ihr I» ikili-! uf 'η· iiii*i I'hiiiii.· . in) ι rcripis .it I hi· diHir. t tii Churns has been' ble tu ina!·.·· .ι |)in(ii which bivn tM-il im improving: cIum' '·κιi ιΊι Fur ι x.mipk·, hi· Baldwin i!■' inrl piano and •λ ι- ι·ΐι ι· pianos hav»·. fur •ii* must ρ it, 1>ι···η paid f· ι iv tIii· ('Inn lit Tili ( Imills lias iIhh kivcii tin· M-lmul its rather 11 · slam· 111» It»ι η t* sys «•rii. f5iki·ν continued. ■ prim«· uiijii t uf a pru ■ ii»·'i· ii uf this kind is lint I·· •ϋΐίη mi ti«*y but tu familiarize he .indents with th«· best in •ait find present «Iran .'ie and j misled arts. For tins·· oosons. hi Churns need·, the financial upjmrt uf the community. It pprt'ci'ites p ist contributions and rti ii ndiint ill future .III. , lit· .>1(1 II CvIlClU^iOli. ι barren Club Beautifies School Lawn Πι»· Irniii |JIW|J «if the local IlIUll Μ'ΙΐΙΜιΙ |„;, v IH < <IIII<· ι it], Ί Hi·· heautv spots t|)(, low η <Ιΐι·- ι<· ι ,'n· efforts <■! T;,_ bur C'ify Garden (*lnt> I his w«-ok 75 plants wer;· «ιν<·η l<» the school by ih»· club {»nil were planted around ih« flan po|<> hy agriculture· .stu dents who were supervised by I"1 °Ί Ι··ι.ν Jr. of th«· faculty "Christmas Cheer'' azaleas vre indisp?rsed with dwarf yaupons. comprised the ar rangement. At a later dato η white variety of a/alcas will also be added, as will bulbs "We hope that this cotnbin •"'I ion will make the area i< beauty spot all yeai Ιοιικ." sai'.l Ihe Karden club's presijen' Mrs. W. Λ Williams Later this week the agricul lure students added niet-tl stripping to the site, and the shrubs were mulched w itii pine straw Atrcording to Mrs. Williams this was tile club's chief pro it ct of the year. Mrs. Clyde Stanley is pro ject committee chairman County Beta Meet Th·· P.cta club's county eonn il tiu-t πι Whit. . i !.· M.ini ü. w Μ Τ ι bor City ri-jit <·.-ι·ηΐ 1Ί by Mrs. C.iri P.rubake:, I'Miisor. and Gene Cioldiiix-h Maiy Ki all Kloyd. county Ι'·«·)·· president, a|>|)oint"ii U'vi.ii Kelly of Tabor City t'> ι * <· <>n ine committee of tour officers. Plans ha e • ••Ii made :<» attend the st. ■;· lift.ι coitveiition m As'ievi!!,·. A· i '| 7-ln. with n·· Gol.i i 'ι'iι and ,1 lilies l1· : - rtlltig City Th ·«■ "'ill b<· ch'iperontHl by Mrs l..<· C ·"'er. and w ill iccoint·;·! . ihe Willi· ν ill·· sellout I», a iv Αι c'oKdn.j to the president, he sprin Bet« rally will b · hi on riitirsday. April _'Λ in . 'hiidboni η M«:s. I.MII CIRKIK. 1 ' ·*·»! I Mi Kmil Clinic . f • '•Μ κ · l.i. Kla. an iν.·«I tltinn ; 'Ii·· wiekenil lor ι holidav ν ι<!' f. :lh Ii. ι parent . Mr. an<l Mrs·. I'allv KfiiiitiK.s. ft I' TU R|',|)|\(1S Pulli ΙμΜιιιι;. ιs home fr· Dl ft'dcigh *<>ι· vacation this I; 1 ""· "" (·· Κ Kd.ümjs f.imiIv ; · ' Visit in« them Kennel h r'"iii«.s and Mimv .? Kd ivards. COI I.FCJK STI'llt'NTK Τ «bor Citv area colic««· stu dents Were home tor the weck end and many of them had lU'sts Anion κ the guest* was Ann Wadsworth. W c. student, ο v's"»d Martha Brooks «<•11 »>v< r night. TRMTTM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Rill Truitt of Williamson wer»· here (or the we»-kend. They were house ; ·>( Mrs. I.oiiise Κ And erson. . / i Credit Bureau Geis ÜLecepiasce Froitt Hationsl Till i. ,t Blll't !>'■ 'I'itlj-Il ,'il% . U· ι π a<i\ Ϊ.ν··*Ι .hat ·.' !... btilt üwptpj ■·:· 1 ipp .... in lh« Α.-4.K I·.;.· : ( . i . . . <■' At κ t ic:i. Mi U. Ptiif (ι-. :ii;itt;i ·ο: ll.C | Iii i .VII > Ii i.lllll.WlK · I today. I .; l· i.iK -t.i. i·». v\at«! i'tir mit » r< «'it buna.i. I' un til;.! lh> ·..."l«.t .11 * has iti-1n ι ted mir wutk dm- ·. i.iii tir>l ye ιΐ· >.! «>| < ι ι'ι in ι muni! tu.ii ν ·· liwve !·. ruiniv the duties III tin· bltl'i ιι it istacinnlν. Τικ- ii.itt iii;il ι allizati ιι·ιυ!»1> ι·Ιι>·· 1. ι\ι·η· applim: i<>n im nun.» - ship InΊ>·;··· ailmiltii.i t'i tu »t. to its tanks. Wo are I. ppy ' now in a tili! member a t tin will Hi> atl\ iihti'.im· mit abil itv tu sn vt· the IihmI ir.emln : - ship." she ^alil No tu \v civtii; bureau ι eli gible im tIi«· tritiotuil nu-m;»: sllip lllltil it h'.s been iti «·>: · ance In;· mi«· jr. ι . r nun ι . .Vit - I hipps said I I ι ol the ι·ι odi: bim .iti :...t ι μ: it as it . :ι· .-.ill! tu i.t:· t:i< η· and tinii. turns a .is»! tii:· si-rvic <· .in.I tli:.t it. till* ι11 credit mil l II 'ι·.η I» • ·instanti\ in«·» <a .η ; ,.nd 1 - Ii}', kept up tn ι.η . "We 11!\ it·' eve») m. lllbi 1 I i the ΊιΙχ.ι fit) Met ν!·, π.Ι- Λ - iicialimi til take tdvaitl.:»· <· hi· lucdities ami nil· rniati ··. lllut .S iVilllit'tii tu tin II! \ minimum · .is," Mr I'liip . ifiid t. la>. JRcv. J. H. Johnson in Revival Meeting Tlie licv. .lames II .lolmson, pastor nf the Tai.m· < .·> Kap tisl Church, is in Clinton this week where he i» I lie ininislei- for a rev ival met tin^ at the Kiiitnaniiel Maple) Church. Mr*. .lohlison ami dauuhtf r. Ihlx'kah I.ytmc. are visit inv her parents in Ch:irlott"\ ille Ya .lniniu'4 ihem fur ι·i·· vi· it was .Mr. .lolniMin's me'fi« r Mrs. I». I., .loiinson nf I. :lt · ' > '.)» DfcltN ·. . :Λϋ \·1 \Ι.»ιΙ*.ι«·ι ■> of tin· ι . -r t . ·: . 11 lijf.n < iiin ■ ι .ι ·■ >.·. 11» . 11, r < ur.inii ι · U w ι. .ι» ι;»*- Miliimml · ' i t .in! . . IH K'·.! : » •111 I i 1 .1· .Mllll.ll at It ι ·.'. . it \t iu.'vjj Γ.Ι lit \;<i! t .. .it ; :.;ίι Γ. Λ1 'I 11 ■ I lue ill·· Ii; t \ · a r \ it! In· vir. .;·ϋ .,i that tir.l·· ·: Iii» I till · l);l.i!ll".> flll viii .it··, til· ftimtiiiSMiin will I;» '.-.nsrifi. Snrglar7/ Kels j323 Less To Weeds 5 ä 10 Λ ' η . ' ■ . tluiA· ■■ · broke •it·· \V «ν In Tuesday I'.ulitil hi ! iv «Ii;- :ιι it took iW ν ..ρ]·ι··\ι!ΐι.ιΐ< !> ac*j .. fill! II >U· Τ I!.· C It:· p·· j»·*· ni-;i:ii tir.i nt. λ II:· \' Κ |ius. manag« r' • I · il· !. I ··. (ilSCUV't'led tin 1 Γ 1 - .1 VVht II .•-ill' o|H'l IOC I' 1 11· .·· · i:: iiiii'u "\'· niercli- : mdisc was i'iund t<i ι»ι· '.ni>s-i ·.·. ui:' '!· in. tin was taken :n a ι i-h reui-ter anil ti!iriü; Τ'.·· < n't rii u »int*«I «·ι try in' '·. i: nlroa<i stwt establish-! mil ti:·■·-·(-»'·*. si vMi.'ii« in the | >.·.!·:. !··.· . I'm. ·!ι:· \V»MV |H*! ·.» Ί·:;; I'll ·| ί Λ\ anil tlU'll til · la · w · i>ii.Ian. Vi itu-'iilxTs of tin puliw ■ jj.ii in · · t aiv invnl\ed in · In .< '.·· : 1 ϊ··ιi Chief JciM·, i.ll l···! -t It I I... IV. ! . S. I· \Γ. JAM 1 S. Γ ;:ι ■ ·: is in observa ' :·-fit Molx'od's In fi: Ii ι. Mt.r.'iu-i I !·! GU S \ ISM Μι 11* I Mr·. \V I'. Pitjh Ii·' Ίΐ . I.«·* :·η(Ι Paul. of, Λ'ι· ι. : S i m were here for Üa· ί r ui'.kiiid with her j »"·'I · 1 - Mi \\':iltei Leonard. : V.r. Mi U Γ' Hutler of j ΚηοχνϋΙο. τ, mi. Mr. and Mrs.] ' li v!ii!· ι·!' Winston Salem, j ι ' \:t. an I Mrs. Ε. l\ Arm-1 ■'ion ■; i' .y.-t!i Ville were vi< ·''·>« i;' ίκΙ Λ|ι··. I·:. I*. Am»- ί ■ 'r. .1 · and family during lie 1· ..· ·ιτ Γ ii'lii* ■>· Delayed uisssfer igg Hunt" Set £©r Saifeiräsiy Afternoon ι r t in Lester Eji* Hi η) ι. . weck tat«! "I:.. I »iü K;t μ ι ι promotion ι In tii.i·- a ii Tabor City lot ■ 1 Kii'ia alternooti had to p>..··ι?·iii«·'i bet mv of «ι i '.iui' ui 'I ia:n and exceed nu \ it . ■ inds that mailt· it in.· tu i:i"> >|« tili 1 tit Ό . ifi-la ti : pony bullü from .1! .11. .11. ί; ϋ :■ ·<.γγ» tit - all Fi i . 11· ·, ι ii .. π ι ι ' iii* bur: i : ·. ι. \ .nil r-'.vept thf UIVU • (-i ii.ii> iifti·. nullit ami the 11 . ι t\ -1 μ ι tMii ι·<1 by tho 1 ι Cit\ Merchants A^iK-ia It iii \v:t- called «·ίf. 1;·ι· Iii in.·" tr«e "dt* are ' ι : ■ ί 11 u I·· be gi\ en away. I ι tim<· tin a.-sociation has ·· Saturday afternoon <<t this w··· i, .μ and unless the · .itiu-r again makes tt impos -ti!· tin Midi) -Cii lden Easter Κ j. " will be dropped over Tab>ir City .streets and those nlm-ving them will receive the prize that is marked on ι ih ··! tin· ping pong balls. C"Iii 1« 11 «ii and adults are eli giblt in retrieve the eggs and ei·· ινι· the prizes but children will ιve In be accompanied oy ι- /ents or guardian when claiming the prizes. "We regret very much that this event had to be postponed. We v.i rkeu all week to Ret !' I'M· piti^; pi mi; balls labeled with appropriate gilts and were ""kins forward to dropping thrin in the crowd last Friday, ili.wi vii. the mclimate weath < * made ii impossible and we hope the fine folks ι·! tm area will return this Saturday afternoon and get thi ii lucky eggs." Ken Lovell, executive secretary of the as sociation. said today. Woman's Club Meets With Mrs. Hardee The Tnhor City Woman'» Cluh met with with Mrs. Grov er Hardee at her home for the general meeting in March. Mrs. Hardee gave the pro gram on 4'Love" as well as serving as hostess for the ses sion. The topic was given with short stry illustration and poems Mrs. J. C. Singletary presid ed. and recognized Mrs. It. ft. lingers. Jr.. as a guest. The club will meet with Mrs. .1 Λ. Ilerlocker at licr home on Thursday. April 13. at which time Mrs Karl Cart rette will give the program. TIr- I: sine l ung of Nakina i> a Monday visitor here. Mr 1 loyt Vaught of Lo"is •v is a visitor here Sunday. .1 Τ Anderson returned to las honti in 1.eland Wednesday Mti spending sometime hen; wti· two οι his children. Mr. ami Mrs. Mitchell Strickland of Clarendon were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. ltd Mrs. I.loyd Hutson. MUS AID — Mr*. Kvelyn Leonard, society editor of the Tribune. Is pictured rrrrlving Mime social new* and writing It as it Is received. This may hp done simultaneously with the aid of a Phonex instrument on w hlch the telephone receiver is placed and w hlch amplifier the speaker'» voire so that It may be heard throughout Mr«. I.eonard'* office. Phonex In strument· are Mid by the At· lantlc Publishing Company. Officers To Banish KU-HU- · Γ- lü which pinhall m < imi«■*. -Im ' fit-boards. οι similar uatlii-s will hear Iii«· scrutiny «>f tlie e»uui ty'» lau offirrra il Ihi nun hint > ere not removed mirii«-«·!; sheriff Ben Du kr di-docd tu day Several month· ;ιι·> ι·.· >ι·,·ι If issued ,i plea Im owm · tu dispose of th, t>; . mithin ' Kor several months nie I n the mat hint's were returned lo the OWIVrs T>\ Ihc -Iii' · <>111·I , tors." -aid Slier::; link«· I>:■ they are being ln'diiL'lit hack in «realer numbers titan In· fore." he added Sheriff Duke, Iiis deputies, and all Columbus eounr ·■ I·. chiefs met 'l'nesd.i.v in Hhjli villc to plan their operation ι , < leariliu Kilt the mcch;ii·u . cames which are described l>\ the law as ''any ::amiim de·, ii. with which a score Κ niei han call.ν or electumicallx r·· :. tei ■ e»l." ••We «Ion t want to arrest m\ of the people wiio nave th" names." said the she-ifl "V realize thai most of the )roi · who have them don't rcall/t that they .are brcakitu.· the law That is why we are i«-suitn tili« warnine llirotiuh the news papers before we «onfi«eat·· machines." The possession of shuffle boards and similar machines constitutes a felony, pnnis'iahlf tipon conviction by a *Γ·ί>" fine, or two years In prl«nn or both Λ. Λ WR'GHT A A. Wright is home from the New Bern hospital Jack Branch To Vic For Siale Farming Honor W .lark Mr.inch Columbus ( mmtv - 'Outstanding Young Fill nut will In· among the ·■(' nun honnrcd b\ (Iii- \orth Carolina .lavcces at a han(|ue! in l.aurinhurg \pril 22 Πι·· .Ιιι·".»ι Chambei »if Com merce in fin effort In foster Ijrt'i'i fat tin η practices. name ι·:)<· ni:m in ill«· Tai ΙΙ«Ή state to lv known as 'North Caro lina's Outstanding Young I Mirr ' and Hraneh. an Kvet h i tt resident will lie among tin number competing for the rovrlctl title. onh one Cnlumlnts County ■ii. ti has won the state title. Itnlpli .lolly of Talxir City in 1Π57 The 1W1 winner will be pre* minted b> the .lavcecs with a cash prize and a trophy to designate the honor The outstanding voting farm-! eis «ill arrive in l.aurinhurg early on the mornini: of April! 22 where 1he> w ill bei!in a tour of a dairy unit, study a turkey' operation, see a processing plant. view η steer feeding I operation, a foliage dehydrat-j Inu plant, a soil conditioning! operation η hog-cattle-poultry farm, a fertilizer manufacturing! company and a feed-flour mill.

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